BACKGROUND: The demand for natural product-based treatment options for livestock is increasing by animals' owners, veterinarians and policy makers. But at the same time, the traditional knowledge about it is at risk of falling into oblivion in Europe. The present study recorded this knowledge for the linguistically and geographically interesting Swiss canton of Valais. METHOD: Open, semi-structured interviews were used to collect detailed information on formulations and applications, including plant species and natural substances, origin of material, extraction and preparation of herbal products, indication and type of application, dosage, sources of knowledge, frequency of usage and self-assessment of the treatment. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: In the course of 43 interviews, 173 homemade single species herbal remedy report (HSHR) were recorded. They included 53 plant species from 30 botanical families. Plant species from the botanical families of Asteraceae, Rubiaceae and Cupressaceae were mentioned the most, while the most frequently documented plant species were Coffea arabica L., Juniperus sabina L., Arnica montana L. and Matricaria chamomilla L. For the 173 HSHR, a total of 215 uses were mentioned, most of which were for the treatment of gastrointestinal and metabolic disorders, followed by skin lesions and genito-urinary tract problems. Regional peculiarities emerged, such as the use of Leontopodium alpinum Cass. for diarrhea in the French-speaking Valais, while Matricaria chamomilla and Camellia sinensis L. were used in the German-speaking part instead. In comparison with other regions of Switzerland, 10 plants were reported for the first time, including Juniperus sabina with 18 use reports. CONCLUSION: The daily use on farms and the high satisfaction of farmers with homemade herbal remedies demonstrate their high practical relevance. In conclusion, the traditional regional knowledge about the use of medicinal plants is not only a cultural heritage worth protecting, but also an essential resource for the further development of European veterinary medicine.
Fazendeiros , Plantas Medicinais , Medicina Veterinária , Suíça , Humanos , Plantas Medicinais/classificação , Fitoterapia , Animais , Etnobotânica , Conhecimento , Masculino , Feminino , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , AdultoRESUMO
Accurate survival prediction for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) patients remains a significant challenge for the scientific and clinical community despite decades of advanced analytics. Addressing this challenge not only helps inform the critical aspects of clinical study design and biomarker discovery but also ensures that the 'right patient' receives the 'right treatment'. However, survival prediction is a highly complex task, given the large number of 'omics; and clinical features, as well as the high degree of freedom that drive patient survival. Prior knowledge could play a critical role in uncovering the complexity of a disease and understanding the driving factors affecting a patient's survival. We introduce a methodology for incorporating prior knowledge into machine learning-based models for prediction of patient survival through Knowledge Graphs, demonstrating the advantage of such an approach for NSCLC patients. Using data from patients treated with immuno-oncologic therapies in the POPLAR (NCT01903993) and OAK (NCT02008227) clinical trials, we found that the use of knowledge graphs yielded significantly improved hazard ratios, including in the POPLAR cohort, for models based on biomarker tumor mutation burden compared with those based on knowledge graphs. Use of a model-defined mutational 10-gene signature led to significant overall survival differentiation for both trials. We provide parameterized code for incorporating knowledge graphs into survival analyses for use by the wider scientific community.
Biomarcadores Tumorais , Carcinoma Pulmonar de Células não Pequenas , Neoplasias Pulmonares , Aprendizado de Máquina , Carcinoma Pulmonar de Células não Pequenas/genética , Carcinoma Pulmonar de Células não Pequenas/mortalidade , Carcinoma Pulmonar de Células não Pequenas/patologia , Humanos , Neoplasias Pulmonares/genética , Neoplasias Pulmonares/mortalidade , Neoplasias Pulmonares/patologia , Análise de Sobrevida , Prognóstico , Modelos de Riscos Proporcionais , Gráficos por Computador , Mutação/genética , ConhecimentoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: and Purpose: In the global landscape, quality assurance is paramount for educational institutions to adapt and thrive. The accreditation process involves evaluating an institution's quality according to standards established by experts and officially documenting its level of quality. This study aimed to assess the impact of a single educational session on physiotherapy and rehabilitation students' awareness and understanding of accreditation processes, recognizing their vital role in quality assurance. METHODS: A pretest-posttest design was employed with 211 students from a physiotherapy and rehabilitation department. Data were collected using a questionnaire assessing demographic information, knowledge about accreditation, and thoughts regarding accreditation. The educational session focused on accreditation criteria and processes, involving presentations and interactive discussions. McNemar's analysis was used to compare the response rates given by the students pre-and post-session. RESULTS: Analysis after the education session revealed a significant increase in students' knowledge of accreditation concepts (p < 0.05). Positive attitudes towards accreditation were reinforced, with students recognizing its importance in education quality. Despite pre-existing positive attitudes, the educational intervention enhanced students' understanding and engagement in accreditation processes with a significant increase in three of the eight questions on thoughts about accreditation (p < 0.05). DISCUSSION: This study underscores the efficacy of educational interventions in fostering student engagement and awareness of accreditation. Findings suggest the need for integrating accreditation education into curricula and advocating its significance through seminars and literature support, ultimately enhancing student participation in quality assurance processes.
Acreditação , Conhecimento , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Estudantes de Ciências da Saúde , Modalidades de Fisioterapia/educação , Atitude , Estudantes de Ciências da Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , AdultoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Cancer is a major public health challenge globally. However, little is known about the evolution patterns of cancer research communities and the influencing factors of their research capacity and impact, which is affected not only by the social networks established through research collaboration but also by the knowledge networks in which the research projects are embedded. METHODS: The focus of this study was narrowed to a specific topic - 'synthetic lethality' - in cancer research. This field has seen vibrant growth and multidisciplinary collaboration in the past decade. Multi-level collaboration and knowledge networks were established and analysed on the basis of bibliometric data from 'synthetic lethality'-related cancer research papers. Negative binomial regression analysis was further applied to explore how node attributes within these networks, along with other potential factors, affected paper citations, which are widely accepted as proxies for assessing research capacity and impact. RESULTS: Our study revealed that the synthetic lethality-based cancer research field is characterized by a knowledge network with high integration, alongside a collaboration network exhibiting some clustering. We found significant correlations between certain factors and citation counts. Specifically, a leading status within the nation-level international collaboration network and industry involvement were both found to be significantly related to higher citations. In the individual-level collaboration networks, lead authors' degree centrality has an inverted U-shaped relationship with citations, while their structural holes exhibit a positive and significant effect. Within the knowledge network, however, only measures of structural holes have a positive and significant effect on the number of citations. CONCLUSIONS: To enhance cancer research capacity and impact, non-leading countries should take measures to enhance their international collaboration status. For early career researchers, increasing the number of collaborators seems to be more effective. University-industry cooperation should also be encouraged, enhancing the integration of human resources, technology, funding, research platforms and medical resources. Insights gained through this study also provide recommendations to researchers or administrators in designing future research directions from a knowledge network perspective. Focusing on unique issues especially interdisciplinary fields will improve output and influence their research work.
Colaboração Intersetorial , Conhecimento , Neoplasias , Pesquisa , Pesquisa/estatística & dados numéricos , Pesquisa/tendências , Comunicação Acadêmica/estatística & dados numéricos , Redes Comunitárias , Cooperação InternacionalRESUMO
Children and young people's participation, as stipulated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, applies to both matters that directly and indirectly affect children. Participation is in some countries recognized as a fundamental right and children's engagement seen as a valuable resource. Assisted by conceptual understanding of co-creation, children may be enabled to engage and participate in a variety of contexts. Knowledge about research on, and facilitation of, co-creation involving children is the theme of the scoping review presented by this protocol. The protocol outlines a scoping review which is to use a systematic approach to synthesize knowledge of research about co-creation with children. By systematically scoping the existing research about co-creation with children, the review will survey the available literature (evidence), identify key concepts, and uncover gaps in knowledge. The overall objective of this scoping review is to gain knowledge of research conducted about all types of co-creation with children, and to identify the gaps that future research should address. This scoping review acknowledges the existence of multiple definitions of co-creation, which vary depending on different contexts. The review will also recognize several other associated concepts, such as co-production, co-design, co-research, and co- innovation, since they are used interchangeably with or align with the understanding of co-creation being reviewed. The methodological framework outlined by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) for scoping review will be used as a guide for this review. The PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and Explanation will be used during the process. The databases, ERIC (Education Resources Information Centre), Teacher Reference Center, Idunn, Oria, Libris, Kungliga biblioteket, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, Scopus, Academic search elite, Web of Science, Google scholar, will be searched for information on academic books and articles, in May 2024. Also grey literature will be searched for relevant academic references. There are no limitations in date of publication. Language will be limited to English, Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish. Following the selection of studies, data will be extracted and analysed. Ethical approval is not required, because only secondary data is collected. Dissemination will include peer-reviewed publications and presentations at conferences regarding public innovation, education, and children`s participations contexts.
Conhecimento , Humanos , Criança , Projetos de PesquisaRESUMO
Wisdom is the hallmark of social judgment, but how people across cultures recognize wisdom remains unclear-distinct philosophical traditions suggest different views of wisdom's cardinal features. We explore perception of wise minds across 16 socio-economically and culturally diverse convenience samples from 12 countries. Participants assessed wisdom exemplars, non-exemplars, and themselves on 19 socio-cognitive characteristics, subsequently rating targets' wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. Analyses reveal two positively related dimensions-Reflective Orientation and Socio-Emotional Awareness. These dimensions are consistent across the studied cultural regions and interact when informing wisdom ratings: wisest targets-as perceived by participants-score high on both dimensions, whereas the least wise are not reflective but moderately socio-emotional. Additionally, individuals view themselves as less reflective but more socio-emotionally aware than most wisdom exemplars. Our findings expand folk psychology and social judgment research beyond the Global North, showing how individuals perceive desirable cognitive and socio-emotional qualities, and contribute to an understanding of mind perception.
Julgamento , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Emoções , Conhecimento , Comparação Transcultural , Cognição/fisiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Percepção Social , Adolescente , PercepçãoRESUMO
The imperative to decolonise health disciplines underscores the need for a critical examination of the coloniality of nursing knowledge development. Decolonising nursing requires epistemic resistance aimed at exposing and dismantling epistemological hierarchies that marginalise indigenous knowledges. This paper introduces the 'Pluriverse of Nursologies' as paradigm to guide decolonial theorising in nursing. Through a four-part exploration, I first elucidate the coloniality embedded in mainstream nursing knowledge. Next, I offer a decolonial critique of Fawcett's nursing metaparadigm as an exemplar of pyramidal epistemology. I then discuss pluriversality as an approach to decolonising nursing knowledge. Finally, I introduce the Pluriverse of Nursologies (PoN) as a meta-theoretical paradigm for theory and knowledge development that decentres and dismantles the pyramidal epistemology of colonial/modern nursing, and relinks diverse nursologies from marginalised communities to the centre of intellectual nursing discourse, thereby revitalising the theoretical landscape of the discipline.
Colonialismo , Humanos , Conhecimento , Teoria de EnfermagemRESUMO
When evidence-based policymaking is so often mired in disagreement and controversy, how can we know if the process is meeting its stated goals? We develop a novel mathematical model to study disagreements about adequate knowledge utilization, like those regarding wild horse culling, shark drumlines and facemask policies during pandemics. We find that, when stakeholders disagree, it is frequently impossible to tell whether any party is at fault. We demonstrate the need for a distinctive kind of transparency in evidence-based policymaking, which we call transparency of reasoning. Such transparency is critical to the success of the evidence-based policy movement, as without it, we will be unable to tell whether in any instance a policy was in fact based on evidence.
Formulação de Políticas , Humanos , Modelos Teóricos , Conhecimento , COVID-19/epidemiologia , PandemiasRESUMO
In designing and implementing initiatives to conserve biodiversity and ensure the flow of ecosystem services, it is crucial to understand the perspectives of communities living near protected areas. Improving conservation efforts may depend on analyzing socio-ecological factors and their impact on Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) and perceptions of ecosystem services. We employed participatory methodologies with 80 farmers from agrarian settlements adjacent to protected areas in the Cerrado biome, Brazil, we quantified LEK and assessed perceptions of ecosystem services using an adaptation of the Q-methodology. We collected data on thirteen socio-ecological variables, including age, gender, farm size, education, engagement with conservation initiatives, and interactions with protected areas and Legal Reserves. Using artificial intelligence in a Random Forest (RF) modelling approach, we identified the most influential variables on LEK and perceptions. Our findings demonstrate that engagement in nature conservation and restoration initiatives, along with the use of native areas (protected and managed areas) significantly influence LEK levels within the farmers' communities. Farmers with full participation, from conception to implementation and evaluation of the initiatives, had a significantly higher LEK level (28.5 ± 13.0) compared to farmers without participation in those initiatives (11.4 ± 5.9). Farmers who used the cerrado for leisure and education (28.2 ± 21.2) had significantly higher LEK levels compared to farmers who do not attend or use the cerrado areas (13.5 ± 8.9) and those using areas of native vegetation for cattle raising (12.8 ± 6.8). These results highlight that, in addition to farmers' participation in conservation and restoration initiatives, the sustainable use of natural areas is fundamental to strengthen their local knowledge of ecosystem functioning. Furthermore, we found that the type of agroecosystem present on farms strongly? shapes farmers' perceptions of ecosystem services. Farmers perceive different ecosystem services depending on land use, indicating the need for tailored interventions for the planning and management of conservation areas. Farmers practicing soybean monoculture had significantly lower perception scores on ecosystem services (-5.1 ± 3.8) than to the other four evaluated groups. Overall, the study highlights the critical role of incorporating local knowledge and perceptions for the design of effective management strategies to increase ecosystem services provision and biodiversity conservation in areas adjacent to protected areas.
Biodiversidade , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Brasil , Fazendeiros/psicologia , Humanos , Conhecimento , Ecologia , Percepção , AgriculturaRESUMO
This study aims to examine the relationship between knowledge of the SDGs and public policy support for the SDGs. By categorizing knowledge into objective and subjective knowledge, we examine the impact of these two types of knowledge on public support. And we further explores the moderating role of public trust in international/environmental organizations and the mediating role of individuals' perceptions of SDGs' relevance. By conducting an online survey in China (n=3089), we analyze the dataset using (generalized) logistic regression model and mediation analysis. This study finds that 1) both individuals' objective and subjective knowledge of SDGs are significantly associated with policy support for SDGs, an inverted U-shaped relationship is identified for objective knowledge, while subjective knowledge and policy support are positively correlated; 2) for publics who trust international/environmental organizations, their support for the SDGs will be boosted by their increased level of knowledge; 3) individuals' perceptions of SDGs' relevance to their personal life mediates the relationship between individual's knowledge of SDGs and policy support for the SDGs. This study applies several sampling and modelling techniques for robustness check. This study extends our understanding of the relationship between knowledge and policy support in the context of the SDGs.
Conhecimento , Humanos , China , Inquéritos e Questionários , Política Ambiental , Política PúblicaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Hybridization between the local medical systems (LMSs) and biomedicine has been the focus of different studies in ethnobiology, primarily due to the increasing access to biomedicine by indigenous peoples and local communities. Studies on hybridization allow for an understanding of the process of developing and evolving local knowledge systems. In this study, we propose a hybridization score to determine how individuals' socioeconomic characteristics and preference between LMS and biomedicine determine the complementarity of therapeutic options. METHODS: We conducted semistructured interviews and applied free listing technique in a rural community in Northeast Brazil to assess the treatments the local population sought and which were preferred. RESULTS: Our analyses showed that the level of schooling was the socioeconomic factor that negatively affected the hybridization process. Individuals with higher levels of schooling tended to prefer LMS strategies less and, consequently, showed a lower probability of hybridizing the two systems. Additionally, older people who preferred LMS strategies showed a greater tendency to adopt hybridization in human health-seeking behavior. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide further evidence of the complementarity between different medical systems and demonstrate that socioeconomic factors can affect local knowledge and are responsible for differences in individual propensity to hybridize distinct medical systems.
Fatores Socioeconômicos , Humanos , Brasil , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Conhecimento , População Rural , Idoso , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Medicina Tradicional , Adulto JovemRESUMO
We move beyond discussing the desirability and feasibility of bridging the research-practice gap to introducing an identity perspective to explore how Chinese management researchers make sense of the research-practice gap and what kinds of career identities are constructed. We conducted a qualitative study among 34 Chinese management researchers working at or studying for a PhD at research-oriented business schools in China. The findings show that management researchers in typical Chinese higher education institutions prefer constructing a single identity (i.e., professional, scholar, or knowledge worker identity) rather than a hybrid identity such as "academic-practitioner" as studies of their Western counterparts suggest. Moreover, before seeking and emulating role models to construct their desired career identities, researchers in China studying management reflexively search for referent groups by identifying either with a narrow disciplinary group (US mainstream management researchers or traditional intellectuals) or a broad group of knowledge workers. Furthermore, this study delineates how researchers with varying career identity narratives adopt corresponding identity work strategies (i.e., redefinition, defense, and distance) suggesting that identity work strategies do not always lead to achieving or preserving positive identity.
Pesquisadores , Humanos , Pesquisadores/psicologia , China , Feminino , Masculino , Identificação Social , Adulto , Conhecimento , População do Leste AsiáticoRESUMO
This paper investigates the ethical implications of applying open science (OS) practices on disruptive technologies, such as generative AIs. Disruptive technologies, characterized by their scalability and paradigm-shifting nature, have the potential to generate significant global impact, and carry a risk of dual use. The tension arises between the moral duty of OS to promote societal benefit by democratizing knowledge and the risks associated with open dissemination of disruptive technologies. Van Rennselaer Potter's 'third bioethics' serves as the founding horizon for an ethical framework to govern these tensions. Through theoretical analysis and concrete examples, this paper explores how OS can contribute to a better future or pose threats. Finally, we provide an ethical framework for the intersection between OS and disruptive technologies that tries to go beyond the simple 'as open as possible' tenet, considering openness as an instrumental value for the pursuit of other ethical values rather than as a principle with prima facie moral significance.
Bioética , Ciência , Tecnologia , Humanos , Tecnologia/ética , Ciência/ética , Obrigações Morais , Teoria Ética , Conhecimento , Princípios MoraisRESUMO
The text attempts to understand the development of collaborative audiovisual knowledge practices in anthropology as situated and diffractive knowledge (Haraway, Barad, Smith). By considering specific stages in the history of collaborative and participatory projects, the article argues that collaborative filmmaking is not only a decentering of one-sided authorship and one-sided modes of representation, but also a media-specific form of knowledge that is bound to and embedded in social contexts. Through the example of colonial film, the article describes stations of demarcation and attempts to decolonize film. Current film experiments with marginalized groups have their origins in "shared anthropologies" (Rouch) and have further developed this approach through more consistent forms of Fourth Cinema and power sharing with Indigenous communities. Film is thus also able to depict amateur knowledge practices within collaborative research projects.
Antropologia Cultural , Comportamento Cooperativo , Conhecimento , Filmes Cinematográficos , Filmes Cinematográficos/história , Humanos , ColonialismoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Wild food plants (WFPs) play an important role in the traditional dietary habits of various indigenous communities worldwide, particularly in mountainous regions. To understand the dynamics of food preferences, cross-cultural studies on food plants should be conducted across diverse ethnic groups in a given area. In this context, the current study investigated the use of WFPs by seven different cultural groups in the Kashmir Himalayan Region. In this area, people gather wild plants and their parts for direct consumption, traditional foods, or sale in local markets. Despite this reliance, documentation of the food system, especially concerning WFPs, is notably lacking. Hence, our research aimed to document WFPs, along with associated traditional ecological knowledge, and identify major threats to their long-term sustainability in Division Muzaffarabad. METHODS: Through a comprehensive approach involving questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, and market surveys, we gathered data from 321 respondents. PCA was performed to analyze threats and plant use using "factoextra" in R software. Origin Pro was used to create a chord diagram, while R software was used to generate a Polar heat map. Additionally, a Venn diagram was created using Bioinformatics software. RESULTS: The study included 321 informants, of whom 75.38% were men and 24.61% were women. In total, 113 plant taxa from 74 genera and 41 botanical families were reported. Polygonaceae and Rosaceae accounted for the majority (17 species each), followed by Lamiaceae (7 species). Leaves were the most used part as food sources (41.04%), followed by fruits (33.33%). Most of the species are consumed as cooked (46.46%) and as raw snacks (37.80%). A total of 47 plant species were collected and cooked as wild vegetables, followed by 40 species used as fruits. This study is the first to describe the market potential and ecological distribution of WFPs in the study area. Cross-comparison showed that utilization of WFPs varies significantly across the region and communities, including their edible parts and mode of consumption. Jaccard index (JI) value ranged from 5.81 to 25. Furthermore, the current study describes 29 WFPs and 10 traditional food dishes that have rarely been documented in Pakistan's ethnobotanical literature. Climate change, invasive species, expansion of agriculture, and plant diseases are some of the most significant threats to WFPs in the study area. CONCLUSIONS: The older age group has more knowledge about WFPs compared to the younger generation, who are not interested in learning about the utilization of WFPs. This lack of interest in information about WFPs among the younger generation can be attributed to their limited access to markets and availability of food plants in the study area. Traditional gathering of food plants has been reduced in younger generations during recent years; therefore, it is crucial to develop effective conservation strategies. These efforts not only safeguard indigenous flora, food knowledge, and cultural heritage, but they also contribute to food security and public health by utilizing local wild foods in the examined area.
Segurança Alimentar , Plantas Comestíveis , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Índia , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Comparação Transcultural , Etnobotânica , Conhecimento , Adulto Jovem , Idoso , EcologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) and practice associated with wild edible plants (WEPs) is an important part of local culture of the Yao people in Jianghua Yao Autonomous County, which possesses the biggest population of Yao ethnic group in China. Economic development, urbanization, and transition of lifestyle and changing interests of the younger generations risk loss of such valuable knowledge. However, no record had been reported about WEPs from the Yao communities of Jianghua County. It is urgent to assemble data on the major WEPs and their uses in Jianghua. This can be used to educate and stimulate new interest in these WEPs, to aid inheritance and improvement of cultural identity and confidence, to enhance local resilience to various changes and to suggest pathways for novel and value-added applications to create new local business opportunities. METHODS: To record WEPs associated with TEK and practice, we conducted field surveys in 2018, 2019 and 2023. The ethnobotanical methods such as free-listing, participatory observation, semi-structured interview, and market survey were adopted in the field investigations. Information about WEPs including vernacular names, parts used, ways of use, and collection time were recorded. Voucher specimens were collected, identified, and deposited in the herbarium at Minzu University of China, in Beijing. RESULTS: Totally, 81 Yao people from 12 villages were interviewed. WEPs traditionally play a crucial role in Yao peoples' daily lives. A total of 130 plant species from 89 genera and 49 families were recorded. The plants collected showed great diversity and reflected unique local culture. Most (54.5%) WEPs were also used as medicines. Baba can be defined as a cultural identity food, and WEPs are commonly used as tea substitutes for their health benefits. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that WEPs use is facing great challenges in a rapidly changing era. Preservation of WEPs related practice and knowledge is not only important for conserving local biocultural diversity, but also valuable in providing potential functional and healthy materials for food security and future economic development. Cultivation of young generations' interest in nature and biodiversity, combined with local policy to enhance public awareness are recommended.