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Front Cell Neurosci ; 18: 1460219, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39234031


Once upon a time the statistics of quantal release were fashionable: "n" available vesicles (fusion sites), each with probability "p" of releasing a quantum. The story was not so simple, a nice paradigm to be abandoned. Biophysicists, experimenting with "black films," explained the astonishing rapidity of spike-induced release: calcium can trigger the fusion of lipidic vesicles with a lipid bilayer, by masking the negative charges of the membranes. The idea passed away, buried by the discovery of NSF, SNAPs, SNARE proteins and synaptotagmin, Munc, RIM, complexin. Electrophysiology used to be a field for few adepts. Then came patch clamp, and multielectrode arrays and everybody became electrophysiologists. Now, optogenetics have blossomed, and the whole field has changed again. Nice surprise for me, when Alvarez de Toledo demonstrated that release of transmitters could occur through the transient opening of a pore between the vesicle and the plasma-membrane, no collapse of the vesicle in the membrane needed: my mentor Bruno Ceccarelli had cherished this idea ("kiss and run") and tried to prove it for 20 years. The most impressive developments have probably regarded IT, computers and all their applications; machine learning, AI, and the truly spectacular innovations in brain imaging, especially functional ones, have transformed cognitive neurosciences into a new extraordinarily prolific field, and certainly let us imagine that we may finally understand what is going on in our brains. Cellular neuroscience, on the other hand, though the large public has been much less aware of the incredible amount of information the scientific community has acquired on the cellular aspects of neuronal function, may indeed help us to eventually understand the mechanistic detail of how the brain work. But this is no more in the past, this is the future.

J Physiol ; 2024 Sep 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39316518


Excitatory glutamatergic NMDA receptors (NMDARs) are key regulators of spinal pain processing, and yet the biophysical properties of NMDARs in dorsal horn nociceptive neurons remain poorly understood. Despite the clinical implications, it is unknown whether the molecular and functional properties of synaptic NMDAR responses are conserved between males and females or translate from rodents to humans. To address these translational gaps, we systematically compared individual and averaged excitatory synaptic responses from lamina I pain-processing neurons of adult Sprague-Dawley rats and human organ donors, including both sexes. By combining patch-clamp recordings of outward miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents with non-biased data analyses, we uncovered a wide range of decay constants of excitatory synaptic events within individual lamina I neurons. Decay constants of synaptic responses were distributed in a continuum from 1-20 ms to greater than 1000 ms, suggesting that individual lamina I neurons contain AMPA receptor (AMPAR)-only as well as GluN2A-, GluN2B- and GluN2D-NMDAR-dominated synaptic events. This intraneuronal heterogeneity in AMPAR- and NMDAR-mediated decay kinetics was observed across sex and species. However, we discovered an increased relative contribution of GluN2A-dominated NMDAR responses at human lamina I synapses compared with rodent synapses, suggesting a species difference relevant to NMDAR subunit-targeting therapeutic approaches. The conserved heterogeneity in decay rates of excitatory synaptic events within individual lamina I pain-processing neurons may enable synapse-specific forms of plasticity and sensory integration within dorsal horn nociceptive networks. KEY POINTS: Synaptic NMDA receptors (NMDARs) in spinal dorsal horn nociceptive neurons are key regulators of pain processing, but it is unknown whether their functional properties are conserved between males and females or translate from rodents to humans. In this study, we compared individual excitatory synaptic responses from lamina I pain-processing neurons of male and female adult Sprague-Dawley rats and human organ donors. Individual lamina I neurons from male and female rats and humans contain AMPA receptor-only as well as GluN2A, GluN2B- and GluN2D-NMDAR-dominated synaptic events. This may enable synapse-specific forms of plasticity and sensory integration within dorsal horn nociceptive networks. Human lamina I synapses have an increased relative contribution of GluN2A-dominated NMDAR responses compared with rodent synapses. These results uncover a species difference relevant to NMDAR subunit-targeting therapeutic approaches.

Biochem Pharmacol ; : 116543, 2024 Sep 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39304104


The development of in vitro pharmacological assays relies on creating genetically modified cell lines that overexpress the target protein of interest. However, the choice of the host cell line can significantly impact the experimental outcomes. This study explores the functional characterization of P2X7 and P2X4 receptor modulators through cellular assays and advanced electrophysiological techniques. The influence of different host cell lines (HEK-293, HEK-293FT, and 1321N1) on the activity of reference agonists and antagonists targeting human and murine P2X4 and P2X7 receptors was systematically investigated, highlighting the significant impact of the host cell on experimental results. The 1321N1 cell line was identified as the preferred host cell line when investigating the human P2X4 receptor due to more consistent agonist activities, antagonist potencies, and a more stable assay signal window. Furthermore, a patch-clamp protocol that allows for the repetitive recording of ATP-mediated inward currents from isolated human CD4+ T-cells was established, revealing that both P2X7 and P2X4 receptors are crucial for immune cell regulation, positioning them as promising therapeutic targets for managing inflammatory disorders.

Eur J Neurosci ; 2024 Sep 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39287775


A whole-cell patch-clamp study was carried out to investigate membrane and synaptic properties of cholinergic interneurons in the striatum of aristaless-related homeobox gene (ARX) mutant mice. Brain slices were prepared from mice knocked in two types of ARX, P355L (PL) and 333ins (GCG)7 (GCG). The input resistance of cholinergic interneurons in PL or GCG mice was significantly smaller than that in wild type (WT), whereas resting membrane potential, threshold of action potentials, spontaneous firing rate, sag ratio or afterhyperpolarization of the mutant mice were not significantly different from those of WT mice. In GCG mice, NMDA/AMPA ratio of excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) evoked in cholinergic interneurons was significantly smaller than that in WT and PL mice, whereas the ratio between PL and WT mice was not significantly different. Although inhibitory effects induced by dopamine D2-like receptor activation on the inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) were not significantly different between WT and PL or GCG mice, increase in the paired pulse ratio of IPSCs by dopamine D2-like receptor activation was abolished in PL and GCG mice. The present results have found abnormalities of neuronal activities as well as its modulation in the basal ganglia in ARX mutant mice, clarifying basic mechanisms underlying related disorders.

Neuroscience ; 2024 Sep 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39322037


The presubiculum is part of the parahippocampal cortex and plays a fundamental role for orientation in space. Many principal neurons of the presubiculum signal head direction, and show persistent firing when the head of an animal is oriented in a specific preferred direction. GABAergic neurons of the presubiculum control the timing, sensitivity and selectivity of head directional signals from the anterior thalamic nuclei. However, the role of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) expressing interneurons in the presubicular microcircuit has not yet been addressed. Here, we examined the intrinsic properties of VIP interneurons as well as their input connectivity following photostimulation of anterior thalamic axons. We show that presubicular VIP interneurons are more densely distributed in superficial than in deep layers. They are highly excitable. Three groups emerged from the unsupervised cluster analysis of their electrophysiological properties. We demonstrate a frequency dependent recruitment of VIP cells by thalamic afferences and facilitating synaptic input dynamics. Our data provide initial insight into the contribution of VIP interneurons for the integration of thalamic head direction information in the presubiculum.

Mol Pharmacol ; 2024 Sep 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39322412


The creatine transporter-1 (CRT-1/SLC6A8) maintains the uphill transport of creatine into cells against a steep concentration gradient. Cellular creatine accumulation is required to support the ATP-buffering by phosphocreatine. More than 60 compounds have been explored in the past for their ability to inhibit cellular creatine uptake, but the number of active compounds is very limited. Here, we show that all currently known inhibitors are full alternative substrates. We analyzed their structure-activity relation for inhibition of CRT-1 to guide a rational approach to the synthesis of novel creatine transporter ligands. Measurements of both, inhibition of [3H]creatine uptake and transport associated currents, allowed for differentiating between full and partial substrates and true inhibitors. This combined approach led to a refined understanding of the structural requirements for binding to CRT-1, which translated into the identification of three novel compounds - i.e. compound 1 (2-(N-benzylcarbamimidamido)acetic acid), and MIPA572 (=carbamimidoylphenylalanine) and MIPA573 (=carbamimidoyltryptophane) that blocked CRT-1 transport, albeit with low affinity. In addition, we found two new alternative full substrates, namely MIP574 (carbamimidoylalanine) and GiDi1257 (1-carbamimidoylazetidine-3-carboxylic acid), which was superior in affinity to all known CTR-1 ligands, and one partial substrate, namely GiDi1254 (1-carbamimidoylpiperidine-4-carboxylic acid). Significance Statement The creatine transporter-1 (CRT-1) is required to maintain intracellular creatine levels. Inhibition of CRT-1 has been recently proposed as a therapeutic strategy for cancer, but pharmacological tools are scarce. In fact, all available inhibitors are alternative substrates. We tested existing and newly synthesized guanidinocarboxylic acids for CRT-1 inhibition and identified three blockers, one partial and two full substrates of CRT-1. Our results support a refined structural understanding of ligand binding to CRT-1 and provide a proof-of-principle for blockage of CRT-1.

J Sex Med ; 2024 Sep 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39234981


BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that the corpus cavernosum smooth muscle (CCSM) cells of several species, including humans, express purinergic P2X receptors, but it is not known if the corpus cavernosum has an excitatory purinergic innervation. AIM: In this study we aimed to determine if the mouse CCSM has a functional purinergic innervation. METHODS: Mouse CCSM myocytes were enzymatically isolated and studied using the perforated patch configuration of the patch clamp technique. Isometric tension was measured in whole cavernosum tissue subjected to electrical field stimulation (EFS) to evoke nerve-mediated responses. OUTCOMES: The mouse CCSM myocytes expressed P2X1 receptors, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) evoked inward currents in these cells. In addition, P2X1-mediated contractions were recorded in whole tissue in response to EFS. RESULTS: In cells held under a voltage clamp at -60 mV, ATP (1 µm) evoked large inward currents (mean approximately 900 pA). This current rapidly declined but was repeatable at 8-minute intervals. α,ß-methylene ATP (10 µM), an agonist of P2X1 and P2X3 receptors, caused a similar current that also rapidly declined. Desensitization to α,ß-methylene ATP negated the effect of ATP, but the ATP effect was restored 8 minutes after washout of α,ß-methylene ATP. The effect of ATP was reversibly blocked by NF449 (1 µm), a selective antagonist of P2X1 receptors. In isometric tension experiments electrical field stimulation (EFS) at 0.5-8 Hz evoked frequency-dependent contractions in the presence of l-nitro arginine (l-NO-Arg) (100 µm). When phentolamine (3 µm) and atropine (1 µm) were applied, there remained a nonadrenergic, noncholinergic component of the response to EFS, consisting mainly of a transient contraction. This was significantly reduced by NF449 (1 µm). Finally, in immunocytochemistry experiments, isolated CCSM myocytes stained positively when exposed to an antibody raised against P2X1 receptors. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Previous studies have shown that P2X1 receptors in CCSM are upregulated in diabetes. These findings, taken together with the functional evidence presented here, indicate that P2X1 receptors may provide an alternative therapeutic target for treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients with diabetes, which is known to be relatively resistant to treatment with phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors. STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS: Strengths of this study are the use of a combination of functional experiments (patch clamp) and immunocytochemical analyses to show expression of P2X1 receptors on CCSM myocytes while also performing functional experiments to show that stimulation these receptors results in contraction of CCSM. A limitation of this study was the use of animal rather than human tissue. CONCLUSION: This investigation provides evidence that mouse corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells express P2X1 receptors and that these receptors are involved in mediating part of the contractile response to nerve stimulation evoked by EFS.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39263598


The effect of peptide toxins on voltage-gated ion channels can be reliably assessed using electrophysiological assays, such as the patch-clamp technique. However, much of the toxinological research done in Central and South America aims at purifying and characterizing biochemical properties of the toxins of vegetal or animal origin, lacking electrophysiological approaches. This may happen due to technical and infrastructure limitations or because researchers are unfamiliar with the techniques and cellular models that can be used to gain information about the effect of a molecule on ion channels. Given the potential interest of many research groups in the highly biodiverse region of Central and South America, we reviewed the most relevant conceptual and methodological developments required to implement the evaluation of the effect of peptide toxins on mammalian voltage-gated ion channels using patch-clamp. For that, we searched MEDLINE/PubMed and SciELO databases with different combinations of these descriptors: "electrophysiology", "patch-clamp techniques", "Ca2+ channels", "K+ channels", "cnidarian venoms", "cone snail venoms", "scorpion venoms", "spider venoms", "snake venoms", "cardiac myocytes", "dorsal root ganglia", and summarized the literature as a scoping review. First, we present the basics and recent advances in mammalian voltage-gated ion channel's structure and function and update the most important animal sources of channel-modulating toxins (e.g. cnidarian and cone snails, scorpions, spiders, and snakes), highlighting the properties of toxins electrophysiologically characterized in Central and South America. Finally, we describe the local experience in implementing the patch-clamp technique using two models of excitable cells, as well as the participation in characterizing new modulators of ion channels derived from the venom of a local spider, a toxins' source less studied with electrophysiological techniques. Fostering the implementation of electrophysiological methods in more laboratories in the region will strengthen our capabilities in many fields, such as toxinology, toxicology, pharmacology, natural products, biophysics, biomedicine, and bioengineering.

Adv Exp Med Biol ; 1461: 47-59, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39289273


Temperature detection is essential for the survival and perpetuation of any species. Thermoreceptors in the skin sense the body temperature and also the temperatures of the ambient air and the objects. In 1997, Dr. David Julius and his colleagues found that a receptor expressed in small-diameter primary sensory neurons was activated by capsaicin (the pungent chemical in hot pepper). This receptor was also activated by temperature above 42 °C. That was the first time that a thermal receptor in primary sensory neurons has been identified. This receptor is named transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1). Now, 11 thermosensitive TRP channels are known. In this chapter, we summarize the reports and analyze thermosensitive TRP channels in a variety of ways to clarify the activation mechanisms by which temperature changes are sensed.

Canais de Cátion TRPV , Sensação Térmica , Canais de Potencial de Receptor Transitório , Humanos , Animais , Canais de Potencial de Receptor Transitório/metabolismo , Canais de Cátion TRPV/metabolismo , Sensação Térmica/fisiologia , Temperatura , Capsaicina/farmacologia , Células Receptoras Sensoriais/metabolismo , Células Receptoras Sensoriais/fisiologia , Termorreceptores/metabolismo , Termorreceptores/fisiologia
Cell Rep Methods ; 4(9): 100845, 2024 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39236715


Two-dimensional neuronal cultures have a limited ability to recapitulate the in vivo environment of the brain. Here, we introduce a three-dimensional in vitro model for human glia-to-neuron conversion, surpassing the spatial and temporal constrains of two-dimensional cultures. Focused on direct conversion to induced dopamine neurons (iDANs) relevant to Parkinson disease, the model generates functionally mature iDANs in 2 weeks and allows long-term survival. As proof of concept, we use single-nucleus RNA sequencing and molecular lineage tracing during iDAN generation and find that all glial subtypes generate neurons and that conversion relies on the coordinated expression of three neural conversion factors. We also show the formation of mature and functional iDANs over time. The model facilitates molecular investigations of the conversion process to enhance understanding of conversion outcomes and offers a system for in vitro reprogramming studies aimed at advancing alternative therapeutic strategies in the diseased brain.

Neurônios Dopaminérgicos , Neuroglia , Humanos , Neurônios Dopaminérgicos/metabolismo , Neuroglia/metabolismo , Diferenciação Celular , Células Cultivadas
Curr Res Neurobiol ; 7: 100137, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39253555


We established a longitudinal acute slice preparation of transgenic mouse optic nerve to characterize membrane properties and coupling of glial cells by patch-clamp and dye-filling, complemented by immunohistochemistry. Unlike in cortex or hippocampus, the majority of EGFP + cells in optic nerve of the hGFAP-EGFP transgenic mouse, a tool to identify astrocytes, were characterized by time and voltage dependent K+-currents including A-type K+-currents, properties previously described for NG2 glia. Indeed, the majority of transgene expressing cells in optic nerve were immunopositive for NG2 proteoglycan, whereas only a minority show GFAP immunoreactivity. Similar physiological properties were seen in YFP + cells from NG2-YFP transgenic mice, indicating that in optic nerve the transgene of hGFAP-EGFP animals is expressed by NG2 glia instead of astrocytes. Using Cx43kiECFP transgenic mice as another astrocyte-indicator revealed that astrocytes had passive membrane currents. Dye-filling showed that hGFAP-EGFP+ cells in optic nerve were coupled to none or few neighboring cells while hGFAP-EGFP+ cells in the cortex form large networks. Similarly, dye-filling of NG2-YFP+ and Cx43-CFP+ cells in optic nerve revealed small networks. Our work shows that identification of astrocytes in optic nerve requires distinct approaches, that the cells express membrane current patterns distinct from cortex and that they form small networks.

Toxicology ; 508: 153916, 2024 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39128488


The human Ether-à-go-go-Related Gene (hERG) encodes a protein responsible for forming the alpha subunit of the IKr channel, which plays a crucial role in cardiac repolarization. The proper functioning of hERG channels is paramount in maintaining a normal cardiac rhythm. Inhibition of these channels can result in the prolongation of the QT interval and potentially life-threatening arrhythmias. Cardiotoxicity is a primary concern in the field of drug development. N-n-Butyl haloperidol iodide (F2), a derivative of haloperidol, has been investigated for its therapeutic potential. However, the impact of this compound on cardiac toxicity, specifically on hERG channels, remains uncertain. This study employs computational and experimental methodologies to examine the inhibitory mechanisms of F2 on hERG channels. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations commonly used techniques in computational biology to predict protein-ligand complexes' binding interactions and stability. In the context of the F2-hERG complex, these methods can provide valuable insights into the potential binding modes and strength of interaction between F2 and the hERG protein. On the other hand, electrophysiological assays are experimental techniques used to characterize the extent and nature of hERG channel inhibition caused by various compounds. By measuring the electrical activity of the hERG channel in response to different stimuli, these assays can provide important information about the functional effects of ligand binding to the channel. The study's key findings indicate that F2 interacts with the hERG channel by forming hydrogen bonding, π-cation interactions, and hydrophobic forces. This interaction leads to the inhibition of hERG currents in a concentration-dependent manner, with an IC50 of 3.75 µM. The results presented in this study demonstrate the potential cardiotoxicity of F2 and underscore the significance of considering hERG channel interactions during its clinical development. This study aims to provide comprehensive insights into the interaction between F2 and hERG, which will may guid us in the safe use of F2 and in the development of new derivatives with high efficiency while low toxicity.

Canal de Potássio ERG1 , Haloperidol , Simulação de Acoplamento Molecular , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Haloperidol/toxicidade , Haloperidol/análogos & derivados , Humanos , Canal de Potássio ERG1/antagonistas & inibidores , Canal de Potássio ERG1/metabolismo , Cardiotoxicidade , Canais de Potássio Éter-A-Go-Go/antagonistas & inibidores , Canais de Potássio Éter-A-Go-Go/metabolismo , Canais de Potássio Éter-A-Go-Go/efeitos dos fármacos , Células HEK293 , Bloqueadores dos Canais de Potássio/toxicidade , Bloqueadores dos Canais de Potássio/química , Animais
Chemosphere ; 364: 143053, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39121960


Pufferfish is one of the most poisonous marine organisms, responsible for numerous poisoning incidents and some human fatalities due to its capability to accumulate potent neurotoxins such as tetrodotoxins (TTXs) and paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs). In this study, tissue extracts (muscle, skin, liver, intestinal tract and gonads) obtained from sixteen pufferfish specimens of the Lagocephalus lagocephalus and Sphoeroides pachygaster species, collected along the Spanish Mediterranean coast, were analysed for the presence of voltage-gated sodium channel (also known as Nav channel) blockers using cell-based assay (CBA) and automated patch clamp (APC). No toxicity was observed in any of the S. pachygaster specimens, but toxicity was detected in the liver of most L. lagocephalus specimens. Instrumental analysis of these specimens, as well as in one Lagocephalus sceleratus specimen, by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD) was performed, which confirmed the presence of PSTs only in L. lagocephalus specimens. This analysis reported the presence of saxitoxin (STX) and decarbamoylsaxitoxin (dcSTX) in all positive samples, being dcSTX the major analogue. These results demonstrate the ability of this species to accumulate PSTs, being the first report of the presence of PSTs in Mediterranean L.lagocephalus specimens. Furthermore, the presence of high PSTs contents in all five tested tissues of one L. lagocephalus specimen pointed the risk that the presence of this toxic fish in the Mediterranean Sea may represent for seafood safety and human health in case of accidental consumption.

Toxinas Marinhas , Saxitoxina , Tetraodontiformes , Animais , Toxinas Marinhas/toxicidade , Toxinas Marinhas/análise , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Saxitoxina/análogos & derivados , Saxitoxina/análise , Saxitoxina/toxicidade , Espanha , Intoxicação por Frutos do Mar , Mar Mediterrâneo , Técnicas de Patch-Clamp , Tetrodotoxina/toxicidade , Tetrodotoxina/análise
Int J Biol Macromol ; 278(Pt 1): 134219, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39097041


Cholesterol is a major component of plasma membranes and plays a significant role in actively regulating the functioning of several membrane proteins in humans. In this study, we focus on the role of cholesterol depletion on the voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.7, which is primarily expressed in the peripheral sensory neurons and linked to various chronic inherited pain syndromes. Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations revealed key dynamic changes of Nav1.7 upon membrane cholesterol depletion: A loss of rigidity in the structural motifs linked to activation and fast-inactivation is observed, suggesting an easier transition of the channel between different gating states. In-vitro whole-cell patch clamp experiments on HEK293t cells expressing Nav1.7 validated these predictions at the functional level: Hyperpolarizing shifts in the voltage-dependence of activation and fast-inactivation were observed along with an acceleration of the time to peak and onset kinetics of fast inactivation. These results underline the critical role of membrane composition, and of cholesterol in particular, in influencing Nav1.7 gating characteristics. Furthermore, our results also point to cholesterol-driven changes of the geometry of drug-binding regions, hinting to a key role of the membrane environment in the regulation of drug effects.

Membrana Celular , Colesterol , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Canal de Sódio Disparado por Voltagem NAV1.7 , Canal de Sódio Disparado por Voltagem NAV1.7/metabolismo , Canal de Sódio Disparado por Voltagem NAV1.7/química , Canal de Sódio Disparado por Voltagem NAV1.7/genética , Humanos , Colesterol/metabolismo , Colesterol/química , Membrana Celular/metabolismo , Membrana Celular/química , Células HEK293 , Ativação do Canal Iônico
Cell Mol Life Sci ; 81(1): 332, 2024 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39110172


Drug modulation of the α7 acetylcholine receptor has emerged as a therapeutic strategy for neurological, neurodegenerative, and inflammatory disorders. α7 is a homo-pentamer containing topographically distinct sites for agonists, calcium, and drug modulators with each type of site present in five copies. However, functional relationships between agonist, calcium, and drug modulator sites remain poorly understood. To investigate these relationships, we manipulated the number of agonist binding sites, and monitored potentiation of ACh-elicited single-channel currents through α7 receptors by PNU-120596 (PNU) both in the presence and absence of calcium. When ACh is present alone, it elicits brief, sub-millisecond channel openings, however when ACh is present with PNU it elicits long clusters of potentiated openings. In receptors harboring five agonist binding sites, PNU potentiates regardless of the presence or absence of calcium, whereas in receptors harboring one agonist binding site, PNU potentiates in the presence but not the absence of calcium. By varying the numbers of agonist and calcium binding sites we show that PNU potentiation of α7 depends on a balance between agonist occupancy of the orthosteric sites and calcium occupancy of the allosteric sites. The findings suggest that in the local cellular environment, fluctuations in the concentrations of neurotransmitter and calcium may alter this balance and modulate the ability of PNU to potentiate α7.

Cálcio , Receptor Nicotínico de Acetilcolina alfa7 , Receptor Nicotínico de Acetilcolina alfa7/metabolismo , Receptor Nicotínico de Acetilcolina alfa7/agonistas , Sítios de Ligação , Cálcio/metabolismo , Humanos , Animais , Compostos de Fenilureia/farmacologia , Compostos de Fenilureia/metabolismo , Acetilcolina/metabolismo , Acetilcolina/farmacologia , Células HEK293 , Xenopus laevis , Agonistas Nicotínicos/farmacologia , Agonistas Nicotínicos/metabolismo , Isoxazóis
Biomedicines ; 12(8)2024 Jul 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39200163


Loss-, gain-of-function and mixed variants in SCN1A (Nav1.1 voltage-gated sodium channel) have been associated with a spectrum of neurologic disorders with different severity and drug-responsiveness. Most SCN1A variants are heterozygous changes occurring de novo or dominantly inherited; recessive inheritance has been reported in a few cases. Here, we report a family in which the biallelic inheritance of two novel SCN1A variants, N935Y and H1393Q, occurs in two siblings presenting with drug-responsive developmental and epileptic encephalopathy and born to heterozygous asymptomatic parents. To assess the genotype-phenotype correlation and support the treatment choice, HEK 293 cells were transfected with different combinations of the SCN1A WT and mutant cDNAs, and the resulting sodium currents were recorded through whole-cell patch-clamp. Functional studies showed that the N935Y and H1393Q channels and their combinations with the WT (WT + N935Y and WT + H1393Q) had current densities and biophysical properties comparable with those of their respective control conditions. This explains the asymptomatic condition of the probands' parents. The co-expression of the N935Y + H1393Q channels, mimicking the recessive inheritance of the two variants in siblings, showed ~20% reduced current amplitude compared with WT and with parental channels. This mild loss of Nav1.1 function may contribute in part to the disease pathogenesis, although other mechanisms may be involved.

Front Physiol ; 15: 1436727, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39193439


Remdesivir (RDV) is the first drug approved by the FDA for clinical treatment of hospitalized patients infected with COVID-19 because it has been shown to have good antiviral activity against a variety of viruses, including Arenaviridae and Coronaviridae viral families. However, it has been reported that its clinical treatment leads to the symptoms of sick sinus syndrome such as sinus bradycardia, conduction block, and sinus arrest, but the electrophysiological mechanism of its specific cardiac adverse events is still unclear. We report complementary, experimental, studies of its electrophysiological effects. In wireless cardiac telemetry experiments in vivo and electrocardiographic studies in ex vivo cardiac preparations, RDV significantly caused sinus bradycardia, sinus atrial block, and prolongation of the QT interval in guinea pigs. Dose-dependent effects of RDV on the electrical activities of sinoatrial node (SA node) preparations of guinea pigs were characterised by multielectrode, optical RH237 voltage mapping. These revealed reversibly reduced sinoatrial conduction time (SACT), increased AP durations (APDs), and decreased the pacemaking rate of the SA node. Patch-clamp experiments showed that RDV significantly inhibited the If current of HCN4 channels, resulting in a significant decrease in the spontaneous firing rate of SA node cells, which may underlie the development of sick sinus node syndrome. In addition, RDV significantly inhibits IKr currents in hERG channels, leading to prolongation of the QT interval and playing a role in bradycardia. Therefore, these findings provide insights into the understanding the bradycardia effect of RDV, which may be used as basic theoretical guidance for the intervention of its adverse events, and prompt safety investigations of RDV's cardiac safety in the future.

Neuroscience ; 556: 52-65, 2024 Sep 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39094820


The convergence of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli (CS and US) into the lateral amygdala (LA) serves as a substrate for an adequate fear response in vivo. This well-known Pavlovian paradigm modulates the synaptic plasticity of neurons, as can be proved by the long-term potentiation (LTP) phenomenon in vitro. Although there is an increasing body of evidence for the existence of LTP in the amygdala, only a few studies were able to show a reliable long-term depression (LTD) of excitation in this structure. We have used coronal brain slices and conducted patch-clamp recordings in pyramidal neurons of the lateral amygdala (LA). After obtaining a stable baseline excitatory postsynaptic current (EPSC) response at a holding potential of -70 mV, we employed a paired-pulse paradigm at 1 Hz at the same membrane potential and could observe a reliable LTD. The different durations of stimulation (ranging between 1.5-24 min) were tested first in the same neuron, but the intensity was kept constant. The latter paradigm resulted in a step-wise LTD with a gradually increasing magnitude under these conditions.

Tonsila do Cerebelo , Potenciais Pós-Sinápticos Excitadores , Depressão Sináptica de Longo Prazo , Técnicas de Patch-Clamp , Depressão Sináptica de Longo Prazo/fisiologia , Animais , Potenciais Pós-Sinápticos Excitadores/fisiologia , Tonsila do Cerebelo/fisiologia , Masculino , Células Piramidais/fisiologia , Estimulação Elétrica , Ratos , Ratos Wistar , Córtex Cerebral/fisiologia , Vias Neurais/fisiologia , Técnicas In Vitro
J Neurosci Methods ; 410: 110248, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39117152


BACKGROUND: The conventional "whole-cell patch-clamp" recording technique is widely used to measure the resting membrane potential (VM) and to dissect the underlying membrane ionic conductances in isolated vascular endothelial cells. NEW METHOD: Herein, we assessed whether the automated patch-clamp (APC) technology, which replaces the traditional patch-pipette with a planar substrate to permit researchers lacking formal training in electrophysiology to generate large amounts of data in a relatively short time, can be used to characterize the bioelectrical activity of vascular endothelial cells. We assessed whether the Port-a-Patch planar patch-clamp system, which is regarded as the smallest electrophysiological rig available on the market, can be used to measure the VM and resting membrane currents in the human cerebrovascular endothelial cell line, hCMEC/D3. COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS: We demonstrated that the Port-a-Patch planar patch-clamp system provides the same values of the resting VM as those provided by the conventional patch-clamp technique. Furthermore, the APC technology provides preliminary data demonstrating that the resting VM of hCMEC/D3 cells is primarily contributed by Cl- and Na+, as demonstrated with the patch-clamp technique for many other endothelial cell types. CONCLUSIONS: The Port-a-Patch planar patch-clamp system can be successfully used to measure the resting VM and the underlying membrane ionic conductances in hCMEC/D3 cells. We envisage that this easy-to-use APC system could also be extremely useful for the investigation of the membrane currents that can be activated by chemical, thermal, optical, and mechanical stimuli in this cell line as well as in other types of isolated vascular endothelial cells.

Células Endoteliais , Potenciais da Membrana , Técnicas de Patch-Clamp , Humanos , Técnicas de Patch-Clamp/métodos , Técnicas de Patch-Clamp/instrumentação , Células Endoteliais/fisiologia , Células Endoteliais/citologia , Potenciais da Membrana/fisiologia , Linhagem Celular
Mol Pharmacol ; 2024 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39164111


The patch-clamp technique has been the gold standard for analysis of excitable cells. Since its development in the 1980s it has contributed immensely to our understanding of neurons, muscle cells, and cardiomyocytes, and the ion channels and receptors that reside within them. This technique, predicated on Ohm's law, enables precise measurements of macroscopic excitability patterns, and ionic and gating conductances that can be assessed even down to the single channel level. Over the years, patch-clamp electrophysiology has undergone extensive modifications, with the introduction of new applications that have enhanced its power and reach. The most recent evolution of this technique occurred with the introduction of robotic high throughput automated platforms that enable high quality simultaneous recordings, in both voltage- and current-clamp modes, from 10s to 100s of cells, including cells freshly isolated from their native tissues. Combined with new dynamic-clamp applications, these new methods provide increasingly powerful tools for studying the contributions of ion channels and receptors to electrogenesis. In this brief review, we provide an overview of these enhanced patch-clamp techniques, followed by some of the applications presently being pursued, and a perspective into the potential future of the patch-clamp method. Significance Statement The patch-clamp technique, introduced in the 1980s, has revolutionized understanding of electrogenesis. Predicated on Ohm's law, this approach facilitates exploration of ionic conductances, gating mechanisms of ion channels and receptors, and their roles in neuronal, muscular, and cardiac excitability. Robotic platforms for high-throughput patch-clamp, and dynamic-clamp, have recently expanded its reach. Here, we outline new advances in patch-clamp including high throughput analysis of freshly-isolated neurons, and discuss the increasingly powerful trajectory of new patch-clamp techniques.