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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39381934


Prisoners constitute a group at suicide risk, showing higher relative rates of suicides than the general population. However, there is limited knowledge about the characteristics of those who die by suicide in Italian prisons. Based on the total sample of suicides of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Milan (1993-2022), suicides in prison (N = 120) were matched by age and gender with cases that occurred outside prison (N = 300) and compared with them. The considered variables were sociodemographic, clinical, and suicide-related. Univariate analyses and logistic regression model were performed. In univariate analyses, suicides in prison showed higher rates of ethnicity different from white Caucasian, lower rates of depression, higher rates of alcoholism, addiction, respiratory system diseases, hepatitis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, lower use of any medication, and in particular psychotropic medications, and a higher percentage of violent suicide method versus nonviolent compared to suicides outside prison. In the logistic regression model, ethnicity, depression, and addiction were the only features differentiating suicides in prison from ones outside prison. Particular attention should be paid to inmates with non-white ethnicity and those with addiction. Ensuring adequate access to psychiatric care and implementing comprehensive suicide prevention strategies within Italian prisons is crucial.

J Forensic Sci ; 69(5): 1926-1931, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38876480


To date, synovial fluid has not been the subject of targeted analysis as a possible substrate to search for the presence of diatoms in the forensic context of drowning. However, its unique characteristics of production and isolation from the external environment could make it suitable for this purpose, similar to what has already been demonstrated in the literature for vitreous humor. By considering this, synovial fluid was analyzed in a specific case that came to our attention, where the coexisting signs of polytrauma and drowning were documented during autopsy, demonstrating a period of vitality during immersion. After a thin smear of the supernatant was obtained from the centrifugation of the synovial fluid sample, diatoms were successfully detected, consistent with those found in other organs and the water of the canal. The detection of diatoms in the synovial fluid was an objective finding, but its generalizability is limited because this was a pilot application. However, in cases where death by drowning is suspected and the body has multiple areas breached by trauma, the technique of analyzing diatoms in the synovial fluid could have great potential. Therefore, it is appropriate to further explore this technique in order to obtain more forensic evidence in such a setting.

Diatomáceas , Afogamento , Patologia Legal , Líquido Sinovial , Diatomáceas/isolamento & purificação , Líquido Sinovial/química , Humanos , Afogamento/diagnóstico , Patologia Legal/métodos , Masculino
Acad Forensic Pathol ; 14(2): 62-73, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38778897


Introduction: In this study we microscopically investigated, for the first time ever, the colorimetric detectability of barium of gunshot residues (GSR) on cadaveric human skin with gunshot wounds. Methods: For this purpose we used two different colorimetric techniques known in the literature, namely 0.2% sodium rhodizonate (Na-R-Ba 0.2%) and sodium rhodizonate in alcoholic environment (Na-R-Ba OH 0.2%). At the same time, we have also coupled it with scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray (SEM/EDX) analysis and the colorimetric study for the detection of lead of GSR. These techniques were applied to 16 victims who died from gunshot injuries, as well as to a control group. Results: SEM/EDX demonstrated the presence of lead in all cases and barium in 11 of the 16 cases. The subsequent colorimetric technique with Na-R-Ba 0.2% did not show the barium of GSR in any case, unlike the Na-R-Ba OH 0.2% technique. This latter, in fact, has demonstrated the presence of this metal in 2 cases (18%). No microscopic case of false positive was recorded. Conclusion: The evidence obtained with Na-R-Ba OH 0.2% makes this method, applied here for the first time ever, worthy of further study. Meanwhile, although this technique can certainly be applied, it cannot be separated from the contextual colorimetric investigation for lead and the use of more sophisticated techniques.

Am J Forensic Med Pathol ; 45(2): 135-143, 2024 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38411204


ABSTRACT: Cigarette burn lesions present forensic scenarios that are often difficult to investigate, both from a morphological diagnostic point of view and with regard to the mode of infliction, especially if the victim is unable to speak or has died. Although there may be the suspicion for a lesion to be produced by a lit cigarette, to date one can only rely on the morphological aspects that characterize it, and there is a lack of tools to reach the most evidence-based diagnosis possible. This limitation arose when managing a forensic autopsy case of possible child abuse that resulted in the death of the child, characterized by the presence of 3 suspicious cigarette burn lesions. We therefore decided to perform scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive x-ray (SEM/EDX) spectrometry analysis on these lesions and on the cigarette butt found at the crime scene. At the same time, SEM/EDX was applied to the analysis of an unlit cigarette in its entirety (obtained from the same source package as the cigarette butt), a positive control skin sample with an iatrogenic cigarette burn injury, and a negative control skin sample. Among the various compounds highlighted on compositional analysis, only sulfuric anhydride (SO 3 ) and phosphoric anhydride (P 2 O 5 ) showed a highly significant distribution pattern by being found in the autopsy samples, the cigarette butt, the tobacco of the unlit cigarette, and the positive skin control. Considering this, cigarette burns appear to follow Locard's principle as well, and similarly to other lesions, SEM/EDX allowed the diagnosis of cigarette burn lesions, already suspected morphologically, to be corroborated. Therefore, SEM/EDX is confirmed as a helpful tool in forensic pathology investigations.

Maus-Tratos Infantis , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Espectrometria por Raios X , Humanos , Maus-Tratos Infantis/diagnóstico , Pele/patologia , Pele/lesões , Pele/química , Queimaduras Químicas/patologia , Produtos do Tabaco/efeitos adversos , Masculino , Queimaduras/patologia , Patologia Legal , Projetos Piloto
Int J Legal Med ; 138(3): 883-893, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38189927


The microscopic evaluation of hemorrhagic infiltrates is crucial in forensic diagnostics, but it proves challenging in corificated and mummified cadavers. In these cases, pre-treatment with rehydrating solutions is recommended, although their effects on the hemorrhagic infiltrate are not well understood. In this pilot study, we microscopically investigated the effect of two different rehydrating solutions-Sandison's solution and fabric softener-on well-preserved human cadaveric skin samples taken from areas affected by an ecchymotic lesion, comparing them with direct fixation in formalin. Specifically, we examined the topographic distribution of the hemorrhagic infiltrate in each layer of the skin by assigning a semi-quantitative score, conducted mutual comparisons, and performed statistical analysis. Histologically, compared to direct fixation in formalin, a slight and statistically non-significant reduction in the hemorrhagic infiltrate was observed in samples pre-treated with fabric softener. On the other hand, a more pronounced and statistically significant decrease in scores was observed in samples pre-treated with Sandison's solution. This effect is likely due to the fact that Sandison's solution, due to its components, exerts an osmotic effect, partially inducing osmotic lysis of red blood cells. Overall, extensive areas of hemorrhagic infiltrates were preserved, although to a lesser extent, while smaller foci were markedly reduced, sometimes even disappearing. The findings suggest that Sandison's solution has a detrimental effect on cutaneous hemorrhagic infiltrates, emphasizing the importance of being cautious and conducting dual sampling, using both formalin and a rehydrating solution, for forensic examination of mummified or corificated skin samples.

Formaldeído , Pele , Humanos , Projetos Piloto , Pele/patologia , Cadáver , Hemorragia/patologia , Compostos Orgânicos
Am J Forensic Med Pathol ; 45(1): 81-87, 2024 Mar 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37728953


ABSTRACT: Paraquat (PQ) is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world, and poisoning is generally associated with accidental, suicidal, or homicidal events. Therefore, in the forensic context, PQ could be in various ways involved as a possible cause of death of a subject. However, even though its systemic toxicity is known, the biological effects exerted on individual viscera have been explored only to some extent, especially in case of victim's survival. Therefore, a case concerning a suicidal ingestion of PQ with survival of 3 days was deemed of interest. Clinical toxicological analyses confirmed acute PQ intoxication, and after the death of the victim, an autopsy was performed showing local and systemic signs of ingestion of a caustic substance. Histologic examination revealed marked cellular damage to the major viscera, particularly the gastroesophageal tract, liver, kidneys, and lungs, with initial alveolar fibrosis noted despite the patient's short survival. This finding represents a new element in the context of PQ lung injury, as it has not been previously documented in the literature. Thus, histological findings in lethal intoxications after survival can reveal specific peculiarities still unknown and, therefore, assume transversal relevance not only at forensic but also clinical level.

Herbicidas , Suicídio , Humanos , Paraquat , Pulmão/patologia , Ingestão de Alimentos
J Forensic Leg Med ; 101: 102632, 2024 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38052136


In forensic science and in modern times, impalement is a rare event. When this occurrence involves the head, it is even more unusual since this region is very small compared to the rest of the body. Although impalements are rare, they represent scenarios that must be treated with great care by forensic pathologists. They may involve a mixture of blunt and penetrating wounds, and the injuries observed at autopsy must be interpreted correctly. For this reason, if possible, the interconnection between the body and the impaling object should be maintained until the autopsy table. In this report, it is presented a case of cranial penetrating trauma that occurred after a suicidal fall from a great height with impact on the railing below, by reporting both the on-site scene inspection and autopsy data. The critical forensic issues that may arise in the practical management of such cases are discussed, starting from the fact that there is still no clear and unambiguous definition of impalement.

Desaceleração , Ferimentos Penetrantes , Humanos , Crânio , Acidentes por Quedas , Autopsia
Int J Legal Med ; 138(3): 721-730, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37968478


In a forensic scenario, if biological stains are found in very small quantities, these are usually collected for DNA analyses, considered essential for the forensic investigation and thus excluding possible investigations by other forensic disciplines as forensic toxicology. We developed an experimental study to evaluate the feasibility of analyzing DNA extraction residues obtained from DNA extraction procedures to perform toxicological analysis, with the aim to extract both genetic and toxicological information without affecting or compromising the genetic sample and/or DNA extraction. DNA extraction from four blood samples (fortified with 5 molecules of interest with a final concentrations of 1 µg/mL, 100 ng/mL, 10 ng/mL and 5 ng/mL, respectively) were analyzed with QIAGEN QIAmp® DNA Mini kit. Three waste residues collected from the DNA extraction were analyzed for the toxicological investigation via Solid-Phase Extraction and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry analyses (Thermo Scientific™ TSQ Fortis™ II Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer). The analytical investigation revealed that our analytes of interest were detected in two different residues of the DNA extraction procedure, allowing both genetic and toxicological analyses without affecting the DNA identification. At last, the experimental protocol was applied to a hypothetical case, with encouraging results and allowing the identification of our molecules of interest.

Extração em Fase Sólida , Humanos , Espectrometria de Massas/métodos , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão/métodos , Toxicologia Forense/métodos , Extração em Fase Sólida/métodos
J Forensic Leg Med ; 98: 102560, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37451142


In contrast to other forensic disciplines, forensic microbiology is still too often considered a "side activity" and is not able to make a real and concrete contribution to forensic investigations. Indeed, the various application aspects of this discipline still remain a niche activity and, as a result, microbiological investigations are often omitted or only approximated, in part due to poor report in the literature. However, in certain situations, forensic microbiology can prove to be extremely effective, if not crucial, when all other disciplines fail. Precisely because microorganisms can represent forensic evidence, in this narrative review all the major pathological forensic applications described in the literature have been presented. The goal of our review is to highlight the versatility and transversality of microbiology in forensic science and to provide a comprehensive source of literature to refer to when needed.

Medicina Legal , Ciências Forenses , Humanos , Microbiologia Forense
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37444118


BACKGROUND: Suicide methods chosen by victims are particularly critical in suicide risk research. To differentiate suicide deaths, it is usual to categorize them as violent and nonviolent depending on the detrimental method chosen by the victims. Caustic ingestion, for example, is traditionally considered as a nonviolent suicide method. It results in severe consequences for the human body and it is associated with high levels of lethality. METHODS: In this study, we retrospectively analyzed suicides that occurred between 1993 and 2021 in Milan (Italy) and that underwent autopsy. We compared a sample of 40 victims that ingested caustic substances with a sample of 460 victims of other chemical ingestion, and a sample of 3962 victims from violent suicide. Univariate analyses and univariate logistic regression models were performed. Suicides from caustic poisoning were significantly older, had a higher mean number of diseases and were more affected by psychiatric diseases compared to other chemical ingestion victims. By contrast, caustic suicides, compared to violent suicides, had a more balanced gender ratio, a higher mean number of diseases, were more affected by psychiatric diseases, had a higher rate of complex suicides (more than one modality), and had victims who died more frequently inside instead of outside. In logistic regression models, age was the only feature differentiating caustic from other chemical ingestion suicides while the features differentiating caustic from violent suicides were gender, mean number of diseases and suicide place. CONCLUSIONS: Suicides by caustic ingestion showed substantial differences compared to violent suicides, with a higher severe profile. However, some differences were reported comparing caustic ingestion to other chemical ingestion as well. Thus, we argue whether it is more appropriate to differentiate the suicidal ingestion of caustics from both violent and nonviolent suicide methods.

Cáusticos , Suicídio , Humanos , Suicídio/psicologia , Cáusticos/toxicidade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Ideação Suicida , Ingestão de Alimentos
Autops Case Rep ; 13: e2023432, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37292387
J Forensic Leg Med ; 95: 102509, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36933461


In the early morning a 28-year-old man was found lying on the tracks of a railway station with head injuries and fractures of the cervical spine resulting in permanent quadriplegia. He was in a club about 1 km away until about 2 h earlier and did not have any recollection of what could have happened. Was he the victim of an assault, did he fall down or was he hit by a passing train? The solution to this "mystery" came from a forensic evaluation that included the forensic branches of pathology, chemistry, merceology and genetics as well as the scene evaluation. Through these different steps, the role of a railway collision in determining the injuries was ascertained and a possible dynamic was postulated. The presented case is an expression of the importance of the different forensic disciplines and the difficulties the forensic pathologist encounters when analysing such peculiar and rare cases.

Traumatismos Craniocerebrais , Fraturas Ósseas , Pedestres , Masculino , Humanos , Adulto , Medicina Legal/métodos , Patologistas
J Affect Disord Rep ; 12: 100510, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36852089


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has been postulated to account for inflated rates of either suicides or homicides. Nonetheless, results are discordant, in particular concerning suicide. We aimed to perform a retrospective analysis of suicides and homicides in the region of Lombardy, Northern Italy (districts of Milan and Monza Brianza), the Italian region most seriously impacted by the pandemic outbreak. Methods: Data were collected during the autopsies performed at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Milan. We presented suicides and homicides in the years 2015-2021 and compared the year 2021 to 2019, a pre-COVID-19 year. Results: Data may allow us to cautiously hypothesize a normalization of trends ("regression" to the mean effect) as time passes from the COVID-19 outbreak. Limitations: Limited number of events, in particular, homicides. Conclusions: Recording historical reports from the same region is warranted besides the comparisons across different countries.

Suicide Life Threat Behav ; 53(2): 334-347, 2023 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36748828


INTRODUCTION: Inpatient suicide in hospitals is a worrying phenomenon that has received little attention. This study retrospectively explored the socio-demographic, clinical, and suicide-related characteristics of hospital inpatient suicides in Milan, Italy, which were collected at the Institute of Forensic Medicine during a twenty-eight-year period (1993-2020). In particular, this study compared the features of hospital inpatient suicides in patients with and without psychiatric diagnoses. METHODS: Data were collected through the historical archive, annual registers, and autopsy reports, in certified copies of the originals deposited with the prosecutors of the courts. RESULTS: Considering the global sample, inpatients were mainly men (N = 128; 64.6%), with a mean age of 56.7 years (SD ± 19.8), of Italian nationality (N = 176; 88.9%), admitted to non-psychiatric wards (N = 132; 66.7%), with a single illness (N = 111; 56.1%), treated with psychotropic medications (N = 101; 51%), who used violent suicide methods (N = 177; 89.4%), died of organic injuries (N = 156; 78.8%), and outside the buildings (N = 114; 72.7%). Comparing psychiatric and non-psychiatric inpatients, suicide cases with a non-psychiatric diagnosis were predominantly men (N = 48; 76.2%), hospitalized in non-psychiatric wards (N = 62; 98.4%), assuming non-psychotropic drugs (N = 37; 58.7%), and died in outside hospital spaces (N = 54; 85.7%). CONCLUSIONS: A fuller characterization of suicide among hospitalized inpatients requires systematic and computerized data gathering that provides for specific information. Indeed, this could be valuable for inpatient suicide prevention strategies as well as institutional policies.

Transtornos Mentais , Suicídio , Masculino , Humanos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Feminino , Suicídio/psicologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pacientes Internados/psicologia , Hospitais Psiquiátricos , Transtornos Mentais/psicologia , Atenção à Saúde