Introduction: Mothers are the main mediators in the process of selecting and buying food for their children. Objective: Describe the purchasing attitude of mothers in response to the demand for ultra-processed foods by children between 8 and 12 years of age. For this, it was proposed: i) Characterize the ultra-processed foods that children request according to their mothers, ii) ii) Identify the factors considered when purchasing the foods requested by their children, iii) Evaluate their perception of the influence of advertising in their children's demand for food, and iv) Describe their attitude towards the behavior of children during purchases of ultra-processed foods. Methods: Non-experimental, cross-sectional, and descriptive quantitative study. An online survey was designed that allowed reaching the participation of 126 mothers of 153 children. Data were analyzed using univariate descriptive analysis techniques. Results: Sweet and salty cookies, desserts and ice creams, and sugary drinks were the products most requested by children. Mothers mainly considered price and nutritional quality when purchasing these foods. In addition, 83.3% of mothers stated that food advertising influences their children's demands. At the insistence of the children, more than 50% of the mothers occasionally agreed to purchase, although 73.8% had no difficulties refusing the requests. Conclusion: The purchasing attitude of mothers mediates between the demands of their children and their own decisions, establishing limits regarding certain foods requested.
Introducción: Las madres son las principales mediadoras en el proceso de selección y compra de alimentos para sus hijos. Objetivos: Describir la actitud de compra de madres frente a la demanda de alimentos ultraprocesados por parte de niños de entre 8 y 12 años. Para ello, se propuso: i) Caracterizar los alimentos ultraprocesados que los niños solicitan según las madres, ii) ii) Identificar los factores considerados al momento de adquirir los alimentos solicitados por los hijos, iii) Evaluar su percepción sobre la influencia de la publicidad alimentaria en la demanda de alimentos de sus hijos, y iv) Describir su actitud frente al comportamiento de los niños durante las compras de alimentos ultraprocesados. Metodología: Estudio cuantitativo no experimental, transversal y descriptivo. Se diseñó una encuesta en línea que permitió alcanzar la participación de 126 madres de 153 niños. Los datos se analizaron mediante técnicas de análisis descriptivo univariable. Resultados: Las galletitas dulces y saladas, postres y helados, y bebidas azucaradas fueron los productos más solicitados por los niños. Las madres consideraron principalmente el precio y la calidad nutricional al adquirir estos alimentos. Además, el 83,3% de las madres afirmaron que la publicidad alimentaria influye en la demanda de sus hijos. Ante la insistencia de los niños, más del 50% de las madres ocasionalmente accedían a la compra, aunque el 73,8% no presentaba dificultades para negarse a los pedidos. Conclusión: La actitud de compra de las madres media entre las demandas de sus hijos y sus propias decisiones, estableciendo límites respecto a ciertos alimentos solicitados.
Fast Foods , Mães , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Argentina , Feminino , Criança , Mães/psicologia , Adulto , Masculino , Inquéritos e Questionários , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Preferências Alimentares/psicologia , Publicidade , Comportamento do Consumidor/estatística & dados numéricos , Alimento ProcessadoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To analyse the understanding of deaf women regarding contraceptive methods. METHOD: We conducted a qualitative descriptive study in two referral centres for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in São Paulo, Brazil, trough years 2020-2022. Twenty-eight deaf women who use Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS) were interviewed face-to-face and remotely via videocall using a semi-structured questionnaire containing sociodemographic and clinical data and questions about understanding and knowledge of contraceptive methods. We performed a content analysis through transcription, interpretation, and validation of the LIBRAS translation with the assistance of NVivo software. RESULTS: Communication barrier (28/28) was the primary factor associated with low knowledge about contraceptive methods. Regarding barrier methods, 20 (71%) participants reported be familiar with condoms, 13 (46%) with diaphragms, 20 (71%) about oral contraceptives, and 17 (60%) about injectable methods. Concerning long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), 16 (57%) were aware about intrauterine devices and 7 (25%) with subdermal implants. Fifteen (53%) of participants were aware about female and male permanent contraception. Unplanned pregnancy rate was 59% and use of fertility awareness methods was reported by 6 (21%), barrier methods 5 (17%), short-acting methods 6 (21%), LARC 2 (7%) and permanent contraception among 4 (14%). CONCLUSION: In our sample of deaf women, condoms and oral contraceptives were identified more often and were more in use. All interviewed deaf women cited communication as a barrier to accessing information about contraceptive methods, highlighting the low knowledge and use of LARC.
Communication barrier was the main factor pointed out by the deaf participant women, associated with low awareness and a low usage rate of more effective contraceptives. Our data is important for the development of health policies aimed at creating new reproductive counselling techniques for deaf women.
OBJECTIVE: To explore perceptions, concerns, and enthusiasm from a diverse group of parents regarding early childhood research that involves home monitoring technologies for collecting environmental exposure data. STUDY DESIGN: A diverse group of new and expecting parents participated in semi-structured interviews. A single interviewer conducted all sessions and introduced a hypothetical longitudinal early childhood research study, which included the following novel home monitoring approaches: (1) wearable devices, (2) audio monitoring, and (3) environmental sampling. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and coded. Qualitative description guided the study, and a constant comparative approach was used to identify themes from transcripts. RESULTS: Twenty-four interviews were completed. Emerging themes included the following: (1) Ready and Willing to Participate; (2) Helping Others, Helping Ourselves: Motivation for Participation; (3) Trust and Transparency: Understanding the "What?" and the "Why?;" (4) Data Privacy and Security: "What If It Gets into the Wrong Hands?;" and (5) It's a Lot to Juggle: Logistical Realities. Perceptions were similar across racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. Perceptions were positive, and participants desired additional information about study feasibility and purpose. Many had concerns related to wearable device safety and data privacy; a trusting relationship with the research team was a priority. CONCLUSION: Participants had positive sentiments regarding longitudinal observational studies involving pregnancy and infancy yet expressed concerns about safety, privacy, feasibility, and transparency. These findings can inform future early childhood research study design to ensure protocols are transparent, inclusive, and appealing to parents.
El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas y la invarianza factorial de la Escala de Actitudes hacia el Cambio Climático (EACC). Diseñada con base en la Teoría de la Acción Planificada, la escala mide tanto las creencias como la intención de conducta hacia el cambio climático. El instrumento original consta de 15 ítems, con un formato de respuesta tipo Likert de cinco opciones. Se aplicó a una muestra no probabilística de 800 participantes chilenos. Después de su traducción y revisión, la escala mostró una adecuada validez de contenido. Un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) validó la idoneidad del instrumento, ajustado a 13 ítems, manteniendo su estructura original de dos factores. El análisis de invarianza factorial confirmó que la estructura bidimensional no se ve afectada por el género. Se encontraron evidencias de validez convergente y discriminante, así como una confiabilidad adecuada en ambas dimensiones. En conclusión, se respalda el uso de la versión en español de la CCAS en comunidades hispanohablantes, lo que fortalece la investigación sobre el cambio climático en la región desde una perspectiva psicosocial.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades psicométricas e a invariância fatorial da Escala de Atitudes em relação às Mudanças Climáticas (EAMC). Baseada na Teoria da Ação Planejada, a escala mede tanto as crenças quanto as intenções comportamentais em relação às mudanças climáticas. O instrumento original possui 15 itens, com um formato de resposta tipo Likert de cinco opções. Foi aplicado a uma amostra não probabilística de 800 participantes chilenos. Após sua tradução e revisão, a escala demonstrou validade de conteúdo adequada. Uma Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC) validou a adequação do instrumento, ajustado para 13 itens, mantendo sua estrutura original de dois fatores. A análise de invariância fatorial confirmou que a estrutura bidimensional não é influenciada pelo gênero. Foram encontradas evidências de validade convergente e discriminante, bem como uma confiabilidade adequada em ambas as dimensões. Em conclusão, respalda-se o uso da versão em espanhol da EAMC em comunidades de língua espanhola, fortalecendo a pesquisa sobre mudanças climáticas na região a partir de uma perspectiva psicossocial.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the psychometric properties and factorial invariance of the Climate Change Attitude Scale (CCAS). Based on Planned Behavior Theory, the scale measures both beliefs and behavioral intentions towards climate change. The original instrument consists of 15 items, using a five-point Likert response format. It was applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 800 Chilean participants. After translation and review, the scale demonstrated adequate content validity. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) validated the instrument's suitability, which was adjusted to 13 items while maintaining its original two-factor structure. The invariance analysis confirmed that the bidimensional structure is not affected by gender. Evidence was found of convergent and discriminant validity, as well as adequate reliability in both dimensions. In conclusion, we support use of the Spanish version of the CCAS in Spanish-speaking communities, thus strengthening climate change research in the region from a psychosocial perspective.
Introducción: La muerte es parte de los tabúes sociales existentes y puede fomentar actitudes que distan de su abordaje explícito en relación con los cuidados. Objetivo: Analizar las actitudes ante la muerte en profesionales de enfermería de acuerdo con las publicaciones científicas en el contexto latinoamericano en el período 2018 a 2022. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión de literatura integrativa de las publicaciones científicas latinoamericanas respecto de las actitudes ante la muerte en el contexto de la enfermería, empleando los siguientes términos estandarizados: actitud, muerte, enfermería y cuidados de enfermería. Se incluyeron 8 artículos publicados en el período definido, en idioma español y portugués, en los que se abordó explícitamente la temática de la revisión. La información de los artículos fue analizada tomando como referencia los conceptos de la teoría de las transiciones. Resultados: Se encontraron diseños tanto cuantitativos (50 %) como cualitativos (50 %), elaborados en su totalidad en el ámbito hospitalario. Los principales resultados dan cuenta del predominio de la indiferencia ante la muerte en el contexto de los cuidados. En relación con la teoría de las transiciones, la mayoría de los artículos abordan las condiciones en que estas se dan, además de los conceptos de terapéutica de enfermería y patrones de respuesta. Conclusiones: La producción de investigaciones sobre la actitud ante la muerte en profesionales de enfermería es escasa en Latinoamérica. Las experiencias de pérdidas cercanas, la capacitación y el soporte institucional son la base para contribuir a una mejor actitud hacia la muerte
Introdução: A morte faz parte dos tabus sociais existentes e pode fomentar atitudes que se distanciam de sua abordagem explícita em relação aos cuidados. Objetivo: analisar as atitudes diante da morte em profissionais de enfermagem de acordo com as publicações científicas no contexto latino-americano no período de 2018 a 2022. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura integrativa de publicações científicas latino-americanas sobre atitudes diante da morte no contexto da enfermagem, utilizando os seguintes termos padronizados: atitude, morte, enfermagem e cuidados de enfermagem. Foram incluídos 8 artigos publicados no período definido, em espanhol e português, nos quais o tema da revisão foi abordado explicitamente. As informações dos artigos foram analisadas tendo como referência os conceitos da teoria das transições. Resultados: Foram identificados desenhos quantitativos (50 %) e qualitativos (50 %), elaborados totalmente no âmbito hospitalar. Os principais resultados mostram a predominância da indiferença diante da morte no contexto do cuidado. Em relação à teoria das transições, a maioria dos artigos aborda as condições em que as transições ocorrem, além dos conceitos de terapêutica de enfermagem e padrões de resposta. Conclusões: A produção de pesquisas sobre atitudes diante da morte em profissionais de enfermagem é escassa na América Latina. As experiências de perdas próximas, a capacitação e o apoio institucional são a base para contribuir para uma melhor atitude em relação à morte
Introduction: Death is part of the existing social taboos and can foster attitudes that are far from its explicit approach in relation to care. Objective: To analyze attitudes towards death in nursing professionals according to scientific publications in the Latin American context in the period 2018 to 2022. Methodology: An integrative literature review was conducted of Latin American scientific publications regarding attitudes towards death in the context of Nursing, using the following standardized terms: attitude, death, nursing and nursing care. Eight articles published in the defined period were included, in Spanish and Portuguese, in which the subject of the review was explicitly addressed. The information in the articles was analyzed using the concepts of the theory of transitions as a reference. Results: Both quantitative (50 %) and qualitative (50 %) designs were found, all of them elaborated in the hospital setting. The main results show the predominance of indifference to death in the context of care. In relation to the theory of transitions, most of the articles address the conditions under which these occur, in addition to the concepts of nursing therapeutics and response patterns. Conclusions: The production of research on the attitude towards death in nursing professionals is scarce in Latin America. Experiences of close losses, training and institutional support are the basis for contributing to a better attitude towards death
Human rights training in mental health professions is essential to reduce stigma and facilitate recovery processes. The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between engagement to human rights and stigma towards people with mental disorders, as well as attitudes towards mental illness in medical and social work students of a Latin American context. An analytical, cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of 243 students in the last two years of study. Community Attitudes Towards the Mentally Ill (CAMI), Mental Illness Clinicians' Attitude Scale (MICA), Human Rights Exposure in Social Work (HRXSW) and Human Rights Engagement in Social Work (HRESW) were used as instruments. To determine how the explanatory variables are related to the engagement to human rights (dependent variable) a binary logistic regression model was used. Correlations were found between the scales and their components. Economic condition, intersectional approach, authoritarianism, benevolence and mental health ideology explained 55.11% of the variance for commitment to the engagement of human rights. Some factors related to the stigma of mental disorders and the focus on human rights in future mental health professionals are highlighted that should be more visible in the training practices of these professions.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis across nations to: (1) identify the determinants influencing knowledge and attitudes related to sodium (Na) intake and (2) to analyse the association between knowledge and attitudes related to Na intake. DESIGN: We utilised a secondary data from a cross-sectional study that was conducted across seven nations. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was utilised to assess the impact of socio-economic and health-related predictors on knowledge and attitudes pertaining to Na intake and further to investigate the relationship between knowledge and attitude. SETTING: Indonesia, Brazil, Thailand, Japan, France, the UK and the USA. PARTICIPANTS: 7090 participants aged 15 years and above were included in the study. RESULTS: SEM analysis showed a strong association between knowledge about Na intake and related attitude across all countries, particularly in the UK (2·65, 95 % CI 1·48-3·82), France (2·62, 1·45-3·79) and the USA (1·97, 1·21-2·73). In Brazil, Japan and France, individuals or family members having certain health conditions such as raised blood pressure, heart diseases, strokes or other diseases exhibited a positive attitude towards reducing Na intake. Conversely, socio-economic factors like education and income demonstrated the complexity of influences on knowledge and attitudes about Na intake. CONCLUSION: The study underscores the need for tailored public health interventions to reduce excessive Na consumption, considering the diverse cultural, social and economic factors. It highlights the complex determinants of knowledge and attitudes towards Na intake, calling for further research in varied populations.
Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Sódio na Dieta , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Estudos Transversais , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estados Unidos , Tailândia , Brasil , Adulto Jovem , Adolescente , França , Japão , Reino Unido , Indonésia , Sódio na Dieta/administração & dosagem , IdosoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the association between emotional attitudes towards diabetes, eating behaviour styles and glycaemic control in outpatients with type 2 diabetes. DESIGN: Observational study. SETTING: Endocrinology Division of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Brazil. PARTICIPANTS: Ninety-one outpatients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Baseline assessments included data on clinical parameters, lifestyle factors, laboratory results, eating behaviour styles and emotional attitudes. All patients received nutritional counseling following diabetes recommendations. A follow-up visit was scheduled approximately 90 days later to evaluate changes in weight, medication dosages and glycated Hb (HbA1c) values. Patients were categorised based on their emotional attitude scores towards diabetes (positive or negative), and their characteristics were compared using appropriate statistical tests. RESULTS: At baseline, no differences were observed in the proportion of patients with good glycaemic control, eating behaviour styles and emotional attitudes. However, patients with a positive attitude towards the disease exhibited a significantly better response in glycaemic control compared with the reference group (OR = 3·47; 95 % CI = 1·12, 10·75), after adjusting for diabetes duration, sex and medication effect score. However, when BMI was included in the model, the association did not reach statistical significance. Therefore, these results should be interpreted with caution. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with a positive attitude towards diabetes showed a greater reduction in HbA1c levels following nutritional counseling. However, baseline BMI could be a potential confounding factor.
Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Emoções , Comportamento Alimentar , Hemoglobinas Glicadas , Controle Glicêmico , Humanos , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/psicologia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/sangue , Feminino , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Controle Glicêmico/psicologia , Controle Glicêmico/métodos , Comportamento Alimentar/psicologia , Hemoglobinas Glicadas/análise , Hemoglobinas Glicadas/metabolismo , Brasil , Idoso , Glicemia/metabolismo , Glicemia/análise , Adulto , Índice de Massa Corporal , Atitude Frente a SaúdeRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) in the French overseas department of French Guiana, South America, nearly doubles that in its European counterpart, Metropolitan France. This region is demographically diverse and includes several populations of Indigenous Peoples. Although such populations are at particular risk of developing T2D across the Americas, very little is known about their health status in French Guiana, and accurate numbers of diabetic patients do not exist. METHODS: In light of a potential public health crisis, an ethnomedicinal study of diabetes experienced by Indigenous Parikweneh was conducted to provide better insight into the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) related to this quickly emerging disease in French Guiana. Altogether, 75 interviews were conducted with community members and Elders, as well as healthcare professionals and administrators providing services to the Parikweneh population of Macouria and Saint-Georges de l'Oyapock. RESULTS: Interviews suggest a high incidence of T2D in this population, with cases that have risen quickly since the mid-twentieth century. Parikweneh participants linked the development of the illness to dietary changes, notably through the introduction of new and sweet foods. Recognizing the complexity of diabetes and its symptoms, diabetic patients highlighted the importance of biomedical treatments and follow-ups, though they frequently alternated or used them concomitantly with Parikweneh medicines. With the help of biomedical tools (i.e. glucometer), local medicinal practices mirrored biomedical approaches through dietary adaptation and the use of medicinal animals and plants for glycaemic control and the treatment of complications from the disease. CONCLUSION: Parikweneh are appropriating T2D into their knowledge system and adapting their health system in response to this relatively new health concern. A greater understanding of local practices and perceptions relating to T2D among medical staff may therefore be beneficial for meeting patients' needs, providing greater autonomy in their health path, and improving treatment outcomes.
Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Humanos , Guiana Francesa , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/tratamento farmacológico , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Povos Indígenas , Adulto , Medicina TradicionalRESUMO
This study evaluated the perspectives and educational needs of Canadian oncology residents with regard to artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, exploring the influence of factors such as program of choice, gender, and tech literacy on their attitudes towards AI. An ethics-approved survey collected anonymous responses from Canadian oncology residents from December 2022 to July 2023. Comparisons by demographics were made using Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests. A total of 57 residents and fellows responded out of an expected 182, with representation from each oncology training program in Canada. Over half of the participants were male (63.2%), with radiation oncology programs being better represented than medical oncology programs (68.4% vs. 31.6%). There was balanced representation across all years of training. Most trainees (73%) were interested in learning more about AI, and many believed the topic should be formally taught during residency (63%), preferably through workshops (79%). Among evaluated factors, tech literacy showed the most impact over AI perspectives, driving a perception shift towards viewing AI as an improvement tool, rather than as a threat to professionals. In conclusion, Canadian oncology residents anticipate AI's growing influence in medicine but face educational deficiencies. Gender, oncology discipline, and self-reported tech literacy impact attitudes toward AI, highlighting the need for inclusive education.
Patient safety is a global challenge in healthcare, with adverse events representing a significant concern. The integration of patient safety education in undergraduate curricula is crucial in developing a culture of safety and safe practices among future professionals. However, there is a gap in research assessing the levels of knowledge and attitudes about patient safety among undergraduate students in healthcare using validated instruments. This scoping review aims to map the levels of knowledge and attitudes about patient safety among students in healthcare courses, allowing for national and international comparisons. The review will follow the methodological frameworks proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) for scoping reviews. The search will include published and unpublished studies in six databases, with no date or language restrictions. This scoping review was prospectively registered with the Open Science Framework on 17 July 2024. This scoping review will provide a comprehensive overview of knowledge and attitudes about patient safety among undergraduate students in healthcare, identifying gaps in patient safety education and areas for improvement in curricula. The results may guide teachers in creating teaching strategies to prepare future healthcare professionals, reducing knowledge gaps and improving the quality of care.
BACKGROUND: Digital interventions are becoming increasingly popular in rehabilitation. Understanding of device features which impact clinician adoption and satisfaction is limited. Research in the field should be conducted across diverse settings to ensure digital interventions do not exacerbate healthcare inequities. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to understand rehabilitation clinicians' preferences regarding device attributes and included a cross-cultural comparison. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Choice experiment methodology (best-worst scaling) was used to survey rehabilitation clinicians across Australia and Brazil. Participants completed 10 best-worst questions, choosing the most and least important device attributes from subsets of 31 attributes in a partially balanced block design. Results were analysed using multinomial models by country and latent class. Attribute preference scores (PS) were scaled to 0-100 (least to most important). RESULTS: A total of 122 clinicians from Brazil and 104 clinicians from Australia completed the survey. Most respondents were physiotherapists (83%) working with neurological populations (51%) in the private/self-employed sector (51%) who had experience using rehabilitation devices (87%). Despite preference heterogeneity across country and work sector (public/not-for-profit versus private/self-employed/other), clinicians consistently prioritised patient outcomes (PS 100.0, 95%CI: 86.2-100.0), patient engagement (PS 93.9, 95%CI: 80.6-94.2), usability (PS 81.3, 95%CI: 68.8-82.5), research evidence (PS 80.4, 95%CI: 68.1-81.7) and risk (PS 75.7, 95%CI: 63.8-77.3). In Australia, clinicians favoured device attributes which facilitate increased therapy dosage (PS 79.2, 95%CI: 62.6-81.1) and encourage patient independent practice (PS 66.8, 95%CI: 52.0-69.2). In Brazil, clinicians preferred attributes enabling device use for providing clinical data (PS 67.6, 95%CI: 51.8-70.9) and conducting clinical assessments (PS 65.6, 95%CI: 50.2-68.8). CONCLUSION: Clinicians prioritise patients' needs and practical application over technical aspects of digital rehabilitation devices. Contextual factors shape clinician preferences rather than individual clinician characteristics. Future device design and research should consider preferences and influences, involving diverse stakeholders to account for context-driven variations across cultures and healthcare settings.
Comparação Transcultural , Humanos , Brasil , Austrália , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reabilitação , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Fisioterapeutas , Comportamento de EscolhaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Home gardens worldwide provide sustenance, economic support, and access to fresh produce and promote household well-being, health, self-sufficiency, and food security. However, they face significant challenges worldwide and necessitate innovative promotion approaches. Serious video games have proven effective in promoting agricultural knowledge. However, more research is needed on the persuasive potential of agriculture games to influence players' thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. This provides an opportunity to examine the impact of persuasive games on promoting home gardening among novices. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to describe the design and development of Farmily, a persuasive video game promoting home gardening among novices. In addition, it evaluated the effectiveness of Farmily and compared its impact with that of a traditional home gardening workshop. Furthermore, the study explored how game enjoyment relates to the game's outcomes. METHODS: A randomized controlled trial with 50 novice gardening participants aged 20 to 50 years was carried out. Participants were randomly assigned to a control group (1.5-hour workshop) or an experimental group (1.5-hour Farmily session). Pre- and postintervention assessments were conducted. We evaluated Farmily's impact on knowledge, attitudes, perceived self-efficacy, and intentions regarding initiating home gardens. In addition, we investigated the user enjoyment and its relationship with the game's effect outcomes. RESULTS: The experimental group significantly improved their knowledge (t24=4.26; P<.001), attitude (z24=2.98; P=.003), self-efficacy (t24=2.6; P=.02), and intention to initiate home gardens (z24=4.15; P<.001). The experimental group showed similar effectiveness in knowledge transfer (t24=-1.71; P=.09) and a more significant impact on attitude (z24=2.73; P=.006), self-efficacy (t24=2.21; P=.03), and intention to start a home garden (t24=-5.33; P<.001) than the control group. Farmily was well received by the intervention group, generating high enjoyment. Furthermore, user enjoyment substantially correlated with user attitudes (r23=0.72; P<.001) and self-efficacy (r23=0.67; P<.001), yet no discernible association was observed among user enjoyment, knowledge (r23=0.26; P=.20), and intention (r23=0.06; P=.77). CONCLUSIONS: Evidence indicates that Farmily appears to be a viable tool for promoting home gardening among novices in the short term. Farmily demonstrated similar effects in knowledge improvement to those of a traditional workshop and had a more significant impact on the other variables. In addition, we found that the player's gaming experience positively relates to the player's attitudes and self-efficacy. A well-powered randomized controlled trial with more diverse samples and extended follow-up periods will be conducted to establish the long-term efficacy of Farmily and gain a deeper understanding of the influence of enjoyment on game outcomes.
Resumen Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre los estereotipos y las actitudes hacia el envejecimiento con los motivos para la realización de ejercicio físico en usuarios de gimnasios de Matamoros (Tamaulipas, México). Método: Estudio correlacional en una muestra de 163 usuarios de gimnasios. Se aplicó el cuestionario de Estereotipos Negativos hacia la Vejez, la Escala de Actitudes Hacia el Envejecimiento de Kogan y el autoinforme de Motivos para la Práctica del Ejercicio Físico. Resultados: No se encontró relación entre los estereotipos negativos ante el envejecimiento (p=.119) y las actitudes hacia el envejecimiento (p=.92) con los motivos para la realización de ejercicio físico. Las actitudes hacia el envejecimiento mostraron relación con la diversión y bienestar (p=.014), prevención y salud positiva (p=.011), fuerza y resistencia muscular (p=.004), reconocimiento social (p=.032), control del estrés (p=.017) y urgencias de salud (p=.029). Conclusiones: No se encontró relación entre las escalas globales empleadas para medir los estereotipos y actitudes hacia el envejecimiento con los motivos para hacer ejercicio físico; se encontró que las actitudes hacia el envejecimiento están relacionadas con la diversión y bienestar, prevención y salud positiva, fuerza y resistencia muscular, reconocimiento social, control del estrés y urgencias de salud.
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the relationship between aging stereotypes and attitudes with the reasons for performing physical exercise in gym users in Matamoros (Tamaulipas, Mexico). Method: Correlational study in a sample of 163 gym users. The negative stereotypes towards aging and the self-report of reasons for the practice of physical exercise were applied. Results: No relationship was found between negative stereotypes regarding aging (p=.119) and attitudes towards aging (p=.92) with the reasons for physical exercise. Attitudes towards aging showed a relationship whit fun and well-being (p=.014), prevention and positive health (p=.011), muscular strength and resistance (p=.014), social recognition (p=.032), stress control (p=.017) and health emergencies (p=.029). Conclusions: No relationship was found between the global scales used to measure stereotypes and attitudes towards aging with the reasons for doing physical exercise; it was found the attitudes towards aging are related to fun and well-being, prevention and positive health, muscular strength and resistance, social recognition, stress control and health emergencies.
Background: Genetics plays a crucial role in the field of medicine, offering numerous applications. However, health professionals often have insufficient knowledge in this area. Therefore, it is essential to provide appropriate genetics education during university studies. Aim: This study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitudes towards genetic testing among final-year medical students at a public university in Ecuador. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving final-year medical students from a public university in Ecuador. The third version of the Genetic Literacy and Attitudes Survey was administered between April and May 2022. The study examined sociodemographic characteristics, genetic knowledge, and attitudes towards genetic testing. Results: The study included 153 medical students, of which 58.2% identified as female. Most participants fell within the age range of 22 to 25 years old (85.0%). Regarding genetic knowledge, three-quarters of the participants (75.2%) demonstrated intermediate proficiency, while only 9.80% possessed a high level of knowledge. Attitudes towards the clinical and therapeutic applications of genetics, scientific advancements, access to conventional medicine, and other related topics were found to be appropriate. Conclusion: The findings suggest that most final-year medical students at a public university in Ecuador have intermediate genetic knowledge and hold appropriate attitudes towards genetic testing. However, higher education institutions should conduct a comprehensive analysis and restructure their curricula to better prepare students for the medical and technological challenges of the 21st century.
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of Virtual Teaching (VT) Programme regarding palliative care on knowledge, self-efficacy and attitude among Nursing Personnel working in selected hospitals of North India. Methods: A quasi-experimental study with non-equivalent control group pre-test-post-test design was conducted on 121 Nursing Personnel, selected by convenient sampling technique. Knowledge, self-efficacy and attitude were assessed using structured knowledge questionnaire, Palliative Care Self-efficacy Scale, and Frommelt Attitudes toward care of dying scale respectively. Nursing personnel in experimental group received Virtual Teaching Programme regarding palliative care whereas those in comparison group received conventional teaching (CT). The study included a pre-test followed by the teaching (virtual/ conventional) on day one. The post-test was conducted on 15th day after the intervention. Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference in mean post-test knowledge (VT group: 17.11 to CT group: 25.05; t=9.25, p<0.001), self-efficacy (VT group: 39.27 to CT group: 43.38; t=6.39, p<0.001) and attitude (VT group: 108.86 to CT group: 133.23; t=9.27, p<0.001) scores between virtual teaching group and conventional teaching group. ANCOVA test revealed statistically significant differences in the mean scores of knowledge [F (1.11) = 86.61, p<0.001], self-efficacy [F (1.11) = 841.75, p<0.001] and attitude [F (1.11) = 82.92, p<0.001] between the groups, with higher means obtained in the CT group. Conclusion: Virtual Teaching programme and Conventional teaching both were effective in enhancing the knowledge, self-efficacy and attitude among Nursing Personnel regarding palliative care with conventional teaching being more effective.
Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2 , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Síndrome Metabólica , Autoeficácia , Humanos , Adulto , Feminino , Masculino , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/psicologia , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/terapia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Síndrome Metabólica/terapia , Síndrome Metabólica/psicologia , Cuidados Paliativos/métodos , Cuidados Paliativos/psicologia , Índia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Estresse Psicológico , Instrução por Computador/métodos , Adulto Jovem , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem Hospitalar/psicologia , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem Hospitalar/educaçãoRESUMO
Objective: To investigate the relationship between environmental ethics, spiritual health, and environmental behavior among nursing students. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 200 iranian students from the Chabahar Nursing School were selected using a simple random sampling method. The data collection tool included a questionnaire on demographic information, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards the environment, environmental ethics, and spiritual health. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was utilized to evaluate the conceptual framework in this study. Results: The mean score for environmental ethics among nursing students was 65.73±10.61 out of 100. Most of the students (47%) had desirable environmental ethics. The knowledge structure (ß=0.46) predicted attitude. The attitude structure also predicted environmental behavior (ß=0.28) and spiritual health (ß=0.31). Ultimately, the results showed that spiritual health and environmental ethics predict environmental behavior directly and indirectly (p<0.001). Conclusion: Spiritual health and environmental ethics were strong predictors of environmental behavior. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only students' spiritual health but also their ethical behaviors to promote environmental protection behaviors in the future.
Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Espiritualidade , Estudantes de Enfermagem , Humanos , Estudantes de Enfermagem/psicologia , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Masculino , Irã (Geográfico) , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Saúde Ambiental/ética , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Adolescente , Análise dos Mínimos QuadradosRESUMO
RESUMEN Introducción. El debate ético sobre la eutanasia y el aborto es relevante tanto en el ámbito médico como moral. En el contexto peruano, estas prácticas enfrentan desafíos legales y éticos. Objetivo. Analizar las actitudes de los estudiantes de medicina hacia la eutanasia y el aborto, considerando variables sociodemográficas, académicas y de religiosidad. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y correlacional con estudiantes de medicina de una universidad privada del Perú. Se aplicaron cuestionarios en línea para evaluar las actitudes hacia la eutanasia y el aborto, así como la religiosidad y características sociodemográficas. Resultados. Se evaluó a 341 participantes. Para las actitudes hacia el aborto, se encontró que la religiosidad (β = 0,314, p < 0,001), ser mujer (β = -0,243, p < 0,001), estar en los años clínico/quirúrgicos (β = -0,190, p < 0,001) y el empleo (β = 0,111, p = 0,026) estaban asociados. En cuanto a las actitudes hacia la eutanasia, se observaron asociaciones con la religiosidad (β = -0,234, p < 0,001) y el ser mujer (β = 0,108, p = 0,042). Conclusiones. Se destaca la influencia de la religiosidad y el sexo en las actitudes de los estudiantes de medicina hacia la eutanasia y el aborto. Estos hallazgos tienen implicaciones para la educación médica y la comprensión ética en un contexto donde estas prácticas enfrentan desafíos legales y sociales.
ABSTRACT Introduction. The ethical debate surrounding euthanasia and abortion is relevant both in the medical and moral spheres. In the Peruvian context, these practices face legal and ethical challenges. Objective. To analyze the attitudes of medical students towards euthanasia and abortion, considering sociodemographic, academic, and religiosity variables. Methods. A descriptive, cross-sectional, and correlational study was conducted with medical students from a private university in Peru. Online questionnaires were administered to assess attitudes towards euthanasia and abortion, as well as religiosity and sociodemographic characteristics. Results. 341 participants were evaluated. Regarding attitudes towards abortion, religiosity (β = 0.314, p < 0.001), female gender (β = -0.243, p < 0.001), clinical/surgical years (β = -0,190, p < 0.001), and employment (β = 0,111, p = 0.026) were associated. As for attitudes towards euthanasia, associations were observed with religiosity (β = -0.234, p < 0.001) and female gender (β = 0.108, p = 0.042). Conclusions. The influence of religiosity and gender on medical students' attitudes towards euthanasia and abortion is highlighted. These findings have implications for medical education and ethical understanding in a context where these practices face legal and social challenges.
Mexican-origin youth, as a large and growing population among U.S. youth, have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Understanding what, when, and how sociocultural factors may influence their COVID-19 vaccine uptake could inform current and future pandemic-response interventions promoting vaccination behaviors among Mexican-origin youth. The current study takes a developmental approach to reveal the long-term and short-term sociocultural antecedents of 198 Mexican-origin adolescents' COVID-19 vaccination uptake behaviors and explores the underlying mechanism of these associations based on the Knowledge-Attitude-Behavior model. The current study adopted Wave 1 (2012-2015) and Wave 4 (2021-2022) self-reported data from a larger study. Analyses were conducted to examine four mediation models for four sociocultural antecedents-daily discrimination, ethnic discrimination, foreigner stress, and family economic stress-separately. Consistent indirect effects of higher levels of concurrent sociocultural risk factors on a lower probability of COVID-19 vaccine uptake were observed to occur through less knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccines and less positive attitudes toward the COVID-19 vaccines at Wave 4. Significant direct effects, but in opposite directions, were found for the associations between Wave 1 ethnic discrimination/Wave 4 daily discrimination and the probability of COVID-19 vaccine uptake. The findings highlight the importance of considering prior and concurrent sociocultural antecedents and the Knowledge-Attitude-Behavior pathway leading to COVID-19 vaccination uptake among Mexican-origin youth and suggest that the impact of discrimination on COVID-19 vaccination uptake may depend on the type (e.g., daily or ethnic) and the context (e.g., during the COVID-19 pandemic or not) of discrimination experienced.
INTRODUCTION: Climate change (CC) is a global public health issue, and the role of health professionals in addressing its impact is crucial. However, to what extent health professionals are prepared to deal with CC-related health problems is unclear. We aimed to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of health students about the CC. METHODS: We conducted a scoping review through systematic searches in PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Proquest, and EBSCO. We included original scientific research with no language or time restrictions. Two authors independently reviewed and decided on the eligibility of the studies, then performed data extraction. RESULTS: 21 studies were included, with a total of 9205 undergraduate nursing, medical, pharmacy, and public health students mainly. Most health science students (> 75%) recognized human activities as the main cause of CC. However, they perceived a lack of knowledge on how to address CC. Moreover, we found inadequate coverage or limited development of CC in related curricula that may contribute to incomplete learning or low confidence in the theoretical and practical concepts of students. CONCLUSION: The findings of our scoping review suggest that while health sciences students possess a general understanding of CC, there is a significant gap in their knowledge regarding its specific health impacts. To address this gap, there is a need for targeted education and training for future health care professionals that emphasizes the health effects of CC.