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Oecologia ; 206(1-2): 175-186, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39369081


Fire is a major disturbance affecting ecosystems globally, but its impact on mutualisms has received minimal attention. Here, we use a long-term field experiment to investigate the impact of different fire regimes on globally important ant-honeydew and ant-extrafloral nectar (EFN) mutualistic interactions in an Australian tropical savanna. These interactions provide ants with a key energy source, while their plant and hemipteran hosts receive protection services. We examined ant interactions on species of Eucalyptus (lacking EFNs) and Acacia (with EFNs) in three replicate plots each of burning every 2 and 3 years early in the dry season, burning late in the dry season every 2 years, and unburnt for > 25 years. The proportions of plants with ant-honeydew interactions in Acacia (44.6%) and Eucalyptus (36.3%) were double those of Acacia plants with ant-EFN interactions (18.9%). The most common ants, representing 85% of all interactions, were behaviourally dominant species of Oecophylla, Iridomyrmex and Papyrius. Fire promoted the incidence of ant interactions, especially those involving EFNs on Acacia, which occurred on only 3% of plants in unburnt plots compared with 24% in frequently burnt plots. Fire also promoted the relative incidence of behaviourally dominant ants, which are considered the highest quality mutualists. Contrary to expectations, frequent fire did not result in a switching of behaviourally dominant ant partners from forest-adapted Oecophylla to arid-adapted Iridomyrmex. Our findings that frequent fire increases ant interactions mediated by honeydew and extrafloral nectar, and promotes the quality of ant mutualists, have important implications for protective services provided by ants in highly fire-prone ecosystems.

Formigas , Incêndios , Pradaria , Néctar de Plantas , Animais , Formigas/fisiologia , Austrália , Acacia , Simbiose , Eucalyptus , Ecossistema , Clima Tropical
Meat Sci ; 216: 109579, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38959639


Fatty acid profile, physicochemical composition, and carcass traits of 32 young Nellore bulls were assessed following the supplementation of Acacia mearnsii extract at levels of 0, 10, 30, and 50 g/kg of total dry matter (DM) in a completely randomized experiment with four treatments and eight replicates. Adding 50 g/kg DM of condensed tannins (CT) from Acacia mearnsii in the bulls' diet reduced DM intake, average daily gain, and meat lipid oxidation (P ≤ 0.05). The pH, centesimal composition, collagen, and meat color indexes of the longissimus muscle were not altered by the addition of Acacia mearnsii (P > 0.05). Cooling loss increased (P = 0.049) linearly. Including Acacia mearnsii in diet reduced the Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF, P = 0.018) of longissimus muscle of the bulls. The concentration of C16:0, C17:0, C24:0, t9,10,11,16-18:1, c9t11-18:2, C18:2n-6, C20:4n-6, 20:5n-3, 22:5n-3, and 22:6n-3 in the muscle increased due to the addition of Acacia in the diet (P ≤ 0.05), with the highest muscle concentrations caused by the addition of 10 to 30 g Acacia. c9-18:1 and t16-18:1 reduced linearly. Æ©SFA, Æ©BI, Æ©cis- and Æ©MUFA, Æ©n-3, Æ©n-6, and Æ©PUFA (P ≤ 0.05) quadratically increased at higher concentrations of addition of Acacia, above 30 g/kg DM. It is recommended to include Acacia mearnsii extract up to 30 g/kg total DM in diets for young bulls as it improves CLA, PUFA and TI and reduces lipid oxidation. Acacia mearnsii extract as source of CT at 50 g/kg DM negatively impacted the young bulls performance.

Acacia , Ração Animal , Dieta , Ácidos Graxos , Músculo Esquelético , Extratos Vegetais , Carne Vermelha , Animais , Bovinos , Acacia/química , Masculino , Carne Vermelha/análise , Músculo Esquelético/química , Ração Animal/análise , Ácidos Graxos/análise , Dieta/veterinária , Extratos Vegetais/química , Cor , Resistência ao Cisalhamento , Suplementos Nutricionais
Molecules ; 29(7)2024 Apr 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38611939


Biosynthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are widely used in varied applications, which are morphology dependent. Consequently, a morphology-controlled synthesis is mandatory. Although there are several studies focused on the plant extract-based biosynthesis of metallic nanoparticles, the use of extracts obtained from agro-wastes is scant. Furthermore, information regarding morphology modification through the use of additional agents is even more scarce. Thus, in this study, AgNPs were synthesized using a malt extract (ME) obtained from an artisanal beer brewing process residue. Additionally, sodium chloride (NaCl), gum arabic (GA), and talc (T) were used in an attempt to modify the morphology of AgNPs. XRD, DLS, SEM, and TEM results demonstrate that stable AgNPs of different sizes and shapes were synthesized. FTIR, HPLC analysis, and the quantification of total proteins, free amino acids, reducing sugars, and total polyphenols before and after AgNPs synthesis showed that ME biomolecules allowed them to act as a source of reducing and stabilizing agents. Therefore, this study provides evidence that ME can be successfully used to biosynthesize AgNPs. Additionally, the antibacterial activity of AgNPs against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria was evaluated. Results indicate that AgNPs show a higher antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria.

Acacia , Nanopartículas Metálicas , Cerveja , Prata , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Cloreto de Sódio
Int J Phytoremediation ; 26(10): 1537-1544, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38529629


Many contaminated tailings throughout the world cause environmental and human-health related problems due to air and water drift. Tailing phytostabilization is a promising solution, but only certain plant species may tolerate and grow in these contaminated areas. We analyzed the chemical properties of a vegetated and unvegetated area in a tailing site in Central Chile. In addition, in the vegetated area we analyzed the metals content of roots, stems, and foliage in 41-years old plantations of Pinus radiata, Acacia dealbata, and Eucalyptus globulus (the only three species that survived from a total of 34 species planted), and determined height (H), and diameter at breast height (DBH). The results indicated that, except for pH, Se, Pb, and organic matter, all components (nutrients and metals) were two- to three- fold lower in the vegetated tailing compared to that of the unvegetated tailing. The analysis of plant tissues indicated that Cu was higher in the roots of P. radiata (2,073 mg kg-1) and lower in the stems of the same species (4.1 mg kg-1). However, the ability to take up and transport Cu to the shoots was higher in A. dealbata and lower in P. radiata (bioaccumulation factor of 0.19 and 0.06, respectively).

Here we present results for the first long-term phytostabilization project of copper mine tailings in Chile. From the 34 native and exotic species established in 1980 in a mine tailing disposal site with 1,000 mg Cu kg−1, only the exotic Pinus radiata, Acacia dealbata and Eucalyptus globulus were able to survive and adapt to the tailing conditions the last 41 years. This corroborates their potential for the future phytostabilization of copper mine wastes.

Acacia , Biodegradação Ambiental , Cobre , Eucalyptus , Mineração , Pinus , Poluentes do Solo , Eucalyptus/metabolismo , Acacia/metabolismo , Pinus/metabolismo , Cobre/metabolismo , Poluentes do Solo/metabolismo , Chile , Raízes de Plantas/metabolismo
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 205-215, feb. 2024. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528814


SUMMARY: This study assessed the effects of Acacia Senegal (AS) combined with insulin on Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) activity and mRNA expression, serum glucose, renal function, and oxidative stress in a rat model of diabetic nephropathy (DN). Sixty rats were equally divided into six groups: normal control, normal+AS, diabetic (DM), DM+insulin, DM+AS, and DM+insulin+AS groups. Diabetes mellitus (type 1) was induced by a single injection of streptozotocin (65 mg/kg), and insulin and AS treatments were carried until rats were culled at the end of week 12. Serum glucose and creatinine levels, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) were measured. Renal homogenate levels of NKA activity and gene expression, malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and reduced glutathione (GSH) were evaluated as well as kidney tissue histology and ultrastructure. Diabetes caused glomerular damage and modulation of blood and tissue levels of creatinine, glucose, HbA1c, malondialdehyde, NKA activity and gene expression, SOD, catalase and GSH, which were significantly (p<0.05) treated with AS, insulin, and insulin plus AS. However, AS+insulin treatments were more effective. In conclusion, combined administration of AS with insulin to rats with DN decreased NKA activity and gene expression as well as oxidative stress, and improved glycemic state and renal structure and function.

Este estudio evaluó los efectos de Acacia senegal (AS) combinada con insulina sobre la actividad Na+/K+- ATPasa (NKA) y la expresión de ARNm, la glucosa sérica, la función renal y el estrés oxidativo en un modelo de nefropatía diabética (ND) en ratas. Sesenta ratas se dividieron equitativamente en seis grupos: control normal, normal+AS, diabética (DM), DM+insulina, DM+AS y DM+insulina+AS. La diabetes mellitus (tipo 1) se indujo mediante una única inyección de estreptozotocina (65 mg/kg), y los tratamientos con insulina y AS se llevaron a cabo hasta que las ratas fueron sacrificadas al final de la semana 12. Se midieron niveles séricos de glucosa y creatinina, hemoglobina A1c (HbA1c). Se evaluaron los niveles de homogeneizado renal de actividad NKA y expresión génica, malondialdehído, superóxido dismutasa (SOD), catalasa y glutatión reducido (GSH), así como la histología y ultraestructura del tejido renal. La diabetes causó daño glomerular y modulación de los niveles sanguíneos y tisulares de creatinina, glucosa, HbA1c, malondialdehído, actividad y expresión génica de NKA, SOD, catalasa y GSH, los cuales fueron tratados significativamente (p<0,05) con AS, insulina e insulina más AS. Sin embargo, los tratamientos con AS+insulina fueron más efectivos. En conclusión, la administración combinada de AS con insulina a ratas con DN disminuyó la actividad de NKA y la expresión genética, así como el estrés oxidativo, y mejoró el estado glucémico y la estructura y función renal.

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Extratos Vegetais/administração & dosagem , ATPase Trocadora de Sódio-Potássio/efeitos dos fármacos , Nefropatias Diabéticas/tratamento farmacológico , Acacia/química , Superóxido Dismutase , Hemoglobinas Glicadas/análise , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Expressão Gênica , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , ATPase Trocadora de Sódio-Potássio/genética , Estresse Oxidativo , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Quimioterapia Combinada , Controle Glicêmico , Insulina/administração & dosagem , Rim/efeitos dos fármacos , Malondialdeído
Environ Geochem Health ; 46(2): 32, 2024 Jan 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38227159


Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among the most studied organic compounds in urban environments, due to their known threat to human health. This study extends the current knowledge regarding the ability of different vegetative parts of different tree species to accumulate PAHs. Moreover, exposure intensity to PAHs in areas frequented by population susceptible to adverse health effects of air pollution is evaluated. For this, leaves and barks of Sambucus nigra (S. nigra) and Acacia melanoxylon (A. melanoxylon) were collected at urban areas in the Andean city of Quito, at seven points near hospitals and schools. A methodology, previously developed, for the extraction, purification, and quantification of PAHs associated with the leaves and bark of S. nigra was employed and also validated for leaves and bark of A. melanoxylon. The total PAH level varied from 119.65 ng g-1 DW (dry weight) to 1969.98 ng g-1 DW (dry weight) with naphthalene (Naph), fluoranthene (Flt), pyrene (Pyr), chrysene (Chry), and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) predominating in all samples. The results indicate that the leaves and bark of tree species studied have certain abilities to bio-accumulate PAH according to their molecular weight. The leaves of S. nigra and bark of A. melanoxylon showed the highest ability to accumulate PAHs, mainly those with high and medium molecular weight, respectively. The highest incidence of light molecular weight PAHs was found in the leaves of A. melanoxylon. Furthermore, coal combustion, biomass burning, and vehicle emissions were identified as the main PAHs sources. Concentrations of PAHs associated with tree species suggest an affectation in areas frequented by populations susceptible to air pollution. This fact shows the importance of regulatory scheme to significantly improve the air quality in the city integrating a knowledge-based decision-making.

Acacia , Fabaceae , Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos , Sambucus nigra , Humanos , Instituições Acadêmicas
Nat Prod Res ; 38(6): 1054-1059, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37157912


Owing to the potentially harmful adverse effects of current anti-inflammatory drugs, there is a need to identify new alternative substances. Thus, this study aimed to perform a phytochemical analysis of A. polyphylla to identify compounds responsible for its anti-inflammatory activity. Several fractions of the A. polyphylla extract were obtained and evaluated in an ex vivo anti-inflammatory assay using fresh human blood. Among the evaluated fractions, the BH fraction displayed the highest percentage of PGE2 inhibition (74.8%) compared to the reference drugs dexamethasone and indomethacin, demonstrating its excellent potential for anti-inflammatory activity. Astragalin (P1), a known 3-O-glucoside of kaempferol, was isolated from the A. polyphylla extract for the first time. In addition, a new compound (P2) was isolated and identified as the apigenin-3-C-glycosylated flavonoid. Astragalin showed moderate PGE2 activity (48.3%), whereas P2 was not anti-inflammatory. This study contributes to the phytochemical studies of A. polyphylla and confirms its anti-inflammatory potential.

Acacia , Fabaceae , Humanos , Flavonoides/farmacologia , Flavonoides/química , Apigenina/farmacologia , Anti-Inflamatórios/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/química , Fabaceae/química , Compostos Fitoquímicos
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e260721, 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374676


Forest restoration is mainly based on plant-soil relationships and plant species with economic potential, but those between insects and other arthropods are also important to this reestablishment. The objective was to evaluate, during 24 months, the relationships between tending ants, Hemiptera phytophagous, predators and their distribution pattern (aggregated, random or uniform). The arthropods were sampled, stored and identified and their relationships and distribution patterns calculated with the BioDiversity-Pro software. The number of tending ants and phytophagous Hemiptera, Brachymyrmex sp. and Aethalion reticulatum, Cephalotes and Aleyrodidae were positively correlated. Tending ants were negatively correlated with Sternorrhyncha predators on A. auriculiformis saplings. The distribution of arthropods was aggregated, except for Teudis sp. and Cephalocoema sp., with a random pattern. The herbivores Stereoma anchoralis, Aethalion reticulatum and Tetragonisca angustula and the predators Brachymyrmex sp. and Dolichopodidae were the most abundant arthropods. The relationships between the arthropods studied on A. auriculiformis indicate that this plant, even introduced, is suitable for programs to recover degraded areas in the savannah.

A restauração florestal é baseada nas relações planta-solo e espécies vegetais com potencial econômico, mas aquelas entre insetos e outros artópodes são, também, importantes para esse processo. O objetivo foi avaliar as relações entre formigas, fitófagos Hemiptera e predadores e a distribuição (agregada, aleatória ou regular) de artrópodes, por 24 meses, em mudas de Acacia auriculiformis utilizadas na recuperação de áreas degradadas. Os artrópodes foram amostrados, armazenados e identificados e suas relações e padrões de distribuição calculados com o software BioDiversity-Pro. Os números de formigas cuidadoras se correlacionaram, positivamente, com os dos Hemiptera fitófagos Aethalion reticulatum, Brachymyrmex sp. e Cephalotes e Aleyrodidae. Insetos cuidadores de Hemiptera foram, negativamente, correlacionados com predadores Sternorrhyncha em plantas de A. auriculiformis. A distribuição dos artrópodes foi agregada, exceto Teudis sp. e Cephalocoema sp., com padrão aleatório. Aethalion reticulatum, Stereoma anchoralis e Tetragonisca angustula foram os herbívoros e Brachymyrmex sp. e Dolichopodidae os predadores mais abundantes. As relações entre os artrópodes estudados em A. auriculiformis indicam que esta planta, mesmo introduzida, é adequada para programas de recuperação de áreas degradadas no cerrado.

Animais , Formigas , Aranhas , Pradaria , Acacia , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e265065, 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403860


Biochemical markers such as protein are very important to determine genetic diversity among plant species in a given population which in turn is very important for breeders and farmers as they can then easily select the most appropriate variety to grow in a given locality. In this connection, the present study is aimed to evaluate genetic diversity in Acacia modesta germplasm through Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) technique. About 40 genotypes were subjected to SDS-PAGE analysis where a total of 12 polypeptide bands were observed in electrophoretogram. Out of which 16.67% were monomorphic while the remaining 83.33% were polymorphic. Variation found in B-2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, were 20, 22.50, 32.50, 10, 2.50, 22.50, 15, 5, 2.50 and 75% respectively. Locus contribution toward genetic disagreement was 83.33%. Cluster analysis sorted all the genotypes into 9 clusters. The genotypes in one cluster were identical regarding protein profiling and showed less intra-specific genetic variation whereas differences were find from other genotypes.

Marcadores bioquímicos, como proteínas, são muito importantes para determinar a diversidade genética entre espécies de plantas em determinada população, o que, por sua vez, é muito importante para criadores e agricultores, pois eles podem selecionar facilmente a variedade mais adequada para crescer em certa localidade. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a diversidade genética em germoplasma de Acacia modesta por meio da técnica de Eletroforese em Gel de Poliacrilamida com Dodecil Sulfato de Sódio (SDS-PAGE). Cerca de 40 genótipos foram submetidos à análise SDS-PAGE, em que foi observado um total de 12 bandas polipeptídicas no eletroforetograma. Destes, 16,67% eram monomórficos, enquanto os 83,33% restantes eram polimórficos. As variações encontradas em B-2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 e 12 foram de 20, 22,50, 32,50, 10, 2,50, 22,50, 15, 5, 2,50 e 75%, respectivamente. A contribuição do lócus para a discordância genética foi de 83,33%. A análise de agrupamento classificou todos os genótipos em 9 agrupamentos. Os genótipos em um cluster foram idênticos em relação ao perfil de proteínas e apresentaram menor variação genética intraespecífica, enquanto diferenças foram encontradas em outros genótipos.

Variação Genética , Eletroforese em Gel de Poliacrilamida/métodos , Acacia
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e252088, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345543


Abstract Acacia mangium is a pioneer species with fast growth and frequently used in the recovery of degraded areas. The objectives were to evaluate insects and spiders, their ecological indices and interactions on A. mangium saplings in a tropical degraded area in recovering process. The experimental design was completely randomized with 24 replications, with treatments represented by the first and second years after A. mangium seedling planted. Numbers of leaves/branch, branches/sapling, and ground cover by A. mangium saplings, Hemiptera: Phenacoccus sp. and Pachycoris torridus; Hymenoptera: Tetragonisca angustula and Trigona spinipes, Brachymyrmex sp., Camponotus sp. and Cephalotes sp.; Blattodea: Nasutitermes sp. and Neuroptera: Chrysoperla sp.; abundance, species richness of pollinating insects, tending ants, and the abundance of Sternorrhyncha predators were greatest in the second year after planting. Numbers of Hemiptera: Aethalium reticulatum, Hymenoptera: Camponotus sp., Cephalotes sp., Polybia sp., T. angustula, T. spinipes, tending ants, pollinating insects, Sternorrhyncha predators and species richness of tending ants were highest on A. mangium saplings with greatest numbers of leaves or branches. The increase in the population of arthropods with ground cover by A. mangium saplings age increase indicates the positive impact by this plant on the recovery process of degraded areas.

Resumo Acacia mangium é uma espécie pioneira, de rápido crescimento e utilizada na recuperação de áreas degradadas. Os objetivos foram avaliar insetos e aranhas, seus índices ecológicos e interações com plantas de A. mangium em área tropical degradada em processo de recuperação. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com 24 repetições, com os tratamentos representados pelos primeiro e segundo anos após a plantio de A. mangium. Os números de folhas/galhos, galhos/plantas e cobertura do solo por plantas de A. mangium, de Hemiptera: Phenacoccus sp. e Pachycoris torridus; Hymenoptera: Tetragonisca angustula e Trigona spinipes, Brachymyrmex sp., Camponotus sp. e Cephalotes sp.; Blattodea: Nasutitermes sp. e Neuroptera: Chrysoperla sp.; a abundância, riqueza de espécies de insetos polinizadores, formigas cuidadoras e a abundância de predadores de Sternorrhyncha foram maiores no segundo ano após o plantio. Os números de Hemiptera: Aethalium reticulatum, Hymenoptera: Camponotus sp., Cephalotes sp., Polybia sp., T. angustula, T. spinipes, formigas cuidadoras, insetos polinizadores, predadores de Sternorrhyncha e a riqueza de espécies de formigas cuidadoras foram maiores em plantas de A. mangium com maior altura e número de folhas ou galhos. O aumento populacional de artrópodes e da cobertura do solo com o processo de envelhecimento das plantas de A. mangium indicam impacto positivo dessa planta na recuperação de áreas degradadas.

Animais , Aranhas , Acacia , Insetos , Biomarcadores Ambientais , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253218, 2024. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355863


Abstract Indices are used to help on decision-making. This study aims to develop and test an index, which can determine the loss (e.g., herbivorous insects) and solution (e.g., natural enemies) sources. They will be classified according to their importance regarding the ability to damage or to reduce the source of damage to the system when the final production is unknown. Acacia auriculiformis (Fabales: Fabaceae), a non-native pioneer species in Brazil with fast growth and rusticity, is used in restoration programs, and it is adequate to evaluate a new index. The formula was: Percentage of the Importance Indice-Production Unknown (% I.I.-PU) = [(ks1 x c1 x ds1)/Σ (ks1 x c1 x ds1) + (ks2 x c2 x ds2) + (ksn x cn x dsn)] x 100. The loss sources Aethalion reticulatum L., 1767 (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Stereoma anchoralis Lacordaire, 1848 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and Tettigoniidae, and solution sources Uspachus sp. (Araneae: Salticidae), Salticidae (Araneae), and Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1877) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) showed the highest % I.I.-PU on leaves of A. auriculiformis saplings. The number of Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was reduced per number of Salticidae; that of A. reticulatum that of Uspachus sp.; and that of Cephalocoema sp. (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) that of P. termitarius on A. auriculiformis saplings. However, the number of Aleyrodidae was increased per number of Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and that of A. reticulatum that of Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on A. auriculiformis saplings. The A. reticulatum damage was reduced per number of Uspachus sp., but the Aleyrodidae damage was increased per number of Cephalotes sp., totaling 23.81% of increase by insect damages on A. auriculiformis saplings. Here I show and test the % I.I.-PU. It is an new index that can detect the loss or solution sources on a system when production is unknown. It can be applied in some knowledge areas.

Resumo Índices são usados para ajudar na tomada de decisões. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e testar um índice capaz de determinar fontes de perda (ex.: insetos herbívoros) e de solução (ex.: inimigos naturais). Eles serão classificados de acordo com sua importância quanto a habilidade de danificar ou reduzir danos no sistema, quando a produção final é desconhecida. Acacia auriculiformis (Fabales: Fabaceae), uma espécie pioneira não nativa do Brasil com rápido crescimento e rusticidade, usada em programas de restauração, é adequada para avaliar um novo índice. A fórmula foi: Porcentagem de Índice de Importância-Produção Desconhecida (% I.I.-PD) = [(ks1 x c1 x ds1)/Σ (ks1 x c1 x ds1) + (ks2 x c2 x ds2) + (ksn x cn x dsn)] x 100. As fontes de perda Aethalion reticulatum L., 1767 (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Stereoma anchoralis Lacordaire, 1848 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) e Tettigoniidae, e as fontes de solução Uspachus sp. (Araneae: Salticidae), Salticidae (Araneae) e Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1877) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) apresentaram maiores % I.I.-PD nas folhas das mudas de A. auriculiformis. O número de Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) foi reduzido pelo número de Salticidae; o de A. reticulatum pelo de Uspachus sp.; e o de Cephalocoema sp. (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) pelo de P. termitarius em mudas de A. auriculiformis. Entretanto, o número de Aleyrodidae foi aumentado pelo número de Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) e o de A. reticulatum pelo de Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em mudas de A. auriculiformis. O dano de A. reticulatum foi reduzido pelo número de Uspachus sp., mas o dano de Aleyrodidae foi aumentado pelo número de Cephalotes sp., totalizando 23,81% de aumento de danos em mudas de A. auriculiformis. Aqui eu apresento e testo o % I.I.-PD. Ele é um novo índice capaz de detectar fontes de perda e de solução no sistema quando não se conhece a produção final. Ele pode ser aplicado em algumas áreas do conhecimento.

Animais , Formigas , Besouros , Acacia , Hemípteros , Insetos
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 30(52): 113055-113067, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37848795


Black wattle (Acacia mearnsii De Wild.) barks are residues produced by tannin industries in huge quantities, which are normally discharged on environmental or used for energy production. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the use of black wattle bark residues as a raw material on obtaining of a rich-cellulose material by alkaline (MET1), acetosolv (MET2), and organosolv (MET3) procedures. The results obtained indicated that the alkaline methodology, followed by a bleaching step (MET1), promoted klason lignin and hemicellulose removals more efficiently. It was possible to observe that better results were achieved using NaOH concentration of 6% (wt%), at 65 °C for 2.5 h, presenting a yield of 63.24 ± 1.25%, and a reduction on klason lignin content of almost 90.45%. Regarding the bleaching step, it was possible to obtain a material free of non-cellulosic compounds with a yield of 78.28 ± 1.48%. Thermogravimetric analysis indicated the removal of lignin and hemicellulose as well as an increase in cellulose degradation temperature, due to changes in crystalline phases. According to X-ray diffraction (XRD), the procedures employed have led to an increase in crystallinity from 66.27 to 91.78% due to the removal of non-cellulosic compounds. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed morphological alterations in accordance with the removal of non-cellulosic compounds.

Acacia , Celulose , Animais , Celulose/química , Lignina/metabolismo , Acacia/química , Casca de Planta/química , Crista e Barbelas/metabolismo
J Ethnobiol Ethnomed ; 19(1): 29, 2023 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37434227


BACKGROUND: To understand how local ecological knowledge changes and adapts, here in the case of the recent introduction of plant species, we report the knowledge and perceptions of the Ndjuka (Maroon) of French Guiana concerning two tree species, Acacia mangium and niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia), which are categorized as "invasive alien plants" in the savannas of their territory. METHODS: To this end, semi-structured interviews were conducted between April and July 2022, using a pre-designed questionnaire, plant samples and photographs. The uses, local ecological knowledge, and representations of these species were surveyed among populations of Maroon origin in western French Guiana. All responses to closed questions collected during the field survey were compiled into an Excel spreadsheet in order to perform quantitative analyses, including the calculation of use reports (URs). RESULTS: It appears that the local populations have integrated these two plant species, which are named, used and even traded, into their knowledge systems. On the other hand, neither foreignness nor invasiveness seem to be relevant concepts in the perspective of the informants. The usefulness of these plants is the determining factor of their integration into the Ndjuka medicinal flora, thus resulting in the adaptation of their local ecological knowledge. CONCLUSION: In addition to highlighting the need for the integration of the discourse of local stakeholders into the management of "invasive alien species," this study also allows us to observe the forms of adaptation that are set in motion by the arrival of a new species, particularly within populations that are themselves the result of recent migrations. Our results furthermore indicate that such adaptations of local ecological knowledge can occur very quickly.

Acacia , Emigrantes e Imigrantes , Melaleuca , Humanos , Guiana Francesa , Espécies Introduzidas
Vet Parasitol ; 320: 109971, 2023 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37331171


Acacia bilimekii is a plant with a high content of protein, fibre, and condensed tannins, making it an excellent feed for small ruminants with anthelmintic potential. This study aimed to evaluate the ovicidal activity of a hydroalcoholic extract (Ab-HA) and fractions from A. bilimekii aerial parts on Haemonchus contortus. The ovicidal activity of the Ab-HA extract and its fractions obtained by chromatographic fractionation were evaluated through the egg hatching inhibition (EHI) test. The results showed that the Ab-HA extract had 91% EHI at 20,000 µg/mL with a mean effective concentration (EC50) of 9260 µg/mL. After liquid-liquid fractionation of Ab-HA extract, the aqueous fraction (Ab-Aq) did not show ovicidal activity, whereas the organic fraction (Ab-EtOAc) showed a better EHI than the Ab-HA extract (98.9% at 2500 µg/mL). Then, the chemical fractionation of Ab-EtOAc allowed obtaining six bioactive fractions (AbR12-17) with an EHI greater than 90% at 1500 µg/mL. The best treatment was AbR15 (98.7% EHI at 750 µg/mL). Chemical analysis by HPLC-PDA of AbR15 indicated the presence of p-coumaric acid and the flavone luteolin as major compounds. Additionally, the commercial p-coumaric acid standard was evaluated in the EHI assay and showed an EHI of 97% at 62.5 µg/mL. Meanwhile, the confocal laser scanning microscopy analysis demonstrated a colocalization effect between p-coumaric acid and the H. contortus embryonated eggs. These results indicate that due to their major chemical compounds (including p-coumaric acid), the aerial parts of the plant A. bilimekii, could be considered as natural potential tool for controlling haemonchosis in small ruminants.

Acacia , Anti-Helmínticos , Haemonchus , Animais , Acacia/química , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/química , Óvulo , Anti-Helmínticos/farmacologia , Anti-Helmínticos/química , Larva , Componentes Aéreos da Planta
Sci Rep ; 13(1): 9340, 2023 06 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37291243


Based on the niche conservatism hypothesis, i.e. the idea that niches remain unchanged over space and time, climatic niche modelling (CNM) is a useful tool for predicting the spread of introduced taxa. Recent advances have extended such predictions deeper in time for plant species dispersed by humans before the modern era. The latest CNMs successfully evaluate niche differentiation and estimate potential source areas for intriguing taxa such as archaeophytes (i.e., species introduced before 1492 AD). Here, we performed CNMs for Acacia caven, a common Fabaceae tree in South America, considered an archaeophyte west of the Andes, in Central Chile. Accounting for the infraspecific delimitation of the species, our results showed that even when climates are different, climatic spaces used by the species overlap largely between the eastern and western ranges. Despite slight variation, results were consistent when considering one, two, or even three-environmental dimensions, and in accordance with the niche conservatism hypothesis. Specific distribution models calibrated for each region (east vs west) and projected to the past, indicate a common area of occupancy available in southern Bolivia-northwest Argentina since the late Pleistocene, which could have acted as a source-area, and this signal becomes stronger through the Holocene. Then, in accordance with a taxon introduced in the past, and comparing regional vs continental distribution models calibrated at the infraspecific or species level, the western populations showed their spread status to be mostly in equilibrium with the environment. Our study thus indicates how niche and species distribution models are useful to improve our knowledge related to taxa introduced before the modern era.

Acacia , Fabaceae , Humanos , Espécies Introduzidas , Chile , Plantas , Ecossistema
Braz J Biol ; 83: e267130, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37075423


Acacia mangium (Willd.) (Fabales: Fabaceae) tree shows applicability in programs to recover degraded areas due to its fast-growing, rustic, pioneer species, with the potential to fix nitrogen. However, this plant is attacked by pests. It is important to know, among them, the most important. This study aims to evaluate the herbivorous insects (loss sources) and their natural enemies (solution sources) on 48 A. mangium saplings. They were classified according to their ability to damage or reduce the source of damage on these saplings using the percentage of the Importance Index-Production Unknown (% I.I.-P.U.). The loss sources Trigona spinipes Fabr. (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Phenacoccus sp. (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), Aethalion reticulatum L. (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), and Tropidacris collaris Stoll. (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), showed the highest % I.I.-P.U. on leaves of A. mangium saplings. The solution sources Oxyopidae (Araneae), Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), and Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), showed the highest % I.I.-P.U. on leaves of A. mangium saplings. The number of Lordops sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) was reduced per number of Brachymyrmex sp.; that of T. collaris those of Oxyopidae and Brachymyrmex sp.; and that of Tettigoniidae that of P. termitarius, totaling 8.93% of reduction of these herbivorous insects (numbers) on A. mangium saplings. These herbivorous insects turn into problems in commercial plantations of this plant since to are related to pests in some crops. These tending ants and Oxyopidae can be important on A. mangium commercial crops because they can reduce the number of these herbivorous insects.

Acacia , Formigas , Artrópodes , Fabaceae , Hemípteros , Aranhas , Animais , Abelhas , Insetos
J Dairy Sci ; 106(5): 3203-3216, 2023 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37028971


The supplementation of dairy cows with tannins can reduce the ruminal degradation of dietary protein and urine N excretion, but high concentration in the diet can impair ruminal function, diet digestibility, feed intake, and milk yield. This study evaluated the effect of low concentrations (0, 0.14, 0.29, or 0.43% of diet in DM basis) of a tannin extract from the bark of Acacia mearnsii (TA) on milking performance, dry matter intake (DMI), digestibility, chewing behavior, ruminal fermentation, and N partition of dairy cows. Twenty Holstein cows (34.7 ± 4.8 kg/d, 590 ± 89 kg, and 78 ± 33 d in lactation) were individually fed a sequence of 4 treatments in 5, 4 × 4 Latin squares (with 21-d treatment periods, each with a 14-d adaptation period). The TA replaced citrus pulp in the total mixed ration and other feed ingredients were kept constant. Diets had 17.1% crude protein, mostly from soybean meal and alfalfa haylage. The TA had no detected effect on DMI (22.1 kg/d), milk yield (33.5 kg/d), and milk components. The proportions in milk fat of mixed origin fatty acids (16C and 17C) and the daily secretion of unsaturated fatty acids were linearly reduced and the proportion of de novo fatty acids was increased by TA. Cows fed TA had linear increase in the molar proportion of butyrate and linear reduction in propionate in ruminal fluid, whereas acetate did not differ. There was a tendency for the ratio of acetate to propionate to be linearly increased by TA. Cows fed TA had a linear reduction in the relative ruminal microbial yield, estimated by the concentrations of allantoin and creatinine in urine and body weight. The total-tract apparent digestibility of neutral detergent fiber, starch, and crude protein also did not differ. The TA induced a linear increase in meal size and duration of the first daily meal and reduced meal frequency. Rumination behavior did not differ with treatment. Cows fed 0.43% TA selected against feed particles >19 mm in the morning. There were tendencies for linear decreases in milk urea N (16.1-17.3 mg/dL), urine N (153-168 g/d and 25.5-28.7% of N intake), and plasma urea N at 6, 18, and 21 h postmorning feeding, and plasma urea N 12 h postfeeding was reduced by TA. The proportion of N intake in milk (27.1%) and feces (21.4%) did not differ with treatment. Reductions in urine N excretion and milk and plasma urea N suggest that TA reduced ruminal AA deamination, whereas lactation performance did not differ. Overall, TA up to 0.43% of DM did not affect DMI and lactation performance, while there was a tendency to reduce urine N excretion.

Acacia , Feminino , Bovinos , Animais , Acacia/metabolismo , Taninos/farmacologia , Propionatos/metabolismo , Mastigação , Fermentação , Nitrogênio/metabolismo , Ração Animal/análise , Digestão , Leite/metabolismo , Dieta/veterinária , Lactação , Ácidos Graxos/metabolismo , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Rúmen/metabolismo
Braz J Microbiol ; 54(1): 335-348, 2023 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36357769


Black wattle (Acacia mearnsii) is a forest species of significant economic importance in southern Brazil; as a legume, it forms symbiotic associations with rhizobia, fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Nonetheless, little is known about native rhizobia in soils where the species is cultivated. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the diversity and symbiotic efficiency of rhizobia nodulating A. mearnsii in commercial planting areas and validate the efficiency of a potential strain in promoting seedling development. To this end, nodules were collected from four A. mearnsii commercial plantations located in Rio Grande do Sul State, southern Brazil. A total of 80 rhizobia isolates were obtained from black wattle nodules, and thirteen clusters were obtained by rep-PCR. Higher genetic diversity was found within the rhizobial populations from the Duas Figueiras (H' = 2.224) and Seival (H' = 2.112) plantations. Twelve isolates were evaluated belonging to the genus Bradyrhizobium, especially to the species Bradyrhizobium guangdongense. The principal component analysis indicated an association between rhizobia diversity and the content of clay, Ca, Mg, and K. Isolates and reference strains (SEMIA 6163 and 6164) induced nodulation and fixed N via symbiosis with black wattle plants after 60 days of germination. The isolates DF2.4, DF2.3, DF3.3, SEMIA 6164, SEMIA 6163, CA4.3, OV3.4, and OV1.4 showed shoot nitrogen accumulation values similar to the N + control treatment. In the second experiment (under nursery conditions), inoculation with the reference strain SEMIA 6164 generally improved the growth of A. mearnsii seedlings, reinforcing its efficiency even under production conditions.

Acacia , Bradyrhizobium , Rhizobium , Rhizobium/genética , Plântula , Fixação de Nitrogênio , Simbiose/genética , Filogenia , Nódulos Radiculares de Plantas/microbiologia , Bradyrhizobium/genética
Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci ; 378(1867): 20210072, 2023 01 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36373928


Under the UN-Decade of Ecosystem Restoration and Bonn Challenge, second-growth forest is promoted as a global solution to climate change, degradation and associated losses of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Second growth is often invaded by alien tree species and understanding how this impacts carbon stock and biodiversity recovery is key for restoration planning. We assessed carbon stock and tree diversity recovery in second growth invaded by two Acacia species and non-invaded second growth, with associated edge effects, in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Carbon stock recovery in non-invaded forests was threefold lower than in invaded forests. Increasingly isolated, fragmented and deforested areas had low carbon stocks when non-invaded, whereas the opposite was true when invaded. Non-invaded forests recovered threefold to sixfold higher taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity than invaded forest. Higher species turnover and lower nestedness in non-invaded than invaded forests underpinned higher abundance of threatened and endemic species in non-invaded forest. Non-invaded forests presented positive relationships between carbon and biodiversity, whereas in the invaded forests we did not detect any relationship, indicating that more carbon does not equal more biodiversity in landscapes with high vulnerability to invasive acacias. To deliver on combined climate change and biodiversity goals, restoration planning and management must consider biological invasion risk. This article is part of the theme issue 'Understanding forest landscape restoration: reinforcing scientific foundations for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration'.

Acacia , Ecossistema , Espécies Introduzidas , Carbono , Filogenia , Florestas , Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais
Environ Sci Pollut Res Int ; 30(7): 18078-18090, 2023 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36205870


Tannins are polyphenols that can be extracted from different parts of the plant and have different known commercial applications. The extraction of tannins generates a significant amount of low-density wastes. An alternative that can be applied to ensure energy reuse of this low-density waste is a densification process, such as briquetting. Thus, this research work aimed to assess the energy potential of the residue from the extraction of tannins of different forest species, aiming at its energy reuse in the form of briquettes. Stem barks of 6 forest species (Acacia mangium, AM; Anacardium occidentale, AO; Anadenanthera colubrina, AC; Azadirachta indica, AI; Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia, MC; Mimosa tenuiflora, MT) were used after tannin extraction. Bulk density, energy (higher, lower, and net heating value) and thermal (TG/DTG) properties, and chemical constitution (extractives, lignin, and holocellulose) of the materials were determined. In addition, briquette compaction ratio, apparent density, volumetric expansion, and water adsorption over the days were evaluated. The highest bulk densities were found in the barks of Anadenanthera colubrina (0.529 and Mimosa tenuiflora (0.407, whereas the species that showed the best result of higher heating value was Acacia mangium (20.44, followed by Azadirachta indica (19.39 and Mimosa caesalpiniifolia (18.85 Briquetting increased the density of the evaluated material by 2.3 to 4.9 times. All briquettes produced with wastes from tannin extraction evaluated in this work showed potential for energy production. With more information on the quantification of waste generated and data on the economic viability of production, these tannin-producing industries can benefit both environmentally and economically, by reusing these wastes for energy production.

Acacia , Fabaceae , Gerenciamento de Resíduos , Taninos/química , Lignina