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Vision Res ; 225: 108490, 2024 Oct 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39362135


The motion aftereffect (MAE) and motion adaptation in general are usually considered to be universal phenomena. However, in a preliminary study using a bias-free measure of the MAE we found some individuals who showed at best a weak effect of adaptation. These same individuals also performed poorly in a "change detection" test of motion adaptation based on visual search, leading to the conjecture that there is a bimodality in the population with respect to motion adaptation. The present study tested this possibility by screening 102 participants on two versions of the change-detection task while also considering potential confounding factors including eye movements, practice-based improvements, and deficits in visual search ability. The 5 strongest and the 5 weakest change detectors were selected for further testing of motion detection and contrast detection after adaptation. Data showed an inverse association between change-detection ability and performance in the motion-detection task. We extend previous findings by also showing i) the weakest change detectors exhibit less direction selectivity in their contrast thresholds after adapting to drifting gratings and ii) the ability to detect change in motion direction correlates with the ability to detect change in spatial orientation. Group differences between the strongest and weakest change detectors cannot be attributed to a lack of practice, nor can they be explained by poor fixation ability. Our results suggest genuine individual differences in the degree to which adaptation is specific to stimulus orientation and direction of motion.

Clin Transl Med ; 14(10): e70032, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39360669


BACKGROUND: Structural income inequality - the uneven income distribution across regions or countries - could affect brain structure and function, beyond individual differences. However, the impact of structural income inequality on the brain dynamics and the roles of demographics and cognition in these associations remains unexplored. METHODS: Here, we assessed the impact of structural income inequality, as measured by the Gini coefficient on multiple EEG metrics, while considering the subject-level effects of demographic (age, sex, education) and cognitive factors. Resting-state EEG signals were collected from a diverse sample (countries = 10; healthy individuals = 1394 from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Cuba, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Turkey and United Kingdom). Complexity (fractal dimension, permutation entropy, Wiener entropy, spectral structure variability), power spectral and aperiodic components (1/f slope, knee, offset), as well as graph-theoretic measures were analysed. FINDINGS: Despite variability in samples, data collection methods, and EEG acquisition parameters, structural inequality systematically predicted electrophysiological brain dynamics, proving to be a more crucial determinant of brain dynamics than individual-level factors. Complexity and aperiodic activity metrics captured better the effects of structural inequality on brain function. Following inequality, age and cognition emerged as the most influential predictors. The overall results provided convergent multimodal metrics of biologic embedding of structural income inequality characterised by less complex signals, increased random asynchronous neural activity, and reduced alpha and beta power, particularly over temporoposterior regions. CONCLUSION: These findings might challenge conventional neuroscience approaches that tend to overemphasise the influence of individual-level factors, while neglecting structural factors. Results pave the way for neuroscience-informed public policies aimed at tackling structural inequalities in diverse populations.

Encéfalo , Eletroencefalografia , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Encéfalo/fisiologia , Adulto , Eletroencefalografia/métodos , Eletroencefalografia/estatística & dados numéricos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Adulto Jovem , Cognição/fisiologia , Renda/estatística & dados numéricos , Idoso
Ethology ; 130(8)2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39309638


Degus (Octodon degus) are a highly gregarious species of caviomorph rodent native to South America. Kinship does not appear to play a role in degu social structure, and alloparenting is often observed between unrelated females. We hypothesize that female degus readily establish new, cooperative peer relationships. Here we examined changes in dyadic behavior as individuals became more familiar, testing the prediction that interactions between female strangers would quickly resemble those of cagemates. Adult degus underwent a several week series of 20 minute "reunion" social exposures, interleaving reunions with initial strangers and, as a control, familiar cagemates. Males showed initially higher levels of interaction with strangers that converged with cagemate levels over experience. Females could be split into two groups: those that consistently interacted more with strangers (SC-HIGH) and those that did not (SC-LOW); however, unlike males, the higher interaction levels observed between strangers did not change with familiarity. Following 10 reunion sessions female strangers were housed together to create "new cagemates". Even after co-housing, SC-HIGH (but not SC-LOW) females continued to interact more with the relatively unfamiliar peer than their prior cagemate, particularly in face-to-face and rear-sniffing interactions. A final set of reunions with new strangers found that individual differences in female responses to social novelty were preserved. These results reveal sex differences in the rules relating familiarization to social relationships in degus, and that female predispositions toward cooperation may be due to inherent responses to new individuals more than to how they negotiate relationships over time.

Dev Cogn Neurosci ; 70: 101450, 2024 Sep 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39341121


Based on findings from a simulation study, Parsons and McCormick (2024) argued that growth models with exactly two time points are poorly-suited to model individual differences in linear slopes in developmental studies. Their argument is based on an empirical investigation of the increase in precision to measure individual differences in linear slopes if studies are progressively extended by adding an extra measurement occasion after one unit of time (e.g., year) has passed. They concluded that two-time point models are inadequate to reliably model change at the individual level and that these models should focus on group-level effects. Here, we show that these limitations can be addressed by deconfounding the influence of study duration and the influence of adding an extra measurement occasion on precision to estimate individual differences in linear slopes. We use asymptotic results to gauge and compare precision of linear change models representing different study designs, and show that it is primarily the longer time span that increases precision, not the extra waves. Further, we show how the asymptotic results can be used to also consider irregularly spaced intervals as well as planned and unplanned missing data. In conclusion, we like to stress that true linear change can indeed be captured well with only two time points if careful study design planning is applied before running a study.

Behav Brain Res ; 476: 115254, 2024 Sep 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39307287


The I-PACE model suggests that Internet-use disorders result from the interplay of individual vulnerabilities and cognitive and affective processes. As in substance use disorders, Pavlovian conditioning processes are attributed a key role. However, and despite progress in identifying individual vulnerabilities, factors influencing appetitive conditioning remain poorly understood. We therefore conducted a Pavlovian conditioning experiment in which individuals with risky as well as non-problematic use of either gaming or buying-shopping applications learned to associate different abstract stimuli with either gaming or buying-shopping. Regression analyses were used to identify individual characteristics influencing awareness of the experimental contingencies, speed of acquisition of awareness and the magnitude of the conditioned emotional responses regarding pleasantness and arousal ratings of the stimuli. Results demonstrated successful Pavlovian conditioning and an attentional bias towards reward-predicting cues. Awareness of the experimental contingencies was linked solely to cognitive abilities, while the speed of acquisition of awareness and the magnitude of conditioned responses was influenced by specific personality characteristics, experiences of compensation from using the application and severity of problematic use. Importantly, certain characteristics specifically predicted the magnitude of the conditioned response towards gaming, while others specifically predicted the response towards buying-shopping, highlighting differing vulnerabilities. These findings underscore the importance of targeted interventions and prevention strategies tailored to these specific vulnerability factors. Further implications and limitations are discussed.

Cogn Neurosci ; 15(3-4): 117-118, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39306673


The review article Theoretical strategies for an embodied cognitive neuroscience proposes that the embodied cognition framework can be applied to develop mechanistic explanations for cognitive neuroscience phenomena. In our commentary we argue that any mechanistic explanation of such phenomena must be able to account for individual differences in cognition that are an inevitable consequence of the varied brain-body-environment experiences that comprise embodied cognition. We propose that, while mechanistic accounts may be able to model individual differences, the definition of mechanistic models may limit their application to the study of individual differences.

Cognição , Neurociência Cognitiva , Individualidade , Humanos , Cognição/fisiologia , Encéfalo/fisiologia
Front Behav Neurosci ; 18: 1443364, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39267985


Introduction: Sex differences in vulnerability to opioid use disorder (OUD) have been reported in some clinical and preclinical studies, but findings are mixed and further research is needed in this area. The goal of this study was to compare elasticity of demand (reinforcement efficacy) in an i.v. morphine self-administration (SA) model in male and female rats using a translationally relevant behavioral economics approach. Rate of acquisition and predictors of individual differences in demand (e.g., cumulative morphine infusions during acquisition) were also evaluated in both sexes. Materials methods and results: Acquisition of morphine SA (0.4 mg/kg/infusion) under a fixed ratio (FR) 1 schedule of reinforcement was slower and infusions earned were lower in females than in males (n = 30-31/sex), but infusions earned did not differ between sexes during the FR 2 and FR 3 phases of acquisition. Increases in the FR response requirement across sessions during demand testing (FR 1-FR 96) resulted in a progressive reduction in morphine infusions in both sexes. Morphine consumption was well-described by an exponential demand function in both sexes and was associated with considerable individual vulnerability. There were no sex differences in elasticity of demand (rate of decline in morphine consumption with increasing price) or intensity of demand (consumption at zero price). A higher number of infusions earned during the FR 2 and FR 3 phases of acquisition and greater maximum response rates during demand testing were associated with lower demand elasticity (i.e., greater reinforcing efficacy) in both males and females, whereas other relationships were sex-specific (e.g., higher intensity of demand was associated with lower elasticity of demand in males but not in females). Conclusion: Our findings indicate similar elasticity of demand and predictors of individual differences in demand for morphine in male and female rats, although sex differences were observed in initial rate of acquisition and in some correlations between morphine SA measures. These data are consistent with findings of similar OUD vulnerability in males and females in some human and animal studies.

Psychol Belg ; 64(1): 145-151, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39247395


Face recognition abilities vary tremendously in the general population. People at the lower end of the spectrum, those with developmental prosopagnosia, report stress, anxiety or social interaction issues due to their poor face recognition abilities. It is thus important to develop adequate diagnostic tools convenient to use for clinicians and to examine relationships between face recognition skills and negative affects. In the present study, we provide a validated French translation of the 20-item prosopagnosia index (PI20), a self-report measure used to detect people with developmental facial identity recognition deficits (Shah et al., 2015; Tsantani et al., 2021). We also examined links between face recognition skills measured with the PI20 and a standard face recognition test (Cambridge face memory test-CFMT; Duchaine & Nakayama, 2006) and measures of social anxiety (social interaction anxiety scale, social phobia scale) and negative affects (state trait anxiety scale, Beck depression inventory). We did not find any significant correlation between the CFMT and measures of psychosocial well-being and only found a weak positive association between the PI20 and social interaction anxiety. Although this association is weak and warrants further research, raising awareness about developmental face recognition issues may help improve the well-being of people with facial identity recognition deficits and provide new investigation or intervention avenues for clinicians who treat patients with social interaction anxiety.

Adv Child Dev Behav ; 67: 200-235, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39260904


Our goal in this chapter is to describe young children's experiences with language by examining three domains-people, places, and things-that define and influence their language input. We highlight how features of each of these three domains could provide useful learning opportunities, as well as how differences in infants' and toddlers' experiences may affect their long-term language skills. However, we ultimately suggest that a full understanding of early environments must move beyond a focus on individual experiences and include the broader systems that shape young children's lives, including both tangible aspects of the environment, such as physical resources or locations, and more hidden factors, such as cultural considerations, community health, or economic constraints.

Desenvolvimento da Linguagem , Meio Social , Humanos , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Meio Ambiente
Scand J Psychol ; 2024 Sep 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39262101


INTRODUCTION: Authoritarianism and populism are used regularly to describe the individuals responsible for anti-democratic action. These two constructs share some similarities with regard to how they hinder democracy and at times have been used interchangeably to describe such issues. However, authoritarians and populists may differ with regard to their political identification, as well as how they view the government and the existing establishment. OBJECTIVES: With a US college sample, this study's goal was to examine how authoritarianism and populist attitudes influence views on pluralism, elitism, trust in government, identity fusion, and political identification (identification with American political parties). RESULTS: The findings indicated that right-wing authoritarians trusted the government, endorsed elitist attitudes, but were low on pluralism; this pattern was the opposite for those high on populist attitudes. Left-wing authoritarianism was related only to low pluralism. Moreover, low trust in the government partially mediated the link between populist attitudes and pluralism. Results also indicated that right-wing and left-wing authoritarians identified with the Republican and Democratic parties, respectively, whereas political identification was unrelated to populist attitudes. Furthermore, identity fusion partially mediated the link between right-wing authoritarianism and identification with the Republican Party. CONCLUSION: Authoritarianism and populist attitudes may explain different motivations for anti-democratic thought and behaviors. This study contributes to ongoing debates found in contemporary populism and authoritarianism research as well as different solutions to addressing their rise in mainstream politics.

Front Hum Neurosci ; 18: 1436564, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39257697


Introduction: In real-life scenarios, individuals frequently engage in tasks that involve searching for one of the distinct items stored in memory. This combined process of visual search and memory search is known as hybrid search. To date, most hybrid search studies have been restricted to average observers looking for previously well-memorized targets in blank backgrounds. Methods: We investigated the effects of context and the role of memory in hybrid search by modifying the task's memorization phase to occur in all-new single trials. In addition, we aimed to assess how individual differences in visual working memory capacity and inhibitory control influence performance during hybrid search. In an online experiment, 110 participants searched for potential targets in images with and without context. A change detection and go/no-go task were also performed to measure working memory capacity and inhibitory control, respectively. Results: We show that, in target present trials, the main hallmarks of hybrid search remain present, with a linear relationship between reaction time and visual set size and a logarithmic relationship between reaction time and memory set size. These behavioral results can be reproduced by using a simple drift-diffusion model. Finally, working memory capacity did not predict most search performance measures. Inhibitory control, when relationships were significant, could account for only a small portion of the variability in the data. Discussion: This study provides insights into the effects of context and individual differences on search efficiency and termination.

Neuroimage ; 300: 120852, 2024 Sep 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39265958


Natural Braille reading presents significant challenges to the brain networks of late blind individuals, yet its underlying neural mechanisms remain largely unexplored. Using natural Braille texts in behavioral assessments and functional MRI, we sought to pinpoint the neural pathway and information flow crucial for Braille reading performance in late blind individuals. In the resting state, we discovered a unique neural connection between the higher-order 'visual' cortex, the lateral occipital cortex (LOC), and the inferior frontal cortex (IFC) in late blind individuals, but not in sighted controls. The left-lateralized LOC-IFC connectivity was correlated with individual Braille reading proficiency. Prolonged Braille reading practice led to increased strength of this connectivity. During a natural Braille reading task, bidirectional information flow between the LOC and the IFC was positively modulated, with a predominantly stronger top-down modulation from the IFC to the LOC. This stronger top-down modulation contributed to higher Braille reading proficiency. We thus proposed a two-predictor multiple regression model to predict individual Braille reading proficiency, incorporating both static connectivity and dynamic top-down communication between the LOC-IFC link. This work highlights the dual contributions of the occipito-frontal neural pathway and top-down cognitive strategy to superior natural Braille reading performance, offering guidance for training late blind individuals.

Cogn Process ; 2024 Sep 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39285101


Retrieving information from memory enhances long-term retention. In this manuscript, we describe the dual-memory framework, which makes interval-scale predictions of the magnitude of this retrieval practice effect. After outlining the framework, we use data from our laboratory-both at the group level and at the distribution level-to fit the equations from the dual-memory framework. Overall, we successfully fitted the model predictions to the observed average data. In addition, we compared the predicted and the observed distributions of performance in the retrieval practice condition. More importantly, we introduce a useful approach to simulate empirical scenarios and test the relationship between individual-difference variables and the retrieval practice effect. We illustrate the application of this approach using data from a study that measured fluid intelligence. Future studies may benefit from contrasting different strength-based frameworks.

bioRxiv ; 2024 Aug 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39229006


Polysubstance use is prevalent in the population but remains understudied in preclinical models. Alcohol and opioid polysubstance use is associated with negative outcomes, worse treatment prognosis, and higher overdose risk; but underlying mechanisms are still being uncovered. Examining factors that motivate use of one substance over another in different contexts in preclinical models will better our understanding of polysubstance use and improve translational value. Here we assessed baseline anxiety-like and locomotive behavior and then measured voluntary consumption of multiple doses of alcohol and fentanyl in group housed male and female mice using our novel Socially Integrated Polysubstance (SIP) system. Fifty-six male (n=32) and female (n=24) adult mice were housed in groups of 4 for one week with continuous access to food, water, two doses of ethanol (5% and 10%) and two doses of fentanyl (5 ug/ml and 20 ug/ml). Our analyses revealed sex differences across multiple domains - female mice consumed more liquid in the dark cycle, had higher activity, a higher preference for both ethanol and fentanyl over water, and their fentanyl preference increased over the seven days. We then used machine-learning techniques to reveal underlying relationships between baseline behavioral phenotypes and subsequent polysubstance consumption patterns, where anxiety-and risk-taking-like behavioral phenotypes mapped onto discrete patterns of polysubstance use, preference, and escalation. By simulating more translationally relevant substance use and improving our understanding of the motivations for different patterns of consumption, this study contributes to the developing preclinical literature on polysubstance use with the goal of facilitating better treatment outcomes and novel therapeutic strategies.

bioRxiv ; 2024 Aug 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39229064


Generalization allows for experience to flexibly guide behavior when conditions change. A basic physical unit of memory storage and expression in the brain are sparse, distributed groups of neurons known as ensembles (i.e., the engram). The infralimbic (IL) subregion of the ventral medial prefrontal cortex plays a key role in modulating conditioned defensive responses. How IL neuronal ensembles established during learning contribute to generalized responses is unknown. In this set of experiments, generalization was tested in male and female mice by presenting a novel, ambiguous, tone generalization stimulus following Pavlovian defensive (fear) conditioning. The first experiment was designed to test a role for IL in generalization using chemogenetic manipulations. Results show IL bidirectionally regulates defensive behavior. IL silencing promotes a switch in defensive state from vigilant scanning to generalized freezing, while IL stimulation reduces freezing in favor of scanning. Leveraging activity-dependent tagging technology (ArcCreERT2 x eYFP system), a neuronal ensemble, preferentially located in IL superficial layer 2/3, was associated with the generalization stimulus. Remarkably, in the identical discrete location, fewer reactivated neurons were associated with the generalization stimulus at the remote timepoint (30 days) following learning. When an IL neuronal ensemble established during learning was selectively chemogenetically silenced, generalization increased. Conversely, IL neuronal ensemble stimulation reduced generalization. Overall, these data identify a crucial role for IL in suppressing generalized responses. Further, we uncover an IL neuronal ensemble, formed during learning, functions to later attenuate the expression of generalization in the presence of ambiguous threat stimuli.

Brain Res ; 1845: 149208, 2024 Aug 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39218332


There are documented individual differences among adults in the consistency of speech sound processing, both at neural and behavioural levels. Some adults show more consistent neural responses to speech sounds than others, as measured by an event-related potential called the frequency-following response (FFR); similarly, some adults show more consistent behavioural responses to native speech sounds than others, as measured by two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) and visual analog scaling (VAS) tasks. Adults also differ in how successfully they can perceive non-native speech sounds. Interestingly, it remains unclear whether these differences are related within individuals. In the current study, native English-speaking adults completed native phonetic perception tasks (2AFC and VAS), a non-native (German) phonetic perception task, and an FFR recording session. From these tasks, we derived measures of the consistency of participants' neural and behavioural responses to native speech as well as their non-native perception ability. We then examined the relationships among individual differences in these measures. Analysis of the behavioural measures revealed that more consistent responses to native sounds predicted more successful perception of unfamiliar German sounds. Analysis of neural and behavioural data did not reveal clear relationships between FFR consistency and our phonetic perception measures. This multimodal work furthers our understanding of individual differences in speech processing among adults, and may eventually lead to individualized approaches for enhancing non-native language acquisition in adulthood.

Behav Res Methods ; 2024 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39231910


Previous research on co-development has focused on modeling the relations at the group level; however, how individuals differ in co-development may provide important information as well. Recent work has used vector plots to visually explore individual differences in co-development; however, these judgements were made based on visual inspection of a vector plot rather than the calculation of metrics. Here we propose two metrics that can be used to quantify co-development at the individual level: the co-development change ratio (CCR) and the angle of co-development metric (ACM). CCR provides information about the symmetry of development, examining whether an individual grew at the same pace in one skill relative to peers as compared to growth in the other skill relative to peers. ACM represents the relative amount and direction of change on each skill. This paper provides a tutorial on how to calculate and interpret these two metrics for quantifying co-development at the individual level.

Behav Res Methods ; 2024 Sep 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39231911


This work presents a large lexical decision mega-study in Spanish, with 918 participants and 7500 words, focusing on emotional content and individual differences. The main objective was to investigate how emotional valence and arousal influence word recognition, controlling for a large number of confounding variables. In addition, as a unique contribution, the study examined the modulation of these effects by individual differences. Results indicated a significant effect of valence and arousal on lexical decision times, with an interaction between these variables. A linear effect of valence was observed, with slower recognition times for negative words and faster recognition times for positive words. In addition, arousal showed opposite effects in positive and negative words. Importantly, the effect of emotional variables was affected by personality traits (extroversion, conscientiousness and openness to experience), age and gender, challenging the 'one-size-fits-all' interpretation of emotional word processing. All data collected in the study is available to the research community: . This includes data from each participant (RTs, errors and individual differences scores), as well as values of concreteness (n = 1690), familiarity (n = 1693) and age of acquisition (n = 2171) of the words collected exclusively for this study. This is a useful resource for researchers interested not only in emotional word processing, but also in lexical processing in general and the influence of individual differences.

Int J Psychophysiol ; 205: 112427, 2024 Aug 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39218250


A popular focus in affective neuroscience research has been to map the relationships between individual differences (e.g. personality and environmental experiences) and psychophysiological responses, in order to further understand the effect of individual differences upon neurobehavioral systems that support affect and arousal. Despite this trend, there have been a lack of practical examples demonstrating how the quantification of individual differences (e.g. categorical or continuous) impacts the observed relationships between different units of analysis (e.g. self-report > psychophysiological responses). To address this gap, we conducted a two-stage aggregated meta-analysis of self-reported intolerance of uncertainty (IU) and skin conductance responses during threat extinction (k = 18, n = 1006) using different quantification choices for individual differences in self-reported intolerance of uncertainty (continuous, categorical via median split, and categorical via extremes - one standard deviation above/below). Results from the meta-analyses revealed that the different quantification techniques produced some consistent (e.g. higher IU was significantly associated with skin conductance responding during late extinction training) and inconsistent IU-related effects. Furthermore, the number of statistically significant effects and effect sizes varied based on the quantification of individual differences in IU (e.g. categorical, compared to continuous was associated with more statistically significant effects, and larger effect sizes). The current study highlights how conducting different quantification methods for individual differences may help researchers understand the individual difference construct of interest (e.g. characterisation, measurement), as well as examine the stability and reliability of individual difference-based effects and correspondence between various units of analysis.

Exp Brain Res ; 2024 Sep 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39305309


Cochlear implants (CIs) are the most successful neural prostheses, enabling individuals with severe to profound hearing loss to access sounds and understand speech. While CI has demonstrated success, speech perception outcomes vary largely among CI listeners, with significantly reduced performance in noise. This review paper summarizes prior findings on speech-evoked cortical activities in adult CI listeners using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to understand (a) speech-evoked cortical processing in CI listeners compared to normal-hearing (NH) individuals, (b) the relationship between these activities and behavioral speech recognition scores, (c) the extent to which current fNIRS-measured speech-evoked cortical activities in CI listeners account for their differences in speech perception, and (d) challenges in using fNIRS for CI research. Compared to NH listeners, CI listeners had diminished speech-evoked activation in the middle temporal gyrus (MTG) and in the superior temporal gyrus (STG), except one study reporting an opposite pattern for STG. NH listeners exhibited higher inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) activity when listening to CI-simulated speech compared to natural speech. Among CI listeners, higher speech recognition scores correlated with lower speech-evoked activation in the STG, higher activation in the left IFG and left fusiform gyrus, with mixed findings in the MTG. fNIRS shows promise for enhancing our understanding of cortical processing of speech in CI listeners, though findings are mixed. Challenges include test-retest reliability, managing noise, replicating natural conditions, optimizing montage design, and standardizing methods to establish a strong predictive relationship between fNIRS-based cortical activities and speech perception in CI listeners.