OBJECTIVE: Aim: To determine the effect of the developed complex treatment of patients with peritonitis on the dynamics of humoral factors of nonspecific reactivity in the course of the disease. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and Methods: The study included 124 patients with toxic and terminal stages of peritonitis, who were divided into 3 groups. Group I (main) included 39 patients whose complex treatment included cytochrome C. Group II (main) included 41 patients whose complex treatment included cytochrome C and a solution containing levocarnitine and arginine hydrochloride. The comparison group comprised 44 patients who did not receive the specified drugs. The patients underwent determination of the levels of fibronectin, ceruloplasmin, and procalcitonin in the serum during the course of the disease. RESULTS: Results: In patients of the I and II main groups, the use of the proposed treatment contributed to the optimization of the production of acute phase proteins: a decrease in procalcitonin production during the study, optimization of ceruloplasmin and fibronectin production, especially in the II main group. In patients of the comparison group, decompensation in the production of humoral inflammatory factors was determined, associated with a significant increase in fibronectin production, a decrease in ceruloplasmin content, and an increase in procalcitonin throughout the entire period. CONCLUSION: Conclusions: The use of cytochrome C and a solution containing levocarnitine and arginine hydrochloride in the complex treatment of patients with disseminated peritonitis helps to optimize the production of acute phase proteins, which leads to a decrease in inflammation and the preservation of factors of nonspecific humoral activity at a subcompensated level.
Proteínas de Fase Aguda , Ceruloplasmina , Peritonite , Pró-Calcitonina , Humanos , Peritonite/tratamento farmacológico , Peritonite/sangue , Feminino , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ceruloplasmina/metabolismo , Proteínas de Fase Aguda/metabolismo , Pró-Calcitonina/sangue , Fibronectinas/sangue , Citocromos c/sangue , Citocromos c/metabolismo , Período Pós-Operatório , Arginina/sangue , Adulto , IdosoRESUMO
The aim of the study was to conduct of relationship of acute-phase proteins (APPs) with the severity of COVID-19 defined by National Institutes of Health and according to the criteria of MEWS scale, with the presence of a cytokine storm, oxygen therapy and patient survival. We enrolled 96 patients with COVID-19 and 30 healthy people. The samples were taken on the day of admission and after 9 days on average. Not only commonly used APPs such as CRP, procalcitonin and ferritin and also rarely assayed proteins such as transferrin, haptoglobin, α1-acid glycoprotein and α1-antitrypsin, were tested in the study. The levels of APPs depends on the severity of COVID-19 disease, on the presence of cytokine storm and used oxygen therapy. The greatest APPs changes occurred in the most advanced form of the disease, with the presence of a cytokine storm and the most intense oxygen therapy. The results obtained from MEWS scale were not consistent with National Institutes of Health scores. Studies in the second samples showed the quenching of the acute phase reactions and the effectiveness of oxygen therapy. Only two of the examined APPs i.e. procalcitonin and transferrin, differed between surviving and non-surviving patients, and these two predispose to the role of prognostic factors in Covid-19. In conclusion, the concentration of not all acute-phase proteins depends on the severity of COVID-19 disease, presence of cytokine storm, the used of oxygen therapy and only some of them (procalcitonin and transferrin) are related to the survival outcomes. Of the newly tested acute-phase proteins, only transferrin shows significance as a marker of disease severity and mortality in COVID-19 disease.
Proteínas de Fase Aguda , COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Humanos , COVID-19/mortalidade , COVID-19/sangue , COVID-19/terapia , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Proteínas de Fase Aguda/metabolismo , SARS-CoV-2/isolamento & purificação , Biomarcadores/sangue , Pró-Calcitonina/sangue , Adulto , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Transferrina/metabolismo , Transferrina/análise , Síndrome da Liberação de Citocina/mortalidade , Síndrome da Liberação de Citocina/sangueRESUMO
Cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions (CHRs) are complex inflammatory skin disorders that affect humans and dogs. This study examined the inflammatory and immune responses leading to skin damage, inflammation, and irritation by investigating gene expression through quantitative PCR (qPCR) and protein localization through the immunohistochemistry (IHC) of specific receptors and molecules involved in CHRs. Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples from canine CHR skin (n = 20) and healthy dog skin (n = 3) were analyzed for expression levels of eight genes, including members of the pattern recognition receptor (PRR) family, CD209 and CLEC4G, the Regakine-1-like chemokine, and acute phase proteins (APPs), LBP-like and Hp-like genes. Additionally, we examined the local involvement of IL-6, Janus Kinase 1 (JAK1), and the signal transducer activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) in the CHR cases. The study demonstrated statistically significant increases in the expression levels of CD209, Hp-like (p < 0.01), LBP-like, Regakine-1-like, and CLEC4G (p < 0.05) genes in CHRs compared to healthy controls. Conversely, IL-6, JAK1, and STAT3 showed no significant difference between the two groups (p > 0.05). Protein analysis revealed JAK1 and STAT3 expression in CHR hyperplastic epithelial cells, dermal fibroblasts, and endothelial cells of small capillaries, indicating a possible involvement in the JAK/STAT pathway in local inflammatory response regulation. Our findings suggest that the skin plays a role in the development of CHRs.
BACKGROUND: Swine dysentery (SD) is a severe mucohaemorrhagic colitis in pigs caused classically by Brachyspira hyodysenteriae. Although several aspects of B. hyodysenteriae infection dynamic are already described, further research in the early stage of this infection is required. In this study, 7-week-old pigs were orally challenged with B. hyodysenteriae to obtain information about faecal shedding, macro and microscopic intestinal lesions and serum acute phase proteins in pigs at the onset of B. hyodysenteriae shedding (early infection group, n = 8), in pigs with mucohaemorrhagic diarrhoea (acute infection group, n = 8) and in non-infected controls (n = 16). RESULTS: First B. hyodysenteriae detection by q-PCR and first loose stools with blood and mucus occurred both at 8 days post-inoculation. The lapse between a positive q-PCR and observation of mucohaemorrhagic diarrhoea ranged from 0 to 3 days, except in a single pig in which this period lasted 5 days. Macroscopic lesions were observed in the large intestine from both infected groups although more frequent and severe in acute infection group. Microscopic observation of the apex mucosa revealed that in early infection only higher ulceration values were observed compared to healthy controls. In contrast, the acute infection group exhibited higher ulceration, neutrophils infiltration and increased mucosal thickness compared to the other two groups. Among the serum biomarkers tested, only haptoglobin, C-reactive protein, and creatine kinase showed a significant increase in pigs in the acute infection period compared to controls, whereas haptoglobin was the only factor with a significant increase at the early infection compared to non-infected animals. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides new insights about SD and remarks the complex and limited options to perform an early detection of infected animals beyond PCR diagnosis.
BACKGROUND: In endemic areas, Leishmania infantum and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) co-infection occurs in cats, and may favour a progressive course of feline leishmaniosis. Abnormalities in serum protein fractions have been reported, but inflammation markers have scarcely been studied. Erythrocyte sediment rate (ESR) is a marker of inflammation that is poorly used in veterinary medicine, but it has been evaluated in EDTA blood using a recently introduced automatic device. We studied ESR and a pool of feline markers of inflammation (MoI) in cats L. infantum (Li+) and/or FIV antibody-positive (Li+FIV+/FIV+) with the aims (a) to evaluate ESR as MoI in cats with the infectious and clinical conditions considered and (b) to provide data about a pool of MoI never investigated in the feline infections studied and in other cat diseases before. METHODS: This prospective controlled study included 35 study group cats (Li+, n = 20; FIV +, n = 8; Li+FIV+, n = 7) and ten healthy antibody-negative control cats. Clinical findings at physical examination and selected clinical pathological abnormalities related to inflammation were statistically analysed in relation to the infectious status and ESR values. RESULTS: ESR values were higher in Li+, FIV+, and Li+FIV+ cats compared with control cats, and 40% of the study group cats had ESR values above the reference interval (RI). ESR positively correlated with some positive MoI and negatively with some negative MoI studied. Additionally, a higher prevalence of ESR values above the RI has been detected in cats with hypoalbuminemia or hypergammaglobulinemia and higher ESR values were measured in cats with serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) fraction abnormalities. Correlations were also found with erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit and some erythrocyte indices. FIV+ and Li+FIV+ cats had a higher prevalence of increased ESR values, and almost all had SPE abnormalities and more severe clinical presentations compared with Li+ cats. CONCLUSIONS: Abnormal levels of MoI were found in almost all parameters studied, particularly in FIV+ and Li+FIV+ cats. Also, ESR can be used as a marker of inflammation in cats with L. infantum and/or FIV infection.
Biomarcadores , Sedimentação Sanguínea , Doenças do Gato , Vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina , Inflamação , Leishmania infantum , Leishmaniose Visceral , Gatos , Animais , Leishmania infantum/imunologia , Vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina/imunologia , Doenças do Gato/sangue , Doenças do Gato/parasitologia , Doenças do Gato/imunologia , Inflamação/veterinária , Inflamação/sangue , Biomarcadores/sangue , Leishmaniose Visceral/veterinária , Leishmaniose Visceral/sangue , Leishmaniose Visceral/imunologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/parasitologia , Masculino , Estudos Prospectivos , Anticorpos Antivirais/sangue , Feminino , Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida Felina/sangue , Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida Felina/imunologia , Coinfecção/veterinária , Coinfecção/parasitologia , Coinfecção/virologia , Anticorpos Antiprotozoários/sangueRESUMO
Clinical metrics of baseline health in sentinel seabird species can offer insight into marine ecosystem dynamics, individual and population health, and assist in wildlife rehabilitation and conservation efforts. Protein electrophoresis is useful for detecting changes in acute phase proteins and immunoglobulin levels that may indicate subtle inflammatory responses and/or infectious disease. Serum biochemistry can highlight nutritional status, metabolic derangements, and organ injury and function. However, baseline values for such health parameters are largely unknown for many seabird species. Therefore, the objective of this study is to establish baseline clinical health reference intervals for serum protein electrophoresis, acute phase proteins including serum amyloid A and haptoglobin, and biochemistry parameters in the rhinoceros auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata), a key sentinel species in the North Pacific. From 2013 to 2019, 178 wild, apparently healthy breeding adult rhinoceros auklets were captured across four breeding colonies in British Columbia, Canada (Lucy Island, Pine Island, Triangle Islands, and SGang Gwaay) and from one colony in Washington, United States (Protection Island). Reference intervals were calculated for protein electrophoresis fractions and acute phase proteins (n = 163), and serum biochemistry (n = 35) following established guidelines by the American Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology. Animals were also assessed for the presence of antibodies to the influenza A virus. Approximately 48% (70/147) of sampled birds were seropositive for influenza A virus, with a prevalence of 50% (6/12) in 2013, 75% (47/63) in 2014, and 24% (17/72) in 2019. This work provides clinical baseline health metrics of a key North Pacific sentinel species to help inform marine ecosystem monitoring, recovery, and rehabilitation efforts in the Pacific Northwest.
Distinguishing inflammatory from non-inflammatory liver disease in cats may impact management. The study aim was to evaluate if certain diagnostic variables, including Serum Amyloid A (SAA), differ (1) between various clinical disease categories (Primary liver disease, Extrahepatic, Trauma and Inconclusive) and (2) between cytological findings of severe hepatic lipidosis and other cytological findings in cats with increased liver enzymes. Medical records from 5042 cats, where SAA had been measured, were reviewed, and 566 cats fulfilled inclusion criteria consisting of increased liver enzymes and available biochemical panel results. SAA was higher in cats diagnosed with trauma compared to other diseases (p = 0.008). Cytology results were available in 85 cats, and cats with severe lipidosis had lower serum SAA concentration (p < 0.0001) and were younger (p < 0.0002) compared to cats with other cytological findings. The study shows that SAA was higher in cats diagnosed with trauma compared to cats with other causes of increased liver enzymes and that SAA may be useful to distinguish cats with cytologic evidence of hepatic lipidosis from cats with other liver pathologies. Serum Amyloid A may be a valuable complement to liver cytology when investigating cats with increased liver enzymes.
BACKGROUND: The chicken's inflammatory response is an essential part of the bird's response to infection. A single dose of Escherichia coli (E. coli) lipopolysaccharide (LPS) endotoxin can activate the acute phase response (APR) and lead to the production of acute phase proteins (APPs). In this study, the responses of established chicken APPs, Serum amyloid A (SAA) and Alpha-1-acid-glycoprotein (AGP), were compared to two novel APPs, Hemopexin (Hpx) and Extracellular fatty acid binding protein (Ex-FABP), in 15-day old broilers over a time course of 48 h post E.coli LPS challenge. We aimed to investigate and validate their role as biomarkers of an APR. Novel plant extracts, Citrus (CTS) and cucumber (CMB), were used as dietary supplements to investigate their ability to reduce the inflammatory response initiated by the endotoxin. RESULTS: A significant increase of established (SAA, AGP) and novel (Ex-FABP, Hpx) APPs was detected post E.coli LPS challenge. Extracellular fatty acid binding protein (Ex-FABP) showed a similar early response to SAA post LPS challenge by increasing ~ 20-fold at 12 h post challenge (P < 0.001). Hemopexin (Hpx) showed a later response by increasing â¼5-fold at 24 h post challenge (P < 0.001) with a similar trend to AGP. No differences in APP responses were identified between diets (CTS and CMB) using any of the established or novel biomarkers. CONCLUSIONS: Hpx and Ex-FABP were confirmed as potential biomarkers of APR in broilers when using an E. coli LPS model along with SAA and AGP. However, no clear advantage for using either of dietary supplements to modulate the APR was identified at the dosage used.
Proteínas de Fase Aguda , Reação de Fase Aguda , Biomarcadores , Galinhas , Escherichia coli , Lipopolissacarídeos , Animais , Biomarcadores/sangue , Lipopolissacarídeos/farmacologia , Proteínas de Fase Aguda/metabolismo , Proteínas de Fase Aguda/análise , Endotoxinas , Proteína Amiloide A Sérica/análise , Proteína Amiloide A Sérica/metabolismo , Orosomucoide/metabolismo , Suplementos Nutricionais , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Proteínas de Ligação a Ácido Graxo/metabolismo , Doenças das Aves Domésticas/microbiologia , Hemopexina/metabolismoRESUMO
As an alternative to traditional serological markers, that is, antibodies, for serum-based specific diagnosis of infections, circulating non-antibody markers may be used to monitor active disease. Acute phase proteins (APPs) are a prominent class of such markers widely used for diagnosing ongoing inflammation and infection. In this chapter, basic theoretical and practical considerations on developing APP assays and using APPs as markers of ongoing infection are presented with a specific focus on intracellular infections in pigs. Examples on APP-based monitoring of infection in pigs with viruses such as porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus (PRRSV), porcine endemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), and influenza A virus (IAV), as well as intracellular bacteria (Lawsonia intracellularis) and the protozoan intracellular parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Cryptosporidium parvum are presented, with an emphasis on major pig APPs C-reactive protein (CRP), haptoglobin, serum amyloid A (SAA), and pig major acute phase protein (pig-MAP). The performance of these APPs as biomarkers in a range of experimental infection studies in pigs is described as examples on their use for estimating the severity of infection, vaccine efficacy, herd health characterization, and differential diagnosis.
Proteínas de Fase Aguda , Biomarcadores , Doenças dos Suínos , Animais , Suínos , Proteínas de Fase Aguda/metabolismo , Proteínas de Fase Aguda/imunologia , Biomarcadores/sangue , Doenças dos Suínos/diagnóstico , Doenças dos Suínos/virologia , Doenças dos Suínos/imunologia , Doenças dos Suínos/parasitologia , Doenças dos Suínos/sangueRESUMO
The complement system plays a crucial role in orchestrating the activation and regulation of inflammation within the human immune system. Three distinct activation pathways-classical, lectin, and alternative-converge to form the common lytic pathway, culminating in the formation of the membrane-attacking complex that disrupts the structure of pathogens. Dysregulated complement system activity can lead to tissue damage, autoimmune diseases, or immune deficiencies. In this study, the antimicrobial activity of human serum was investigated by using a bioluminescent microbe probe, Escherichia coli (pEGFPluxABCDEamp). This probe has previously been used to determine the antimicrobial activity of complement system and the polymorphonuclear neutrophils. In this study, blocking antibodies against key serum activators and components, including IgG, complement component 1q, factor B, and properdin, were utilized. The influence of body temperature and acute phase proteins, such as C reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid alpha (SAA), on the complement system was also examined. The study reveals the critical factors influencing complement system activity and pathway function. Alongside crucial factors like C1q and IgG, alternative pathway components factor B and properdin played pivotal roles. Results indicated that the alternative pathway accounted for approximately one third of the overall serum antimicrobial activity, and blocking this pathway disrupted the entire complement system. Contrary to expectations, elevated body temperature during inflammation did not enhance the antimicrobial activity of human serum. CRP demonstrated complement activation properties, but at higher physiological concentrations, it exhibited antagonistic tendencies, dampening the response. On the other hand, SAA enhanced the serum's activity. Overall, this study sheds a light on the critical factors affecting both complement system activity and pathway functionality, emphasizing the importance of a balanced immune response.
Temperatura Corporal , Proteína C-Reativa , Ativação do Complemento , Complemento C1q , Fator B do Complemento , Properdina , Proteína Amiloide A Sérica , Humanos , Proteína C-Reativa/metabolismo , Proteína C-Reativa/imunologia , Complemento C1q/imunologia , Complemento C1q/metabolismo , Proteína Amiloide A Sérica/metabolismo , Proteína Amiloide A Sérica/imunologia , Properdina/imunologia , Properdina/metabolismo , Fator B do Complemento/metabolismo , Fator B do Complemento/imunologia , Temperatura Corporal/imunologia , Escherichia coli/imunologia , Imunoglobulina G/sangue , Imunoglobulina G/imunologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: In livestock, identifying the physiological and reproductive stages is valuable in guiding management decisions related to nutrition, veterinary procedures, and breeding programs. To achieve this goal, a cohort of Barki ewes in this research underwent observation across three pivotal physiological conditions: pre-pregnancy, late pregnancy, and early lactation. Blood samples were collected to investigate the changes in serum metabolic profile as well as gene expression pattern of cytokines and antioxidants markers during these stages. RESULTS: Our results showed that during late pregnancy, there was a significant (P < 0.05) increase in red blood cells (11.9 ± 0.5 1012/L), hemoglobin (10.8 ± 0.4 g/dl) and neutrophils count (7 ± 0.1 109/L) with significant decrease (P < 0.05) of total white blood cell count (9.1 ± 0.05 109/L). The packed cell volume (%) and monocyte count showed a significant (P < 0.05) decrease during both late pregnancy and early lactation stages. The serum concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, GSH, GPx, SOD and catalase displayed significant (P < 0.05) decrease during late pregnancy and early-lactation. Notably, during late pregnancy, there was a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the serum concentrations of albumin, globulin, urea, IGF-1, and malondialdehyde with significant decrease (P < 0.05) of total protein (4.9 ± 0.08 g/dl). Additionally, during early lactation, there was a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the serum levels of non-esterified fatty acids, triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroxin (T4). The gene expression profiles of cytokines (IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, and NFKB) were decreased in the ewes during late pregnancy compared to pre-pregnant and early lactation stages. In addition, the expression profile of antioxidant genes (SOD, CAT, GPX, and Nrf2) was significantly upsurged in the non-pregnant ewes compared to late pregnancy and early lactation ones. CONCLUSIONS: The results concluded that different physiological status significantly affects the blood metabolic profile and gene expression pattern in Barki sheep. Our findings can be helpful in monitoring animal health and applying in breeding programs of Barki sheep under harsh environmental conditions.
Antioxidantes , Citocinas , Animais , Feminino , Citocinas/genética , Citocinas/sangue , Citocinas/metabolismo , Antioxidantes/metabolismo , Gravidez , Ovinos/metabolismo , Lactação , Biomarcadores/sangue , MetabolomaRESUMO
We tested the hypothesis that age, breed, and sex are related to hematology, biochemistry, acute phase proteins (APPs), seroreactivity and level of parasitemia in dogs with an acute phase response (APR) due to Babesia canis infection. The study enrolled 61 privately owned dogs that naturally acquired B. canis infection. Groups were formed according to the age: young dogs less than one year, and adult dogs more than one year old. Moreover, the group of males was compared to females and purebred to mixed breed dogs. Seroreactivity was tested with immunofluorescence antibody test, level of parasitemia with real-time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR), hematology, and biochemistry with automatic analyzers, serum amyloid A with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, fibrinogen with heat precipitation and ceruloplasmin and paraoxonase-1 with manual spectrophotometric methods. For protein separation agarose gel electrophoresis was used. The main changes in the whole population of B. canis-infected dogs were fever, pancytopenia, and change in APPs level. One-third of young, and 96% of adult dogs were seropositive (P < 0.001). The level of parasitemia was higher in the young dogs (P < 0.001). Erythroid lineage parameters (P < 0.01), and leukocytes (P < 0.05) were lower in the young, when compared to the adult dogs. Young dogs had lower total globulins (P < 0.001), ß- and γ-globulins (P < 0.001), and higher α-globulins (P = 0.022) than adult dogs. Young dogs had higher concentrations of phosphate (P = 0.003) and cholesterol (P < 0.001) and lower amylase (P = 0.014) and lipase activity (P = 0.020) than adult ones. Male dogs had lower neutrophil count than females (P = 0.035), and purebred dogs had more band neutrophils than mixed breed dogs (P = 0.004). In conclusion, dogs with natural Babesia canis infection at a young age have more severe anemia and APR including leukopenia than adults. Male and purebred dogs might also have more severe APR than females and mix-breeds, as they have more pronounced changes related to the myeloid lineage.
Babesia , Babesiose , Doenças do Cão , Cães , Animais , Babesiose/parasitologia , Babesiose/sangue , Doenças do Cão/parasitologia , Feminino , Masculino , Babesia/genética , Fatores Sexuais , Fatores Etários , Parasitemia/veterinária , Anticorpos Antiprotozoários/sangueRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Blood sampling from neonatal piglets is related to multiple disadvantages. Therefore, a new, alternative matrix is required to assess piglets' early immune status efficiently. The present study aimed to assess the usefulness of processing fluid for determining selected piglets' immune parameters. 264 pigs - 31 sows, 146 male piglets, and 87 female piglets from commercial indoor farrow-to-finish pig herd were included in this study. 264 serum, 31 colostrum, and 146 processing fluid samples were collected. Serum was collected from all animals, colostrum was collected from sows, and processing fluid was collected from male piglets only. Using commercial ELISA tests, the concentration of various immunoglobulins, cytokines, and acute phase proteins was assessed in each matrix. Statistical analyses were employed to determine differences in the concentration of measured indices between piglets' serum and processing fluid and correlations in the concentration of tested indices between particular sets of matrices. RESULTS: Statistical analyses did not reveal significant differences in the IgG, IgA, IL-1ß, IL-4, IL-6, and IFN-γ concentration between piglets' serum and processing fluid (p > 0.05). A positive correlation (p < 0.05) regarding the concentration of some indices between processing fluid and samples collected from sows was also observed. CONCLUSIONS: Processing fluid can be considered a promising alternative to blood for assessing some immunological indices in piglets, such as IgG, IgA, IL-1ß, IL-4, IL-6, and IFN-γ, and, possibly, in the indirect assessment of some indices in lactating sows, including IgA, IL-1ß, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IFN-γ, or Pig-MAP.
Colostro , Citocinas , Imunoglobulinas , Animais , Colostro/química , Colostro/imunologia , Feminino , Masculino , Suínos/sangue , Citocinas/sangue , Citocinas/análise , Imunoglobulinas/sangue , Imunoglobulinas/análise , Animais Recém-Nascidos/imunologia , Animais Recém-Nascidos/sangue , Animais Lactentes/imunologia , Animais Lactentes/sangue , Proteínas de Fase Aguda/análise , Proteínas de Fase Aguda/metabolismoRESUMO
Until recently, the diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) in cats usually led to euthanasia, but recent research has revealed that antiviral drugs, including the nucleoside analog GS-441524, have the potential to effectively cure FIP. Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) has been suggested as a diagnostic marker for FIP. However, AGP quantification methods are not easily accessible. This study aimed to establish a Spatial Proximity Analyte Reagent Capture Luminescence (SPARCLTM) assay on the VetBio-1 analyzer to determine the AGP concentrations in feline serum and effusion samples. Linearity was found in serial dilutions between 1:2000 and 1:32,000; the intra-run and inter-run precision was <5% and <15%, respectively; and AGP was stable in serum stored for at least 8 days at room temperature, at 4 °C and at -20 °C. Cats with confirmed FIP had significantly higher serum AGP concentrations (median: 2954 µg/mL (range: 200-5861 µg/mL)) than those with other inflammatory diseases (median: 1734 µg/mL (305-3449 µg/mL)) and clinically healthy cats (median 235 µg/mL (range: 78-616 µg/mL); pKW < 0.0001). The AGP concentrations were significantly higher in the effusions from cats with FIP than in those from diseased cats without FIP (pMWU < 0.0001). The AGP concentrations in the serum of cats with FIP undergoing GS-441524 treatment showed a significant drop within the first seven days of treatment and reached normal levels after ~14 days. In conclusion, the VetBio-1 SPARCLTM assay offers a precise, fast and cost-effective method to measure the AGP concentrations in serum and effusion samples of feline patients. The monitoring of the AGP concentration throughout FIP treatment provides a valuable marker to evaluate the treatment's effectiveness and identify potential relapses at an early stage.
Biomarcadores , Peritonite Infecciosa Felina , Medições Luminescentes , Animais , Gatos , Feminino , Masculino , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Biomarcadores/sangue , Coronavirus Felino/isolamento & purificação , Peritonite Infecciosa Felina/sangue , Peritonite Infecciosa Felina/diagnóstico , Peritonite Infecciosa Felina/tratamento farmacológico , Medições Luminescentes/métodos , PrognósticoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein (AGP) may support a clinical diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). In this study, we assessed the analytical and diagnostic performances of a novel ELISA method to measure feline AGP. METHODS: AGP was measured in sera and effusions from cats with FIP (n = 20) or with other diseases (n = 15). Precision was calculated based on the coefficient of variation (CV) of repeated testing, and accuracy was calculated by linearity under dilution (LUD). RESULTS: The test is precise (intra-assay CVs: <6.0% in individual samples, <15.0% in pooled samples; inter-assay CVs <11.0% and <15.0%) and accurate (serum LUD r2: 0.995; effusion LUD r2: 0.950) in serum and in effusions. AGP is higher in cats with FIP than in other cats in both serum (median: 1968, I-III interquartile range: 1216-3371 µg/mL and 296, 246-1963 µg/mL; p = 0.009) and effusion (1717, 1011-2379 µg/mL and 233, 165-566 µg/mL; p < 0.001). AGP discriminates FIP from other diseases (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve: serum, 0.760; effusion, 0.877), and its likelihood ratio is high (serum: 8.50 if AGP > 1590 µg/mL; effusion: 3.75 if AGP > 3780 µg/mL). CONCLUSION: This ELISA method is precise and accurate. AGP in serum and in effusions is a useful diagnostic marker for FIP.
Mycotoxins, ubiquitous contaminants in food, present a global threat to human health and well-being. Mitigation efforts, such as the implementation of sound agricultural practices, thorough food processing, and the advancement of mycotoxin control technologies, have been instrumental in reducing mycotoxin exposure and associated toxicity. To comprehensively assess mycotoxins and their toxicodynamic implications, the deployment of effective and predictive strategies is imperative. Understanding the manner of action, transformation, and cumulative toxic effects of mycotoxins, moreover, their interactions with food matrices can be gleaned through gene expression and transcriptome analyses at cellular and molecular levels. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) govern the expression of target genes and enzymes that play pivotal roles in physiological, pathological, and toxicological responses, whereas acute phase proteins (APPs) exert regulatory control over the metabolism of therapeutic agents, both endogenously and posttranscriptionally. Consequently, this review aims to consolidate current knowledge concerning the regulatory role of miRNAs in the initiation of toxicological pathways by mycotoxins and explores the potential of APPs as biomarkers following mycotoxin exposure. The findings of this research highlight the potential utility of miRNAs and APPs as indicators for the detection and management of mycotoxins in food through biological processes. These markers offer promising avenues for enhancing the safety and quality of food products.
MicroRNAs , Micotoxinas , Humanos , Micotoxinas/análise , MicroRNAs/genética , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Proteínas de Fase AgudaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Compared to normal PiMM, individuals with severe α1-antitrypsin (AAT) PiZZ (Glu342Lys) genotype deficiency are at higher risk of developing early-onset chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)/emphysema associated with Z-AAT polymers and neutrophilic inflammation. We aimed to investigate putative differences in plasma levels of acute phase proteins (APP) between PiMM and PiZZ subjects and to determine plasma Z-AAT polymer levels in PiZZ subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nephelometric analysis of seven plasma APPs was performed in 67 PiMM and 44 PiZZ subjects, of whom 43 and 42, respectively, had stable COPD. Of the PiZZ-COPD patients, 21 received and 23 did not receive intravenous therapy with human AAT preparations (IV-AAT). Plasma levels of Z-AAT polymers were determined by Western blotting using specific mouse monoclonal antibodies (2C1 and LG96). RESULTS: In addition to lower plasma AAT, PiZZ patients had higher α2-macroglobulin (A2MG) levels than PiMM patients. In contrast, PiZZ who received IV-AAT had higher AAT values but lower A2MG values than PiZZ without IV-AAT. Regardless of the AAT genotype, AAT levels were inversely correlated with A2MG, and the AAT/A2MG ratio was correlated with lung diffusion capacity (DCLO%). All PiZZ patients had circulating Z-AAT polymer levels that correlated directly with A2MG. In PiZZ without IV-AAT therapy polymer levels correlated inversely with the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 s to forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC). CONCLUSION: Combined measurement of plasma AAT and A2MG levels may be of clinical value in assessing the progression of COPD and requires further attention.
alfa 2-Macroglobulinas Associadas à Gravidez , Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica , Deficiência de alfa 1-Antitripsina , Feminino , Animais , Camundongos , Gravidez , Humanos , Deficiência de alfa 1-Antitripsina/genética , Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica/complicações , Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crônica/metabolismo , Pulmão , Polímeros , alfa 1-Antitripsina/genéticaRESUMO
This study investigated the potential associations between 3 acute phase proteins (APP)-haptoglobin, serum amyloid A-and fibrinogen, clinical signs of respiratory disease, and the presence of bacterial pathogens in the lower respiratory tract (LRT) of preweaning dairy calves. This cross-sectional study included 150 preweaning calves (2-86 d old) from 15 large dairy herds in Estonia. Tracheobronchial lavage, blood, and fecal samples were collected from 5 calves showing clinical signs indicative of LRT disease, and samples from 5 calves without clinical signs of LRT disease per herd. All samples collected from these calves were analyzed for concentrations of systemic APP, LRT bacteria, and intestinal pathogens. Heifer blood and bulk tank milk samples were collected for the detection of disease-specific antibodies against bovine herpesvirus 1, bovine viral diarrhea virus, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, and Mycoplasma bovis. Mixed-effects linear regression models were used to analyze the associations of clinical respiratory disease signs and LRT bacteria with APP. Increased plasma fibrinogen concentrations in calves were associated with higher rectal temperature (>39.5°C), increased respiratory rate (>50 breaths/min), and coughing. Increased serum amyloid A concentrations were associated with higher rectal temperature (>39.5°C) and respiratory rate between 40 and 50 breaths/min. Calves with the presence of fecal Cryptosporidium spp. and rectal temperature of 39°C and above had increased serum haptoglobin concentrations. Increased fibrinogen concentrations were associated with the presence of Pasteurella multocida in the calf LRT, whereas increased concentrations of fibrinogen and serum amyloid A were associated with the presence of Trueperella pyogenes. In conclusion, APP showed variable associations with clinical signs of respiratory disease and LRT bacteria. Plasma fibrinogen concentration could be used as a complementary calf-side test to assess systemic inflammation caused by LRT bacteria such as Pasteurella multocida and Trueperella pyogenes in preweaning dairy calves.
Doenças dos Bovinos , Animais , Bovinos , Estudos Transversais , Doenças dos Bovinos/microbiologia , Doenças Respiratórias/veterinária , Doenças Respiratórias/microbiologia , Inflamação/veterinária , Estônia , Feminino , Fibrinogênio/análiseRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Canine parvoviral enteritis (CPE) is a fatal disease worldwide. The treatment of CPE is based mainly on supportive and symptomatic treatment. Antiviral addition to the treatment may result in a higher survival. OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated the effects of antiviral treatments with a standardized treatment (ST) on the clinical and inflammatory response of dogs with naturally occurring CPE. METHODS: Twenty-eight dogs with CPE caused by canine parvovirus type 2 were divided randomly into treatment groups. The ST group received fluid, antibiotic, antiemetic, and deworming treatments. The antiviral treatment groups received the same ST with an additional antiviral drug, recombinant feline interferon omega (rFeIFN-ω), oseltamivir (OSEL) or famciclovir (FAM). RESULTS: Compared to the healthy control, the tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1ß, interferon (IFN)-α, IFN-γ, haptoglobin, and C-reactive protein values were high (p < 0.05) on day zero. At presentation, mild lymphopenia, neutropenia, and a high neutrophil to lymphocyte (LYM) ratio (NLR) were also observed. Adding rFeIFN-ω to the ST produced the best improvement in the clinical score with a decreased NLR, while leucocytes remained low and inflammatory markers stayed high on day three. The survival rates of the groups were 85.7% in ST+IFN, 71.4% in ST+OSEL, 71.4% in ST+FAM, and 57.1% in ST groups on day seven. CONCLUSIONS: Antiviral drugs may be valuable in treating CPE to improve the clinical signs and survival. In addition, the decrease in NLR in favor of LYM may be an indicator of the early prognosis before the improvement of leukocytes, cytokines, and acute phase proteins in CPE.
Doenças do Gato , Doenças do Cão , Enterite , Infecções por Parvoviridae , Parvovirus Canino , Animais , Cães , Gatos , Infecções por Parvoviridae/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções por Parvoviridae/veterinária , Oseltamivir/uso terapêutico , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Enterite/tratamento farmacológico , Enterite/veterinária , Doenças do Gato/tratamento farmacológicoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), a causative pathogen of the COVID-19 pandemic, affects all age groups. However, various studies have shown that COVID-19 presentation and severity vary considerably with age. We, therefore, wanted to examine the differences between the immune responses of children with COVID-19 and elderly COVID-19 individuals. METHODS: We analyzed cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, and acute phase proteins in acute and convalescent COVID-19 children and the elderly with acute and convalescent COVID-19. RESULTS: We show that most of the pro-inflammatory cytokines (interferon [IFN]γ, interleukin [IL]-2, tumor necrosis factor-α [TNFα], IL-1α, IFNα, IFNß, IL-6, IL-12, IL-3, IL-7, IL-1Ra, IL-13, and IL-10), chemokines (CCL4, CCL11, CCL19, CXCL1, CXCL2, CXCL8, and CXL10), growth factors (vascular endothelial growth factor and CD40L) and acute phase proteins (C-reactive protein, serum amyloid P, and haptoglobin) were decreased in children with acute COVID 19 as compared with elderly individuals. In contrast, children with acute COVID-19 exhibited elevated levels of cytokines- IL-1ß, IL-33, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-25, growth factors-fibroblast growth factor-2, platelet- derived growth factors-BB, and transforming growth factorα as compared with elderly individuals. Similar, differences were manifest in children and elderly with convalescent COVID-19. CONCLUSION: Thus, COVID-19 children are characterized by distinct cytokine/chemokine/growth factor/acute phase protein markers that are markedly different from elderly COVID-19 individuals.