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Referência ; serVI(3): e32565, dez. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | BDENF - Enfermagem | ID: biblio-1558851


Resumo Enquadramento: Dados que caracterizam as pessoas com estoma em Portugal são escassos. Estabelecer estimativas epidemiológicas pode melhorar o conhecimento sobre esta população e adaptar modelos de cuidados de saúde. Objetivos: Estimar a prevalência e incidência de pessoas com estoma de eliminação em Portugal em 2021. Metodologia: Estudo observacional, longitudinal e retrospetivo, a partir de uma base de dados de dispensa de dispositivos para ostomia. Resultados: Em 2021, o número estimado de pessoas com pelo menos um estoma foi de 22.045. Entre estes, 19.793 [IC95%:19.599;19.994] tinham um estoma de eliminação. Na sua maioria eram homens (61,4%), em média tinham 70,5 anos e residiam preferencialmente na região interior do país. O tipo de estoma de eliminação mais prevalente foi a colostomia (48,8%). A incidência estimada de novos casos foi de 6.622, sendo 5.834 [IC95%:5.680;5.984] referentes a estomas de eliminação. Conclusão: Estes resultados permitiram caracterizar o perfil das pessoas com estoma de eliminação em Portugal. Poderão ser úteis para ajustar os programas de prevenção/acompanhamento em saúde desta população e ainda alocar recursos especializados.

Abstract Background: Data characterizing individuals with a stoma in Portugal is limited. Establishing epidemiological estimates can enhance understanding of this population and facilitate the adaptation of healthcare models. Objectives: To estimate the prevalence and incidence of individuals in Portugal who have undergone intestinal or urinary ostomy in 2021. Methodology: Observational, longitudinal, and retrospective study using a stoma appliance dispensing database. Results: In 2021, an estimated 22,045 individuals had at least one stoma, with 19,793 [95%CI:19,599;19,994] having an intestinal/urinary stoma. Most of these individuals were men (61.4%) with a mean age of 70.5 years and resided in the inland region of Portugal. Colostomy was the most prevalent type of intestinal/urinary stoma (48.8%). The estimated incidence of new cases was 6,622, of which 5,834 [95%CI:5,680;5,984] were intestinal/urinary stomas. Conclusion: These results characterize the profile of individuals with intestinal and urinary stomas in Portugal. They may be useful in adjusting prevention and health monitoring programs for this population and allocating specialized resources.

Resumen Marco contextual: Los datos que caracterizan a las personas con estomas en Portugal son escasos. Establecer estimaciones epidemiológicas puede mejorar el conocimiento sobre esta población y adaptar modelos sanitarios. Objetivos: Estimar la prevalencia y la incidencia de personas con estoma de eliminación en Portugal en 2021. Metodología: Estudio observacional, longitudinal y retrospectivo, basado en una base de datos de dispensaciones de dispositivos de ostomía. Resultados: En 2021, el número estimado de personas con al menos un estoma era de 22.045, de las cuales 19.793 [IC95%:19.599;19.994] tenían un estoma de eliminación. La mayoría de ellos eran hombres (61,4%), tenían una edad media de 70,5 años y vivían principalmente en el interior del país. El tipo de estoma de eliminación más frecuente era la colostomía (48,8%). La incidencia estimada de nuevos casos fue de 6.622, de los cuales 5.834 [IC95%:5.680;5.984] eran estomas de eliminación. Conclusión: Estos resultados han permitido caracterizar el perfil de las personas con estoma de eliminación en Portugal. Podrían ser útiles para ajustar los programas de prevención/seguimiento de la salud de esta población y para asignar recursos especializados.

Infect Dis Poverty ; 13(1): 63, 2024 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39218903


BACKGROUND: The control of schistosomiasis is particularly difficult in sub-Saharan Africa, which currently harbours 95% of this disease. The target population for preventive chemotherapy (PC) is expanded to all age group at risk of infection, thus increasing the demands of praziquantel (PZQ) tablets according to the new released guideline by World Health Organization. Due to the gap between available PZQ for PC and requirements, alternative approaches to assess endemicity of schistosomiasis in a community, are urgently needed for more quick and precise methods. We aimed to find out to which degree the infection status of snails can be used to guide chemotherapy against schistosomiasis. METHODS: We searched literature published from January 1991 to December 2022, that reported on the prevalence rates of Schistosoma mansoni, S. haematobium in the intermediate snails Biomphalaria spp. and Bulinus spp., respectively, and in humans. A random effect model for meta-analyses was used to calculate the pooled prevalence estimate (PPE), with heterogeneity assessed using I-squared statistic (I2), with correlation and regression analysis for the exploration of the relationship between human S. mansoni and S. haematobium infections and that in their specific intermediate hosts. RESULTS: Forty-seven publications comprising 59 field investigations were included. The pooled PPE of schistosomiasis, schistosomiasis mansoni and schistosomiasis haematobium in humans were 27.5% [95% confidence interval (CI): 24.0-31.1%], 25.6% (95% CI: 19.9-31.3%), and 28.8% (95% CI: 23.4-34.3%), respectively. The snails showed an overall infection rate of 8.6% (95% CI: 7.7-9.4%), with 12.1% (95% CI: 9.9-14.2%) in the Biomphalaria spp. snails and 6.9% (95% CI: 5.7-8.1%) in the Bulinus spp. snails. The correlation coefficient was 0.3 (95% CI: 0.01-0.5%, P < 0.05) indicating that the two variables, i.e. all intermediate host snails on the one hand and the human host on the other, were positively correlated. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence rate of S. mansoni and S. haematobium is still high in endemic areas. Given the significant, positive correlation between the prevalence of schistosomes in humans and the intermediate snail hosts, more attention should be paid to programme integration of snail surveillance in future.

Biomphalaria , Schistosoma haematobium , Schistosoma mansoni , Esquistossomose Urinária , Esquistossomose mansoni , Animais , Humanos , Prevalência , Esquistossomose mansoni/epidemiologia , Esquistossomose mansoni/prevenção & controle , Esquistossomose mansoni/parasitologia , Esquistossomose Urinária/epidemiologia , Esquistossomose Urinária/prevenção & controle , Esquistossomose Urinária/parasitologia , Schistosoma haematobium/fisiologia , Schistosoma mansoni/fisiologia , Biomphalaria/parasitologia , Caramujos/parasitologia , Bulinus/parasitologia , África Subsaariana/epidemiologia
Cogn Res Princ Implic ; 9(1): 59, 2024 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39218972


Computer Aided Detection (CAD) has been used to help readers find cancers in mammograms. Although these automated systems have been shown to help cancer detection when accurate, the presence of CAD also leads to an over-reliance effect where miss errors and false alarms increase when the CAD system fails. Previous research investigated CAD systems which overlayed salient exogenous cues onto the image to highlight suspicious areas. These salient cues capture attention which may exacerbate the over-reliance effect. Furthermore, overlaying CAD cues directly on the mammogram occludes sections of breast tissue which may disrupt global statistics useful for cancer detection. In this study we investigated whether an over-reliance effect occurred with a binary CAD system, which instead of overlaying a CAD cue onto the mammogram, reported a message alongside the mammogram indicating the possible presence of a cancer. We manipulated the certainty of the message and whether it was presented only to indicate the presence of a cancer, or whether a message was displayed on every mammogram to state whether a cancer was present or absent. The results showed that although an over-reliance effect still occurred with binary CAD systems miss errors were reduced when the CAD message was more definitive and only presented to alert readers of a possible cancer.

Neoplasias da Mama , Mamografia , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/diagnóstico por imagem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Diagnóstico por Computador , Adulto , Idoso , Sinais (Psicologia) , Detecção Precoce de Câncer
Vet Med Sci ; 10(5): e70022, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39222286


BACKGROUND: In Ethiopia, ticks are the major threat to cattle productivity and production, leading to considerable economic losses. The current study was designed to estimate the prevalence of ixodid tick infestation, identify species, assess major risk factors associated with tick infestation and assess public awareness. METHODS: A cross-sectional and questionnaire-based study was conducted from January 2022 to June 2022 in the Aleltu district. The study animals were selected using a simple random sampling method. RESULTS: Of the 400 cattle examined, 303 (75.8%) were found to be infested by one or more tick species. Six species of ticks were identified that belonged to three genera: Amblyomma, Hyalomma and Rhipicephalus, and the subgenus Rhipicephalus (Boophilus). The most common tick species identified in terms of their prevalence and dominance were Rh. (Bo) decoloratus, Rh. evertsi, Am. variegatum, Hy. rufipes, Rh. bergeoni and Rh. praetextatus. In the present study, Rh. (Bo) decoloratus was the most prevalent (56.8%) in the study area. Among the risk factors considered, the prevalence of tick species had a statistically significant (p < 0.05) association with the age, production systems and body condition of animals. Out of 110 people interviewed, 107 (97.3%) believed there was a tick infestation in their village, and almost all farmers 103(93.6%) in the study area were unaware that ticks serve as vectors. CONCLUSIONS: The present study provides preliminary information on the prevalence of tick infestation and the composition of ticks in the Aleltu district. Ticks are a major problem for the cattle in the study area. Therefore, the problem observed in the study area alarms the district and calls for a comprehensive control strategy.

Doenças dos Bovinos , Ixodidae , Infestações por Carrapato , Animais , Etiópia/epidemiologia , Bovinos , Infestações por Carrapato/veterinária , Infestações por Carrapato/epidemiologia , Infestações por Carrapato/parasitologia , Ixodidae/fisiologia , Prevalência , Doenças dos Bovinos/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Bovinos/parasitologia , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Masculino , Fatores de Risco
Sex Med ; 12(4): qfae057, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224133


Background: Research indicates an inconsistent relationship between age and the prevalence of premature ejaculation (PE), with studies reporting an increase, decrease, or no change with age. Aim: To reexamine the possible relationship between age and PE prevalence, implementing methodological improvements that enhance the likelihood of detecting real effects. Methods: From a sample of 2772 men, we analyzed a subset of 418 classified as having probable or definite PE based on the Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool. We not only analyzed men with lifelong PE (LPE; n = 316) and acquired PE (APE; n = 102) separately but assessed prevalence differences across age groups using an omnibus measure to establish PE status and specific PE diagnostic criteria, individually and in multifactorial combination. Outcome: Prevalence of PE in younger vs older men. Results: LPE, but not APE, showed age-related differences in prevalence, with LPE being lower in the higher age group. This pattern was most discernible when a multifactorial approach was used to establish PE status. Clinical Translation: Older men may be less distressed about their dysfunction or may benefit from diminishing ejaculatory function with age. Strengths and Limitations: This cross-sectional study used an improved methodology to detect age-related differences in PE prevalence. Future studies would benefit from a larger sample size that enables a breakdown of prevalence using a greater number of age categories. Conclusion: According to an improved methodology, men with LPE showed a decline in prevalence with aging. A methodology aimed at exploring this relationship should-at the very least-not only distinguish between LPE and APE subtypes but also consider using a multifactorial method of determining PE status that includes a measure of bother/distress.

Rheumatol Adv Pract ; 8(3): rkae086, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224144


Objectives: To comprehensively review systematic reviews of prevalence, incidence, and mortality of Raynaud's, Sjögren's and Scleroderma, and to identify any research gaps. Methods: An umbrella review of English language systematic reviews was undertaken using PubMed and Embase (OVID) covering the period 2000-2023 (PROSPERO CRD42023434865). The estimate and its corresponding 95% confidence interval were reported when available from each systematic review. The quality of systematic reviews was assessed using the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) tool. A narrative synthesis was undertaken. Results: Seventeen systematic reviews were identified, of which 1 was for RP, 5 for Sjögren's and 11 for Scleroderma. There were some high-quality systematic reviews for Sjögren's and mortality of Scleroderma. However, there were only low-quality systematic reviews of prevalence and incidence of RP and Scleroderma. Furthermore, there were no systematic reviews for the mortality of RP. For RP, the pooled prevalence was 4850 per 100 000; pooled annual incidence was 250 per 100 000. For Sjögren's, prevalence was 60-70 per 100 000; annual incidence was 6.92 per 100 000 and the pooled standardized mortality ratio ranged from 1.38 to 1.48. For Scleroderma, pooled prevalence ranged from 17.6 to 23 per 100 000; annual incidence was 1.4 per 100 000; and the pooled standardized mortality ratio ranged from 2.72 to 3.53. Conclusion: The outcomes of RP were less well described compared with Sjögren's and Scleroderma. There was a lack of high-quality systematic reviews for the prevalence and incidence of RP and Scleroderma. Therefore, further studies and systematic reviews with rigorous case definitions, assessing different ethnic groups are warranted in this area.

Heliyon ; 10(16): e35919, 2024 Aug 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224394


Radix accessoria dentis are anatomical variations of the mandibular molars and identifying them radiographically can be challenging for the clinician, especially in specific areas such as endodontics. The objective this study was to determine the prevalence of radix accessoria dentis evaluated in cone-beam computed tomography in a northern Peruvian population. The study design was descriptive and cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 2640 permanent mandibular first and second molar teeth evaluated by cone beam tomography. Non-probabilistic convenience sampling was used. For the analysis of radix accesoria dentis, the axial and coronal views of the tomography were evaluated. Prevalence was evaluated according to sex and according to type of tooth and average length. The statistical analyses used were the chi-square test and Kruskal-Wallis H test to find the correlation of the variables. A prevalence of 2.5 % of radix accesoria dentis was determined. According to sex, radix accesoria dentis was present in 1.36 % in females and 1.14 % in males (p > 0.05). The tooth 4.6 obtained the highest prevalence with 1.33 % (p > 0.05) and the average length of radix accesoria dentis found was 9.27 mm (p > 0.05). The prevalence of the radix accesoria dentis evaluated in cone beam tomography in a northern Peruvian population is low. Sex does not influence its presentation. Mandibular first molars are the ones that present the greatest amount of this anatomical variation and the average length of the radix accesoria dentis is less than 10 mm.

Cureus ; 16(8): e66092, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39224748


Introduction Health professionals experience high levels of work-related stress; hence, the study of depression among healthcare workers (HCWs) is essential to improve patient care, prevent burnout, and retain a skilled workforce as well as reduce stigma, enhance workplace productivity, and promote overall well-being. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of depression and associated factors among HCWs at King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study among HCWs at King Khalid University Hospital. All healthcare workers required to renew their contract annually were given a Patient Health Questionnaire 2 (PHQ2) tool for screening for depression; if their score was three or more, a Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ9) tool was given along with additional questions including demographic, profession-related factors, and stressor presence in different life dimensions. Results In total, 69 HCWs filled out the screening survey (PHQ9). Most were females (n=57; 82.6%), with 36 (52.2%) aged 35 years or below. Five (7.2%) HCWs reported a family history of mental illness. The prevalence of major depressive disorders among HCWs was 29 (42%). Conclusions Younger HCWs who smoked and had no children were more susceptible to depression. Annual psychological screenings for HCWs could be beneficial for monitoring staff vulnerable to mental health disorders. We need a future multicenter study approach to confirm the prevalence of major depression in our region.

Cureus ; 16(7): e65827, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39219897


Objectives  This study was undertaken to investigate the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) and the impact of various contributing factors among undergraduate healthcare students in the region of Taif, Saudi Arabia. Methods A total of 100 undergraduate students were recruited from both the College of Medicine and the College of Dentistry at Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia. Data were collected on demographic parameters and the Helkimo's index (anamnestic {Ai} and clinical dysfunction {Di} component) using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire, as well as clinical examinations.  Results A significantly high prevalence (97%) of TMDs was observed among the sampled students, with most of them (44.0%) experiencing severe symptoms that might negatively impact their quality of life. On clinical examinations, most of the students (75.0%) showed signs of mild clinical dysfunction, which might indicate an early stage of TMD. Moreover, factors that include older age, majoring in "dentistry" studies, being allergic, having oral habits, poor mental health, and previous COVID-19 infections were found to be significantly associated with TMDs. Conclusion The findings indicate a relatively high TMD prevalence among the sampled undergraduate healthcare students, especially those studying "dentistry". Curriculum modifications, coupled with more awareness and education, are recommended to achieve early diagnosis and help in reducing the incidence of TMD among this population.

Front Psychiatry ; 15: 1352291, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220181


Background: Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing poor-quality sleep. People with this problem often have trouble falling asleep at night, wake up frequently during the night, and may wake up too early in the morning and feel tired and not refreshed. This can lead to daytime fatigue, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and impaired functioning in their day-to-day activities. Study is scarce in resource-limited countries such as Ethiopia, particularly concerning the study setting. As a result, this study aimed to assess the prevalence of insomnia and its associated factors among undergraduate students at Hawassa University. Methods: An institution-based cross-sectional study design was used. A stratified simple random sampling method was used among 398 study participants. The data were collected using a structured self-administered questionnaire. The outcome variable was assessed by the insomnia severity index (ISI). The data were then gathered by using the Kobo toolbox online and then exported into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 27 to analyze the data. Data cleaning and screening were conducted exclusively by the investigators. Descriptive statistics like frequency, percentages, and mean were used. Bivariate and multivariate binary regression were performed. In multivariate binary logistic regression, a p-value of<0.05 was identified as a significantly associated factor with the dependent variable. Results: Among 398 students who participated in the study, 81 (20.4%) experienced insomnia. Being female [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 2.98; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.56-5.69], age (AOR = 3.06; 95% CI 1.11-8.45), mild anxiety symptom (AOR = 4.89; 95% CI 1.56-15.37), and mobile device use ≥30 min just before going to sleep (AOR = 7.81; 95% CI 2.34-26.12) were significantly associated with insomnia. Conclusion: In this study, the prevalence of insomnia was one-fifth among university students, which is high when compared to another study at the national level. There were significant associations between being female, age, anxiety symptoms, and mobile device use before going to sleep with insomnia. This indicates that there is a need to treat and prevent insomnia in college students, emphasizing the necessity for mental healthcare and ethical technology use.

IJID Reg ; 12: 100400, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220201


Objectives: Chagas disease (CD) is an infectious disease that predominantly affects poor and vulnerable populations. The last estimate conducted by the World Health Organization in Latin America regarding the prevalence of CD occurred more than 10 years ago. However, there is a scarcity of data assessing the magnitude of CD in populations residing in considered high-risk regions. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the seroprevalence of CD in an endemic region in Northern Minas Gerais through serologic screening. Methods: This is a prevalence study conducted in the municipalities of Catuti, Mato Verde, Mirabela, Montes Azul, and São Francisco, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data collection occurred between December 2021 and December 2022, involving a questionnaire with closed-ended questions. The variables analyzed included serologic test results, stratified age groups, health indicators, and housing conditions. Results: Of the 2978 participants, 272 individuals (9.1%) tested positive for CD serology. In the age group of 4 to 14 years, 15 to 49 years, and 50 years or older, the prevalence of positive serology was 0.8% (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.16-1.43), 5.5% (95% CI 4.20-6.83), and 18.8% (95% CI 16.48-21.11), respectively. Among the participating municipalities, Mato Verde had the highest prevalence of positive serology for CD (17%). For participants aged 4 to 14 years with positive serology for CD, first-degree relatives were invited to undergo serologic testing. It was possible to collect samples from relatives of all participants in this age group. However, none of the relatives tested positive. Conclusion: This study identified a 9.1% prevalence of individuals affected by CD who were unaware of their condition. In addition, having infected children in the 4 to 14 age group with mothers with negative serology would rule out congenital transmission of the disease.

Neurooncol Adv ; 6(1): vdae135, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220243


Background: In many cancers, specific subtypes are more prevalent in specific racial backgrounds. However, little is known about the racial distribution of specific molecular types of brain tumors. Public data repositories lack data on many brain tumor subtypes as well as diagnostic annotation using the current World Health Organization classification. A better understanding of the prevalence of brain tumors in different racial backgrounds may provide insight into tumor predisposition and development, and improve prevention. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the racial distribution of 1709 primary brain tumors classified by their methylation profiles using clinically validated whole genome DNA methylation. Self-reported race was obtained from medical records. Our cohort included 82% White, 10% Black, and 8% Asian patients with 74% of patients reporting their race. Results: There was a significant difference in the racial distribution of specific types of brain tumors. Blacks were overrepresented in pituitary adenomas (35%, P < .001), with the largest proportion of FSH/LH subtype. Whites were underrepresented at 47% of all pituitary adenoma patients (P < .001). Glioblastoma (GBM) IDH wild-type showed an enrichment of Whites, at 90% (P < .001), and a significantly smaller percentage of Blacks, at 3% (P < .001). Conclusions: Molecularly classified brain tumor groups and subgroups show different distributions among the three main racial backgrounds suggesting the contribution of race to brain tumor development.

IDCases ; 37: e02055, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220424


Background: Parvoviruses, characterized by their tropism for blood cells, can manifest as asymptomatic infections. With their ability to persist in blood, assessing the prevalence of Parvovirus B19 (B19V) and Parvovirus 4 (PARV4) among healthy blood donors is essential for evaluating the potential transmission risks through blood transfusions, emphasizing the need for comprehensive screening protocols. Methods: Four hundred blood donors participated in the study, with their blood specimens subjected to Real-Time PCR analysis for B19V and PARV4 nucleic acids after obtaining informed consent. Additionally, Complete Blood Count (CBC) assessments and determination of anti-B19 V-IgM and anti-B19 V-IgG antibody titers were performed using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for all collected samples. Results: The results reveal that 12 out of 400 individuals (3 %) exhibited positive results for B19V DNA, while 6 out of 400 individuals (1.5 %) tested positive for PARV4 DNA. Additionally, 8 out of 400 individuals (2 %) displayed positive results for anti-B19V IgM, and 306 out of 400 individuals (76.5 %) exhibited positive results for anti-B19 IgG. Notably, one donation from a donor presenting anti-IgM antibodies was subsequently confirmed as B19V DNA-positive through Real-Time PCR. In the analysis of CBC, a significant disparity in platelet levels was observed between B19V-positive donors, PARV4-positive donors, and B19V-negative donors. Conclusions: The study suggests that individuals at high risk, lacking detectable B19V antibodies, should undergo systematic screening and exclusion. This precaution is intended to minimize potential contamination risks within the studied cohort, despite the undefined pathogenesis and clinical implications of PARV4.

Front Public Health ; 12: 1357131, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39220452


Background: Typhoid fever is one of the major public health concerns in developing countries, including Ethiopia. Understanding the burden and factors contributing to the transmission and development of the disease is crucial to applying appropriate preventive and therapeutic interventions. Objective: To assess the prevalence of typhoid fever and its associated factors among febrile patients visiting Arerti Primary Hospital from 1 March to 30 May 2022. Methods: A facility-based cross-sectional study was employed among 326 febrile patients visiting Arerti Primary Hospital for health services. The data were collected using laboratory procedures (widal test) and a structured interviewer-administered questionnaire. The data were entered using Epi Data version 3.1 and analyzed by SPSS version 25. Logistic regression was used to determine associations between variables. P-value < 0.05 and adjusted odds ratio with 95% confidence interval were used to measure the presence and strength of associations. Results: In this study, of the total 317 cases that participated, the majority (64.4%) of them were males with age ranges from 13 to 63 years. The overall prevalence of positive antigen tests for typhoid infection was 30.0% (95% CI: 25.0%-35.3%). About 66.9% of the study participants had good knowledge, 75.7% had favorable perception, and 42.3% had good infection prevention practice. Being unemployed [AOR = 7.57, 95% CI (1.98, 28.93)], being a farmer [AOR = 2.73, 95% CI (1.01, 7.41)], and having a body mass index (BMI) below 18.5 kg/m2 [AOR = 5.12, 95%CI (2.45, 10.68)] were significantly associated with typhoid fever infection. Conclusion: The prevalence of typhoid fever among febrile patients was high. Typhoid fever infection was significantly associated with occupational status (being unemployed and being a farmer) and lower BMI. The level of knowledge, perception, and practice of typhoid fever infection prevention were found inadequate. Therefore, behavioral change interventions are needed at the community level.

Febre Tifoide , Humanos , Etiópia/epidemiologia , Febre Tifoide/epidemiologia , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Prevalência , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Fatores de Risco , Febre/epidemiologia , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde
World J Hepatol ; 16(8): 1120-1130, 2024 Aug 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39221103


BACKGROUND: There are limited studies investigating the association between type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in the region of Bihar, India. AIM: To estimate the prevalence of NAFLD in persons with newly diagnosed T2DM in the population of North Bihar, India. METHODS: This single centre cross-sectional study was undertaken in the Research Centre for Diabetes Hypertension and Obesity, Samastipur, Bihar, India. Data were collected from persons newly diagnosed with T2DM or those diagnosed within 6 months of when the study was conducted between December 2022 to May 2023. RESULTS: A total of 148 people with newly diagnosed T2DM were included (median age 47 years, 46.6% female) and 109 patients with liver disease on ultrasound evaluation. The persons with liver disease consumed more fats and oils (88.1% vs 74.4%, P = 0.042) and they had significantly greater body mass index (27.4 vs 23.0, P < 0.001), waist circumference (37 vs 33, P < 0.001), and waist-to-hip ratio (1.00 vs 0.70, P = 0.025). Females were associated with greater liver disease [odds ratio (OR): 3.09, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.09-8.80, P = 0.32]. Waist circumference (OR: 1.42, 95%CI: 1.22-1.66, P < 0.001) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (OR: 1.01, 95%CI: 1.01-1.02, P = 0.048) were associated with any liver disease. The factors most associated with grade 2/3 liver disease was right upper quadrant pain or heaviness (OR: 5.22, 95%CI: 1.40-19.41, P = 0.14), greater income (OR: 3.58, 95%CI: 1.28-10.04, P = 0.015) and waist circumference (OR: 1.31, 95%CI: 1.02-1.69, P = 0.036). CONCLUSION: NAFLD is common in new/recently diagnosed T2DM and disease burden is high and common among patients who are either high consumers of fats and oils or have obesity-associated markers.

Rev Sci Tech ; 43: 39-47, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39222113


The presence of transmissible disease in livestock has a major impact on welfare and economics in animal and public health. A lack of data enables the spread of diseases due to misinformed decision-making on prevention and control. Low-resource settings face challenges in providing data, turning data availability into a development issue. For this study, a large dataset (n = 997) was collected on prevalence and seroprevalence estimates on viral (n = 224), bacterial (n = 83) and parasitic (n = 690) diseases in backyard chickens in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). These estimates originate from 306 studies identified during the screening phase of a systematic literature review. An attempt was made to classify the studies according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations'classification system for family poultry production systems. Of the studies, 98.7% (302/306) focused on a single poultry production system, while 1.3% (4/306) targeted two different production systems. Within the group of studies that covered one production system, 85.4% (258/302) were classified as â€Ëœsmall extensive scavenging or extensive scavenging,'â€Ëœsmall extensive scavenging'and/or â€Ëœextensive scavenging'. In addition, 52% (159/306) of the studies did not report information on chicken breed type. No data were found on any relevant disease for 56.9% (78/137) of LMICs, signifying a potential data gap. Of the estimates on viral and bacterial diseases, 71.0% (218/307) corresponded to diseases notifiable to the World Organisation for Animal Health, highlighting a tendency to measure disease occurrence for diseases relevant to trade. The latter might not necessarily be priority diseases for the producers, however. Furthermore, 72.3% (222/307) of the estimates originate from random samples and could be used to estimate prevalence in backyard chickens using imputation methods, thus bridging the data gap.

Les maladies transmissibles affectant les animaux d'élevage ont un impact majeur sur la santé animale et la santé publique, avec des effets sur le bien-être et sur l'économie. L'absence de données favorise la propagation des maladies puisque les mesures de prévention et de contrôle reposent sur des décisions mal informées. Les contextes faiblement dotés en ressources se heurtent à la difficulté de produire des données, ce qui fait de la disponibilité des données un enjeu de développement. Pour les besoins de la présente étude, un vaste jeu de données (n = 997) a été constitué, regroupant les taux de prévalence et de séroprévalence estimés d'un certain nombre de maladies virales (n = 224), bactériennes (n = 83) et parasitaires (n = 690) affectant les poulets de basse-cour dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire. Ces estimations sont extraites des 306 études retenues lors de la phase de sélection initiale d'un examen systématique de la littérature. Une tentative de classement de ces études a été réalisée en se basant sur la classification des systèmes d'aviculture familiale élaborée par l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture. Au total, 98,7 % (302/306) des études portaient sur un système unique de production de volailles, les 1,3 % restantes (4/306) portant sur deux systèmes de production différents. Dans le groupe des études couvrant un seul système de production, 85,4 % des élevages étudiés (258/302) relevaient des catégories " petits systèmes extensifs en liberté ou systèmes extensifs en liberté ", " petits systèmes extensifs en liberté " et/ou " systèmes extensifs en liberté ". En outre, dans 52 % des études (159/306), la race des poulets n'était pas précisée. Aucune donnée n'a pu être trouvée concernant les maladies importantes des volailles dans 56,9 % (78/137) des pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire, ce qui indique un déficit potentiel de données. S'agissant des maladies virales et bactériennes, 71,0 % des estimations (218/307) correspondaient à des maladies à déclaration obligatoire à l'Organisation mondiale de la santé animale, ce qui souligne la tendance à signaler la survenue des maladies ayant une incidence sur les échanges internationaux. Toutefois, ce ne sont pas nécessairement ces maladies qui sont prioritaires pour les éleveurs. D'autre part, 72,3 % (222/307) des estimations provenaient d'échantillons aléatoires et pourraient donc servir à estimer la prévalence chez les poulets de basse-cour en appliquant des méthodes d'imputation, ce qui permettrait de combler les écarts.

La presencia de enfermedades transmisibles en los animales de granja tiene importantes repercusiones en el bienestar y la economía tanto en el ámbito de la sanidad animal como en el de la salud pública. La falta de datos favorece la propagación de enfermedades debido a la toma de decisiones en materia de prevención y control basada en información mal fundada. En los entornos de bajos recursos existen dificultades para el suministro de información, lo que convierte la disponibilidad de datos en un problema de desarrollo. Para este estudio, se recopiló un amplio conjunto de datos (n = 997) sobre estimaciones de prevalencia y seroprevalencia de enfermedades víricas (n = 224), bacterianas (n = 83) y parasitarias (n = 690) en pollos de traspatio en países de ingresos medios y bajos (PIMB). Estas estimaciones provienen de 306 estudios encontrados durante la fase de selección de una revisión bibliográfica sistemática. Se intentó clasificar los estudios según la clasificación de sistemas de producción avícola familiar de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura. El 98,7 % de los estudios (302/306) se centraron en un único sistema de producción avícola, mientras que el 1,3 % (4/306) se centraron en dos sistemas de producción diferentes. Dentro del grupo de estudios que abarcaban un solo sistema de producción, el 85,4 % (258/302) se clasificaron como sistema "extensivo de escarbado pequeño o extensivo de escarbado", "extensivo de escarbado pequeño" o "extensivo de escarbado". Además, en el 52 % (159/306) de los estudios no se proporcionó información sobre el tipo de raza de los pollos. No se encontraron datos sobre ninguna enfermedad pertinente para el 56,9 % (78/137) de los PIMB, lo que indica una posible carencia de datos. De las estimaciones sobre enfermedades víricas y bacterianas, el 71,0 % (218/307) correspondían a enfermedades de declaración obligatoria a la Organización Mundial de Sanidad Animal, lo que evidencia una tendencia a medir la aparición de enfermedades pertinentes para el comercio. Sin embargo, estas podrían no ser necesariamente enfermedades prioritarias para los productores. Por otro lado, el 72,3 % (222/307) de las estimaciones proceden de muestras aleatorias y podrían utilizarse para estimar la prevalencia en los pollos de traspatio utilizando métodos de imputación, lo que permitiría subsanar la carencia de datos.

Galinhas , Países em Desenvolvimento , Doenças das Aves Domésticas , Animais , Doenças das Aves Domésticas/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Criação de Animais Domésticos , Infecções Bacterianas/veterinária , Infecções Bacterianas/epidemiologia , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/epidemiologia , Viroses/epidemiologia , Viroses/veterinária
Neurol Sci ; 2024 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39230834


INTRODUCTION: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, disabling neurodegenerative disease, leads to reduced quality of life. The increasing prevalence of MS around the world and its comorbidities increase its burden. Primary vasculitis subtypes, one of autoimmune diseases with different prevalence in different ages and genders, should be considered one of the important differential diagnosis in patients with MS. This study aims to verify the relationship between MS and primary vasculitis by conducting a systematic review. METHOD: We searched PubMed, Scopus, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Google Scholar, from January 1974 to July 2023. We included original articles that reported characteristics of patients involved with any type of Primary Vasculitis with MS. RESULT: From an initial 816 publications, 18 studies consisting of 18 individual patients from 14 countries with confirmed MS and one of different subtypes of primary vasculitis met the inclusion criteria. The female/male ratio was 0.38:1, the mean (SD) age was 40.44 (14.37) years with the range of 16 to 70 years old, and the relapsing/progressive ratio was 1.57:1. Most of them, 14 (77%) experienced MS before vasculitis, and mostly received Corticosteroids, interferon, cyclophosphamide, Glatiramer acetate as MS treatment. The concurrence of Takayasu Arteritis (2 cases), Polyarteritis Nodosa (2 cases), Churg-Strauss Syndrome (1 case), Wegener's Granulomatosis (2 cases), Microscopic Polyangiitis (1 case), Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis (5 cases), Good pasture's disease (5 cases) were reported with MS. CONCLUSION: Our study suggested that different primary vasculitis can be an important comorbidity of MS and can mimic its symptoms and MRI. Any atypical syndrome for PwMS, whether clinical or radiological, must be evaluated in terms of other differential diagnoses including vasculitis.

ESC Heart Fail ; 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225059


AIMS: Paediatric chronic heart failure (CHF) is associated with significant morbidity. The aim of this study was to describe paediatric CHF epidemiology in Germany. METHODS AND RESULTS: This is a retrospective cross-sectional analysis of anonymized healthcare claims data in the InGef database. This database includes longitudinal data from a representative sample of the German population of approximately 4.8 million insured members. We included individuals <18 years from 2016 to 2021. CHF was defined by ≥2 diagnoses in different quarters of the year as inpatient or outpatient, using ICD-10-GM codes I50.- or P29.0. The number of eligible children in the database was 674 462 in 2016 and 660 692 in 2021. Prevalence of CHF per 100 000 children was 20.6 [95% confidence interval (CI), 17.3-24.3] in 2016 and 19.4 (95% CI, 16.2 to 23.0) in 2021. Incidence per 100 000 children was 9.6 (95% CI, 7.4 to 12.3) in 2016 and 7.6 (95% CI, 5.6 to 10.0) in 2021 for newly diagnosed CHF. All-cause hospitalizations occurred in 47.3% to 57.7% of children with CHF per year. Up to 6.3% of children with CHF were hospitalized, coded primarily for heart failure. Mortality of children with CHF was <5 death per year in the studied population. In 128 children with CHF in 2021, the most common ICD-coded comorbidities were congenital malformations of cardiac septa (57.8%), atrial septal defect (44.5%), congenital malformations of the great arteries (43.0%) and ventricular septal defect (32.0%). Coded treatment modalities for paediatric CHF in 2021 included angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockers (18.8%), beta-blockers (17.2%), mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists (14.8%) and surgical procedures (13.3%). CONCLUSIONS: This representative cohort study reveals a relatively high incidence proportion. Approximately half of the children with CHF are hospitalized annually while mortality is low.

Aust N Z J Psychiatry ; : 48674241271916, 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225305


BACKGROUND: The higher rate of mental illness, including severe psychotic disorders, among people in prisons compared to the general community is well-established. However, there have been no reviews or attempts to pool data on the reported prevalence of mental illness across prisons in Australia and New Zealand. METHODS: A systematic search of electronic databases from 1966 to the end of 2020 was conducted to identify studies reporting rates of 'any' mental illness, and separately rates of psychotic illness, among adult men and women in Australian and New Zealand prisons. A meta-analysis was performed according to PRISMA guidelines (PROSPERO ID: CRD42021241946), with separate analyses conducted for lifetime and current prevalence rates. RESULTS: Seventeen studies, with a total of 10,209 people in prison, met inclusion criteria. The pooled lifetime prevalence of 'any' mental illness was 69.0% (95% confidence interval = [0.56, 0.79]), and the pooled lifetime prevalence for psychosis was 9.1% (95% confidence interval = [0.07, 0.12]). Meanwhile, the pooled prevalence for 'any' current mental illness was 54.0% (95% confidence interval = [0.39, 0.68]) and for any current psychosis was 6.4% (95% confidence interval = [0.04, 0.10]). There was substantial heterogeneity between studies, with evidence that lifetime rates of psychosis have increased over time, with true prevalence estimates in 95% of all comparable populations falling between 2.7% and 26.4%. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of mental illness, including severe psychotic illness, is high in Australian and New Zealand prisons. Furthermore, there is evidence that the prevalence of psychosis may be increasing over time, indicating more effort is needed to ensure diversion of people with mental illness away from the criminal justice system and into healthcare pathways.

J Asthma ; : 1-11, 2024 Sep 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225308


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Asthma is a heterogeneous respiratory disease characterized by airway hyper-responsiveness and reversible airflow blockage. There is ongoing debate about the impact of vitamin D on asthma. This research is focused on investigating the correlation between serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and asthma. METHODS: This cross-sectional study comprised 22,708 eligible participants. Data on asthma and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2011-2018 were analyzed. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels were the main factor, with the presence of asthma as the outcome variable. Weighted logistic regression was utilized to investigate the relationship between serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D and asthma, while accounting for factors such as age, gender, race, length of time in US, annual family income, education level, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, and cholesterol. RESULTS: Upon adjusting all variables in model III, epi-25-hydroxyvitamin D3 displayed a negative correlation with current asthma at the lower quartile Q1 (0.784, [0.697 to 0.922]), Q2 (0.841, [0.729 to 0.946]), Q3 (0.396, [0.240 to 0.653]) when compared to the highest quartile Q4 level. However, no significant difference was observed between asthma and 25-hydroxyvitamin D2, as well as 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. CONCLUSIONS: In the U.S. population, elevated levels of epi-25-hydroxyvitamin D3 are correlated with an increased risk of developing existing asthma. However, it is important to interpret this finding carefully given the constraints of cross-sectional studies.