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Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14357, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248756


Managing invasive species is crucial to mitigate their negative impacts on ecosystems, yet conflicts may arise when their social benefits are disregarded. Human pressure on the endemic-rich forests of São Tomé has been high since the island was discovered by the Portuguese in the 15th century, and numerous species have been introduced. These include the invasive West African giant land snail (Archachatina marginata), which was introduced in the mid-20th century, is now widespread on the island, and is a potential threat to native flora and fauna. We assessed the frequency of consumption of this species and its socioeconomic importance to people across the island with household questionnaires, focus group discussions, and semistructured interviews. We explored the prevalence and potential drivers of use (e.g., wealth, household composition, and diversity of occupations) and characterized the commodity chain to identify demographic groups linked to the snail trade. We interviewed 672 people (1 person per household), conducted 6 focus groups, and interviewed 80 key actors belonging to 5 subcategories. The snail was the most widely consumed bushmeat and an important source of income, particularly for women and unemployed youth. Insecure and scarce livelihood alternatives, mostly in rural areas, were reported as drivers for trade involvement. Snail harvesting was more frequent in poorer households with low occupational diversity. Selling tended to occur in households that were well-established in the community and had a higher proportion of children. Both were stimulated by the proximity of communities to the native forest. Buying snails was common in all demographic groups, but it was linked to wealth and occupational diversity. Interventions to manage the impact of this introduced species on the valuable ecosystems of the island should involve multiple sectors of society to ensure societal support. This requires robust consideration of the welfare of vulnerable demographic groups that benefit from the species.

Importancia socioeconómica y comercial de un caracol invasor en la isla rica en endemismos de Santo Tomé, África Central Resumen La gestión de las especies invasoras es crucial para mitigar sus efectos negativos en los ecosistemas, aunque pueden surgir conflictos cuando no se tienen en cuenta sus beneficios sociales. La presión humana sobre los bosques de Santo Tomé, ricos en endemismos, ha sido alta desde que la isla fue colonizada por los portugueses en el siglo XV y desde entonces se han introducido numerosas especies. Una de ellas es el caracol terrestre gigante de África Occidental (Archachatina marginata), introducido a mediados del siglo XX y que ahora tiene una distribución amplia en la isla y es una amenaza potencial para la flora y la fauna autóctonas al ser invasor. Evaluamos la frecuencia de consumo de esta especie y su importancia socioeconómica para la población de toda la isla mediante encuestas en hogares, grupos de discusión y entrevistas semiestructuradas a actores clave de cinco categorías. Exploramos la prevalencia y los posibles factores impulsores del consumo (por ejemplo, la riqueza, la composición de los hogares y la diversidad de ocupaciones) y caracterizamos la cadena comercial para identificar los grupos demográficos vinculados al comercio de caracoles. Entrevistamos a 672 personas (una persona por hogar), realizamos seis grupos de discusión y entrevistamos a 80 actores clave. El caracol fue la carne de caza más consumida y una importante fuente de ingresos, sobre todo para las mujeres y los jóvenes desempleados. La inseguridad y la escasez de medios de subsistencia, sobre todo en las zonas rurales, fueron los factores que impulsaron la participación en el mercado. La colecta de caracoles fue más frecuente en los hogares más pobres y con escasa diversidad ocupacional. La venta tendía a producirse en hogares bien establecidos en la comunidad y con una mayor proporción de niños. Ambos factores se vieron estimulados por la proximidad de las comunidades al bosque nativo. La compra de caracoles fue común en todos los grupos demográficos, pero estuvo vinculada a la riqueza y a la diversidad ocupacional. Las intervenciones para gestionar el impacto de esta especie introducida en los valiosos ecosistemas de la isla deben implicar a múltiples sectores de la sociedad para garantizar su apoyo. Para ello es necesario tener muy en cuenta el bienestar de los grupos demográficos vulnerables que se benefician de la especie.

Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Espécies Introduzidas , Caramujos , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Animais , Caramujos/fisiologia , Humanos , Comércio , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , África Central , Ilhas , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem
Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14351, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248759


Unsustainable wildlife consumption and illegal wildlife trade (IWT) threaten biodiversity worldwide. Although publicly accessible data sets are increasingly used to generate insights into IWT, little is known about their potential bias. We compared three typical and temporally corresponding data sets (4204 court verdicts, 926 seizure news reports, and 219 bird market surveys) on traded birds native to China and evaluated their possible species biases. Specifically, we evaluated bias and completeness of sampling for species richness, phylogeny, conservation status, spatial distribution, and life-history characteristics among the three data sets when determining patterns of illegal trade. Court verdicts contained the largest species richness. In bird market surveys and seizure news reports, phylogenetic clustering was greater than that in court verdicts, where songbird species (i.e., Passeriformes) were detected in higher proportions in market surveys. The seizure news data set contained the highest proportion of species of high conservation priority but the lowest species coverage. Across the country, all data sets consistently reported relatively high species richness in south and southwest regions, but markets revealed a northern geographic bias. The species composition in court verdicts and markets also exhibited distinct geographical patterns. There was significant ecological trait bias when we modeled whether a bird species is traded in the market. Our regression model suggested that species with small body masses, large geographical ranges, and a preference for anthropogenic habitats and those that are not nationally protected were more likely to be traded illegally. The species biases we found emphasize the need to know the constraints of each data set so that they can optimally inform strategies to combat IWT.

Cuantificación del sesgo por especies entre fuentes de datos múltiples para el mercado ilegal de fauna y lo que implica para la conservación Resumen El consumo insostenible y el comercio ilegal de fauna y flora silvestres amenazan la biodiversidad en todo el mundo. Aunque los conjuntos de datos de acceso público se utilizan cada vez más para obtener información sobre el mercado ilegal de especies silvestres, se sabe poco sobre su posible sesgo. Comparamos tres conjuntos de datos típicos con correspondencia temporal (4,204 sentencias judiciales, 926 informes de noticias sobre incautaciones y 219 encuestas sobre mercados de aves) de aves autóctonas de China objeto de comercio y evaluamos sus posibles sesgos por especie. En concreto, evaluamos el sesgo y la exhaustividad del muestreo de la riqueza de especies, la filogenia, el estado de conservación, la distribución espacial y las características del ciclo vital entre los tres conjuntos de datos a la hora de determinar los patrones del mercado ilegal. Las sentencias judiciales contenían la mayor riqueza de especies. En los estudios de mercado de aves y en los informes de noticias sobre incautaciones, la agrupación filogenética fue mayor que en las sentencias judiciales, donde las especies de aves canoras (Passeriformes) se detectaron en mayor proporción en los estudios de mercado. El conjunto de datos de noticias sobre decomisos contenía la mayor proporción de especies de alta prioridad para la conservación, pero la menor cobertura de especies. En todo el país, todos los conjuntos de datos informaron sistemáticamente de una riqueza de especies relativamente alta en las regiones sur y suroeste, pero los mercados revelaron un sesgo geográfico septentrional. La composición por especies en los veredictos judiciales y en los mercados también mostró patrones geográficos distintos. Hubo un sesgo significativo de rasgos ecológicos cuando modelamos si una especie de ave se comercializa en el mercado. Nuestro modelo de regresión sugería que las especies con masas corporales pequeñas, grandes áreas de distribución geográfica y preferencia por los hábitats antropogénicos y las especies que no están protegidas a nivel nacional tenían más probabilidades de ser objeto de comercio ilegal. Los sesgos de las especies que hallamos resaltan la necesidad de conocer las limitaciones de cada conjunto de datos para poder informar de manera óptima las estrategias de lucha contra el comercio ilegal de especies silvestres.

Biodiversidade , Aves , Comércio , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/legislação & jurisprudência , Animais , China , Comércio/legislação & jurisprudência , Crime/estatística & dados numéricos , Animais Selvagens , Filogenia , Comércio de Vida Silvestre
Conserv Biol ; 38(5): e14352, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39248772


Illegal poaching and overexploitation for the international pet trade are among the greatest threats to freshwater turtles in Southeast Asia. Expanding consumer research in China is crucial to filling knowledge gaps about the scale and structure of illegal trade and developing audience-targeted and relevant interventions that may reduce demand for illegal turtles as pets. We applied mixed methods to provide a detailed understanding of the consumer side of the illegal pet turtle trade in China. We conducted 30 interviews with key stakeholders and online surveys (n = 2456) of turtle keepers via community forums. From these, we identified 3 core consumer groups based on their prior turtle-keeping experience, species exposure, and potential for future purchases. We conducted a thematic qualitative analysis of concepts related to the capability, opportunity, motivation, and behavior (COM-B) model to determine the factors influencing the illegal pet turtle trade and to identify barriers to illegal purchases. Specifically, we identified purchasers' capabilities, opportunities, and motivations in the context of legality, enforcement risk, captive breeding, and impacts on wild population. We developed consumer journey maps (i.e., visual representations of customer's experiences throughout their buying journey) for core consumer groups. These maps illustrate the sequential behaviors and processes that consumers undertake when purchasing turtles, from initial exposure to sourcing, keeping, and providing a new home. Key factors influencing illegal purchases included convenient purchase channels, misguided cognition and motivations for pet keeping, and weak law enforcement. Effective interventions included messages focusing on shifting cognition and beliefs, increasing legal risk perception, and emphasizing stringent law enforcement, primarily delivered through online channels. Our results underscore the necessity for adaptable, audience-tailored interventions to reduce consumer demand for illegal wildlife products. The mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data, provided a comprehensive understanding of the target behavior and can inform the development of effective intervention strategies.

Uso de las percepciones del consumidor para guiar las intervenciones de cambio conductual enfocadas en el mercado ilegal de tortugas en China Resumen La caza furtiva y la sobreexplotación por el comercio internacional de mascotas son algunas de las mayores amenazas para las tortugas de agua dulce del sudeste asiático. Es esencial conocer más sobre los consumidores en China para llenar los vacíos en el conocimiento sobre la escala y la estructura del comercio ilegal y desarrollar intervenciones pertinentes y dirigidas al público que puedan reducir la demanda de tortugas como mascotas ilegales. Aplicamos métodos mixtos para conocer en detalle la percepción del consumidor del comercio ilegal de tortugas como mascotas en China. Realizamos 30 entrevistas a actores clave y encuestas en línea (n=2456) a cuidadores de tortugas a través de foros comunitarios. A partir de ellas, identificamos tres grupos principales de consumidores en función de su experiencia previa en la cría de tortugas, su exposición a las especies y su potencial para futuras compras. Realizamos un análisis cualitativo temático de conceptos relacionados con el modelo de capacidad, oportunidad, motivación y comportamiento (COM­B) para determinar los factores que influyen en el comercio ilegal de tortugas e identificar las barreras para las compras ilegales. En concreto, identificamos las capacidades, oportunidades y motivaciones de los compradores en el contexto de la legalidad, el riesgo de aplicación de la ley, la cría en cautiverio y el impacto sobre la población silvestre. Elaboramos mapas de viaje del consumidor (representaciones visuales de las experiencias del cliente a lo largo de su compra) para los principales grupos de consumidores. Estos mapas ilustran los comportamientos y procesos secuenciales que llevan a cabo los consumidores cuando compran tortugas, desde la exposición inicial hasta la adquisición, el mantenimiento y la asignación de un nuevo hogar. Entre los factores clave que influyen en las compras ilegales se encuentran la conveniencia de los canales de compra, los conocimientos y motivaciones erróneos para mantener mascotas y la debilidad de la aplicación de la ley. Las intervenciones eficaces incluyeron mensajes centrados en cambiar los conocimientos y las creencias, aumentar la percepción del riesgo legal y hacer hincapié en la aplicación rigurosa de la ley, principalmente a través de canales virtuales. Nuestros resultados destacan la necesidad de intervenciones adaptables y adaptadas al público para reducir la demanda de productos ilegales de fauna silvestre por parte de los consumidores. El enfoque de métodos mixtos, que combina datos cuantitativos y cualitativos, proporcionó una comprensión exhaustiva del comportamiento objetivo y puede servir de base para el desarrollo de estrategias de intervención eficaces.

Comércio , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Animais de Estimação , Tartarugas , Tartarugas/fisiologia , Animais , China , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/legislação & jurisprudência , Animais de Estimação/psicologia , Comportamento do Consumidor , Humanos
Conserv Biol ; : e14369, 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225268


Conservation literature addresses a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary questions and benefits. Conservation science benefits most when a diverse range of authors are represented, particularly those from countries where much conservation work is focused. In other disciplines, it is well known that barriers and biases exist in the academic publishing sphere, which can affect research dissemination and an author's career development. We used a discrete choice experiment to determine how 7 journal attributes affect authors' choices of where to publish in conservation. We targeted authors directly by contacting authors published in 18 target journals and indirectly via communication channels for conservation organizations. We only included respondents who had previously published in a conservation-related journal. We used a multinomial logit model and a latent class model to investigate preferences for all respondents and distinct subpopulations. We identified 3 demographic groups across 1038 respondents (older authors from predominantly middle-income countries, younger authors from predominantly middle-income countries, and younger authors from high-income countries) who had published in conservation journals. Each group exhibited different publishing preferences. Only 2 attributes showed a consistent response across groups: cost to publish negatively affected journal choice, including authors in high-income countries, and authors had a consistent preference for double-blind review. Authors from middle-income countries were willing to pay more for society-owned journals, unlike authors from high-income countries. Journals with a broad geographical scope that were open access and that had relatively high impact factors were preferred by 2 of the 3 demographic groups. However, journal scope and open access were more important in dictating journal choice than impact factor. Overall, different demographics had different preferences for journals and were limited in their selection based on attributes such as open access policy. However, the scarcity of respondents from low-income countries (2% of respondents) highlights the pervasive barriers to representation in conservation research. We recommend journals offer double-blind review, reduce or remove open access fees, investigate options for free editorial support, and better acknowledge the value of local-scale single-species studies. Academic societies in particular must reflect on how their journals support conservation and conservation professionals.

Comprensión de las elecciones de los autores en el entorno actual de publicaciones sobre la conservación Resumen La bibliografía sobre conservación aborda un amplio espectro de preguntas y beneficios interdisciplinarios. La mayor parte de ella representa una gama diversa de autores, sobre todo de países en los que se centra gran parte del trabajo de conservación. Es bien sabido que en otras disciplinas existen barreras y sesgos en el ámbito de la publicación académica que pueden afectar a la difusión de la investigación y al desarrollo de la carrera de un autor. Usamos un experimento de elección discreta para determinar cómo afectan siete atributos de las revistas sobre conservación en la elección de los autores sobre en cuál publicar. Nos dirigimos directamente a los autores y nos pusimos en contacto con quienes publicaban en 18 revistas objetivo e indirectamente a través de los canales de comunicación de las organizaciones de conservación. Sólo incluimos a los encuestados que habían publicado anteriormente en una revista relacionada con la conservación. Usamos un modelo logit multinominal y un modelo de clases latentes para investigar las preferencias de todos los encuestados y de las distintas subpoblaciones. Identificamos tres grupos demográficos entre los 1038 encuestados (autores de más edad de países con predominancia de ingresos medios, autores más jóvenes de países con predominancia de ingresos medios y autores más jóvenes de países con ingresos altos) que habían publicado en revistas de conservación. Cada grupo mostraba preferencias editoriales diferentes. Sólo dos atributos mostraron una respuesta coherente en todos los grupos: el costo de la publicación afectaba negativamente a la elección de la revista, incluidos los autores de países con ingresos altos, y los autores tenían una preferencia coherente por la revisión doble ciego. Los autores de países con ingresos medios están dispuestos a pagar más por las revistas pertenecientes a la sociedad, a diferencia de los autores de países de ingresos altos. Dos de los tres grupos demográficos prefieren las revistas de ámbito geográfico amplio, de acceso abierto y con un factor de impacto relativamente alto. Sin embargo, el alcance de la revista y el acceso abierto fueron más importantes que el factor de impacto. En general, los distintos grupos demográficos tenían preferencias diferentes en cuanto a las revistas y su selección se veía limitada por atributos como la política de acceso abierto. No obstante, la falta de encuestados procedentes de países con bajos ingresos (2% de los encuestados) destaca las barreras generalizadas para la representación en la investigación sobre conservación. Recomendamos que las revistas ofrezcan revisiones doble ciego, reduzcan o eliminen las tarifas de acceso abierto, investiguen opciones de apoyo editorial gratuito y reconozcan mejor el valor de los estudios de una sola especie a escala local. Las sociedades académicas, en particular, deben reflexionar sobre la forma en que sus revistas apoyan la conservación y a los profesionales de la conservación.

Infant Ment Health J ; 2024 Sep 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39306759


Recognizing culturally salient aspects of socialization practices and understanding how these practices support culturally valued aspects of development is an integral component in conducting anti-racist research and validating the lived experiences of minoritized families. With this aim, we explored how Active Direction, an observational rating of an African American approach to parenting measured during mother-child interactions at age 2.5 (n = 172), supported social skills and emotion regulation for children living in a Southwestern metropolitan area of the United States concurrently, in kindergarten (n = 109), and in 1st grade (n = 108). Descriptive findings indicated few significant associations between Active Direction and socials skills or emotion regulation. Exploratory analyses, which included traditional parenting behavior measures of Sensitivity and Intrusiveness, also indicated limited significant relations between any measure of parenting and child skills. However, moderation analyses indicated that high levels of Active Direction attenuated the effects of sensitivity on aspects of child social skills. The lack of significant findings across the current study highlight how extant measures-of child social skills and parentings behaviors-are not performing as expected within these African American families.

Reconocer aspectos culturalmente salientes de las prácticas de socialización y comprender cómo estas prácticas apoyan aspectos del desarrollo culturalmente valorados, es un componente integral para llevar a cabo la investigación antiracista y darle validez a las experiencias vividas de familias vistas como minorías. Con este propósito, exploramos cómo Activa Direccción, una evaluación de observación de un acercamiento afroamericano a la crianza medido durante las interacciones madre­niño a la edad de 2.5 (n = 172), apoyaba las habilidades sociales y la regulación de la emoción para niños que vivían en un área metropolitana de los Estados Unidos, de manera concurrente, en el kinder (n = 109) y en el primer grado (n = 108). Los resultados descriptivos señalaron pocas asociaciones significativas entre Activa Direccción y las habilidades sociales o la regulación de la emoción. Los análisis exploratorios, los cuales incluyen medidas de Sensibilidad y de Entremetimiento en cuanto al comportamiento de crianza tradicional, también señalaron limitadas relaciones significativas entre cualquier medida de crianza y las habilidades sociales. Sin embargo, los análisis de moderación señalaron que altos niveles de Activa Dirección atenúan los efectos de la Sensibilidad sobre los aspectos de las habilidades sociales del niño. La falta de resultados significativos, a lo largo del presente estudio, subraya hasta qué punto las medidas ­de habilidades sociales del niño y de comportamientos de crianza­ no están actuando de la manera esperada dentro de estas familias afroamericanas.

Vet Pathol ; : 3009858241273268, 2024 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39165004


Epithelioid hemangiosarcoma (EH), a rare histological variant of hemangiosarcoma, is reported in various animal species, including humans, dogs, cows, horses, and cats. Epithelioid hemangiosarcomas are composed of highly pleomorphic epithelioid cells arranged in cords, islands, nests, or solid cellular areas, similar to epithelial neoplasms. Moreover, in humans, approximately 50% of EHs have cytoplasmic immunolabeling for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 (CK AE1/AE3), making it challenging to distinguish them from carcinomas. This retrospective study assessed the CK AE1/AE3 immunolabeling in canine EH cases from 5 veterinary institutions. Immunohistochemistry for CD31 and CK AE1/AE3 was performed on 30 cases. CK AE1/AE3 immunolabeling was detected in 43% (13/30) of cases, with cytoplasmic labeling ranging from 5% to 100% of neoplastic cells. All tumors consistently had membranous immunolabeling for CD31. The CK AE1/AE3 immunolabeling pattern in canine EHs closely resembled those documented in humans, indicating a similar diagnostic challenge. Therefore, it is recommended to include a vascular immunohistochemistry marker, such as CD31, whenever EH is suspected, particularly in small incisional cutaneous and subcutaneous biopsies.

Cureus ; 16(6): e63197, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39070333


A urachal remnant is a rare condition characterized by the persistence of the urachus beyond birth, often presenting with symptoms such as umbilical effusion, periomphalitis, and abdominal pain. Surgical resection is the cornerstone of treatment, but ensuring complete removal of urachal epithelium at the resection margin remains a challenge. This case report focuses on evaluating resection margins of urachal remnants and reports the case of a 25-year-old woman with complaints of umbilical effusion and a mass. She was diagnosed with a urachal remnant and underwent urachal resection and reconstruction, with postoperative confirmation of favorable outcomes and the absence of microscopic hematuria. The intraoperative examination did not reveal any macroscopically clear luminal structure of the urachal resection margin. Subsequent histopathological analysis of the margin using hematoxylin and eosin staining was challenging, prompting the use of immunohistological staining with keratin AE1/AE3 antibody. The antibody did not stain the urachal resection margin, confirming the complete removal of urachal epithelial components. Our study findings suggest the utility of keratin AE1/AE3 staining for assessing urachal remnant margins and underscore the importance of thorough evaluation and complete resection of urachal remnant to prevent recurrence and mitigate the risk of urachal cancer, contributing to improved surgical outcomes and patient care.

Conserv Biol ; : e14288, 2024 May 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38757477


Sea-level rise (SLR) is expected to cause major changes to coastal wetlands, which are among the world's most vulnerable ecosystems and are critical for nonbreeding waterbirds. Because strategies for adaptation to SLR, such as nature-based solutions and designation of protected areas, can locally reduce the negative effects of coastal flooding under SLR on coastal wetlands, it is crucial to prioritize adaptation efforts, especially for wetlands of international importance for biodiversity. We assessed the exposure of coastal wetlands important for nonbreeding waterbirds to projected SLR along the Mediterranean coasts of 8 countries by modeling future coastal flooding under 7 scenarios of SLR by 2100 (from 44- to 161-cm rise) with a static inundation approach. Exposure to coastal flooding under future SLR was assessed for 938 Mediterranean coastal sites (≤30 km from the coastline) where 145 species of nonbreeding birds were monitored as part of the International Waterbird Census and for which the monitoring area was delineated by a polygon (64.3% of the coastal sites monitored in the Mediterranean region). Thirty-four percent of sites were threatened by future SLR, even under the most optimistic scenarios. Protected study sites and study sites of international importance for waterbirds were, respectively, 1.5 and 2 times more exposed to SLR than the other sites under the most optimistic scenario. Accordingly, we advocate for the development of a prioritization scheme to be applied to these wetlands for the implementation of strategies for adaptation to SLR to anticipate the effects of coastal flooding. Our study provides major guidance for conservation planning under global change in several countries of the Mediterranean region.

Exposición de los humedales de importancia para las aves acuáticas no reproductoras al incremento del nivel del mar en el Mediterráneo Resumen Se espera que el incremento en el nivel del mar (INM) cause cambios importantes en los humedales costeros, los cuales se encuentran entre los ecosistemas más vulnerables y son críticos para las aves acuáticas no reproductoras. Es crucial la priorización de los esfuerzos de adaptación, especialmente en los humedales con importancia internacional para la biodiversidad, ya que las estrategias de adaptación ante el INM, como las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza y la designación de áreas protegidas, pueden reducir localmente los efectos negativos de las inundaciones costeras por INM en los humedales costeros. Evaluamos la exposición de los humedales costeros con importancia para las aves acuáticas no reproductoras ante el INM proyectado en las costas del Mediterráneo en ocho países con un modelo de inundaciones costeras en el futuro bajo siete escenarios de INM para el año 2100 (de 44 a 161 cm) con un enfoque de inundación estática. Evaluamos la exposición a las inundaciones costeras bajo el INM futuro en 938 sitios costeros del Mediterráneo (≤ 30 km a partir de la costa), en donde monitoreamos a 145 especies de aves no reproductoras como parte del Censo Internacional de Aves Acuáticas y para los cuales el área de monitoreo estuvo delineada con un polígono (64.3% de los sitios costeros monitoreados en la región Mediterránea). El 34% de los sitios se vio amenazado por el INM en el futuro, incluso con los escenarios más optimistas. Los sitios de estudio protegidos y los sitios de estudio de importancia internacional para las aves acuáticas estuvieron expuestos 1.5 y 2 veces más al INM que otros sitios con el escenario más optimista. De acuerdo con esto, abogamos por el desarrollo de un esquema de priorización para aplicarse en estos humedales para la implementación de estrategias de adaptación al INM para anticipar los efectos de las inundaciones costeras. Nuestro estudio proporciona información importante para la planeación de la conservación bajo el cambio global en varios de los países del Mediterráneo.

J Anal Psychol ; 69(3): 455-477, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38721715


After Evangelos Christou (1923-1956) studied philosophy at King's College, Cambridge, with Wittgenstein and others, he earned a doctorate at the Jung Institute in Zürich. He then returned home to Alexandria, near which he died in a car crash. The Logos of the Soul, published posthumously, argued for a psychology that would be neither a natural scientific psychology, devoted to causal analyses, nor a philosophical discipline that analysed mental events. Psychology would be an autonomous science of the soul, an unknown distinct from body and mind. Science deals with bodies and behaviours; philosophy with the mental concepts and acts. Psychology deals with "psychological experience". Dreams and fantasies can be sources of psychological experience, but so can perceptual acts and mental acts. Meaning occurs when something encounters an ego or self in a psychological experience. Observation in psychology is participant observation, akin to witnessing of a drama. Psychological methods, such as psychotherapy, are both means of discovery and means of becoming. Christou's work brought together Jung's analytical psychology and mid-century British philosophy in order to stake out the ground for psychology that would be an empirical analysis of psychological experience and a logical analysis of the concepts used in that psychology.

Après qu'Evangelos Christou (1923­1956) ait étudié la philosophie au King's College à Cambridge, avec Wittgenstein et d'autres, il fit un doctorat à l'Institut Jung de Zurich. Il retourna ensuite à Alexandrie, où il mourut peu de temps après dans un accident de voiture. The Logos of the Soul, publié à titre posthume, plaide pour une psychologie qui ne serait ni une psychologie scientifique naturelle, dédiée aux analyses causales, ni une discipline philosophique qui analyse les événements du mental. La psychologie serait une science autonome de l'âme, une inconnue distincte du corps et du mental. La science traite des corps et des comportements; la philosophie s'occupe des concepts et des actes. La psychologie s'intéresse à « l'expérience psychologique ¼. Les rêves et les fantasmes peuvent être des sources d'expérience psychologique, mais il en est de même pour les actes de perception et les actes du mental. Le sens apparait quand quelque chose rencontre un moi ou un soi dans une expérience psychologique. L'observation en psychologie est une observation participative, qui s'apparente à être témoin d'une pièce dramatique. Les méthodes psychologiques, telles la psychothérapie, sont à la fois des moyens d'exploration et des moyens pour devenir. L'œuvre de Christou a relié la psychologie analytique de Jung et la philosophie britannique du milieu du siècle afin de revendiquer le terrain pour une psychologie qui serait une analyse empirique de l'expérience psychologique et une analyse logique des concepts utilisés dans cette psychologie.

Luego de estudiar filosofía en el King's College de Cambridge, con Wittgenstein y otros, Evangelos Christou (1923­1956) obtuvo un doctorado en el Instituto Jung de Zúrich. Posteriormente regresó a su casa en Alejandría, cerca de la cual murió en un accidente de auto. El Logos del alma, publicado póstumamente, abogaba por una psicología que no fuera ni una psicología científica natural, dedicada a los análisis causales, ni una disciplina filosófica que analizara los acontecimientos mentales. La psicología sería una ciencia autónoma del alma, lo desconocido distinto del cuerpo y de la mente. La ciencia se ocupa de los cuerpos y las conductas; la filosofía, de los conceptos y los actos mentales. La psicología se ocupa de la "experiencia psicológica". Los sueños y las fantasías pueden ser fuentes de experiencia psicológica, pero también los actos perceptivos y mentales. El sentido se produce cuando algo se encuentra con un ego o un self en una experiencia psicológica. La observación en psicología es una observación participante, similar a ser testigo de un drama. Los métodos psicológicos, como la psicoterapia, son a la vez medios de descubrimiento y medios de devenir. La obra de Christou reunió la psicología analítica de Jung y la filosofía británica de mediados de siglo para sentar las bases de una psicología que fuera un análisis empírico de la experiencia psicológica y un análisis lógico de los conceptos utilizados en esa psicología.

Teoria Junguiana , Humanos , História do Século XX , Filosofia , Psicologia/história
Conserv Biol ; 38(4): e14267, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38682646


Advancing transformative change for sustainability requires population-wide behavior change. Yet, many behavioral interventions tackling environmental problems only examine average effects on the aggregate, overlooking the heterogeneous effects in a population. We developed and preregistered a novel audience segmentation approach to test the diverse impact of conservation messaging on reducing demand for exotic pets (private action - i.e., desire to own exotic pets or visit wildlife entertainment places) and fostering citizen engagement for system-wide change (civic action - e.g., signing a petition or participating in a protest against the exotic pet trade). Through an online survey with US participants (n = 2953), we identified 4 population segments (early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards), representing varying levels of commitment to wildlife conservation and then randomly assigned each segment to one of 3 messaging conditions. Messages highlighting negative consequences of the exotic pet trade and the power of collective action for system change effectively promoted private action among all segments except early adopters (ηp 2 = 0.005). Among civic actions, only the collective action message motivated early adopters and the early majority to sign petitions (φC = 0.193 and φC = 0.097, respectively). Furthermore, the 4 segments showed distinct reasoning for action and inaction on wildlife conservation, with certain relational values, such as care, serving as both motivations and barriers to action. These findings highlight the need for targeted behavioral interventions across diverse populations.

Estrategia de segmentación del público en los mensajes de conservación para transformar el mercado de mascotas exóticas Resumen El progreso en el cambio transformativo para la sustentabilidad requiere de cambios conductuales a nivel poblacional. Sin embargo, muchas intervenciones conductuales que abordan los problemas ambientales sólo analizan los efectos promedio sobre el agregado, lo que ignora los efectos heterogéneos sobre la población. Desarrollamos y preinscribimos una estrategia novedosa de segmentación del público para evaluar los diversos impactos de los mensajes de conservación sobre la reducción de la demanda de mascotas exóticas (acción privada [es decir, el deseo de poseer mascotas exóticas o visitar sitios de entretenimiento con fauna] y promover la participación ciudadana para un cambio sistémico [por ejemplo, firmar una petición o participar en una protesta contra el mercado de mascotas exóticas]). Realizamos una encuesta en línea con participantes estadunidenses (n = 2953) para identificar cuatro segmentos de la población (adoptadores tempranos, mayoría temprana, mayoría tardía y rezagados), los cuales representan diferentes niveles de compromiso con la conservación de fauna, y después le asignamos aleatoriamente a cada segmento una de las siguientes condiciones de mensaje: las consecuencias negativas del mercado de mascotas exóticas, el poder de la acción colectiva para el cambio sistémico e información neutral como control. Los mensajes que resaltaban las consecuencias negativas del mercado de mascotas exóticas y el poder de la acción colectiva promovieron de forma eficiente la acción privada en todos los segmentos excepto los adoptadores tempranos (ηp 2 = 0.005). Entre las acciones cívicas, sólo el mensaje de acción colectiva motivó a los adoptadores tempranos y a la mayoría temprana a firmar peticiones (φC = 0.193 y φC = 0.097, respectivamente). Además, los cuatro segmentos mostraron un razonamiento distinto para la acción e inacción para la conservación de fauna, con ciertos valores de relación, como el cuidado, fungiendo como motivación o barreras para la acción. Estos resultados enfatizan la necesidad de tener intervenciones conductuales focalizadas entre las diferentes poblaciones.

Comércio , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Animais de Estimação , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Animais , Animais Exóticos , Estados Unidos
Front Physiol ; 15: 1363987, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38660536


Glycophorin A and glycophorin B are structural membrane glycoproteins bound in the band 3 multiprotein complexes on human red blood cells (RBCs). Band 3 is an erythroid-specific anion exchanger (AE1). AE1-mediated HCO3 - transport provides the substrate for the enzyme-catalyzed conversion HCO3 - (aq) ⇌ CO2(g), which takes place inside the RBCs. Bicarbonate transport via AE1 supports intravascular acid-base homeostasis and respiratory excretion of CO2. In the past decade, we conducted several comparative physiology studies on Taiwanese people having the glycophorin variant GPMur RBC type (which accompanies greater AE1 expression). We found that increased anion transport across the erythrocyte membrane not only enhances gas exchange and lung functions but also elevates blood pressure (BP) and reduces nitric oxide (NO)-dependent vasodilation and exhaled NO fraction (FeNO) in healthy individuals with GP.Mur. Notably, in people carrying the GPMur blood type, the BP and NO-dependent, flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) are both more strongly correlated with individual hemoglobin (Hb) levels. As blood NO and nitrite (NO2 -) are predominantly scavenged by intraerythrocytic Hb, and NO2 - primarily enters RBCs via AE1, could a more monoanion-permeable RBC membrane (i.e., GPMur/increased AE1) enhance NO2 -/NO3 - permeability and Hb scavenging of NO2 - and NO to affect blood pressure? In this perspective, a working model is proposed for the potential role of AE1 in intravascular NO availability, blood pressure, and clinical relevance.

Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 15(1): 2323422, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38507226


Background: In China, mental health services do not currently meet the needs of bereaved people with symptoms of prolonged grief disorder (PGD). Internet-based grief interventions may help fill this gap, but such programmes have not yet been developed or evaluated in China. The proposed study aims to investigate the effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility of an online self-help intervention programme named Healing Grief for bereaved Chinese with prolonged grief, and to explore the psychological mechanisms of potential improvements.Methods: We designed a two-arm randomised controlled trial. At least 128 participants will be randomly assigned to either an Internet-based intervention group or a waitlist-control group. The Internet-based intervention will be developed based on the dual process model, integrating techniques of psychoeducation, behavioural activation, cognitive reappraisal, and meaning reconstruction, and will be delivered via expressive writing. The intervention comprises six modules, with two sessions in each module, and requires participants to complete two sessions per week and complete the intervention in 6 weeks. The primary outcomes include effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility. The effectiveness will be assessed by measures of prolonged grief, posttraumatic stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Acceptability and feasibility will be evaluated using survey and interview on user experience characteristics. Secondary outcomes include moderators and mediators, such as dual process coping, grief rumination, mindfulness, and continuing bond, to explore the psychological mechanisms of potential improvement. Assessments will take place at pre-intervention, post-intervention, and 3-month follow-up.Conclusion: The proposed study will determine the effectiveness, acceptability, and feasibility of the newly developed online self-help intervention for bereaved Chinese with prolonged grief and clarify how the intervention helps with symptom improvements. Such an intervention may play an important role in easing the imbalance between the delivery and receipt of bereavement psychological services in China.

In China, mental health services are not widely available for bereaved people.The proposed study will be the first one to develop and evaluate an Internet-based self-help grief intervention for bereaved Chinese with prolonged grief.The proposed study will determine whether and how the intervention helps to improve the mental health of bereaved Chinese with prolonged grief.

Luto , Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental , Intervenção Baseada em Internet , Humanos , Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental/métodos , Resultado do Tratamento , Pesar , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto
Infant Ment Health J ; 45(2): 135-152, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38175546


This study, conducted in Germany, examines the role of maternal soothing strategies to explain the association of maternal self-efficacy with infant regulation (crying and sleeping behavior). Questionnaire data of 150 mothers, living in Germany, with mixed ethnic and educational backgrounds were collected when infants were 3 and 7 months old. Two types of maternal soothing strategies were distinguished: close soothing, involving close physical and emotional contact, and distant soothing, involving physical and emotional distancing from the infant. A cross-sectional SEM at 3 months indicated that maternal self-efficacy is associated with reported infant regulation through distant soothing strategies. Low maternal self-efficacy was associated with frequent maternal use of distant soothing, which in turn was related to reported infant regulation problems, that is, non-soothability and greater crying frequency. Frequent use of close soothing was associated with reported infant sleeping behavior, that is, frequent night-time awakenings. A longitudinal SEM further indicated that the effects of close soothing persisted at least until the infants' age of 7 months. The study showed how low maternal self-efficacy, increased use of distant soothing, and reported early infant regulation problems are intertwined and that, due to their persisting positive effect on infant soothability, close soothing better supports infant development.

Este estudio examina el papel de las estrategias calmantes maternas para explicar la asociación entre auto efectividad materna y la regulación del infante (comportamiento de llanto y de dormir). Información de cuestionario de N = 150 madres de trasfondos étnicos y educativos mixtos se recogió cuando los infantes tenían tres y siete meses de nacidos. Dos tipos de estrategias calmantes maternas se identificaron: estrategia calmante cercana, la cual trata del contacto físico y emocional cercano, y estrategia calmante distante, la cual trata del distanciamiento físico y emocional con el infante. Un estudio de Modelo de Ecuación Estructural (SEM) transversal a los tres meses indicó que la auto efectividad materna se asocia con la reportada regulación del infante a través de estrategias calmantes distantes. La baja auto efectividad materna se asoció con el frecuente uso materno de estrategias calmantes distantes, lo cual a su vez se relacionó con los reportados problemas de regulación del infante, tales como el no calmarse y la mayor frecuencia del llanto. El uso frecuente de estrategias calmante cercanas se asoció con el reportado comportamiento de dormir del infante, tal como el frecuente despertar nocturno. Un estudio de tipo SEM longitudinal indicó más allá que los efectos de las estrategias calmantes cercanas persistían por lo menos hasta que los infantes tenían siete meses de edad. El estudio mostró cómo la baja auto efectividad materna, el uso incrementado de estrategias calmantes distantes, así como los reportados tempranos problemas de regulación del infante están entremezclados y que, debido a su persistente efecto positivo en calmar al infante, las estrategias calmantes cercanas apoyan mejor el desarrollo del infante.

Cette étude examine le rôle des stratégies maternelles d'apaisement pour expliquer le lien de l'auto-efficacité maternelle avec la régulation du nourrisson (pleurs et comportement du sommeil). Des données d'une questionnaire de N = 150 mères issues de milieux ethniques et éducationnels différents ont été recueillies quand les nourrissons avaient trois et sept mois. Deux types de stratégies maternelles d'apaisement ont été distingués: l'apaisement proche, avec un contact physique et émotionnel proche, et l'apaisement distant, avec une distanciation physique et émotionnelle du nourrisson. Une coupe transversale SEM à trois mois a indiqué que l'auto-efficacité maternelle est liée à la régulation infantile signalée au travers de stratégies d'apaisement distantes. Une auto-efficacité maternelle faible était liée à l'utilisation maternelle fréquente de stratégies d'apaisement, qui à son tour était liée aux problèmes signalés de régulation du nourrisson, comme par exemple le fait de ne pas pouvoir être apaisé ou une fréquence de pleurs plus grande. L'utilisation fréquente de stratégies d'apaisement proche était liée au comportement de sommeil du nourrisson signalé, comme par exemple des réveils nocturnes fréquents. Un SEM longitudinal a de surcroit indiqué que les effets de stratégies d'apaisement proches persistaient au moins jusqu'à l'âge de sept mois des nourrissons. L'étude a montré comment l'auto-efficacité maternelle faible, une utilisation accrue de stratégies d'apaisement distant et les problèmes signalés de régulation précoce des nourrissons sont imbriqués et que, du fait de leur effet positif persistant sur l'apaisement du nourrisson, les stratégies d'apaisement proches soutiennent mieux le développement du nourrisson.

Relações Mãe-Filho , Autocontrole , Feminino , Lactente , Criança , Humanos , Relações Mãe-Filho/psicologia , Autoeficácia , Estudos Transversais , Mães/psicologia
Int J Surg Pathol ; 32(1): 155-159, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37093756


Thymomas are tumors of the mediastinum often associated with autoimmune conditions, in particular myasthenia gravis. In contrast, among the fewer than 40 reports of metaplastic thymoma, myasthenia gravis is rarely found. We describe the fourth patient, and first man, with metaplastic thymoma and myasthenia gravis. A 34-year-old had acute onset of double vision with associated dysphagia and was found to have an elevation of serum acetylcholine receptor antibodies. He underwent a transsternal thymectomy. Tissue sections showed a biphasic proliferation of keratin-positive epithelial cells with a complement of spindle cells confirming the diagnosis of metaplastic thymoma. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TDT)-positive T lymphocytes were rare and only found in the periphery of the tumor, consistent with thymic remnant. A YAP1::MAML2 gene fusion, with an in-frame fusion between genes YAP1 Exon5 (NM_001130145) and MAML2 Exon2 (NM_032427) was found, supporting further the diagnosis of metaplastic thymoma (Anchored multiplex RNA sequencing [Archer Dx, Boulder, CO] assay). The patient's gender and relatively young age, the presence of an autoimmune condition, and the lack of lymphocytic infiltrate all contribute unusual features to this case and suggest avenues for further exploration.

Miastenia Gravis , Timoma , Neoplasias do Timo , Masculino , Humanos , Adulto , Timoma/complicações , Timoma/diagnóstico , Neoplasias do Timo/complicações , Neoplasias do Timo/diagnóstico , Miastenia Gravis/complicações , Miastenia Gravis/diagnóstico , Linfócitos T , Timectomia
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2281182, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38073540


Background: The evidence for the effectiveness of online EMDR for PTSD is scarce.Objective: This service evaluation aimed to assess how online EMDR compared to in-person EMDR, in terms of its potential effectiveness and acceptability to therapists and patients.Method: The evaluation was carried out in the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Traumatic Stress Service. We compared the outcome of therapy (PTSD scores at end of treatment), number of sessions, drop-out rate, and adverse events using linear/logistic regression in those receiving online EMDR over a 12-month period with those who had received in-person therapy in the year previous to that. Interviews with therapists and clients who had provided or undertaken online EMDR explored their views and experiences of treatment. Interviews were analysed thematically.Results: 33 people received in-person EMDR (15.3 sessions, SD = 1.4), and 45 received online EMDR (12.4 sessions, SD = 0.9). 24 individuals completed therapy in-person, and 32 online. There was no evidence of a difference in therapy completion, drop-out rates or adverse events between the two delivery modes. There was weak evidence that those who completed EMDR online and had available data (N = 29), had slightly lower PTSD scores at the end of therapy compared to those who received in-person EMDR (N = 24) (17.1 (SD = 3.2) versus 24.5 (SD = 3.0), mean difference = 7.8, 95% CI -0.3, 15.9, p = .06). However, groups were not randomised and only those who completed treatment were analysed, so estimates may be biased. 11 patients and five therapists were interviewed. Overall, both therapists and clients viewed online EMDR as safe and effective. Benefits mentioned by clients included feeling more in control and not having to travel. Clients' concerns related to lack of privacy and 'transition time/space' between therapy and their daily lives.Conclusion: Results suggest that online EMDR is an acceptable, safe and effective alternative to in-person EMDR for PTSD in this service.

This service evaluation assessed how online Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) compared to in-person EMDR in people with PTSD.Individuals receiving online EMDR had lower PTSD scores at the end of therapy, but the evidence for this was weak and as this was not a randomised trial we do not know whether this was due to the mode of therapy or other characteristics of clients receiving online therapy.Clients and therapists generally viewed online EMDR as being safe and effective, and supported the availability of online EMDR for PTSD.

Dessensibilização e Reprocessamento através dos Movimentos Oculares , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Humanos , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/terapia , Dessensibilização e Reprocessamento através dos Movimentos Oculares/métodos , Movimentos Oculares , Emoções
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2263312, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37819370


BACKGROUND: Sexual assault (SA) can induce a negative impact on victims' mental health. Specialised SA services generally offer medical care and a forensic examination to SA victims. However, there is a large variation in how these services provide mental health support. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess mental health problems of SA victims attending the Belgian Sexual Assault Care Centres (SACCs) and identify predictors for victims' use of support from in-house psychologists. METHOD: Health records of victims ≥ 16 years who presented within one week post-SA to one of the three Belgian SACCs between 25 October 2017 and 31 October 2019 were reviewed. An AIC-based stepwise backward binary logistic regression was used to analyse the association between victim, assault, service use and mental health characteristics and follow-up by a SACC-psychologist. RESULTS: Of the 555 victims, more than half had a history of mental health problems. Of those assessed, over 70% showed symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and/or anxiety disorder. One in two victims consulted a SACC-psychologist. Victims with a mental health history (OR 1.46, p = .04), victims accompanied by a support person during acute care (OR 1.51, p = .04), and victims who were assaulted by an acquaintance in comparison to those assaulted by a stranger (OR 1.60, p = .039) were more likely to attend their appointment with the SACC-psychologist. CONCLUSION: The study reaffirms the high mental health burden among victims attending specialised SA services, stressing the need to provide effective mental health interventions at these services and improve their longer-term use by victims. Prescheduling of appointments with an in-house psychologist in combination with phone reminders may improve the uptake of such services. Health care providers must be vigilant about potential barriers faced by victims without a mental health history or social support in attending appointments with mental health professionals.

The mental health burden is high among victims attending Belgian Sexual Assault Care Centres.Half of the victims use the support of an in-house psychologist. Victims with a history of mental health problems, those accompanied by a support person during acute care, and those assaulted by an acquaintance in comparison to those assaulted by a stranger, are more likely to use this support.Effective mental health support should be recognised as an integral and essential part of care for SA victims. Uptake and longer-term engagement with this mental health support should be improved for those victims diagnosed with PTSD.

Vítimas de Crime , Delitos Sexuais , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos , Humanos , Saúde Mental , Bélgica , Vítimas de Crime/psicologia , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/epidemiologia , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/terapia , Transtornos de Estresse Pós-Traumáticos/psicologia
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2264612, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37881889


Background: There is extensive literature on front-line officers and investigators exposure to trauma and its negative impact on them. However, there are analytical practitioners in law enforcement who indirectly work with the traumatic experiences of other people daily, but are seldom the focus of academic research.Objective: Our goal was to conduct the first international study with these practitioners to identify the risk of depression symptoms and establish whether potentially modifiable risk factors (belief in a just world, mental imagery and thought suppression) and work-related characteristics (medium of exposure) are associated with depression.Method: 99 analysts and secondary investigators employed in police and law enforcement organizations from the UK, Europe and Canada participated in the study. The online survey was advertised to employees via their employers but hosted without employer access. Multiple regression was used to analyze the data.Results: After controlling for age, gender, ethnicity, previous exposure to trauma, and marital status, four potential risk factors were identified. Analytical practitioners with vivid mental imagery, those exposed to crime material via auditory and visual means, those who suppressed intrusive thoughts, and those who believed in a just world reported more depressive symptoms.Conclusions: The majority of our sample reported clinical levels of depressive symptoms. Four potential risk factors accounted for just under half of the variance in depression scores. We consider strategies that can be used to mitigate the potential negative influence of these factors and suggest that these are established as risk factors for depression symptoms via future longitudinal research.

Analytical practitioners are exposed to aversive crime material on a daily basis. The impact of their work and the individual and work-related risk factors are currently unknown.In this sample, 52% of analytical practitioners had moderate depression symptoms, and 37% had severe depression symptoms.Modality of exposure (both auditory and visual exposure), belief in a just world, thought suppression, and mental imagery are potential modifiable risk factors.

Crime , Depressão , Humanos , Depressão/psicologia , Crime/psicologia , Cognição , Polícia , Europa (Continente)