Introducción: La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) y los estados de ánimo son indicadores cruciales del bienestar en adolescentes, pero su relación con estudiantes de Antioquia, Colombia, no ha sido ampliamente estudiada. Objetivo: Determinar la CVRS y los estados de ánimo en escolares de Antioquia-Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal con 1957 escolares de 9 a 20 años. Se aplicaron mediciones de CVRS, ansiedad, depresión, hostilidad y alegría, actividad física, comportamiento sedentario, apoyo social de padres y nivel socioeconómico. Resultados: La calidad de vida alta (CVA) es más elevada en hombres, personas con alegría, estudiantes con apoyo de padres, activos físicamente y personas de nivel socioeconómico alto y medio. AL aumentar un año de edad, disminuye en un 15 % la CVA, y al aumentar la depresión, la ansiedad y el comportamiento sedentario disminuye la CVA. Además, los niveles de depresión y ansiedad son mayores en mujeres, estudiantes mayores, sin apoyo de los padres y personas sedentarias. Conclusiones: La CVRS se asocia con estados de ánimo, actividad física, comportamiento sedentario y apoyo de los padres; mientras que los estados de ánimo se asocian con el sexo, el apoyo de los padres, la CVS y el sedentarismo.
Introduction: Even though health-related quality of life (HRQL) and mood states are key indicators of the well-being of adolescents, their relationship has not been analyzed in students from Antioquia, Colombia. Objective: To determine HRQL and mood states in schoolchildren from Antioquia. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 1,957 schoolchildren and adolescents aged between 9 and 20 years. Measurements of HRQL, anxiety, depression, hostility and happiness, physical activity, sedentary behavior, parental social support, and socioeconomic status were applied. Results: A high quality of life (HQL) was observed more frequently in male participants, students with parental support, physically active, and those belonging to medium and high socioeconomic status. HQL decreased 15% as their age increased by one year. Also, HQL was reduced when depression, anxiety, and sedentary behavior increased. Furthermore, depression and anxiety levels were higher in women, older students, as well as in those without parental control and with sedentary behavior. Conclusions: HRQL is associated with mood states, physical activity, sedentary behavior, and parental support. In contrast, mood states are related to gender, parental support, HQL, and sedentary lifestyle.
Introdução: A qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (CVRS) e os estados de humor são indicadores cruciais de bem-estar em adolescentes, mas sua relação com estudantes de Antioquia, Colômbia, não foi amplamente estudada. Objetivo: Determinar a CVRS e os estados de humor em escolares de Antioquia-Colômbia. Materiais e métodos: Estudo transversal com 1.957 escolares de 9 a 20 anos. Foram aplicadas medidas de QVRS, ansiedade, depressão, hostilidade e felicidade, atividade física, comportamento sedentário, apoio social dos pais e nível socioeconômico. Resultados: A alta qualidade de vida (CVA) é maior em homens, pessoas com alegria, estudantes com apoio parental, fisicamente ativos e pessoas de nível socioeconômico alto e médio. À medida que a idade aumenta em um ano, diminui em 15% o CVA, e ao aumentar a depressão, a ansiedade e o comportamento sedentário aumentam, o CVA diminui. Além disso, os níveis de depressão e ansiedade são mais elevados nas mulheres, nos estudantes mais velhos, sem apoio dos pais e nas pessoas sedentárias. Conclusões: A QVRS está associada a estados de humor, atividade física, comportamento sedentário e apoio parental; enquanto os estados de humor estão associados ao sexo, apoio parental, CVS e estilo de vida sedentário.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Saúde , Emoções , Felicidade , HostilidadeRESUMO
Resumen Introducción: la lepra afecta a millones de personas deteriorando la salud física y mental, generando complicaciones como síntomas depresivos que pueden afectar la calidad de vida. Objetivo: estimar la prevalencia de síntomas depresivos en una agremiación de pacientes y expacientes con enfermedad de Hansen de una ciudad del Caribe colombiano. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo con muestreo no probabilístico en miembros de una agremiación de pacientes y ex-pacientes con enfermedad de Hansen de una ciudad del Caribe colombiano. Los síntomas depresivos fueron estimados mediante test de Beck I y los resultados se contrastaron con variables sociodemográficas y clínicas mediante análisis bivariado. Resultados: participaron 51 personas, con una edad promedio de 52 años (IC 35,7-68,5), y predominio del sexo masculino (57%). El 39% de la población cursó bachillerato, el 25% se encontraban en tratamiento al momento de la encuesta y el 33% presentaban algún grado de discapacidad. El 27%, 16% y 2% de la población presentó depresión leve, moderada y severa respectivamente. El síntoma depresivo más frecuentemente descrito fue la fatiga (13%) seguido de cambios en el apetito (84,2%), llanto (81,6%), y tristeza (79%). No se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa entre presencia de síntomas depresivos y características sociodemográficas, el tratamiento y la discapacidad. Conclusiones: el 35% de los encuestados con el test de Beck I obtuvo calificaciones compatibles con depresión, se recomienda incluir manejo especializado en salud mental dentro del abordaje integral del paciente y expaciente con enfermedad de Hansen.
ABSTACT Introduction: Leprosy affects millions of people, impairing both physical and mental health and giving rise to complications such as depressive symptoms that can impact the quality of life. Objective: To estimate the prevalence of depressive symptoms in an association of patients and former patients with Hansen's disease in a city in the Colombian Caribbean. Materials and methods: A descriptive study with non-probabilistic sampling was conducted among members of an association of patients and former patients with Hansen's disease in a city in the Colombian Caribbean. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory, and the results were compared with sociodemographic and clinical variables through bivariate analysis. Results: Fifty-one individuals participated, with an average age of 52 years (CI 35.7-68.5), and a male predominance (57%). Thirty-nine percent of the population had completed high school, 25% were undergoing treatment at the time of the survey, and 33% had some degree of disability. Twenty-seven percent, 16%, and 2% of the population exhibited mild, moderate, and severe depression, respectively. The most frequently reported depressive symptom was fatigue (13%), followed by changes in appetite (84.2%), crying (81.6%), and sadness (79%). No statistically significant relationship was found between the presence of depressive symptoms and sociodemographic characteristics, treatment, or disability. Conclusions: It is evident that 35% of respondents scored in the range indicative of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory. Specialized mental health management is recommended to be included in the comprehensive care of patients and former patients with Hansen's disease.
Resumen Antecedentes: existe una estrecha relación entre salud mental y estilos de alimentación. Indicadores de salud mental como sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva han reportado efectos directos sobre estilos de alimentación que promueven la malnutrición por exceso como la alimentación emocional o restrictiva. Se analizó el efecto de la sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva sobre los estilos de alimentación en mujeres y hombres del norte y centro de Chile. Método: participaron 910 adultos residentes en el norte y centro de Chile; se aplicó el Cuestionario Holandés de Conducta Alimentaria (DEBQ), así como el Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck (BAI) y el Inventario de Depresión de Beck-II (BDI-II). El análisis del modelo global de la relación entre variables se realizó mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Resultados: el modelo global presentó adecuados indicadores de bondad de ajuste; la sintomatología ansiosa tuvo un efecto directo y significativo sobre la alimentación emocional, alimentación externa y alimentación restrictiva. Por su parte, la sintomatología depresiva no presentó efectos significativos sobre ningún estilo de alimentación. Conclusiones: a medida que aumentan los niveles de ansiedad, aumentan los niveles de todos los estilos de alimentación. La depresión podría interactuar mediando la relación por el contexto emocional que genera la sintomatología depresiva.
Abstract Introduction: There is a close relationship between mental health and eating styles. Mental health indicators such as anxious and depressive symptomatology have reported direct effects on eating styles that promote excess malnutrition such as emotional or restrictive eating. The aim was to analyze the effect of anxious and depressive symptomatology on eating styles in women and men from northern and central Chile. Method: Nine hundred and ten adults living in northern and central Chile participated in the study. The Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) were administered. The analysis of the global model of the relationship between variables was carried out using structural equation modeling. Results: The structural model presented adequate goodness-of-fit indicators, anxious symptomatology had a direct and significant effect on emotional eating, external eating and restrictive eating. On the other hand, depressive symptomatology, did not present significant effects on any eating style. Conclusions: As anxiety levels increase, levels of all eating styles increase. Depression, could interact mediating the relationship by the emotional context that generates the depressive symptomatology.
Objetivo: avaliar ansiedade, estresse e depressão antes e após o treinamento físico em acometidos pela Covid-19. Método: estudo quase-experimental realizado em Goiânia com pacientes que tiveram Covid-19 moderada a grave, após internação. Investigou-se ansiedade, estresse e depressão por meio da DASS-21. Os participantes realizaram dezoito sessões de treinamento físico, três vezes/semana composto por exercícios aeróbios, resistidos e de flexibilidade. Utilizou-se teste Shapiro Wilk para distribuição e os testes t pareado e Wilcoxon com nível de significância de p<0,05 para comparações. Resultado: participaram dezessete indivíduos com 55,59(±5,20) anos, predominantemente mulheres (64,7%), média de dezessete dias internados, maioria obesos (52,9%) com alguma doença prévia à Covid-19 (76,5%). Houve redução da ansiedade (mediana de 9,0 para 2,0 [p=0,001]), estresse de 10,0 para 2,0 (p=0,001) e depressão de 6,0 para 2,0 (p<0,001) após treinamento físico. Conclusão: o treinamento físico foi eficaz para melhora da ansiedade, estresse e depressão após dezoito sessões.
Objective: to assess anxiety, stress and depression before and after physical training in people affected by Covid-19. Method: a quasi-experimental study carried out in Goiania with patients who had moderate to severe Covid-19 after hospitalization. Anxiety, stress and depression were investigated using the DASS-21. The participants underwent eighteen physical training sessions, three times a week, consisting of aerobic, resistance and flexibility exercises. The Shapiro Wilk test was used for distribution and the paired t-test and Wilcoxon test with a significance level of p<0.05 were used for comparisons. Results: seventeen individuals took part, aged 55.59 (±5.20) years, predominantly women (64.7%), an average of seventeen days in hospital, the majority obese (52.9%) with some illness prior to Covid-19 (76.5%). There was a reduction in anxiety (median from 9.0 to 2.0 [p=0.001]), stress from 10.0 to 2.0 (p=0.001) and depression from 6.0 to 2.0 (p<0.001) after physical training. Conclusion: physical training was effective in improving anxiety, stress and depression after eighteen sessions.
Objetivo: evaluar la ansiedad, el estrés y la depresión antes y después del entrenamiento físico en afectados por la Covid-19. Método: estudio cuasi-experimental realizado en Goiânia con pacientes que tuvieron Covid-19 moderada a grave, tras hospitalización. Se investigó la ansiedad, el estrés y la depresión mediante el DASS-21. Los participantes realizaron dieciocho sesiones de entrenamiento físico, tres veces por semana compuesto por ejercicios aeróbicos, de resistencia y de flexibilidad. Se utilizó la prueba Shapiro Wilk para distribución y las pruebas t pareada y Wilcoxon con nivel de significancia de p<0,05 para comparaciones. Resultado: participaron diecisiete individuos con 55,59 (±5,20) años, predominantemente mujeres (64,7%), media de diecisiete días hospitalizados, mayoría obesos (52,9%) con alguna enfermedad previa a la Covid-19 (76,5%). Hubo reducción de la ansiedad (mediana de 9,0 a 2,0 [p=0,001]), estrés de 10,0 a 2,0 (p=0,001) y depresión de 6,0 a 2,0 (p<0,001) tras el entrenamiento físico. Conclusión: el entrenamiento físico fue eficaz para mejorar la ansiedad, el estrés y la depresión después de dieciocho sesiones.
INTRODUCTION: The development of depression after myocardial infarction is associated with a 2- to 2.5-fold increased risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and cardiovascular events. The objective of this study was to investigate, through a broad search of the literature, whether major depression is associated with worse psychiatric outcomes in middle-aged patients with myocardial ischemia. METHODS: An extensive search for studies on the association between major depression and myocardial ischemia was conducted in the PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, and Web of Science databases. Randomized clinical trials of middle-aged patients with myocardial ischemia and concomitant depressive symptoms were included. RESULTS: The 14 articles included in this systematic review did not confirm an association between myocardial ischemia and depression with worse psychiatric outcomes in middle-aged patients. However, worse cardiovascular outcomes have been observed in patients with depression after myocardial infarction. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study suggest that major depression increases cardiovascular risk in patients after acute myocardial infarction, possibly because of a more pronounced increase in inflammatory markers. REGISTRATION: This systematic review was registered in the International Prospective Registry of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) under the number CRD: 511650.
Transtorno Depressivo Maior , Infarto do Miocárdio , Isquemia Miocárdica , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Humanos , Infarto do Miocárdio/psicologia , Infarto do Miocárdio/epidemiologia , Isquemia Miocárdica/psicologia , Isquemia Miocárdica/epidemiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doenças Cardiovasculares/psicologiaRESUMO
The population of Hispanic older adults is growing along with the burden of chronic diseases. This cross-sectional study aims to assess the factors associated with frailty among community-dwelling Hispanic women aged ≥60 years (n = 357) enrolled in the Panama Aging Research Initiative-Health Disparities study of cognitive-functional health of older persons in Panama. Cognitive function was assessed with a neuropsychological test battery. Depression was measured with the Geriatric Depression Scale. Frailty was defined using the Fried criteria and participants were classified as non-frail, pre-frail or frail. A subsample (n = 281) provided fasting blood samples for quantification of protein biomarkers. Associations were examined using hierarchical multiple linear regressions. 59.4% and 9.0% of participants (M = 69.2 years, SD = 6.3) were pre-frail and frail, respectively. Having more depression (ß = .28, p < .001) was significantly associated with frailty, even after covariate adjustment. Cognitive function was not associated with frailty. Higher pTau181 levels were associated with increased frailty (ß = .13, p = .039), whereas higher α2M levels were associated with decreased frailty (ß = -.16, p = .004). These findings advance the search for health indicators and biomarkers of frailty and warrant further studies to decrease the burden of frailty among older Hispanic women.
Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a severe health problem for which there is no specific treatment, leading to neurological or neuropsychological consequences. One of the most described disorders, even after mild TBI (mTBI), is depression, related to mechanisms involving reactive oxygen species (ROS). The Mucuna pruriens (M. pruriens) plant has various antioxidant, neuroprotective, and anti-inflammatory properties. Purpose: There is insufficient evidence of M. pruriens use for the treatment of neurobehavioral and depressive impairments induced by TBI and of the mechanisms underlying this effect, so we aimed to evaluate the ability of shortterm administration of M. pruriens extract to prevent neurobehavioral impairment and depression-like behaviors in a murine model of mTBI as well as evaluate the role of oxidative stress. Methods: Male Wistar rats underwent mTBI or sham surgery. Immediately after, they were treated with vehicle or M. pruriens extract (50 mg/kg ip/day for five days). We evaluated neurobehavioral recovery using the Neurobehavioral Severity Scale-Revised (NSS-R) and the immobility time in the forced swimming test 3, 7, 15, 30, and 60 days after mTBI. In addition, lipid peroxidation (LP) and GSH concentrations were determined in some brain areas (motor cortex, striatum, midbrain, and nucleus accumbens). Results: M. pruriens extract did not decrease neurobehavioral impairment caused by mTBI. Nevertheless, it prevented depression-like behaviors starting three days after mTBI, reduced LP, and increased GSH in some brain areas. Conclusions: M. pruriens may prevent depression-like behaviors and reduce oxidative stress by decreasing LP and increasing concentrations of antioxidant compounds.
BACKGROUND: Depressive disorders are a critical public health concern in Chile. Nonetheless, there is a lack of evidence regarding the identification of depressive symptom clusters. The objective was to identify depressive symptom clusters among Chilean young adults and examine how demographic, and lifestyle factors as well as social support can influence and predict them. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted among 1,000 participants from the Limache cohort 2. A latent class analysis (LCA) was performed to identify depressive symptom clusters, using the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Multinomial logistic regression was then applied to explore the associations between identified classes and potential predictors. The models were adjusted by age and sex. RESULTS: Three latent classes of depressive symptoms were identified: minimal (25.7%); somatic (50.7%) and severe (23.6%). In the severe class for eight out nine depressive symptoms the probabilities were above 50%, and the probability of suicidal ideation was almost a third in this class. Being female (Adjusted Odds ratio [AOR], 2.49; 95% confidence interval [CI] [1.63-3.81]), current smoker (AOR, 1.74; 95% CI [1.15-2.65]), having basic education (AOR, 3.12; 95% CI [1.30-7.53]) and obesity (AOR, 2.72; 95% CI [1.61-4.59]) significantly increased the likelihood of belonging to severe class. Higher social support decreased the odds of being in the somatic (OR, 0.96; 95% CI [0.93-0.98]) and severe (OR, 0.92; 95% CI [0.90-0.94]) classes. CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the importance of individualized intervention strategies for depression management. Also, the study suggests that nutritional status and social support should be considered when addressing depression in this population.
Depressão , Análise de Classes Latentes , Estado Nutricional , Apoio Social , Humanos , Chile/epidemiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Estudos Transversais , Depressão/epidemiologia , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Adolescente , Fatores de RiscoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, some workers had the opportunity to work from home, while others remained in on-site work. The aim of the present study was to compare the psychosocial work aspects, work ability, mental health conditions and SARS-CoV-2 infection rates of Brazilian workers in remote and on-site work through a longitudinal study with quarterly follow-up assessments over a 12-month period. METHOD: A convenience sample of 1,211 workers from different economic sectors participated in the study, 897 of whom (74.1%) worked from home and 314 (25.9%) remained in on-site work. Psychosocial work aspects were assessed using the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ). Work ability was assessed using the Work Ability Index (WAI) and the Work Ability Score (WAS). Mental health conditions and SARS-CoV-2 infection rate were recorded based on self-reported medical diagnoses. Online questionnaires were answered from June 2020 to September 2021, involving two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. The groups were compared using chi-square tests, t-tests, and two-way ANOVA. RESULTS: In the first wave of the pandemic, remote workers reported more quantitative demands and work-family conflicts, whereas on-site workers reported more emotional demands, low development of new skills, low commitment, low predictability, low recognition, and low satisfaction. They also reported greater occurrences of unwanted sexual attention, threats of violence, and physical violence. In the second wave, the remote group continued to report high work-family conflicts, whereas the on-site group reported - in addition to the results of the 1st wave - low influence at work, low quality of leadership, and burnout. No significant difference was found between groups with regards to the WAI in either wave. A significant difference was found for the WAS between the 3rd and 12th months (P < 0.01) in both groups. No significant differences were found between groups for the prevalence of anxiety, depression, burnout/stress, insomnia, panic syndrome, and eating disorders, except for the prevalence of insomnia at the 12-month follow-up, with higher rates in the remote group (P = 0.03). SARS-CoV-2 infection was significantly lower in the remote group (11.3%) compared to the on- site (16.9%) group (P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Psychosocial work aspects differed between remote and on-site workers. Work ability and mental health conditions were similar between groups. Remote work might have played a role in limiting the spread of the virus in Brazil had it been more widely available.
COVID-19 , Saúde Mental , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/psicologia , Brasil/epidemiologia , Masculino , Estudos Longitudinais , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Saúde Mental/estatística & dados numéricos , SARS-CoV-2 , Inquéritos e Questionários , Teletrabalho , Avaliação da Capacidade de Trabalho , PandemiasRESUMO
To analyze stigma related to depression, beliefs about psychotropics, and associated factors in a population of Japanese ancestry in Brazil. This cross-sectional study was conducted between March and June, 2022. Beliefs about psychotropics (BMQ-specific) and depression-related stigma (The Stigma Scale) were collected through an online questionnaire. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to identify the factors associated with these dependent variables. Ninety-three respondents of Japanese ancestry completed the questionnaire. Participants were more focused on the necessity of the prescribed psychotropics than on possible adverse effects. Married individuals (ß=-4.68 [95%CI -8.74, -0.63]; p = 0.024) were less concerned with their psychotropics than single individuals, while those undergoing treatment for longer years (ß = 6.23 [95%CI 1.35, 11.11]; p = 0.013) perceive a greater necessity for treatment than those who started it recently. In addition, older individuals perceived less necessity for treatment (ß=-5.83 [95%CI -10.76, -0.90]; p = 0.021) than younger individuals. Unemployed people (ß = 12.09 [95%CI 0.47, 23.70]; p = 0.042) perceived more depression-related stigma than those employed. Aspects of Japanese cultural heritage related to depression and its treatment are still prevalent among people of Japanese ancestry in Brazil. Factors such as age, treatment duration, and marital status affects the perception of beliefs about psychotropics, whereas occupation affects the perception of stigma.
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are produced, secreted, and targeted by most human cells, including cells that compose nervous system tissues. EVs carry several types of biomolecules, such as lipids, proteins and microRNA, and can function as signaling agents in physiological and pathological processes. In this chapter, we will focus on EVs and their cargo secreted by brain cells, especially neurons and glia, and how these aspects are affected in pathological conditions. The chapter covers neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, as well as several psychiatric disorders, namely schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder and major depressive disorder. This chapter also addresses other types of neurological dysfunctions, epilepsy and traumatic brain injury. EVs can cross the blood brain barrier, and thus brain EVs may be detected in more accessible peripheral tissue, such as circulating blood. Alterations in EV composition and contents can therefore impart valuable clues into the molecular etiology of these disorders, and serve biomarkers regarding disease prevalence, progression and treatment. EVs can also be used to carry drugs and biomolecules into brain tissue, considered as a promising drug delivery agent for neurological diseases. Therefore, although this area of research is still in its early development, it offers great potential in further elucidating and in treating neurological disorders.
Biomarcadores , Vesículas Extracelulares , Doenças Neurodegenerativas , Humanos , Vesículas Extracelulares/metabolismo , Doenças Neurodegenerativas/metabolismo , Doenças Neurodegenerativas/patologia , Doenças Neurodegenerativas/terapia , Biomarcadores/metabolismo , Transtornos Mentais/metabolismo , Transtornos Mentais/tratamento farmacológico , Transtornos Mentais/terapia , Animais , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/metabolismo , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/patologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Nelore cattle play a key role in tropical production systems due to their resilience to harsh conditions, such as heat stress and seasonally poor nutrition. Monitoring their genetic diversity is essential to manage the negative impacts of inbreeding. Traditionally, inbreeding and inbreeding depression are assessed by pedigree-based coefficients (F), but recently, genetic markers have been preferred for their precision in capturing the inbreeding level and identifying animals at risk of reduced productive and reproductive performance. Hence, we compared the inbreeding and inbreeding depression for productive and reproductive performance traits in Nelore cattle using different inbreeding coefficient estimation methods from pedigree information (FPed), the genomic relationship matrix (FGRM), runs of homozygosity (FROH) of different lengths (> 1 Mb (genome), between 1 and 2 Mb - FROH 1-2; 2-4 Mb FROH 2-4 or > 8 Mb FROH >8) and excess homozygosity (FSNP). RESULTS: The correlation between FPed and FROH was lower when the latter was based on shorter segments (r = 0.15 with FROH 1-2, r = 0.20 with FROH 2-4 and r = 0.28 with FROH 4-8). Meanwhile, the FPed had a moderate correlation with FSNP (r = 0.47) and high correlation with FROH >8 (r = 0.58) and FROH-genome (r = 0.60). The FROH-genome was highly correlated with inbreeding based on FROH>8 (r = 0.93) and FSNP (r = 0.88). The FGRM exhibited a high correlation with FROH-genome (r = 0.55) and FROH >8 (r = 0.51) and a lower correlation with other inbreeding estimators varying from 0.30 for FROH 2-4 to 0.37 for FROH 1-2. Increased levels of inbreeding had a negative impact on the productive and reproductive performance of Nelore cattle. The unfavorable inbreeding effect on productive and reproductive traits ranged from 0.12 to 0.51 for FPed, 0.19-0.59 for FGRM, 0.21-0.58 for FROH-genome, and 0.19-0.54 for FSNP per 1% of inbreeding scaled on the percentage of the mean. When scaling the linear regression coefficients on the standard deviation, the unfavorable inbreeding effect varied from 0.43 to 1.56% for FPed, 0.49-1.97% for FGRM, 0.34-2.2% for FROH-genome, and 0.50-1.62% for FSNP per 1% of inbreeding. The impact of the homozygous segments on reproductive and performance traits varied based on the chromosomes. This shows that specific homozygous chromosome segments can be signs of positive selection due to their beneficial effects on the traits. CONCLUSIONS: The low correlation observed between FPed and genomic-based inbreeding estimates suggests that the presence of animals with one unknown parent (sire or dam) in the pedigree does not account for ancient inbreeding. The ROH hotspots surround genes related to reproduction, growth, meat quality, and adaptation to environmental stress. Inbreeding depression has adverse effects on productive and reproductive traits in Nelore cattle, particularly on age at puberty in young bulls and heifer calving at 30 months, as well as on scrotal circumference and body weight when scaled on the standard deviation of the trait.
Genômica , Depressão por Endogamia , Endogamia , Linhagem , Animais , Bovinos/genética , Genômica/métodos , Homozigoto , Feminino , Masculino , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo ÚnicoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Agastache mexicana is used in traditional medicine to treat anxiety, insomnia, pain, among others. In a previous study, the methanolic extract exerted anxiolytic and sedative effects, as observed behaviorally, associated with one of its major components, tilianin. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect produced by the extracts and tilianin obtained from Agastache mexicana on depressive-induced behavior model and on the activity of monoamine oxidases (MAOs). METHODS: The depression experimental model consisted of the forced swimming test in rats. MAOs activity was evaluated in cortex and hippocampus from the tilianin and Agastache extracts treated rats using specific inhibitors for each isoform. The quantification of monoamines was carried out using an High Performance Liquid Chromatography method. RESULTS: An increase in the swimming time was observed in rodents treated with doses of 16 (226.6 ± 5.5 seconds) and 50 mg/kg (237.8 ± 5.7 seconds) of tilianin, methanolic (260.4 ± 3 seconds), and hydroalcoholic extracts (249.6 ± 2.6 seconds) at 100 mg/kg. MAOs activity was significantly decreased in brain tissue from animals treated with 16 and 50 mg/kg of tilianin, methanolic, and hydroalcoholic extracts at 100 mg/kg. CONCLUSIONS: The tilianin effect on monoamine oxidases inhibition is confirmed, suggesting its potential use in the treatment of certain neurological disorders.
Few studies have examined how the personal characteristics of students, together with factors from their local social environments and communities, affect students living in generally high levels of social disruption. We examined the influence that personal characteristics as well as factors from the local social environments and communities may have on Colombian students' levels of depressive symptoms shortly after the end of the of armed conflict. Data were collected from 710 students attending the fifth grade in a random sample of elementary schools in the province of Sucre in Colombia. Information was gathered on the students' ages and gender as well as characteristics of their parents, school factors, and community factors. A five-level hierarchical regression model was used to determine the extent to which all these variables predicted depression scores, as measured by the Adolescent Depression Rating Scale. While personal, parental, school and community factors were all found to predict depression scores, the category, parental factors had the most impact. That was followed by school factors, community factors and finally personal characteristics. Multiple social and environmental factors were associated with the level of depression experienced by Colombian students.
Few studies have examined how the characteristics of students, together with their local social environments and communities, affect students living in generally high levels of social disruption. We examined the influence that personal characteristics as well as factors from the local social environments and communities may have on Colombian students' levels of depressive symptoms shortly after the end of the of armed conflict. Data were collected from 710 students attending the fifth grade in a sample of Colombian, elementary schools. Information was gathered on the students' ages and gender as well as characteristics of their parents, schools, and communites. We used regression analyses to determine the extent to which all these variables predicted students' levels of depression. While the personal, parental, school and community characteristics of students were all found to predict depression scores, how students were parented had the most impact. That was followed by characteristics of their schools, communities and their personal characteristics. We concluded that multiple social and environmental factors were associated with the level of depression experienced by Colombian students.
Chronic neuropathic pain arises from changes in the somatosensory nervous system and can lead to disability and intense physical and emotional suffering. Recognized as a painful syndrome, its causes are diverse, ranging from stroke, trauma, and diabetes mellitus to unknown origins. It tends to be more common in women, and it is estimated that the number of people affected by this condition increases every year as the population ages. Treatments are based on pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions; however, the therapeutic plan does not always offer satisfactory relief, and learning to live with pain is, in most cases, the only option. The treatment aims to provide relief from symptoms, and alternative measures such as physiotherapy, physical exercise, and psychological support are strongly recommended. The coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 pandemic exacerbated the pain process, impacting quality of life, generating emotional problems, and potentially contributing to the increased incidence of neuropathic pain. In this context, the narrative review aimed to explore the complex panorama of chronic neuropathic pain, not only from a physiological perspective but also encompassing the psychological perspective and actions related to the pain process.
PURPOSE: Life experiences that could either promote or attenuate depression have primarily been studied in adults. Therefore, we investigated the association between lifestyle factors and symptoms of depression in adolescents. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional study was carried out in Brazilians. SUBJECTS: Data from 93 individuals were analyzed out of the 150 invited participants (age 14.2±1.8, 67.74% girls). MEASURES: Lifestyle habits (SMILE-C), physical activity and sitting time (IPAQ), as well as symptoms of depression (DASS-21) were evaluated. ANALYSIS: A network analysis was performed using the EBIC-LASSO model, with the expected influence as a centrality parameter. RESULTS: The lifestyle domains with the highest expected influence were diet and nutrition (1.423), walking (1.126) and Stress Management (1.015). The variables with the highest direct partial negative correlation with depression were social support (-0.307) and moderate-vigorous physical activity (-0.244), suggesting a bidirectional relationship between these variables with lower symptoms of depression. CONCLUSION: Specific lifestyle areas such as social support, physical activity and nutrition appear to impact other healthy habits while reducing teen depressive symptoms.
Objective: The aim of this study was twofold: first, to examine the association between perceived barriers to physical activity (PA) practice and depression, anxiety and stress in a sample of Spanish adolescents; and second, to determine which barriers are specifically associated with depression, anxiety and stress. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 765 adolescents aged 12-17 (55.6% girls) in the Valle of Ricote, Murcia, Spain. Depression, anxiety and stress symptoms were assessed using the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), with validated cut points employed to determine the presence of each of these mental conditions. The perception of barriers to PA was assessed using a validated questionnaire for the Spanish adolescent population. Results: The barrier 'Because I feel that my physical appearance is worse than that of others' was related to a higher likelihood of having depression (OR=2.41; 95% CI 1.35 to 4.28; p=0.003), anxiety (OR=2.65; 95% CI 1.51 to 4.71; p=0.001) and stress (OR=2.82; 95% CI 1.59 to 5.07; p<0.001). Similarly, the barrier 'Because nobody encourages me to engage in physical activity' was related to a higher likelihood of having depression (OR=1.92; 95% CI 1.08 to 3.43; p=0.026), anxiety (OR=1.97; 95% CI 1.11 to 3.50; p=0.021) and stress (OR=1.99; 95% CI 1.12 to 3.59; p=0.021). Conclusion: Perceived barriers to PA related to physical appearance and social support seem to be associated with a greater likelihood of depression, anxiety and stress among Spanish adolescents.
The Psychiatric Pediatric Issues Task Force of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) aimed to develop recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents with epilepsy. The Task Force conducted a systematic review and identified two studies that assessed the accuracy of four screening measures for depression and anxiety symptoms compared with a psychiatric interview. Nine studies met the eligibility criteria for treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders or symptoms. The risk of bias and certainty of evidence were assessed. The evidence generated by this review followed by consensus where evidence was missing generated 47 recommendations. Those with a high level of agreement (≥80%) are summarized. Diagnosis: (1) Universal screening for anxiety and depression is recommended. Closer surveillance is recommended for children after 12 years, at higher risk (e.g., suicide-related behavior), with subthreshold symptoms, and experiencing seizure worsening or therapeutic modifications. (2) Multiple sources of ascertainment and a formal screening are recommended. Clinical interviews are recommended whenever possible. The healthcare provider must always explain that symptom recognition is essential to optimize treatment outcomes and reduce morbidity. (3) Questioning about the relationship between symptoms of anxiety or depression with seizure worsening/control and behavioral adverse effects of antiseizure medications is recommended. Treatment: (1) An individualized treatment plan is recommended. (2) For mild depression, active monitoring must be considered. (3) Referral to a mental health care provider must be considered for moderate to severe depression and anxiety. (4) Clinical care pathways must be developed. (5) Psychosocial interventions must be tailored and age-appropriate. (6) Healthcare providers must monitor children with epilepsy who are prescribed antidepressants, considering symptoms and functioning that may not improve simultaneously. (7) Caregiver education is essential to ensure treatment adherence. (8) A shared-care model involving all healthcare providers is recommended for children and adolescents with epilepsy and mental health disorders. We identified clinical decisions in the management of depression and anxiety that lack solid evidence and provide consensus-based guidance to address the care of children and adolescents with epilepsy.
OBJECTIVE: We aim to evaluate whether a wide range of baseline mental disorders predict Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) one to three years later, among university students. METHODS: Prospective cohort study with a follow-up period of one to three years (September 2018-June 2022) in 6 Mexican universities. Participants were first-year university students (N=2,144) free of symptoms indicative of IGD at entry (baseline). Ten mental disorders (bipolar, major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, alcohol use disorder, drug use disorder, binging and/or purging, intermittent explosive disorder, psychotic experiences, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) at baseline were the main risk factors for IGD at the end of the follow-up. We used Cox regression to model the IGD incidence rate. RESULTS: Any mental disorder at baseline was associated with an increase in 2.33 times (1.26-4.31) the rate of IGD 1 to 3 years later. Several individual disorders were associated with rates of IGD in multiple models, with comorbid conditions diminishing most of these associations. CONCLUSIONS: Only major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder remained associated with a new case of IGD. Discrepant results from available longitudinal studies on the role of specific mental disorders in the development of IGD needs to be further investigated.
BACKGROUND: Clinical nurses have symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression, which seriously affect their physical and mental health. Narrative therapy (NT), a therapy for trauma-related psychological disorders, may be an effective intervention. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of NT on improving PTSD symptoms, perceived stress, anxiety and depression in nurses. METHODS: A total of 92 participants who were clinical nurses and had positive PTSD symptom screening results were randomly assigned (1:1) to the intervention and control groups. The intervention group received NT and a psychological stress leaflet, while the control group received only a psychological stress leaflet. PTSD, perceived stress, anxiety, and depression were measured before and after the intervention to assess the effect of NT. RESULTS: After the intervention, the intervention group showed significantly lower levels of PTSD symptoms (P=0.025), perceived stress (P=0.033), anxiety (P=0.004), and depression (P=0.015) compared with the control group. Regarding the dichotomous outcomes of PTSD, anxiety, and depression, there was a statistically significant decrease in the number of positive cases of PTSD (P=0.030) and anxiety (P=0.002), while there was no statistically significant change in the number of positive cases of depression (P=0.060). CONCLUSIONS: NT is expected to alleviate PTSD symptoms, stress, anxiety, and depression among clinical frontline nurses, and healthcare professionals should consider applying NT to improve nurses' mental health.