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Nat Prod Res ; : 1-7, 2024 Dec 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39704029


Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world. Plants from Ocotea genus have been studied for their biological activities. Here we evaluated the antitumor activity of Ocotea indecora essential oil in several cancer cell lines and its phytochemical composition. We performed cell viability using MTT (1000-31.25 µg/mL) using DMSO (negative) and carboplatin (positive) controls. Cytometric and morphological assays analysed cell death pathway. In vivo acute toxicity was assessed in mice (150, 300, and 900 mg/kg) and GCMC for phytochemical analysis. The oil showed sesquirosefuran as the main metabolite and was cytotoxic against all cell lines tested, mainly HEPG2 (human hepatoblastoma cell) (IC50=44.9 µg/mL), was selective (SI = 1.69) and tolerated in mice. Apoptosis is the main cell death pathway as indicated by the presence of active caspase 3/7 and morphological characteristics. In conclusion, the oil was effective against HEPG2 cells and could be considered for future cancer studies.

Chem Biodivers ; 21(8): e202400678, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39086087


Neglected Tropical Diseases are a significant concern as they encompass various infections caused by pathogens prevalent in tropical regions. The limited and often highly toxic treatment options for these diseases necessitate the exploration of new therapeutic candidates. In the present study, the lignan methylpiperitol was isolated after several chromatographic steps from Persea fulva L. E. Koop (Lauraceae) and its leishmanicidal and trypanocidal activities were evaluated using in vitro and in silico approaches. The chemical structure of methylpiperitol was defined by NMR and MS spectral data analysis. The antiprotozoal activity of methylpiperitol was determined in vitro and indicated potency against trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi (EC50 of 4.5±1.1 mM) and amastigote forms of Leishmania infantum (EC50 of 4.1±0.5 mM), with no mammalian cytotoxicity against NCTC cells (CC50>200 mM). Molecular docking studies were conducted using six T. cruzi and four Leishmania. The results indicate that for the molecular target hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase in T. cruzi and piteridine reductase 1 of L. infatum, the methylpiperitol obtained better results than the crystallographic ligand. Therefore, the lignan methylpiperitol, isolated from P. fulva holds potential for the development of new prototypes for the treatment of Neglected Tropical Diseases, especially leishmaniasis.

Leishmania infantum , Lignanas , Simulação de Acoplamento Molecular , Trypanosoma cruzi , Lignanas/farmacologia , Lignanas/isolamento & purificação , Lignanas/química , Trypanosoma cruzi/efeitos dos fármacos , Leishmania infantum/efeitos dos fármacos , Testes de Sensibilidade Parasitária , Antiprotozoários/farmacologia , Antiprotozoários/química , Antiprotozoários/isolamento & purificação , Animais , Relação Estrutura-Atividade , Estrutura Molecular , Relação Dose-Resposta a Droga , Tripanossomicidas/farmacologia , Tripanossomicidas/química , Tripanossomicidas/isolamento & purificação
Protoplasma ; 261(5): 877-895, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38480560


This study compares oil and mucilage idioblasts occurring together in the vegetative organs of Ocotea pulchella, a Lauraceae species. Our focus is specifically on the ontogeny and developmental cytology of these secretory cells. Both types of idioblasts originate from solitary cells located in the fundamental meristem, underlying the protodermis. The growth of both types of idioblasts is asynchronous, with the oil idioblasts developing first, but their initiation is restricted to the early stages of organ development. Mucilaginous idioblasts occur exclusively in the palisade parenchyma, while oil idioblasts are scattered throughout the mesophyll, midrib, and petiole of the leaves. The lamellar secretion of mucilage idioblasts is mostly made up of polysaccharides, while the secretion of oil idioblasts is made up of terpenes and lipids. Cupule occurred only in the oil idioblasts, while suberized layers occurred in both types of cells. We found that immature oil idioblasts that are close to each other fuse; mature mucilage idioblasts have labyrinthine walls arranged in a reticulate pattern; the cells close to the oil idioblasts have a pectin protective layer; and the oil idioblasts have a sheath of phenolic cells. In contrast to previous reports, the two types of secretory idioblasts were recognized during the early stages of their development. The results emphasize the importance of combining optical and electron microscopy methods to observe the ontogenetic, histochemical and ultrastructural changes that occur during the development of the secretory idioblasts. This can help us understand how secreting cells store their secretions and how their walls become specialized.

Lauraceae , Lauraceae/metabolismo , Mucilagem Vegetal/metabolismo , Óleos de Plantas/metabolismo , Folhas de Planta/ultraestrutura , Folhas de Planta/metabolismo
Chem Biodivers, v. 21, n. 8, e202400678, jul. 2024
Artigo em Inglês | Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-IBPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: bud-5427


Neglected Tropical Diseases are a significant concern as theyencompass various infections caused by pathogens prevalent intropical regions. The limited and often highly toxic treatmentoptions for these diseases necessitate the exploration of newtherapeutic candidates. In the present study, the lignanmethylpiperitol was isolated after several chromatographicsteps from Persea fulva L. E. Koop (Lauraceae) and its leishmani-cidal and trypanocidal activities were evaluated using in vitroand in silico approaches. The chemical structure of methylpiper-itol was defined by NMR and MS spectral data analysis. Theantiprotozoal activity of methylpiperitol was determined in vitroand indicated potency against trypomastigote forms of Trypa-nosoma cruzi (EC50 of 4.5 � 1.1 mM) and amastigote forms ofLeishmania infantum (EC50 of 4.1 � 0.5 mM), with no mammaliancytotoxicity against NCTC cells (CC50 > 200 mM). Moleculardocking studies were conducted using six T. cruzi and fourLeishmania. The results indicate that for the molecular targethypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase in T. cruzi and pite-ridine reductase 1 of L. infatum, the methylpiperitol obtainedbetter results than the crystallographic ligand. Therefore, thelignan methylpiperitol, isolated from P. fulva holds potential forthe development of new prototypes for the treatment ofNeglected Tropical Diseases, especially leishmaniasis.

Chem Biodivers ; 20(9): e202300947, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37539983


This review provides the first comprehensive appraisal of bioactive compounds and their biological activities in Persea species from 1950 to 2023. Relevant articles from reputable databases, including PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct and Google Scholar were collected, leading to the isolation of about 141 metabolite compounds, mainly flavonoids, terpenoids, fatty alcohols, lignoids, and γ-lactone derivatives. These compounds exhibit diverse biological activities, including insecticidal, antifeedant, nematicidal, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. The review emphasizes the significant chemical and pharmacological potential of different Persea species, encouraging further research in various fields and medicine. Valuable insights into potential applications of Persea plants are provided.

Persea , Extratos Vegetais , Etnofarmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/química , Anti-Inflamatórios/farmacologia , Antifúngicos , Compostos Fitoquímicos/química , Fitoterapia
Chem Biodivers ; 20(9): e202300650, 2023 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37540773


The Lauraceae is a botanical family known for its anti-inflammatory potential. However, several species have not yet been studied. Thus, this work aimed to screen the anti-inflammatory activity of this plant family and to build statistical prediction models. The methodology was based on the statistical analysis of high-resolution liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry data and the ex vivo anti-inflammatory activity of plant extracts. The ex vivo results demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory activity for several of these plants for the first time. The sample data were applied to build anti-inflammatory activity prediction models, including the partial least square acquired, artificial neural network, and stochastic gradient descent, which showed adequate fitting and predictive performance. Key anti-inflammatory markers, such as aporphine and benzylisoquinoline alkaloids were annotated with confidence level 2. Additionally, the validated prediction models proved to be useful for predicting active extracts using metabolomics data and studying their most bioactive metabolites.

Alcaloides , Lauraceae , Alcaloides/farmacologia , Alcaloides/química , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/química , Metabolômica , Anti-Inflamatórios/farmacologia , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão
Nat Prod Res ; 37(7): 1217-1220, 2023 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34647494


bicyclic [3.2.1] octane neolignans have garnered increasing interest, because of their unique structural features and biological activities. This study describes the isolation and identification of a new bicyclic octane neolignan 1 obtained through fractionation of the crude extract of the stem of Aniba firmula (Lauraceae family). The structure of bicyclic octane neolignan 1 was determined through NMR analysis and mass spectrometry data.

Lauraceae , Lignanas , Lignanas/química , Octanos , Lauraceae/química , Espectroscopia de Ressonância Magnética
Neotrop Entomol ; 52(1): 92-103, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36422841


The genus Apatelodes Packard, 1864 comprise more than half of the known Apatelodidae species, but most of its species are placed in the genus without precise justification. The result is a heterogeneous group of species, probably forming a polyphyletic arrangement. Despite being relatively large moths and relatively abundant in light traps, only little information on the natural history and morphology of the Apatelodes immature stages has been published, and only one species is fully described including its immature stages. Aiming to increase the knowledge and provide information towards the definition of the identity of this genus, the present study describes the immature stages, provides a redescription of the male, the first description of the female of Apatelodes kotzschi Draudt, 1929, and we compare and discuss the morphological similarities among Apatelodes species. In general, the immatures of Apatelodes exhibits apparently well-conserved morphological characters, including the gross chaetotaxy configuration. Most differences are found in larval coloration patterns (mainly in the last instar larvae), pupa texture, and cremaster morphology. In contrast, imagos wings and genitalia are rich sources of diagnostic characters which can be used to identify species. However, there are still large gaps in the knowledge of the morphological characters and natural history of most species in the genus that hampers a more robust delimitation of the genus Apatelodes.

Lepidópteros , Mariposas , Feminino , Masculino , Animais , Mariposas/anatomia & histologia , Larva/anatomia & histologia , Pupa/anatomia & histologia , Genitália
Molecules ; 27(21)2022 Oct 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36364159


Cinnamomum verum (Lauraceae), also known as "true cinnamon" or "Ceylon cinnamon" has been widely used in traditional folk medicine and cuisine for a long time. The systematics of C. verum presents some difficulties due to genetic variation and morphological similarity between other Cinnamomum species. The present work aimed to find chemical and molecular markers of C. verum samples from the Amazon region of Brazil. The leaf EOs and the genetic material (DNA) were extracted from samples cultivated and commercial samples. The chemical composition of the essential oils from samples of C. verum cultivated (Cve1-Cve5) and commercial (Cve6-c-Cv9-c) was grouped by multivariate statistical analysis of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The major compounds were rich in benzenoids and phenylpropanoids, such as eugenol (0.7-91.0%), benzyl benzoate (0.28-76.51%), (E)-cinnamyl acetate (0.36-32.1%), and (E)-cinnamaldehyde (1.0-19.73%). DNA barcodes were developed for phylogenetic analysis using the chloroplastic regions of the matK and rbcL genes, and psbA-trnH intergenic spacer. The psbA-trnH sequences provided greater diversity of nucleotides, and matK confirmed the identity of C. verum. The combination of DNA barcode and volatile profile was found to be an important tool for the discrimination of C. verum varieties and to examine the authenticity of industrial sources.

Cinnamomum , Óleos Voláteis , Óleos Voláteis/química , Cinnamomum zeylanicum/química , Filogenia , Cinnamomum/genética , Cinnamomum/química , Folhas de Planta/genética , Folhas de Planta/química , Código de Barras de DNA Taxonômico
Toxicon ; 219: 106921, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36122667


Poisoning by avocado (Persea americana) has been confirmed in sheep, goats, dogs, rabbits and ostriches. The clinical signs and lesions are attributed to the acetogenin, persin. Little is known regarding the epidemiology, clinical signs, lesions and therapy caused by acetogenin-induced heart damage. During the two-year study, we investigated a horse farm with six horses that often fed themselves with P. americana leaves or mature fruit pulp and skin on the ground. Two horses died, and one underwent necropsy, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry using the anti-cardiac troponin C (cTnC). Grossly and histopathologically, there was severe cardiac fibroplasia. Immunohistochemically, there was a multifocal decrease or negative expression in the cTnC cardiomyocytes' cytoplasm. Persea americana leaves were confirmed in the alimentary tract using botanical anatomy and molecular techniques. The chemical investigation by (LC-ESI-MS) revealed the presence of the acetogenins, persin and avocadene 1-acetate from P. americana. Persin was present in leaves and fruits (seed and pulp), while avocadene 1-acetate was found in leaves and fruits (seed, peel, and pulp) with a higher concentration in the pulp. Four other horses have been examined by electrocardiogram, echocardiogram and serum Troponin 1 (cTnI). To establish a causal effect of consumption of P. Americana and heart fibroplasia in horses, long-time experiments must be carried out.

Acetogeninas , Cardiopatias , Doenças dos Cavalos , Persea , Animais , Acetogeninas/toxicidade , Cardiopatias/induzido quimicamente , Cardiopatias/patologia , Cardiopatias/veterinária , Doenças dos Cavalos/induzido quimicamente , Doenças dos Cavalos/patologia , Cavalos , Persea/intoxicação , Troponina C/análise , Fibrose
Microsc Res Tech ; 85(10): 3316-3324, 2022 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35751588


This article describes the morpho-anatomies of the leaves and stems of Ocotea paranaensis Brotto, Baitello, Cervi & Santos (Lauraceae) using light and scanning electron microscopy. The main anatomical features characterizing the species are the presence of simple non-glandular trichomes in the leaves and stems, large secretory cells in the leaves, flat-convex petioles with two small lateral ribs, brachysclereids in the stem cortex and pith, and the presence of starch grains and various types of calcium oxalate crystals in the pith. Histochemical tests indicated the presence of lignin in stone cells, fibers, and xylem. Lipophilic contents were found in the secretory cells. Phenolic compounds were detected in the epidermis, hypodermis, phloem, and xylem. The present study's findings can contribute to the taxonomy and authentication of O. paranaensis. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: This article is the first morpho-anatomical study of Ocotea paranaensis. Anatomy and histochemistry of the leaves and stems were studied by light microscopy, FESEM and EDS. The findings of this study would aid in the species identification and taxonomy.

Ocotea , Animais , Brasil , Oxalato de Cálcio/análise , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Lignina , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura , Folhas de Planta/anatomia & histologia , Amido
Nat Prod Res ; 36(9): 2379-2385, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32998594


The growing interest in the discovery of new compounds from medicinal plants justifies the study of phytochemical components of these plants and their biological activities. The genus Ocotea exhibits a variety of pharmacological, antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the antioxidant potential and antimicrobial properties of the ethyl acetate fraction of Ocotea paranaensis leaves. Isolation and identification of the phenolic compounds from the fraction was also carried out. The isolated compounds were characterized by one and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance analysis and identified as (-) epicatechin (1), quercetin (2), kaempferol (3) and hyperin (4). The ethyl acetate fraction of Ocotea paranaensis leaves demonstrated considerable antioxidant potential. The observed minimum inhibitory concentration of 500 µg/mL was classified as a moderate antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. Findings from this study demonstrate the utility of this plant as a potential source of antioxidant and antimicrobial agents.

Anti-Infecciosos , Ocotea , Antibacterianos/química , Anti-Infecciosos/análise , Anti-Infecciosos/farmacologia , Antioxidantes/química , Ocotea/química , Extratos Vegetais/química , Folhas de Planta/química
Nat Prod Res ; 36(4): 984-988, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33103472


The metabolic fingerprint of a non-volatile fraction of Ocotea canaliculata (Rich.) Mez (Lauraceae) leaves was determined by UHPLC-HRMS analysis. Twenty-four compounds were suggestively identified by GNPS-FBMN. The results revealed a large production of flavonoids, mainly flavones and flavanones, a chemical class poorly described in the Ocotea genus. Within the identified compounds, four are being described for the first time in this genus. The major metabolite detected was astilbin, with a concentration corresponding to 23.2 ± 1.58% of the extracts. The expressive content of astilbin also highlights it as a chemical marker for the species. As a species that is classified as a complex, qualitative and semi-quantitative features obtained through the O. canaliculata flavonoid fingerprint can be further used for a more precise circumscription and species-specific characterization.

Lauraceae , Ocotea , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Lauraceae/química , Ocotea/química , Extratos Vegetais/química , Folhas de Planta/química
Nat Prod Res ; 36(4): 999-1003, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33146027


The present work describes the acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity of Ocotea pomaderroides extracts besides the chemical composition of chromatographic fractions. The hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate extract soluble fractions showed high Electrophorus electricus acetylcholinesterase (EelAChE) inhibition (92.18, 71.86 and 74.25%, respectively) while the butanolic and aqueous extracts showed moderate to low activities (44.48 and 20.74%, respectively). The high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization multiple-stage mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MSn) analysis led to the identification of the alkaloids and flavonol glycoside derivatives present in these extracts. The binding profile of the alkaloids and their atomic effect on 3D structure of Electrophorus electricus AchE (EelAChE) were assessed with molecular modeling.

Inibidores da Colinesterase/farmacologia , Ocotea , Extratos Vegetais , Acetilcolinesterase/metabolismo , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Ocotea/química , Extratos Vegetais/química , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Espectrometria de Massas por Ionização por Electrospray , Espectrometria de Massas em Tandem
Nat Prod Res ; 36(4): 1138-1142, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33287587


Ocotea minarum (Nees & Mart.) Mez., a native species of Brazil, is used in the treatment of infections and oxidative stress; however, there is no scientific evidence of its toxicological characteristics. We assessed the cytotoxicity, mutagenic activity, and acute oral toxicity of the aqueous extract isolated from O. minarum leaves. The cytotoxicity of this extract was evaluated in tumour and non-tumour cell lines, while the Ames test with a Salmonella Typhimurium was used to determine the mutagenic activity. Wistar rats received a single 2 g/kg dose as part of an LD50 toxicity assessment. Our results showed that the aqueous extract of O. minarum leaves did not present cytotoxic and mutagenic properties and was not toxic, with an LD50 greater than 2 g/kg. Therefore, the O. minarum extracts are pharmacologically safe and can continue to be investigated for the development of new drugs and herbal medicines.

Ocotea , Animais , Dose Letal Mediana , Testes de Mutagenicidade , Mutagênicos/toxicidade , Extratos Vegetais/toxicidade , Folhas de Planta , Ratos , Ratos Wistar , Testes de Toxicidade Aguda
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e181097, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374562


Abstract Essential oils from four Ocotea species collected in southern Brazil were evaluated for chemical composition using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The primary compound identified in O. acutifolia essential oil was an unsaturated tetracyclic diterpene, phyllocladene (67.7%), followed by a sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, ß-selinene (18.0%). The sesquiterpene fraction was predominant in oils from two collections of O. puberula; ß-caryophyllene (25.2%) and globulol (22.6%) were the major compounds identified in collections 1 and 2, respectively. O. silvestris essential oil contained predominantly germacrene D and bicyclogermacrene. These compounds were also predominant in essential oil from O. indecora leaves collected from shady habitats. By contrast, essential oil extracted from O. indecora grown under direct sunlight contained mainly oxygenated sesquiterpenes, such as guaiol (30.2%), α-eudesmol (27.6%), and ß-eudesmol (12.7%). Chemotaxis assays showed that Ocotea essential oils had no significant inhibitory activity on leukocyte migration compared with a chemotactic stimulant (lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli). However, the oils exhibited antifungal activity against Candida parapsilosis, with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 500 µg/mL. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the in vitro antifungal and antichemotactic activities of essential oils from Ocotea species native to southern Brazil

Óleos Voláteis/química , Ocotea/anatomia & histologia , Produtos Biológicos , Ecossistema , Lauraceae/classificação , Candida parapsilosis , Cromatografia Gasosa-Espectrometria de Massas/métodos
Plants (Basel) ; 10(9)2021 Sep 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34579388


Lauraceae families have great diversity in the world's tropical regions and are represented mainly by aromatic shrubs and trees with significant production of essential oils (EOs). This work presents a review of the EO chemical profiles from specimens of Aniba, including their seasonal variations, geographical distributions, and biological activities in the Amazon biome. Based on the survey, 15 species were reviewed, representing 167 oil samples extracted from leaves, twig barks, and woods. Brazilian Amazon was the most representative geographic area in the number of specimens, highlighting the locations Belém, (Pará state, PA) (3 spp., 37 samples), Santarém (PA) (3 spp., 10 samples), Carajás (PA) (3 spp., 7 samples), and Manaus (Amazonas state, AM) (3 spp., 16 samples). The main compound classes identified in oils were benzenoids and phenylpropanoids, represented by 1-nitro-2-phenylethane, benzyl salicylate, benzyl benzoate and methyleugenol, along with terpenoids, especially monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, such as linalool, α-phellandrene, ß-phellandrene, ß-selinene, and spathulenol. The EOs from Aniba showed considerable variation in the chemical profiles according to season and collection site. The hierarchical cluster analysis classified the samples into two main groups according to chemical composition. This review highlights its comprehensive and up-to-date information on history, conservation, traditional uses, chemosystematics, pharmacological potential of Aniba species.

Nat Prod Res ; 35(5): 849-852, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30990331


Extracts and six isolated substances from Aniba (Lauraceae) Amazonian species A. parviflora, A. panurensis and A. rosaeodora were analysed in vitro to their antibacterial, antiparasitic and antiplasmodial activities. NMR and MS experiments led to the identification of three styrylpyrones (5,6-dihydrokawain [I], 4-methoxy-11,12-methylenedioxy-6-trans-styryl-pyran-2-one [II] and rel-(6R,7S,8S,5'S)-4'-methoxy-8-(11,12-dimethoxyphenyl-7-[6-(4-methoxy-2-pyranyl)]-6-(E)-styryl-1'-oxabicyclo[4,2,0]oct-4'-en-2'-one [III]), a pyridine alkaloid (anibine [IV]) and two kavalactones (tetrahydroyangonin [V] and dihydromethysticin [VI]). The best antibacterial result was observed at the hexane fraction of A. panurensis (MIC 7.8 µg/mL against the three bacteria). Equal MIC were observed by the extract and dichloromethane fraction of A. panurensis against S. simulans and S. aureus; and 15.62 µg/mL against MRSA. Similarly, only A. panurensis extracts showed in vitro activities against Tripanossoma cruzi and Leishmania amazonensis parasites. In Plasmodium falciparum assay, 5,6-dihydrokawain was considered an active antimalarial (14.03 µM), and substances II (132.94 µM) and III (41.84 µM) presented moderate activities.

Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Lauraceae/química , Antimaláricos/química , Antimaláricos/farmacologia , Bactérias/efeitos dos fármacos , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Compostos Fitoquímicos/análise , Compostos Fitoquímicos/química , Extratos Vegetais/química , Plasmodium falciparum/efeitos dos fármacos , Pironas/farmacologia , Trypanosoma cruzi/efeitos dos fármacos
Vet World ; 13(10): 2178-2182, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33281353


BACKGROUND AND AIM: Licania salicifolia (L.S) Cuatrec., Persea ferruginea (P.F) Kunth, Oreopanax floribundus (O.F), and Psychotria buchtienii (P.B) belong to the families Chrysobalanaceae, Lauraceae, Araliaceae, and Rubiaceae, respectively, which have been used as medicines by communities in the Andes. This study evaluated the leishmanicidal and cytotoxic activities of alcohol and non-alcohol extracts from four Andean plant extracts (L.S, O.F, P.F, and P.B). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Extracts were obtained by percolation with solvents of different polarities - hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol. Phytochemical screening was conducted based on reported methods. All products were evaluated in vitro to determine the leishmanicidal activity against amastigotes of Leishmania panamensis and cytotoxicity against U937 cells. RESULTS: Flavonoids, triterpenes, and tannins were the main secondary metabolites found. From the results, dichloromethane extracts from O.F and P.B, ethanol extract from P.B, and ethyl acetate extracts of all plants were active, with EC50 <30 µg/mL. Ethyl acetate was the most active extract, which showed EC50 values of 9.8, 14.1, 23.7, and 25.5 µg/mL, for L.S, P.B, O.F, and P.F, respectively. Hexane extracts from P.B and O.F exhibited moderate activity with EC50 values of 84.8 and 87.4 µg/mL, respectively. Hexane and ethanol extracts from O.F, ethyl acetate, and ethanol extracts from L.S, and all extracts from P.F were not toxic. Alternatively, hexane and dichloromethane extracts from L.S and P.B as well as dichloromethane and ethyl acetate extracts from O.F displayed high toxicity. CONCLUSION: Based on the activity we observed, ethyl acetate extract can continue in its usage in the search for new antileishmanial drugs, mainly ethyl acetate extract from L.S showed activity comparable to meglumine antimoniate and was not cytotoxic.

Biomolecules ; 10(7)2020 07 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32630297


Spice plants have a great influence on world history. For centuries, different civilizations have used them to condiment the foods of kings and nobles and applied them as embalming preservatives, perfumes, cosmetics, and medicines in different regions of the world. In general, these plants have formed the basis of traditional medicine and some of their derived substances have been utilized to treat different human diseases. Essential oils (EOs) obtained from these plants have been also used as therapeutic agents and have shown supportive uses in remedial practices. The discovery and development of bioactive compounds from these natural products, based on their traditional uses, play an important role in developing the scientific evidence of their potential pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food applications. In the present review, using recent studies, we exhibit a general overview of the main aspects related to the importance of spice plants widely used in traditional medicine: Cinnamomumzeylanicum (true cinnamon), Menthapiperita (peppermint), Ocimumbasilicum (basil), Origanumvulgare (oregano), Piper nigrum (black pepper), Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary), and Thymus vulgaris (thyme); and we discuss new findings of the bioactive compounds obtained from their EOs, their potential applications, as well as their molecular mechanisms of action, focusing on their antioxidant activity. We also exhibit the main in vitro methods applied to determine the antioxidant activities of these natural products.

Antioxidantes/farmacologia , Óleos Voláteis/química , Origanum/química , Compostos Fitoquímicos/farmacologia , Thymus (Planta)/química , Antioxidantes/química , Cosméticos/química , Cosméticos/farmacologia , Indústria Alimentícia , Medicina Tradicional , Mentha piperita , Ocimum , Compostos Fitoquímicos/química , Óleos de Plantas/química , Especiarias