PURPOSE: To compare the performance of imaging interpretation, intra- and inter-reader agreement between an abbreviated (aMRI) and full (fMRI) MRI protocol for diagnosis of pelvic endometriosis. METHODS: Seventy consecutive fMRI exams performed under suspicion of pelvic endometriosis were selected. Four radiologists (Rd) (1-10 years experience) independently evaluated presence/absence of endometriosis at 9 anatomic sites (AS). The readers evaluated aMRI (coronal T2 TSE volumetric images and axial T1 GRE fat-sat without contrast, extracted from fMRI) and fMRI protocols randomly, with at least 4 weeks interval between readings. The degree of confidence for diagnosis at each AS was evaluated with a 1-3 Likert Scale (1: low; 3: high). Intra- and inter-reader agreement between protocols were evaluated by kappa statistics and took reading experience into account. The gold standard for assessing the performance of imaging interpretation (sensitivity, specificity and accuracy) used a consensus reading of two other Rd (> 15 years experience). RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the accuracy of imaging interpretation between the abbreviated (0.83-0.86) and full (0.83-0.87) protocols (p = 0.15). Intra-reader agreement between protocols ranged from substantial to almost perfect (0.74-0.96). A substantial inter-reader agreement was found for both protocols for readers with similar levels of experience (0.67-0.69) and in the global analysis (0.66 for both protocols). No difference was found in terms of degree of confidence between protocols, for all readers. CONCLUSION: An abbreviated MRI protocol for pelvic endometriosis provided an accuracy of interpretation comparable to that of a complete protocol, with similar degrees of confidence and reproducibility, regardless the level of experience.
Endometriose , Endometriose/diagnóstico por imagem , Feminino , Humanos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Estudos RetrospectivosRESUMO
PURPOSE: MRI plays an important role in the diagnosis and surgical planning of pelvic endometriosis (PE), and imaging reports should contain all relevant information (completeness). As structured reports are being increasingly utilized, we aimed to evaluate whether structured MRI reporting increases the quality of reports regarding completeness and, consequently, their perceived value by gynecologists, in comparison to free-text reports. We also aimed to compare the diagnostic performance of both formats. METHODS: We retrospectively included 28 consecutive women with histologically proven PE who underwent MRI within one month before surgery. Two abdominal radiologists (Rd1/Rd2, 3y/12y experience), blinded to clinical and surgical data, individually elaborated free-text reports and, four months later, structured reports. Completeness (defined as description of six key anatomical sites deemed essential for surgical planning in a consensus of four-blinded external experts) and diagnostic performance (sensitivity and specificity) by site (histology as reference) were compared between reports using the McNemar test. The satisfaction of gynecologists was compared using the marginal homogeneity test. RESULTS: Structured reporting increased completeness for both Rd1 (rectosigmoid, retrocervical/uterosacral ligament, vagina, and ureter) and Rd2 (vagina, ureter, and bladder) (p < 0.05), without compromising sensitivity or specificity at any of the evaluated sites. Gynecologists' satisfaction was superior with structured reports in most comparisons. CONCLUSION: Structured MRI reports perform better in fully documenting essential features of PE and are similar in terms of diagnostic performance, therefore having higher potential for surgical planning. Gynecologists found them easier to assess and were more satisfied with the information provided by structured reports.
Endometriose , Endometriose/diagnóstico por imagem , Feminino , Humanos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Satisfação Pessoal , Radiologistas , Estudos Retrospectivos , Sensibilidade e EspecificidadeRESUMO
INTRODUCCIÓN: La endometriosis afecta hasta un 10-15% de las mujeres jóvenes. Se define como tejido endometrial funcional fuera de la cavidad uterina y su presentación clásica es la dismenorrea. La variedad profunda afecta a un 1-2% y las localizaciones más frecuentes son el peritoneo pélvico, ovarios, ligamentos útero-sacros y septum recto-vaginal; sin embargo, puede presentarse de forma muy infrecuente como implantes aislados localizados en relación al nervio ciático. El diagnóstico habitualmente es complejo y tardío, dado que los síntomas son inespecíficos y el examen físico puede ser indistinguible de otras etiologías. El estudio imagenológico de elección para la endometriosis profunda es la resonancia magnética (RM) de pelvis ya que una adecuada localización pre-quirúrgica de las lesiones es fundamental. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de sexo femenino de 46 años, con tres años de dolor pélvico, dismenorrea y dispareunia. El síntoma cardinal fue dolor ciático progresivo, con déficit motor y alteraciones sensitivas, los cuales se exacerbaban durante la menstruación y no presentaban respuesta al tratamiento farmacológico. En la RM se identifica nódulo sólido sospechoso de endometriosis en relación al nervio ciático derecho. El caso es evaluado por un comité multidisciplinario y se realiza cirugía laparoscópica. El diagnóstico de sospecha es confirmado histológicamente. La paciente presenta buena recuperación post-quirúrgica y cese completo de los síntomas descritos. DISCUSIÓN: La endometriosis profunda presenta un reto diagnóstico y habitualmente es tardío. Este caso presenta el resultado exitoso de una buena sospecha clínica, un estudio imagenológico completo y la resolución con una técnica quirúrgica compleja.
INTRODUCTION: Endometriosis is a disease that affects 10-15% of young women. It is characterized as functional endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. The most common form of presentation is dysmenorrhea. Deep endometriosis affects 1-2% of the patients, and is frequently located in the pelvic peritoneum, ovaries, utero-sacral ligaments and recto-vaginal septum. The isolated endometriosis of the sciatic nerve is a very uncommon presentation of this disease. Late diagnosis is frequent, mainly because the symptoms are non-specific, and the physical examination may be indistinguishable from other etiologies. The imaging study of choice is the pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and an accurate pre-surgical location of the lesions is critical for a successful surgical outcome. CLINICAL CASE: 46-year-old female patient with 3 years of pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia. The cardinal symptom was progressive sciatic pain, with motor deficit and sensory alterations. The pain was persistent despite pharmacological treatment and exacerbated during menstruation. MRI identifies a nodule located in the pelvic portion of the right sciatic nerve, suggestive of an endometriosis implant. The case was discussed by a multidisciplinary committee and laparoscopic surgery was performed. The diagnosis was confirmed with histology. The patient recovered well from surgery with significant improvement of the previously described symptoms. DISCUSSION: The diagnosis of deep endometriosis is challenging and usually delayed. This rare disease had a successful outcome, due to an early clinical suspicion, a thorough imaging study and an effective resolution with a complex surgical technique.
Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Nervo Isquiático/cirurgia , Nervo Isquiático/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso Periférico/cirurgia , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso Periférico/diagnóstico por imagem , Endometriose/cirurgia , Endometriose/diagnóstico por imagem , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Laparoscopia , Dor Pélvica/etiologiaRESUMO
Introducción: La endometriosis intestinal es una forma severa de esta entidad, afectando hasta un 12% de estas pacientes. Su tratamiento quirúrgico resulta difícil debido a la distorsión anatómica que genera, más aún cuando el abordaje es el laparoscópico. Objetivo: Analizar la factibilidad y seguridad terapéutica de las resecciones colorrectales laparoscópicas por endometriosis severa. Diseño: Observacional retrospectivo de una base de datos prospectiva. Material y métodos: Pacientes operadas con diagnóstico de endometriosis con compromiso colorrectal a las cuales se les realizó una resección intestinal entre enero de 2003 y septiembre de 2013. Resultados: De 1343 casos operados, 17 pacientes fueron intervenidas por endometriosis severa con compromiso colorrectal. Edad media 35 años (rango 23 - 47), IMC medio 22 kg/m2 (rango 18 35).El segmento frecuentemente afectado fue el recto (52%) y la unión rectosigmoidea (30%).En 9 pacientes se realizó una resección anterior baja, 4 de ellas requirieron ostomía derivativa; 5 pacientes recibieron una Resección anterior alta y 3 pacientes una hemicolectomía derecha. Tiempo operatorio medio 187 min (rango 60 - 360) y el sangrado operatorio medio 90cc (rango 20 - 500). Índice de conversión 11%. No se registraron complicaciones intraoperatorias. Estadía hospitalaria media 4 días (rango 2 - 10).Morbilidad global 23%.Se observaron complicaciones postoperatorias mayores en 1 caso (dehiscencia anastomótica) y menores en 3 casos (retención urinaria). No se registró readmisión hospitalaria y la mortalidad fue nula. Conclusiones: El tratamiento laparoscópico de la endometriosis intestinal severa es una opción factible y segura. En centros entrenados, puede ser adoptada como primera opción en el manejo de la endometriosis pelviana con severo compromiso colorrectal.
Background: Deep infiltrating endometriosis with bowel involvement is an aggressive form of endometriosis with an incidence up to 12%.It´s surgical management represents a challenge because of the distortion of the anatomy this entity produces, even more so when the approach is laparoscopical. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and security of colorectal laparoscopic resections for bowel endometriosis. Materials and methods: All patients presenting to the Department of Colorectal Surgery with bowel endometriosis from January 2003 to September 2013 were identified from a prospective database and retrospectively analyzed. Results: From 1343 colorectal laparoscopic procedures, 17 patients received surgery because of bowel endometriosis. Median age 35 years (range 23 to 47) and median BMI 22 kg/m2 (range 18 to 35). The most affected segments included Rectum 52% and the Rectosigmoid junction 30%. Resections included 9 low anterior resections (4 of them required fecal diversion), 5 High anterior resections and 3 Right Hemicolectomies. Median operating time was 187 minutes (range 60 to 360). Conversion rate 11%. Median length of stay was 4 days (range 2 to 10). There were none intraoperative complications. Global morbidity rate was 23%. Postoperative major complications occurred in 5.8%: one patient presented an anastomotic leak. There were 3 minor complications consistent of urinary retentions. There were no readmissions and mortality rate was nule. Conclusions: Laparoscopic surgery of bowel endometriosis is a feasible and safe therapeutic option. In trained centers, it can be adopted as the first option in the management of deep infiltrating pelvic endometriosis with bowel involvement.