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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e54931, 2021. map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460999


Some organisms, such as aquatic insects, are transported from the upstream to downstream region of streams through a process called drift. This process occurs in passive and active ways and can be variable throughout the day, mainly between the nocturnal and diurnal periods. Here, we evaluate the periodicity of the drift of aquatic insects in two streams of the Middle Iguaçu basin, southern region of Brazil. We predicted that the drift of aquatic insects brings the highest richness, diversity and abundance during the nocturnal period, compared to the diurnal period. In addition, we expected that the composition of species is different between these periods. In each stream, aquatic insect sampling was carried out 10 times, for 24 hours, using drift nets. A total of 2,114 aquatic insect specimens were recorded, distributed in 26 families. Of these families, 20 were recorded during the diurnal period and 24 during the nocturnal period. Our results showed an increase in the diversity and abundance of aquatic insect drift in the nocturnal period. However, only abundance was significantly different between the periods. We attribute the higher abundance in nocturnal drift possibly to biological interactions. Thus, nocturnal drift can be a strategy of some aquatic insects to avoid visual predation by other invertebrates and/or vertebrates, in Neotropical streams. We highlight the importance of our study, because it can be used for comparison in surveys of lotic environments that have been impacted by human activity (e.g. by dam construction), which can alter the water flow, and consequently the pattern of insect drift.

Animais , Cinturão Ecológico , Corrente Jusante , Entomologia , Estações do Ano , Insetos
Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 67(2): 159-170, May-Aug. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1180952


ABSTRACT Bromatological parameters in 39 Warakú verdadero (Leporinus agassizi) and 21 Warakú pinima (Leporinus fasciatus) fillets were analyzed at three different sites of the Vaupés River, Colombia sampled during a hydrobiological cycle. The bromatological parameters did not shown significant differences in relation to the sites and season of capture. At point 3 and during the descending water season Leporinus agassizi had the highest values for dry matter (25.24%), protein (19.82%) and ash (2.16%). The highest lipid value for this species was found in low waters at point 1 (2.93%). Leporinus fasciatus showed the highest levels of dry matter (25.19%) and ash (2.16%) at point 3 during ascendant and high waters, respectively. The bromatological parameters tends to vary regarding the time of year. It was possible to determined that these fish species have great potential for continental aquaculture thus constituting a healthy food model.

RESUMEN Se analizaron los parámetros bromatológicos de 39 filetes de Warakú verdadero (Leporinus agassizi) y 21 filetes de Warakú pinima (Leporinus fasciatus) muestreados durante un ciclo hidrológico en tres puntos diferentes del Rio Vaupés, Colombia. Los parámetros evaluados no presentaron diferencias significativas en relación al sitio y época de captura. En el punto 3 y durante la temporada de aguas descendentes Leporinus agassizi tuvo los valores más altos para materia seca (25,24%), proteína (19,82%) y cenizas (2,16%). Los mayores niveles de lípidos para esta especie fueron encontrados en aguas bajas del punto 1 (2,93%). Leporinus fasciatus presentó los niveles más altos de materia seca (25,19%) y cenizas (2,16%) en el punto 3 durante la temporada de aguas ascendentes y altas, respectivamente. Las variables bromatológicas tendieron a variar de acuerdo con la época del año. Fue posible determinar que estas especies de peces poseen un gran potencial para la acuicultura de aguas continentales constituyendo así un modelo de alimentación saludable.

Animais , Cinzas , Ecossistema , Aquicultura , Characidae , Peixes , Tecnologia de Alimentos , Dieta Saudável , Proteínas de Peixes da Dieta , Água , Águas Continentais , Corrente Jusante , Corrente Montante , Lipídeos
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e20200025, 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135152


Antivenoms are the only validated treatment against snakebite envenoming. Numerous drawbacks pertaining to their availability, safety and efficacy are becoming increasingly evident due to low sustainability of current productions. Technological innovation of procedures generating therapeutics of higher purity and better physicochemical characteristics at acceptable cost is necessary. The objective was to develop at laboratory scale a compact, feasible and economically viable platform for preparation of equine F(ab')2 antivenom against Vipera ammodytes ammodytes venom and to support it with efficiency data, to enable estimation of the process cost-effectiveness. Methods: The principle of simultaneous caprylic acid precipitation and pepsin digestion has been implemented into plasma downstream processing. Balance between incomplete IgG breakdown, F(ab')2 over-digestion and loss of the active drug's protective efficacy was achieved by adjusting pepsin to a 1:30 substrate ratio (w/w) and setting pH at 3.2. Precipitation and digestion co-performance required 2 h-long incubation at 21 °C. Final polishing was accomplished by a combination of diafiltration and flow-through chromatography. In vivo neutralization potency of the F(ab')2 product against the venom's lethal toxicity was determined. Results: Only three consecutive steps, performed under finely tuned conditions, were sufficient for preservation of the highest process recovery with the overall yield of 74%, comparing favorably to others. At the same time, regulatory requirements were met. Final product was aggregate- and pepsin-free. Its composition profile was analyzed by mass spectrometry as a quality control check. Impurities, present in minor traces, were identified mostly as IgG/IgM fragments, contributing to active drug. Specific activity of the F(ab')2 preparation with respect to the plasma was increased 3.9-fold. Conclusion: A highly streamlined mode for production of equine F(ab')2 antivenom was engineered. In addition to preservation of the highest process yield and fulfillment of the regulatory demands, performance simplicity and rapidity in the laboratory setting were demonstrated. Suitability for large-scale manufacturing appears promising.(AU)

Espectrometria de Massas , Antivenenos , Cromatografia , Corrente Jusante , Plasma , Imunoterapia
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 17(2): e180072, 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1012718


Details of migration dynamics of Neotropical fishes are poorly understood. This study aimed to examine upstream (spawning) and downstream (post-spawning) migration speeds, of curimatá-pioa (Prochilodus costatus) in the São Francisco River basin, southeast Brazil. Most upstream movements were recorded in October and November, in two well-defined migration windows, and downstream movements were frequent from December to March. Fish migrated upstream at an average migration speed of 34.4 km day-1 and no significant differences were detected in their speed between sexes and migration window they selected to migrate. No relationship was detected between upstream migration speed and biometric measures of tagged individuals. Upstream migrations speeds were significantly higher for fish that swam longer prior to reach telemetry stations in the same season, indicating that swimming performance may take some time to achieve its peak in upstream migration. Fish migrated downstream at an average migration speed of 97.7 km day-1, what is close to passive swimming in São Francisco River, and no significant differences in speed were detected between sexes or capture sites. The migration speeds measured here are the highest ever recorded for the genus Prochilodus and are among the highest reported for Neotropical migratory fish.(AU)

Detalhes acerca da dinâmica migratória de peixes neotropicais são pouco conhecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as velocidades em migração ascendente (reprodutiva) e descendente (pós-reprodutiva) da curimatá-pioa (Prochilodus costatus) no rio São Francisco, Brasil. A migração ascendente concentrou-se nos meses de outubro e novembro, em duas janelas migratórias, e a descendente de dezembro a março. Os peixes alcançaram velocidade migratória média de 34,4 km dia-1 em migração ascendente não sendo observadas diferenças nas velocidades em relação ao sexo e janela migratória em que o peixe migrou. Não foi observada relação entre velocidade migratória e características biométricas dos peixes. Diferenças nas velocidades migratórias ascendentes foram observadas para peixes que nadaram maiores distâncias antes de passar pelas estações de telemetria, indicando que o pico de desempenho natatório é alcançado algum tempo depois de iniciado o movimento ascendente. Em migração descendente a média de velocidade migratória foi de 97,7 km dia-1, próxima à natação passiva, e não foram observadas diferenças entre as velocidades em relação a sexo e ponto de marcação dos peixes. As velocidades migratórias medidas neste estudo são as maiores já registradas para o gênero Prochilodus e estão entre as maiores registradas para peixes migradores neotropicais.(AU)

Animais , Caraciformes/classificação , Caraciformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Corrente Jusante , Migração Humana