The negative portrayal of ageing as a human decline burdening society has prompted Ageing Technology industries (AgeTech) to foresee solutions rooted in the Ageing in Place paradigm. These ostensibly neutral future interventions are intertwined with socio-technical dynamics. While Science and Technology Studies (STS) and anthropology scholars have questioned these AgeTech practices, limited literature explores industry's predictions of future AgeTech. Drawing on STS and futures-anthropology literature, I interrogate AgeTech industry visions of future assemblages involving older people, smart home technology, and socio-material discourses rooted in their own discrepancies and dilemmas. To unpack AgeTech futures, my methods include a review of 49 industry reports and 29 interviews with industry experts. Based on the reports, I designed comics to be used in interviews with experts spanning CEOs and managers of companies designing technology for older people, consultants, and aged-care workers based in 12 countries. Ageing futures are far from being neutral or a chronological process, instead they are non-consensual and fragmented. In the review and interviews, I captured future assemblages of a fragmented AgeTech industry in relationships with governments and industry giants. The fragmentation continues unfolding in participants from diverse countries and professions contesting dominant AgeTech narratives. In dissecting future assemblages, I also unpack non-consensual futures based on diverging experts' values (e.g. safety versus activity) and humans' values like control and improvisation challenging predictive and surveillance technology. AgeTech Futures transcend physical matters or assemblages of technologies and humans. They encompass future normativities, tensions, divergent values, and ideological concepts. I propose not only alternatives to the visions found in industry narratives, but also encourage scholars to understand the AgeTech industry's dilemmas.
Envelhecimento , Humanos , Idoso , Antropologia , Previsões , Tecnologia , IndústriasRESUMO
SUMMARY: This study aims to examine the hand morphometry of healthy young individuals from different countries and investigate the differences between countries in typing of hand based on the morphometric values obtained. In the study, 16 different parameters, including two surface areas and 14 lengths, were measured from the right hand of 579 volunteers (250 females, 329 males) from 7 different countries (Turkey, Chad, Morocco, Gabon, Kazakhstan, Senegal and Syria). Factor analysis was performed on the parameters, cluster analysis was performed according to the factor score obtained, and the hand types in the study were determined. As a result of the study, four different hand types were defined, and the distribution of these types according to countries was analyzed. All parameters showed significant differences between countries in both genders (p<0.05). According to the results of the study, there was a difference between male and female hand types between countries. In females, the type 1 hand type was found only in Gabon, the type 2 hand type was found only in Senegal, the type 3 hand type was found in Turkey, Morocco and Kazakhstan, while the type 4 hand type was significantly distributed in Senegal and Gabon (X2 =104.62; df=18, p<0.05). In males, type 1 hand type was found in Turkey, type 2 hand type in Senegal and Gabon, type 3 hand type in Turkey, while type 4 hand type was significantly distributed in Morocco and Kazakhstan (X2 =76.964; df=18, p<0.05).
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar la morfometría de la mano de individuos jóvenes sanos de diferentes países e investigar las diferencias en la mecanografía de la mano entre países en función de los valores morfométricos obtenidos. En el estudio, se midieron 16 parámetros diferentes, incluidas dos superficies y 14 longitudes, de la mano derecha de 579 voluntarios (250 mujeres, 329 hombres) de 7 países diferentes (Turquía, Chad, Marruecos, Gabón, Kazajstán, Senegal y Siria). Se realizó un análisis factorial de los parámetros, un análisis de conglomerados según la puntuación factorial obtenida y se determinaron los tipos de manos en el estudio. Como resultado, se definieron cuatro tipos diferentes de manos y se analizó la distribución de estos tipos según países. Todos los parámetros mostraron diferencias significativas entre países en ambos sexos (p<0,05). Según los resultados del estudio, hubo una diferencia entre los tipos de manos de los hombres y de las mujeres entre países. En las mujeres, el tipo de mano tipo 1 se encontró solo en Gabón, el tipo de mano tipo 2 se encontró solo en Senegal, el tipo de mano tipo 3 se encontró en Turquía, Marruecos y Kazajstán, mientras que la mano tipo 4 se distribuyó significativamente en Senegal y Gabón (X2=104,62; gl=18, p<0,05). En los hombres, el tipo de mano tipo 1 se encontró en Turquía, el tipo de mano tipo 2 en Senegal y Gabón, el tipo de mano tipo 3 en Turquía, mientras que la mano tipo 4 se distribuyó significativamente en Marruecos y Kazajstán (X2=76,964; gl=18, p <0,05).
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Mãos/anatomia & histologia , Análise por Conglomerados , Análise de Variância , Análise Fatorial , Caracteres Sexuais , AntropologiaRESUMO
It is little appreciated not only how closely linked are the disciplines of neurology, psychiatry, and anthropology but even more so the degree to which they share a "common ancestry". This paper briefly reviews the definition and historical origins of each area of study to then begin to illustrate how their "genealogies" overlap. This illustration is by way of a sampling of the many key figures who contributed to the rise of not just neurology, psychiatry or anthropology but of all three disciplines. That is, a selective review is undertaken of paragons whose careers bridged medicine, neuropsychiatry, and anthropology. A sampling from among the dozens who have made major contributions to spanning these disciplines illuminates the significant extent of their co-mingled intellectual ancestry. This series is akin to a data table of necessarily concise biographical vignettes - past scholars with some or full medical training who also advanced both anthropology and neuropsychiatry as these disciplines grew into intellectual maturity. Each is, in a sense, a data point that bolsters the overarching thesis that the intellectual history of these disciplines have shared ancestry. Thus, even this preliminary and topical survey of a few past "exemplars" underscores the importance of this unique intellectual siblingship. Moreover, there is now a profusion of living scholars who add fulsomely to what might be deemed this 'trilateral marriage' of anthropology, psychiatry, and neurology. A compilation of more contemporary contributors is well worthy of a future review that expands from this first consideration. This initial work is meant to engender more robust scholarship that better elucidates and, thereby, enriches and enlivens further work while also uncovering new avenues of deeper insight, notably as to the "conceptual and heuristic progression" of evolutionary neurosciences with respect to the normative and pathologic.
Antropologia , Neurologia , Psiquiatria , Humanos , Antropologia/história , Antropologia/métodos , Antropologia/tendências , História do Século XVIII , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Neurologia/história , Neurologia/métodos , Neurologia/tendências , Psiquiatria/história , Psiquiatria/métodos , Psiquiatria/tendências , História do Século XVI , História do Século XVIIRESUMO
The role of language in maintaining asymmetries of power in global public health and biomedicine has become a central part of the broader movement to "decolonize Global Health." While considering how language engenders inequalities in Global Health, hinders interventions, and inhibits medical care, this article contends that colonially derived theorizations of what language is undergirding top-down health communication efforts labeled as "decolonial" can thwart efforts to make biomedical care and public health clearer in postcolonies. We do this through outlining predicaments found in a linguistic anthropological exploration of cancer terminology in Coastal Tanzania. In the small town of Bagamoyo, saratani-the official translation for cancer in Tanzania created by the government in the 1980s as part of a larger effort of decolonial state-building-is dominantly understood as a different or unequivocal disease than kansa-the English-adapted name. As the dissemination of the term saratani into a linguistic arena where colonially derived word kansa is dominantly registered as the biological disease "cancer," this linguistic disjuncture between saratani and kansa has not only created a plethora of problems for oncological care in Bagamoyo, but also illuminates the perils of creating more just health communication in an unequal global political economy. Through showing how binary conceptualizations of language as "colonial" and "local" can reproduce incommunicability-the rendering of racialized subjects as fundamentally unintelligible in hegemonic regimes-we contend that the afterlives of this past effort to decolonize medical language has important lessons for the present of "decolonizing Global Health." Moving beyond static conceptualizations of language, we argue for a fluid "translanguaging" perspective of medical linguistics that facilitates the dismantlement of incommunicability and the global ordering that creates it.
Comunicação em Saúde , Linguística , Neoplasias , Política , Humanos , Tanzânia , Neoplasias/terapia , Comunicação em Saúde/métodos , Colonialismo , Idioma , AntropologiaRESUMO
Although ethical reforms in biological anthropology have gained ground in recent years, there is still a scarcity of ethical standards for work involving historical documented collections (HDCs) at US museums and universities. These collections of deceased individuals were created in the late 19th to mid-20th centuries under anatomy laws that targeted socially marginalized communities and allowed for the dissection of these individuals without their consent. Due to the extensive information associated with the individuals and made available to researchers, these collections have served as foundational resources for theory and methods development in biological anthropology into the 21st century. Recognizing the need for ethical guidelines for research, teaching and training, community engagement, and curation involving HDCs, we held a workshop called "Ethical Futures for Curation, Research, and Teaching in Biological Anthropology" on November 15-17, 2021. Here we summarize the conversations and major points of consensus among the workshop participants on these topics in order to advance these ethical considerations more broadly across the field.
Antropologia , Humanos , Antropologia/educação , Participação da Comunidade , MuseusRESUMO
Introduction: In French Guiana, a European territory in Guiana shield in the Amazon area, close to 40% of the current population was born abroad. In this context, it is important to listen to the experiences of migrants to better understand the difficulties encountered within the healthcare pathways. This is the aim of ANRS Parcours d'Haïti project, an epidemiological, biographical and socio-anthropological study conducted on a representative sample of the Haitian community in French Guiana and focusing on the social determinants of health. Methodology: Within the framework of this study, the Infectious and Tropical Diseases clinical team of Cayenne Hospital has established close collaboration with health mediators and the ethnobotanist anthropologist of the study. To illustrate the contribution of a personalized approach to health mediation, we report the case of a migrant woman of Haitian origin admitted to the Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit. We highlight the different socio-cultural aspects addressed and their place in the care process through a thematic discussion and socio-anthropological analysis of the care relationship, based on participatory ethnography and inductive analysis of an in-depth interview with the patient. Result: This example illustrates the need for a multidisciplinary approach to ensure culturally adapted care for patients. Personal interviews are important because they allow to better take into account the cultural specificities of patients' experiences and the socio-cultural environment in which they live (and especially, in the case of Haitian patients, their religious affiliation). By allowing them to speak and express themselves freely, they integrate not only their own cultural baggage, but also their own expectations and representations of the disease they suffer from and how it should be treated. Ultimately, this tripartite collaboration between patient, caregiver, and anthropologist or health mediator leads to a better therapeutic alliance. Conclusion: The analysis of this health care relationship is emblematic of the issue of cultural competence and pre-conceptualizes what intercultural mediation in health care could be, as close as possible to the caregiver and the individual.
Etnobotânica , Humanos , Haiti/etnologia , Feminino , Guiana Francesa , Migrantes/psicologia , Adulto , Determinantes Sociais da Saúde , Antropologia , HospitaisRESUMO
This paper is the English translation and adaptation of my inaugural lecture in Amsterdam for the Chair Anthropology of Everyday Ethics in Health Care. I argue that the challenges in health care may look daunting and unsolvable in their scale and complexity, but that it helps to consider these problems in their specificity, while accepting that some problems may not be solved but have become chronic. The paper provides reflections on how to develop a scientific approach that does not aim to eradicate bad things but explores ways in which to live with them. Crucial in this quest is the attention to how we conceptualize problems, and whether this is specific enough for addressing present day concerns. I propose an anthropology of everyday ethics as a way to study people's everyday ways of handling a variety of goods in practice. I draw specific attention to exploring aesthetic values in everyday life amongst these, values that are used abundantly to qualify events in everyday life but rarely theorized in philosophy or social science.
Atenção à Saúde , Humanos , Atenção à Saúde/ética , Filosofia Médica , Antropologia/éticaRESUMO
Primatologist who brought animals and humans "a little closer".
Antropologia , Primatas , Retratos como Assunto , Animais , Humanos , História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Antropologia/históriaRESUMO
Morphological variation in modern human dentition is still an open field of study. The understanding of dental shape and metrics is relevant for the advancement of human biology and evolution and is thus of interest in the fields of dental anthropology, as well as human anatomy and medicine. Of concern is also the variation of the inner aspects of the crown which can be investigated using the tools and methods of virtual anthropology. In this study, we explored inter- and intra-population morphometric variation of modern humans' upper third and fourth premolars (P3s and P4s, respectively) considering both the inner and outer aspects of the crown, and discrete traits. We worked by means of geometric morphometrics on 3D image data from a geographically balanced sample of human populations from five continents, to analyse the shape of the dentinal crown, and the crown outline in 78 P3s and 76 P4s from 85 individuals. For the study of dental traits, we referred to the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System integrated with more recent classification systems. The 3D shape variation of upper premolar crowns varied between short and mesio-distally broad, and tall and mesio-distally narrow. The observed shape variation was independent from the geographical origin of the populations, and resulted in extensive overlap. We noted a high pairwise correlation (r1 = 0.83) between upper P3s and P4s. We did not find any significant geographic differences in the analysed non-metric traits. Our outcomes thus suggest that geographical provenance does not play a determinant role in the shaping of the dental crown, whose genesis is under strict genetic control.
Antropologia Física , Hominidae , Animais , Humanos , Dente Pré-Molar/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Pré-Molar/anatomia & histologia , Hominidae/anatomia & histologia , Antropologia , Coroa do Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Coroa do Dente/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
This paper deals with the anthropological conception of the first modern Italian anthropologist, Paolo Mantegazza (1831-1910). We will begin by contextualizing the status of anthropology in Italy during the second half of the 19th century. Subsequently, we will delve into some of the inspirations that led the Italians to have such a multifaceted conception of the discipline. Next, we will outline the content of this approach and clarify the meaning of "omnicomprehensive science." From there, we will come to understand the reason for the variety of interests of the anthropologist, who aimed to study the human being in all aspects of life. We will then mention the moral objective present in his professional journey: through an understanding of the complexity of human life, the anthropologist wanted to contribute to the progress and well-being of society; in other words, to "living well."
Antropologia , Humanos , Itália , Antropologia/história , História do Século XX , História do Século XIXRESUMO
This article explores the life of Viktor von Weizsäcker (VvW, 1886-1957), a German medical doctor, philosopher and founder of the Heidelberg School of Anthropological Medicine, from a psychobiographical and salutogenic perspective. The authors use salutogenesis and sense of coherence (SOC), and take crucial cultural, historical, and socio-structural frameworks into account to explore the life during the 19th and 20th Centuries in Germany. They present the exploration of a strong SOC in the life of VvW and show how SOC is created within the tight family bonds of the family clan, which has produced many extraordinary theologists, philosophers, scientists and politicians over six generations. In a complex, interconnected and holistic way, SOC is evident in von VvW's individual life, and is also shown to be a family resource. This article contributes to psychobiography in three ways: it develops the salutogenetic perspective in psychobiography, explores the life of VvW within a specific sociocultural context, and investigates the life from a salutogenetic and socio-cultural perspective. Finally, conclusions are drawn, and recommendations for theory and practice are given.
Medicina , Médicos , Senso de Coerência , Humanos , Antropologia Médica , Antropologia/históriaRESUMO
This review essay explores recent historical and anthropological literature on the emergence and development of transcultural psychiatry in the second half of the twentieth century. It examines how postcolonial psychiatry attempted to remove itself from its erstwhile colonial frameworks and strove to introduce new concepts and paradigms to make itself relevant in the context of decolonization and postwar reconstruction. The essay looks at both continuities and discontinuities between colonial and post-colonial transcultural psychiatry, asking how the recent surge of scholarly literature in this field engaged with these issues. It also aims to identify the most important avenues for future research.
Antropologia , Etnopsicologia , Etnopsicologia/históriaRESUMO
Primary care is at the forefront of healthcare delivery. It is the site of disease prevention and health management and serves as the bridge between communities and the health care system As ethnographers of primary care, in this article we discuss what is gained by situating anthropological inquiry within primary care. We articulate how anthropologists can contribute to a better understanding of the issues that emerge in primary care. We provide a review of anthropological work in primary care and offer empirical data from two ethnographic case studies based in the United States, one focused on social risk screening in primary care and the other examining the diagnosis and care of people with dementia in primary care. Through these cases, we demonstrate how research of and within primary care can open important avenues for the study of the multidimensionality of primary care. This multidimensionality is apparent in the ways the medical field addresses the social and structural experiences of patients, scope of practice and disciplinary boundaries, and the intersection of ordinary and extraordinary medicine that emerge in the care of patients in primary care.
Antropologia , Medicina , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Antropologia Cultural , Atenção à Saúde , Atenção Primária à SaúdeRESUMO
Nutritional anthropology is the study of human subsistence, diet and nutrition in comparative social and evolutionary perspective. Many factors influence the nutritional health and well-being of populations, including evolutionary, ecological, social, cultural and historical ones. Most usually, biocultural approaches are used in nutritional anthropology, incorporating methods and theory from social science as well as nutritional and evolutionary science. This review describes approaches used in the nutritional anthropology of past and present-day societies. Issues of concern for nutritional anthropology in the world now include: understanding how undernutrition and food insecurity are produced at local, regional and international levels; how food systems are constructed using social, biological and biocultural perspectives; and obesity from a biocultural viewpoint. By critiquing framings of present-day diet in an evolutionary context, nutritional anthropology asks 'what should be eaten?', rather than 'what can be eaten?', and 'how cheaply can people be fed?'.
Antropologia , Dieta , Humanos , Obesidade , Estado NutricionalRESUMO
Animal remains are a common find in prehistoric and protohistoric funerary contexts. While taphonomic and osteological data provide insights about the proximate (depositional) factors responsible for these findings, the ultimate cultural causes leading to this observed mortuary behavior are obscured by the opacity of the archaeological record and the lack of written sources. Here, we apply an interdisciplinary suite of analytical approaches (zooarchaeological, anthropological, archaeological, paleogenetic, and isotopic) to explore the funerary deposition of animal remains and the nature of joint human-animal burials at Seminario Vescovile (Verona, Northern Italy 3rd-1st c. BCE). This context, culturally attributed to the Cenomane culture, features 161 inhumations, of which only 16 included animal remains in the form of full skeletons, isolated skeletal parts, or food offerings. Of these, four are of particular interest as they contain either horses (Equus caballus) or dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)-animals that did not play a dietary role. Analyses show no demographic, dietary, funerary similarities, or genetic relatedness between individuals buried with animals. Isotopic data from two analyzed dogs suggest differing management strategies for these animals, possibly linked to economic and/or ritual factors. Overall, our results point to the unsuitability of simple, straightforward explanations for the observed funerary variability. At the same time, they connect the evidence from Seminario Vescovile with documented Transalpine cultural traditions possibly influenced by local and Roman customs.
Restos Mortais , Sepultamento , Humanos , Animais , Cavalos , Cães , Sepultamento/métodos , Itália , Antropologia , Cultura , ArqueologiaAssuntos
Hominidae , Animais , Humanos , Hominidae/genética , Sequência de Bases , Antropologia , Evolução BiológicaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: This study's goal is to identify the existing variation in how, why, and by whom anthropological practice is conducted as part of implementation science projects. As doctorally trained anthropologists, we sought to characterize how and why the term "ethnography" was variously applied in the implementation science literature and characterize the practice of anthropology within and across the field. METHODS: While we follow the PRISMA-ScR checklist, we present the work with a narrative approach to accurately reflect our review process. A health services librarian developed a search strategy using subject headings and keywords for the following databases: PubMed, Embase (Elsevier), Cochrane CENTRAL (Wiley), CIHAHL (EBSCO), PsycINFO (EBSCO), Web of Science Core Collection, and Anthropology Plus (EBSCO). We focused on the practice of anthropology in implementation research conducted in a healthcare setting, in English, with no date restrictions. Studies were included if they applied one or several elements of anthropological methods in terms of study design, data collection, and/or analysis. RESULTS: The database searches produced 3450 results combined after duplicates were removed, which were added to Rayyan for two rounds of screening by title and abstract. A total of 487 articles were included in the full-text screening. Of these, 227 were included and received data extraction that we recorded and analyzed with descriptive statistics in three main domains: (1) anthropological methods; (2) implementation science methods; and (3) study context. We found the use of characteristic tools of anthropology like ethnography and field notes are usually not systematically described but often mentioned. Further, we found that research design decisions and compromises (e.g., length of time in the field, logistics of stakeholder involvement, reconciling diverse firsthand experiences) that often impact anthropological approaches are not systematically described. CONCLUSIONS: Anthropological work often supports larger, mixed-methods implementation projects without being thoroughly reported. Context is essential to anthropological practice and implicitly fundamental to implementation research, yet the goals of anthropology and how its practice informs larger research projects are often not explicitly stated.
Antropologia Cultural , Ciência da Implementação , Humanos , AntropologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: This paper starts from the unusual observation of the overrepresentation of females among adults in the cemetery of Bronze Age Shahr-i Sokhta (Seistan, Iran) and explores the post marital residence pattern. By integrating taphonomical (skeletal preservation), anthropological (sex ratio [SR], sexual dimorphism, stress indicators, age at death), archeological (long distance trade indicators, habitation floor area, social role of women), and ancient DNA (heterozygosity levels in X chromosomes) data we test the hypothesis of post marital matrilocality in the site. METHODS: We computed the SR (pelvis-based sex determination) in a random unpublished adult sample from the cemetery of Shahr-i Sokhta and in two samples previously published by other authors. We used comparative data on SR from: a large Supra Regional multi-chronological sample of sites, n = 47, with 8808 adult sexed individuals, from Southern Europe, Egypt, Middle East, Southern Russia; a Regional Bronze Age sample of sites (n = 10) from Bactria Margiana and Indus Valley with 1324 adult sexed individuals. We estimated the heterozygosity levels in X chromosomes compared with the rest of the autosomes on the assumption that in a matrilocal society females should show lower variability than men. RESULTS: Adult SR in a sample (n = 549) from Shahr-i Sokhta is 70.5, the overrepresentation of females is shared with Regional Bronze Age sites from Bactria Margiana (SR = 72.09) and Indus Valley (SR = 67.54). On the contrary, in a larger Supra Regional multi-chronological sample of sites, mean SR ranges between 112.7 (Bronze Age) and 163.1 (Middle Ages). Taphonomical and anthropological indicators do not explain the overrepresentation of female skeletons. Archeological indicators suggest a high social status of women and that the society was devoted to long range trade activities. heterozygosity levels in X chromosomes are in agreement with a matrilocal society. CONCLUSIONS: Indicators suggest that Bronze Age Shahr-ì Sokhta was a matrilocal society and that long distance trade was an important economic factor producing an overrepresentation of adult female skeletons in the cemetery.
Cemitérios , Polygonaceae , Adulto , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Humanos , Feminino , Irã (Geográfico) , Razão de Masculinidade , Oriente Médio , AntropologiaRESUMO
El dragón rojo (1981) de Thomas Harris es la carta de presentación del perverso psiquiatra Hannibal Lecter, un psicópata asesino que brilla singularmente en el firmamento de los homicidas más abyectos de la historia del cine. Esta colección se completó con la publicación de El silencio de los corderos (1988), Hannibal (1999) y Hannibal: El origen del mal (2006), hasta ahora su última secuela. Fuente de inspiración cinematográfica, la saga se inició con la galardonada El silencio de los corderos (1991) de Jonathan Demme, continuada por Hannibal (2001) de Ridley Scott, El dragón rojo (2002) de Brett Ratner y Hannibal: El origen del mal (2007) de Peter Webber, si bien además existe una primera adaptación de la novela El dragón rojo titulada Hunter/Cazador de hombres (1986) de Michael Mann, donde los agentes del FBI se enfrentan con el temible asesino en serie Dr. Hannibal Lecktor (Brian Cox). Asimismo, el escritor y productor estadounidense Bryan Fuller creó la serie televisiva Hannibal (2013-2015), 39 episodios en los que el actor danés Mads Mikkelsen encarna al perverso antropófago. Independiente de sus connotaciones antropológicas, morales y culturales, la mayor parte de las conductas de canibalismo están relacionadas con trastornos psicóticos, como por ejemplo la esquizofrenia paranoica, cuando estos enfermos asesinan y se comen parte de los cuerpos de sus víctimas dentro de sus cuadros delirantes patológicos.(AU)
The Red Dragon (1981) by Thomas Harris is the introduction of the perverse psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter, a murdeous psychopath who shines singularly in the firmament of the most heinous murderers in the history of cinema. This collection was completed with the publication of The Silence of the Lambs (1988), Hannibal (1999) and Hannibal: The Origin of Evil (2006), until now its last sequel. A source of cinematographic inspirations, the saga began with the Oscar-winning The Silence of the Lambs (1991) by Jonathan Demme, followed by Hannibal (2001) by Ridley Scott, The Red Dragon (2002) by Brett Rainer, and Hannibal: The Origin of Evil (2007) by Peter Webber, although there is also a first adaptation of the novel The Red Dragon titled Manhunter (1986) by Michael Mann, where FBI agents confront the fearsome serial killer Dr. Hannibal Lecktor (Bryan Cox). Likewise, the American writer and producer Bryan Fuller created the television series Hannibal (2013-2015), 39 episodes in which the danish actor Mads Mikkelsen embodies the perverse cannibal. Regardless of its anthropological, moral and cultural connotations, most cannibalism behaviors are related to psychotic disorders, such as paranoid schyzophrenia, when this patients kill an d eat part of the bodies of their victims in their delusional pictures.(AU)