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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 88(1): e2023, 2025. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568853


ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe the epidemiological and clinical profile of hospitalized patients with retinoblastoma in Brazil. Methods: Using data from the Hospital Cancer Registry of the Instituto Nacional de Câncer, patients with the morphological codes of retinoblastoma who were diagnosed between 2000 to 2018, aged 0-19 years, and followed up in registered hospitals (analytical cases) were selected. The relative and absolute frequencies of demographic, clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic, and outcome variables were described. Hospital performance indicators were calculated and compared between hospitals qualified and not qualified to treat pediatric oncology cases and between hospitals with different case volumes (<20, 20-75, >75 cases). Results: Of the 2,269 identified analytical cases from 86 institutions, 48% were from the Southeast, 54% were male, and 66% were aged <4 years. The proportion of missing data (NA) was too high for several variables. Approximately 84% of the patients were from the public health system, 40% had a positive family history, and 88% had unilateral involvement. The first treatment included surgery in 58.3% of the patients (NA=2), Approximately 36.6% of these patients achieved complete remission, 10.8% achieved partial remission, and 12.7% died (NA=59%). Hospital performance indicators were within the target in >90% of the patients. The median time between the first appointment and diagnosis (6 days, interquartile range [IQR] 1-14) was significantly lower and the median time to death was longer (343 days, IQR, 212-539) in high-volume hospitals (>75 cases) than in medium- and low-volume hospitals. Conclusions: Despite the high proportion of missing data, we found that the delay in diagnosis is due to prehospital factors. Additionally, there is a need for educational programs for healthcare professionals and families that emphasize early identification and referral to specialized centers. Future studies should focus on the impact of Hospital Cancer Registry data completeness on outcomes, causes of delay in diagnosis, regional inequalities, and barriers to accessing specialized services.

Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561695


Introdução: Os acidentes ocupacionais com material biológico representam um problema de saúde pública. A exposição ocupacional dos profissionais da saúde configura-se como um risco de transmissão de diversos patógenos. Na literatura, há carência de estudos que analisem o perfil dos acidentes com material biológico nos médicos da atenção primária. Objetivo: Buscou-se compreender o perfil epidemiológico dos acidentes com material biológico em médicos da atenção primária em Minas Gerais. Métodos: Estudo epidemiológico descritivo com análise do perfil dos acidentes com material biológico em médicos da atenção primária em Minas Gerais, utilizando dados secundários. Resultados: No período analisado, foram registrados 111 acidentes com material biológico, dos quais 54% ocorreram somente em 2020 e 2021. A maioria dos casos deu-se em mulheres (59%), e os tipos mais frequentes de exposição foram mucosa (38%) e percutânea (33%). Dos médicos, 23% não possuíam esquema vacinal contra a hepatite B completo. Em média, em 36% dos acidentes os testes sorológicos foram negativos e em 61% não foram realizados ou o campo foi ignorado/deixado em branco. Em apenas 7,2% dos casos a quimioprofilaxia foi indicada, mas ressaltam-se os registros ignorados ou em branco. Mais da metade dos acidentados não emitiu a Comunicação de Acidente de Trabalho (CAT). Conclusões: Os acidentes com material biológico predominam em médicas e nas formas de exposição mucosa e percutânea. Investimentos em medidas de biossegurança e educação permanente são necessários para prevenir casos e estimular sua notificação.

Introduction: Occupational accidents with biological material represent a public health problem. The occupational exposure of health professionals represents a risk of transmission of various pathogens. In the literature, there is a lack of studies that analyze the profile of accidents with biological material among primary health care physicians. Objective: We aimed to understand the epidemiological profile of accidents involving biological material among primary health care physicians in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods: Descriptive epidemiological study that analyzed the profile of accidents with biological material among primary health care doctors in Minas Gerais, using secondary data. Results: In the period analyzed, 111 accidents with biological material were recorded, of which 54% occurred only in 2020 and 2021. Most cases occurred in women (59%) and the most frequent types of exposure were mucosal (38%) and percutaneous (33%). About a quarter (23%) of physicians did not have a complete immunization record for hepatitis B. On average, in 36% of accidents serological tests were negative and in 61% they were not performed or the field was ignored/left blank. In only 7.2% of cases, chemoprophylaxis was indicated, but ignored or blank records stood out. More than half of the victims did not fill out a work accident report. Conclusions: Accidents with biological material predominate in female doctors and in forms of mucosal and percutaneous exposure. Investments in biosafety measures and permanent education are necessary to prevent cases and encourage their notification.

Introducción: Los accidentes de trabajo con material biológico representan un problema de salud pública. La exposición ocupacional de los profesionales de la salud representa un riesgo de transmisión de varios patógenos. En la literatura faltan estudios que analicen el perfil de accidentes con material biológico en médicos de atención primaria. Objetivo: Buscamos comprender el perfil epidemiológico de los accidentes con material biológico en médicos de atención primaria en Minas Gerais. Métodos: Estudio epidemiológico descriptivo con análisis del perfil de accidentes con material biológico en médicos de atención primaria en Minas Gerais, utilizando datos secundarios. Resultados: En el período analizado se registraron 111 accidentes con material biológico, de los cuales el 54% ocurrió solo en 2020 y 2021. La mayoría de los casos ocurrieron en mujeres (59%) y los tipos de exposición más frecuentes fueron mucosa (38%) y percutánea (33%). El 23% de los médicos no disponía de un calendario completo de vacunación frente a la hepatitis B. En promedio, en el 36% de los accidentes, las pruebas serológicas fueron negativas y en el 61% no se realizó o se ignoró/dejó el campo en blanco. Solo en el 7,2% de los casos se indicó quimioprofilaxis, pero destacan los registros ignorados o en blanco. Más de la mitad de las víctimas no emitieron el CAT. Conclusiones: Predominan los accidentes con material biológico en médicas y en formas de exposición mucosa y percutánea. Son necesarias inversiones en medidas de bioseguridad y educación permanente para prevenir casos e incentivar su notificación.

Humanos , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Saúde Ocupacional , Medicina de Família e Comunidade
Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2)jul./dez. 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567949


Hábitos alimentares inadequados, sedentarismo e a maior expectativa de vida da população contribuem significativamente para a prevalência da síndrome metabólica. Essa doença predispõe uma pessoa a desenvolver diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e doenças cardiovasculares, as quais têm um amplo impacto na saúde pública, induzindo sobrecarga no sistema de saúde e reduzindo a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos afetados. A síndrome metabólica é uma doença multifatorial e está relacionada ao processo de envelhecimento, contudo, ainda há uma lacuna significativa, em termos de estudos, sobre a prevalência da condição em populações idosas. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo objetivou rastrear a prevalência da síndrome metabólica em participantes da Universidade Aberta da Terceira Idade (UNATI), localizada em Francisco Beltrão, Paraná. Os critérios diagnósticos de síndrome metabólica abordados nesta pesquisa incluem: circunferência abdominal ≥ 90 cm para homens e ≥ 80 cm para mulheres, triglicerídeos ≥ 150 mg/dL, HDL ≤ 40 mg/dL para homens e ≤ 50 mg/dL para mulheres, pressão arterial sistólica ≥ 130 mmHg e/ou pressão arterial diastólica ≥ 85 mmHg ou estar em farmacoterapia para hipertensão, além de glicemia de jejum ≥ 100 mg/dL ou estar em tratamento farmacológico para diabetes. Um total de 44 idosos foram avaliados, apresentando uma média de idade de 66,9 ± 7,1 anos, com uma predominância de mulheres (88%). Os resultados revelaram uma prevalência alarmante de síndrome metabólica, atingindo 36,4% da amostra estudada. Além disso, observou-se uma alta prevalência de condições associadas, como hipertensão arterial (67,2%), sobrepeso (58,6%) e obesidade visceral (31%). Esses achados ressaltam a importância da implementação de medidas preventivas direcionadas à promoção da qualidade de vida saudável e ao controle dos fatores de risco metabólicos.

Inadequate dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, and increased life expectancy significantly contribute to the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. This condition predisposes an individual to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases, which have a broad impact on public health, inducing a burden on the healthcare system and reducing the quality of life of affected individuals. Metabolic syndrome is a multifactorial disease and is related to the aging process; however, there is still a significant gap in terms of studies on the prevalence of the condition in elderly populations. In this context, this study aimed to screen the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in participants of the Open University for the Third Age (UNATI), located in Francisco Beltrão, Paraná. The diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome addressed in this research include: abdominal circumference ≥ 90 cm for men and ≥ 80 cm for women, triglycerides ≥ 150 mg/dL, HDL ≤ 40 mg/dL for men and ≤ 50 mg/dL for women, systolic blood pressure ≥ 130 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 85 mmHg or being on pharmacotherapy for hypertension, in addition to fasting glucose ≥ 100 mg/dL or being on pharmacological treatment for diabetes. A total of 44 elderly individuals were evaluated, with a mean age of 66.9 ± 7.1 years, predominantly women (88%). The results revealed an alarming prevalence of metabolic syndrome, affecting 36.4% of the studied sample. Furthermore, a high prevalence of associated conditions was observed, such as arterial hypertension (67.2%), overweight (58.6%), and visceral obesity (31%). These findings underscore the importance of implementing preventive measures aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and controlling metabolic risk factors.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso
Br J Ophthalmol ; 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39227133


BACKGROUND: To assess predictive value of short-term choroidal changes for future myopic shift in children. METHODS: 577 eyes of 289 primary school children were prospectively followed for 2 years. Cycloplegic refractions at baseline, 1 year and 2 years, and choroidal measurements by optical coherence tomography at baseline and 3 months, were used for analyses. Myopic shift was defined as refraction change of at least -0.50 dioptre/year, at 2 years compared with baseline. RESULTS: 228 participants (455 eyes) completed 2-year follow-up. Approximately 37.6% of 311 initially non-myopic eyes and 73.6% of 144 initially myopic eyes developed a myopic shift. Notably, at 3 months greater reductions were found in initially myopic eyes with myopic shift, than in those without myopic shift-in choroidal thickness (ChT), luminal area (LA), stromal area (SA) and total choroidal area (TCA), but no significant differences in any choroidal parameters were observed between non-myopic eyes, with and without myopic shift. Multivariable analyses showed that in myopic eyes, each percentage increase in ChT, LA, SA and TCA was associated with reduced odds of myopic shift (all p<0.001). Similar associations were observed in non-myopic eyes, with smaller effects than in myopic eyes. Adding a 3-month percentage change of each choroidal parameter to a basic model including age, gender, parental myopia and baseline refraction significantly improved the predictive performance in myopic eyes (area under the receiver operating characteristic curves increasing from 0.650 to approximately 0.800, all p<0.05), but not in non-myopic eyes. CONCLUSION: Short-term choroidal changes could act as early indicators for future myopic shift in children.

Arch Dis Child ; 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39227142


OBJECTIVES: To identify clinical characteristics of patients with non-refractory Kawasaki disease (KD), which were defined as those who successfully responded to the standard initial intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) treatment (2 g/kg/day, single infusion) without any secondary or later additional specific treatments, and to investigate the factors associated with the development of coronary artery (CA) complications in patients with non-refractory KD. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: Hospitals specialising in paediatrics and hospitals with ≥100 beds and a paediatric department throughout Japan. PATIENTS: A total of 122 489 patients who developed KD across Japan during 2011-2018. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: CA abnormalities identified after acute illness of KD (defined as CA sequelae). RESULTS: A total of 69 735 patients with non-refractory KD were identified, of which 672 (0.96%) experienced CA sequelae. Among patients with non-refractory KD, the presence of CA abnormalities identified at initial echocardiographic assessment was strongly associated with CA sequelae (adjusted OR (95% CI): 37.8 (31.9 to 44.7)). CA sequelae was also associated with male patients, infants (<12 months old), older patients (≥60 months old) and patients who received delayed initial IVIG treatment (>7 days from KD onset). Subgroup analyses demonstrated that delayed initial IVIG treatment was significantly associated with the development of CA sequelae in both patients with and without CA abnormalities identified at initial echocardiographic assessment. CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 1% of patients with non-refractory KD may develop CA sequelae. Our findings highlight the importance of initial echocardiographic assessment and early initiation of IVIG treatments for patients with KD.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39227673


HIV criminalization laws may discourage HIV testing. We tested whether California's 2018 HIV criminalization law reform increased the likelihood of past-year HIV testing compared to Nevada, which did not reform its HIV criminalization law. We fitted two difference-in-differences logistic regression models: one for all respondents reporting behaviors that increase the chances of getting or transmitting HIV, and one for male respondents reporting these behaviors. All analyses accounted for the complex survey design of BRFSS. HIV criminalization reform was significantly associated with an increased likelihood of past-year HIV testing. After reform, the predicted marginal probability of past-year HIV testing increased by six percentage points. By comparison, probabilities of a past-year HIV test decreased in Nevada. HIV criminalization law reform may increase the likelihood of getting tested by individuals who engage in behaviors that increase the chances of getting or transmitting HIV.

Equine Vet J ; 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39228107


BACKGROUND: Limited research exists on impacts of air pollution on non-human mammals, particularly animal athletes such as Thoroughbred racehorses. Athletes have a greater risk of exposure as heightened exertion and increased airflow carry more pollutants deeper into the respiratory tract. OBJECTIVES: To provide insights into the impact of ambient air pollution, particularly fine particulate matter (PM2.5), on race speed. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective observational study. METHODS: Data were obtained from The Jockey Club Information Systems, covering 31 407 winning races by Thoroughbred horses in California spanning 10 years (2011-2020) and evaluated the association between air pollution and winning race speeds. For race days, we collected PM2.5 data from the nearest U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) monitoring site within 100 km of each racetrack (n = 12). We assessed the associations between daily average PM2.5 concentrations and speed of winning horses with linear mixed effects regression. We adjusted for horse characteristics, race-related covariates, temporal indicators (e.g., year), other air pollutants and temperature. We conducted sensitivity analyses by adjusting extreme air pollution days by reassigning values to the 95th percentile value and conducting linear mixed effects regression on series of datasets with incremental cutpoints of PM2.5. RESULTS: In the cutpoint analysis, we found that for PM2.5 between 4 and 23.6 µg/m3, speed decreased 0.0008 m/s (95% CI: -0.0014562 to -0.00018) for every 1 µg/m3 increase of PM2.5. MAIN LIMITATIONS: Limitations include the use of offsite monitors leading to imprecise exposure measurements, not using training practice data, and generalisability as the study focuses on California racetracks. CONCLUSION: This study highlights the need to create advisories to safeguard the performance of horses during periods of poor air quality. Further research is recommended to explore additional factors influencing the relationship between air pollution and equine welfare.

J Addict Dis ; : 1-16, 2024 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39229643


BACKGROUND: Alternative tobacco products like midwakh are gaining popularity as potential substitutes for traditional cigarettes despite a misconception among smokers that they may be less harmful. OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence, knowledge, beliefs, and predictors of midwakh smoking among adult smokers in Qatar during 2022. METHOD: An analytic cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2022 to July 2022. A simple random sample (N = 1036) was employed to include participants from the list of adults 18 years and above obtained from Qatar's National Health Information System who were invited to participate in a telephone survey. RESULTS: Among the 806 participants (response rate 77.8%), 9.3% were current midwakh smokers, and 5.2% had ever smoked midwakh. The majority were male (97.2%), non-Qatari (70.9%), and aged over 24 years. Additionally, 66.7% of midwakh smokers reported having at least one family member or friend who smoked any tobacco product. Reasons for midwakh use included enjoyment, experimentation, cessation of other tobacco products, affordability, and lack of odor. Moreover, 70.9% believed midwakh smoking could lead to addiction, while 66.7% perceived it as more dangerous than other tobacco products, potentially causing severe health conditions like lung cancer. Multivariable logistic regression indicated a significant association between midwakh use and nationality, with Qataris being 0.21 times less likely to smoke midwakh than non-Qataris (adjusted odds ratio of 0.214, 95% confidence interval: 1.58-4.225, p value of 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Midwakh smoking poses health risks comparable to other tobacco products, with peer influence being significant. Urgent action is needed to heighten awareness and allocate resources for effective intervention.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39229718


Objective: To characterize the sociological risk factors for firearm intimate partner violence (IPV) among women in Texas, with a focus on lethal predictors to aid in screening and intervention guidelines. Methods: A retrospective medical and forensic chart review was conducted and supplemented by news sources, public police reports, and court records on firearm cases in Houston, TX, from 2018 to 2020. IPV was defined as a cis-gendered female victim of firearm violence from a current or ex-intimate partner. Non-IPV was defined as cis-gendered female victims of firearm violence from strangers, friends/acquaintances, gang, client, or similar relationships. Numeric variables were compared using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and reported as median [Q1, Q3]. Categorical variables were compared using Fisher's exact test and reported as count (%). Results: A total of 102 cases of IPV were identified. Nonspousal IPV was more prevalent than spousal (65.7% versus 34.3%). Lethal injuries, older age, home location, and head injuries were more prevalent in the IPV cohort. Older age, spousal perpetrator, home shooting location, and history of prior domestic abuse were associated with lethal IPV. There were 31 cases of murder-suicide. During the COVID-19 pandemic, IPV cases increased by 91.3%, with lethal cases increasing by 57.6%. Conclusion: Risk factors for overall IPV and lethal IPV are not the same; therefore, it is imperative that all women, irrespective of race, age, or relationship status, be screened for IPV and prior domestic violence to allow intervention and prevention of lethal IPV. Patients should also be screened for personal or partner access to firearms as firearm IPV is a highly lethal form of violence.

Pathog Glob Health ; : 1-11, 2024 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39229797


Enterovirus (EV)-associated hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a significant public health issue worldwide, commonly occurring in children five years of age or younger. The leading causes of most HFMD cases are EVs, which are members of the Picornaviridae family. The typical clinical manifestations of EV-associated HFMD are febrile presentations with mucosal herpangina, oral ulcerations, and skin rashes on the hands and feet. The majority of HFMD cases resolve without consequence; however, a subset progresses to severe neurological and cardiopulmonary complications, which can be fatal. In the past two decades, EV-associated HFMD has received significant attention. In this review, we organize published papers and provide updates on epidemiology, pathogenesis, surveillance, and vaccine developments for EV-associated HFMD. The impact of EV-associated HFMD is increasing globally. Developing efficacious vaccines has become a priority for preventing EV infections without adequate treatment. Simultaneously, emerging EV infections (including EV-D68, EV-A71, Coxsackieviruses, and echoviruses) are increasing, highlighting the need to create a vigilant surveillance system for EV infections worldwide.

Am J Epidemiol ; 2024 Aug 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39218438


Scholars, activists, and policymakers have long called for reparations - a process of repair and restitution for harm and injustices done - to descendants of enslaved Africans in the U.S. as a structural intervention to address historic and ongoing injustices. However, there has been very limited epidemiologic work examining reparations. We explore some of the epidemiologic benefits and challenges of using causal inference frameworks to model reparations as an example of a large-scale, structural intervention that pushes the limits of what is considered "well-defined" and may violate key identification assumptions. Finally, we weigh these methodological limitations with the utility of assessing public health implications of reparations policies and conclude by discussing implications for future epidemiologic research.

Parasites Hosts Dis ; 62(3): 294-301, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39218628


Toxoplasma gondii, a common protozoan parasite, poses significant public health risks due to its potential to cause toxoplasmosis in humans and can be contracted from pigs, which are considered its critical intermediate host. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of T. gondii in slaughtered pigs for human consumption, emphasizing the zoonotic implications and the need for improved biosecurity and monitoring practices in pig farming. A total of 1,526 pig samples (1,051 whole blood samples and 384 lung tissue samples from the local slaughterhouse and 91 aborted fetus samples from local farms) were collected throughout the whole country of Korea in 2020. Among them, 6 (0.4%) were found to be infected with T. gondii by nested PCR. When compared by sample type, the prevalence of T. gondii was significantly higher in the aborted fetus samples (2.2%, 2/91) than in the blood (0.3%, 3/1,051) and lung tissue samples (0.3%, 1/384). The B1 gene sequence of T. gondii was similar (97.9-99.8%) to that of the other T. gondii isolates. This study represents the first molecular genotyping survey of T. gondii in the lung tissue of fattening pigs and aborted fetuses in Korea. Our findings indicated the importance of adopting preventive measures including the implementation of rigorous farm hygiene protocols and the promotion of public awareness about the risks of consuming undercooked pork. By addressing the gaps in current control strategies and encouraging the One Health approach, this study contributes to the development of more effective strategies to mitigate the transmission of T. gondii from pigs to humans, ultimately safeguarding public health.

Genótipo , Doenças dos Suínos , Toxoplasma , Toxoplasmose Animal , Animais , Toxoplasma/genética , Toxoplasma/isolamento & purificação , República da Coreia/epidemiologia , Suínos , Toxoplasmose Animal/epidemiologia , Toxoplasmose Animal/parasitologia , Doenças dos Suínos/parasitologia , Doenças dos Suínos/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Suínos/transmissão , Prevalência , Matadouros , Pulmão/parasitologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Humanos , DNA de Protozoário/genética , Feto Abortado/parasitologia
BMC Med ; 22(1): 354, 2024 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39218895


The integration of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in life-course epidemiology offers remarkable opportunities to advance our understanding of the complex interplay between biological, social, and environmental factors that shape health trajectories across the lifespan. This perspective summarizes the current applications, discusses future potential and challenges, and provides recommendations for harnessing ML and AI technologies to develop innovative public health solutions. ML and AI have been increasingly applied in epidemiological studies, demonstrating their ability to handle large, complex datasets, identify intricate patterns and associations, integrate multiple and multimodal data types, improve predictive accuracy, and enhance causal inference methods. In life-course epidemiology, these techniques can help identify sensitive periods and critical windows for intervention, model complex interactions between risk factors, predict individual and population-level disease risk trajectories, and strengthen causal inference in observational studies. By leveraging the five principles of life-course research proposed by Elder and Shanahan-lifespan development, agency, time and place, timing, and linked lives-we discuss a framework for applying ML and AI to uncover novel insights and inform targeted interventions. However, the successful integration of these technologies faces challenges related to data quality, model interpretability, bias, privacy, and equity. To fully realize the potential of ML and AI in life-course epidemiology, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations, developing standardized guidelines, advocating for their integration in public health decision-making, prioritizing fairness, and investing in training and capacity building are essential. By responsibly harnessing the power of ML and AI, we can take significant steps towards creating healthier and more equitable futures across the life course.

Inteligência Artificial , Aprendizado de Máquina , Saúde Pública , Humanos , Saúde Pública/métodos
J Clin Tuberc Other Mycobact Dis ; 37: 100475, 2024 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224114


Background: Advanced pulmonary tuberculosis (APT) may reflect delays in tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis and contribute to ongoing disease transmission and poor outcomes. We characterized trends and factors associated with APT over ten years in a high TB-burden county within the United States. Methods: We evaluated microbiologically and clinically confirmed TB cases reported to the Alameda County Public Health Department during 2010-2019. APT was defined as the presence of cavitation on chest imaging and positive acid-fast bacilli sputum smear. Over the ten-year period, we determined overall incidence and annual trends, and conducted multivariable logistic regression to identify sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with APT. Results: We included 997 cases with pulmonary TB, of which 128 (12.8 %) had APT. The 10-year incidence of APT was 8.8 cases per 100,000, with no significant change in proportion over time. The median age of cases with APT were 50 years (IQR 32-61), 68 % were male, and 78.9 % were non-US-born. On multivariable assessment, APT cases were more likely than non-APT cases to use drugs in the past year (aOR 2.43, 95 % CI 1.10-35.09), to have diabetes (aOR 2.51, 95 % CI: 1.59-3.96), and be HIV negative (aOR 9.32 versus HIV positive, 95 % CI 1.87-169.77). While US nativity was not significantly associated with APT, it was an effect modifier. In stratified analysis, APT was more likely among those with drug-use in the last year among US-born, while diabetes was associated with APT among non-US-born individuals. Conclusions: APT remains a substantial proportion of TB cases. Efforts to increase awareness and access to care are needed for key risk groups including those with recent drug use or diabetes, with consideration of cultural and linguistic factors given differences by US nativity.

Front Neurol ; 15: 1434433, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224884


Background: Previous studies have shown a connection between physical activity and migraines, but they don't prove a cause-and-effect relationship due to potential biases in observational methods. Methods: Utilizing accelerometer-measured physical activity data from a cohort of 377,234 participants in the UK Biobank and information from 599,356 European migraine patients (including 48,975 cases and 550,381 controls) obtained from 24 cohorts, we performed a bidirectional Mendelian randomization analysis to investigate the genetic bidirectional causal relationship between accelerometer-measured physical activity and migraines. Results: Research findings indicated a slight negative genetic correlation between "average acceleration" physical activity (rg = -0.091, p = 0.011), overall physical activity (rg = -0.081, p = 0.017), and migraine. Nevertheless, no shared genetic components were observed between migraine and "fraction of accelerations > 425 mg" of physical activity (rg = -0.124, p = 0.076). The study results also demonstrated a lack of genetic bidirectional causality between accelerometer-measured physical activity and migraine ("average acceleration", OR = 1.002, 95% CI 0.975-1.031, p = 0.855, "fraction of accelerations > 425 mg", OR = 1.127, 95% CI 0.802-1.583, p = 0.488, overall physical activity, OR = 0.961, 95% CI 0.713-1.296, p = 0.799), and vice versa. Additionally, this lack of causal association persists even after adjusting for obesity (OR = 1.005, p = 0.578), education (OR = 1.019, p = 0.143), and depression (OR = 1.005, p = 0.847), either separately or simultaneously. Conclusion: The Mendelian randomization results based on genetic data do not provide support for a causal association between physical activity and migraine.

Dig Dis Sci ; 2024 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39230635


BACKGROUND: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a prevalent gastrointestinal disorder. Recent studies indicate that GERD may exert systemic effects, potentially elevating the risk of severe infections, including sepsis. Nevertheless, the causal relationship between GERD and sepsis, as well as sepsis-related 28-day mortality, remains uncertain. AIM: The aim of this study is to investigate the causal relationship between GERD and the risk of sepsis, including 28-day mortality of sepsis. METHODS: This study utilized a two-sample Mendelian Randomization (MR) approach to analyze data from publicly available genome-wide association studies (GWAS) databases ( ). The analysis comprised 129,080 cases and 473,524 controls for GERD; 11,643 patients and 474,841 controls for sepsis; and 1,896 patients and 484,588 controls for 28-day mortality from sepsis. The objective was to evaluate the causal impact of GERD on the risk of sepsis and 28-day sepsis mortality. Genetic variation data pertinent to GERD were obtained from the most recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS). The primary analysis employed the Inverse Variance Weighted (IVW) method. Sensitivity and pleiotropy analyses were performed to validate the robustness of the findings. RESULTS: MR analysis revealed a notable link between genetically predicted GERD and increased sepsis risk (odds ratio [OR] 1.37, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.24-1.52; p = 2.79 × 10-9). Moreover, GERD correlated with elevated 28-day mortality of sepsis (OR 1.44, 95% CI 1.11-1.85; p = 5.34 × 10-3). These results remained consistent throughout various sensitivity analyses, indicating their resilience against potential pleiotropy and other biases. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that genetic predisposition to GERD may be linked to an elevated risk of sepsis and its associated 28-day mortality. However, the study does not establish a direct causal relationship for GERD itself, nor does it assess the impact of GERD treatment. Further research is needed to explore the underlying mechanisms and potential therapeutic interventions involved.

Gastric Cancer ; 2024 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39230776


BACKGROUND: It is unknown if gastric adenocarcinoma survivors have longer, shorter, or similar survival compared to the background population. This knowledge could contribute to evidence-based monitoring strategies, healthcare recommendations, and information for patients and families. METHODS: This population-based cohort study included all patients who underwent gastrectomy for gastric adenocarcinoma between 2006-2015 in Sweden and survived ≥ 5 years after surgery. They were followed up until death, postoperative year 10, or end of study period (31 December, 2020). Division of the observed by the expected survival yielded relative survival rates with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using the life table method. The expected survival was derived from the entire Swedish population of the corresponding age, sex, and calendar year. Data came from medical records and nationwide registers. RESULTS: The survival among all 767 gastric adenocarcinoma survivors was shorter than the expected. The reduction in relative survival increased for each follow-up year, from 97.3% (95% CI 95.4-99.1%) year 6 to 86.6% (95% CI 82.3-90.9%) year 10. The decline in relative survival was more pronounced among patients who had gastrectomy in earlier calendar years (82.9% [95% CI 77.4-88.4%] year 10 for years 2011-2015), shorter education (85.2% [95% CI 77.4-93.0%] year 10 for education ≤ 9 years), more comorbidities (78.0% [95% CI 63.9-92.0%] year 10 for Charlson comorbidity score ≥ 2), and no neoadjuvant therapy (83.2% [95% CI 77.4-89.0%] year 10). CONCLUSION: Gastric adenocarcinoma survivors seem to have poorer survival than the corresponding background population, particularly in certain subgroups.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39230833


PURPOSE: This study aimed to investigate Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and genotyping in men from Chongqing and analyze age-related trends to provide insights for HPV prevention and vaccination plans tailored for men in Chongqing, China. METHODS: This study is an observational study. We investigated male patients who underwent HPV screening at two hospitals in Chongqing from 2017 to 2022, totaling 4,381 cases, aged 18 to 85. HPV genotyping was conducted using the Hybribio Rapid GenoArray kit. RESULTS: Among the 4,381 men, the overall HPV prevalence was 14.9%, peaking at 19.3% in 2022. Single HPV infection was 11.5%, and multiple infection was 3.4%. The most prevalent genotypes were HPV-52, HPV-16, and HPV-58. Single high-risk HPV infection peaked in the 36-45 age group, while multiple high-risk HPV infection decreased with age (P-trend < 0.01). Prevalence in the ≤ 25 age group was 3.7%. Single low-risk HPV infection also decreased with age (P-trend = 0.03). Genotypes covered by the nonavalent vaccine had the highest prevalence, increasing with age. Co-infection of HPV-16 with HPV-52 and HPV-58 was common. Single HPV infections were prevalent in cases of urethritis (30.8%), anogenital warts (36.4%), and genital warts (26.3%), while multiple HPV infections were significant in anogenital warts (18.2%). CONCLUSIONS: Single HPV infection was predominant in Chongqing, with HPV-52, HPV-16, HPV-58, HPV-53, and HPV-39 being the most prevalent genotypes. The prevalence of genotypes covered by the nonavalent vaccine increased with age. This study offers valuable insights for developing male-specific HPV prevention strategies in Chongqing.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39230863


This study aimed to assess epidemiological trends of Q fever in six countries of Southeast Europe by analysing surveillance data for 2002-2021 period. In this descriptive analysis, we collected and analysed data on confirmed human Q fever cases, obtained from the national Public Health Institutes of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. Overall, 2714 Q fever cases were registered during the 20-year period. The crude average annual notification rate was 0.82 (± 2.06) (95% CI: 0.47-1.16) per 100,000 inhabitants, ranged from 0.06 (± 0.04) (95% CI: 0.04-0.08) /100,000 in Greece to 2.78 (± 4.80) (95% CI: 0.53-5.02) /100,000 in the Republic of Srpska (entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina). Significant declining trends of Q fever age standardized rates were registered in Croatia, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Serbia, with an average annual change of -30.15%; -17.13%; -28.33% and - 24.77%, respectively. An unequal spatial distribution was observed. The highest average age-specific notification rate was reported in the 20-59 age group (0.84 (± 0.40) (95% CI: 0.65-1.02) /100,000). Most cases (53.69%) were reported during the spring. Q fever remains a significant public health threat in this part of Europe. The findings of this study revealed the endemic maintenance of this disease in the including countries, with large regional and subnational disparities in notification rates. A downward trend was found in Q fever notification rates across the study countries with the average notification rate higher than in the EU/EEA, during the same period.