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J Dent Sci ; 19(2): 1174-1181, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618125


Background/purpose: Impaction of permanent second molar (PM2) is found occasionally. This study tried to explore the risk factors associated with the impacted PM2 teeth and show how to use different treatment modalities to correct the impaction of PM2 teeth. Materials and methods: This study used three cases of PM2 impaction to show how to identify the risk factors of PM2 impaction and how to remove these risk factors to facilitate the eruption of impacted PM2 teeth to the correct occlusal positions. Results: The first and second cases both showed delayed eruptions of two maxillary PM2 teeth. After resection of the dense fibrotic gingival tissues on the tooth eruption pathway, these two impacted maxillary PM2 teeth finally erupted to the normal occlusal positions by their inherent tooth eruption potential. The second case also had mesioangular impaction of two mandibular PM2 teeth. After odontectomy of teeth 38 and 48, the two impacted mandibular PM2 teeth also erupted to the normal occlusal positions by their inherent tooth eruption potential. The third case had impaction of teeth 17, 27 and 47. After extraction of four third molars and four selected premolars, orthodontic mesialization of four permanent first molars, and orthodontic traction using a mini-screw, the three impacted teeth finally erupted to the normal occlusal positions. Conclusion: We conclude that after removing the obstacles on the tooth eruption pathway, the impacted PM2 teeth usually can erupt to their normal occlusal positions by their inherent tooth eruption potential with or without the assistance of orthodontic traction.

Artigo em Chinês | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-1013088


Objective@#To study the effect of orthodontic traction on the roots and periodontal soft and hard tissues of buried obstructed upper incisors.@*Methods@#This study was reviewed and approved by the ethics committee, and informed consent was obtained from the patients. From January 2018 to December 2022, 40 patients who underwent orthodontic traction on impacted upper incisors were selected; those whose contralateral homonymous apical foramen was not developed were placed in group A (23 cases), and those whose contralateral homonymous apical foramen was developed were placed in group B (17 cases). Software was used to measure the root length of the impacted upper incisors in groups A and B on cone beam CT (CBCT) images before and after traction and compare the changes in alveolar bone (alveolar bone width, labral bone plate thickness, and horizontal height of alveolar bone) and keratinized gingival width between each impacted upper incisor and the corresponding contralateral tooth immediately and one year after traction@*Results@#The root length of the impacted upper incisors increased after traction compared to before traction (P<0.05). The width of the alveolar bone at the completion of traction in group A was similar to that of the contralateral homonymous tooth (P>0.05), whereas the width of the alveolar bone at the completion of traction in group B did not reach that of the contralateral homonymous tooth, with a significant difference in width (P<0.05). Neither the labial bone plate height or width in group A or B reached that of the contralateral homonymous tooth after traction (P<0.05). The keratinized gingival width on the affected side was also significantly smaller than that on the contralateral side (P<0.05), but it was increased significantly in group A at the one-year follow-up visit (P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#Tooth traction is conducive to impacted upper incisor root growth, alveolar bone reconstruction and keratinized gingival growth but cannot produce complete symmetry with respect to the contralateral side.

BMC Oral Health ; 23(1): 1004, 2023 12 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38097990


The dentigerous cyst is a developmental odontogenic asymptomatic cyst, that is associated with the crown of an unerupted or impacted tooth. Early diagnosis is important to avoid any future complications and choose the best treatment option. The purpose of this case report is to describe the management of a dentigerous cyst related to lower second molar in a young female patient using orthodontic traction as a conservative treatment approach. This procedure helps to spare the patient an unnecessary surgical excision procedure and the associated excessive bone removal for a safety margin, stimulates bone healing and promotes the eruption of the cyst-associated tooth.

Cistos , Cisto Dentígero , Dente Impactado , Humanos , Feminino , Cisto Dentígero/diagnóstico por imagem , Cisto Dentígero/cirurgia , Dente Molar/cirurgia , Dente Impactado/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Impactado/etiologia , Dente Impactado/cirurgia , Erupção Dentária
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(62): 100-121, set-dez. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1566176


Background: The orthodontic traction of impacted canines represents a great challenge for Orthodontics. Surgical exposure of the impacted canine and the complex orthodontic mechanics applied to align the tooth back to the arch can lead to complications involving supporting tissues inducing gingival recession when the teeth are moved out of the alveolar bone. Aim: The aim of this study is to present an updated bibliographic review of the main periodontal results found in the literature after the clinical management of impacted canines and the prevalence of gingival recession. Materials and methods: Research in electronic databases PubMed, PMC, and MedLine until June 2020 and reference lists of relevant publications were used to identify studies that assessed the periodontal status of impacted and orthodontically tractioned canines. Controlled and randomized clinical trials, literature reviews, systematic reviews, studies in humans, meta- analyzes and text that had at least one occurrence relating to gingival recession, periodontal outcomes and impacted canines tractioned orthodontically, whether by buccal or palatal, superior and / or lower as the eligibility criteria. Results: 691 articles were found in a free search. After applying the eligibility criteria, 7 relevant articles were subtracted, and these results were more frequent for upper canines. Conclusion: Currently, there is no clear evidence to determine which surgical technique procedure is better to discover canines in terms of periodontal outcomes. The results found stated that clinically the evidence were insignificant when compared to teeth normally erupted.

Introdução: O tracionamento ortodôntico de caninos inclusos representa um grande desafio para a Ortodontia. A exposição cirúrgica do canino impactado e a complexa mecânica ortodôntica aplicada para alinhar o dente de volta ao arco podem levar a complicações envolvendo os tecidos de suporte, induzindo recessão gengival quando os dentes são movimentados para fora do osso alveolar. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica atualizada dos principais resultados periodontais encontrados na literatura após o manejo clínico de caninos impactados e a prevalência de recessão gengival. Materiais e métodos: Foram feitas pesquisas eletrônicas no PubMed, PMC e MedLine até junho de 2020 e uma listas de referência de publicações relevantes foram usadas para identificar estudos que avaliaram o estado periodontal de caninos impactados e tracionados ortodonticamente. Ensaios clínicos controlados e randomizados, revisões de literatura, revisões sistemáticas, estudos em humanos, metanálises e textos que tiveram pelo menos uma ocorrência relacionada a recessão gengival, desfechos periodontais e caninos impactados tracionados ortodonticamente, seja por vestibular ou palatino, foram os critérios de elegibilidade. Resultados: Foram encontrados 691 artigos em busca livre. Após a aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade, 7 artigos relevantes foram subtraídos, sendo esses resultados mais frequentes para caninos superiores. Conclusão: Atualmente, não há evidências claras para determinar qual técnica cirúrgica é melhor para descobrir caninos em termos de resultados periodontais. Os resultados encontrados afirmaram que clinicamente as evidências foram insignificantes quando comparadas a dentes normalmente

Ortodontia , Dente Canino , Retração Gengival/epidemiologia
Clin Oral Investig ; 27(8): 4279-4288, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37326659


OBJECTIVES: Extraction of impacted mandibular third molars (IMTMs) is the most common surgery performed in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) injury is a rare but severe complication, and the risk is significantly higher in cases of IMTM near the inferior alveolar canal (IAC). The existing surgical method to extract such IMTMs is either not safe enough or is time-consuming. A better surgical design is needed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From August 2019 to June 2022, 23 patients underwent IMTM extraction by Dr. Zhao at Nanjing Stomatological Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Medical School, Nanjing University, and were found to have IMTMs in close proximity to the IAC. Due to high IAN injury risk, these patients underwent coronectomy-miniscrew traction to extract their IMTMs. RESULTS: The time between coronectomy-miniscrew insertion and complete removal of the IMTM was 32.65 ± 2.110 days, which was significantly shorter than that of traditional orthodontic traction. Two-point discrimination testing revealed no IAN injury, and no injury was reported by patients during follow-up. Other complications, such as severe swelling, severe bleeding, dry socket, and limited mouth opening, were not observed. Postoperative pain levels were not significantly higher in the coronectomy-miniscrew traction group than in the traditional IMTM extraction group. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: For IMTMs that are in close proximity to the IAC and must be extracted, coronectomy-miniscrew traction is a novel approach to minimize the risk of IAN injury in a less time-consuming way with a lower possibility of complications.

Dente Impactado , Traumatismos do Nervo Trigêmeo , Humanos , Canal Mandibular , Dente Serotino/cirurgia , Traumatismos do Nervo Trigêmeo/prevenção & controle , Traumatismos do Nervo Trigêmeo/etiologia , Extração Dentária/efeitos adversos , Tração/efeitos adversos , Mandíbula/cirurgia , Dente Impactado/cirurgia , Nervo Mandibular
Trials ; 23(1): 787, 2022 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36114553


BACKGROUND: Failure of eruption of the maxillary permanent incisor teeth usually presents in the mixed dentition between the ages of 7 and 9 years. Missing and unerupted maxillary incisors can be regarded as unattractive and have a potentially negative impact on facial and dental aesthetics. The presence of a supernumerary tooth (or odontoma) is commonly responsible for failed eruption or impaction of the permanent maxillary incisors. The primary objective of this trial is to investigate the success of eruption associated with maxillary incisor teeth that have failed to erupt because of a supernumerary tooth in the anterior maxilla. METHODS: This protocol describes an interventional multicentre two-arm randomised clinical trial. Participants meeting the eligibility criteria will be randomised (unrestricted equal participant allocation [1:1]) to either space creation with an orthodontic appliance, removal of the supernumerary tooth and application of direct orthodontic traction or space creation with an orthodontic appliance, removal of the supernumerary tooth and monitoring. The primary outcome of this trial is to determine the prevalence of successfully erupted maxillary central permanent incisors at 6 months following removal of the supernumerary tooth. Secondary outcome measures include (1) the effect of initial tooth position (assessed radiographically) on time taken for the tooth to erupt, (2) time taken to align the unerupted tooth to the correct occlusal position, (3) gingival aesthetics and (4) changes in the self-reported Oral Health Related-Quality of Life (OHRQoL) (pre-and post-treatment). DISCUSSION: There is a lack of high-quality robust prospective studies comparing the effectiveness of interventions to manage this condition. Furthermore, the UK national clinical guidelines have highlighted a lack of definitive treatment protocols for the management of children who present with an unerupted maxillary incisor due to the presence of a supernumerary tooth. The results of this trial will inform future treatment guidelines for the management of this condition in young children. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN Registry ISRCTN12709966 . Registered on 16 June 2022.

Dente Impactado , Dente Supranumerário , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Incisivo/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos Multicêntricos como Assunto , Estudos Prospectivos , Qualidade de Vida , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como Assunto , Dente Impactado/complicações , Dente Impactado/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Impactado/terapia , Dente Supranumerário/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Supranumerário/terapia
Heliyon ; 8(8): e10197, 2022 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36039130


Herein, we described the multidisciplinary treatment of a mixed dentition patient with impacted maxillary right central incisor and adjacent compound odontoma. In contrast to conventional treatment procedures, orthodontic traction was first performed for the affected tooth in this case, followed by resection of the odontoma. The odontoma did not shift after eruption of the incisor and was safely removed after alignment of the impacted tooth. No root resorption, gingival recession or bone defect occurred in this case. These results demonstrated that the orthodontic force can break the connection between the impacted tooth and the odontoma. The increased distance between the impacted tooth and odontoma may facilitate removal of the odontoma. Adhesion between the soft tissue capsule of odontoma and the dental follicle, rather than blocking the tooth, may play a role in tooth impaction.

Cureus ; 14(5): e24888, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35572459


The objective of the current review was to evaluate the effectiveness of traditional and accelerated methods of palatally impacted canine's (PIC) traction in terms of treatment duration, velocity, periodontal, and patient-reported variables. An electronic search for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled clinical trials (CCTs) published between January 1990 and October 2021 was conducted in nine databases. Five major orthodontic journals were hand searched for additional studies. The participants were patients with unilateral or bilateral PICs who received conventional or accelerated orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances. Cochrane's risk of bias tool (RoB 2 tool) for RCTs and ROBINS-I tool for CCTs were used to assess the risk of bias. The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) guidelines were used to assess the overall quality of the evidence. Nine articles (eight RCTs and one CCT) were included in this review (371 patients). There was no clarity in most studies about the possible effect of the mechanical traction method on treatment outcomes. The treatment duration decreased (about three to six months) when the open surgical method was used with traditional techniques and the traction velocity increased significantly (about 1-1.5 mm/month) when acceleration methods were used. No significant differences were found between the conventional intervention groups, as well as between the traditional and accelerated groups, in terms of most periodontal variables (p > 0.005). No significant differences were found in the pain levels associated with traditional PICs' traction when comparing different exposure methods in the short-term follow-up (1-10 days), while contradictory results were found in the pain incidence between these methods. The relationship between the pain/discomfort levels and the type of mechanical traction method was not evaluated. According to the GRADE, the quality of evidence supporting these findings ranged from low to very low. The combination of the open surgical technique with various designs of either superelastic wires or elastic traction means can lead to a reduction in the orthodontic treatment duration of PICs. The use of direct anchorage by miniscrews to move the PICs away from the adjacent teeth roots can lead to a reduction in root resorption and shorten the treatment duration. The evidence supporting these findings ranged from low to very low. The use of different types of mechanical means for conventional PICs' traction, with the use of open or closed traction techniques, does not lead to significant differences in periodontal outcomes between intervention groups. Contradictory results exist regarding the severity of the perceived pain in relation to the surgical exposure type, and the relationship between this variable and the mechanical traction method is still unclear. The use of accelerated methods for PICs' traction can lead to an increase in the velocity of traction movement with no significant differences in periodontal outcomes between accelerated and conventional methods. The evidence supporting these findings ranged from low to very low. More high-quality randomized CCTs are needed to establish good evidence in this field. The protocol of this systematic review was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO; CRD42021274476) during the first stages of this review.

Dent J (Basel) ; 9(6)2021 Jun 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34207531


The impaction of permanent maxillary canine is a common clinical occurrence, and it is observed in 2% of patients who require orthodontic treatment. This case report describes a new orthodontic-surgical approach through the use of CO2 laser, for the exposure of the palatally impacted canines. A 13-year-old female referred to our observation to make an orthodontic examination because of the maxillary primary canines' persistence in upper arch. Orthopanoramic X-ray showed impaction of both permanent maxillary canines. The family history revealed that the patient's mother had the same orthodontic problem. Cone Beam Computer Tomography (CBCT) was requested to plan the surgical-orthodontic treatment. Surgical exposure of the impacted canines was performed using a CO2 laser and subsequent periodontal pack application. No orthodontic devices were applied for impacted teeth traction on dental arch. Canines' movement was monitored at 1, 8 and 16 weeks post-surgery with photo and intraoral scanner CS3500 (CS3500®, Carestream Health, Atlanta, GA, USA). When canine crowns were completely erupted on palatal side, the alignment in the arch with indirect bonding technique was performed. Complete disimpaction of canine crowns was obtained in only four months. As reported in the literature, this case confirms that impacted canines' exposure to CO2 laser has advantages if compared with traditional surgery: no bleeding during and after the procedure, decontaminant effect on the surgical area, no suture, and a fast spontaneous eruption. Conclusions: The pre-orthodontic uncovering and autonomous eruption of palatally impacted maxillary canines provides simplified, predictable, and more aesthetic outcomes. Furthermore, a significant positive factor is that there is no need to carry out the orthodontic traction of the impacted element, undoubtedly better compliance by the patient during the next alignment phase with the fix orthodontic appliance.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(3): e2882, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280436


Introducción: La falta de un incisivo permanente no solo genera un efecto adverso en la estética facial, también altera la función, en especial, la guía incisiva. Los incisivos superiores pueden sufrir bloqueo mecánico o cambio en su erupción por un diente supernumerario, un golpe u otro factor. El tratamiento de elección es el quirúrgico-ortodóncico. El pronóstico dependerá de la edad, situación, posición del diente, morfología, tamaño, maduración radicular y método de tracción. Conocer el uso de una aparatología ortodóncica que sea fácil de manipular y pueda ser usada desde edades tempranas servirá de valioso aporte. Objetivo: Mostrar el uso exitoso de un cantiléver para traccionar ortodóncicamente un incisivo impactado en posición horizontal. Presentación del caso: Paciente de 8 años con maloclusión clase I, pieza 2.1 retenida en posición horizontal, presencia de supernumerario y persistencia de pieza 6.1. Se opta por extracción de supernumerario, liberación de pieza 2.1 y tracción ortodóncica. Se usó un cantiléver por vestibular confeccionado en arco de acero redondo 0.020" con dos círculos en cada extremo para brindar elasticidad y anclaje. La fuerza utilizada fue de 70 g, pasado 6 meses se alcanzó el plano de oclusión. Se cementaron brackets y tubos, se continuó con la secuencia de arcos, hasta llegar al arco acero 0.021"x0.025" durante 11 meses. Se obtiene una posición final óptima que favorece la formación radicular y cierre apical. Conclusiones: El uso del cantiléver para el tratamiento ortodóncico de incisivos permanentes impactados en posición horizontal demostró ser exitoso, fácil de manipular y controlar(AU)

Introduction: The lack of a permanent incisor not only generates an adverse effect on facial aesthetics but also alters its function, especially the incisor guidance. Upper incisors can suffer mechanical blockage or change in their eruption due to a supernumerary tooth, a blow or another factor. The treatment of choice is orthodontic-surgical. The prognosis depends on the age, tooth position, morphology, size, root maturation and traction method. Knowing the use of an orthodontic appliance, which is easy to handle and can be used from an early age, will be of valuable contribution. Objective: To show the successful use of a cantilever to enable orthodontic traction of an impacted incisor in a horizontal position. Case presentation: Eight-year-old patient with class I malocclusion, specimen 2.1 retained in a horizontal position, presence of supernumerary tooth and persistence of specimen 6.1. Extraction of the supernumerary, release of specimen 2.1 and orthodontic traction is chosen. A buccal cantilever made of a 0.020" round steel arch with two circles at each end was used to provide elasticity and anchoring. The force used was 70 g. Six months after, the occlusion plane was reached. Brackets and tubes were cemented and the sequence of arches was continued until the 0.021"x0.025" steel arch was reached in 11 months. An optimal final position is obtained, favoring root formation and apical closure. Conclusions: The use of the cantilever for orthodontic treatment of impacted permanent incisors in a horizontal position proved to be successful as well as easy to manipulate and control(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Criança , Aparelhos Ortodônticos , Dente Supranumerário , Má Oclusão
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 42(1): 33-37, jan.-abr. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BBO - Odontologia | ID: biblio-1252851


Durante a formação dentária, distúrbios de desenvolvimento podem acontecer, causando anomalias de número, forma, tamanho, estrutura e posição, além de apresentarem anormalidade no padrão sequencial de irrupção. Uma boa anamnese, associada a palpação e exames de imagens são indispensáveis para um diagnóstico precoce e favorável destas alterações. Os exames de imagem determinarão a relação espacial destes dentes com as estruturas nobres adjacentes. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a presença de supranumerário unilateral e impactação bilateral de caninos permanentes, ambas anomalias com proximidade da cavidade nasal e seio maxilar, ressaltando a importância do diagnóstico preciso através de exames clínico e de imagens, que direcionam o planejamento terapêutico específico para cada caso, bem como a associação multidisciplinar para obtenção de um resultado satisfatório do quadro e melhora da qualidade de vida do paciente(AU)

During dental formation, developmental disorders can occur, causing anomalies of number, shape, size and position, in addition to presenting abnormality in the sequential pattern of irruption. Anamnesis associated with palpation are indispensable for an early diagnosis of these alterations. Imaging exams will determine the spatial relationship between these teeth and the adjacent noble structures. The aim of this study was to report the presence of unilateral supernumerary and bilaterally impacted canines, both anomalies with proximity of nasal cavity and maxillary sinus, emphasizing the importance of accurate diagnosis through clinical and imaging exams, that direct the specific therapeutic planning for each case, as well as the multidisciplinary association to obtain satisfactory results and improve the life quality of patients(AU)

Dente Supranumerário , Dente não Erupcionado/terapia , Dente não Erupcionado/diagnóstico por imagem , Aparelhos Ativadores , Dente Canino , Seio Maxilar , Anamnese , Cavidade Nasal
Rev Cient Odontol (Lima) ; 9(4): e085, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38463720


The prevalence of impacted maxillary canines is 1 to 3%, with approximately 50% of impacted canines causing root resorption of adjacent teeth. If the permanent canine has not acquired its correct position, evaluation by an orthodontist is necessary to determine the most adequate treatment. Surgery and orthodontic treatment are used for the treatment of impacted canines in the maxilla affecting permanent dentition. Selection of the most adequate treatment to achieve the correct position of the canine tooth depends on the position of the canine. This article summarizes the different techniques available and describes their advantages, and cost-benefit considerations. The objective of this literature review is to describe the etiology of impacted maxillary canines and provide an update of the information on orthodontic treatments available for these patients.

La prevalencia de caninos maxilares impactados es del 1 al 3%. Aproximadamente, el 50% de los caninos impactados provocan la reabsorción radicular de los dientes adyacentes. Por otro lado, si el canino permanente no ha comenzado a encontrar su posición correcta, se debe considerar como primera opción la evaluación de un ortodoncista, quien brindará diversos tratamientos. La cirugía y el tratamiento de ortodoncia se utilizan para tratar los caninos impactados en el maxilar afectado en la dentición permanente. Según la posición del canino, se puede seleccionar el mejor tratamiento para lograr la ubicación correcta del canino. Este artículo resume todas estas técnicas diferenciales, conociendo sus ventajas y consideraciones de costo-beneficio.El objetivo de esta revisión de literatura es actualizar la información sobre tratamientos de ortodoncia en caninos maxilares impactados, describir la etiología de caninos maxilares impactados, así como describir la tracción y los tratamientos de ortodoncia para caninos maxilares impactados.

Hua Xi Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi ; 38(5): 598-601, 2020 Oct 01.
Artigo em Chinês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33085249


The use of orthodontic traction to preserve healthy subgingival residual root is a classical method combining the treatment of restoration and orthodontics. Based on the target restoration space (TRS), by establishing a TRS digital model, the final traction position of the subgingival residual root can be preset. After evaluating the key parameters such as crown-to-root ratio and minimum crown height, clinicians can estimate the treatment time and exclude cases with bad preset position. The time of traction treatment can be effectively reduced, and the efficiency and efficacy of the entire treatment can also be improved.

Coroas , Fluxo de Trabalho , Coroa do Dente , Tração
Int Orthod ; 18(3): 490-502, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32513608


OBJECTIVE: Maxillary impacted canines (MIC) could suffer root changes after canine traction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the 3-dimensional root changes in buccal versus palatal MIC after orthodontic traction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This longitudinal and retrospective study included pre-treatment and after traction cone beam computed tomography scans (CBCTs) of 30 subjects with unilateral/bilateral MIC. A total of 43 MIC were divided into 2 groups: buccal (n=17) or palatal (n=26). Root changes in length and area after orthodontic traction were measured at sagittal, coronal and axial sections. Intergroup comparison was carried out by t or U Mann-Whitney tests, depending on normality. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to evaluate the influence of all predictor variables on root changes (P<0.05). RESULTS: Significant difference between groups was found for root area changes in the upper limit of the cervical third at axial section that showed greater appositional values for the palatal impacted canine group (-1.18mm2) and resorptive values for the buccal impacted canine group (0.62mm2) (P=0.024). Position of impaction palatal influenced the increase of root area in the coronal section and in the upper limit of the cervical third at axial section. Age directly influenced the decrease of total length and root area in sagittal and coronal sections, respectively. CONCLUSION: Orthodontic traction of MIC produced an important appositional root change in the palatal impaction group in the axial root area of the upper limit of the cervical third. Impaction position and age influenced the increase and decrease of root area and length of some specific radicular regions.

Maxila/patologia , Boca/patologia , Palato/patologia , Raiz Dentária/patologia , Dente Impactado/patologia , Tração/métodos , Adolescente , Criança , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Dente Canino/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Canino/patologia , Feminino , Humanos , Incisivo/diagnóstico por imagem , Incisivo/patologia , Estudos Longitudinais , Masculino , Maxila/diagnóstico por imagem , Boca/diagnóstico por imagem , Procedimentos de Ancoragem Ortodôntica/efeitos adversos , Procedimentos de Ancoragem Ortodôntica/métodos , Aparelhos Ortodônticos Fixos , Ortodontia Corretiva/efeitos adversos , Palato/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos Retrospectivos , Reabsorção da Raiz , Raiz Dentária/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Impactado/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto Jovem
Korean J Orthod ; 50(1): 63-71, 2020 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32042721


Odontogenic keratocysts (OKCs) are one of the most aggressive cysts in the oral and maxillofacial area because of their high recurrence rate and infiltrative behavior. In growing patients with OKCs, a radical treatment approach might cause numerous complications, including the disturbance of jaw growth and loss of the involved tooth. This case report describes successful comprehensive orthodontic treatment combined with marsupialization of the cyst in a young girl who exhibited an OKC with impacted teeth. The 10-year-old girl presented with an OKC extending from the mandibular symphysis through the left mandibular body, with ectopic impaction of the mandibular left canine and first premolar, as well as congenitally missing bilateral mandibular second premolars. Interestingly, spontaneous improvement of the positions of the ectopic impacted teeth, along with a reduction in the size of the cyst, occurred during marsupialization. The sequential use of removable and fixed appliances enabled orthodontic traction of the impacted teeth. The treatment outcome was stable at 2.5 years after the end of the treatment. We speculate that comprehensive orthodontic treatment combined with marsupialization can be an effective treatment strategy for patients with OKCs, especially when they are encountered in young, growing patients with impacted teeth.

Contemp Clin Dent ; 11(4): 403-407, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33850410


Impaction of canine is frequently encountered clinical problem in orthodontics. Canine usually erupts when two third of the root development is complete. It is considered as impacted if the root development is completed, but unaided eruption is not expected to occur. Surgical exposure of impacted canine and orthodontic traction to align the tooth is a major challenge in which the management requires a multidisciplinary approach. This article presents a case of impacted canine in a 20-year-old female patient. Impacted canine was aligned by orthodontic traction using a modified eyelet attachment and guided eruption without repeated surgical intervention or tissue damage. In the clinical case discussed, the bonding attachment used was a low-profile Begg bracket containing multiple eyelets for varying the force of traction and also to apply force along the long axis of the tooth. An ideal traction force was applied for the adequate period of time thus minimizing the side effects. This method proved to be efficient in maintaining good periodontal and mucogingival health and thus satisfying both esthetic and function goals.

J Orthod ; 46(4): 358-366, 2019 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31597525


INTRODUCTION: Ectopic eruption, manifesting as an aberration in the normal path of eruption of a tooth, can adversely impact facial aesthetics, phonetics and psychosocial development. DESCRIPTION: This case series describes the orthodontic management of two adolescent patients with different clinical presentations of ectopically erupted maxillary central incisors secondary to trauma during the primary dentition period. The therapy primarily included periodontal soft-tissue surgery accompanied by orthodontic traction to align the ectopic incisors. Frenectomy was performed in one patient and surgical excision of a hypertrophied pseudo-pouch in the second patient. A modified maxillary lip bumper was used concomitantly for management of associated soft-tissue trauma, thus facilitating healing and aiding orthodontic traction. RESULTS: Appropriately planned interdisciplinary management involving the interim use of a modified lip bumper allowed proper alignment of the ectopically positioned incisors with a stable outcome at three-year follow-up. CONCLUSION: Fixed orthodontic therapy with concurrent use of modified maxillary lip bumper is an effective approach to treat incisors erupted ectopically in relation to the upper lip and frenum.

Incisivo , Lábio , Adolescente , Humanos , Maxila
Artigo em Coreano | WPRIM (Pacífico Ocidental) | ID: wpr-787387


Treatment options for impacted permanent molars include orthodontic traction, surgical repositioning, transplantation, and extraction of the impacted teeth. Orthodontic traction is recommended because it is the most conservative method. However, it has limitations, such as loss of tooth anchorage. In an effort to overcome these limitations, skeletal anchorage devices tailored for orthodontic use were developed. In this case report, 3 patients were diagnosed with impacted permanent molars. The impacted teeth of these patients were surgically exposed, the orthodontic devices were attached, and the skeletal anchorage devices were implanted for the successful traction of the impacted teeth.

Humanos , Métodos , Dente Molar , Dente , Dente Impactado , Tração
J Med Case Rep ; 12(1): 305, 2018 Oct 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30301465


BACKGROUND: Dentigerous cysts are common odontogenic cysts associated with unerupted teeth. We describe a previously unreported case of a multidisciplinary approach using surgical, orthodontic, and implant treatment to establish the occlusion for a patient with a maxillary dentigerous cyst. CASE PRESENTATION: An 18-year-old Japanese woman visited our hospital with a chief complaint of gingival swelling in her anterior maxillary region, midline diastema, and tooth crowding. Her main symptom was this gingival swelling. A panoramic radiograph revealed a radiolucent area, 30 mm in diameter, round in shape, and with well-demarcated margins including the maxillary canine. Computed tomography revealed a cystic cavity filled with homogeneous fluid of the same density as water, and a distolingually inclined canine. Our clinical diagnosis was maxillary dentigerous cyst with an unerupted distolingually inclined canine. The selected treatment was marsupialization of the dentigerous cyst, followed by orthodontic traction of the unerupted canine, and simultaneous orthodontic treatment of the midline diastema and tooth crowding. The orthodontic traction failed because the canine did not erupt completely, and the canine was extracted. The treatment plan was then changed to implant treatment after the tooth crowding and midline diastema had been improved. Because the alveolar ridge width was inadequate, the implant was placed after a two-stage implant treatment; therefore, a satisfactory occlusion could be achieved. Our patient did not experience any complications, and the cyst has not recurred. A radiograph taken 7 years after marsupialization of the dentigerous cyst revealed that the cystic cavity had been replaced by new bone. CONCLUSIONS: In general, orthodontic traction of an unerupted tooth after marsupialization should be the best option. However, if orthodontic traction fails, a multidisciplinary approach involving implant treatment may be necessary. We describe a case in which a multidisciplinary approach involving surgical, orthodontic, and implant treatment was used to establish a satisfactory occlusion for a patient with a dentigerous cyst.

Dente Canino , Implantação Dentária/métodos , Cisto Dentígero , Maxila , Ortodontia/métodos , Adolescente , Dente Canino/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Canino/patologia , Cisto Dentígero/diagnóstico por imagem , Cisto Dentígero/patologia , Cisto Dentígero/cirurgia , Feminino , Humanos , Má Oclusão/diagnóstico por imagem , Maxila/diagnóstico por imagem , Maxila/cirurgia , Radiografia Panorâmica/métodos , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Dente não Erupcionado/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente não Erupcionado/terapia , Resultado do Tratamento