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Sci Rep ; 14(1): 20402, 2024 09 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39223262


Multiple sex chromosomes usually arise from chromosomal rearrangements which involve ancestral sex chromosomes. There is a fundamental condition to be met for their long-term fixation: the meiosis must function, leading to the stability of the emerged system, mainly concerning the segregation of the sex multivalent. Here, we sought to analyze the degree of differentiation and meiotic pairing properties in the selected fish multiple sex chromosome system present in the wolf-fish Hoplias malabaricus (HMA). This species complex encompasses seven known karyotype forms (karyomorphs) where the karyomorph C (HMA-C) exhibits a nascent XY sex chromosomes from which the multiple X1X2Y system evolved in karyomorph HMA-D via a Y-autosome fusion. We combined genomic and cytogenetic approaches to analyze the satellite DNA (satDNA) content in the genome of HMA-D karyomorph and to investigate its potential contribution to X1X2Y sex chromosome differentiation. We revealed 56 satDNA monomers of which the majority was AT-rich and with repeat units longer than 100 bp. Seven out of 18 satDNA families chosen for chromosomal mapping by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) formed detectable accumulation in at least one of the three sex chromosomes (X1, X2 and neo-Y). Nine satDNA monomers showed only two hybridization signals limited to HMA-D autosomes, and the two remaining ones provided no visible FISH signals. Out of seven satDNAs located on the HMA-D sex chromosomes, five mapped also to XY chromosomes of HMA-C. We showed that after the autosome-Y fusion event, the neo-Y chromosome has not substantially accumulated or eliminated satDNA sequences except for minor changes in the centromere-proximal region. Finally, based on the obtained FISHpatterns, we speculate on the possible contribution of satDNA to sex trivalent pairing and segregation.

Caraciformes , DNA Satélite , Hibridização in Situ Fluorescente , Cromossomos Sexuais , Animais , DNA Satélite/genética , Cromossomos Sexuais/genética , Masculino , Caraciformes/genética , Feminino , Evolução Molecular , Meiose/genética , Cariótipo , Cromossomo Y/genética
Nat Commun ; 15(1): 8277, 2024 Sep 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39333471


Reference genomes of cattle and sheep have lacked contiguous assemblies of the sex-determining Y chromosome. Here, we assemble complete and gapless telomere to telomere (T2T) Y chromosomes for these species. We find that the pseudo-autosomal regions are similar in length, but the total chromosome size is substantially different, with the cattle Y more than twice the length of the sheep Y. The length disparity is accounted for by expanded ampliconic region in cattle. The genic amplification in cattle contrasts with pseudogenization in sheep suggesting opposite evolutionary mechanisms since their divergence 19MYA. The centromeres also differ dramatically despite the close relationship between these species at the overall genome sequence level. These Y chromosomes have been added to the current reference assemblies in GenBank opening new opportunities for the study of evolution and variation while supporting efforts to improve sustainability in these important livestock species that generally use sire-driven genetic improvement strategies.

Bovinos , Cromossomos de Mamíferos , Ovinos , Cromossomo Y , Bovinos/genética , Ovinos/genética , Análise de Sequência de DNA , Sequenciamento Completo do Genoma , Evolução Molecular , Centrômero/genética , Telômero/genética
Genes (Basel) ; 15(8)2024 Aug 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39202365


Genomic Safe Harbors (GSH) are loci used for the insertion of exogenous genetic elements, enabling exogenous gene expressing predictably without alterations of the host genome. These sites are becoming increasingly important as the gene editing technologies advance rapidly. Currently, only a few GSHs have been identified in the pig genome. In this study, a novel strategy was demonstrated for the efficient insertion of exogenous genetic material into the third exon of the UTY gene on the Y chromosome using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated homology arm-mediated end joining. The safety of the locus was verified according to the proper expression of the inserted EGFP gene without altering the expression of UTY. This approach enables the integration and expression of the exogenous gene at this locus, indicating that the UTY locus serves as a genomic safe harbor site for gene editing in the pig genome. Located on the Y chromosome, this site can be utilized for sex-biased pig breeding and developing biomedical models.

Sistemas CRISPR-Cas , Edição de Genes , Cromossomo Y , Animais , Cromossomo Y/genética , Suínos/genética , Edição de Genes/métodos , Masculino
Mol Biol Evol ; 41(8)2024 Aug 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39136558


Sex chromosomes display remarkable diversity and variability among vertebrates. Compared with research on the X/Y and Z/W chromosomes, which have long evolutionary histories in mammals and birds, studies on the sex chromosomes at early evolutionary stages are limited. Here, we precisely assembled the genomes of homozygous XX female and YY male Lanzhou catfish (Silurus lanzhouensis) derived from an artificial gynogenetic family and a self-fertilized family, respectively. Chromosome 24 (Chr24) was identified as the sex chromosome based on resequencing data. Comparative analysis of the X and Y chromosomes showed an approximate 320 kb Y-specific region with a Y-specific duplicate of anti-Mullerian hormone type II receptor (amhr2y), which is consistent with findings in 2 other Silurus species but on different chromosomes (Chr24 of Silurus meridionalis and Chr5 of Silurus asotus). Deficiency of amhr2y resulted in male-to-female sex reversal, indicating that amhr2y plays a male-determining role in S. lanzhouensis. Phylogenetic analysis and comparative genomics revealed that the common sex-determining gene amhr2y was initially translocated to Chr24 of the Silurus ancestor along with the expansion of transposable elements. Chr24 was maintained as the sex chromosome in S. meridionalis and S. lanzhouensis, whereas a sex-determining region transition triggered sex chromosome turnover from Chr24 to Chr5 in S. asotus. Additionally, gene duplication, translocation, and degeneration were observed in the Y-specific regions of Silurus species. These findings present a clear case for the early evolutionary trajectory of sex chromosomes, including sex-determining gene origin, repeat sequence expansion, gene gathering and degeneration in sex-determining region, and sex chromosome turnover.

Peixes-Gato , Processos de Determinação Sexual , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Peixes-Gato/genética , Evolução Molecular , Filogenia , Cromossomos Sexuais/genética , Cromossomo Y/genética , Genoma , Cromossomo X/genética , Receptores de Peptídeos , Receptores de Fatores de Crescimento Transformadores beta
Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand) ; 70(7): 155-160, 2024 Jul 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39097881


Goats are considered the leading farm animal that has a substantial role in the agricultural sector in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. No cytological examination has been carried out on them. This experiment aims to identify the Karyotype of the local breeds of domestic goats. This experiment was conducted on the Karyotype and prepared the ideogram of Meriz goats. The determination of the relative length and centromeric index arm ratio of the chromosomes in the breed was achieved by the production of karyotypes. A total of (30)Meriz goats, consisting of (10) males and (20) females, were selected to collect blood samples for a short-term lymphocyte culture. The diploid chromosome count was observed to be (60), consisting of (29) pairs of acrocentric autosomes and one pair of allosomes, specifically the X and Y chromosomes. The acrocentric nature of the X-chromosome and the sub-metacentric nature of the Y-chromosome were identified through scientific investigation. The study observed a variation in the relative length of autosomal chromosomes in Meriz goats, with females ranging from 4.49% to 1.89% and males ranging from (4.53%) to (1.75%). The X-chromosome had a relative length of 3.96 in females, while the Y-chromosome displayed a relative length of (5.05). The findings of this karyological investigation suggest that the chromosomal composition seen in the Meriz goats under examination was within the expected range of normalcy. It is recommended that more cytogenetic analyses be conducted at the population level in order to identify individuals within the Meriz breed population who possesses numerical and/or structural chromosome abnormalities. This research is crucial for enhancing the efficiency of production and reproduction in this breed.

Cruzamento , Cabras , Cariotipagem , Animais , Cabras/genética , Feminino , Iraque , Masculino , Cariótipo , Análise Citogenética , Cromossomo Y/genética , Cromossomo X/genética
Nat Commun ; 15(1): 5984, 2024 Jul 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39013946


Houseflies provide a good experimental model to study the initial evolutionary stages of a primary sex-determining locus because they possess different recently evolved proto-Y chromosomes that contain male-determining loci (M) with the same male-determining gene, Mdmd. We investigate M-loci genomically and cytogenetically revealing distinct molecular architectures among M-loci. M on chromosome V (MV) has two intact Mdmd copies in a palindrome. M on chromosome III (MIII) has tandem duplications containing 88 Mdmd copies (only one intact) and various repeats, including repeats that are XY-prevalent. M on chromosome II (MII) and the Y (MY) share MIII-like architecture, but with fewer repeats. MY additionally shares MV-specific sequence arrangements. Based on these data and karyograms using two probes, one derives from MIII and one Mdmd-specific, we infer evolutionary histories of polymorphic M-loci, which have arisen from unique translocations of Mdmd, embedded in larger DNA fragments, and diverged independently into regions of varying complexity.

Evolução Molecular , Moscas Domésticas , Animais , Masculino , Moscas Domésticas/genética , Cromossomo Y/genética , Processos de Determinação Sexual/genética , Cromossomos de Insetos/genética , Loci Gênicos , Feminino
PLoS Genet ; 20(6): e1011241, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38870220


Although introns are typically tens to thousands of nucleotides, there are notable exceptions. In flies as well as humans, a small number of genes contain introns that are more than 1000 times larger than typical introns, exceeding hundreds of kilobases (kb) to megabases (Mb). It remains unknown why gigantic introns exist and how cells overcome the challenges associated with their transcription and RNA processing. The Drosophila Y chromosome contains some of the largest genes identified to date: multiple genes exceed 4Mb, with introns accounting for over 99% of the gene span. Here we demonstrate that co-transcriptional splicing of these gigantic Y-linked genes is important to ensure successful transcription: perturbation of splicing led to the attenuation of transcription, leading to a failure to produce mature mRNA. Cytologically, defective splicing of the Y-linked gigantic genes resulted in disorganization of transcripts within the nucleus suggestive of entanglement of transcripts, likely resulting from unspliced long RNAs. We propose that co-transcriptional splicing maintains the length of nascent transcripts of gigantic genes under a critical threshold, preventing their entanglement and ensuring proper gene expression. Our study reveals a novel biological significance of co-transcriptional splicing.

Drosophila melanogaster , Íntrons , Splicing de RNA , Transcrição Gênica , Splicing de RNA/genética , Animais , Íntrons/genética , Drosophila melanogaster/genética , Cromossomo Y/genética , RNA Mensageiro/genética , RNA Mensageiro/metabolismo , Proteínas de Drosophila/genética , Proteínas de Drosophila/metabolismo , Drosophila/genética , Masculino , Humanos
PLoS Genet ; 20(6): e1011303, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38848445


Despite efforts to explore the genome of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae, the Y chromosome of this species remains enigmatic. The large number of repetitive and heterochromatic DNA sequences makes the Y chromosome exceptionally difficult to fully assemble, hampering the progress of gene editing techniques and functional studies for this chromosome. In this study, we made use of a bioinformatic platform to identify Y-specific repetitive DNA sequences that served as a target site for a CRISPR/Cas9 system. The activity of Cas9 in the reproductive organs of males caused damage to Y-bearing sperm without affecting their fertility, leading to a strong female bias in the progeny. Cytological investigation allowed us to identify meiotic defects and investigate sperm selection in this new synthetic sex ratio distorter system. In addition, alternative promoters enable us to target the Y chromosome in specific tissues and developmental stages of male mosquitoes, enabling studies that shed light on the role of this chromosome in male gametogenesis. This work paves the way for further insight into the poorly characterised Y chromosome of Anopheles gambiae. Moreover, the sex distorter strain we have generated promises to be a valuable tool for the advancement of studies in the field of developmental biology, with the potential to support the progress of genetic strategies aimed at controlling malaria mosquitoes and other pest species.

Anopheles , Sistemas CRISPR-Cas , Razão de Masculinidade , Cromossomo Y , Animais , Anopheles/genética , Masculino , Feminino , Cromossomo Y/genética , Mosquitos Vetores/genética , Meiose/genética , Espermatozoides/metabolismo , Edição de Genes/métodos , Malária/transmissão , Malária/genética
PeerJ ; 12: e17549, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38912049


Polish Konik remains one of the most important horse breeds in Poland. The primitive, native horses with a stocky body and mouse-like coat color are protected by a conservation program, while their Polish population consists of about 3,480 individuals, representing 16 dam and six sire lines. To define the population's genetic structure, mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome sequence variables were identified. The mtDNA whole hypervariable region analysis was carried out using the Sanger sequencing method on 233 Polish Koniks belonging to all dam lines, while the Y chromosome analysis was performed with the competitive allele-specific PCR genotyping method on 36 horses belonging to all sire lines. The analysis of the mtDNA hypervariable region detected 47 SNPs, which assigned all tested horses to 43 haplotypes. Most dam lines presented more than one haplotype; however, five dam lines were represented by only one haplotype. The haplotypes were classified into six (A, B, E, J, G, R) recognized mtDNA haplogroups, with most horses belonging to haplogroup A, common among Asian horse populations. Y chromosome analysis allocated Polish Koniks in the Crown group, condensing all modern horse breeds, and divided them into three haplotypes clustering with coldblood breeds (28 horses), warmblood breeds (two horses), and Duelmener Pony (six horses). The clustering of all Wicek sire line stallions with Duelmener horses may suggest a historical relationship between the breeds. Additionally, both mtDNA and Y chromosome sequence variability results indicate crossbreeding before the studbooks closure or irregularities in the pedigrees occurred before the DNA testing introduction.

DNA Mitocondrial , Haplótipos , Cromossomo Y , Animais , Cavalos/genética , DNA Mitocondrial/genética , Polônia , Cromossomo Y/genética , Haplótipos/genética , Masculino , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Feminino , Cruzamento
Nat Commun ; 15(1): 4781, 2024 Jun 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38839766


Most vertebrates develop distinct females and males, where sex is determined by repeatedly evolved environmental or genetic triggers. Undifferentiated sex chromosomes and large genomes have caused major knowledge gaps in amphibians. Only a single master sex-determining gene, the dmrt1-paralogue (dm-w) of female-heterogametic clawed frogs (Xenopus; ZW♀/ZZ♂), is known across >8740 species of amphibians. In this study, by combining chromosome-scale female and male genomes of a non-model amphibian, the European green toad, Bufo(tes) viridis, with ddRAD- and whole genome pool-sequencing, we reveal a candidate master locus, governing a male-heterogametic system (XX♀/XY♂). Targeted sequencing across multiple taxa uncovered structural X/Y-variation in the 5'-regulatory region of the gene bod1l, where a Y-specific non-coding RNA (ncRNA-Y), only expressed in males, suggests that this locus initiates sex-specific differentiation. Developmental transcriptomes and RNA in-situ hybridization show timely and spatially relevant sex-specific ncRNA-Y and bod1l-gene expression in primordial gonads. This coincided with differential H3K4me-methylation in pre-granulosa/pre-Sertoli cells, pointing to a specific mechanism of amphibian sex determination.

Processos de Determinação Sexual , Cromossomo X , Cromossomo Y , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Processos de Determinação Sexual/genética , Cromossomo Y/genética , Cromossomo X/genética , Anfíbios/genética , Fatores de Transcrição/genética , Fatores de Transcrição/metabolismo , RNA não Traduzido/genética , Genoma , Evolução Molecular
Cytogenet Genome Res ; 164(1): 23-32, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38754392


INTRODUCTION: X chromosome inactivation (XCI) is an essential mechanism for dosage compensation between females and males in mammals. In females, XCI is controlled by a complex, conserved locus termed the X inactivation center (Xic), in which the lncRNA Xist is the key regulator. However, little is known about the Xic in species with unusual sex chromosomes. The genus Tokudaia includes three rodent species endemic to Japan. Tokudaia osimensis and Tokudaia tokunoshimensis lost the Y chromosome (XO/XO), while Tokudaia muenninki (TMU) acquired a neo-X region by fusion of the X chromosome and an autosome (XX/XY). We compared the gene location and structure in the Xic among Tokudaia species. METHODS: Gene structure of nine genes in Xic was predicted, and the gene location and genome sequences of Xic were compared between mouse and Tokudaia species. The expression level of the gene was confirmed by transcripts per million calculation using RNA-seq data. RESULTS: Compared to mouse, the Xic gene order and location were conserved in Tokudaia species. However, remarkable structure changes were observed in lncRNA genes, Xist and Tsix, in the XO/XO species. In Xist, important functional repeats, B-, C-, D-, and E-repeats, were partially or completely lost due to deletions in these species. RNA-seq data showed that female-specific expression patterns of Xist and Tsix were confirmed in TMU, however, not in the XO/XO species. Additionally, three deletions and one inversion were confirmed in the intergenic region between Jpx and Ftx in the XO/XO species. CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that even if the Xist and Tsix lncRNAs are expressed, they are incapable of producing a successful and lasting XCI in the XO/XO species. We hypothesized that the significant structure change in the intergenic region of Jpx-Ftx resulted in the inability to perform the XCI, and, as a result, a lack of Xist expression. Our results collectively suggest that structural changes in the Xic occurred in the ancestral lineage of XO/XO species, likely due to the loss of one X chromosome and the Y chromosome as a consequence of the degradation of the XCI system.

RNA Longo não Codificante , Inativação do Cromossomo X , Cromossomo X , Cromossomo Y , Animais , Inativação do Cromossomo X/genética , Feminino , Cromossomo X/genética , Masculino , Cromossomo Y/genética , RNA Longo não Codificante/genética , Camundongos , Murinae/genética
Nature ; 630(8016): 401-411, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38811727


Apes possess two sex chromosomes-the male-specific Y chromosome and the X chromosome, which is present in both males and females. The Y chromosome is crucial for male reproduction, with deletions being linked to infertility1. The X chromosome is vital for reproduction and cognition2. Variation in mating patterns and brain function among apes suggests corresponding differences in their sex chromosomes. However, owing to their repetitive nature and incomplete reference assemblies, ape sex chromosomes have been challenging to study. Here, using the methodology developed for the telomere-to-telomere (T2T) human genome, we produced gapless assemblies of the X and Y chromosomes for five great apes (bonobo (Pan paniscus), chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) and Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii)) and a lesser ape (the siamang gibbon (Symphalangus syndactylus)), and untangled the intricacies of their evolution. Compared with the X chromosomes, the ape Y chromosomes vary greatly in size and have low alignability and high levels of structural rearrangements-owing to the accumulation of lineage-specific ampliconic regions, palindromes, transposable elements and satellites. Many Y chromosome genes expand in multi-copy families and some evolve under purifying selection. Thus, the Y chromosome exhibits dynamic evolution, whereas the X chromosome is more stable. Mapping short-read sequencing data to these assemblies revealed diversity and selection patterns on sex chromosomes of more than 100 individual great apes. These reference assemblies are expected to inform human evolution and conservation genetics of non-human apes, all of which are endangered species.

Hominidae , Cromossomo X , Cromossomo Y , Animais , Feminino , Masculino , Gorilla gorilla/genética , Hominidae/genética , Hominidae/classificação , Hylobatidae/genética , Pan paniscus/genética , Pan troglodytes/genética , Filogenia , Pongo abelii/genética , Pongo pygmaeus/genética , Telômero/genética , Cromossomo X/genética , Cromossomo Y/genética , Evolução Molecular , Variações do Número de Cópias de DNA/genética , Humanos , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Padrões de Referência
Acta Biotheor ; 72(2): 6, 2024 May 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38819710


The Y chromosome in the XY sex-determination system is often shorter than its X counterpart, a condition attributed to degeneration after Y recombination ceases. Contrary to the traditional view of continuous, gradual degeneration, our study reveals stabilization within large mating populations. In these populations, we demonstrate that both mutant and active alleles on the Y chromosome can reach equilibrium through a mutation-selection balance. However, the emergence of a new species, particularly through the founder effect, can disrupt this equilibrium. Specifically, if the male founders of a new species carry only a mutant allele for a particular Y-linked gene, this allele becomes fixed, leading to the loss of the corresponding active gene on the Y chromosome. Our findings suggest that the rate of Y-chromosome degeneration may be linked to the frequency of speciation events associated with single-male founder events.

Efeito Fundador , Cromossomo Y , Masculino , Cromossomo Y/genética , Animais , Alelos , Especiação Genética , Mutação , Feminino , Humanos , Modelos Genéticos
Nat Commun ; 15(1): 3806, 2024 May 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38714658


Unlike coding genes, the number of lncRNA genes in organism genomes is relatively proportional to organism complexity. From plants to humans, the tissues with highest numbers and levels of lncRNA gene expression are the male reproductive organs. To learn why, we initiated a genome-wide analysis of Drosophila lncRNA spatial expression patterns in these tissues. The numbers of genes and levels of expression observed greatly exceed those previously reported, due largely to a preponderance of non-polyadenylated transcripts. In stark contrast to coding genes, the highest numbers of lncRNAs expressed are in post-meiotic spermatids. Correlations between expression levels, localization and previously performed genetic analyses indicate high levels of function and requirement. More focused analyses indicate that lncRNAs play major roles in evolution by controlling transposable element activities, Y chromosome gene expression and sperm construction. A new type of lncRNA-based particle found in seminal fluid may also contribute to reproductive outcomes.

RNA Longo não Codificante , Espermatogênese , Cromossomo Y , Animais , Masculino , Espermatogênese/genética , RNA Longo não Codificante/genética , RNA Longo não Codificante/metabolismo , Cromossomo Y/genética , Drosophila melanogaster/genética , Evolução Molecular , Elementos de DNA Transponíveis/genética , Drosophila/genética , Espermátides/metabolismo
PLoS One ; 19(4): e0297987, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38578816


Sex identification is a common objective in molecular ecology. While many vertebrates display sexual dimorphism, determining the sex can be challenging in certain situations, such as species lacking clear sex-related phenotypic characteristics or in studies using non-invasive methods. In these cases, DNA analyses serve as valuable tools not only for sex determination but also for validating sex assignment based on phenotypic traits. In this study, we developed a bioinformatic framework for sex assignment using genomic data obtained through GBS, and having an available closely related genome assembled at the chromosome level. Our method consists of two ad hoc indexes that rely on the different properties of the mammalian heteromorphic sex chromosomes. For this purpose, we mapped RAD-seq loci to a reference genome and then obtained missingness and coverage depth values for the autosomes and X and Y chromosomes of each individual. Our methodology successfully determined the sex of 165 fur seals that had been phenotypically sexed in a previous study and 40 sea lions sampled in a non-invasive way. Additionally, we evaluated the accuracy of each index in sequences with varying average coverage depths, with Index Y proving greater reliability and robustness in assigning sex to individuals with low-depth coverage. We believe that the approach presented here can be extended to any animal taxa with known heteromorphic XY/ZW sex chromosome systems and that it can tolerate various qualities of GBS sequencing data.

Genoma , Cromossomos Sexuais , Humanos , Animais , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Genoma/genética , Cromossomos Sexuais/genética , Cromossomo Y , Genômica , Mamíferos/genética
Genome Res ; 34(3): 366-375, 2024 04 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38508692


The house mouse (Mus musculus), which is commensal to humans, has spread globally via human activities, leading to secondary contact between genetically divergent subspecies. This pattern of genetic admixture can provide insights into the selective forces at play in this well-studied model organism. Our analysis of 163 house mouse genomes, with a particular focus on East Asia, revealed substantial admixture between the subspecies castaneus and musculus, particularly in Japan and southern China. We revealed, despite the different level of autosomal admixture among regions, that all Y Chromosomes in the East Asian samples belonged to the musculus-type haplogroup, potentially explained by genomic conflict under sex-ratio distortion owing to varying copy numbers of ampliconic genes on sex chromosomes, Slx and Sly Our computer simulations, designed to replicate the observed scenario, show that the preferential fixation of musculus-type Y Chromosomes can be achieved with a slight increase in the male-to-female birth ratio. We also investigated the influence of selection on the posthybridization of the subspecies castaneus and musculus in Japan. Even though the genetic background of most Japanese samples closely resembles the subspecies musculus, certain genomic regions overrepresented the castaneus-like genetic components, particularly in immune-related genes. Furthermore, a large genomic block (∼2 Mbp) containing a vomeronasal/olfactory receptor gene cluster predominantly harbored castaneus-type haplotypes in the Japanese samples, highlighting the crucial role of olfaction-based recognition in shaping hybrid genomes.

Genoma , Cromossomo Y , Animais , Camundongos , Feminino , Masculino , Ásia Oriental , Cromossomo Y/genética , Haplótipos , Seleção Genética , Humanos , Filogenia , Evolução Molecular
Genome Biol Evol ; 16(3)2024 03 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38478711


It has been predicted that the highly degenerate mammalian Y chromosome will be lost eventually. Indeed, Y was lost in the Ryukyu spiny rat Tokudaia osimensis, but the fate of the formerly Y-linked genes is not completely known. We looked for all 12 ancestrally Y-linked genes in a draft T. osimensis genome sequence. Zfy1, Zfy2, Kdm5d, Eif2s3y, Usp9y, Uty, and Ddx3y are putatively functional and are now located on the X chromosome, whereas Rbmy, Uba1y, Ssty1, Ssty2, and Sry are missing or pseudogenized. Tissue expressions of the mouse orthologs of the retained genes are significantly broader/higher than those of the lost genes, suggesting that the destinies of the formerly Y-linked genes are related to their original expressions. Interestingly, patterns of gene retention/loss are significantly more similar than by chance across four rodent lineages where Y has been independently lost, indicating a level of certainty in the fate of Y-linked genes even when the chromosome is gone.

Genes Ligados ao Cromossomo Y , Cromossomo Y , Humanos , Camundongos , Ratos , Animais , Cromossomo Y/genética , Murinae/genética , Cromossomo X/genética , Genoma , Cromossomos Humanos Y , Proteínas de Ligação a DNA/genética , Fatores de Transcrição/genética
Sci Adv ; 10(11): eadk8052, 2024 Mar 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38489357


Currently, the Cas9 and Cas12a systems are widely used for genome editing, but their ability to precisely generate large chromosome fragment deletions is limited. Type I-E CRISPR mediates broad and unidirectional DNA degradation, but controlling the size of Cas3-mediated DNA deletions has proven elusive thus far. Here, we demonstrate that the endonuclease deactivation of Cas9 (dCas9) can precisely control Cas3-mediated large-fragment deletions in mammalian cells. In addition, we report the elimination of the Y chromosome and precise retention of the Sry gene in mice using CRISPR/Cas3 and dCas9-controlled CRISPR/Cas3, respectively. In conclusion, dCas9-controlled CRISPR/Cas3-mediated precise large-fragment deletion provides an approach for establishing animal models by chromosome elimination. This method also holds promise as a potential therapeutic strategy for treating fragment mutations or human aneuploidy diseases that involve additional chromosomes.

Proteínas Associadas a CRISPR , Sistemas CRISPR-Cas , Camundongos , Humanos , Animais , Edição de Genes , Cromossomo Y , Proteínas Associadas a CRISPR/genética , DNA/genética , Mamíferos/genética
Science ; 383(6689): eadk5466, 2024 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38513029


In many eukaryotes, genetic sex determination is not governed by XX/XY or ZW/ZZ systems but by a specialized region on the poorly studied U (female) or V (male) sex chromosomes. Previous studies have hinted at the existence of a dominant male-sex factor on the V chromosome in brown algae, a group of multicellular eukaryotes distantly related to animals and plants. The nature of this factor has remained elusive. Here, we demonstrate that an HMG-box gene acts as the male-determining factor in brown algae, mirroring the role HMG-box genes play in sex determination in animals. Over a billion-year evolutionary timeline, these lineages have independently co-opted the HMG box for male determination, representing a paradigm for evolution's ability to recurrently use the same genetic "toolkit" to accomplish similar tasks.

Algas Comestíveis , Proteínas HMGB , Laminaria , Phaeophyceae , Cromossomos Sexuais , Processos de Determinação Sexual , Animais , Evolução Biológica , Phaeophyceae/genética , Cromossomos Sexuais/genética , Processos de Determinação Sexual/genética , Cromossomo Y , Proteínas HMGB/genética , Cromossomos de Plantas/genética , Domínios HMG-Box , Algas Comestíveis/genética , Laminaria/genética , Pólen/genética
Zebrafish ; 21(3): 265-273, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38386543


In fish species, heterochromatinization is one process that could trigger sex chromosome differentiation. The present article describes a nascent XX/XY sex chromosome system evidenced by heterochromatin accumulation and microsatellite (GATA)8 in Hypostomus albopunctatus from two populations of the Paraná River basin. The specimens of H. albopunctatus from the Campo and Bossi Rivers share the same karyotype. The species exhibits 74 chromosomes (8m+14sm +16st +36a, fundamental number = 112). The C-banding technique suggests male heterogamety in H. albopunctatus, where the Y-chromosome is morphologically like the X-chromosome but differs from it for having long arms that are entirely heterochromatic. Double fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 18S and 5S rDNA probes confirmed the Ag-nucleolus organizer region sites in a single pair for both populations, and minor rDNA clusters showed interpopulational variation. FISH with the microsatellite (GATA)8 probe showed a dispersed pattern in the karyotype, accumulating these sequences of sex chromosomes of both populations. FISH with microsatellite (CGC)10 probe showed interpopulational variation. The absence of differentiated sex chromosomes in H. albopunctatus is described previously, and a new variant is documented herein where XY chromosomes can be seen in an early stage of differentiation.

Peixes-Gato , Heterocromatina , Animais , Peixes-Gato/genética , Heterocromatina/genética , Heterocromatina/metabolismo , Masculino , Feminino , Hibridização in Situ Fluorescente , Cromossomos Sexuais/genética , Cromossomo Y/genética , Repetições de Microssatélites , Cariótipo