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Appetite ; 206: 107833, 2024 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39716631


OBJECTIVE: To develop text messages for a mHealth intervention promoting healthy eating among Amazonian schoolchildren. DESIGN: Two rounds of expert panel analysis and formative research interviews. SETTING: Western Brazilian Amazon, Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre, Brazil. PARTICIPANTS: Included 17 healthcare professionals and 40 caregivers of school-aged children enrolled in the Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition in Acre birth cohort study. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Evaluation focused on messages' cultural appropriateness, comprehensibility, and relevance, along with caregivers' understanding and intention to adhere to the recommendations. ANALYSIS: Quantitative analysis employed the modified Cohen Kappa, the Scale-Content Validity Index Average (S-CVI-Ave), frequency calculations, and a ranking system. RESULTS: Fifty-five text messages were drafted. In the initial stage, eight messages did not achieve a sufficient score and were subsequently revised and reevaluated, ultimately gaining approval. The S-CVI-Ave for each domain was as follows: cultural appropriateness = 0.97, comprehensibility = 0.96, and relevance = 0.97. Formative research indicated a 92% understanding rate and a 70% intention rate to adhere to the proposed suggestions. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: The final set of messages was successfully culturally adapted and will contribute to the translation and dissemination of Dietary Guidelines for Brazilian Population recommendations to Western Amazon families.

Med. infant ; 31(1): 37-43, Marzo 2024. Ilus, Tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552916


En la actualidad cada vez más familias optan por seguir una alimentación basada en plantas (ABP). Es fundamental que pediatras y agentes de salud conozcan estos tipos de patrones alimentarios para asesorar adecuadamente a sus pacientes y derivarlos oportunamente a especialistas capacitados con el objetivo de garantizar un adecuado crecimiento y desarrollo principalmente en la edad pediátrica, evitando posibles consecuencias negativas sobre la salud. La mayoría de las sociedades científicas del mundo considera a las dietas vegetarianas apropiadas para todas las etapas de la vida si están correctamente planificadas, suplementadas y con un seguimiento adecuado por especialistas capacitados. Con respecto a las dietas veganas existen controversias por parte de las distintas sociedades con respecto a si son adecuadas o no en pediatría. Recientemente se han revisado las descripciones respecto a las tipificaciones de una ABP y se ha propuesto una definición estándar de estos tipos de dieta. Los riesgos más significativos asociados a la mala planificación de estas dietas son las deficiencias de calcio, vitamina D y vitamina B12, aunque también se debe tener en cuenta el estado del zinc, selenio, yodo y los ácidos grasos Omega 3. Es importante la planificación diaria de un plato nutricionalmente completo y es incuestionable que quienes siguen estos patrones alimentarios reciban suplementos con vitamina B12 adecuados para cada etapa de la vida. Se requieren más estudios en pediatría para evaluar los efectos de las distintas ABP sobre la ingesta de nutrientes, el estado nutricional, el crecimiento, desarrollo y la prevención de enfermedades no transmisibles (AU)

Currently, an increasing number of families are choosing to follow a plant-based diet (PBD). It is essential that pediatricians and healthcare agents know these types of dietary patterns in order to properly advise their patients and refer them to trained specialists to ensure adequate growth and development, especially in the pediatric age, avoiding possible negative health consequences. Most of the world's scientific societies consider vegetarian diets appropriate for all stages of life if they are adequately planned, supplemented and monitored by trained specialists. However, there is controversy among different societies regarding the appropriateness of vegan diets for children. Recently, there has been a review of descriptions concerning the characteristics of a plant-based diet, leading to a proposed standard definition for these types of diets. The most significant risks associated with poorly planned diets are calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin B12 deficiencies, although zinc, selenium, iodine and omega-3 fatty acid status should also be considered. The daily planning of a nutritionally complete meal is important and it is imperative that those who follow these dietary patterns receive vitamin B12 supplementation appropriate for each stage of life. Further studies in children are needed to evaluate the effects of different PBDs on nutrient intake, nutritional status, growth, development, and prevention of noncommunicable diseases (AU)

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Dieta Vegetariana , Dieta Vegana , Dieta Saudável , Dieta Baseada em Plantas/efeitos adversos , Dieta Baseada em Plantas/tendências
Foods ; 13(4)2024 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38397566


The sensory profile of polenta and the connections between technological attributes and varieties of maize have not been extensively studied. Thus, it is necessary to understand the possible effect of its consumption on consumers' health in terms of postprandial glucose levels and molecules associated with healthy activities. This work aims to study polenta's technological and sensory properties from different maize genotypes and evaluate their digestibility and the potential contribution of bioactive compounds on health. A commercial hybrid, two open-pollinated varieties, and three inbred lines were used. Grain physical determinations and physical-chemical semolina traits were determined. Polenta's technological quality was evaluated after simulated cooking. In vitro digestion was performed for polentas, and a sensory evaluation test was conducted. A significant correlation was found between semolina polyphenols and rapidly digestible starch (r = -0.6). Panellists characterised the genotype C6006 as having a good flavour, sandier mouthfeel, and low consistency. Also, the polenta from the hybrid exhibited sensory attributes more closely resembling commercial polenta in terms of maize odour, flavour, and consistency. The higher content of polyphenols presents in semolina affected the digestion of polenta, showing a lower proportion of rapidly digestible starch and a lower amount of bioaccessible protein fraction.

Saúde Soc ; 33(3): e230448pt, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1584278


Resumo Diante das evidências científicas acerca dos malefícios à saúde do consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados, a regulação dos ambientes alimentares vem sendo priorizada como forma de promover uma alimentação adequada e saudável. Nesse contexto, foi proposto o Projeto de Lei 4198/2021 na Assembleia Legislativa do Rio de Janeiro, para proibir o comércio de ultraprocessados nas escolas do estado. Na segunda sessão em plenário da proposição, houve ampla utilização de retóricas conservadoras pelos deputados contrários. Neste presente ensaio foram classificados esses posicionamentos, encontrando-se pontos comuns entre eles, à luz da análise da tramitação legislativa. Ao realizar essa categorização, foi possível identificar três bases argumentativas exploradas: a defesa da liberdade de comércio; o direito à "pátria família", de primazia da família na educação infantojuvenil; e a responsabilização individual da obesidade. Tais retóricas foram analisadas em conjunto com suas contraposições, presentes nas conclusões da literatura especializada. Para além da pluralidade de ideias do debate legislativo, foi possível identificar como a discussão do PL 4198/21 foi permeada pela reprodução de desinformação e violência. Desse modo, o escrutínio das retóricas conservadoras utilizadas e a compreensão do contexto dessa discussão são contribuições aqui propostas para a consolidação do repertório de defesa da saúde de crianças e adolescentes.

Abstract Considering the scientific evidence regarding the harmful effects on health from consuming ultra-processed foods, the regulation on food environments has been prioritized as a way of promoting adequate and healthy eating. In this context, Bill 4198/2021 was proposed in the Legislative assembly of Rio de Janeiro, to ban the sale of ultra-processed foods in the schools in the state. In the second voting session of the proposition conservative rhetoric was widely used by the opposing congressmen. In this essay, these positions were classified, finding common points between them, considering the analysis of the legislative process. In making this categorization, it was possible to identify three argumentative bases that were explored: the defense of freedom of trade; the right to a "family autonomy," the primacy of the family in children's education; and individual responsibility for obesity. These rhetorics have been analyzed together with their counterpoint, in the conclusions of the specialized literature. Beyond the plurality of ideas in the legislative debate, it was possible to identify how the discussion of Bill 4198/21 was permeated by the reproduction of disinformation and violence. In this way, the scrutiny of the conservative rhetoric used and the understanding of the context of this discussion are contributions proposed here to consolidate the repertoire of defense of the health of children and adolescents.

Controle Social Formal , Saúde da Criança , Saúde do Adolescente , Poder Legislativo , Dieta Saudável , Espaço Social Alimentar , Alimento Processado , Política de Saúde
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 37: e230057, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575846


ABSTRACT Objective Healthy nutritional habits play a critical role in preventing many diseases, including infectious diseases. This study was planned and conducted to determine the protective measures, changes in eating habits, attitudes towards healthy nutrition of participants diagnosed with COVID-19 in during the pandemic. Methods 873 university students included in the cross-sectional study. A web-based questionnaire was conducted to gather information about demographics, COVID-19 protective measures, eating habits and Attitude Scale for Healthy Nutrition to assess attitudes and thoughts about healthy eating among university students. Results The majority (63.9%) of the participants were not diagnosed with COVID-19. Although both groups paid similar attention to COVID-19 measures, diagnosed participants reported increased consumption of fruits, vegetables, eggs and nuts more than those undiagnosed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Undiagnosed participants had significantly higher scores for emotion related to nutrition, malnutrition and general health compared to diagnosed participants (p<0.05). An inverse and significant association was observed between the Attitude Scale Healthy Nutrition score and the COVID-19 diagnosis status. After full adjustments, participants in the high group of Attitude Scale Healthy Nutrition score group had lower odds of being diagnosed COVID-19 (Odds ratio: 0.80, 95% confidence interval: 0.53-1.19), than those in the low group. Conclusion The COVID-19 pandemic has caused changes in the eating habits of individuals. Whether or not to be diagnosed was observed as an effective factor in these changes. This study suggests that healthy eating habits and attitude towards healthy nutrition may be associated with the status of diagnosed COVID-19.

Resumo Objetivo Hábitos nutricionais saudáveis desempenham um papel crítico na prevenção de muitas doenças, incluindo doenças infecciosas. Este estudo foi planejado e conduzido para determinar as medidas de proteção, mudanças de hábitos alimentares, atitudes em relação à nutrição saudável dos participantes de acordo com o diagnóstico de COVID-19 durante a pandemia. Métodos O estudo transversal envolveu 873 estudantes universitários. A Escala de Atitude para Nutrição Saudável, hábitos alimentares, medidas de proteção contra COVID-19 e dados demográficos foram coletados por meio de um questionário baseado na web. O objetivo do questionário era coletar opiniões e percepções sobre alimentação saudável entre os estudantes universitários. Resultados A maioria dos participantes (63.9%) não tinha COVID-19. Embora ambos os grupos tenham prestado atenção semelhante às precauções contra a COVID-19, os participantes diagnosticados relataram que consumiram mais frutas, vegetais, ovos e nozes durante a pandemia do que os participantes não diagnosticados. Os níveis de emoção dos participantes não diagnosticados para nutrição, desnutrição e geral foram significativamente maiores do que os dos participantes diagnosticados (p<0.05). Existe uma correlação inversa e significativa entre o estado diagnosticado de COVID-19 e o escore da Attitude Scale Healthy Nutrition. Os participantes do grupo baixo de pontuação Attitude Scale Healthy Nutrition tiveram chances maiores de ter COVID-19 diagnosticado do que os participantes do grupo alto (razão de chance: 0.80, intervalo de confiança de 95%: 0.53-1.19) após ajustes completos. Conclusão A pandemia de COVID-19 provocou alterações nos hábitos alimentares dos indivíduos. O diagnóstico ou não foi observado como fator efetivo nessas alterações. De acordo com este estudo, existe uma correlação entre o diagnóstico de COVID-19 e hábitos alimentares saudáveis e pensamentos sobre nutrição saudável.

Rev. cuba. salud pública ; Rev. cuba. salud pública;49(3)sept. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1569915


Introducción: La alimentación saludable y que evita enfermedades sigue siendo un tema de investigación para avanzar hacia el desarrollo efectivo de prácticas saludables, que permita a las poblaciones vivir mejor. La alimentación sostenible es un aspecto nuevo, que reconoce lo colectivo del consumo de alimentos por la salud del planeta. Objetivo: Identificar las percepciones y actitudes sobre alimentación saludable y sostenible entre jóvenes estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud en Santa Marta-Colombia, 2022. Métodos: Se implementó un estudio transversal con una población de 318 estudiantes, quienes respondieron voluntariamente al cuestionario diseñado por los investigadores (α = 0,908) a través de una plataforma digital. Resultados: La mayoría de los participantes fueron mujeres (65,7 por ciento), con una edad promedio de 20,3 años. El 55 por ciento identificó los alimentos saludables y el 53 por ciento percibió parcialmente el riesgo de los alimentos frente a las enfermedades no trasmisibles. Un 22,7 por cientoeconoció los alimentos sostenibles. La actitud positiva frente a la reducción el riesgo de enfermedades no trasmisibles por alimentos fue del 77 por ciento. Las actitudes hacia la alimentación saludable y la reducción del riesgo de enfermedades no trasmisibles tuvieron diferencias significativas por sexo (p = 0,009; p < 0,001) y programa (p = 0,008; p < 0,001, respectivamente). Las percepciones y actitudes se correlacionaron positivamente. Conclusiones: Las percepciones sobre la alimentación saludable y que evita enfermedades fueron adecuadas, así como las actitudes positivas. En torno a la alimentación sostenible hay vacíos, frente a los cuales se debe sensibilizar para avanzar en una alimentación consiente con la salud humana y planetaria(AU)

Introduction: Healthy feeding, which prevents diseases continues to be a topic of research to move towards the effective development of healthy practices, to allow populations to live better. Sustainable food is a new aspect, which recognizes the collective nature of food consumption for the health of the planet. Objective: To identify perceptions and attitudes about healthy and sustainable feeding among young students of the School of Health Sciences in Santa Marta, Colombia, 2022. Methods: A cross-sectional study was implemented with a population of 318 students, who voluntarily responded to the questionnaire designed by the researchers (α = 0.908) through a digital platform. Results: The majority of participants were women (65.7percent), with an average age of 20.3 years. 55percent identified healthy foods and 53percent partially perceived the risk of foods against non-communicable diseases. 22.7percent recognized sustainable foods. The positive attitude towards reducing the risk of non-food-transmissible diseases was 77percent. Attitudes toward healthy eating and reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases had significant differences by sex (p = 0.009; p < 0.001) and program (p = 0.008; p < 0.001, respectively). Perceptions and attitudes were positively correlated. Conclusions: Perceptions about healthy feeding that prevents diseases were adequate, as were positive attitudes. There are gaps around sustainable nutrition, which must be raised to advance in a diet that is conscious of human and planetary health(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Percepção , Estudantes Pré-Médicos , Atitude , Estudos Transversais , Dieta Saudável , Doenças não Transmissíveis/prevenção & controle
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 24(1): e260, ene.-abr. 2022. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1409192


RESUMEN Introducción: La seguridad alimentaria es un amplio concepto que incluye múltiples factores que de una forma u otra inciden en que la población pueda acceder a una alimentación de calidad. Solo de esta forma se podrá cumplir con la ansiada meta de disponer de una alimentación saludable que no solo permita minimizar la aparición de enfermedades, sino que también contribuya a controlar las ya existentes. Objetivo: Determinar el comportamiento de la seguridad alimentaria en la población rural del cantón Colta, provincia de Chimborazo, Ecuador. Métodos: Investigación básica, de campo, descriptiva y de corte transversal realizada en el cantón Colta, provincia Chimborazo, con una población total de 410 familias dedicadas al cultivo de la quínoa. La muestra quedó conformada por 210 agricultores. Se utilizó la Escala Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Seguridad Alimentaria para determinar la seguridad alimentaria y sus elementos relacionados. Resultados: En el 56,67 % de las familias se identificó inseguridad alimentaria; y fue más significativa en familias con menores de 18 años (66,67 %). Predominó la inseguridad alimentaria ligera (73,95 %). La falta de recursos económicos (86,55 %), el elevado costo de los alimentos (76,49 %), los problemas relacionados con el acceso físico a los alimentos (74,79 %) y la inadecuada cobertura de salud (74,79 %) fueron las determinantes más referidas como causa de inseguridad alimentaria. Conclusiones: El elevado porcentaje de inseguridad alimentaria fue más predominante en las familias con personas menores de 18 años dentro de su composición familiar. Los elementos relacionados con el tema económico fueron los más referenciados como condicionantes de inseguridad alimentaria.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Food security is a broad concept that includes multiple factors that in one way or another affect the population's access to quality food. Only in this way will it be possible to meet the long-awaited goal of having a healthy diet that not only minimizes the appearance of diseases, but also helps to control existing ones. Objective: To determine the behavior of food security in the rural population of the Colta canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador. Methods: Basic, field, descriptive and cross-sectional research carried out in the Colta canton, Chimborazo province, with a total population of 410 families dedicated to the cultivation of quinoa. The sample was made up of 210 farmers. The Latin American and Caribbean Food Security Scale was used to determine food security and its related elements. Results: In 56.67% of the families food insecurity was identified; being more significant in families with children under 18 years of age (66.67%). Slight food insecurity predominated (73.95%). The lack of economic resources (86.55%), the high cost of food (76.49%), problems related to physical access to food (74.79%) and inadequate health coverage (74, 79%) were the determinants most referred to as a cause of food insecurity. Conclusions: The high percentage of food insecurity was more prevalent in families with people under 18 years of age within their family composition. The elements related to the economic issue were the most referenced as determinants of food insecurity.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 45(4): 393-399, dic. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-978102


RESUMEN El objetivo fue realizar un estudio bibliográfico sobre el perfil de los alimentos ofrecidos en las cantinas escolares y reglamentaciones que existen sobre el tema en Brasil. Se investigaron en medios electrónicos publicaciones de revistas científicas, publicaciones oficiales y documentos recientes del gobierno brasileño sobre los tipos de alimentos ofrecidos en el ambiente escolar y las reglamentaciones sobre la venta de alimentos en cantinas comerciales de Brasil en el periodo de 2001 a febrero de 2016. En el país, no hay una estandarización de las legislaciones sobre los alimentos que pueden o no ser comercializados en la escuela. Hay regiones de Brasil en que el Estado aún no ha tenido la iniciativa de normalizar el asunto. Eso refleja la necesidad de una reglamentación federal para crear una estandarización de las legislaciones y de más estudios que evalúen la efectiva implementación de las leyes en las cantinas escolares, pues solo la promulgación de una ley no es capaz de modificar los paradigmas existentes en la comercialización de los alimentos en esos sitios.

ABSTRACT The objective was to carry out a bibliographic study on the profile of foods offered in school cafeterias and existing regulations on school cafeterias in Brazil. Publications in scientific journals, official publications and recent documents of the Brazilian government on the types of foods offered in the school environment and regulations on the sale of food in commercial cafeterias in Brazil from 2001 to February 2016 were reviewed in electronic media. In Brazil, there is no standardization of laws regarding food that may or may not be sold at schools. In many laws, there is no mention of the role of food and nutrition education. There are regions in Brazil where the state has not yet had the initiative to normalize the subject. This reflects the need for a federal regulation to create standardization of legislation and more studies that evaluate the effective implementation of laws for school cafeterias, since the enactment of a law alone is not capable of modifying the existing paradigms in marketing of food from those places.

Adolescente , Alimentação Escolar , Educação Alimentar e Nutricional , Adolescente , Nutrição do Adolescente , Instituições Acadêmicas , Dieta Saudável , Legislação sobre Alimentos
Physis (Rio J.) ; 22(3): 919-939, 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-654407


Apresentam-se e discutem-se os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada com o objetivo de desenvolver uma tecnologia de informação e comunicação via web para a promoção da alimentação saudável, mediante a facilitação do acesso à informação na internet. Buscou-se, mediante entrevistas, conhecer as concepções e identificar demandas e necessidades de informações e conhecimentos sobre o tema, dentre ONGs que trabalham com saúde; e ainda, mapear informações e conhecimentos acerca da alimentação saudável na web, em sítios nacionais. A partir dos resultados, elaboraram-se mapas conceituais, colocados em diálogo mediado pelos pesquisadores, com os saberes dos especialistas. Descreve-se a metodologia utilizada para construir os mapas de navegação orientados por mapas conceituais e discutem-se os desafios da gestão e do acesso à informação e ao conhecimento em saúde na internet. Destaca-se o potencial para deslocar o modelo da oferta de informação para o de construção compartilhada do conhecimento mediada por tecnologias de informação e comunicação.

We present and discuss the results of a survey that aimed of develop an information and communication technology in the web in order to promote healthy nutrition, by facilitating access to information on the internet. We sought through interviews, knowing the concepts and identifying demands and needs for information and knowledge on the subject, among NGO's working with health. Besides, mapping information and knowledge about the healthy eating on the web at national sites. From the results, concept maps were prepared, placed in dialogue, mediated by researchers with the knowledge of experts. The paper also describes the methodology used to build navigation maps oriented by concept maps and discusses the challenges of management and access to health information and knowledge on the internet. We highlight the potential to shift the model of supply information for the shared construction of knowledge mediated by information and communication technologies.

Humanos , Acesso à Informação , Dieta , Promoção da Saúde , Tecnologia da Informação , Internet