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Rev. esp. patol ; 57(2): 77-83, Abr-Jun, 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232410


Introducción: En un servicio de anatomía patológica se analiza la carga laboral en tiempo médico en función de la complejidad de las muestras recibidas, y se valora su distribución entre los patólogos, presentado un nuevo algoritmo informático que favorece una distribución equitativa. Métodos: Siguiendo las directrices para la «Estimación de la carga de trabajo en citopatología e histopatología (tiempo médico) atendiendo al catálogo de muestras y procedimientos de la SEAP-IAP (2.ª edición)» se determinan las unidades de carga laboral (UCL) por patólogo y UCL global del servicio, la carga media laboral que soporta el servicio (factor MU), el tiempo de dedicación de cada patólogo a la actividad asistencial y el número de patólogos óptimo según la carga laboral del servicio. Resultados: Determinamos 12.197 UCL totales anuales para el patólogo jefe de servicio, así como 14.702 y 13.842 para los patólogos adjuntos, con una UCL global del servicio de 40.742. El factor MU calculado es 4,97. El jefe ha dedicado el 72,25% de su jornada a la asistencia y los adjuntos el 87,09 y 82,01%. El número de patólogos óptimo para el servicio es de 3,55. Conclusiones: Todos los resultados obtenidos demuestran la sobrecarga laboral médica, y la distribución de las UCL entre los patólogos no resulta equitativa. Se propone un algoritmo informático capaz de distribuir la carga laboral de manera equitativa, asociado al sistema de información del laboratorio, y que tenga en cuenta el tipo de muestra, su complejidad y la dedicación asistencial de cada patólogo.(AU)

Introduction: In a pathological anatomy service, the workload in medical time is analyzed based on the complexity of the samples received and its distribution among pathologists is assessed, presenting a new computer algorithm that favors an equitable distribution. Methods: Following the second edition of the Spanish guidelines for the estimation of workload in cytopathology and histopathology (medical time) according to the Spanish Pathology Society-International Academy of Pathology (SEAP-IAP) catalog of samples and procedures, we determined the workload units (UCL) per pathologist and the overall UCL of the service, the average workload of the service (MU factor), the time dedicated by each pathologist to healthcare activity and the optimal number of pathologists according to the workload of the service. Results: We determined 12 197 total annual UCL for the chief pathologist, as well as 14 702 and 13 842 UCL for associate pathologists, with an overall of 40 742 UCL for the whole service. The calculated MU factor is 4.97. The chief pathologist devoted 72.25% of his working day to healthcare activity while associate pathologists dedicated 87.09% and 82.01% of their working hours. The optimal number of pathologists for the service is found to be 3.55. Conclusions: The results demonstrate medical work overload and a non-equitable distribution of UCLs among pathologists. We propose a computer algorithm capable of distributing the workload in an equitable manner. It would be associated with the laboratory information system and take into account the type of specimen, its complexity and the dedication of each pathologist to healthcare activity.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Patologia , Carga de Trabalho , Patologistas , Serviço Hospitalar de Patologia , Algoritmos
Rev. esp. patol ; 57(2): 91-96, Abr-Jun, 2024. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-232412


Introducción y objetivo: La inteligencia artificial se halla plenamente presente en nuestras vidas. En educación las posibilidades de su uso son infinitas, tanto para alumnos como para docentes. Material y métodos: Se ha explorado la capacidad de ChatGPT a la hora de resolver preguntas tipo test a partir del examen de la asignatura Procedimientos Diagnósticos y Terapéuticos Anatomopatológicos de la primera convocatoria del curso 2022-2023. Además de comparar su resultado con el del resto de alumnos presentados, se han evaluado las posibles causas de las respuestas incorrectas. Finalmente, se ha evaluado su capacidad para realizar preguntas de test nuevas a partir de instrucciones específicas. Resultados: ChatGPT ha acertado 47 de las 68 preguntas planteadas, obteniendo una nota superior a la de la media y mediana del curso. La mayor parte de preguntas falladas presentan enunciados negativos, utilizando las palabras «no», «falsa» o «incorrecta» en su enunciado. Tras interactuar con él, el programa es capaz de darse cuenta de su error y cambiar su respuesta inicial por la correcta. Finalmente, ChatGPT sabe elaborar nuevas preguntas a partir de un supuesto teórico o bien de una simulación clínica determinada. Conclusiones: Como docentes estamos obligados a explorar las utilidades de la inteligencia artificial, e intentar usarla en nuestro beneficio. La realización de tareas que suponen un consumo de tipo importante, como puede ser la elaboración de preguntas tipo test para evaluación de contenidos, es un buen ejemplo. (AU)

Introduction and objective: Artificial intelligence is fully present in our lives. In education, the possibilities of its use are endless, both for students and teachers. Material and methods: The capacity of ChatGPT has been explored when solving multiple choice questions based on the exam of the subject «Anatomopathological Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures» of the first call of the 2022-23 academic year. In addition, to comparing their results with those of the rest of the students presented the probable causes of incorrect answers have been evaluated. Finally, its ability to formulate new test questions based on specific instructions has been evaluated. Results: ChatGPT correctly answered 47 out of 68 questions, achieving a grade higher than the course average and median. Most failed questions present negative statements, using the words «no», «false» or «incorrect» in their statement. After interacting with it, the program can realize its mistake and change its initial response to the correct answer. Finally, ChatGPT can develop new questions based on a theoretical assumption or a specific clinical simulation. Conclusions: As teachers we are obliged to explore the uses of artificial intelligence and try to use it to our benefit. Carrying out tasks that involve significant consumption, such as preparing multiple-choice questions for content evaluation, is a good example. (AU)

Humanos , Patologia , Inteligência Artificial , Ensino , Educação , Docentes de Medicina , Estudantes
Rev Esp Patol ; 57(2): 91-96, 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38599742


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVE: Artificial intelligence is fully present in our lives. In education, the possibilities of its use are endless, both for students and teachers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The capacity of ChatGPT has been explored when solving multiple choice questions based on the exam of the subject «Anatomopathological Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures¼ of the first call of the 2022-23 academic year. In addition, to comparing their results with those of the rest of the students presented the probable causes of incorrect answers have been evaluated. Finally, its ability to formulate new test questions based on specific instructions has been evaluated. RESULTS: ChatGPT correctly answered 47 out of 68 questions, achieving a grade higher than the course average and median. Most failed questions present negative statements, using the words «no¼, «false¼ or «incorrect¼ in their statement. After interacting with it, the program can realize its mistake and change its initial response to the correct answer. Finally, ChatGPT can develop new questions based on a theoretical assumption or a specific clinical simulation. CONCLUSIONS: As teachers we are obliged to explore the uses of artificial intelligence and try to use it to our benefit. Carrying out tasks that involve significant consumption, such as preparing multiple-choice questions for content evaluation, is a good example.

Inteligência Artificial , Docentes , Humanos , Estudantes , Materiais de Ensino , Probabilidade
Rev Esp Patol ; 57(2): 77-83, 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38599740


INTRODUCTION: In a pathological anatomy service, the workload in medical time is analyzed based on the complexity of the samples received and its distribution among pathologists is assessed, presenting a new computer algorithm that favors an equitable distribution. METHODS: Following the second edition of the Spanish guidelines for the estimation of workload in cytopathology and histopathology (medical time) according to the Spanish Pathology Society-International Academy of Pathology (SEAP-IAP) catalog of samples and procedures, we determined the workload units (UCL) per pathologist and the overall UCL of the service, the average workload of the service (MU factor), the time dedicated by each pathologist to healthcare activity and the optimal number of pathologists according to the workload of the service. RESULTS: We determined 12 197 total annual UCL for the chief pathologist, as well as 14 702 and 13 842 UCL for associate pathologists, with an overall of 40 742 UCL for the whole service. The calculated MU factor is 4.97. The chief pathologist devoted 72.25% of his working day to healthcare activity while associate pathologists dedicated 87.09% and 82.01% of their working hours. The optimal number of pathologists for the service is found to be 3.55. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate medical work overload and a non-equitable distribution of UCLs among pathologists. We propose a computer algorithm capable of distributing the workload in an equitable manner. It would be associated with the laboratory information system and take into account the type of specimen, its complexity and the dedication of each pathologist to healthcare activity.

Serviço Hospitalar de Patologia , Carga de Trabalho , Humanos , Patologistas , Algoritmos
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564481


Introducción: Para el desarrollo de cualquier sociedad es importante el recurso humano competente, lo que implica enrumbar los esfuerzos hacia el mejoramiento del desempeño profesional en aras de lograr que su impacto contribuya al progreso y desarrollo humanos. Objetivo: Caracterizar el desempeño profesional en Histología Humana de los especialistas en formación de Anatomía Patológica del Hospital Universitario "General Calixto García" durante el período 2015-2020. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo-observacional con enfoque mixto. Coincidieron el universo y la muestra, compuestos por 13 especialistas en formación que se encontraban en el primer semestre del primer año de la especialidad y 8 profesores de la especialidad de Anatomía Patológica. El muestreo fue por conveniencia. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos y empíricos. Se empleó una Estadística descriptiva, en particular el análisis porcentual, y la frecuencia absoluta y relativa, a partir de los programas Microsoft Excel y el SPSS, los que permitieron el procesamiento cuantitativo de los instrumentos aplicados. Se empleó la tecnología para la determinación de problemas y potencialidades de la Educación Avanzada. Conclusiones: La aplicación de la tecnología antes mencionada permitió caracterizar el estado actual del desempeño profesional en Histología Humana del especialista en formación de Anatomía Patológica, lo cual reveló carencias y dificultades en las dimensiones: conocimiento teórico-práctico en Histología Humana, comportamiento humano, y comportamiento ético y bioético. La triangulación metodológica aplicada a los resultados de los instrumentos contribuyó a la identificación del inventario de problemas y potencialidades.

Introduction: Competent human resources are important for the development of any society, which implies directing efforts towards the improvement of professional performance in order to achieve their impact on and such contribution to human progress and development. Objective: To characterize the professional performance in Human Histology of specialists being trained in Pathological Anatomy at Hospital Universitario General Calixto García during the period 2015-2020. Methods: A descriptive-observational study with a mixed approach was conducted. The study universe and the sample coincided, composed of 13 specialists being trained in their first semester of the specialty's first academic year and 8 professors of the Pathological Anatomy specialty. The sampling was by convenience. Theoretical and empirical methods were used. Descriptive statistics were used, particularly the percentage analysis, as well as absolute and relative frequency, by using the programs Microsoft Excel and SPSS, which allowed the quantitative processing of the applied instruments. Technology was used for determining problems and potentialities of advanced education. Conclusions: The application of the aforementioned technology allowed characterizing the current state of professional performance in Human Histology of the specialist being trained in Pathological Anatomy, which revealed deficiencies and difficulties in the dimensions theoretical-practical knowledge in Human Histology, human behavior, as well as ethical and bioethical behavior. The methodological triangulation applied to the results of the instruments contributed to the identification of the inventory of problems and potentialities.

Rev. esp. patol ; 56(2): 136-139, Abr-Jun 2023. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-219170


La distrofia de la membrana basal epitelial corneal es una entidad poco frecuente, que se presenta en forma de erosiones corneales de repetición debidas a una alteración en la unión del epitelio corneal a la membrana basal. Esta patología ha sido presentada en la literatura con un enfoque eminentemente oftalmológico, dejando en un segundo plano la anatomía patológica. El objetivo de este artículo es resaltar la imagen microscópica de esta patología a propósito de un caso, así como realizar una aproximación clínica y terapéutica de esta entidad.(AU)

Epithelial basement membrane corneal dystrophy is a rare entity, characterized by recurrent corneal erosions secondary to a disorder in the attachment of the corneal epithelium to the basement membrane. To date, mainly the ophthalmological aspect of cases has been reported, with little emphasis on the pathology of this lesion. Here we aim to describe the microscopy and discuss the clinical and therapeutic aspects of a case.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Pacientes Internados , Exame Físico , Membrana Basal , Síndrome de Cogan , Patologia , Achados Morfológicos e Microscópicos
Rev Esp Patol ; 56(2): 136-139, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37061242


Epithelial basement membrane corneal dystrophy is a rare entity, characterized by recurrent corneal erosions secondary to a disorder in the attachment of the corneal epithelium to the basement membrane. To date, mainly the ophthalmological aspect of cases has been reported, with little emphasis on the pathology of this lesion. Here we aim to describe the microscopy and discuss the clinical and therapeutic aspects of a case.

Síndrome de Cogan , Distrofias Hereditárias da Córnea , Epitélio Corneano , Humanos , Epitélio Corneano/patologia , Distrofias Hereditárias da Córnea/complicações , Distrofias Hereditárias da Córnea/patologia , Síndrome de Cogan/complicações , Síndrome de Cogan/patologia , Membrana Basal/patologia
Rev. esp. patol ; 56(1): 21-31, Ene-Mar. 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-214174


Desde la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica se ha realizado una encuesta entre las facultades de medicina españolas con el fin de obtener una imagen global del estado de la docencia de la asignatura de Anatomía Patológica en pregrado valorando los diferentes planes de estudio, la metodología empleada y la dotación de recursos. La encuesta se envió a los coordinadores de la asignatura en las diferentes facultades de medicina españolas a través de un formulario creado con la herramienta Formularios de Google.El 62% de las 55 unidades docentes encuestadas participaron en el estudio (76% universidades públicas y 24% privadas). Prácticamente en la mitad de los casos, la Anatomía Patológica se imparte como asignatura única, y en la otra mitad como una asignatura general y otra especial. Solo un 18% de las facultades contempla la asignatura especial integrada con otras asignaturas clínicas, y en general, solo en un 55% de los centros con Anatomía Patológica Especial, el contenido está coordinado con el de otras asignaturas clínicas.Los resultados de este estudio ponen en evidencia la heterogeneidad de la formación ofrecida en la asignatura de Anatomía Patológica para los estudiantes de Medicina en las diversas universidades españolas. Solamente planteando una asignatura en pregrado que sea atractiva y estimulante podremos motivar suficientemente a los estudiantes para elegir Anatomía Patológica como especialidad. En este artículo presentamos los resultados de la encuesta con todos los comentarios recogidos y las reflexiones planteadas a partir de los mismos. Las principales medidas propuestas están relacionadas con insistir en el carácter asistencial de la especialidad y en ofrecer rotaciones prácticas en los servicios de Anatomía Patológica.(AU)

In order to ascertain the present state of undergraduate pathology teaching in Spain, the Spanish Society of Pathology sent a survey to the coordinators of the subject in every Medical School. The survey consisted of a form created using Google Forms tool and covered various aspects of teaching, such as the different syllabi, methodology and resources.62% of the 55 Medical Schools contacted participated in the study (76% public and 25% private). In about half of cases, Pathology was taught as a single subject, while in the rest it was divided into General and Special Pathology. Only 18% integrated other clinical subjects into Pathology teaching and only 55% coordinated the timing of the course in order to coordinate with the content of other clinical subjects.We present the results of the survey together with all the accompanying comments and reflections, which highlight the heterogeneity of the Pathology syllabus in Spanish Medical Schools. We consider that if undergraduate Pathology is taught in an attractive, stimulating and clinically relevant manner, more students would be motivated to choose Pathology as their future speciality. Our main recommendations would be to emphasize the clinical application of Pathology and offer opportunities to gain practical, hands-on experience in Pathology departments.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Ensino , Patologia , Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Faculdades de Medicina , Especialização , Patologia Clínica , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Espanha
Rev Esp Patol ; 56(1): 21-31, 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36599597


In order to ascertain the present state of undergraduate pathology teaching in Spain, the Spanish Society of Pathology sent a survey to the coordinators of the subject in every Medical School. The survey consisted of a form created using Google Forms tool and covered various aspects of teaching, such as the different syllabi, methodology and resources. 62% of the 55 Medical Schools contacted participated in the study (76% public and 25% private). In about half of cases, Pathology was taught as a single subject, while in the rest it was divided into General and Special Pathology. Only 18% integrated other clinical subjects into Pathology teaching and only 55% coordinated the timing of the course in order to coordinate with the content of other clinical subjects. We present the results of the survey together with all the accompanying comments and reflections, which highlight the heterogeneity of the Pathology syllabus in Spanish Medical Schools. We consider that if undergraduate Pathology is taught in an attractive, stimulating and clinically relevant manner, more students would be motivated to choose Pathology as their future speciality. Our main recommendations would be to emphasize the clinical application of Pathology and offer opportunities to gain practical, hands-on experience in Pathology departments.

Currículo , Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Humanos , Faculdades de Medicina , Estudantes , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. esp. cardiol. (Ed. impr.) ; 75(11): 877-885, nov. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-211709


Introducción y objetivos La biopsia endomiocárdica (BEM) es la única técnica capaz de establecer el diagnóstico etiológico de pacientes con miocarditis o miocardiopatía inflamatoria (MI). El objetivo de este estudio es conocer el perfil clínico, la evolución y los factores pronósticos de los pacientes con sospecha de miocarditis o MI sometidos a BEM. Métodos Se analizaron retrospectivamente las características clínicas, los hallazgos histológicos y la evolución de todos los pacientes con sospecha de miocarditis o MI sometidos a BEM entre 1997 y 2019 en un hospital terciario español. Se evaluó el rendimiento del diagnóstico histológico mediante los criterios de Dallas frente a los criterios inmunohistoquímicos (IHQ). Resultados Se realizó BEM a 99 pacientes (el 67% varones; edad, 42± 15 años; fracción de eyección media, 34±14%). El 28% presentaba miocarditis o MI confirmada por criterios de Dallas y el 54% aplicando los criterios IHQ (p <0,1). Se diagnosticaron 47 miocarditis linfocitarias, 6 miocarditis eosinofílicas, 3 sarcoidosis y 1 miocarditis de células gigantes. Tras una mediana de seguimiento de 18 meses, 23 pacientes (23%) precisaron trasplante cardiaco o asistencia ventricular o fallecieron. El 21% de los pacientes con miocarditis confirmada mediante IHQ precisó trasplante cardiaco o asistencia o falleció, frente al 7% de aquellos sin inflamación (p=0,056). La fracción de eyección ≤ 30%, un diámetro telediastólico del ventrículo izquierdo ≥60mm y una clase NYHA III-IV iniciales se asociaron con peor pronóstico, especialmente en presencia de inflamación. Conclusiones La BEM permite establecer un diagnóstico etiológico en más de la mitad de los casos de sospecha de miocarditis o MI cuando se emplean técnicas IHQ. La inflamación confirmada por IHQ añade valor pronóstico y permite identificar a los pacientes con mayor probabilidad de sufrir complicaciones (AU)

Introduction and objectives Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) is the only technique able to establish an etiological diagnosis of myocarditis or inflammatory cardiomyopathy (ICM). The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical profile, outcomes, and prognostic factors of patients with suspected myocarditis/ICM undergoing EMB. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the clinical characteristics, histological findings, and follow-up data of all patients with suspected myocarditis or ICM who underwent EMB between 1997 and 2019 in a Spanish tertiary hospital. The diagnostic yield was compared using the Dallas criteria vs immunohistochemical criteria (IHC). Results A total of 99 patients underwent EMB (67% male; mean age, 42±15 years; mean left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF], 34%±14%). Myocarditis or ICM was confirmed in 28% with application of the Dallas criteria and in 54% with the IHC criteria (P <.01). Lymphocytic myocarditis was diagnosed in 47 patients, eosinophilic myocarditis in 6, sarcoidosis in 3, and giant cell myocarditis in 1 patient. After a median follow-up of 18 months, 23 patients (23%) required heart transplant (HTx), a left ventricular assist device (LVAD), and/or died. Among the patients with IHC-confirmed myocarditis, 21% required HTx/LVAD or died vs 7% of those without inflammation (P=.056). The factors associated with a worse prognosis were baseline LVEF ≤ 30%, left ventricular end-diastolic diameter ≥ 60mm, and NYHA III-IV, especially in the presence of inflammation. Conclusions EMB allows an etiological diagnosis in more than half of patients with suspected myocarditis/ICM when IHC techniques are used. IHC-confirmed inflammation adds prognostic value and helps to identify patients with a higher probability of developing complications (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cardiomiopatias/diagnóstico , Cardiomiopatias/patologia , Miocardite/diagnóstico , Miocardite/patologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Biópsia/métodos , Prognóstico
Rev Esp Patol ; 55(3): 149-155, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35779880


INTRODUCTION: The examination of morphological alterations in tissues is fundamental in Pathology. Traditional training in gross dissection has several limitations, including the risk of transmissible diseases, formaldehyde exposure and limited specimen availability. We describe a teaching method using anatomical simulators. METHODS: Liquid silicone-based artisan neoplastic anatomical models were used in conjunction with clinical scenarios. Eighty-five medical students participated in a gross dissection experience and were asked to complete a feedback questionnaire. Additionally, a workshop was organized for students to compare three different teaching methods. The first one used still images (Group1-G1), the second a video explanation (Group2-G2), and the third directly observed a pathologist while grossing (Group3-G3). RESULTS: The knowledge acquisition questionnaire showed an average value of 4.4 out of 5 (1-5) (range 3.4-4.7, σ0.89). The categories 'knowledge of resection margins' and 'macroscopic diagnosis' received the highest values (4.8, σ0.11 and 4.7, σ0.32, respectively), followed by 'understanding of handling and gross examination of the surgical specimen' (4.5, σ0.49), 'prognosis' (4.3, σ0.67) and 'understanding of a tumor resection' (3.9, σ0.96) (p<0.05). Regarding teaching methods, G3 spent less time than G2 and G1 with mean times of 15'39″ (σ2'12″), 16'50″ (σ3'45″), and 17'52″ (σ2'12″), respectively (p<0.05). Gross dissection marks (0-5) showed statistically significant differences (p<0.05). G2 obtained better results (3.7;σ0.54) than G3 (3.4;σ0.94) or G1 (3.1;σ0.8). CONCLUSIONS: This preliminary study demonstrates that it is possible to implement a gross dissection simulation module at medical school and thus enable the acquisition of skills in a secure environment.

Dissecação , Estudantes de Medicina , Dissecação/educação , Humanos , Modelos Anatômicos , Faculdades de Medicina , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev Esp Patol ; 55(3): 163-172, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35779882


INTRODUCTION: To describe and analyze the current situation of Pathology teaching and its characteristics in the degree of Medicine in public medical schools in Spain. METHODS: Descriptive analysis of the teaching guides of the undergraduate studies of 32 Spanish public medical schools, identifying the number of credits, hours of theoretical practical teaching, teaching elements, rotation through hospital services and teachers in the subject of Pathology. RESULTS: In the 32 medical schools analyzed, 31 (96.7%) present in their study plans at least 1 AP subject. Data could not be obtained from one faculty. 67% of the subjects offered imply rotation by AP services. The most frequent year for AP teaching is the third one, and the median number of ECTS credits is 6. 49.5% of the subjects involve contents related to the clinical autopsy. 12.5% of the subjects have either theoretical or practical content on digital Pathology or telepathology. Regarding the teaching staff, 112 people are civil servants (University Professor or Professor, of which 91 are linked -92,9%), 244 people are non-civil servants, where 76.2% have the teaching figure of Associate Professor. CONCLUSIONS: The teaching of Pathology is widely distributed, the rotation of Pathology health services is scarce and the most frequent teaching figure is that of an Associate Professor.

Faculdades de Medicina , Autopsia , Humanos , Espanha , Universidades
Rev. esp. patol ; 55(3): 163-172, jul.-sep. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-206790


Introducción: Describir y analizar la situación actual de la docencia de la Anatomía Patológica (AP) y sus características en el grado de las facultades públicas de medicina en España. Métodos: Análisis descriptivo de las guías docentes de los estudios de grado de estudio de 32 facultades públicas de medicina españolas, identificando en la asignatura de AP número de créditos, horas de docencia teórico-práctica, elementos docentes, rotación por servicios hospitalarios y profesorado. Resultados: En las 32 facultades de medicina analizadas, 31 (96,7%) presentan en sus planes de estudio al menos una asignatura de AP. De una facultad no se pudieron obtener datos. Un 67% de las asignaturas ofertadas implican actividad práctica por servicios de AP. La asignatura de AP se cursa con mayor frecuencia en el tercer curso, y la mediana de créditos del European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) es seis. Un 49,5% de las asignaturas implica contenidos relacionados con la autopsia clínica. Un 12,5% de las asignaturas tienen contenidos bien teóricos o prácticas sobre patología digital o telepatología. Respecto al profesorado, 112 docentes son personal funcionario (catedrático o profesor titular de universidad, de los cuales, 91 son vinculados –92,9%), 244 son personal no funcionario, donde el 76,2% tiene la figura docente de profesor asociado. Conclusiones: La ensẽnanza de Anatomía Patológica está ampliamente distribuida, la rotaciónpor los servicios sanitarios de AP es escasa y la figura docente más frecuente es la de profesorasociado.(AU)

Introduction: To describe and analyze the current situation of Pathology teaching and its characteristics in the degree of Medicine in public medical schools in Spain. Methods: Descriptive analysis of the teaching guides of the undergraduate studies of 32 Spanish public medical schools, identifying the number of credits, hours of theoretical practical teaching, teaching elements, rotation through hospital services and teachers in the subject of Pathology. Results: In the 32 medical schools analyzed, 31 (96.7%) present in their study plans at least 1 AP subject. Data could not be obtained from one faculty. 67% of the subjects offered imply rotation by AP services. The most frequent year for AP teaching is the third one, and the median number of ECTS credits is 6. 49.5% of the subjects involve contents related to the clinical autopsy. 12.5% of the subjects have either theoretical or practical content on digital Pathology or telepathology. Regarding the teaching staff, 112 people are civil servants (University Professor or Professor, of which 91 are linked -92,9%), 244 people are non-civil servants, where 76.2% have the teaching figure of Associate Professor. Conclusions: The teaching of Pathology is widely distributed, the rotation of Pathology health services is scarce and the most frequent teaching figure is that of an Associate Professor.(AU)

Humanos , Patologia , Docentes de Medicina , Ensino , Faculdades de Medicina , Guias de Estudo como Assunto
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35523665


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) is the only technique able to establish an etiological diagnosis of myocarditis or inflammatory cardiomyopathy (ICM). The aim of this study was to analyze the clinical profile, outcomes, and prognostic factors of patients with suspected myocarditis/ICM undergoing EMB. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the clinical characteristics, histological findings, and follow-up data of all patients with suspected myocarditis or ICM who underwent EMB between 1997 and 2019 in a Spanish tertiary hospital. The diagnostic yield was compared using the Dallas criteria vs immunohistochemical criteria (IHC). RESULTS: A total of 99 patients underwent EMB (67% male; mean age, 42±15 years; mean left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF], 34%±14%). Myocarditis or ICM was confirmed in 28% with application of the Dallas criteria and in 54% with the IHC criteria (P <.01). Lymphocytic myocarditis was diagnosed in 47 patients, eosinophilic myocarditis in 6, sarcoidosis in 3, and giant cell myocarditis in 1 patient. After a median follow-up of 18 months, 23 patients (23%) required heart transplant (HTx), a left ventricular assist device (LVAD), and/or died. Among the patients with IHC-confirmed myocarditis, 21% required HTx/LVAD or died vs 7% of those without inflammation (P=.056). The factors associated with a worse prognosis were baseline LVEF ≤ 30%, left ventricular end-diastolic diameter ≥ 60mm, and NYHA III-IV, especially in the presence of inflammation. CONCLUSIONS: EMB allows an etiological diagnosis in more than half of patients with suspected myocarditis/ICM when IHC techniques are used. IHC-confirmed inflammation adds prognostic value and helps to identify patients with a higher probability of developing complications.

Rev Esp Patol ; 55(2): 85-89, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35483773


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Although pathology is one of the cornerstone subjects of the medical curriculum, for many students it can prove too theoretical and remote from clinical relevance. We present the results of a new distance learning project designed to make the teaching of pathology more practical and render the subject more attractive to the medical student. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We developed a teaching programme which included digital pathology images and video tutorials of clinical cases; the students were required to arrive at a final diagnosis. An explanatory video of how biopsies are processed was also included. Twitter was used for rapid interaction with the students. A questionnaire was then completed by the participants evaluating the various aspects of the project. RESULTS: All the students reached a correct diagnosis for the clinical cases. 89% of the participants were extremely satisfied with the project. The majority agreed that the different activities were interesting and useful for improving their understanding of pathology and thus recommended that they should be continued. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the inclusion of digital pathology into the curriculum together with video tutorials to enhance undergraduate pathology teaching. In the future, such distance learning could prove a useful resource in combination with conventional face-to-face lectures and tutorials.

Estudantes de Medicina , Gravação em Vídeo , Currículo , Humanos , Inquéritos e Questionários
Rev. esp. patol ; 55(2): 85-89, abr-jun 2022. ilus, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-206778


Introducción y objetivo: La asignatura de Anatomía Patológica es fundamental en la formación del estudiante de Medicina. Sin embargo, para muchos estudiantes la asignatura presenta un excesivo contenido teórico, poco trasladable a la práctica clínica. Presentamos los resultados de un proyecto de innovación docente dirigido a facilitar la transmisión del conocimiento a distancia y hacer de la Anatomía Patológica una asignatura más práctica y atractiva para el estudiante de Medicina. Materiales y métodos: Elaboramos material didáctico integrando imágenes de enfermedad digital con videotutoriales para la exposición de casos clínicos donde los alumnos debían llegar al diagnóstico final. Creamos un vídeo explicativo donde exponemos como se procesan las biopsias y utilizamos redes sociales (Twitter) para mantener una comunicación más fluida con los estudiantes. Finalmente, valoramos la percepción del estudiante sobre las actividades realizadas a través de una encuesta. Resultados: Al final de la actividad todos los alumnos resolvieron los casos clínicos y llegaron al diagnóstico correcto de manera exitosa. El 89% de los alumnos mostró un alto nivel de satisfacción con la actividad. Para la mayoría de los participantes la actividad resultó interesante y didáctica, mejorando su experiencia de aprendizaje, por lo que recomendaban mantenerla en el futuro. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados soportan la integración de la enfermedad digital en combinación con video tutoriales como una herramienta exitosa en el aprendizaje de la Anatomía Patológica. Este modelo podría mantenerse en el futuro como un recurso útil en combinación con el aprendizaje presencial.(AU)

Introduction and objectives: Although pathology is one of the cornerstone subjects of the medical curriculum, for many students it can prove too theoretical and remote from clinical relevance. We present the results of a new distance learning project designed to make the teaching of pathology more practical and render the subject more attractive to the medical student. Materials and methods: We developed a teaching programme which included digital pathology images and video tutorials of clinical cases; the students were required to arrive at a final diagnosis. An explanatory video of how biopsies are processed was also included. Twitter was used for rapid interaction with the students. A questionnaire was then completed by the participants evaluating the various aspects of the project. Results: All the students reached a correct diagnosis for the clinical cases. 89% of the participants were extremely satisfied with the project. The majority agreed that the different activities were interesting and useful for improving their understanding of pathology and thus recommended that they should be continued.Conclusions: Our results support the inclusion of digital pathology into the curriculum together with video tutorials to enhance undergraduate pathology teaching. In the future, such distance learning could prove a useful resource in combination with conventional face-to-face lectures and tutorials.(AU)

Humanos , Ensino/tendências , Tecnologia Educacional , Recursos Audiovisuais , Patologia/educação
Rev Esp Patol ; 54(4): 263-274, 2021.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34544556


Pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs) constitute, together with other tumors of the sellar region, 15-25% of intracranial neoplasms. In 2017, the World Health Organization proposed a new classification of PitNETs. The main innovation with respect to the 2004 classification was the recommendation to include in the immunohistochemical evaluation of PitNETs the determination of the transcription factors of the 3 pituitary cell lineages: Pit-1, Tpit and SF-1. Additionally, other clinicopathological classifications with a predictive capacity of tumor behavior during follow-up were proposed. Given these changes, it is appropriate to adapt the knowledge generated during the last 15 years to the daily practice of the treatment and monitoring of PitNETs at the Centers of Excellence in Pituitary Pathology. This document includes the positioning of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN) and the Spanish Society of Pathology (SEAP) on the classification and denomination of the PitNETs and the information that the pathologist should provide to the clinician to facilitate the treatment and monitoring of these tumors.

Tumores Neuroendócrinos , Neoplasias Hipofisárias , Consenso , Humanos , Hipófise , Organização Mundial da Saúde
Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr (Engl Ed) ; 68(3): 196-207, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34167699


Pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs) constitute, together with other tumors of the sellar region, 15-25% of intracranial neoplasms. In 2017, the World Health Organization proposed a new classification of PitNETs. The main innovation with respect to the 2004 classification was the recommendation to include in the immunohistochemical evaluation of PitNETs the determination of the transcription factors of the 3 pituitary cell lineages: Pit-1, Tpit and SF-1. Additionally, other clinicopathological classifications with a predictive capacity of tumor behavior during follow-up were proposed. Given these changes, it is appropriate to adapt the knowledge generated during the last 15 years to the daily practice of the treatment and monitoring of PitNETs at the Centers of Excellence in Pituitary Pathology. This document includes the positioning of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN) and the Spanish Society of Pathology (SEAP) on the classification and denomination of the PitNETs and the information that the pathologist should provide to the clinician to facilitate the treatment and monitoring of these tumors.

Tumores Neuroendócrinos , Neoplasias Hipofisárias , Consenso , Humanos , Tumores Neuroendócrinos/classificação , Tumores Neuroendócrinos/diagnóstico , Hipófise , Neoplasias Hipofisárias/classificação , Neoplasias Hipofisárias/diagnóstico , Sociedades Médicas , Espanha
Rev. inf. cient ; 100(3): e3469, 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289643


RESUMEN Introducción: El cáncer de vejiga es un tumor mucho más frecuente de lo que a veces nos transmiten las estadísticas o los medios de comunicación. Ocupa el noveno lugar en cuanto al número de diagnósticos de cáncer a nivel mundial y se reporta aproximadamente cinco veces más frecuente en varones que en mujeres. Objetivo: Describir las características clínico-patológicas de los tumores malignos del tracto urinario inferior. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 186 pacientes con tumores malignas del tracto urinario inferior diagnosticados anatomo-patológicamente en el Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente "Saturnino Lora Torres", de Santiago de Cuba, entre los años 2017 al 2020. Una vez recopilados los datos se procesaron mediante el sistema estadístico SPSS, en su versión 21.0. Resultados: En la serie la mayoría de los afectados fueron hombres entre los 60 y 79 años de edad, siendo más frecuente en el sexo masculino. Predominaron los carcinomas uroteliales con el 96,4 % del total en su variedad papilar y de alto grado de malignidad. Conclusiones: Los tumores malignos del tracto urinario inferior son un problema de salud de baja frecuencia cuya trascendencia es la afectación individual a quien lo padece, y su comportamiento clínico patológico, en sentido general, fue similar a lo reportado por la literatura nacional e internacional, salvo pequeñas y puntuales diferencias relativo a los síntomas, el diagnóstico histológico, en parte, y el grado de malignidad de las lesiones.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Bladder cancer is a more common tumor that sometimes the statistics database or media conveyed to us. It ranks ninth concerning cancer diagnoses worldwide and it is reported to be approximately five times more frequent in males than in females. Objective: To describe the clinicopathologic features of malignant lower urinary tract tumors. Method: A descriptive and cross-sectional study involving a total of 186 patients was conducted. Anatomical and pathological diagnoses were carried out to all patients with malignant lower urinary tract tumor at the Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente "Saturnino Lora Torres" in Santiago de Cuba, from 2017 throughout 2020. Once the data were collected, they were processed using the SPSS statistical system, version 21.0. Results: Most affected patients with lower urinary tract tumor had an average age of 60 to 70, arising most frequently in males. The 96.4 % of the total of the patients were diagnosed with urothelial carcinomas (predominant), described in its papillary variety and the high degree of malignant transformation. Conclusions: Malignant lower urinary tract tumors are health problems labeled as the low frequency which differ in their transformation according to the patient. The clinical pathological behavior of the tumor, in a general sense, was similar to that reported in the national and international literature, except for small and pointed differences regarding symptoms, histological diagnosis, and the degree of the lesions´ malignant transformation.

RESUMO Introdução: O câncer de bexiga é um tumor mais comum do que às vezes o banco de dados de estatísticas ou a mídia veiculada por nós. Ele ocupa o nono lugar em diagnósticos de câncer em todo o mundo e é relatado ser aproximadamente cinco vezes mais frequente em homens do que em mulheres. Objetivo: Descrever as características clínico-patológicas dos tumores malignos do trato urinário inferior. Método: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo e transversal envolvendo um total de 186 pacientes. Os diagnósticos anatômicos e patológicos foram realizados a todos os pacientes com tumor maligno do trato urinário inferior no Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente "Saturnino Lora Torres" em Santiago de Cuba, de 2017 a 2020. Uma vez coletados os dados, eles foram processados ​​no SPSS sistema estatístico, versão 21.0. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes afetados com tumor do trato urinário inferior tinha uma idade média de 60 a 70 anos, surgindo mais frequentemente no sexo masculino. 96,4% do total dos pacientes foram diagnosticados com carcinomas uroteliais (predominantes), descritos em sua variedade papilar e alto grau de transformação maligna. Conclusões: Os tumores malignos do trato urinário inferior são problemas de saúde rotulados como de baixa frequência e que diferem em sua transformação de acordo com o paciente. O comportamento clínico-patológico do tumor, de um modo geral, foi semelhante ao relatado na literatura nacional e internacional, exceto por pequenas e pontuadas diferenças quanto à sintomatologia, ao diagnóstico histológico e ao grau de transformação maligna das lesões.

Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Doenças Urológicas , Diálise Renal , Neoplasias Urológicas/diagnóstico , Sintomas do Trato Urinário Inferior/patologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Transversais
Endocrinol Diabetes Nutr (Engl Ed) ; 68(3): 196-207, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33549511


Pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs) constitute, together with other tumors of the sellar region, 15-25% of intracranial neoplasms. In 2017, the World Health Organization proposed a new classification of PitNETs. The main innovation with respect to the 2004 classification was the recommendation to include in the immunohistochemical evaluation of PitNETs the determination of the transcription factors of the 3 pituitary cell lineages: Pit-1, Tpit and SF-1. Additionally, other clinicopathological classifications with a predictive capacity of tumor behavior during follow-up were proposed. Given these changes, it is appropriate to adapt the knowledge generated during the last 15 years to the daily practice of the treatment and monitoring of PitNETs at the Centers of Excellence in Pituitary Pathology. This document includes the positioning of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN) and the Spanish Society of Pathology (SEAP) on the classification and denomination of the PitNETs and the information that the pathologist should provide to the clinician to facilitate the treatment and monitoring of these tumors.