Species richness, community structure and taxonomic composition are important characteristics of biodiversity. Beetle communities show distinct diversity patterns according to habitat attributes. Tropical rainforest canopies, which are well known for their richness in Coleoptera, represent such a conspicuous life zone. Here, I describe a canopy-inhabiting beetle community associated with 23 tree species in a Neotropical lowland rainforest. Adult beetles were sampled manually and in aerial traps using a large tower crane for a cumulative year. The sample revealed 6738 adult beetles, which were assigned to 862 (morpho-)species in 45 families. The most species-rich beetle families were Curculionidae (n = 246), Chrysomelidae (n = 121) and Cerambycidae (n = 89). The most abundant families were Curculionidae (n = 2746) and Chrysomelidae (n = 1409). Dominant beetle families were found in most assemblages. The beetle community consisted of 400 singletons (46.4%). A similar proportion was evident for assemblages of single tree species. I found that 74.5% of all beetle species were restricted in their occurrence on host trees to the phenological season and time of the day. This daily and seasonal migration causes patterns similar to mass effects and therefore accounts for the high proportion of singletons.
This study aimed to conduct a spatio-temporal analysis of tegumentary leishmaniasis occurrences in the Amazonas state, Brazil. An ecological study encompassing time series and spatial analysis was performed, exploring the geographic distribution and temporal trends of American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis (ATL) in Amazonas between 2011 and 2022. Secondary data extracted from the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS) were utilized for this analysis. The study evaluated the relationship between disease cases and environmental/climatic variables (deforestation, temperature, precipitation, and relative humidity). Over the study period, 19,730 cases of tegumentary leishmaniasis were recorded, averaging an incidence of 41.4/100,000 inhabitants across the 62 municipalities of Amazonas state. Disease intensity varied with seasons. Generally, Amazonas state displayed a declining trend in ATL cases. However, certain municipalities, notably Rio Preto da Eva and Presidente Figueiredo, exhibited high incidence rates, while Canutama, Envira, Eirunepé, and Pauini municipalities demand closer attention due to their demonstrated increasing temporal trend of ATL cases. The analysis indicated a correlation between the number of ATL cases reported and relative humidity as well as precipitation. These findings underscore the significance of tegumentary leishmaniasis as a public health issue in the region and emphasize the necessity for public initiatives aimed at preventing this endemic illness.
Leishmaniose Cutânea , Estações do Ano , Análise Espaço-Temporal , Brasil/epidemiologia , Humanos , Incidência , Leishmaniose Cutânea/epidemiologia , Clima , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , CriançaRESUMO
Cryptococcus neoformans is primarily responsible for cases of cryptococcal meningitis in individuals with HIV/AIDS. This study evaluated the susceptibility of C. neoformans obtained from individuals with cryptococcal meningitis associated with HIV/AIDS in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, against the action of the antifungals amphotericin B, flucytosine, fluconazole, itraconazole and posaconazole and analyzed it using Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) in order to identify the Sequence Types (STs). We analyzed 30 isolates of C. neoformans, from 24 HIV/AIDS patients diagnosed with cryptococcosis from 2017 to 2019 in a reference hospital, in addition to 3 environmental isolates: 1 isolate obtained in the home of a patient and 2 isolates obtained from neighboring homes of patients. 86.6% (n = 26/30) of the clinical isolates were identified as C. neoformans VNI ST93, 6.6% (n = 2/30) as C. neoformans VNI ST5, 3.3% (n = 1/30) as C. neoformans VNI ST32 and 3.3% (n = 1/30) as C. neoformans VNB ST232. The environmental isolates were identified as C. neoformans VNI ST93 (n = 3/3). 96.6% (n = 29/30) isolates were sensitive to amphotericin B, though there was variation in the MIC. 60% (n = 18/30) presented a MIC above the proposed epidemiological cutoff values for one or more antifungals. All environmental isolates were sensitive to the tested antifungals. The MLST showed that there is an important relationship between C. neoformans VNI ST93 and individuals with HIV/AIDS, including in the environmental isolates analyzed. C. neoformans VNB ST232 was observed for the first time in Amazonas. Amphotericin B was proven to be the best drug, but fluconazole and posaconazole also showed relevant action.
Currently there are problems in improving the competitiveness of the coffee industry in Amazonas, in this context the present research seeks to analyze the future behavior of the coffee industry through a structural analysis with MICMAC. For this purpose, 14 coffee guilds of Amazonas were interviewed, followed by an external and internal evaluation and a structural analysis with MICMAC. Subsequently, future events were analyzed and validated by experts. MICMAC identified in the short term the importance of local and regional governments supporting the coffee associations in order to achieve their objectives, such as increasing organic coffee production and expanding the coffee frontier; in the medium term, a coffee research center should be created; and in the long term, studies on the different microclimates should be carried out in order to achieve a high price and international demand. The motricity and dependency study contributed to the generation of eight probable events, of which five events are likely to occur by 2030 and a desirable scenario is the ideal.
Histoplasmosis is commonly observed in AIDS patients as a neglected opportunistic disease that has an important relationship with environmental factors. The present study described the clinical characteristics of HIV/AIDS patients diagnosed with disseminated histoplasmosis in a tertiary healthcare facility in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, and evaluated the patients' homes and urban environmental samples as a source of exposure to Histoplasma capsulatum. A review of medical records from 2017 to 2019 of patients with HIV/AIDS associated with histoplasmosis was carried out, as well as the collection of environmental samples in the homes of these patients. These samples were subjected to DNA extraction and then subjected to qPCR. A total of 62 patients diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and histoplasmosis were identified, which corresponds to 4.5% (n = 62/1372) of the HIV/AIDS cases detected in the period. Of these, 68% (n = 42/62) were male, with a mean age of 36 years and low education. In 47% (n = 29/62) of the cases, the diagnosis of HIV/AIDS and histoplasmosis occurred simultaneously. Mortality was 45% (n = 28/62), and 68% (n = 42/62) of these patients did not regularly use highly active antiretroviral therapy. The main symptoms found were respiratory, gastrointestinal, and weight loss, and in 81% (n = 50/62), the place of residence was in an urban area. A total of 57 environmental samples were analyzed, and the presence of Histoplasma capsulatum was not detected in any of the analyzed samples. There was a high mortality rate in the studied group of patients with AIDS and histoplasmosis. Most patients reported residing in urban areas of Manaus, with no history of travel to other areas previously known as being high risk for histoplasmosis.
Infecções Oportunistas Relacionadas com a AIDS , Infecções por HIV , Histoplasma , Histoplasmose , Humanos , Histoplasmose/epidemiologia , Histoplasmose/microbiologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Masculino , Adulto , Feminino , Infecções Oportunistas Relacionadas com a AIDS/microbiologia , Infecções Oportunistas Relacionadas com a AIDS/epidemiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Histoplasma/isolamento & purificação , Histoplasma/genética , Infecções por HIV/complicações , Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida/complicações , Adulto Jovem , Estudos RetrospectivosRESUMO
Theobroma bicolor Bonpl. 1806 is distributed in the Neotropics from southern Mexico to the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon. High-throughput sequencing of T. bicolor from Peru (KUELAP2926) resulted in the assembly of its complete plastid genome (GenBank accession number OQ557154). The chloroplast genome of T. bicolor is A + T-rich (62.97%), having 160,317 bp in size and containing 130 genes; including a pair of inverted repeat regions (IRs) of 25,462 bp separated by a large single copy region (LSC) of 89,221 bp and a small single copy region (SSC) of 20,172 bp. This plastid genome is similar in length, content, and organization to other members of the genus Theobroma. Phylogenetic analyses of T. bicolor support its sistership to the clade comprising T. cacao and T. grandiflorum. This study may contribute valuable information to the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Theobroma.
ABSTRACT The emergence of insecticide resistance in different mosquito populations underscores the pressing need for alternative approaches to control vector-borne diseases. Among several technological strategies, the employment of bacterial symbionts, such as the Wolbachia pipientis strains wMel and wAlbB to inhibit the ability of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) to transmit dengue and Zika viruses in endemic regions worldwide is promising. This investigation examines both the bacterial diversity associated with Culex quinquefasciatus and the genetic diversity of Wolbachia in females collected in Coari, Amazonas State, Brazil. Both 16S rRNA and Wolbachia surface protein (wsp) gene sequences were generated and examined. Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum. Wolbachia was the predominant genus, followed by Providencia, unclassified Erwiniaceae, and Acinetobacter. The presence of Delftia in Cx. quinquefasciatus need further investigations to identify the strains and if any of them can inhibit the transmission of arboviruses by this mosquito. Wolbachia 16S rRNA sequences were detected in all samples analyzed. The wsp sequences from Coari specimens were identified as Wolbachia wPip strain of the supergroup B. These sequences are identical and share 100% similarity with those of other Cx. quinquefasciatus populations from Brazil. Our findings suggest the hypothesis of previous studies that the Wolbachia invasion in Cx. quinquefasciatus was recent.
This study aimed to investigate the epidemiology of acute cases of Chagas disease notified in the State of Amazonas between the period from 2010 to 2020. Data were obtained from the portal of the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação- SINAN, considering the number of cases per municipality of notification. 140 cases of Acute Chagas Disease were notified, distributed in 23 of the 62 municipalities of the State of Amazonas, 82 (59%) were male individuals, with a greater predominance in the age group of 20-39 years old, having 45 (32.1%) cases. As for the race/color variable, the highest number was among brown people with 101 (72.1%) notifications. The oral route prevailed as the main form of disease transmission with 93 (66.4%) records. Infection by the oral route of T. cruzi is the most important route of transmission of CD in the State of Amazonas, the occurrence of transmission is associated in most cases with the consumption of foods such as açaí juice and has been reported frequently over the years between municipalities.
este estudo se propôs a investigar a epidemiologia dos casos agudos de Doença de Chagas notificados no Estado do Amazonas no período de 2010 a 2020. Os dados foram obtidos no portal do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação - SINAN, considerando o número de casos por município de notificação. Foram notificados 140 casos de Doença de Chagas Aguda, distribuídos em 23 dos 62 municípios do Estado do Amazonas, 82 (59%) eram indivíduos do sexo masculino, com maior predominância na faixa etária de 20-39 anos de idade com 45 (32,1%) casos. Quanto a variável raça/cor, a maior registro foi entre pardos com 101(72,1%) notificações. A via oral, prevaleceu como a principal forma de transmissão da patologia com 93 (66,4%) registros. A infecção pela via oral do T. cruzi, é a mais importante via de transmissão de DC no Estado do Amazonas, a ocorrência da transmissão está associada na maioria das vezes ao consumo de alimentos como o suco de açaí, e tem sido reportada com frequência ao longo dos anos entre os municípios.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar la epidemiología de los casos agudos de la enfermedad de Chagas notificados en el Estado de Amazonas en el período de 2010 a 2020. Los datos fueron obtenidos del portal del Sistema de Información de Enfermedades de Notificación - SINAN, considerando el número de casos por municipio de notificación. Se notificaron 140 casos de Enfermedad de Chagas Aguda, distribuidos en 23 de los 62 municipios del Estado de Amazonas, 82 (59%) fueron individuos del sexo masculino, con mayor predominio en el grupo etario de 20 a 39 años con 45 (32,1%) casos. En cuanto a la variable raza/color, el mayor número fue entre los morenos con 101 (72,1%) notificaciones. La vía oral predominó como principal vía de transmisión de la enfermedad con 93 (66,4%) registros. La infección por vía oral de T. cruzi es la vía de transmisión más importante de la EC en el Estado de Amazonas, la ocurrencia de la transmisión está mayoritariamente asociada al consumo de alimentos como el jugo de açaí, y ha sido reportada con frecuencia a lo largo de los años entre municipios.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Doença de Chagas/transmissão , Euterpe/intoxicação , Notificação/estatística & dados numéricos , Ingestão de Alimentos/efeitos da radiação , Sistemas de Informação em Saúde/organização & administração , Pesquisa sobre Serviços de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
A pandemia deixou marcas profundas na vida das pessoas, dos trabalhadores e gestores da saúde, dando um outro sentido para as suas vidas. O presente livro conta algumas dessas histórias e apresenta alguns resultados de pesquisa, mas o mais importante a dizer é que vimos esperanças nas falas dos usuários e trabalhadores, sem esquecer das palavras de dor e sofrimento. O aprendizado dessa produção coletiva e participativa é saber das nossas limitações para ver o mundo, mas não nos faltou afeto e cuidado solidário. Por fim, nos sentimos acolhidos pela Mãe D'Água, retratada na capa, uma obra do artista Rai Campo, para nos amparar e cuidar para uma vida plena de todas as pessoas. A arte mostra as mãos de uma indígena do município de São Gabriel da Cachoeira para nos ensinar que os saberes ancestrais que ajudarão a segurar os céus e produzir uma boa relação com as várias gentes e entes que habitam o mundo. Por fim, esperançamos por novos mundos e novas formas de vida para uma outra humanidade.
Comportamento Social , Adaptação Psicológica , Pesquisa Participativa Baseada na Comunidade , COVID-19 , Ecossistema Amazônico , Pandemias , AprendizagemRESUMO
A pandemia deixou marcas profundas na vida das pessoas, dos trabalhadores e gestores da saúde, dando um outro sentido para as suas vidas. O presente livro conta algumas dessas histórias e apresenta alguns resultados de pesquisa, mas o mais importante a dizer é que vimos esperanças nas falas dos usuários e trabalhadores, sem esquecer das palavras de dor e sofrimento. O aprendizado dessa produção coletiva e participativa é saber das nossas limitações para ver o mundo, mas não nos faltou afeto e cuidado solidário. Por fim, nos sentimos acolhidos pela Mãe D'Água, retratada na capa, uma obra do artista Rai Campo, para nos amparar e cuidar para uma vida plena de todas as pessoas. A arte mostra as mãos de uma indígena do município de São Gabriel da Cachoeira para nos ensinar que os saberes ancestrais que ajudarão a segurar os céus e produzir uma boa relação com as várias gentes e entes que habitam o mundo. Por fim, esperançamos por novos mundos e novas formas de vida para uma outra humanidade.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Adulto Jovem , Pesquisa Participativa Baseada na ComunidadeRESUMO
Background and objectives: leishmaniases are anthropozoonosis considered a major public health problem in tropical regions and endemic in some areas of constant expansion. This study aimed to assess the main epidemiological aspects of American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) and visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in the municipality of Cametá, in the state of Pará, from 2007 to 2017. Methods: this is a descriptive-exploratory analysis, of time series, with data collected in the Department of Epidemiological Surveillance of the Department of Sanitary Surveillance of Cametá. Statistical calculations were performed, and, for the coefficient of incidence of ATL and VL, the standard formula was used to obtain the indicator. Results: a total of 94 and 294 cases of ATL and VL were reported, with the highest incidence rate in 2008. The disease affected all established age groups, with high frequency in children under ten years of age for VL (n=174), and between 20 and 30 years of age, for ATL (n=71). The disease was more prevalent in males (ATL (89.4%) and VL (58.2%)), because men are more related to economic activities. Conclusion: considering the high number of rural cases, it is noteworthy that reporting in urban areas is also worrisome, in addition to the livelihood of local families, because it has made them vulnerable to the disease. Furthermore, there is concern about the possible expansion and change in the pattern of ATL in the municipality. The Municipal Department as well as the epidemiological surveillance must pay attention to promote investments and campaigns to combat and treat this important disease.(AU)
Justificativa e objetivos: as leishmanioses são antropozoonoses consideradas um grande problema para a saúde pública em regiões tropicais e endêmicas em algumas áreas de constante expansão. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os principais aspectos epidemiológicos da leishmaniose tegumentar americana (LTA) e leishmaniose visceral (LV) no município de Cametá, no estado do Pará, no período de 2007 a 2017. Métodos: trata-se de uma análise descritiva-exploratória, de série temporal, com dados coletados no Departamento de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Secretaria de Vigilância Sanitária de Cametá. Realizaram-se os cálculos estatísticos, e, para o coeficiente de incidência de LTA e LV, utilizou-se a fórmula padrão para a obtenção do indicador. Resultados: foram notificados 94 e 294 casos de LTA e LV, com maior taxa de incidência em 2008. A doença atingiu todas as faixas etárias estabelecidas, com alta frequência nos menores de dez anos para LV (n=174), e, entre 20 e 30 anos de idade, para LTA (n=71). A doença foi mais prevalente no sexo masculino (LTA (89,4%) e LV (58,2%)), em virtude dos homens estarem mais relacionados com as atividades econômicas. Conclusão: em vista do alto número de casos rurais, ressalta-se que a notificação em área urbana também é preocupante, além dos meios de subsistência das famílias locais, pois vem tornando-as vulneráveis para o adoecimento. Ademais, há a preocupação com a possível expansão e mudança no padrão da LTA no município. A Secretaria Municipal, bem como de vigilância epidemiológica, deve atentar-se a promover investimentos e campanhas de combate e tratamento deste importante agravo.(AU)
Justificación y objetivos: las leishmaniasis son antropozoonosis consideradas un importante problema de salud pública en las regiones tropicales y endémicas en algunas zonas de constante expansión. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los principales aspectos epidemiológicos de la leishmaniasis tegumentaria americana (LTA) y la leishmaniasis visceral (LV) en el municipio de Cametá, en el estado de Pará, de 2007 a 2017. Métodos: se trata de un análisis descriptivo-exploratorio, de serie temporal, con datos recolectados en el Departamento de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de la Secretaría de Vigilancia Sanitaria de Cametá. Se realizaron cálculos estadísticos y, para el coeficiente de incidencia de LCA y LV, se utilizó la fórmula estándar para obtener el indicador. Resultados: se reportaron 94 y 294 casos de LTA y LV, con la mayor tasa de incidencia en 2008. La enfermedad afectó a todos los grupos de edad establecidos, con alta frecuencia en menores de diez años para LV (n=174), y entre 20 y 30 años. años de edad, para LTA (n=71). La enfermedad fue más prevalente en el sexo masculino (LTA (89,4%) y VL (58,2%)), debido a que los hombres están más relacionados con actividades económicas. Conclusión: dado el alto número de casos rurales, cabe señalar que la notificación en las zonas urbanas también es motivo de preocupación, además de los medios de subsistencia de las familias locales, ya que las ha vuelto vulnerables a la enfermedad. Además, existe preocupación por la posible expansión y cambio en el patrón de LTA en el municipio. La Secretaría Municipal, así como la de vigilancia epidemiológica, debe prestar atención a promover inversiones y campañas para combatir y tratar este importante problema.(AU)
Humanos , Leishmaniose Cutânea/epidemiologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/epidemiologia , Zoonoses , LeishmaniaRESUMO
This study aimed to describe pronephros and mesonephros morphology during the embryonic development of Podocnemis expansa. Eggs were collected on an artificial beach at Balbina, Amazonas, Brazil, during the entire incubation period (mean of 59 days). The kidney-gonad complex was processed using light microscopy and the mesonephros using transmission electron microscopy. The pronephros was present for the first time on stage 4, composed of external glomeruli devoid of a capsule, protruding into the coelomic cavity, and internally composed of a capillary network. The pronephros degenerated after development stage 15. The first sign of the appearance of the mesonephros occurred around stage 8, indicated by the early formation of renal corpuscles. The mesonephros comprised an renal corpuscles, neck segment, proximal tubule, intermediate segment, distal tubule, collector tubule, and collector duct. Ultrastructural analysis of the mesonephros brush border was done in the proximal tubule, and the presence of cells with structural characters indicative of secretory activity was detected in the juxtatubular region. Renal corpuscles and proximal tubules were the main components that underwent morphological alterations during mesonephros degeneration. The pronephros is a transient kidney, and the mesonephros became the functional embryonic kidney in P. expansa. Mesonephros degeneration occurs in the cranial-caudal direction, and histologically, the degeneration is identified by changes in the morphology of the renal corpuscle and proximal tubule. However, the mesonephros is still present after hatching.
Pronefro , Tartarugas , Animais , Mesonefro/ultraestrutura , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , BrasilRESUMO
A new loricariin species of Sturisoma is described from the Cautário, Guaporé, Mamoré, Machado and Soteiro rivers, Madeira River basin, in Bolivia and Brazil. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by the presence of a middorsal longitudinal, thin dark brown stripe on the caudal peduncle, extending from two or three plates posterior to the dorsal-fin base, reaching the origin of the caudal fin, or one or two plates anterior to the origin of the caudal fin; small squarish anteriormost abdominal plates; and a middorsal longitudinal dark-brown stripe from first predorsal plate to near the dorsal-fin origin. Furthermore, the new species is diagnosed from congeners by plate morphology, counts on the median series, coalescent plates and ventrolateral thoracic plates, in addition to measurements related to body and head structures. An analysis of genetic distances using cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1 gene marker of the mitochondrial genome between the new species and several congeners is presented, in addition to a likelihood analysis to illustrate the position of the new taxon within Sturisoma. An identification key for species of the genus currently recorded at the upper Amazonas River basin is provided.
Peixes-Gato , Rios , Animais , Brasil , Paraguai , CaudaRESUMO
Abstract Introduction: The natural ecosystems of northern Mato Grosso, Brazil, are in process of fragmentation, mainly due to population growth and the expansion of agriculture. This endangers the palm Euterpe precatoria (locally known as açaí), used for construction, palm hearts, juices and ice cream. Objective: To evaluate the local diversity and genetic structure in native populations of E. precatoria. Methods: We collected leaves from 106 fruiting palms from five populations in Mato Grosso State, for analysis of microsatellite markers with Polymerase Chain Reaction. Results: The five SSR loci revealed a total of 30 alleles, ranging from 5 (EE23 and EE43) to 7 (EE2 and EE15), with an average of 6 alleles per locus. The mean PIC was 0.74 and confirmed low heterozygosity and inbreeding. The UPGMA dendrogram produced two groups and molecular variance revealed greater genetic differentiation within populations. The high levels of homozygous microsatellite loci indicate low genetic diversity. Conclusions: These populations have low gene diversity, high average number of alleles per locus, and rare and exclusive alleles. We recommend the establishment of permanent conservation units with corridors among them.
Resumen Introducción: Los ecosistemas naturales del norte de Mato Grosso, Brasil, están en proceso de fragmentación, principalmente debido al crecimiento de la población y la expansión de la agricultura. Esto pone en peligro la palma Euterpe precatoria (localmente conocida como açaí), utilizada para la construcción, extracción de palmito, preparación de jugos y helados. Objetivo: Evaluar la diversidad local y estructura genética en poblaciones nativas de E. precatoria. Métodos: Recolectamos hojas de 106 palmas fructíferas de cinco poblaciones en el estado de Mato Grosso, para análisis de marcadores microsatélites con el método de Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR). Resultados: Los cinco loci SSR revelaron un total de 30 alelos, que van desde 5 (EE23 y EE43) hasta 7 (EE2 y EE15), con un promedio de 6 alelos por locus. El PIC medio fue de 0.74 y confirmó baja heterocigosidad y endogamia en las poblaciones. El dendrograma UPGMA produjo dos grupos y la varianza molecular reveló una mayor diferenciación genética dentro de las poblaciones. Los loci de microsatélites presentaron un alto nivel de homocigotos lo que indica una baja diversidad genética. Conclusiones: Estas poblaciones tienen baja diversidad genética, alto promedio de alelos por locus y alelos raros y únicos. Recomendamos el establecimiento de unidades de conservación permanentes con corredores entre ellas.
Arecaceae/classificação , Euterpe/classificação , BrasilRESUMO
Abstract Introduction: The study of herbivory is fundamental in ecology and includes how plants invest in strategies and mechanisms to reduce herbivore damage. However, there is still a lack of information about how the environment, plant density, and functional traits influence herbivory in aquatic ecosystems. Objective: To assess if there is a relationship between herbivory, environmental variables, and plant traits two species of Montrichardia, a neotropical aquatic plant. Methods: In September 2018, we studied 78 specimens of Montrichardia arborescens and 18 of Montrichardia linifera, in 18 sites in Melgaço, Pará, Brazil. On each site, we measured water depth, distance to the margin, and plant density. From plants, we measured plant height and leaf thickness, and photographed the leaves to calculate the specific leaf area and percentage herbivory. To identify anatomical structures, we collected fully expanded leaves from three individuals per quadrat. Results: For M. arborescens, plants with thicker leaves and higher specific leaf area have less herbivore damage. For M. linifera, plants from deeper sites and with thicker leaves had more herbivore damage, while plants that grew farther from the margin had less damage. We found anatomical structures related to defense, such as idioblast cells with phenolic compounds, and cells with solid inclusions that can contribute to avoiding severe damage. Conclusions: Herbivory in these Montrichardia species can be explained by a combination of plant and environmental traits (patch isolation and water depth). The main plant traits are leaf thickness and area, but chemical compounds and solid inclusions also help Montrichardia to sustain less damage than other macrophytes.
Resumen Introducción: La herbivoría es fundamental para comprender cómo las plantas invierten en diferentes estrategias para evitar la depredación, lo que implica diferentes mecanismos de defensa. Factores relacionados con el medio ambiente, la densidad de plantas y/o los rasgos funcionales de las plantas pueden influir en la herbivoría en los ecosistemas acuáticos. Sin embargo, todavía falta información sobre cómo esos factores influyen en la herbivoría en los ecosistemas acuáticos y pueden contribuir a la carga de herbivoría. Objetivo: Evaluar si existe una relación entre la herbivoría y las variables ambientales (p. ej., profundidad del agua y distancia al margen), los factores ecológicos (densidad de plantas) y los rasgos estructurales de las plantas (altura, grosor de la hoja y área foliar) e indicar estructuras anatómicas que actúen junto con los rasgos estructurales en el sistema de defensa de especies de Montrichardia. Métodos: Se evaluaron 96 individuos de Montrichardia spp. (78 de M. arborescens y 18 de M. linifera, en 18 sitios) recolectados en septiembre de 2018. En cada sitio, se midió la profundidad del agua, la distancia al margen y la densidad de plantas. De los individuos, medimos la altura de la planta, el grosor de la hoja y fotografiamos las hojas para calcular el área foliar específica y la cantidad de herbivoría (en porcentaje). Para identificar las estructuras anatómicas relacionadas con la defensa de las plantas, se recogió hojas completamente expandidas de tres individuos por cuadrante. Resultados: Para M. arborescens, las plantas con hojas más gruesas y mayor área foliar específica tienen menos daño por herbivoría. Para M. linifera, las plantas con hojas más gruesas y que habitan en sitios más profundos tienen más daño por herbívoros, mientras que las plantas más alejadas del margen tienen menos daño por herbívoros. Se encontró estructuras anatómicas relacionadas con la defensa, como células idioblásticas con compuestos fenólicos y células con inclusiones sólidas que pueden contribuir a evitar daños severos en las características de las hojas. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados indican que la herbivoría en las especies de Montrichardia podría explicarse por una combinación de características ambientales (aislamiento del parche y profundidad del agua) y de la planta. Descubrimos que los rasgos de las hojas eran factores importantes que impulsaban los cambios en la carga de herbivoría, especialmente el grosor de las hojas y el área foliar específica. Además, las especies de Montrichardia invierten en compuestos químicos e inclusiones sólidas para evitar daños graves en las hojas y, por lo tanto, pueden sufrir menos daños que otras especies de macrófitos.
Flora Aquática , Herbivoria , Defesa das Plantas contra Herbivoria , Ecossistema AmazônicoRESUMO
Astrocaryum aculeatum, a palm tree incipiently domesticated from upland ecosystems in the Brazilian Amazon, is especially adapted to anthropized areas. The pulp of the fruit, obtained by extractivism, is consumed fresh by the Amazonian population. The objective of the study is to evaluate the diversity and genetic structure of the natural populations of A. aculeatum, exploited by extractive farmers in Amazonas, Brazil, seeking to suggest conservation and management strategies for this species. A total of 218 plants were sampled in 15 populations in 14 municipalities in the state of Amazonas, evaluated by 12 microsatellite loci. A total of 101 alleles were observed. The means of the observed heterozygosities (HO = 0.6390) were higher than expected (HE = 0.557), with high levels of heterozygotes in the populations. The fixation index in the loci and populations was negative. The FST (0.07) and AMOVA showed moderate population structure. Bayesian analysis indicated the grouping k = 4 as the most adequate. There is a high genetic diversity in populations, with a moderate genetic structure due to possible historical events, which could be related to the process of subpopulation formation, possibly presenting three historical moments: before and after the beginning of deforestation and today. The conservation and management policies of this species must be carried out at a watershed level.
Especially in South American Andean communities, Vasconcellea carvalhoae D. Tineo & D.E. Bustamante 2020 is a significant highland papaya with agronomic promise. High-throughput sequencing of the holotype specimen of V. carvalhoae from Peru (KUELAP227) resulted in the assembly of its complete plastid genome (GenBank accession number ON764441). The plastid genome of this highland papaya is 158,723 bp and contains 130 genes. This plastid genome is similar in length, content, and organization to other members of Caricaceae, except for the absence of the pseudogene infA. Phylogenetic analyses of V. carvalhoae support its sistership to V. pubescens.
Hemophilia is a recessive genetic disease caused by a mutation on the X chromosome that has been linked to a high risk of transfusion-transmitted infections, especially sexually transmitted infections. The purpose of this retrospective study was to characterize the clinical and epidemiological profile and describe the prevalence of sexually transmitted viral infections in patients with hemophilia in the Northern Brazilian state of Amazonas. We assessed clinical, laboratory and sociodemographic data of hemophiliac patients (n = 311) for the period 2011-2019. The majority of the study population was composed of people with a low level of education aged 21-30 years old. The prevalence of HCV, HBV, and HTLV-1/2 infections among the study population were 10.52, 0.52, and 1.05%, respectively. No HIV infection was found among the patients. Between 2011 and 2015 the prevalence of HCV increased by over 100% and the incidence peaked in 2013. The severe hemophilia was associated with the presence of inhibitor factor (Odds Ratio [OD] 9.83; 95% IC: 3.41-27.62, p < 0.0001) or target joint (OD 6.59; 95% IC: 3.27-13.34, p < 0.0001). The presence of inhibitor was positive and significantly correlated with HCV infection (r = 1.00, p < 0.0001). Our results showed that HCV infection is highly prevalent in patients with hemophilia and might be involved in the development of inhibitors. Thus, these data provide new insights into the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients suffering from hemophilia in the Northern Brazilian state of Amazonas.
Hemofilia A , Hepatite C , Adulto , Brasil/epidemiologia , Hemofilia A/complicações , Hemofilia A/epidemiologia , Hepatite C/epidemiologia , Humanos , Prevalência , Estudos Retrospectivos , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Among Siluriformes, fishes of the family Doradidae harbor dactylogyrids from Cosmetocleithrum Kritsky, Thatcher and Boeger, 1986. Anadoras grypus (Cope) (Siluriformes, Doradidae) locally named in Peru as "rego-rego" hosts a new species of Cosmetocleithrum described herein as Cosmetocleithrum infinitum sp. n. The male copulatory organ (MCO) and vagina of the new species reveal its morphological uniqueness among members of Cosmetocleithrum. The MCO in the new species is an elongate, sclerotized sinuous tube, with 12 expanded coils, with counterclockwise orientation; the accessory piece is sclerotized, comprising a kind of cone, with a large opening at its base, with a branch in the posterior middle part and with pointed ends. The vagina is a sclerotized long, winding, coiled tube with a cone-shaped opening.
Peixes-Gato , Doenças dos Peixes , Parasitos , Trematódeos , Infecções por Trematódeos , Animais , Peixes-Gato/parasitologia , Feminino , Doenças dos Peixes/parasitologia , Brânquias/parasitologia , Masculino , Peru , Rios/parasitologia , Especificidade da Espécie , Infecções por Trematódeos/parasitologiaRESUMO
This paper presents the narrative of vice-chief Meireles Karitiana, with the participation of chief-shaman Cizino Karitiana, who discusses the Karitiana people's origin myth, particularly in relation to the tension between God and Orá, his brother - a tension between good and evil. The paper describes what can be understood of ancestral life, and the value of connecting life and earth today, especially the forest. It highlights some aspects of the myth related particularly to consumption, domination, anthropocentricity, and the transcendent emergence of a third energy from the tension between the 'good' God and his 'bad' brother; this is related to Jungian thinking.
Cet article traite du récit du vice-chef Meireles Karitiana - avec la participation du chamane-chef Cizino Karitiana - qui aborde le mythe d'origine du peuple Karitiana, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la tension entre Dieu et Ora, son frère - une tension entre le bien et le mal. L'article décrit ce que l'on peut comprendre de la vie ancestrale, et l'importance de mettre en lien la vie et la terre aujourd'hui, et tout particulièrement la forêt. L'article souligne certains aspects du mythe, particulièrement ceux qui se rapportent à la consommation, la domination, l'anthropocentricité, et l'émergence transcendante d'une troisième énergie à partir de la tension entre le 'bon' Dieu et son 'mauvais' frère. Ceci est mis en lien avec la pensée Jungienne.
El siguiente trabajo presenta la narrativa del vice-jefe Meireles Karitiana con la participación del chamán Cizino Karitiana, quienes debaten acerca del mito de origen de la población Karitiana, particularmente con relación a la tensión entre Dios y Orá, su hermano - una tensión entre el bien y el mal. El trabajo describe la comprensión que podemos ganar de la vida ancestral, y el valor de conectar la vida y la tierra hoy, especialmente la selva. Destaca algunos aspectos del mito relacionados particularmente al consumo, la dominación, el antropocentrismo, y la emergencia trascendente de una tercera energía a partir de la tensión entre el 'buen' Dios y su hermano 'malo', lo cual se relaciona con el pensamiento Junguiano.
Este artigo apresenta a narrativa do vice-chefe Meireles Karitiana, com a participação do xamã-chefe Cizino Karitiana, que discute o mito de origem do povo Karitiana, particularmente em relação à tensão entre Deus e Orá, seu irmão - uma tensão entre o bem e o mal. O artigo descreve o que pode ser entendido sobre a vida ancestral e o valor de conectar a vida e a terra hoje, especialmente a floresta. Ele destaca alguns aspectos do mito relacionados particularmente ao consumo, dominação, antropocentricidade e ao surgimento transcendente de uma terceira energia da tensão entre o Deus "bom" e seu irmão "ruim" isso está relacionado ao pensamento junguiano.