The shock of reality that nursing students face when they start out will affect the nursing profession even more in the future, as it faces a recruitment crisis in the midst of renewal. Restoring meaning to the nursing profession is a complex and daunting challenge. By providing access to scientific literature, the bibliography group can contribute to this, based on an Evidence-Based Nursing approach. This initiative, which is beneficial for professionals whose skills development is thus encouraged, is designed to be simple and accessible to as many people as possible.
Enfermagem Psiquiátrica , Humanos , Bibliografias como Assunto , Enfermagem Baseada em Evidências , Previsões , França , Estudantes de Enfermagem/psicologiaRESUMO
La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) es un problema sanitario mundial que afecta al 10% de la población. Su prevalencia ha ido en aumento debido a factores relacionados con el estilo de vida y el envejecimiento de la población. Objetivo. Analizar la percepción de los pacientes receptores de trasplantes renales sobre su calidad de vida, y evaluar los factores que influyen en la calidad de vida post-trasplante renal. Metodología. Para ello, se llevó cabo un estudio bibliográfico considerando fuentes de bases de datos académicas como PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, entre otras. Donde se usaron como descriptores de búsqueda "trasplante renal", "calidad de vida", "percepción del paciente", "resultados post-trasplante". Además, la búsqueda se amplió en revistas especializadas, tesis, libros y conferencias relacionadas con el tema. como criterios de inclusión fueron considerados estudios originales, revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis, publicaciones en los últimos 10 años, etc. Y como exclusión fueron considerados estudios no relacionados, artículos de opinión, publicaciones en idiomas no accesibles. En cuanto al proceso extracción de la información, se usó la matriz de registro y las técnicas de observación y análisis documental, la matriz quedo constituida por Autor(es), año de publicación, país de origen, objetivos del estudio, metodología utilizada, variables analizadas, resultados principales, y conclusiones relevantes. Conclusión. Es esencial reconocer que la calidad de vida post-trasplante renal es una experiencia subjetiva que varía significativamente entre los pacientes y que está influenciada por una amplia gama de factores, que van desde la gestión de síntomas físicos hasta el manejo de desafíos psicológicos y sociales.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a worldwide health problem affecting 10% of the population. Its prevalence has been increasing due to factors related to lifestyle and population aging. Objective. To analyze the perception of renal transplant recipients on their quality of life, and to evaluate the factors that influence post renal transplant quality of life. Methodology. For this purpose, a bibliographic study was carried out considering sources of academic databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, among others. The search descriptors used were "renal transplant", "quality of life", "patient perception", "post-transplant results". In addition, the search was extended to specialized journals, theses, books and conferences related to the subject. Inclusion criteria included original studies, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, publications in the last 10 years, etc. Unrelated studies, opinion articles, publications in non-accessible languages were considered as exclusion criteria. As for the information extraction process, the registration matrix and the techniques of observation and documentary analysis were used, the matrix was made up of author(s), year of publication, country of origin, objectives of the study, methodology used, variables analyzed, main results, and relevant conclusions. Conclusion. It is essential to recognize that post-renal transplant quality of life is a subjective experience that varies significantly among patients and is influenced by a wide range of factors, ranging from the management of physical symptoms to the management of psychological and social challenges.
A doença renal crônica (DRC) é um problema de saúde global que afeta 10% da população. Sua prevalência tem aumentado devido a fatores de estilo de vida e ao envelhecimento da população. Objetivo. Analisar a percepção dos receptores de transplante renal sobre sua qualidade de vida e avaliar os fatores que influenciam a qualidade de vida pós-transplante renal. Metodologia. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo bibliográfico considerando fontes de bancos de dados acadêmicos como PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, entre outros. Os descritores de busca utilizados foram "transplante renal", "qualidade de vida", "percepção do paciente", "resultados pós-transplante" Além disso, a busca foi estendida a periódicos especializados, teses, livros e congressos relacionados ao tema. Os critérios de inclusão incluíram estudos originais, revisões sistemáticas, meta-análises, publicações nos últimos 10 anos, etc. Estudos não relacionados, artigos de opinião e publicações em idiomas não acessíveis foram considerados como critérios de exclusão. Quanto ao processo de extração de informações, foram utilizadas a matriz de registro e as técnicas de observação e análise documental. A matriz foi composta por autor(es), ano de publicação, país de origem, objetivos do estudo, metodologia utilizada, variáveis analisadas, principais resultados e conclusões relevantes. Conclusões. É essencial reconhecer que a qualidade de vida pós-transplante renal é uma experiência subjetiva que varia significativamente entre os pacientes e é influenciada por uma ampla gama de fatores, que vão desde o controle dos sintomas físicos até o enfrentamento de desafios psicológicos e sociais.
Bibliografias como Assunto , PubMedRESUMO
Introdução: Práticas para o ensino da leitura no Brasil podem ser representadas pela adaptação e validação de um instrumento de nivelamento de livros infantis já comprovadamente eficaz em outra língua e cultura. Objetivo: O presente estudo visa adaptar a fórmula de Hatcher para nivelar livros infantis para o uso no português brasileiro, disponibilizando-a como instrumento de trabalho aos profissionais de diferentes áreas no que concerne à seleção de livros adequados à idade e à etapa em que se encontram os leitores iniciantes em seus primeiros anos de alfabetização no Brasil. Método: A pesquisa seguirá as seguintes etapas para adaptação da fórmula de nivelamento de livros infantis: (1) tradução da fórmula do idioma de origem para o idioma-alvo, isto é, do Inglês para o português; (2) síntese das versões traduzidas; (3) avaliação da síntese por juízes experts; (4) avaliação da fórmula pelo público-alvo, considerados aqui professores dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental; (5) tradução reversa do instrumento. Resultados: A fórmula traduzida de Nivelamento de Livros Infantis apresentou 72% de coeficiente de validade de conteúdo, em relação à clareza, e 80% de pertinência prática, demonstrando ser um documento útil, de fácil aplicação e adequado aos profissionais da área da saúde e da educação que poderão avaliar e nivelar os livros antes de indicá-los a leitores iniciantes. Espera-se, em estudos posteriores, realizar a aplicabilidade desta fórmula para facilitar o trabalho na seleção de títulos indicados ao público-alvo.
Introduction: Practices for the teaching of reading in Brazil can be represented by the adaptation and validation of a children's book leveling instrument already proven to be effective in another language and culture. Objective: The present study aims to adapt Hatcher's formula to level children's books for use in Brazilian Portuguese, making it available as a working tool to professionals in different areas with regard to the selection of books suitable for the age and stage in which readers are beginning their first years of literacy in Brazil. Method: The research will follow the following steps to adapt the leveling formula for children's books: (1) translation of the formula from the source language to the target language, that is, from English to Portuguese; (2) synthesis of the translated versions; (3) evaluation of the synthesis by expert judges; (4) evaluation of the formula by the target audience, considered here teachers from the early years of elementary school; (5) reverse translation of the instrument. Results: The translated formula for Children's Book Leveling presented 72% of content validity coefficient, in relation to clarity, and 80% of practical relevance, proving to be a useful document, easy to apply and suitable for health professionals and of education that will be able to evaluate and level the books before recommending them to beginning readers. It is expected, in later studies, to apply this formula to facilitate the work in selecting titles indicated to the target audience.
Introducción: Prácticas para la enseñanza de la lectura en Brasil puede ser representada por la adaptación y validación de un instrumento de nivelación de libros infantiles que ya ha demostrado su eficacia en otra lengua y cultura. Objetivo: Este estudio objetiva adaptar la fórmula de Hatcher para nivelar libros infantiles para uso en portugués, poniéndola a disposición como herramienta de trabajo para profesionales de diferentes áreas en lo que se refiere a la selección de libros adecuados a la edad y etapa en la que los lectores están comenzando sus primeros años de alfabetización en Brasil. Método: La investigación seguirá los siguientes pasos para adaptar la fórmula de nivelación para libros infantiles: (1) traducción de la fórmula del idioma de origen al idioma de destino, es decir, del inglés al portugués; (2) síntesis de las versiones traducidas; (3) evaluación de la síntesis por jueces expertos; (4) evaluación de la fórmula por parte del público objetivo, aquí considerados docentes de los primeros años de la enseñanza básica; (5) traducción inversa del instrumento. Resultados: Esta fórmula traducida presentó 72% de coeficiente de validez de contenido, en relación con la claridad, y 80% de pertinencia práctica, demostrando ser un documento útil, de fácil aplicación y adecuado para los profesionales de la salud y de la educación que serán capaz de evaluar y nivelar los libros antes de recomendarlos a lectores principiantes. Se espera, en estudios posteriores, aplicar esta fórmula para facilitar el trabajo en la selección de títulos al público indicado.
Humanos , Criança , Leitura , Bibliografias como Assunto , Compreensão/fisiologia , Redação , Seleção de Livros , Intervenção Educacional Precoce , Narração , Estudos de Validação como Assunto , Professores EscolaresRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Despite the increasing risks and complexity of disasters, education for Malaysian health care providers in this domain is limited. This study aims to assess scholarly publications by Malaysian scholars on Disaster Medicine (DM)-related topics. METHODOLOGY: An electronic search of five selected journals from 1991 through 2021 utilizing multiple keywords relevant to DM was conducted for review and analysis. RESULTS: A total of 154 articles were included for analysis. The mean number of publications per year from 1991 through 2021 was 5.1 publications. Short reports were the most common research type (53.2%), followed by original research (32.4%) and case reports (12.3%). Mean citations among the included articles were 12.4 citations. Most author collaborations were within the same agency or institution, and there was no correlation between the type of collaboration and the number of citations (P = .942). While a few clusters of scholars could build a strong network across institutions, most research currently conducted in DM was within small, isolated clusters. CONCLUSION: Disaster Medicine in Malaysia is a growing medical subspecialty with a significant recent surge in research activity, likely due to the SARS-CoV-2/coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic. Since most publications in DM have been on infectious diseases, the need to expand DM-related research on other topics is essential.
COVID-19 , Medicina de Desastres , Desastres , Humanos , COVID-19/epidemiologia , SARS-CoV-2 , Bibliografias como AssuntoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Retracted articles represent research withdrawn from the existing body of literature after publication. Research articles may be retracted for several reasons ranging from honest errors to intentional misconduct. They should not be used as reliable sources, and it is unclear why they are cited occasionally by other articles. This study hypothesized that several mechanisms may contribute to citing retracted literature and aimed to analyze the characteristics of articles citing retracted literature in anesthesiology and critical care. METHODS: Using the Retraction Watch database, we retrieved retracted articles on anesthesiology and intensive care medicine up to August 16, 2021, and identified the papers citing these retracted articles. A survey designed to investigate the reasons for citing these articles was sent to the corresponding authors of the citing papers. RESULTS: We identified 478 retracted articles, 220 (46%) of which were cited at least once. We contacted 1297 corresponding authors of the papers that cited these articles, 417 (30%) of whom responded to our survey and were included in the final analysis. The median number of authors in the analyzed articles was five, and the median elapsed time from retraction to citation was 3 yr. Most of the corresponding authors (372, 89%) were unaware of the retracted status of the cited article, mainly because of inadequate notification of the retraction status in journals and/or databases and the use of stored copies. CONCLUSIONS: The corresponding authors were generally unaware of the retraction of the cited article, usually because of inadequate identification of the retracted status in journals and/or web databases and the use of stored copies. Awareness of this phenomenon and rigorous control of the cited references before submitting a paper are of fundamental importance in research.
Anestesiologia , Publicações , Retratação de Publicação como Assunto , Má Conduta Científica , Bibliografias como Assunto , Pesquisa Biomédica/normas , Cuidados Críticos , Humanos , Publicações Periódicas como AssuntoRESUMO
Resumen La incorporación de los gestores de referencias bibliográficas a las investigaciones se debe a sus beneficios como organizador de citas, referencias y como un recurso informático para el desarrollo de proyectos. El objetivo de este artículo es actualizar conocimientos en los últimos 5 años, sobre el uso e implicación de los Gestores de Referencias en las investigaciones. Se realizó una revisión documental que permitió consultar 133 fuentes de información asociadas a cinco grupos de documentos: I. Rol que desempeñan los gestores de referencias bibliográficas en el desarrollo de habilidades informacionales y competencias investigativas. II. Uso de los gestores como herramientas en la investigación. III. Los gestores en temas de materiales didácticos. IV. En la confección de citas y referencias y V. Para otros objetivos de investigación. Se utilizaron el Zotero, el Excel 2013 y el paquete estadístico SPSS. Se calcularon frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes, así como la Moda para los grupos conformados. Entre otras conclusiones importantes, al analizar el comportamiento de la producción científica, la Moda señala al grupo II Uso de los gestores como herramientas en la investigación, como el más frecuente dentro de los documentos estudiados, por lo que se recomienda su estudio y actualización permanente.
Abstract The incorporation of bibliographic reference managers in research is due to its benefits as an organizer of citations, references and as an informatics resource for the development of projects. The objective of this article is to update knowledge in the last 5 years on the use and implication of reference managers in research. A documentary review was carried out which allowed to consult 133 sources of information associated with five groups of documents: I. Role of bibliographic reference managers in the development of informational skills and research competencies. II. Use of managers as tools in research. III. Managers in didactic materials issues. IV. In the preparation of citations and references and V. For other research objectives. Zotero, Excel 2013 and the SPSS statistical package were used. Absolute frequencies and percentages were calculated, as well as the mode for the groups formed. Among other important conclusions, when analyzing the behavior of scientific production, Moda points out group II Use of managers as tools in research, as the most frequent within the documents studied, so its study and permanent updating is recommended.
Bibliografias como Assunto , Pesquisa Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico , Gestão do ConhecimentoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest worldwide health challenge in this century. Research concerning the role of children in the spread of SARS-CoV-2, and investigating the clinical effects of infection in children, has been vital. This paper describes the publication trend for pertinent scientific literature relating to COVID-19 in children during the first 6 months of the pandemic. METHODS: A comprehensive search of preprint and published literature was conducted daily across four databases (PubMed, Scopus, Ovid-Embase and MedRXiv) between 1 January 2020 and 30 June 2020. Titles and abstracts were screened against predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. FINDINGS: Over the study period, a total of 45 453 papers were retrieved, of which 476 met our inclusion criteria. The cumulative number of children described in included publications totalled (at most) 41 396. The median number of children per paper was 6 (IQR 1-33). Nearly one-third of papers (30.2%) reported on a single child, and a further 28.3% reported on between 1 and 9 children. Half of all the publications originated from Asia. INTERPRETATION: Our prospective bibliographic analysis of paediatric COVID-19 publications demonstrated a steady increase in the number of papers over time. Understanding and policy evolved with new information that was gathered over the course of the study period. However, over half of publications were individual case reports or small case series, which may have had a limited contribution to advancement of knowledge. During a pandemic, literature should be interpreted with great caution, and clinical/policy decisions should be continually reviewed in light of emerging evidence.
Bibliografias como Assunto , COVID-19 , Criança , HumanosRESUMO
The 100 most cited papers on retinal detachment (RD) were analysed using a bibliographic study. The bibliographic databases of the ISI Web of Knowledge were searched, limited to research articles published between 1965 and 2020 in peer-reviewed journals. The papers were ranked in order of number of citations since publication. Ninety of the 100 most cited papers on RD were published in 12 ophthalmology journals, with 74 of them published in American Journal of Ophthalmology (n=31), Ophthalmology (n=23), Archives of Ophthalmology (n=10) and Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (n=10); the remaining 10 papers were published in 8 journals from other fields of medical research. All papers in the top 100 were published in English. The 100 most cited papers on RD originated from 12 different countries, with the majority (72 papers) originating from the USA. The 100 identified papers represent a mix of clinical trials and animal/laboratory studies. This bibliographic study provides a unique perspective and insight into some of the most influential contributions in RD understanding and management over the last 55 years.
Oftalmologia , Descolamento Retiniano , Animais , Bibliografias como Assunto , Humanos , Estados UnidosRESUMO
Resumo Contexto A produção científica brasileira cresce de forma quantitativa e qualitativa a cada década. Entretanto, há uma desvalorização dos periódicos brasileiros demonstrada através da baixa quantidade de citações em comparação a textos de revistas internacionais, com justificativa subentendida de que há superioridade qualitativa de artigos estrangeiros. Objetivos Verificar a diferença entre o número de citações de periódicos nacionais e internacionais em três revistas brasileiras no período de 2016 a 2020. Métodos Foram analisados todos os artigos publicados na Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, no Jornal Vascular Brasileiro e na Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira no intervalo de 2016 a 2020. Os estudos selecionados tiveram suas referências avaliadas, sendo contabilizado o número total de citações e se eram provenientes de periódicos brasileiros ou de periódicos estrangeiros. Resultados Foram analisados 902 artigos, totalizando 23.394 referências, com média de 25,81 ± 8,59 por artigo. Nesse contexto, 2.680 (11,45%) eram nacionais, correspondentes a uma média de 2,95 ± 3,79 referências brasileiras por artigo. Conclusões Faz-se necessária a maior valorização dos periódicos brasileiros, em especial por parte dos pesquisadores nacionais e das instituições responsáveis pelo fomento da ciência.
Abstract Background The quantity and quality of Brazilian scientific output increases decade by decade. However, there is a tendency to undervalue Brazilian journals, illustrated by the low number of citations compared with texts in international journals, with the tacit justification that foreign articles are of superior quality. Objectives To investigate the differences in numbers of citations of Brazilian and international periodicals in three Brazilian journals from 2016 to 2020. Methods All articles published in the Journal of the Brazilian College of Surgeons, in the Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, and in Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira from 2016 to 2020 were analyzed. The references of these studies were analyzed, summing the total number of citations and classifying them as published in Brazilian or foreign journals. Results A total of 902 articles were analyzed, totaling 23,394 references, with a mean of 25.81 ± 8.59 references per article. Of these, 2,680 (11.45%) were Brazilian, equating to a mean of 2.95 ± 3.79 Brazilian references per article. Conclusions It is necessary to improve appreciation of Brazilian periodicals, especially among Brazilian researchers and institutions responsible for science funding.
Publicações Periódicas como Assunto/estatística & dados numéricos , Bibliografias como Assunto , Pesquisadores , Estudos Transversais , Fator de Impacto de RevistasRESUMO
Se presenta el índice referativo de la Revista Cubana de Informática Médica correspondiente a los años 2019-2021. Se incluyen índices auxiliares de autor, instituciones, materias y direcciones electrónicas para facilitar el contacto con los autores y la consulta de la producción científica publicada por la revista. Se utilizó CDS/ISIS para Windows (versión 1.5.3) de la UNESCO, a partir de la cual se generaron los índices auxiliares de autor, instituciones y materias. Con ello se pretende que los profesionales, técnicos, directivos y estudiantes vinculados a esta importante disciplina en el país y el mundo, dispongan de una fuente de información para realizar investigaciones bibliográficas en este campo tan importante para la salud pública cubana(AU)
The reference index of the Cuban Journal of Medical Informatics corresponding to the years 2019-2021 is presented. Auxiliary indexes of authors, institutions, subjects and electronic addresses are included to facilitate contact with the authors and the consultation of the scientific production published by the journal. UNESCO's CDS/ISIS for Windows (version 1.5.3) was used, from which auxiliary author, institution and subject indexes were generated. With this, it is intended that professionals, technicians, managers and students linked to this important discipline in the country and the world, have a source of information to carry out bibliographic research in this field so important for Cuban public health(AU)
Humanos , Bibliografias como Assunto , Informática Médica , Publicação Periódica , Publicações Científicas e TécnicasRESUMO
During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, publications on the disease have exploded globally. The present study analyzed PubMed and KoreaMed indexed COVID-19 publications by Korean researchers from January 1, 2020 to August 19, 2021. A total of 83,549 COVID-19 articles were recorded in PubMed and 1,875 of these were published by Korean authors in 673 journals (67 Korean and 606 overseas journals). The KoreaMed platform covered 766 articles on COVID-19, including 612 by Korean authors. Among the Journal of Korean Medical Science (JKMS) articles on COVID-19, PubMed covered 176 and KoreaMed 141 documents. Korean researchers contributed to 2.2% of global publications on COVID-19 in PubMed. The JKMS has published most articles on COVID-19 in Korea.
Bibliografias como Assunto , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Publicações Periódicas como Assunto , PubMed , Publicações , Indexação e Redação de Resumos , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas , Saúde Global , Humanos , República da Coreia , SARS-CoV-2RESUMO
Introducción: La cirugía laparoscópica tiene como avance importante el abordaje monopuerto, que está en constante perfeccionamiento y donde influye para su éxito el dispositivo de acceso del que se disponga. Estos procederes de cirugía laparoscópica por un puerto único se realizan con el uso de dispositivos monopuerto, a través de un guante quirúrgico, por endoscopia flexible o por múltiples trócares en una incisión, pero la primera opción facilita el trabajo y disminuye complicaciones. Objetivo: Actualizar la información existente sobre dispositivos monopuerto para tenerla en consideración a la hora de realizar el proceder. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica sobre dispositivos monopuerto en la cirugía mínimamente invasiva desde marzo hasta abril del año 2020. Se revisaron artículos, libros especializados y citas bibliográficas de estudios elegidos de los cuales fueron seleccionados 25 para esta revisión. Desarrollo: Después de la revisión de 25 bibliografías citadas se detallaron las características de los principales dispositivos. Conclusiones: Existe una amplia gama de dispositivos monopuerto, cuya eficacia se evidencia en la bibliografía consultada, y que la revisión de este tema debe ser tomada en cuenta por los especialistas a la hora de realizar esta cirugía(AU)
Introduction: Laparoscopic surgery has as an important advance the single-port approach, which is in constant improvement and where the available access device influences its success. These procedures of laparoscopic surgery by a single port are performed with the use of single port devices, through a surgical glove, by flexible endoscopy or by multiple trocars in an incision, but the first option facilitates the work and reduces complications. Objective: Update the existing information on single-port devices to take it into consideration when carrying out the procedure. Methods: A bibliographic review on single port devices in minimally invasive surgery was carried out from March to April 2020. Articles, specialized books and bibliographic citations of selected studies were reviewed, of which 25 were selected for this review. Development: After reviewing 25 cited bibliographies, the characteristics of the main devices were detailed. Conclusions: There is a wide range of single-port devices, whose effectiveness is evidenced in the consulted bibliography, and that the review of this topic should be taken into account by specialists when performing this surgery(AU)
Humanos , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos/efeitos adversos , Laparoscopia/métodos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/métodos , Bibliografias como Assunto , Literatura de Revisão como AssuntoRESUMO
The breakthrough potentials of research papers can be explained by their boundary-spanning qualities. Here, for the first time, we apply the structural variation analysis (SVA) model and its affiliated metrics to investigate the extent to which such qualities characterize a group of Nobel Prize winning papers. We find that these papers share remarkable boundary-spanning traits, marked by exceptional abilities to connect disparate and topically-diverse clusters of research papers. Further, their publications exert structural variations on a scale that significantly alters the betweenness centrality distributions in existing intellectual space. Overall, SVA not only provides a set of leading indicators for describing future Nobel Prize winning papers, but also broadens our understanding of similar prize-winning properties that may have been overlooked among other regular publications.