OBJECTIVES: To detect any association between palatally displaced canine (PDC) and nasal septal deviation (NSD), palatal bone thickness and volume, and nasal airway dimensions and volume. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 92 patients were included and subdivided into two groups: group 1, unilateral PDCs (44 patients), and group 2, normally erupted canines (NDCs) (48 subjects). The following variables were measured using cone-beam computed tomography: presence and type of NSD, nasal width, inferior conchae, hard palate and nasal septum thickness, maxillary bone and nasal airway volumes. RESULTS: NSD was detected in 77% and 50% of PDC and NDC subjects, respectively. Within the PDC subjects, significant differences between the displaced and nondisplaced sides were detected. Palate thickness was increased in the canine region and reduced in the molar region. Compared with the control group, PDC subjects had reduced palate thickness and lower nasal airway volume. Two predictors were significant for predicting the odds of PDC occurrence: NSD and maxillary bone volume. CONCLUSIONS: NSD is more frequent in PDC subjects. PDC subjects have reduced palate thickness and decreased nasal airway volume. In the presence of NSD, the odds of developing PDC increase by 3.35 times, and for each one-unit increase in the maxillary bone volume, the odds of developing PDC decrease by 20%.
Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Dente Canino , Maxila , Septo Nasal , Humanos , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Masculino , Feminino , Septo Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , Dente Canino/diagnóstico por imagem , Adolescente , Maxila/diagnóstico por imagem , Criança , Palato Duro/diagnóstico por imagem , Erupção Ectópica de Dente/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavidade Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavidade Nasal/anatomia & histologia , Adulto JovemRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: To compare upper airway changes following bimaxillary surgery for correction of Class III deformity between patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) and bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP) and to compare the preoperative and postoperative upper airway among patients with UCLP and BCLP to healthy controls. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty adults with CLP-related skeletal Class III deformity (30 UCLP and 30 BCLP) who consecutively underwent bimaxillary surgery were studied retrospectively. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) was performed before and after surgery to measure upper airway and movements of facial skeletal and surrounding structures. CBCT images from 30 noncleft skeletal Class I adults, matched by age, gender, and body mass index and without surgical intervention, served as controls. RESULTS: After surgery, the volume of the nasopharynx increased in patients with CLP (both P < .001). Patients with CLP did not differ from controls in postoperative volume of the nasopharynx or oropharynx. However, the nasal cavity differed significantly between patients with CLP and controls (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: After bimaxillary surgery, the nasal cavity of patients with CLP differed significantly compared with the controls. Volumes of the nasopharynx and oropharynx did not differ between patients with CLP after surgery and controls.
Fenda Labial , Fissura Palatina , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Má Oclusão Classe III de Angle , Maxila , Nasofaringe , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico/métodos , Fissura Palatina/cirurgia , Fissura Palatina/diagnóstico por imagem , Fenda Labial/cirurgia , Fenda Labial/diagnóstico por imagem , Má Oclusão Classe III de Angle/cirurgia , Má Oclusão Classe III de Angle/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos Retrospectivos , Adulto , Nasofaringe/diagnóstico por imagem , Maxila/cirurgia , Maxila/diagnóstico por imagem , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Ortognáticos/métodos , Orofaringe/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto Jovem , Cavidade Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Adolescente , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
Objective:Anatomical variation or scar atresia of the drainage channel of the frontal sinus on the affected side, and opening the frontal sinus through the drainage channel of the frontal sinus on the affected side may lead to surgical failure. The purpose of this study is to explore a modified Draf â ¢ operation to complete the drainage of the affected frontal sinus by removing the floor wall and septum of the frontal sinus and connecting the bilateral frontal sinus through the healthy side of the frontal sinus. Methods:Through the anatomical study of 2 skull bone specimens and 2 fresh frozen specimens, the surgical landmark and surgical approach were explored. Four patients with frontal sinus atresia and frontal sinusitis after Drafâ ¡b surgery in Eye & ENT Hospital of Fudan University were retrospectively analyzed. Descriptive method was used to analyze the data. Results:The bottom wall of bilateral frontal sinus was removed, and the bilateral frontal sinus was enlarged above the nasal septum to form a large common cavity. The uncinate process and ethmoid bubble were retained, and the midline drainage of the affected frontal sinus in the healthy side of the nasal cavity was completed. From August 2022 to April 2023, 4 patients with frontal sinus atresia and frontal sinusitis after Drafâ ¡b surgery for unilateral frontal sinus papilloma in Eye & ENT Hospital of Fudan University were treated with surgery. The headache symptoms disappeared after surgery, and the drainage of frontal sinus was spacious, the mucosa healed well and the drainage was unobstructed under endoscopy. There were no other postoperative complications. Conclusion:Drafâ ¢ approach to unilateral frontal sinus for contralateral drainage can drain the affected frontal sinus adequately. The essence of this operation is to drain the bilateral frontal sinus in the unilateral nasal cavity, and this operation has short path, less trauma, and a broader prospect, which is suitable for promotion.
Drenagem , Seio Frontal , Humanos , Seio Frontal/cirurgia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Drenagem/métodos , Sinusite Frontal/cirurgia , Masculino , Feminino , Cavidade Nasal/cirurgia , Septo Nasal/cirurgia , Septo Nasal/anormalidades , AdultoRESUMO
The structural features of the paranasal sinuses play a key role in the development of pathological processes within them. The aim of our study was to examine the variations in the anatomical structure of the maxillary sinus based on Multispiral Computed Tomography (MSCT) data. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study involved 400 individuals aged 18 to 44 years, both male and female. During the study, attention was given to the following topographical and structural indicators: linear dimensions of the maxillary sinus2. The position relative to the nasal cavity, which is also important for reconstructive surgeries and cosmetic procedures. For planning surgical interventions in plastic surgery, the location and prevalence in height of the sinuses were also parameters studied in this work; pneumatization features, which deserve special attention from both researchers and practicing physicians; the average volume, wall thickness, and density, measured as key structural indicators of the sinus. Additionally, these data can indirectly indicate potential risks of complications; the study also determined the dependence of the calculated indicators on gender and age. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The maximum average sinus volume was found in men aged 60-74 years and women aged 18-44 years. This measure was 19.05±2.33 x10â»6m³ and 19.3±2.9 x10â»6m³, respectively. The minimum average volume was observed in men aged 45-59 years, where it was 13.02±2.3 x10â»6m³. In the corresponding age group of women, the minimum average volume was slightly higher, at 11.9±2.1 x10â»6m³. In other groups studied, the average volume values were intermediate between the maximum and minimum values. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study provide insights into the variations in the structure of the human maxillary sinus based on MSCT data. The average sinus volume indicators were calculated, with a maximum of 19.05±2.33 x10â»6m³ and a minimum of 11.9±2.1 x10â»6m³. Additionally, the study identified features of the topographical location of the maxillary sinuses in relation to the external nose.
Seio Maxilar , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Seio Maxilar/diagnóstico por imagem , Seio Maxilar/anatomia & histologia , Adulto , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Cavidade Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavidade Nasal/anatomia & histologia , Tomografia Computadorizada MultidetectoresRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: To explore the prognostic factors in patients with advanced olfactory neuroblastoma (ONB) underwent endoscopic surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective medical records were reviewed of patients with pathologically proven ONB who underwent endoscopic surgical resection. Clinicopathological characteristics including patient demographics, treatment, complications, follow-up, and outcomes were analyzed. Kaplan-Meier overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) curves were plotted. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression models were used to determine prognostic factors. RESULTS: Eighty-five patients with Kadish stage C ONB were examined. According to the various staging systems used, most patients harbored modified Kadish stage C (78.8%). Twenty-six patients (30.6%) underwent bony skull base resection, 11 (12.9%) underwent dura resection, and 24 (28.2%) underwent additional intracranial resection that included the olfactory bulb and duct. Median follow-up was 39 months. Five-year OS and DFS rates were 83.7% and 74.9%, respectively. Five-year OS was 100% in patients treated with bony skull base resection and 77.5% in those who were not (P = .052). Dura resection did not improve OS. Multivariate Cox regression analysis identified perioperative complications (P = .009), gross total resection (P = .004), orbital invasion (P = .014), postoperative radiotherapy (P = .030), and bony skull base resection (P = .019) as independent prognostic predictors. CONCLUSION: For patients with advanced ONB, endoscopic surgery in conjunction with radiotherapy and chemotherapy is effective and safe. Dura resection should be performed with caution in selected patients to balance survival and complications. Postoperative radiotherapy is important to improve OS and DFS.
Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório , Neoplasias Nasais , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório/cirurgia , Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório/mortalidade , Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório/patologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Neoplasias Nasais/cirurgia , Neoplasias Nasais/mortalidade , Neoplasias Nasais/patologia , Adulto , Prognóstico , Idoso , Estadiamento de Neoplasias , Adulto Jovem , Taxa de Sobrevida , Endoscopia , Análise de Sobrevida , Adolescente , Cavidade Nasal/cirurgiaRESUMO
Recently developed optogenetic technology, which allows high-fidelity control of neuronal activity, has been applied to investigate the neural circuits underlying sensory processing and behavior. The nasal cavity is innervated by the olfactory nerve and trigeminal nerve, which are closely related to common symptoms of rhinitis, such as impairment of smell, itching, and sneezing. The olfactory system has an amazing ability to distinguish thousands of odorant molecules at trace levels. However, there are many issues in olfactory sensing mechanisms that need to be addressed. Optogenetics offers a novel technical approach to solve this dilemma. Therefore, we review the recent advances in olfactory optogenetics to clarify the mechanisms of chemical sensing, which may help identify the mechanism of dysfunction and suggest possible treatments for impaired smell. Additionally, in rhinitis patients, alterations in the other nerve (trigeminal nerve) that innervates the nasal cavity can lead to hyperresponsiveness to various nociceptive stimuli and central sensitization, causing frequent and persistent itching and sneezing. In the last several years, the application of optogenetics in regulating nociceptive receptors, which are distributed in sensory nerve endings, and amino acid receptors, which are distributed in vital brain regions, to alleviate overreaction to nociceptive stimuli, has gained significant attention. Therefore, we focus on the progress in optogenetics and its application in neuromodulation of nociceptive stimuli and discuss the potential clinical translation for treating rhinitis in the future.
Optogenética , Optogenética/métodos , Humanos , Animais , Olfato/fisiologia , Nariz/fisiologia , Nervo Trigêmeo/fisiologia , Nervo Trigêmeo/fisiopatologia , Rinite/terapia , Rinite/fisiopatologia , Nervo Olfatório/fisiologia , Cavidade Nasal/fisiologiaRESUMO
Hemangiomas of the nasal cavity are extremely rare in the practice of an otorhinolaryngologist and can be presented in various histopathological variants. Scientific data on hemangiomas of the sinonasal region are analyzed and systematized. The article describes the principles of diagnosis and choice of the method of surgical treatment of hemangiomas. An analysis of the literature data shows that with hemangiomas of the nasal cavity, a comprehensive examination of the patient is required, including collection of complaints and anamnesis, endoscopy of the nasal cavity and computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses, and with significant hemangiomas spreading to neighboring anatomical areas, magnetic resonance imaging with intravenous contrast.
Hemangioma , Humanos , Hemangioma/diagnóstico , Hemangioma/terapia , Hemangioma/cirurgia , Endoscopia/métodos , Neoplasias Nasais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Nasais/terapia , Neoplasias Nasais/cirurgia , Cavidade Nasal/cirurgia , Cavidade Nasal/patologia , Cavidade Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/cirurgia , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/terapiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are one of the most frequently anatomically varied regions. Their size and shape vary from person to person, and ethnic origin may have a role in this variety. Recognizing this variations is so important for ear nose throat (ENT) specialists because they predispose to sinonasal pathologies and affect the complication rate and success of endoscopic sinus surgery. AIM: This study aimed to determine the frequency of sinonasal anatomic variations on paranasal sinus computed tomography (CT) in the Turkish population. METHODS: Patients who had undergone paranasal sinus CT with any complaints between 2013 and 2020 and aged over 18 years were included in the study. A total of 1209 patients who had undergone paranasal sinus CT were examined for coronal, axial, and sagittal plans retrospectively by two ENT professionals, and anatomical variations were evaluated. To assign the frequency of anatomic variations in a healthy population, patients who had previously undergone paranasal sinus and nasal surgery, who had nasal polyposis, and for whom CT evaluation was not possible due to intense sinusitis were excluded from the study. RESULTS: Among 1209 patients, 644 were male and 565 were female. The mean age of the patients was 33.7 years. The most common sinonasal anatomical variations were nasal septal deviation and agger nasi cells, while the least common variation is the supreme turbinate. No variation was found in 48 (3.9%) CTs. CONCLUSION: Almost all patients had at least one sinonasal anatomical variation. These variations should be known by the professionals who have interest in sinonasal disease and surgery.
Variação Anatômica , Seios Paranasais , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Seios Paranasais/diagnóstico por imagem , Seios Paranasais/anatomia & histologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Turquia/epidemiologia , Adulto Jovem , Idoso , Adolescente , Septo Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , Septo Nasal/anormalidades , Septo Nasal/anatomia & histologia , Cavidade Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavidade Nasal/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
PURPOSE: Button battery nasal impactions pose serious risks due to complications and the need for prompt removal, yet research on interventions remains limited due to its rare occurrence. To delineate the clinical manifestations of nasal foreign bodies associated with button batteries and to explore treatment approaches focused on minimizing the reliance on general anesthesia and surgical interventions. METHODS: This study focuses on 176 cases of children who received treatment for nasal cavity button battery impactions. It encompasses various factors including age, gender, battery location, impaction duration, methods of extraction, and associated complications. RESULTS: The incidence of nasal button battery cases among nasal foreign body instances was 1.16%, with a majority being males (60.23%) aged 1-5 years (98.29%). Utilizing a specially designed nasal foreign body hook and following established treatment protocols enabled the successful outpatient management of the majority of cases. Only 12 cases (6.82%) necessitated removal under general anesthesia due to management challenges in an outpatient setting. Furthermore, our findings indicated no linear correlation between the duration of battery retention and the risk of nasal septal perforation, which was observed in 31 cases (17.61%). CONCLUSION: Nasal foreign bodies caused by button batteries in children demand urgent attention due to their potentially grave outcomes. Our research is directed towards enhancing diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to bolster the success rates of outpatient removal, curtail the duration of foreign body retention, and diminish the reliance on general anesthesia.
Fontes de Energia Elétrica , Corpos Estranhos , Humanos , Corpos Estranhos/terapia , Corpos Estranhos/cirurgia , Corpos Estranhos/epidemiologia , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Estudos Retrospectivos , Lactente , Criança , Cavidade Nasal/cirurgia , Adolescente , Nariz/cirurgiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Viral respiratory infections stand as a considerable global health concern, presenting significant risks to the health of both humans and animals. This study aims to conduct a preliminary analysis of the time series of viral load in the nasal cavity-nasopharynx (NC-NP) of the human and rhesus macaque (RM). METHODS: Taking into account the random uniform distribution of virus-laden droplets with a diameter of 10 µm in the mucus layer, this study applies the computational fluid dynamics-host cell dynamics (CFD-HCD) method to 3D-shell NC-NP models of human and RM, analyzing the impact of initial distribution of droplets on the viral dynamics of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), estimating parameters in the HCD model based on experimental data, integrating them into simulations to predict the time series of viral load and cell counts, and being visualized. The reproductive number (R0) are calculated to determine the occurrence of infection. The study also considers cross-parameter combinations and cross-experimental datasets to explore potential correlations between the human and RM. RESULTS: The research findings indicate that the uniform distribution of virus-laden droplets throughout the whole NC-NP models of human and RM is reasonable for simulating and predicting viral dynamics. The visualization results offer dynamic insights into virus infection over a period of 20 days. Studies involving parameter and dataset exchanges between the two species underscore certain similarities in predicting virus infections between the human and RM. CONCLUSIONS: This study lays the groundwork for further exploration into the parallels and distinctions in respiratory virus dynamics between humans and RMs, thus aiding in making more informed decisions in research and experimentation.
COVID-19 , Macaca mulatta , Cavidade Nasal , Nasofaringe , SARS-CoV-2 , Carga Viral , Humanos , Animais , Cavidade Nasal/virologia , Nasofaringe/virologia , COVID-19/virologia , Hidrodinâmica , Simulação por Computador , Muco/virologia , Modelos BiológicosRESUMO
The clinical data of five patients diagnosed with olfactory neuroblastoma (ONB) who were admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University from January 2012 to January 2024 were retrospectively analyzed. Two males and three females aged 6.2 (5.7-15.8) years were included. The symptoms mainly covered nasal congestion, increased nasal secretions, headache, decreased vision and so on. Pathological grade â ¡, â ¢ and â £ was identified in two cases, one case and two cases, respectively. Modified Kadish stage B, C and D was detected in one case, two cases and two cases, respectively. All patients underwent surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Among the five patients, four survived and one died. The follow-up time was 22.3 (10.4-56.4) months, and the recurrence rate was 0. ONB should be suspected when tumors are presented in the upper and middle parts of the nasal cavity, especially dumbbell shaped masses that grow towards the nasal cavity and intracranial area based on imaging. The multimodality therapy of ONB comprising of surgery and chemotherapy, can achieve good therapeutic effects and prognosis, but long-term follow-up is required.
Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório , Cavidade Nasal , Neoplasias Nasais , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Neoplasias Nasais/terapia , Neoplasias Nasais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Nasais/patologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Cavidade Nasal/patologia , Pré-Escolar , Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório/terapia , Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório/diagnóstico , Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório/patologia , Terapia Combinada , PrognósticoRESUMO
Olfactory neuroblastoma is a rare malignant tumour arising from the olfactory nerve and extending into the nasal cavity. In this case report, the case of a 42-year-old male is presented. The patient had a two-month history of progressive nasal blockage and episodes of epistaxis. No complaint of anosmia or facial pain was reported. All the necessary examinations were performed. Upon investigation, the CT scan and MRI showed a polypoid mass involving the right maxillary sinus, eroding the medial wall and expanding into the osteo-meatal complex. The diagnosis of olfactory neuroblastoma was confirmed through histopathological examination and further validated by immunohistochemistry as it was positive for synaptophysin, chromogranin, gamma enolase, and neurofilament. On staging, the tumour was Kadish B. The mass was excised by lateral rhinotomy. The patient was kept on radiotherapy and was free from recurrence upon follow-up 10 months later. It was concluded that based on the analysis of findings related to olfactory neuroblastomas, clinicians should contemplate the possibility of an ONB when radiographic images depict a dumbbell-shaped mass within the nasal cavity, accompanied by peritumoural cysts. Using a multimodal treatment approach is advisable.
Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório , Cavidade Nasal , Neoplasias Nasais , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Neoplasias Nasais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Nasais/patologia , Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório/diagnóstico , Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório/patologia , Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavidade Nasal/patologia , Cavidade Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios XRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The human oral and nasal cavities can act as reservoirs for opportunistic pathogens capable of causing acute infection. These microbes asymptomatically colonize the human oral and nasal cavities which facilitates transmission within human populations via the environment, and they routinely possess clinically significant antibiotic resistance genes. Among these opportunistic pathogens, the Klebsiella genus stands out as a notable example, with its members frequently linked to nosocomial infections and multidrug resistance. As with many colonizing opportunistic pathogens, the essential transmission factors influencing the spread of Klebsiella species among both healthy and diseased individuals remain unclear. RESULTS: Here, we explored a possible explanation by investigating the ability of oral and nasal Klebsiella species to outcompete their native microbial community members under in vitro starvation conditions, which could be analogous to external hospital environments or the microenvironment of mechanical ventilators. When K. pneumoniae and K. aerogenes were present within a healthy human oral or nasal sample, the bacterial community composition shifted dramatically under starvation conditions and typically became enriched in Klebsiella species. Furthermore, introducing K. pneumoniae exogenously into a native microbial community lacking K. pneumoniae, even at low inoculum, led to repeated enrichment under starvation. Precise monitoring of K. pneumoniae within these communities undergoing starvation indicated rapid initial growth and prolonged viability compared to other members of the microbiome. K. pneumoniae strains isolated from healthy individuals' oral and nasal cavities also exhibited resistance to multiple classes of antibiotics and were genetically similar to clinical and gut isolates. In addition, we found that in the absence of Klebsiella species, other understudied opportunistic pathogens, such as Peptostreptococcus, increased in relative abundance under starvation conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings establish an environmental and microbiome community circumstance that allows for the enrichment of Klebsiella species and other opportunistic pathogens. Klebsiella's enrichment may hinge on its ability to quickly outgrow other members of the microbiome. The ability to outcompete other commensal bacteria and to persist under harsh environmental conditions could be an important factor that contributes to enhanced transmission in both commensal and pathogenic contexts. Video Abstract.
Farmacorresistência Bacteriana Múltipla , Klebsiella , Microbiota , Boca , Humanos , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana Múltipla/genética , Klebsiella/genética , Klebsiella/isolamento & purificação , Klebsiella/efeitos dos fármacos , Boca/microbiologia , Microbiota/efeitos dos fármacos , Microbiota/genética , Infecções por Klebsiella/microbiologia , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Klebsiella pneumoniae/genética , Klebsiella pneumoniae/isolamento & purificação , Klebsiella pneumoniae/efeitos dos fármacos , Inanição , Cavidade Nasal/microbiologia , Nariz/microbiologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: Investigate the implications of Congenital Nasal Pyriform Aperture Stenosis (CNPAS) on neonatal nasal airflow through computational fluid dynamics (CFD), create a virtual rhinomanometry, and simulate the prospective outcomes post-virtual surgical intervention. METHODS: CT scanning of a neonate diagnosed with CNPAS and a control model were used to execute CFD simulations. The segmentation file of the CNPAS underwent manual modifications to simulate a virtual surgical procedure, resulting in a geometry that mirrors a post-operatively corrected patient. Virtual rhinomanometry was reconstructed, and airflow dynamics within the nasal cavity were systematically assessed. The results of the three models were compared. RESULTS: In the CNPAS model, airflow dynamics underwent discernible alterations, with the principal airflow corridor confined to the nasal cavity's upper region. There was a marked pressure drop around the nasal valve, and diminished velocities. This first model of virtual surgery has allowed us to observe that the airflow parameters trended toward the control model, reintroducing an airflow trajectory between the lower and middle turbinates. Virtual rhinomanometry presented near-complete nasal obstruction in the CNPAS model, which showed considerable improvement after the virtual surgery. CONCLUSION: CFD highlights the aerodynamic changes resulting from CNPAS. It also allows for the creation of virtual rhinomanometry and the performance of virtual surgeries. Virtual surgery confirms the therapeutic potential of pyriform aperture enlargement techniques used in clinical practice to improve nasal respiratory function. Future research will investigate additional surgical scenarios and the application of these findings to optimize surgical interventions for CNPAS.
Simulação por Computador , Hidrodinâmica , Obstrução Nasal , Rinomanometria , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Humanos , Obstrução Nasal/cirurgia , Obstrução Nasal/congênito , Recém-Nascido , Constrição Patológica/cirurgia , Cavidade Nasal/anormalidades , Cavidade Nasal/cirurgia , Cavidade Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , Imageamento Tridimensional , Masculino , FemininoRESUMO
The human microbiome is critically associated with human health and disease. One aspect of this is that antibiotic-resistant opportunistic bacterial pathogens, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, can reside within the nasal microbiota, which increases the risk of infection. Epidemiological studies of the nasal microbiome have revealed positive and negative correlations between non-pathogenic species and S. aureus, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain poorly understood. The nasal cavity is iron-limited, and bacteria are known to produce iron-scavenging siderophores to proliferate in such environments. Siderophores are public goods that can be consumed by all members of a bacterial community. Accordingly, siderophores are known to mediate bacterial competition and collaboration, but their role in the nasal microbiome is unknown. Here, we show that siderophore acquisition is crucial for S. aureus nasal colonization in vivo. We screened 94 nasal bacterial strains from seven genera for their capacity to produce siderophores as well as to consume the siderophores produced by S. aureus. We found that 80% of the strains engaged in siderophore-mediated interactions with S. aureus. Non-pathogenic corynebacterial species were found to be prominent consumers of S. aureus siderophores. In co-culture experiments, consumption of siderophores by competitors reduced S. aureus growth in an iron-dependent fashion. Our data show a wide network of siderophore-mediated interactions between the species of the human nasal microbiome and provide mechanistic evidence for inter-species competition and collaboration impacting pathogen proliferation. This opens avenues for designing nasal probiotics to displace S. aureus from the nasal cavity of humans.
Sideróforos , Infecções Estafilocócicas , Staphylococcus aureus , Sideróforos/metabolismo , Staphylococcus aureus/metabolismo , Staphylococcus aureus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Humanos , Animais , Infecções Estafilocócicas/microbiologia , Microbiota , Camundongos , Cavidade Nasal/microbiologia , Ferro/metabolismo , Simbiose , Interações Microbianas , Bactérias/metabolismo , Bactérias/classificação , Bactérias/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Nariz/microbiologiaRESUMO
PURPOSE: The nasal foramen is located in the nasal bone and for vessels passage to supply the nasal area. This project aimed to establish reliable references for the nasal foramina for future clinical applications. METHODS: The 72 dried skulls, 46 from the Division of Anatomy, University of Phayao, Thailand, and 26 from the Tulane University School of Medicine, USA, were collected and examined. The location, number, and sizes of nasal foramina were noted. The distances from each nasal foramen to the internasal suture, frontonasal suture, nasomaxillary suture, nasion, and rhinion were also recorded and used in the statistical analytical programs. RESULTS: The most common type of nasal foramen in all skulls was type II (one external opening) at 65.97%, followed by type I (no foramen opening) at 20.83%, type III (two external openings) at 11.11% and type IV at 2.08% (three external openings). Nasal foramen subtypes in many of the Thai and American skulls were type IIb and type IIa. The diameter of a connecting nasal foramen was significantly larger than that of a non-connecting. Results from embalmed confirmed the passage of the external nasal artery through the nasal cavity. CONCLUSION: The study shows no significant difference in nasal foramen morphometry between Thai and American. It illustrates recent data on type and subtype classifications and the location of a vascular passage through the nasal foramen. This is the first study of NF variations and their respective classifications.
Osso Nasal , Humanos , Osso Nasal/anatomia & histologia , Tailândia , Cadáver , Cavidade Nasal/anatomia & histologia , Variação Anatômica , Estados UnidosRESUMO
Olfactory neuroblastomas rarely secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone, leading to ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome. However, the prevalence, timing, and triggers of ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome in patients with olfactory neuroblastomas remain unclear. This study aimed to investigate these factors and conduct a literature review. Fifteen patients with olfactory neuroblastomas who underwent surgery at our institution were included. The prevalence of ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome development was assessed by evaluating adrenocorticotropic hormone expression using immunohistochemistry. Furthermore, 26 patients with olfactory neuroblastomas who developed ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome from previous reports were reviewed. Among the 15 patients, three (20%) showed adrenocorticotropic hormone-positive tumor cells at the time of initial surgery, and two (13%) developed ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome. The timing of developing ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome was 2.5 and 10 years following the initial treatment of olfactory neuroblastoma. Based on the literature review, nine patients with recurrent and metastatic olfactory neuroblastoma developed ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome after the initial surgery, of whom, three had confirmed disease after developing ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome, three developed during disease progression, two developed after receiving chemotherapy, and one developed after undergoing a biopsy. The timing of ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome was 2.5-15 years after initial treatment. Our study revealed that acknowledging olfactory neuroblastomas can manifest as ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome with a certain low prevalence is crucial. Moreover, our study speculated that tumor stimulation, such as biopsy or chemotherapy, as well as disease progression, could trigger ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome onset. Thus, olfactory neuroblastomas can develop into ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone syndrome, even long after the initial treatment.
Síndrome de ACTH Ectópico , Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório , Neoplasias Nasais , Humanos , Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório/metabolismo , Estesioneuroblastoma Olfatório/patologia , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Neoplasias Nasais/metabolismo , Neoplasias Nasais/patologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Cavidade Nasal/patologia , Cavidade Nasal/metabolismo , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Hormônio Adrenocorticotrópico/metabolismo , Adolescente , Estudos RetrospectivosRESUMO
Objective:To explore the imaging features of rare tumors of nasal cavity and sinuses, and to improve the understanding of these diseases, thereby aiding clinical diagnosis and treatment. Methods:The CT and MRI findings of 79 cases of rare neoplasm of nasal cavity and sinuses confirmed by pathology were retrospectively analyzed, and the imaging features were summarized. Results:Among the 79 cases, there were 16 cases of neuroendocrine carcinoma, most showing expansive and infiltrative bone destruction without hyperosteogeny and sclerosis. The sphenoid sinus exhibited a "pigeon" shape. In 28 cases of malignant melanoma, MRI signals were diverse, typical signals were rare, but mixed signals were more common. In 12 cases of rhabdomyosarcoma, MRI enhancement mostly showed "grape-like" enhancement and partial ring enhancement; There were 10 cases of olfactory neuroblastoma, the lesions were consistent with the distribution area of olfactory mucosa, most of them were lobulated, marginal nodules, and "flower ring" enhancement, and 2 cases grew across intracranial and external, with multiple cystic lesions and surrounding flaky edema bands. In 5 cases of solitary fibrous tumor, Benign tumors had regular shape and uniform density, while malignant tumors had irregular shape and uneven density, The enhancement was obviously uneven and showed a "pattern" change. There were 2 cases of sarcomatoid carcinoma, both with lobed appearance, uneven density, lamellar low-density shadow, and osteolytic bone destruction. In 4 cases of schwannoma, the enhancement showed obvious inhomogeneous enhancement. One case showed cystic necrosis, one case showed calcification, and the surrounding structure was compressed without damage. There was 1 case of neurofibroma, with many cystic components, low signal separation and compartmentalized enhancement. One case of paraganglioma showed moderate enhancement in the arterial phase and progressive enhancement in the venous phase, accompanied by significant swelling bone destruction. Conclusion:Rare tumors of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses have distinctive imaging features. CT and MRI can effectively show the extent of the lesions and the degree of infiltration into adjacent tissues and organs, which is helpful for early clinical diagnosis and staging. However, definitive diagnosis still depends on pathology and immunohistochemistry.
Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Cavidade Nasal , Neoplasias Nasais , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Humanos , Cavidade Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , Cavidade Nasal/patologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Neoplasias Nasais/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias Nasais/patologia , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias dos Seios Paranasais/patologia , Masculino , Rabdomiossarcoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Rabdomiossarcoma/patologia , Feminino , Carcinoma Neuroendócrino/diagnóstico por imagem , Carcinoma Neuroendócrino/patologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Seios Paranasais/diagnóstico por imagem , Seios Paranasais/patologia , Melanoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Melanoma/patologia , Adulto , Tumores Fibrosos Solitários/diagnóstico por imagem , Tumores Fibrosos Solitários/patologia , Adulto Jovem , IdosoRESUMO
Objective:To study the clinical anatomy of the sphenopalatine foramina by dissecting the sphenopalatine foramina during Vidian nerve branch neurotomy. The anatomy and CBCT images of sphenopalatine foramen were analyzed to facilitate the navigational of clinical operation using CBCT images. Methods:From October 2017 to September 2023, 84 casesï¼168 sidesï¼ of Vidian nerve branch neurotomy in our department were collected. The clinical summary was made according to the anatomy of sphenopalatine foramen during the operation. Preoperative CBCT imaging findings of the sphenopalatine foramina were also studied. Results:The clinical anatomy of sphenopalatine foramen could be divided into four types: middle meatus typeï¼1.19%ï¼, trans-meatus typeï¼62.29%ï¼, superior meatus typeï¼33.33%ï¼ and double foramen typeï¼1.19%ï¼. The incidence of ethmoidal ridge was 98.81%. The distance from sphenopalatine foramina to posterior nasal canal wereï¼14.63±2.66ï¼ mm to left andï¼14.65±2.63ï¼ mm to right, The position Angle â a of lower margin of sphenopalatine foramina wereï¼62.36±10.05ï¼° to left andï¼61.51±11.82ï¼° to right, respectively. Axial CT images can be used to divide the sphenopalatine foramen into five levels: the upper edge of the sphenopalatine foramen level, the Vidian nerve level, the basal plate interaction level, the lower edge of the sphenopalatine foramen level and the pterygopalatine canal level. The agreement between endoscopic anatomy of sphenopalatine foramen and imaging navigation was 100%. Conclusion:The sphenopalatine foramina exhibit various anatomical types. The preoperative navigational CBCT reading can effectively identify the type of sphenopalatine foramina, guide the choice of surgical method, and help avoid serious complications. This has significant clinical application value.