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Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade (Online) ; 19(46): e-3565, 20241804.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566116


Objetivo: O estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o Programa Nacional de Controle do Tabagismo (PNCT) em Mato Grosso do Sul, taxas de cobertura, abandono, cessação, uso de medicamentos, rede de serviços de saúde e as razões pelas quais algumas Equipes de Saúde da Família de Campo Grande ainda não aderiram ao programa. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, baseada em dados primários e secundários sobre o PNCT em Mato Grosso do Sul. Os dados primários foram obtidos por meio de questionário aplicado aos profissionais das Equipes de Saúde da Família (ESF) de Campo Grande, sem oferta do programa e avaliados quanto à frequência e presença de correlação entre as variáveis analisadas utilizando V de Cramer e teste de χ2. Os dados secundários foram obtidos do consolidado do Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva com os registros produzidos pelos serviços. Resultados: As taxas de adesão, efetividade e apoio farmacológico na capital e interior foram: 66,80 e 59,79%; 20,58 e 34,91%; 32,14 e 99,86%, respectivamente. A oferta do programa ocorreu em 49,37% municípios e 43,85% das Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) estimadas. Houve correlações entre ser capacitado e implantar o programa; treinamento de ingresso e oferta na UBS. As dificuldades relatadas pelos profissionais foram a pandemia de COVID-19, a sobrecarga e/ou equipe pequena e/ou falta de tempo e a ausência de capacitação/treinamento. Conclusões: O PNCT em Mato Grosso do Sul apresenta baixa cobertura e oferta restrita na rede de saúde, além do desempenho mediano de assistência aos tabagistas. Evidencia-se a necessidade de investimento em capacitação/treinamento, prioritariamente para as ESF de Campo Grande, dando-lhes condições de responder às necessidades de promoção da saúde, reconhecendo o programa como de maior custo-efetividade.

Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the National Tobacco Control Program (PNCT) in Mato Grosso do Sul, coverage rates, dropout, cessation, use of medication, the health services network and the reasons why Family Health Teams in Campo Grande have not yet joined the program. Methods: This was a descriptive study with a quantitative approach, based on primary and secondary data on the PNCT in Mato Grosso do Sul. The primary data were obtained by means of a questionnaire administered to Family Health Teams (ESF) in Campo Grande, which did not offer the program and evaluated the frequency and presence of correlation between the variables analyzed using Cramer's V test and the χ2 test. The secondary data were obtained from the consolidated records of the José Alencar Gomes da Silva National Cancer Institute with the records produced by the services. Results: The rates of adherence, effectiveness and pharmacological support in the capital and interior were: 66.80 and 59.79%; 20.58 and 34.91%; and 32.14 and 99.86%, respectively. The program was offered in 49.37% of the municipalities and 43.85% of the Basic Health Units (UBS) estimated. There were correlations between being trained and implementing the program and entry training and provision in the UBS. The difficulties reported by professionals were the COVID-19 pandemic, overload and/or a small team and/or lack of time and the absence of training. Conclusions: The PNCT in Mato Grosso do Sul has low coverage and restricted supply in the health network, in addition to average performance in assisting smokers. There is a clear need to invest in capacitation/training, primarily for the ESF in Campo Grande, enabling them to respond to the needs of health promotion, recognizing the program as more cost-effective.

Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el Programa Nacional de Control del Tabaco (PNCT) en Mato Grosso do Sul, las tasas de cobertura, el abandono, la cesación, el uso de medicamentos, la red de servicios de salud y las razones por las que los Equipos de Salud de la Familia en Campo Grande aún no se han unido al programa. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo con abordaje cuantitativo, basado en datos primarios y secundarios sobre el PNCT en Mato Grosso do Sul. Los datos primarios se obtuvieron por medio de un cuestionario aplicado a los Equipos de Salud de la Familia (ESF) de Campo Grande, que no ofrecían el programa y evaluaron la frecuencia y la presencia de correlación entre las variables analizadas utilizando la V de Cramer y la prueba de la χ2. Los datos secundarios se obtuvieron de los registros consolidados del Instituto Nacional del Cáncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva con los registros producidos por los servicios. Resultados: Las tasas de adherencia, eficacia y apoyo farmacológico en la capital y en el interior fueron: 66,80 y 59,79%; 20,58 y 34,91%; 32,14 y 99,86%, respectivamente. El programa fue ofrecido en el 49,37% de los municipios y en el 43,85% de las Unidades Básicas de Salud (UBS) estimadas. Hubo correlación entre estar capacitado e implementar el programa; capacitación de entrada y oferta en las UBS. Las dificultades relatadas por los profesionales fueron la pandemia del COVID-19, la sobrecarga y/o un equipo pequeño y/o la falta de tiempo y la ausencia de capacitación. Conclusiones: El PNCT en Mato Grosso do Sul tiene baja cobertura y oferta restringida en la red de salud, además de un desempeño medio en la asistencia a los fumadores. Hay una clara necesidad de invertir en la creación de capacidad / formación, principalmente para la ESF en Campo Grande, lo que les permite responder a las necesidades de promoción de la salud, reconociendo el programa como más rentable.

Humanos , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Estratégias de Saúde Nacionais , Abandono do Hábito de Fumar , Prevenção do Hábito de Fumar , Controle do Tabagismo
Front Public Health ; 12: 1411099, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39371210


Purpose: Tobacco use remains the leading preventable cause of death in France, with 75,000 deaths each year. France aims to reduce smoking and achieve a smoke-free generation by 2032. However, recent tobacco industry innovations which mainly target young people, could undermine this goal. The main objective of this study is to assess the knowledge and consumption patterns of the "puff" among French adolescents in 2022. Methods: A cross-sectional study using a structured online survey on a representative sample of 400 adolescents aged 13 to 16 years was conducted from July 4th to 20th, 2022. Results: Around 66% of adolescents reported having heard of the puff", and one in ten having tried it. Slightly fewer of them have tried cigarettes; 89.6% of experimenters reported that it allowed them to explore unique flavors, 81.9% found it fun to play with the puff-cloud, and 94.5% of regular consumers considered it a stylish or cool product. 76% of adolescents believe that the puff is dangerous to their health, 71.6% describe it as a polluting device, and 62.8% think it's a gadget. Conclusion: The "puff" is widely known by French adolescents and more commonly used than cigarettes, due, in part, to marketing specifically designed to target youth. That is why it could represent a threat to the smoke-free generation objectives. Public health policy could be informed by the ecological awareness of adolescents as a new lever of counter-influence to prevent this kind of consumption, as did ACT with the #stopcigarettespollution prevention campaign.

Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Humanos , Adolescente , França , Feminino , Masculino , Estudos Transversais , Inquéritos e Questionários , Comportamento do Adolescente/psicologia , Fumar/epidemiologia
Cureus ; 16(8): e67422, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39310493


Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have become a prevalent phenomenon among adolescents and young adults, particularly as a perceived less harmful alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes. A number of potential health risks associated with e-cigarettes have been identified, including links to cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and cancer. Given that adolescents have not yet completed their physical development, they are particularly susceptible to adverse health effects associated with e-cigarettes. This case report details the presentation of a healthy 16-year-old female patient who developed her first episode of acute severe asthma and a concomitant lower respiratory tract infection in a primary care practice setting. Prior to the onset of her symptoms, the smoking-naïve patient intermittently shared a nicotine-containing e-cigarette with a friend over a three-day period. Following outpatient treatment with inhaled corticosteroids, beta-2 agonists, and antibiotics, the asthma and lower respiratory tract infection were found to be reversible within the first week of treatment initiation. It is imperative that preventive measures at the political level be implemented to counteract the appeal and use of e-cigarettes among adolescents.

Prev Sci ; 25(6): 934-947, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39093518


Preventing young people's cigarette smoking is a major public health priority, and smoking is especially prevalent in vocational schools. Well-enforced comprehensive school tobacco policies accompanied by preventive efforts show potential to reduce smoking, but the implementation process is crucial to achieve the intended effect. We investigate whether and how implementation fidelity of a multi-component smoking prevention intervention impacted student smoking outcomes after 4-5 months among students in Danish vocational education and training (national age range 15-65 years, mean 25.6) and preparatory basic education (national age range 15-25 years, mean 17.6) institutions using questionnaire data from a cluster-RCT. The intervention included a smoke-free school hours policy, educational curriculum, and class competition. We calculated an overall implementation fidelity measure combining staff-reported school-level delivery (fidelity) and student-reported receipt (participation, responsiveness), and used multilevel regression models to analyze associations with smoking outcomes (smoking daily, regularly, and during school hours). We supplemented the analysis with restricted cubic spline regression. Additionally, we stratified the analyses by school types and analyzed associations between implementation fidelity of the separate intervention components and smoking outcomes. High implementation was associated with lower odds of regular smoking (OR: 0.37, 95% CI: 0.18-0.78) and smoking during school hours, but not daily smoking, and these associations varied between the school settings. When analyzed separately, implementation fidelity of the components did not affect the outcomes significantly. Our findings underline the need to support the implementation process of school tobacco policy interventions to ensure the intended effects of reducing students' smoking.

Prevenção do Hábito de Fumar , Humanos , Adolescente , Masculino , Feminino , Dinamarca , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudantes/psicologia , Educação Vocacional , Análise por Conglomerados , Idoso , Serviços de Saúde Escolar/organização & administração , Fumar , Inquéritos e Questionários , Instituições Acadêmicas
Eur J Cancer ; 209: 114255, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39111207


BACKGROUND: To reduce smoking uptake in adolescents, the medical students' network Education Against Tobacco (EAT) has developed a school-based intervention involving a face-aging mobile app (Smokerface). METHODS: A two-arm cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted, evaluating the 2016 EAT intervention, which employed the mobile app Smokerface and which was delivered by medical students. Schools were randomized to intervention or control group. Surveys were conducted at baseline (pre-intervention) and at 9, 16, and 24 months post-intervention via paper & pencil questionnaires. The primary outcome was the difference in within-group changes in smoking prevalence between intervention and control group at 24 months. RESULTS: Overall, 144 German secondary schools comprising 11,286 pupils participated in the baseline survey, of which 100 schools participated in the baseline and at least one of the follow-up surveys, yielding 7437 pupils in the analysis sample. After 24 months, smoking prevalence was numerically lower in the intervention group compared to control group (12.9 % vs. 14.3 %); however, between-group differences in change in smoking prevalence between baseline and 24-months follow-up (OR=0.83, 95 %-CI: 0.64-1.09) were not statistically significant (p = 0.176). Intention to start smoking among baseline non-smokers declined non-significantly in the intervention group (p = 0.064), and remained essentially unchanged in the control group, but between-group differences in changes at the 24-months follow-up (OR=0.88, 0.64-1.21) were not statistically significant (p = 0.417). CONCLUSION: While a trend towards beneficial effects of the intervention regarding smoking prevalence as well as intention to start smoking among baseline non-smokers was observed, our smoking prevention trial demonstrated no significant effect of the intervention.

Aplicativos Móveis , Prevenção do Hábito de Fumar , Estudantes de Medicina , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Adolescente , Alemanha/epidemiologia , Prevenção do Hábito de Fumar/métodos , Instituições Acadêmicas , Serviços de Saúde Escolar , Prevalência , Abandono do Hábito de Fumar/métodos
J Pak Med Assoc ; 74(6): 1089-1093, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38948977


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of peer education on changing the knowledge and frequency of smoking of high school students. METHODS: The quasi-experimental study was conducted at the Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, Turkey, during the 2021-22 academic year, and comprised students of either gender from the 9th to the 11th grade. After baseline assessment, training that blended peer education with the photovoice technique was administered between March 2021 and January 2022. Post-intervention assessment included smoking frequency, cigarette exposure and health literacy. Data was analysed using R version 4.0.5. RESULTS: Of the 465 students available, 395(84.95%) were part of the baseline assessment, while 434(93.3%) took the postintervention assessment. At the baseline, 365(93.8%) participants were males and 24(6.2%) were femaes. The overall median age was 15 years (interquartile range: 15-16 years). Post-training, smoking rate and indoor exposure to cigarette smoke among the students were statistically lower than the baseline values (p<0.05). The mean health literacy score postintervention was significantly higher than the baseline score (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Photovoice combined with peer education seemed beneficial in terms of positive effect on smoking behaviour among youths.

Educação em Saúde , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Letramento em Saúde , Grupo Associado , Estudantes , Humanos , Adolescente , Feminino , Masculino , Turquia/epidemiologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes/psicologia , Letramento em Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Educação em Saúde/métodos , Fumar/epidemiologia , Populações Vulneráveis , Poluição por Fumaça de Tabaco/estatística & dados numéricos
Addict Sci Clin Pract ; 19(1): 36, 2024 05 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38715116


BACKGROUND: Digital technologies have positively impacted the availability and usability of clinical algorithms through the advancement in mobile health. Therefore, this study aimed to determine if a web-based algorithm designed to support the decision-making process of cancer care providers (CCPs) differentially impacted their self-reported self-efficacy and practices for providing smoking prevention and cessation services in Peru and Colombia. METHODS: A simple decision-making tree algorithm was built in REDCap using information from an extensive review of the currently available smoking prevention and cessation resources. We employed a pre-post study design with a mixed-methods approach among 53 CCPs in Peru and Colombia for pilot-testing the web-based algorithm during a 3-month period. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare the CCPs' self-efficacy and practices before and after using the web-based algorithm. The usability of the web-based algorithm was quantitatively measured with the system usability scale (SUS), as well as qualitatively through the analysis of four focus groups conducted among the participating CCPs. RESULTS: The pre-post assessments indicated that the CCPs significantly improved their self-efficacy and practices toward smoking prevention and cessation services after using the web-based algorithm. The overall average SUS score obtained among study participants was 82.9 (± 9.33) [Peru 81.5; Colombia 84.1]. After completing the qualitative analysis of the focus groups transcripts, four themes emerged: limited resources currently available for smoking prevention and cessation in oncology settings, merits of the web-based algorithm, challenges with the web-based algorithm, and suggestions for improving this web-based decision-making tool. CONCLUSION: The web-based algorithm showed high usability and was well-received by the CCPs in Colombia and Peru, promoting a preliminary improvement in their smoking prevention and cessation self-efficacy and practices.

Algoritmos , Autoeficácia , Abandono do Hábito de Fumar , Humanos , Abandono do Hábito de Fumar/métodos , Colômbia , Masculino , Feminino , Peru , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Prevenção do Hábito de Fumar/métodos , Internet , Pessoal de Saúde , Neoplasias/prevenção & controle
BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 1165, 2024 Apr 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38664744


BACKGROUND: Cigarette smoking during adolescence is a major public health concern with far-reaching health implications. Adolescents who smoke are at an increased risk of developing long-term health problems and are more likely to continue smoking into adulthood. Therefore, it is vital to identify and understand the risk factors that contribute to adolescent smoking - which in turn facilitate the development of targeted prevention and intervention programs. METHODS: Data was drawn from a cross-sectional survey conducted between October and December 2021, encompassing adolescents of adolescents aged 14 to 19 residing in Switzerland (n = 2,683). Multiple logistic regression analysis was employed to explore which demographic, household, behavioural and psychographic factors are associated with current smoking status. RESULTS: The regression results showed higher odds of smoking for female respondents (OR 1.39; p-value 0.007); older adolescents (OR 1.30; p-value < 0.001); those living in the French-speaking part of Switzerland (OR 1.39; p-value 0.021), in suburban areas (OR 1.35; p-value 0.023) and with a smoker in the same household (OR 2.41; p-value < 0.001); adolescents consuming alcohol (OR 4.10; p-value < 0.001), cannabis products (OR 6.72; p-value < 0.001) and hookah (OR 5.07; p-value < 0.001) at least once a month; respondents not engaging in sports (OR 1.90; p-value < 0.001) or music (OR 1.42; p-value 0.031) as top five leisure activities and those experiencing high stress levels at home (OR 1.74; p-value < 0.001). Adolescents with high scores in health awareness (OR 0.33; p-value < 0.001), on the relational self-esteem scale (OR 0.78; p-value 0.054) and on the general well-being scale (OR 0.52; p-value 0.022) were less likely to smoke than their counterparts with lower scores. High risk-seeking was associated with higher odds of smoking (OR 2.15; p-value < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest the importance of a comprehensive approach at both individual and institutional levels to reduce smoking rates in adolescents. More specifically, a holistic strategy that encompasses adolescents, families, schools and policymakers ranging from strengthening adolescents' self-esteem, smoking cessation support for parents, to increasing engagement in musical and physical activities, and enhancing health awareness in the school curriculum.

Fumar , Humanos , Suíça/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Masculino , Fatores de Risco , Adulto Jovem , Fumar/epidemiologia , Fumar/psicologia , Comportamento do Adolescente/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários
J Epidemiol Popul Health ; 72(2): 202520, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38579395


OBJECTIVE: This article looks at the evaluation of smoke-free (SF) and tobacco-free (TF) university campus policies that ban smoking (and often vaping) both indoors and outdoors. To assess the effectiveness of these policies, we performed a systematic literature review to answer the following questions: what is the effect of SF/TF policies on campus users' behaviors/norms/perceptions around smoking? Are the SF/TF policies an effective measure for reducing smoking among young adults? What methods and indicators can we use to assess the impact of SF/TF campus policies? What is the theoretical model underpinning the influence of SF/TF policies on the behavior of campus users? METHODS: Three databases (PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) were searched over the period from January 2005 to December 2022. The article selection process included 54 articles published in scientific journals that analyzed the post-implementation impact of SF/TF campus policies. The quality of these articles was analyzed using six ad hoc indicators based on the Critical Appraisal Skills Program checklist and Joanna Briggs Institute scoping tools. RESULTS: Most of the research on SF/TF campus policies has been conducted in the United States using quantitative methodologies. Most of these studies show that SF/TF policies reduce positive beliefs about smoking and its acceptability, influence smoking behavior (reducing smoking initiation and increasing the number of quits and quit attempts), and reduce exposure to passive smoking and pollution from cigarette butts. User acceptability of SF/TF policies is generally high. Limitations of SF/TF campus policies include difficulty for smokers to comply with them, persistence of passive smoking around campuses, and limited uptake of on-campus cessation support services provided to smokers. DISCUSSION: The various mediating and moderating variables identified in the literature have made it possible to propose a model of the potential influence of SF/TF policy on campus users, based on the theory of planned behavior. Based on this review, we provide health professionals and higher education institutions wishing to implement a SF/TF campus policy with a set of indicators that can serve to assess the impact of a SF/TF campus policy (attitudes, acceptability, beliefs, norms, exposure to passive smoking and pollution, changes in smoking behavior). CONCLUSION: Based on scientific evidence, the implementation of SF/TF campus policies in France is an important measure to help combat smoking in young adults.

Política Antifumo , Poluição por Fumaça de Tabaco , Universidades , Humanos , Poluição por Fumaça de Tabaco/prevenção & controle , Estudantes/psicologia , Política Organizacional , Adulto Jovem , Vaping/epidemiologia , Prevenção do Hábito de Fumar/métodos
Public Health Nurs ; 41(3): 525-534, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38478011


OBJECTIVES: To examine the effectiveness of a media literacy-based smoking prevention program based on Ajzen's theory of planned behavior in female adolescents. METHODS: This quasi-experimental study was conducted with female high school students aged 16-17 years in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The program provided eight sessions over 4 weeks. Quantitative data were collected before and after online surveys in an intervention (n = 21) and control (n = 21) groups, and analyzed using mixed analysis of variance. Qualitative data on participation experiences was collected by requesting the participants to answer open-ended questions once a week during the intervention and performing co-occurrence analysis of specific terms in the responses was conducted through text mining. RESULTS: Although the program decreased smoking intention and increased smoking media literacy in the intervention group, there were no significant differences between the groups. Qualitative results obtained from the intervention group showed cognitive and behavioral changes in the perception of the harmfulness of e-cigarettes in the media and the expression of a willingness to overcome the temptation to smoke. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that the enhancement of smoking media literacy, specifically by correcting misconceptions regarding e-cigarettes promoted by the new media, contributes smoking prevention in female adolescents. It supports calls for an expanded role of public health professionals in health education at the school level.

Sistemas Eletrônicos de Liberação de Nicotina , Prevenção do Hábito de Fumar , Humanos , Adolescente , Feminino , Alfabetização , Educação em Saúde , Instituições Acadêmicas
BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 683, 2024 Mar 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38438986


BACKGROUND: Most adult smokers started smoking in their teenage years, which increases the risk of nicotine dependence. In Denmark, there is a high prevalence of youth smoking among students in Vocational Education and Training (VET). However, reducing and preventing smoking in this group is a major challenge. This article presents a needs assessment aimed to explore factors sustaining legitimacy of smoking in VET schools and consider the measures needed to prepare VET schools' implementation of smoking reduction and prevention interventions. METHODS: Participant observations were conducted in four VET classes representing three VET schools in Denmark with a duration of four days each. Individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers, managers, and a student advisor, as well as four focus groups with a total of 20 students. Interviews were audio-taped, transcribed, and the data material was analyzed following Malterud's systematic text condensation. FINDINGS: Factors that helped sustain legitimacy of smoking in VET schools included a positive and normalized attitude towards smoking at home and among friends, an understanding of smoking as an integral and expected practice in VET professions and schools, a perceived reliance on smoking as an icebreaker in new social relations and as a pedagogical tool, and smoking as a habit and a means to deal with boredom and stress relief. CONCLUSIONS: The factors sustaining legitimacy of smoking in VET schools are reciprocal and call for smoking reduction and prevention intervention efforts which consider and address social influence, habitual behavior, and psychological needs, as well as changes at the policy level.

Instituições Acadêmicas , Educação Vocacional , Adulto , Adolescente , Humanos , Avaliação das Necessidades , Escolaridade , Fumar/epidemiologia
Addict Behav Rep ; 19: 100529, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38283066


Introduction: Exposure to smokers has been identified as a predictor of adolescent tobacco use. Conversely, adolescents who tend to be advocates against smoking may become less likely to initiate smoking themselves. Several digital tobacco prevention programs have been developed to include social strategies. This study aimed to identify (1) whether programs can motivate adolescents to become advocates against smoking, and (2) if being an advocate against smoking and exposure to friends who smoke can predict smoking while controlling for a program's effect. Methods: We conducted a non-prespecified secondary analysis using data from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) with 18-month follow-up. High schools were randomized to either receive ASPIRE or a tobacco education booklet. We conducted a cross-lagged linear path model to allow for reciprocal associations, estimating a two-time-points, three-variable panel model with logistic regression. Results: Receiving ASPIRE was associated with a lower likelihood of smoking, but it did not predict becoming an advocate against smoking or changing adolescents' proportion of friends who smoke. After controlling for the effect of ASPIRE, the study shows that adolescents who were advocates against smoking had a decreased risk of smoking by follow-up, and smoking at baseline significantly predicted having a higher proportion of friends who smoke at follow-up. Discussion: Being an advocate against smoking can be a key predictor of lower odds of smoking, even when controlling for an individual-based intervention. Future research can study the mechanisms and long-term effects of advocacy and incorporate social strategies that can leverage social networks for tobacco prevention.

Arch Med Sci ; 19(6): 1795-1801, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38058719


Introduction: In 2010, the government of Poland passed an amended smoke-free law that strengthened existing tobacco control policies and banned smoking in hospitals. The aims of our study are: to determine the state of smoke-free practices in Polish hospitals, and to identify challenges facing hospitals implementing smoke-free practices. Material and methods: In 2018, a cross-sectional survey was conducted on a representative sample of 100 hospitals operating in Poland. The research tool was the ENSH-Global Self-Audit Questionnaire. The questionnaire included 48 items related to the various aspects of smoke-free policy implementation in the hospital. Results: Among the surveyed hospitals, public entities were the dominant group (79%). The mean score for all analyzed standards was 78.55 points (out of 144 maximum available), with no differences (p = 0.4) between public and private entities. All hospitals surveyed displayed signage with information about prohibited tobacco products and tobacco-free campus boundaries. Hospital staff (95%) and service users (98%) reported a basic level of understanding of the hospital's tobacco-free policy and the available tobacco cessation services. However, tobacco-free policies, in line with the ENSH-Global Standards, were implemented in 61% of surveyed hospitals. More than half of the hospitals (64%) do not currently assess tobacco use or provide tobacco dependence treatment services. Conclusions: Overall, smoke-free policies in hospitals operating in Poland are compliant with the National Tobacco Control Act and provide a smoke-free environment for service users and staff. However, continued monitoring and evaluation of tobacco control activities are necessary to promote the importance of smoke-free environments.

Child Youth Serv Rev ; 1552023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37982095


Youth with parents who use opioids are more likely to engage in early substance use, especially cannabis use. The purpose of this study was to describe the context of cannabis use among families affected by parental opioid misuse. We conducted 25 in-depth interviews with families affected by parental opioid misuse. Participants were parents with a history of opioid misuse and young adults (ages 18-24) who had parents with a history of opioid misuse. Interviews were digitally recorded and professionally transcribed. Data were analyzed inductively using a qualitative content analytic approach. Familial cannabis use was common among young people and their parents. Participants described familial cannabis use as a bonding activity that felt safe and lightened the mood. Additional research is needed to understand the complex role that cannabis use may play in families affected by opioid misuse. Strategies for intergenerational substance use prevention are discussed.

Front Public Health ; 11: 1282655, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38026410


After the establishment of a causal relationship between tobacco use and cancer in the 1950s, cellulose acetate filters were introduced with the claim to reduce the adverse health impact of unfiltered cigarettes. Often perceived to be more pleasant and healthy, filters encouraged smoking. However, filtered cigarettes are more deeply inhaled to obtain the same nicotine demand while altered combustion releases more tobacco-specific nitrosamines. The increasing use of cigarette filter ventilation is associated with a sharp rise in lung adenocarcinomas in recent decades. While not preventing adverse health effects, a global environmental problem has been created due to the non-biodegradable filter litter, causing ecotoxicological effects and the spread of microplastics. Recently, the Belgian Superior Health Council advised policymakers to ban cigarette filters as single-use plastics at both national and European levels. This article outlines the arguments used to justify this plea (human health and environment), the expected effects of a filter ban, as well as the public reception and reactions of the tobacco industry. The specific context of the European Union is discussed including the revision of the Single-Use Plastics Directive, affording a new opportunity to ban plastic filters. This perspective article aims to fuel the momentum and cooperation among member states for this purpose.

Saúde Pública , Produtos do Tabaco , Humanos , União Europeia , Plásticos
Int J Behav Med ; 2023 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37697141


BACKGROUND: Adolescent smoking is associated with significant health and social risks. Previous research has demonstrated the effectiveness of interventions based on behavior change theories in preventing adolescent smoking uptake. However, evidence from the theory-based perspective of evaluation is limited, especially for how such complex interventions work, and how they work when implemented in different contextual settings. METHOD: A comparative qualitative analysis was conducted to explore various influences on behavior change among participants taking part in two smoking prevention interventions in Northern Ireland and Bogotá. Twenty-seven focus groups were conducted in 12 schools (6 in Northern Ireland and 6 in Bogota, n = 195 pupils participated; aged 11-15 years). The Theoretical Domains Framework guided a content analysis of the data. RESULTS: We found similarities across settings in terms of knowledge, skills, and beliefs related to smoking or vaping behavior change, as well as differences in contextual resources and social influence. Different environmental resources included availability to purchase tobacco products in the neighborhoods and previous information about tobacco risk. Participants in both interventions perceived behavioral change outcomes related to personal skills and intention to not smoke or vape. CONCLUSION: These findings have highlighted how both individual factors and contextual resources influence behavior change for smoking prevention in practice. Local contextual factors and social influences affecting pupils should be taken into account in the implementation and evaluation of health behavior change interventions. In particular, this study supports using social and contextual influence strategies in interventions to reduce the onset of adolescent smoking and vaping.

Digit Health ; 9: 20552076231179029, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37312958


Objectives: The diagnosis and continuous care of chronic conditions such as HIV infection present potential teachable moments for delivering smoking prevention and cessation interventions for patients. We designed and pre-tested a prototype of a smartphone application(app), Decision-T, specifically designed to assist healthcare providers when providing personalized smoking prevention and cessation services to their patients. Methods: We developed the Decision-T app based on transtheoretical algorithm for smoking prevention and cessation following the 5-A's model. We employed a mixed-methods approach among 18 HIV-care providers recruited from Houston Metropolitan Area for pre-testing the app. Each provider participated in three mock sessions, and the average time spent at each session was measured. We measured accuracy by comparing the smoking prevention and cessation treatment offered by the HIV-care provider using the app to that chosen by the tobacco specialist who designed the case. The system usability scale (SUS) was used to assess usability quantitatively , while individual interview transcripts were analyzed to determine usability qualitatively. STATA-17/SE and Nvivo-V12 were used for quantitative and qualitative analysis, respectively. Results: The average time for completing each mock session was 5 min 17 s. The participants achieved an overall average accuracy of 89.9%. The average SUS score achieved was 87.5(±10.26). After analyzing the transcripts, five themes (app's contents are beneficial and straightforward, design is easy to understand, user's experience is uncomplicated, tech is intuitive, and app needs improvements) emerged. Conclusions: The decision-T app can potentially increase HIV-care providers' engagement in offering smoking prevention and cessation behavioral and pharmacotherapy recommendations to their patients briefly and accurately.

J Cancer Educ ; 38(5): 1683-1689, 2023 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37368119


We designed and tested the feasibility of the Smoking Cessation Training Program for Oncology Practice (STOP), a hybrid (face-to-face plus web-based) educational intervention to enhance Spanish-speaking cancer care professionals' (CCPs') ability to provide brief smoking prevention and cessation counseling to cancer patients and survivors. Changes in the CCPs' competencies (knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and practices toward smoking and smoking cessation services) were assessed post-training. Sixty CCPs from one major cancer center in Colombia (n = 30) and Peru (n = 30) were invited to participate in a 4-module hybrid training program on smoking prevention and cessation. Demographic and pre- and post-test evaluation data were collected. The training's acceptability was measured after each module. Bivariate analysis was conducted using Wilcoxon signed-rank test to compare the CCPs' competencies before and after the delivery of the STOP Program. Effect sizes were computed over time to assess the sustainability of the acquired competencies. Twenty-nine CCPs in Colombia and 24 CCPs in Peru completed the STOP Program (96.6% and 80.0% retention rates, respectively). In both countries, 98.2% of the CCPs reported that the overall structure and organization of the program provided an excellent learning experience. The pre-post-test evaluations indicated that the CCPs significantly improved their knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and practices toward smoking, smoking prevention, and cessation services. We found that the CCPs' self-efficacy and practices increased over time (1-, 3-, and 6-month assessments after completing the 4 educational modules). The STOP Program was effective and well-received, demonstrating remarkable changes in CCPs' competencies in providing smoking prevention and cessation services to cancer patients.

Neoplasias , Abandono do Hábito de Fumar , Humanos , Prevenção do Hábito de Fumar , Colômbia , Peru , Fumar , Neoplasias/prevenção & controle
Health Promot Int ; 38(2)2023 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37099679


Youth is a crucial period for smoking preventive interventions. School-based interventions targeting the policy level and the sociocultural processes of smoking show promising effects in reducing smoking uptake and prevalence. This study presents findings from the qualitative process evaluation of a smoking preventive intervention, Focus, in the vocational school (VET) setting. Specifically, the study focused on contextual factors affecting the implementation of smoke-free school hours (SFSH). Participant observations and focus groups were conducted in four VETs during the implementation period October-December 2018. The data encompass participant observation field notes (n = 21 school days), student focus groups (n = 8) (aged 16-20), teacher focus groups (n = 5) and semi-structured individual interviews with VET leaders (n = 3). The study found that SFSH was not clearly communicated to students due to the educational structure and chaotic rhythm of the school days, ambivalent attitudes among teachers toward enforcement of smoking rules and lack of clear managerial support. The interplay of these factors counteracted the implementation of SFSH in the VET context. The presented contextual factors are important when interpreting the effectiveness of the Focus intervention and for informing future preventive efforts aiming to reduce smoking among youth in high risk of smoking cigarettes.

Youth represents a crucial period for smoking prevention. School-based interventions show promising effects in this respect. This study presents findings from the qualitative process evaluation of a smoking preventive intervention, Focus, in the vocational school (VET) setting. The aim was to examine the role of context in the implementation process. The data consist of participant observation field notes (n = 21 school days), focus groups (n = 8 with students and n =  5 with teachers) and semi-structured individual interviews with VET leaders (n = 3). The study found that smoke-free school hours was not clearly communicated to students due to several contextual factors, namely an unclear structure and purpose of the school day, ambivalent attitudes among teachers toward smoking rules and lack of managerial support. These factors are important when interpreting the effectiveness of the Focus intervention and for informing future smoking preventive efforts among youth in high risk of smoking cigarettes.

Promoção da Saúde , Política Antifumo , Prevenção do Hábito de Fumar , Dinamarca , Humanos , Instituições Acadêmicas , Fumar/efeitos adversos , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Estudantes/psicologia , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Educação Vocacional