Metástase é o crescimento de células cancerígenas em sítios distantes do órgão de onde se originaram, e a sua ocorrência indica um prognóstico ruim. Em cavidade oral são raras. Podem ocorrer nos tecidos moles, nos maxilares ou em ambos, e são de expressiva importância clínica, pois indicam um estágio disseminado de um câncer, e podem ser o único sintoma de uma malignidade subjacente ainda não diagnosticada. Desse modo, é essencial que o cirurgião-dentista esteja familiarizado com o aspecto clínico e achados radiográficos mais associados a essa patologia. O objetivo desta revisão narrativa de literatura é compilar os principais aspectos sobre as metástases orais para a atuação do clínico. A patogenia das metástases para a cavidade oral é complexa e não totalmente compreendida. Os sítios primários mais frequentes são o câncer de mama, para as metástases nos ossos maxilares; e o câncer de pulmão, para os depósitos nos tecidos moles orais. As regiões orais mais acometidas são a área posterior de mandíbula e a gengiva. As metástases em osso são mais prevalentes do que em tecidos moles. De maneira geral, os homens são mais acometidos, especialmente na quinta a sétima década de vida, e o aspecto clínico das metástases é variável, lembrando lesões inflamatórias ou hiperplásicas, mas com crescimento rápido. Os achados radiográficos são inespecíficos, e podem apresentar características como osso "roído por traças" e aumento irregular dos espaços da membrana periodontal. Conclui-se com essa revisão que é fundamental que o cirurgião-dentista conheça e inclua lesões metastáticas no diagnóstico diferencial das patologias orais, tendo em vista o seu grau elevado de relevância clínica.
Metastasis is the growth of cancer cells in sites distant from the organ from which they originated, and its occurrence indicates a poor prognosis. In the oral cavity they are rare. They can occur in the soft tissues, jaws or both, and are of significant clinical importance, as they indicate a disseminated stage of cancer, and may be the only symptom of an underlying malignancy that has not yet been diagnosed. Therefore, it is essential that the dental surgeon is familiar with the clinical aspect and radiographic findings most associated with this pathology. The aim of this narrative literature review is to compile the main aspects about oral metastases for the clinician's work. The pathogenesis of metastases to the oral cavity is complex and not fully understood. The most frequent primary sites are breast cancer, for metastases in the jaw bones; and lung cancer, for deposits in oral soft tissues. The most affected oral regions are the posterior area of the jaw and the gingival tissue. Metastases in bone are more prevalent than in soft tissues. In general, men are more affected, especially in the fifth to seventh decade of life, and the clinical appearance of metastases is variable, resembling inflammatory or hyperplastic lesions, but with rapid growth. Radiographic findings are nonspecific and may present characteristics such as "moth-eaten" bone and irregular increase in periodontal membrane spaces. This review concludes that it is essential for the dentist to know and include metastatic lesions in the differential diagnosis of oral pathologies, given their high degree of clinical relevance.
Patologia Bucal , Neoplasias Bucais , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Metástase NeoplásicaRESUMO
A osteonecrose dos maxilares induzida por medicamentos (MRONJ) caracteriza-se por exposição óssea ou osso que pode ser sondado através de fístula intra ou extraoral, em região maxilofacial, e que não cicatriza dentro de oito semanas. A MRONJ é uma condição rara e debilitante que pode causar dor, disfagia e odor desagradável na cavidade oral, afetando pacientes com histórico ou sob uso contínuo de terapia antirreabsortiva, isolada ou associada a imunomoduladores ou drogas antiangiogênicas, mas sem histórico de radioterapia nos maxilares. O objetivo desta revisão narrativa de literatura é compilar os principais aspectos sobre a etiopatogenia da MRONJ e as opções terapêuticas disponíveis. A etiologia da MRONJ é multifatorial, complexa, e não está totalmente compreendida, não havendo um tratamento definitivo, mas diversas modalidades terapêuticas que visam o controle da dor e da progressão da osteonecrose. Conclui-se com essa revisão que o entendimento da etiopatogenia da MRONJ pelo cirurgião-dentista lhe permite adotar medidas preventivas, bem como o conhecimento das modalidades terapêuticas disponíveis lhe possibilita oferecer o manejo adequado para seu paciente, conforme o estágio da doença.
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is characterized by exposed bone or bone that can be probed through an intra or extraoral fistula, in the maxillofacial region, which does not heal within eight weeks. MRONJ is a rare and debilitating condition that can cause pain, dysphagia and unpleasant odor in the oral cavity, affecting patients with a history or continuous use of antiresorptive therapy, alone or associated with immunomodulators or antiangiogenic drugs, but without a history of radiotherapy to the jaws. The aim of this narrative literature review is to compile the main aspects about the etiopathogenesis of MRONJ and the available therapeutic options. The etiology of MRONJ is multifactorial, complex, and is not fully understood, with no definitive treatment, but several therapeutic modalities that aim to control pain and the progression of osteonecrosis. It is concluded from this review that the understanding of the etiopathogenesis of MRONJ by the dental surgeon allows him to adopt preventive measures, as well as the knowledge of the therapeutic modalities available allows him to offer the appropriate management for his patient, depending on the stage of the disease.
Osteonecrose , Patologia Bucal , Terapêutica , Osteonecrose da Arcada Osseodentária Associada a Difosfonatos , Ácido Zoledrônico , Arcada OsseodentáriaRESUMO
O objetivo desta revisão integrativa foi elaborar uma avaliação qualitativa da literatura existente sobre as modalidades de tratamento utilizadas para cistos dentígeros em pacientes pediátricos. O presente estudo trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura na qual utilizou-se as bases de dados PubMed, BVS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde), LILACS, e SciELO. Como critérios de inclusão estavam os artigos publicados na íntegra, relatos de caso clínico, revisões sistemáticas e de meta-análise publicados nos últimos 10 anos, disponível nos idiomas português ou inglês, que abordassem a temática. Os critérios de exclusão foram: resumos, anais, editoriais, cartas ao editor, reflexão, duplicidade, artigos com detalhamento incompleto. O cisto dentígero é o tipo mais comum dos cistos odontogênicos de desenvolvimento e o segundo mais frequente entre todos que ocorrem nos maxilares, representando cerca de 20% de todos os cistos revestidos por epitélio nos ossos gnáticos. Clinicamente pode estar associado a qualquer dente impactado, porém ele envolve com mais frequência os terceiros molares inferiores. Acomete pacientes entre 10 a 30 anos de idade, com predileção pelo sexo masculino, sendo na maioria dos casos detectados em exames radiográficos de rotina. O tratamento baseia-se nas técnicas de descompressão, marsupialização e enucleação. O prognóstico para os cistos dentígeros é altamente favorável e não há chance de recorrência após a remoção completa. Assim, a decisão terapêutica deve ser tomada de forma adequada para cada caso, levando em consideração a localização anatômica, extensão clínica, tamanho, idade, remoção do dente não irrompido e possibilidades de acompanhamento.
The aim of this integrative review was to carry out a qualitative assessment of the existing literature on the treatment modalities used for dentigerous cysts in pediatric patients. This study is an integrative literature review using the PubMed, VHL (Virtual Health Library), LILACS and SciELO databases. The inclusion criteria were articles published in full, clinical case reports, systematic reviews and meta-analysis published in the last 10 years, available in Portuguese or English, which addressed the subject. The exclusion criteria were: abstracts, annals, editorials, letters to the editor, reflection, duplication, articles with incomplete details. The dentigerous cyst is the most common type of developmental odontogenic cyst and the second most frequent of all those that occur in the jaws, accounting for around 20% of all epithelium-lined cysts in the gnathic bones. Clinically, it can be associated with any impacted tooth, but it most often involves the lower third molars. It affects patients between 10 and 30 years of age, with a predilection for males, and in most cases it is detected during routine radiographic examinations. Treatment is based on decompression, marsupialization and enucleation. The prognosis for dentigerous cysts is highly favorable and there is no chance of recurrence after complete removal. Therefore, the therapeutic decision must be made appropriately for each case, taking into account the anatomical location, clinical extension, size, age, removal of the unerupted tooth and follow-up possibilities.
Cirurgia Bucal , Cisto Dentígero/terapia , Cistos Odontogênicos , Criança , Dentição MistaRESUMO
Objectives: The aim of this study was to characterize the main characteristics of this disease in relation to diagnosis, clinical aspects, progression and treatment as well as correlating them with remission time. Material and Methods: A systematic search was performed following the guidelines given by PRISMA and the Joanna Briggs Institute. PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus were the databases used. Results: The final analysis resulted in 108 articles with 173 clinical cases. The longest remission time for signs and symptoms (>7 weeks) was registered among male patients (p = 0.02) and outside the oral cavity; however no significant correlation was observed (p>0.05). A high risk of bias was the most common rating among the articles analyzed (55%); followed by moderate (27%) and low (18%). The lack of standardization in clinical case report descriptions made it difficult to gain a thorough knowledge of the essential characteristics of the NS patho-logical processes. Conclusion: It is recommended that publications follow the standards recommended by the literature; in addition, studies using advanced technologies to better understand NS's pathological path are recommended so as to propose effective treatments for this disease. (AU)
Humanos , Glândulas Salivares , Sialometaplasia Necrosante , Odontologia Baseada em Evidências , Patologia Bucal , DiagnósticoRESUMO
Introducción: uno de los servicios que el IMSS ofrece a sus derechohabientes es la cirugía maxilofacial; sin embargo, existen pocos estudios en esta área, que nos puedan proporcionar información acerca de la epidemiología de los tratamientos realizados. Objetivo: conocer la epidemiología de las intervenciones quirúrgicas en Cirugía Maxilofacial remitidas de diferentes Unidades de Medicina Familiar (UMF) al Hospital General Regional No.1 (HGR No.1) del turno vespertino en Tijuana, Baja California, México. Material y métodos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo basado en revisión de «expedientes clínicos electrónicos¼. Se revisaron 2,945 expedientes, de los que se obtuvieron datos generales, UMF y diagnóstico, registrados bajo la plataforma Expediente Clínico Electrónico y Sistema de Información de Medicina Familiar. Se confeccionó un documento con los expedientes analizados. Fueron excluidos pacientes que no cumplieron con un diagnóstico definido por el cirujano maxilofacial o presentaron inasistencia. Debido a la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2 se excluyeron algunos meses. La muestra final la integraron 2,452 pacientes. Resultados: el 2019 fue el año con el mayor número de registros. Predomina el género femenino. La mediana de edad en el estado es 30 años, relacionando el diagnóstico más común «dientes incluidos¼ coincide con la edad predominante entre 20 y 44 años. La UMF 27 remitió más pacientes a hospital. Conclusión: estomatología y médicos familiares pueden hacer envíos a hospitales. El HGR No.1 no cuenta con el instrumental adecuado, el servicio se satura constantemente, es demasiada la demanda, continuamos con poco instrumental y falta de personal (AU)
Introduction: one of the services that the IMSS offers to its beneficiaries it is maxillofacial surgery; however, there are few studies in this area that can provide us with information about the epidemiology of the treatments carried out. Objective: to know the epidemiology of surgical interventions in Maxillofacial Surgery referred from different Family Medicine Units (UMF) to the Hospital General Regional No.1 (HGR No.1) of the evening shift in Tijuana, Baja California, México. Material and methods: retrospective descriptive study based on the review of «Electronic Clinical Files¼. 2,945 records were reviewed, obtaining general data, UMF and diagnosis, registered under the platform Electronic Clinical Record (ECE) and Family Medicine Information System (SIMF). Prepared a document with the files analyzed. Patients who did not meet a diagnosis defined by the Maxillofacial Surgeon or who were absent were excluded. Due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, some months were excluded. The final sample was 2,452 patients. Results: 2019 was the year with the highest number of records. The female gender predominates. The median age in the state is 30 years, relating the most common diagnosis «included teeth¼ coincides with the predominant age between 20 and 44 years. UMF 27 referred more patients to hospital. Conclusion: stomatology and family doctors can make referrals to hospitals. HGR No.1 does not have adequate instruments, the service is constantly saturated, the demand is too high, we continue with few instruments and lack of personnel (AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Bucais/estatística & dados numéricos , Unidade Hospitalar de Odontologia/estatística & dados numéricos , Dente Impactado/epidemiologia , Doenças Maxilomandibulares/epidemiologia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos Retrospectivos , Distribuição por Idade e Sexo , Fraturas Maxilomandibulares/cirurgia , México/epidemiologiaRESUMO
O melanoma oral é uma neoplasia maligna de melanócitos, caracterizada por um comportamento agressivo e prognóstico extremamente reservado. Melanomas na cavidade oral são raros e geralmente são diagnosticados em estágio avançado, reduzindo a sobrevida dos pacientes. O objetivo desta revisão narrativa de literatura é compilar os aspectos essenciais do melanoma oral e demais pigmentações para orientar o diagnóstico precoce pelo cirurgião-dentista. Realizou-se uma pesquisa nas bases de dados Pubmed, Embase, Lilacs e Cochrane. O melanoma oral apresenta-se como uma mácula ou nódulo, de coloração castanha ou preta, podendo demonstrar variações na cor e até mesmo despigmentações. Ele tem predileção pelo palato e pela gengiva maxilar, usualmente é assintomático, e aparenta acometer ligeiramente mais o sexo masculino, especialmente entre a 4ª e 7ª décadas de vida. Apesar de possuir características clínicas similares com o melanoma cutâneo, são consideradas variantes distintas. O cirurgião-dentista deve conhecer as principais características clínicas do melanoma oral e demais pigmentações da cavidade oral a fim de realizar o diagnóstico precoce da neoplasia e conduzir o caso adequadamente.
Oral melanoma is a malignant neoplasm of melanocytes, characterized by aggressive behavior and an extremely poor prognosis. Melanomas in the oral cavity are rare and are usually diagnosed at an advanced stage, reducing patient survival. The aim of this narrative literature review is to compile the essential aspects of oral melanoma and other pigmentations to guide early diagnosis by the dentist. Comprehensive searches were conducted in the PubMed, Embase, Lilacs, and Cochrane databases. Oral melanoma typically presents as a macule or nodule, brown or black in color, and may show variations in color and even depigmentation. It has a predilection for the palate and maxillary gingiva, is usually asymptomatic, and affects slightly more males, especially between the 4th and 7th decades of life. Although they share similar clinical characteristics with cutaneous melanoma, they are considered distinct variants. Dentists must be aware of the main clinical characteristics of oral melanoma and other pigmentations of the oral cavity to make an early diagnosis of the neoplasm and manage the case appropriately.
Humanos , Patologia Bucal , Diagnóstico , Melanoma , NeoplasiasRESUMO
Introdução: os lipomas são as neoplasias benignas de origem mesenquimal mais comum, podendo acometer diversas partes do corpo, sendo a região maxilofacial, de fato, uma das menos frequentes. Clinicamente, manifestam-se como aumentos de volume de crescimento lento e circunscrito, de base séssil ou pediculada, superfície lisa e consistência macia e coloração amarelada. Os sítios intra-orais mais acometidos são a mucosa jugal e o vestíbulo bucal.Dentre suas variantes microscópicas mais comuns, estão o fibrolipoma, composto de um componente fibroso. No entanto, tais variações não afetam o prognóstico do seu tratamento, que deve ser realizado através da excisão conservadora da lesão. OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso atípico de lipoma intra-oral. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, 67 anos, apresentou-se com aumento de volume em região de fundo de vestíbulo mandibular com evolução de, aproximadamente, 10 meses, indolor, com queixas de dificuldade no posicionamento da prótese dentária inferior. O diagnóstico inicial foi de lipoma, confirmado por análise anatomopatológica através de biópsia excisional da peça. Considerações finais: O tratamento de lipomas intra-orais preconizado pela literatura é a excisão local, obtida por meio da biópsia excisional, sendo uma solução eficaz e de baixa morbidade ao paciente(AU)
Introduction: lipomas are the most common benign neoplasms of mesenchymal origin, which can affect different parts of the body, with the maxillofacial region, in fact, one of the least frequent. Clinically, they manifest as slow-growing, circumscribed swellings, with a sessile or pedunculated base, smooth surface, soft consistency and yellowish color. The most affected intraoral sites are the buccal mucosa and the buccal vestibule. Among its most common microscopic variants are the fibrolipoma, composed of a fibrous component. However, such variations do not affect the prognosis of its treatment, which must be carried out through conservative excision of the lesion. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to report an atypical case of intraoral lipoma. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 67-yearold female patient presented with swelling in the bottom region of the mandibular vestibule with an evolution of approximately 10 months, painless, with complaints of difficulty in positioning the lower dental prosthesis. The initial diagnosis was lipoma, confirmed by anatomopathological analysis through excisional biopsy of the specimen. Final considerations: The treatment of intraoral lipomas recommended by the literature is local excision, obtained through excisional biopsy, being an effective solution with low morbidity for the patient(AU)
Humanos , Feminino , Idoso , Neoplasias Bucais , Lipoma/cirurgia , Lipoma/terapiaRESUMO
Abstract Several topics related to the oral cavity are briefly addressed in this article, from anatomical variations that, when recognized, avoid unnecessary investigations, to diseases that affect exclusively the mouth, mucocutaneous diseases, as well as oral manifestations of systemic diseases. A complete clinical examination comprises the examination of the mouth, and this approach facilitates clinical practice, shortening the path to diagnosis in the outpatient clinic as well as with in-hospital patients. The objective of this article is to encourage the examination of the oral cavity as a useful tool in medical practice, helping to recognize diseases in this location.
Several topics related to the oral cavity are briefly addressed in this article, from anatomical variations that, when recognized, avoid unnecessary investigations, to diseases that affect exclusively the mouth, mucocutaneous diseases, as well as oral manifestations of systemic diseases. A complete clinical examination comprises the examination of the mouth, and this approach facilitates clinical practice, shortening the path to diagnosis in the outpatient clinic as well as with in-hospital patients. The objective of this article is to encourage the examination of the oral cavity as a useful tool in medical practice, helping to recognize diseases in this location.
Doenças da Boca , Úlceras Orais , Humanos , Doenças da Boca/diagnóstico , Doenças da Boca/patologia , Úlceras Orais/patologia , Boca , Mucosa Bucal/patologiaRESUMO
Aim: The aim of this study was to draw a stomatological profile of elderly patients treated at the Stomatology Service of a referral hospital in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais Brazil.Methods: Information was collected on the diagnostic hypotheses and definitive diagnoses of the elderly (aged 60 to 98 years) treated at the service, from September 2014 to December 2017. Results: Medical records of 1388 patients were evaluated, and 281 different diagnostic hypotheses were found. For males, there was a higher prevalence in both diagnostic and definitive diagnoses for benign and malignant epithelial neoplasms; In females, there was a higher prevalence, also in the hypotheses and diagnostic definitions, of inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia, related to the use of removable prostheses. Conclusion: Thus, this study evidenced the importance of knowledge about the main alterations that affect the oral cavity of elderly patients, which allows better attention to this population, besides being a pioneering stomatological study in hospital units.
Patologia Bucal , Saúde Pública , Saúde do Idoso , Medicina Bucal , Odontologia GeriátricaRESUMO
Aim: determine the prevalence of cysts associated with maxillary bones, analyzing variables related to their occurrence. Methods: a cross-sectional study was carried out with secondary data from biopsy records and conclusive anatomopathological reports of cysts diagnosed at the Reference Center for Oral Lesions of the State University of Feira de Santana in the period 2006-2017. The information collected was analyzed using the software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0; the chi-square statistical test was used, and the Likelihood-ratio test was applied, with a significance level of p≤ 0.05. Results: Of the 290 records with a conclusive histopathological diagnosis for some intraosseous lesion, 138 (47,58%) were definitive for cysts. The radicular/residual cyst was the most frequent (47.8%) and most of the lesions were located in the posterior region of the mandible (39.9%). The age group's statistical analysis showed a statistically significant difference in the different types of the cyst (p=0.000), however, when associating sex with histopathological diagnosis (p=0.222) and anatomical location with histopathological diagnosis (p=0.568), there was no statistically significant difference. Conclusions: The radicular/ residual cysts group had the highest frequency among all lesions. Cysts were more commonly diagnosed in women, in the fourth decade of life and the most prevalent anatomical site was the posterior region of the mandible. The analysis results suggest that the age group is a factor associated with the occurrence of cysts
Ferimentos e Lesões/diagnóstico , Cisto Radicular , Cistos/diagnóstico , Cistos/epidemiologia , Maxila , Prontuários MédicosRESUMO
Abstract Objective: To identify the most prevalent oral lesions based on reports from a pathology institute's reports and associations between malignant and oral potentially malignant disorders with patient's demographic variables and the anatomical location. Material and Methods: All 1,298 histopathological reports of oral lesions recorded in the database were reviewed. Demographic variables, anatomical location of the lesion, histopathological diagnosis of the lesions, and their biological behavior were analyzed. Results: Regarding the biological behavior of the identified lesions, benign lesions were predominant (70%), followed by lesions of undetermined behavior (14.3%), malignant lesions (14.2%), absence of histological alteration (1.2%), and finally, oral potentially malignant disorders (0.5%). The anatomical locations of the most prevalent oral lesions potentially malignant disorders and malignant were in the following structures of the oral cavity: gums, buccal mucosa, floor of the mouth and hard palate (p=49.2%), and tongue (p=48.7%). Conclusion: The probability of malignant and premalignant lesions was higher among males (PR= 4.21; 95% CI 2.08-6.22), the increase in age (PR = 1.06; 95% CI 1.05-1.08), and in the tongue region (PR = 5.48; 95% CI 1.67; 17.92). Identification of malignant and potentially malignant oral conditions is higher in older men and in tongue specimens.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Neoplasias Bucais/epidemiologia , Diagnóstico Bucal , Boca/lesões , Mucosa Bucal/lesões , Biópsia , Modelos Logísticos , Estudos Transversais/métodosRESUMO
Objetivo: Descrever um caso de paciente com lipoma oral intramuscular e compilar os principais aspectos dessa rara lesão. Relato do caso: Mulher caucasiana de 78 anos queixou-se de inchaço na língua. O aumento de volume apresentava cerca de 5 anos de evolução. O exame físico revelou uma lesão nodular na borda lateral direita da língua com diâmetro de aproximadamente 2,5 cm, macia ao toque, superfície lisa sem indícios de trauma, coloração semelhante à da mucosa lingual e com limites nítidos. Realizou-se biópsia excisional e o exame histopatológico revelou tecido adiposo maduro, com fibras musculares aprisionadas no interior e ao redor da lesão, ausência de atipias citológicas e mitoses, estabelecendo o diagnóstico definitivo de lipoma intramuscular. Não houve recorrência durante um período de 4 anos. Discussão: Lipoma é uma neoplasia benigna composta por adipócitos maduros, incomum na cavidade oral. Seu padrão intramuscular é uma forma rara de lipoma com comportamento infiltrativo e taxa de recorrência maior que o lipoma comum. Sua etiopatogenia não é totalmente compreendida e seu tratamento padrão é a excisão cirúrgica. Essa lesão faz diagnóstico diferencial com outras patologias importantes, inclusive o lipossarcoma. Existem poucos casos documentados de lipomas intramusculares em língua. Conclusão: O lipoma oral intramuscular é raro e o cirurgião-dentista precisa atentar ao seu diagnóstico diferencial com lipossarcoma e ao seu maior potencial de recidiva em relação ao lipoma comum.
Aim:To describe a case of a patient with intramuscular oral lipoma and to compile the main aspects of this rare lesion. Case report:A 78-year-old caucasian woman complained of a swelling on her tongue. The increase in volume showed an evolution of about 5 years. Physical examination revealed a nodular lesion on the right lateral border of the tongue with a diameter of approximately 2.5 cm, soft to the touch, smoothsurface with no evidence of trauma, color similar to that of the lingual mucosa and with clear limits.An excisional biopsy was performed and the histopathological examination revealed mature adipose tissue, with muscle fibers trapped inside and around the lesion, absence of cytological atypia and mitosis, establishing the definitive diagnosis of intramuscular lipoma. There was no recurrence over a period of 4 years. Discussion:Lipoma is a benign neoplasm composed of mature adipocytes, uncommon in the oral cavity. Its intramuscular pattern is a rare form of lipoma with infiltrative behavior and a higher recurrence rate than the common lipoma. Its etiopathogenesis is not fully understood and its standard treatment is surgical excision. This lesion makes a differential diagnosis with other important pathologies, including liposarcoma. There are few documented cases of intramuscular lipomas on the tongue. Conclusion:Intramuscular oral lipoma is rare and dentists need to pay attention to its differential diagnosis with liposarcoma and its greater potential for recurrence in relation to common lipoma.
Língua/cirurgia , BiópsiaRESUMO
Abstract This study evaluated dental students' perceptions and adherence to an interactive web-based response system in the teaching of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Between 2018 and 2019, students from a single Brazilian dental school used the Poll Everywhere® app to answer questions on subjects taught during an Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology course. At the end of the academic semester, the students completed a questionnaire containing 10 questions regarding the app's use. The study included 123 students. Regarding the devices used to answer the questions on the app, 117 (95.1%) students used a smartphone and 3 (2.4%) used a laptop. Almost all students (121; 98.4%) agreed that this interactive web-based response system provided the teacher with a better overview of students' understanding and improved their self-assessment of the acquired knowledge of the subjects. Most students (118; 95.9%) preferred classes using this technology and 122 (99.2%) stated that using the app made them feel more engaged in classes. In addition, all students agreed that the app improved student-teacher interactions. Most students (119; 96.7%) considered the digital interactive method more attractive than the conventional teaching approach, and 99 (80.5%) did not have any negative comments regarding the app. In conclusion, the Poll Everywhere® app provides a more dynamic and attractive educational environment for Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology teaching.
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the effects of orthognathic surgery on oral function and vocal quality in order to assess the need for speech therapy after surgery. Material and Methods: Thirty-seven patients scheduled for mono-jaw surgery, specifically maxillary (G1:15 patients), mandibular advancement (G2:10 patients) or mandibular set-back (G3:12 patients), were recruited for this prospective cohort study. Evaluation of oral functions, video recordings of speech articulation and audio recordings of voice were obtained before surgery (T0), and at 1 (T1) and 6 months (T2) after surgery. Spectrographic analysis and self-evaluation questionnaire regarding the vocal performance (VAPP) were performed. Both qualitative and quantitative statistical analysis was performed, mainly using generalized linear models for dichotomous data (p<0.05). Results: The formant frequencies (F1 and F2) of the main vowels vary after orthognathic surgery according to the type of surgery. Before surgery, 84% of patients analyzed showed difficulties in breathing and positioning the tongue both at rest and swallowing. Thanks to surgical correction of the malocclusion, the major part of these issues were resolved within 6 months. In 25% of cases, a change in the voice and/or articulation had occurred. Conclusion: Vocality improves after orthognathic surgery and it changes in relation to the type of surgery. However, vocality did not normalize completely. Speech assessment should be considered after surgery in order to offer adequate speech therapy if necessary.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Acústica da Fala , Qualidade da Voz , Cirurgia Ortognática , Fonoterapia/métodos , Espectrografia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Interpretação Estatística de Dados , Autoavaliação Diagnóstica , Má Oclusão/cirurgiaRESUMO
Abstract Few studies on the distribution of oral diseases in older people are available in the literature. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence and demographic characteristics of oral and maxillofacial lesions in geriatric patients (age ≥ 60 years). A retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study was performed. Biopsy records were obtained from archives of three Brazilian oral pathology centers over a 20-year period. Data on sex, age, anatomical site, skin color, and histopathological diagnosis were collected and analyzed. Pearson's chi-square test was used to evaluate differences in the frequency of the different oral and maxillofacial lesion groups. A total of 7,476 biopsy records of older patients were analyzed. Most cases were diagnosed in patients aged 60 to 69 years (n = 4,487; 60.0%). Females were more affected (n = 4,403; 58.9%) with a female-to-male ratio of 1:0.7 (p < 0.001). The tongue (n = 1,196; 16.4%), lower lip (n = 1,005; 13.8%), and buccal mucosa (n = 997; 13.7%) were the most common anatomical sites. Reactive and inflammatory lesions (n = 3,840; 51.3%) were the most prevalent non-neoplastic pathologies (p < 0.001), followed by cysts (n = 475; 6.4%). Malignant neoplasms were more frequent (n = 1,353; 18.1%) than benign neoplasms (n = 512; 6.8%). Fibrous/fibroepithelial hyperplasia (n = 2,042; 53.2%) (p < 0.001) and squamous cell carcinoma (n = 1,191; 88.03%) (p < 0.001) were the most common oral lesions in older adults. Biopsy data allow the accurate characterization of the prevalence of oral and maxillofacial lesions, supporting the development of public health policies that can enable the prevention, early diagnosis, and appropriate treatment of these lesions. Also, they bring valuable information that helps dentists and geriatricians diagnose these diseases.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: There is a need for studies that correlate the severity of oral mucositis (OM) with chemotherapy protocols, transient myelosuppression and oral health. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the severity of OM among individuals with solid tumors during hospitalization and its correlation with the type of chemotherapy, myelosuppression and oral health condition. DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective study at a public hospital in Bauru, state of São Paulo, Brazil, that is a regional referral center. METHODS: Individuals diagnosed with solid malignant tumors who received chemotherapy during hospitalization for completion of the antineoplastic treatment cycle or who presented complications resulting from this were assessed. RESULTS: Twenty-eight individuals (24.3%) manifested some degree of OM. The most prevalent degrees of OM according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and modified WHO classification were grades 2 (11.3%) and 5 (4.3%), respectively. It was observed that the higher the OM-WHO (P < 0.001; r = 0.306) and modified OM-WHO (P < 0.001; r = 0.295) classifications were, the greater the oral pain reported by the individuals was. Presence of mucositis in the upper lip and buccal mucosa contributed to increased severity of OM and worsening of swallowing during hospitalization. Thus, severe OM was associated with use of the FOLFIRI protocol (folinic acid, fluorouracil and irinotecan). CONCLUSION: Individuals with tumors who presented severe OM had greater severity of oral pain and worse oral health. Use of the FOLFIRI protocol was associated with higher prevalence of severe OM, while use of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) was correlated with worse oral condition.
ABSTRACT The epidermal cyst is a rare, benign lesion, usually asymptomatic and slowly enlarging, more frequently located in the submandibular region. Its etiology is believed to be associated with the epithelial residual tissues retained in the midline during the closure of the first and second brachial arches, in the third and fourth weeks of intra-uterine life. Its clinical characteristics are of a rubbery consistency to palpation, well defined borders, with the absence of skin appendages within their squamous epithelium lined walls. The final diagnosis is confirmed through histopathological examination with stratified squamous epithelium findings in the cystic fluid lumen or keratin. The treatment is usually surgical and without recurrence and the final diagnosis is confirmed through histopathological examination. This paper aims to present a case report of a congenital epidermal cyst in a 5-month-old female patient located in the mouth floor near the sublingual gland duct. The case was treated with excisional biopsy and after follow-up, there was no recurrence.
RESUMO O cisto epidérmico é um cisto de desenvolvimento, benigno, raro, localizado com maior frequência na região submandibular, geralmente assintomático e de evolução lenta. Acredita-se que a sua etiologia esteja associada aos restos epiteliais retidos na linha média durante o fechamento do primeiro e segundo arcos braquiais, na terceira ou quarta semana de vida intrauterina. Suas características clínicas são de uma consistência borrachóide à palpação, bordas delimitadas e sem apêndices de pele no seu interior. O diagnóstico é confirmado através do exame histopatológico com achados de epitélio escamoso estratificado e no lúmen fluído cístico ou queratina. O tratamento é geralmente cirúrgico e sem recidivas. Este trabalho relata um caso de cisto epidérmico congênito de uma paciente pediátrica, do sexo feminino, de cinco meses de idade e localizado no assoalho de boca próximo ao ducto da glândula sublingual. O caso foi tratado com a enucleação cirúrgica e em seis meses de acompanhamento não apresentou recidiva.
ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the prevalence of actinic cheilitis in rural workers and factors associated with the development of this condition. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in a city in Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected by clinical examination and use of a questionnaire validated with 300 rural workers. The χ2 test was employed to identify possible associations between the presence of actinic cheilitis and clinical and demographic variables. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed using forward stepwise selection. A p value of 0.05 was considered significant. Results The prevalence of actinic cheilitis was 12.0% in the sample. The highest prevalence of actinic cheilitis was observed in white males, with low educational level, and an approximately 40-year history of sun exposure. Chronic lesions were commonly found in the lower lip and were characterized by scaling, dryness, and mild edema. Skin color, sex, educational level of patients, and cumulative sun exposure (in years), were identified as predictors of development of actinic cheilitis. Conclusion Our results suggest the need to implement educational health strategies aimed to orient the population about risk factors and preventive measures of the disease. Appropriate clinical management of patients with actinic cheilitis is important for prevention of lip cancer.
Objetivo: Investigar as percepções e atitudes de pais/responsáveis sobre cuidados relacionados à saúde bucal das crianças por meio de um estudo descritivo. Métodos: Foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado aos pais/responsáveis de crianças atendidas nas clinicas de Odontopediatria da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC-MG) em 78 pais/responsáveis. O questionário apresentava questões sociodemográficas, assim como questões específicas relacionadas aos cuidados e atitudes para a saúde bucal de seus filhos/crianças. Análise descritiva e exploratória, por meio de médias, frequências e porcentagens foram realizadas e ilustradas por meio de figuras. Resultados: Embora a maioria dos entrevistados tenha alegado já terem recebido informações a respeito dos cuidados bucais infantis, pais/responsáveis consideraram o momento propício para a primeira visita ao dentista somente após o 1º ano de vida, período inadequado para o aleitamento materno, além da utilização inadequada de chupeta e mamadeira por longos períodos e do período para a inserção do hábito da escovação. Além disso, temáticas relacionadas à erosão dentária, teste da linguinha e a importância do íon fluoreto para a saúde bucal foram os assuntos classificados com mais dúvidas. Conclusão: Em geral, as atitudes dos pais e responsáveis não se mostraram adequadas, apesar de possuírem informações prévias no que tange a saúde bucal das crianças. Com isso, verifica-se a necessidade de enfatizar mais a fundo questões referentes a esta temática e diferentes meios para a difusão deste tipo de informação.
Aim: To investigate the perceptions and attitudes of parents/guardians about oral health care for children through a descriptive/cross-sectional study. Methods: A semi-structured questionnaire was applied to 78 parents/guardians of children seen at the Pediatric Dentistry Clinics of the Pontific Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC-MG). The questionnaire presented sociodemographic questions, as well as specific questions related to the care and attitudes towards the oral health of their children. Exploratory and descriptive analyses by means of means, frequencies,and percentages were performed and illustrated in figures. Results: Although most of the interviewees claimed to have already received information regarding children's oral care, they considered the proper time for the first visit to the dentist only after the 1st year of life, an inadequate period for breastfeeding, as well as the inappropriate use of pacifiers and bottles for long periods and an improper period for the insertion of the habit of tooth brushing. Furthermore, issues related to dental erosion, the tongue test, and the importance of fluoride ions for oral health were the subjects classified with the most doubts. Conclusion: In general, the attitudes of parents and guardians proved to be inappropriate, although they have previous information regarding the oral health of children. Thus, there is a need to offer a more in-depth emphasis on issues related to this theme and different means through which to disseminate this type of information.