Objetivo: analisar o desenvolvimento da enfermagem traumato-ortopédica a partir da primeira turma de residentes de um hospital especializado. Método: o estudo seguiu a metodologia histórica com abordagem qualitativa. As fontes foram documentos escritos e orais. Resultados: trabalhar em uma instituição especializada foi o ponto de partida para a busca por especialização de enfermeiras atuantes no cuidado traumato-ortopédico, que perceberam o saber/poder adquirido no trabalho assistencial, além da intenção de qualificar a assistência e elevar o hospital a instituto. Estratégias empregadas reúnem a busca por parcerias com instituições universitárias e associativas, além da criação de uma associação própria. Considerações finais: a enfermagem traumato-ortopédica ampliou seu espaço científico ao criar um curso de especialização com uma unidade acadêmica. Foi possível delimitar o poder acadêmico e institucional da enfermagem na instituição de saúde pela formação de enfermeiras especialistas constituindo um grupo de reconhecido pelo saber científico.
Objective: to analyze the development of trauma and orthopedic nursing care from the very first class of residents of a specialized hospital. Method: historical methodology study with a qualitative approach. The sources consisted of written and oral documents. Results: working in a specialized institution was the starting point for nurses who were seeking specialization in the field of trauma and orthopedic care as they noticed the power-knowledge acquired through care work, plus they were willing to improve assistance and take the hospital up to an institute level. Strategies used include the search for partnerships with universities and associative-type institutions, in addition to creating their own association. Final considerations: trauma and orthopedic nursing care expanded its scientific space by creating a specialization course together with an academic unit. It was possible to define the academic and institutional power of the nursing staff in the health institution by considering the training process of its nurse specialists, who consisted of a group recognized for their scientific knowledge.
Objetivo: analizar el desarrollo de la enfermería traumatológica ortopédica a partir del primer grupo de residentes de un hospital especializado. Método: estudio con metodología histórica con un enfoque cualitativo. Las fuentes fueron documentos escritos y orales. Resultados: el trabajo en una institución especializada fue el punto de partida para la búsqueda de la especialización de las enfermeras que trabajaban en la atención traumatológica ortopédica, quienes notaron el saber/poder adquirido en el trabajo asistencial, además de la intención de cualificar la atención y elevar el hospital al nivel de instituto. Las estrategias empleadas incluyen la búsqueda de alianzas con instituciones universitarias y asociaciones, y la creación de una asociación propia. Consideraciones finales: la enfermería traumatológica ortopédica amplió su espacio científico mediante la creación de un curso de especialización con una unidad académica. Se logró delimitar el poder académico e institucional de la enfermería en la institución de salud a través de la formación de enfermeros especialistas, que es un grupo reconocido por el conocimiento científico.
The Indian education system has produced top-class global corporate leaders in recent decades. The combination of a solid educational foundation, work ethic, adaptability, technical and analytical skills, leadership abilities, networking, entrepreneurial spirit, and cultural values collectively contribute to the success of Indian students and professionals in the corporate world. On the contrary, India's overall performance in Olympic sports has been modest compared to its population and potential. The education system of any country has a significant role in sporting success. To fully harness the potential of sports in schools, addressing these challenges and creating a supportive environment that values and promotes sporting abilities alongside academic excellence is essential. This will require concerted efforts from various stakeholders, including the schooling system, educational institutions, government, sports organizations, corporate sponsors, and the community. This white paper aims to systematically organize the available knowledge and debates around India's sporting performance in the background of mainstream education culture. This paper also addresses the systemic devaluation, exclusion, disfranchisement, and stereotyping of sports and sportspersons in India. One key argument put forward in this paper is to extend absolute equivalence to Olympic sports disciplines (e.g., football) at par with general academic disciplines (e.g., mathematics) in terms of examinations and award of qualifications within the mainstream education system of India. And India must host the Olympics before 2047.
Knowledge of differential life-history strategies in arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi is relevant for understanding the ecology of this group and its potential role in sustainable agriculture and carbon sequestration. At present, AM fungal life-history theories often focus on differential investment into intra- vs extraradical structures among AM fungal taxa, and its implications for plant benefits. With this Viewpoint we aim to expand these theories by integrating a mycocentric economics- and resource-based life-history framework. As in plants, AM fungal carbon and nutrient demands are stoichiometrically coupled, though uptake of these elements is spatially decoupled. Consequently, investment in morphological structures for carbon vs nutrient uptake is not in competition. We argue that understanding the ecology and evolution of AM fungal life-history trade-offs requires increased focus on variation among structures foraging for the same element, that is within intra- or extraradical structures (in our view a 'horizontal' axis), not just between them ('vertical' axis). Here, we elaborate on this argument and propose a range of plausible life-history trade-offs that could lead to the evolution of strategies in AM fungi, providing testable hypotheses and creating opportunities to explain AM fungal co-existence, and the context-dependent effects of AM fungi on plant growth and soil carbon dynamics.
Extended reality (XR) simulations are becoming increasingly common in educational settings, particularly in medical education. Advancing XR devices to enhance these simulations is a booming field of research. This study seeks to understand the value of a novel, non-wearable mixed reality (MR) display during interactions with a simulated holographic patient, specifically in taking a medical history. Twenty-one first-year medical students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill participated in the virtual patient (VP) simulations. On a five-point Likert scale, students overwhelmingly agreed with the statement that the simulations helped ensure they were progressing along learning objectives related to taking a patient history. However, they found that, at present, the simulations can only partially correct mistakes or provide clear feedback. This finding demonstrates that the novel hardware solution can help students engage in the activity, but the underlying software may need adjustment to attain sufficient pedagogical validity.
Introduction: Radiologists frequently lack direct patient contact due to time constraints. Digital medical interview assistants aim to facilitate the collection of health information. In this paper, we propose leveraging conversational agents to realize a medical interview assistant to facilitate medical history taking, while at the same time offering patients the opportunity to ask questions on the examination. Methods: MIA, the digital medical interview assistant, was developed using a person-based design approach, involving patient opinions and expert knowledge during the design and development with a specific use case in collecting information before a mammography examination. MIA consists of two modules: the interview module and the question answering module (Q&A). To ensure interoperability with clinical information systems, we use HL7 FHIR to store and exchange the results collected by MIA during the patient interaction. The system was evaluated according to an existing evaluation framework that covers a broad range of aspects related to the technical quality of a conversational agent including usability, but also accessibility and security. Results: Thirty-six patients recruited from two Swiss hospitals (Lindenhof group and Inselspital, Bern) and two patient organizations conducted the usability test. MIA was favorably received by the participants, who particularly noted the clarity of communication. However, there is room for improvement in the perceived quality of the conversation, the information provided, and the protection of privacy. The Q&A module achieved a precision of 0.51, a recall of 0.87 and an F-Score of 0.64 based on 114 questions asked by the participants. Security and accessibility also require improvements. Conclusion: The applied person-based process described in this paper can provide best practices for future development of medical interview assistants. The application of a standardized evaluation framework helped in saving time and ensures comparability of results.
Introduction: Psoriasis, a chronic inflammatory skin disease, is believed to be influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Despite this understanding, the clinical epidemiological status of psoriasis patients with a family history of the disease remains uncertain. Methods: In this study, we participated in a multicenter observational epidemiological study involved over 1,000 hospitals and enrolled a total of 5,927 psoriasis patients. These patients were categorized into two groups based on the presence or absence of a family history of psoriasis: family history cases (896) and sporadic cases (5,031). The clinical manifestations of these two groups were analyzed through clinical classification, comorbidities, treatment response, and other relevant factors. Results: The findings of our study indicate that individuals with a family history of psoriasis predisposition exhibit a notably elevated prevalence of psoriatic arthritis compared to those with sporadic occurrences. Moreover, patients with a family history of psoriasis display a more rapid and efficacious response to secukinumab. Additionally, individuals with moderate to severe psoriasis are at a heightened risk of developing cardiovascular and liver diseases in comparison to those with mild psoriasis, with no discernible impact of familial history on the likelihood of comorbidities. Discussion: Our study identified the clinical characteristics of individuals with a familial predisposition to psoriasis, offering novel insights into the management and therapeutic approaches for patients with this condition.
Background: One recent trend in medical education is the integration of humanities into the curriculum, including viewing works of art in museums, with analysis of short-term, but not long-term, impact. We developed a course for medical students, trainees, and faculty at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai co-taught by an art historian and a physician/medical historian that features images of great works of art to make connections between art and medical history with the following goals: 1. To encourage the students to make careful and systematic observations, describe what they see to others in the group, and exchange their views respectfully, 2. To sensitize students to the patient's experience of illness by discussing artists' depictions of patients and the impact of their illness on family and friends, and 3. To highlight milestones in medical history by focusing on artworks that epitomize the state of medical care and science at a defined point in time. We have taught the course for more than a decade and so wanted to assess whether participating in the course had a long-term impact. Methods: We created and deployed a five-question survey to 167 students and received responses from 35 of those students. Results: 97% of respondents answered that they still think about the course, and large majorities of the respondents indicated that the course, had an impact on how they viewed works of art (91%), their appreciation of the history of medicine (89%), and their observational skills (80%). More than half the students responded that the course sensitized them to the patient's perspective of illness (63%) and had an impact on how they viewed their role as a physician (51%). Conclusions: Our course has had a long-term impact on the respondents across a wide range of professional and personal characteristics.
Whilst many lessons were learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing reflection is needed to develop and maintain preparedness for future outbreaks. Within the field of infectious disease and public health there remain silos and hierarchies in interdisciplinary work, with the risk that humanities and social sciences remain on the epistemological peripheries. However, these disciplines offer insights, expertise and tools that contribute to understanding responses to disease and uptake of interventions for prevention and treatment. In this Perspective, using examples from our own cross-disciplinary research and engagement programme on vaccine hesitancy in South Africa and the United Kingdom (UK), we propose closer integration of expertise, research and methods from humanities and social sciences into pandemic preparedness.
COVID-19 , Ciências Humanas , Pandemias , Ciências Sociais , Humanos , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Reino Unido , África do Sul , SARS-CoV-2 , Hesitação Vacinal/psicologia , Saúde Pública , Preparação para PandemiaRESUMO
Background: For more than a century, scientists have tried to find the key to causation of mental ill health in heredity and genetics. The difficulty of finding clear and actionable answers in our genes has not stopped them looking. This history offers important context to understanding mental health science today. Methods: This article explores the main themes in research on genetics and inheritance in psychiatry from the second half of the nineteenth century to the present day, to address the question: what is the history of genetics as a causative explanation in mental health science? We take a critical historical approach to the literature, interrogating primary and secondary material for the light it brings to the research question, while considering the social and historical context. Results: We begin with the statistics gathered in asylums and used to 'prove' the importance of heredity in mental ill health. We then move through early twentieth century Mendelian models of mental inheritance, the eugenics movement, the influence of social psychiatry, new classifications and techniques of the postwar era, the Human Genome Project and Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) and epigenetics. Setting these themes in historical context shows that this research was often popular because of wider social, political and cultural issues, which impacted the views of scientists just as they did those of policymakers, journalists and the general public. Conclusions: We argue that attempting to unpick this complex history is essential to the modern ethics of mental health and genetics, as well as helping to focus our efforts to better understand causation in mental ill-health.For a succinct timeline of the history of psychiatric genetics, alongside the history of other proposed causes for mental ill-health, visit:
Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) showed little interest in mental disorders, the domain of nineteenth-century alienists. But hallucinations are not confined to the field of psychiatry, and Charcot, who had once tested the hallucinogenic effects of hashish in his youth, went on to describe hallucinations in the course of various neurological conditions as just another semiological element. Most of his or his disciples' writings on hallucinations can be found in his work on hysteria. Hallucinations and delusions were part of "grand hysteria" and occurred at the end of the attack (third or fourth phase). Hypnosis or chemical agents could also induce hallucinations. Charcot and his disciples did not go so far as to emphasize the importance of hallucinations when they evoked past trauma, especially sexual trauma. Charcot's materialistic orientation led him and his disciples-especially D. M. Bourneville (1840-1909), G. Gilles de la Tourette (1857-1904), and the neurologist and artist P. Richer (1849-1833)-to seek hysteria in artistic representations of "possessed women" and in the visions of nuns and mystics. Finally, Charcot recognized the importance of hallucinations in neurological semiology, by means of precise and relevant observations scattered throughout his work. Preoccupied with linking hysteria to neurology, Charcot only scratched the surface of the possible significance of hallucinations in this context, paving the way for the work of his students Pierre Janet (1859-1947) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939).
Life history trade-offs are one of the central tenets of evolutionary demography. Trade-offs, depicting negative covariances between individuals' life history traits, can arise from genetic constraints, or from a finite amount of resources that each individual has to allocate in a zero-sum game between somatic and reproductive functions. While theory predicts that trade-offs are ubiquitous, empirical studies have often failed to detect such negative covariances in wild populations. One way to improve the detection of trade-offs is by accounting for the environmental context, as trade-off expression may depend on environmental conditions. However, current methodologies usually search for fixed covariances between traits, thereby ignoring their context dependence. Here, we present a hierarchical multivariate 'covariance reaction norm' model, adapted from Martin (2023), to help detect context dependence in the expression of life-history trade-offs using demographic data. The method allows continuous variation in the phenotypic correlation between traits. We validate the model on simulated data for both intraindividual and intergenerational trade-offs. We then apply it to empirical datasets of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventer) and Soay sheep (Ovis aries) as a proof-of-concept showing that new insights can be gained by applying our methodology, such as detecting trade-offs only in specific environments. We discuss its potential for application to many of the existing long-term demographic datasets and how it could improve our understanding of trade-off expression in particular, and life history theory in general.
In 1924, at the University Hospital of Jena, Hans Berger first recorded an electrical brain signal in humans. This discovery revolutionized clinical neuroscience and neurotechnology, as it contributed to both electrophysiology and the development of the electroencephalogram (EEG). The manuscript provides a historical overview of Hans Berger's seminal contributions, highlighting the importance of his early recordings, the motivations that drove him, and the scientific problems he had to initiate and solve, in a historical context of profoundly changing circumstances. He also faced low acceptance of his works initially, and only belatedly did they become accepted by the scientific community. Berger was known to be a humble but tenacious person who believed in his convictions to the core, and this strength of will is an example of passion for students and scholars of neuroscience.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Unaffected first-degree relatives (FDRs) from families with two or more affected FDRs with Crohn's disease (CD, multiplex families) have a high risk of developing CD, although the underlying mechanisms driving this risk are poorly understood. We aimed to identify differences in biomarkers between FDRs from multiplex versus simplex families and to investigate the risk of future CD onset accounting for potential confounders. METHODS: We assessed the Crohn's and Colitis Canada Genetic Environmental Microbial (CCC-GEM) cohort of healthy FDRs of patients with CD. Genome-wide CD-polygenic risk scores (CD-PRS), urinary fractional excretion of lactulose-to-mannitol ratio (LMR), fecal calprotectin (FCP), and fecal 16S ribosomal RNA microbiome were measured at recruitment. Associations between CD multiplex status and baseline biomarkers were determined using generalized estimating equations models. Cox models were used to assess the risk of future CD onset. RESULTS: There were 4051 participants from simplex families and 334 from CD multiplex families. CD multiplex status was significantly associated with higher baseline FCP (p=0.026) but not with baseline CD-PRS or LMR. Three bacterial genera were found to be differentially abundant between both groups. CD multiplex status at recruitment was independently associated with an increased risk of developing CD (adjusted hazard ratio 3.65, 95% confidence interval 2.18 - 6.11, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Within FDRs of patients with CD, participants from multiplex families had a 3-fold increased risk of CD onset, a higher FCP, and an altered bacterial composition, but not genetic burden or altered gut permeability. These results suggest that putative environmental factors might be enriched in FDRs from multiplex families.
Background: The History, Electrocardiogram, Age, Risk factors, and Troponin I (HEART) score is a simple method to risk stratify patients with chest pain according to the risk for incidence of major adverse cardiac events (MACEs). Materials and methods: A 202-patient prospective, single center study at Sri Siddhartha Medical College, Tumkur. Patients included were those who were presented to the emergency department (ED) due to non-traumatic chest pain, irrespective of age or any previous medical treatments, and were later referred to the cardiac care unit (CCU), cardiology department (CD). The end point of the study was the incidence of MACE. Results: There was a high occurrence of endpoint-myocardial infarction (MI) as MACE among patients with a high-risk HEART score (p < 0.001). About 52 patients (81.3%) who had MI had a high-risk score and 2 patients (3.1%) who had an endpoint of MI had a low-risk score. Sensitivity of HEART score to anticipate MACE was 91%, and the specificity was 80%. Conclusions: Our prospective study demonstrates the high sensitivity of the HEART score to effectively risk stratify patients and project the phenomenon of MACE. We support the use of the HEART score as a fast and accurate risk stratification tool in the ED. How to cite this article: Anwar I, Sony D. HEART Score: Prospective Evaluation of Its Accuracy and Applicability. Indian J Crit Care Med 2024;28(8):748-752.
OBJECTIVE: There is no established consensus for screening the spine in patients with shoulder pain. The aim of this study was to explore the role of the spine in shoulder pain and generate a set of recommendations for assessing the potential involvement of the spine in patients with shoulder pain. METHODS: A modified Delphi study was conducted through use of an international shoulder physical therapist's expert panel. Three domains (clinical reasoning, history, physical examination) were evaluated using a Likert scale, with consensus defined as Aiken Validity Index ≥0.7. RESULTS: Twenty-two physical therapists participated. Consensus was reached on a total of 30 items: clinical reasoning (n = 9), history (n = 13), and physical examination (n = 8). The statement that spinal and shoulder disorders can coexist, sometimes influencing each other and at other times remaining independent issues, along with the concept of radiating pain as an explanatory phenomenon for the spine contribution to shoulder pain, achieved the highest degree of consensus. CONCLUSION: International physical therapists shoulder experts reached consensus on key aspects when screening the spine in people with shoulder pain, including consideration of the distal location of symptoms relative to the shoulder, the presence or previous history of neck pain, the changes in symptoms related to neck movements, and the presence of neuropathic-like symptoms. They also acknowledged the importance of assessing active cervical or cervicothoracic movements and the usefulness of the Spurling test and symptom modification techniques applied to the spine.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) was a merger from two parent societies: the European Neurological Association (ENS, founded in 1986) and the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS, founded in 1987). METHODS: This article was written by nine former presidents, three of whom were also founders of the ENS, and is based on recollections and documents. It follows up on a review of the ENS history stored in the EAN archive. RESULTS: The first European society (ENS) was founded by eight individual European academic clinician-neuroscientists aiming at joining with other qualified European neuroscientists on an individual membership basis. After 1990 members were also invited from behind the former Iron Curtain. A principal goal was holding neurology meetings (700 participants in 1988 and over 3000 in 2010), promoting collaborative research projects with exchange of junior neuroscientists, and providing teaching and education independent from nationality. Health politics were not part of the agenda. The executive boards (4-year term) were staffed with academic scientists from all subspecialties of neurology. Numerous bursaries and fellowships were established for junior neurologists. The impact of ENS members on research activities of young investigators was appreciated by academia at large. After years of negotiations ENS and EFNS joint efforts resulted in forming the EAN covering all fields of neurology and neuroscience under one roof. CONCLUSION: The basic principles of the ENS were successfully integrated into the new EAN in particular documented by the number of individual members rising to over 4000 in 2024.
Background: The ever-evolving game of soccer is a complex physical contact team sport, exposing its participants to injury. Objectives: To identify the point prevalence of soccer injuries among young amateur, semi-professional, and professional South African male soccer players. Methods: The participation of male amateur (n=54), semiprofessional (n=34), and professional (n=57) players provided a cross-sectional overview of the nature of the most predominant types and anatomical sites of injuries affecting soccer players (average age 23.9±4.7 years). All participants completed the Fuller soccer injury questionnaire, ISAK somatotype profiling and knee flexion/extension isokinetic concentric peak torque (Nm) evaluations at 60°/s. Results: Fifty per cent of the players sustained soccer injuries (X 2=0.9). Knee (20%) and ankle (19%) were the most vulnerable sites (X 2=0.00001). Knee-injured players' right quadriceps torque (199±37 vs 223±38 Nm) and percentage right quadriceps torque relative to body mass (286±54 vs 311 ±39%) was significantly weaker than the non-injured players (p<0.01). The injured players' right hamstrings/quadriceps (H/Q) torque ratio further significantly differed from the non-injured players' H/Q torque ratios (79±17 vs 70±9%) (p<0.01). Conclusion: Male soccer players experience neuromusculoskeletal injuries, with their knees and ankles being the most vulnerable. Knee-injured players had weaker quadriceps isokinetic strength than non-injured players.
Purpose: The natural history in unselected cohorts of patients with pheochromocytoma/ paraganglioma (PPGL) followed for a period >10 years remains limited. We aimed to describe baseline characteristics and outcome of a large cohort and to identify predictors of shorter survival. Methods: This retrospective single-center study included 303 patients with newly diagnosed PPGL from 1968 to December 31, 2023, in 199 prospectively supplemented since July 2020. Mean follow-up was 11.4 (range 0.3-50) years, germline genetic analyses were available in 92.1%. The main outcome measures were overall (OAS), disease-specific (DSS), recurrence-free (RFS) survival and predictors of shorter survival evaluated in patients with metastases at first diagnosis (n=12), metastatic (n=24) and nonmetastatic (n=33) recurrences and without evidence of PPGL after first surgery (n=234). Results: Age at study begin was 49.4 ± 16.3 years. There were 72 (23.8%) deaths, 15 (5.0%), 29 (9.6%) and 28 (9.2%) due to PPGL, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and malignant or other diseases, respectively. Median OAS, DSS1 (tumor-related) and DSS2 (DSS1 and death caused by CVD) were 4.8, 5.9 and 5.2 years (patients with metastases at first diagnosis), 21.2, 21.2 and 19.9 years, and 38.0, undefined and 38.0 years (patients with metastatic and with nonmetastatic recurrences, respectively). Major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) preceded the first diagnosis in 15% (n=44). Shorter DSS2 correlated with older age (P ≤ 0.001), male sex (P ≤ 0.02), MACE (P ≤ 0.01) and primary metastases (P<0.0001, also for DSS1). Conclusion: The clinical course of unselected patients with PPGL is rather benign. Survival rates remain high for decades, unless there are MACE before diagnosis or metastatic disease.