OBJECTIVES: to assess the association between indicators of emotional distress and dispositional mindfulness in health students at a Brazilian federal public university. METHODS: a cross-sectional study, developed with university students in the health area of a public institution from May to June 2022. In the analysis, multiple linear regression was used using SPSS software. RESULTS: the sample was mostly female, ≤ 22 years old, non-white, studying the first semesters, with a higher prevalence for the medicine course. Students presented moderate dispositional mindfulness scores. It was observed that the variables of stress, depression and current suicide risk were associated with the capacity for mindfulness. CONCLUSIONS: knowing the indicators of emotional distress that are related to the potential of mindfulness can contribute as a situational diagnosis to better design strategies that promote the improvement of emotional indicators of health students.
Atenção Plena , Angústia Psicológica , Estudantes , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Masculino , Atenção Plena/métodos , Brasil , Estudantes/psicologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Universidades/organização & administração , Universidades/estatística & dados numéricos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto Jovem , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Estresse Psicológico/etiologia , Adulto , AdolescenteRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Remote education emerged as an option during the COVID-19 pandemic; however, this modality continues to be used by various universities around the world in the postpandemic context. The aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of digital skills and mobile self-efficacy in the influence of stress on the academic engagement of Peruvian university students during remote teaching by COVID-19 using structural equation modeling (SEM). METHOD: This study involved 1,468 students from nine public and private universities in northern Peru who had undergraduate and graduate distance learning programs. RESULTS: The results showed that stress negatively influenced academic engagement (ß=-0.107*) and digital skills (ß=-0.328***). In addition, digital skills (ß = 0.470**) and mobile self-efficacy (ß = 0.684***) positively influence academic engagement. Similarly, digital skills mediate the relationship between stress and academic engagement (ß=-0.154**), and both variables act as sequential mediators in this relationship (ß=-0.348***). CONCLUSION: This study provides a deeper understanding of the factors that influence academic engagement during Remote education and lays the groundwork for the development of interventions and training programs tailored to hybrid learning contexts that promote the well-being and academic success of college students in postpandemic times.
COVID-19 , Educação a Distância , Autoeficácia , Estresse Psicológico , Estudantes , Humanos , Peru , Estudantes/psicologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , COVID-19/psicologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Educação a Distância/métodos , Masculino , Universidades , Feminino , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , AdolescenteRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between internet addiction and violence tendency in adolescent students and the factors affecting violence tendency. METHODS: The research was conducted on 2,648 middle school students in Turkey. A socio-demographic form, the Young Internet Addiction Scale, and the Violence Tendency Scale were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. RESULTS: It was determined that there was a significant positive relationship between the Young Internet Addiction Scale and the Violence Tendency Scale. Age has a positive effect on violence tendency levels. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that the variables of age and internet addiction contribute to the occurrence of violence tendency. Psychiatric nurses should plan trainings and evaluate its effectiveness to raise awareness.
Transtorno de Adição à Internet , Violência , Humanos , Adolescente , Masculino , Feminino , Turquia/epidemiologia , Transtorno de Adição à Internet/epidemiologia , Transtorno de Adição à Internet/psicologia , Violência/estatística & dados numéricos , Violência/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Comportamento do Adolescente/psicologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes/psicologia , Fatores Etários , Fatores de Risco , Internet/estatística & dados numéricos , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Comportamento Aditivo/psicologia , Comportamento Aditivo/epidemiologia , CriançaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of watching mukbang on eating behavior and to emphasize its importance. METHODS: Students from various faculties at universities constitute the sample for this study. A total of 483 individuals participated in the study: 358 (74.1%) women and 125 (25.9%) men. The age range of the sample group varies between 18 and 50 years (Mage=21.62; SD=3.85). In our study, the Emotional Eating Disorder Scale, the Mukbang Addiction Scale, and the Problematic Internet Use Scale were used. Reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, and correlational analysis of the data were carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics 24. RESULTS: There appears to be a positive relationship between emotional eating, mukbang addiction, and problematic internet use. A positive relationship was also found between emotional eating and mukbang addiction. It was found that mukbang addiction had a partial mediator role in the effect of problematic internet use on emotional eating. CONCLUSION: In the relationship between problematic internet use and emotional eating, mukbang addiction has played a mediating role. Therefore, when conducting a study between emotional eating and problematic internet use, it may be useful to examine the frequency of mukbang watching behavior in individuals. It can be crucial to include these people in educational programs to control problematic internet use or the habit of watching mukbang.
Emoções , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos , Transtorno de Adição à Internet , Estudantes , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Transtornos da Alimentação e da Ingestão de Alimentos/psicologia , Adulto Jovem , Estudantes/psicologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Adulto , Universidades , Transtorno de Adição à Internet/psicologia , Transtorno de Adição à Internet/epidemiologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Comportamento Aditivo/psicologia , Comportamento Aditivo/epidemiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/psicologia , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Internet/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
This study aimed to investigate the association between bullying at school and tooth loss in southern Brazilian adolescents. This population-based cross-sectional study included a representative sample of 15-19-year-old students attending high schools in Santa Maria, southern Brazil. Data on sociodemographic and behavioral variables were collected through questionnaires. Contextual data on bullying at school was provided by educational institutions (bullying episodes in the previous year: 'no,' 'sometimes,' or 'often'). Tooth loss was clinically assessed by the M component of the DMFT index, modeled as a discrete variable. Multilevel Poisson regression was used, and rate ratios (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated. The prevalence of tooth loss was 9.2% (95%CI = 7.5-10.8). Adolescents who attended the schools where bullying events often occurred had 0.39 (95%CI = 0.33-0.45) missing teeth, on average, in contrast to an average of 0.14 (95%CI = 0.08-0.19) among those whose schools did not experience bullying in the previous year. After adjusting for important cofactors, the contextual variable of bullying at school remained significantly associated with the study outcome. Adolescents who attended schools where bullying frequently occurred were 2.49-fold more likely to have an additional missing tooth than those whose school did not experience bullying in the previous year (RR = 2.49, 95%CI = 1.37-4.51, p = 0.003). In conclusion, the frequent bullying episodes at school were associated with more permanent teeth lost due to caries in this population. Hence, improving the school environment may improve the oral health of adolescents.
Bullying , Instituições Acadêmicas , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Perda de Dente , Humanos , Adolescente , Brasil/epidemiologia , Bullying/estatística & dados numéricos , Bullying/psicologia , Perda de Dente/epidemiologia , Masculino , Feminino , Estudos Transversais , Instituições Acadêmicas/estatística & dados numéricos , Prevalência , Adulto Jovem , Distribuição de Poisson , Índice CPO , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes/psicologia , Fatores de Risco , Inquéritos e QuestionáriosRESUMO
(1) Background: Physical inactivity is a recognized global problem, with schools identified by UNESCO and WHO as critical settings for intervention. Despite existing efforts, the prevalence of physical inactivity remains high. This study aims to explore the potential of the concept of body practices as a novel framework to address physical inactivity within school contexts, potentially offering an alternative to traditional intervention models. (2) Methods: This study carried out a systematic review of the concept of body practices to understand its use in the scientific literature. (3) Results: The results indicate that (a) the definition of the concept that the authors used is broad; (b) the problems they face are varied, such as the life cycle, negative emotions, gender, physical inactivity, well-being, and social problems; (c) the research methodologies are predominantly quantitative; (d) and the intervention in schools focuses on students, but not on the entire school community. (4) Conclusions: this concept has great potential for use in initiatives and/or policies that seek to address physical inactivity in the school context.
Instituições Acadêmicas , Comportamento Sedentário , Humanos , Exercício Físico , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Estudantes/psicologiaRESUMO
This study analyzes the self-perception of body image reported by adolescents from 2009 to 2019 according to sex and region, based on the Brazilian National Survey of School Health (PeNSE). An epidemiological, descriptive time-series analysis was carried out with prevalence and trend measures of how adolescents perceive themselves in relation to their bodies according to the data provided by the PeNSE surveys from 2009 to 2019. The prevalence of adolescents who considered themselves normal reached 47.6% (95%CI: 46.1-49.1) in 2019, representing a negative difference of 12.5 percentage points (p.p.) and a variation of 20.7% compared to 2009. In 2019, 31.4% (95%CI: 30.0-32.9) of boys reported feeling thin or very thin, a difference of 8.4p.p. compared to 2009. On the other hand, 28.6% (95%CI: 26.1-31.1) of girls perceived themselves as fat or very fat in 2019, representing a variation of 7.3p.p. compared to 2009. In recent years, there has been a change in the body self-perception of adolescents, with a reduction in the prevalence of those who consider themselves normal and an increase among those who consider themselves thin or very thin for males and fat or very fat for females. These results indicates the importance of investigating the consequences of perceiving oneself as thin or very thin and fat or very fat in the lives of adolescents.
Este estudo analisa a prevalência da autopercepção da imagem corporal relatada pelos adolescentes entre os anos de 2009 e 2019 segundo sexo e região com base na Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE). Foi realizada uma análise epidemiológica, descritiva de série temporal com medidas de prevalência e tendência de como os adolescentes se percebem em relação ao próprio corpo, conforme os dados fornecidos pelas edições da PeNSE nos anos de 2009 a 2019. A prevalência dos adolescentes que se consideravam "normais" atingiu 47,6% (IC95%: 46,1-49,1) em 2019, representando uma diferença negativa de 12,5 pontos percentuauis (p.p.) e uma variação de 20,7% em relação ao ano de 2009. Em 2019, 31,4% (IC95%: 30,0-32,9) dos meninos relataram sentir-se magros ou muito magros, representando uma diferença de 8,4p.p. em relação a 2009. Já as meninas tiveram uma prevalência de 28,6% (IC95%: 26,1-31,1) em sentir-se gordas ou muito gordas no ano de 2019, representando uma variação de 7,3p.p. em relação a 2009. Nos últimos anos, houve uma mudança na autopercepção corporal dos adolescentes, com redução nas prevalências daqueles que se consideravam "normais" e um aumento entre aqueles que se consideravam magros ou muito magros para o sexo masculino e gordos ou muito gordos para o sexo feminino. Tais resultados apontam para a importância de investigar as consequências da autopercepção magra ou muito magra e gorda ou muito gorda na vida dos adolescentes.
Este estudio analiza la prevalencia de la autopercepción de la imagen corporal reportada por adolescentes entre el 2009 y el 2019 según el sexo y la región con base en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud del Escolar (PeNSE). Se realizó un análisis epidemiológico, descriptivo de serie temporal con medidas de prevalencia y tendencia de la manera en que los adolescentes se perciben con relación a su cuerpo según los datos proporcionados por las ediciones de la PeNSE del 2009 al 2019. La prevalencia de los adolescentes que se consideraban normales alcanzó el 47,6% (IC95%: 46,1-49,1) en el 2019, lo que representa una diferencia negativa de 12,5 puntos porcentuales (p.p.) y una variación del 20,7% con relación al año del 2009. En el 2019, el 31,4% (IC95%: 30,0-32,9) de los chicos refirieron sentirse delgados o muy delgados, lo que representa una diferencia de 8,4p.p. respecto al 2009. A su vez, las chicas tuvieron una prevalencia del 28,6% (IC95%: 26,1-31,1) en sentirse gordas o muy gordas en el 2019, lo que representa una variación de 7,3p.p. respecto al 2009. En los últimos años, se produjo un cambio en la autopercepción corporal de los adolescentes con una reducción en las prevalencias de los que se consideraban normales y un aumento entre los que se consideraban delgados o muy delgados para el sexo masculino y gordas o muy gordas para el sexo femenino. Estos resultados apuntan a la importancia de investigar las consecuencias de la autopercepción de ser delgado o muy delgado y gordo o muy gordo en la vida de los adolescentes.
Imagem Corporal , Autoimagem , Humanos , Adolescente , Masculino , Brasil , Feminino , Imagem Corporal/psicologia , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos , Fatores Sexuais , Prevalência , Instituições Acadêmicas , Estudantes/psicologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: to analyze the factors associated with university students' knowledge about HIV and preand post-exposure prophylaxis. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was conducted with 503 university students from a southern state in Brazil; data were collected using a characterization tool and a questionnaire containing 16 statements about the topic; descriptive measures and Poisson regression models with robust variance were used for analysis. RESULTS: the prevalence of adequate knowledge (i.e., scoring more than 12 correct answers) was 27.83%; students older than 24 years, enrolled in health-related courses, who had not engaged in sexual relations in the last quarter, with a history of rapid HIV testing, and who knew or had heard about the prophylaxes showed a higher likelihood of scoring more than 12 correct answers. CONCLUSIONS: generally, the knowledge of young people about HIV and its prophylaxes was found to be inadequate and influenced by sociodemographic, educational, and behavioral factors.
Infecções por HIV , Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Profilaxia Pós-Exposição , Estudantes , Humanos , Masculino , Estudos Transversais , Infecções por HIV/prevenção & controle , Infecções por HIV/psicologia , Feminino , Universidades/organização & administração , Brasil , Estudantes/psicologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto , Profilaxia Pós-Exposição/métodos , Profilaxia Pós-Exposição/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Profilaxia Pré-Exposição/métodos , Profilaxia Pré-Exposição/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto JovemRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The association between dietary nutritional patterns, psychological factors, and metabolic health status has not been investigated in university students. There are studies that include numerous variables to test hypotheses from various theoretical bases, but due to their complexity, they have not been studied in combination. The scientific community recognizes the use of Gaussian graphical models (GGM) as a set of novel methods capable of addressing this. OBJECTIVE: To apply GGMs to derive specific networks for groups of healthy and unhealthy obese individuals that represent nutritional, psychological, and metabolic patterns in an Ecuadorian population. METHODOLOGY: This was a quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional, correlational study conducted on a sample of 230 obese/overweight university students, selected through a multi-stage random sampling method. To assess usual dietary intake, a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was used; to evaluate psychological profiles (anxiety, depression, and stress), the DASS-21 scale was employed; blood pressure and anthropometric data were collected; and insulin levels, lipid profiles, and glucose levels were determined using fasting blood samples. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria were applied to identify metabolically healthy and unhealthy individuals. Statistical analysis relied on univariate methods (frequencies, measures of central tendency, and dispersion), and the relationships were analyzed through networks. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyze differences between groups. RESULTS: In metabolically unhealthy obese individuals, GGMs identified a primary network consisting of the influence of waist circumference on blood pressure and insulin levels. In the healthy obese group, a different network was identified, incorporating stress and anxiety variables that influenced blood pressure, anthropometry, and insulin levels. Other identified networks show the dynamics of obesity and the effect of waist circumference on triglycerides, anxiety, and riboflavin intake. CONCLUSIONS: GGMs are an exploratory method that can be used to construct networks that illustrate the behavior of obesity in the studied population. In the future, the identified networks could form the basis for updating obesity management protocols in Primary Care Units and supporting clinical interventions in Ecuador.
Dieta , Obesidade , Sobrepeso , Estudantes , Humanos , Equador/epidemiologia , Masculino , Feminino , Estudos Transversais , Estudantes/psicologia , Universidades , Adulto Jovem , Obesidade/psicologia , Sobrepeso/psicologia , Adulto , Comportamento Alimentar/psicologia , Estado Nutricional , Nível de Saúde , AdolescenteRESUMO
Social emotional learning (SEL) has a robust evidence basis, but there remains a large gap in literature on the effectiveness of programs across educational settings in low- and middle-income countries and conflict-affected settings. The present study was a pilot trial aimed at evaluating the effects of a classroom based SEL program on dimensions of classroom climate and individual student social emotional skills. In the present study, fourth through sixth grade classrooms in 10 schools (N = 39 teachers, 75.68% female; N = 1048 students, 62.3% female) were randomly allocated to the SEL or wait-list control condition. The SEL program was associated with significant improvements in teacher reports of student achievement orientation (dr = 1.21) and responsible decision-making (dr = 0.49). There were no significant differences between conditions on peer sensitivity, teacher-pupil interactions, student interpersonal skills, or overall social emotional skills. Findings suggest that this community-developed, contextually relevant SEL curriculum may hold promise even in the context of ongoing adversity, including the COVID-19 pandemic and heightened insecurity due to political violence.
Emoções , Aprendizado Social , Estudantes , Humanos , Feminino , Haiti , Masculino , Projetos Piloto , Criança , Estudantes/psicologia , Instituições Acadêmicas , Habilidades Sociais , Currículo , COVID-19/psicologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de SaúdeRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of replacing time spent in sedentary behavior (SB) with moderate to vigorous physical activity on sleep quality in young adults. METHODS: Multicenter cross-sectional study, carried out with students enrolled in undergraduate courses at universities in Brazil. Sleep quality was assessed using a question of the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-brief) and classified as good or poor sleep quality. SB was evaluated by self-reported total sitting time, and the level of leisure-time PA was classified according to the intensity of moderate-intensity physical activity (MPA) and vigorous-intensity physical activity (VPA), which were assessed using a self-reported questionnaire. An isotemporal replacement logistic model was used to evaluate the effects of different SB, MPA, and VPA sessions on sleep quality. RESULTS: A total of 8,059 study participants were evaluated, the majority had poor sleep quality (64.79%), were physically inactive (48.28%, defined as practicing < 150 min of MPA or < 75 min of VPA per week), and spent ≥ 9 h/day in SB (55.08%). The multivariate model showed an association between non-adherence to wake-based movement guidelines and poor sleep quality, where those with one altered behavior were 43% more likely to have poor sleep quality (OR:1.43;95%CI:1.27 to 1.60), while individuals with two altered behaviors were 97% more likely (OR:1.97;95%CI:1.73 to 2.24). In the isotemporal analysis, replacing MPA and VPA with equivalent time in SB increased the odds of poor sleep at all times assessed, with peaks of 56% for MPA and 68% for VPA. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study indicate that replacing SB with the same amount of MPA or VPA may reduce poor sleep quality.
Exercício Físico , Comportamento Sedentário , Qualidade do Sono , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estudos Transversais , Adulto Jovem , Brasil , Fatores de Tempo , Adulto , Adolescente , Inquéritos e Questionários , Autorrelato , Universidades , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes/psicologia , Qualidade de VidaRESUMO
We aimed to improve knowledge among high school students on local environmental issues, with emphasis on the ecology and threats to primates in the Alto Mayo Valley of San Martin Region, Peru. The Alto Mayo Valley is home to at least 8 species of primate, including the endemic and Critically Endangered San Martín titi monkey (Plecturocebus oenanthe). San Martin is also the most deforested region of Peru. We used two participatory teaching methods: Experiential learning and inquiry-based education. The learning experiences were activities that guided students to look for solutions to real-life situations. The project consisted of 8 lessons co-designed by us and the participating school teachers, and implemented by the same teachers with our guidance. Lesson 5 was a field trip to a local community conservation area to apply primatological field techniques and gather scientific data. The students' final product was a video presentation and a poster of their results. One hundred percent of students acknowledged they learned something new about their local environment, primates, conservation, and research. Experiential learning techniques are effective in developing awareness, knowledge and self-advocacy amongst school students. Our inquiry-based method placed students and teachers closer to scientists, helping them to see the role of science in their neighbourhood. This method can be easily adapted to other regions in Peru and globally.
Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Instituições Acadêmicas , Animais , Peru , Humanos , Estudantes/psicologia , População Rural , Primatas , Aprendizagem Baseada em ProblemasRESUMO
Environmental Education (EE) is key for biodiversity conservation. We aimed to evaluate the effect of an EE activity on students by evaluating their drawings. The EE activity was part of the Blonde Capuchin Project actions, which focuses on the research and conservation of the endangered blonde capuchin monkey, Sapajus flavius. The activity was comprised of four steps and lasted four hours in each school. We analysed 348 drawings made by children from eight schools in rural areas close to forest fragments inhabited by Blonde Capuchins in two municipalities in Northeast Brazil, Igarassu-PE and Mataraca-PB. The children made the drawings during the intervention in each school, specifically in steps 1 and 4 of the activity. We scored the drawings using a rubric to account for the presence of components (biotic and abiotic) and interactions (e.g., human-environment and non-human animal interactions). As an outcome of the EE activity, we found a possible increase in knowledge and awareness through the evaluation of the drawings. Thus, when resources are limited, we encourage the performance of short-term EE activities and the analysis of drawings as a tool to measure their immediate effect.
Arte , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Brasil , Animais , Criança , Humanos , Sapajus , Masculino , Feminino , Instituições Acadêmicas , Estudantes/psicologia , Meio Ambiente , BiodiversidadeRESUMO
This study explores the perceptions that high school students have about mantled howler monkeys in the Mexican community of Balzapote, Veracruz. We systematized the learning process derived from a Primate Conservation Education Program (PCEP) based on participatory action research (PAR) and arts-based education. Our results indicate a decrease in students' fear of monkeys, the recovery of myths and legends about this species, as well as a complex knowledge about monkeys and their habitat. The inclusion of local knowledge enriched the learning experience and reinforced primate conservation concepts. The PAR and arts-based approaches allowed students to internalize and apply acquired knowledge and fostered empathy. In addition to learning, the approach helped develop teamwork, critical thinking, and creative skills. Quantitative indicators showed shifts in emotions and knowledge post-program, and qualitative data revealed a deep articulation of learned content. We also identified migration and mining activities as socio-political factors impacting local people's livelihoods and wildlife conservation in this region.
Alouatta , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Animais , México , Alouatta/fisiologia , Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Feminino , Estudantes/psicologiaRESUMO
AIM: The research aimed to determine the attitudes of students studying in health-related departments toward sexual myths and the factors affecting them. METHODS: The study is descriptive research involving 287 students enrolled in health-related departments. The data were collected using a "Descriptive Information Form" and the "Sexual Myths Scale (SMS)" and analyzed using the SPSS 22.0 software package. The SPSS 22.0 package program was used to evaluate the data. In statistical analysis, Spearman correlation analysis was employed to determine the relationship between continuous variables and the SMS score, and the statistical significance level was accepted as p<0.05. RESULTS: The total score was found to be 53.57±17.54 (min: 28.00 to max: 140.00), reflecting a moderate level. There was a statistically significant difference between the total score of SMS according to gender, family type, maternal employment status, and paternal education level (p<0.05). It was also determined that male students, students whose mothers were unemployed, who lived in extended families, and whose fathers had low education had lower SMS scores. CONCLUSION: Despite students studying in health-related departments and receiving relevant courses, their level of sexual myths remains at a moderate level, indicating the presence of knowledge gaps and misconceptions in the subject matter. Therefore, it is crucial to implement comprehensive education and counseling services on reproductive and sexual health for all university students.
Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Comportamento Sexual , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Universidades , Adulto Jovem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto , Estudantes/psicologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Adolescente , Estudos Transversais , Brasil , Fatores Sexuais , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Estudantes de Ciências da Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes de Ciências da Saúde/psicologia , Estatísticas não ParamétricasRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: to evaluate the prevalence of negative affectivity in university students in the post-COVID-19 pandemic context and its relationship with academic performance and professional outlook. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was conducted with undergraduate students from a public university in Minas Gerais between September 2022 and September 2023. Data were collected using a sociodemographic and psychosocial characterization questionnaire and the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale 21. The relationships between negative affectivity, academic performance, and professional outlook were verified using the Kruskal-Wallis test, with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: a total of 585 students participated in the study. A high prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress was found among university students in the post-COVID-19 context, with a notable severity of anxiety. A negative association was detected between the investigated negative affectivity, academic performance, and professional outlook. CONCLUSIONS: the results indicate an emotional vulnerability in university students, with a relationship between negative affectivity and a decline in academic performance and professional outlook.
Desempenho Acadêmico , Ansiedade , COVID-19 , Depressão , SARS-CoV-2 , Estudantes , Humanos , COVID-19/psicologia , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Masculino , Feminino , Universidades/organização & administração , Universidades/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes/psicologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Brasil/epidemiologia , Desempenho Acadêmico/estatística & dados numéricos , Desempenho Acadêmico/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Depressão/epidemiologia , Depressão/psicologia , Ansiedade/epidemiologia , Ansiedade/psicologia , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Pandemias , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Estresse Psicológico/epidemiologia , Estresse Psicológico/etiologia , Adolescente , PrevalênciaRESUMO
To analyze the distribution and factors associated with lack of knowledge about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine among Brazilian adolescents.Cross-sectional study using the 2019 National School Health Survey among 17,805 Brazilian students of public and private schools, aged 13-17 years. The outcome variable was "lack of knowledge about the HPV vaccine" and the explanatory variables were sociodemographic, behaviors, knowledge, and health conditions. Logistic regression model was used to calculate Odds Ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Spatial analysis techniques were used to determine the formation of clusters in the federated units with similar proportions of adolescents who were unaware of the vaccine. The lack of knowledge about the HPV vaccine was reported by 45.54% of Brazilian students. There was a higher chance of lack of knowledge having had sexual intercourse (OR 1.43; 95% CI 1.20-1.70); attending public school (OR 1.72; 95%CI 1.47-2.02) and located in the Northeast Region (OR 1.35; 95%CI 1.08-1.69). The lower chance of lack of knowledge were female gender (OR 0.41; 95% CI 0.35-0.48), higher maternal education (OR 0.62; 95% CI 0.50-0.77) self-rated health as Poor/very poor (OR 0.64; 95% CI 0.49-0.86) and receiving contraceptive counseling (OR 0.77; 95% CI 0.65-0.91). The proportion of lack of knowledge about the HPV vaccine was higher with the formation of High-High spatial clusters in the states of Maranhão, Piauí, and Pernambuco. Sociodemographic, health, and behavioral conditions and knowledge of students, as well as school characteristics, were associated with lack of knowledge about the HPV vaccine. A higher frequency of lack of knowledge about the HPV vaccine among adolescents was found in the states of the Northeastern Region.
Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde , Infecções por Papillomavirus , Vacinas contra Papillomavirus , Humanos , Adolescente , Estudos Transversais , Vacinas contra Papillomavirus/administração & dosagem , Brasil , Feminino , Masculino , Infecções por Papillomavirus/prevenção & controle , Estudantes/psicologia , Estudantes/estatística & dados numéricos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Instituições AcadêmicasRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between personality traits and premenstrual syndrome in university students. METHOD: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 616 female university students between February and June 2020. RESULTS: The Premenstrual Syndrome Scale score was determined as a mean of 125.40±25.41. According to linear regression analysis, extrovert/introvert personality traits, emotional balance/neuroticism, and consistent/inconsistent personality traits were statistically significant predictive factors of premenstrual syndrome. CONCLUSION: The results of this study demonstrated that two-thirds of the students had premenstrual syndrome and personality traits affected premenstrual syndrome. It is recommended that attention should be paid to personality traits when coping with premenstrual syndrome.
Personalidade , Síndrome Pré-Menstrual , Estudantes , Humanos , Feminino , Síndrome Pré-Menstrual/psicologia , Estudos Transversais , Estudantes/psicologia , Adulto Jovem , Universidades , Adulto , Adolescente , Inquéritos e Questionários , Inventário de PersonalidadeRESUMO
The condom use can be influenced by psychological and sociocultural aspects, which can be modulated by individual's attitudes. The aim was to propose a Brazilian Portuguese version of the Short-Form Condom Attitude Scale (Short-Form CAS), describing all procedures of translation, transcultural adaptation, and psychometric properties evaluation when applied to undergraduate students. A cross sectional study was conducted among students enrolled at University of São Paulo (USP), Campus Ribeirão Preto (n = 491; 61.2% female; average age: 22 years; standard deviation: four years). Confirmatory factor analysis was performed. A one-factor model with seven items exhibited good factorial validity and reliability, suggesting to be a better factorial solution of the Short-Form CAS in the sample. Few studies have been carried out on the behavioral factors associated with condom use in key populations, which can be exacerbated by a lack of appropriate scales. Therefore, the main contribution of the present study was to propose a simplified and transculturally adapted version of the Short-form CAS with some psychometric properties verified. Since the use of condoms is a component of the study of sexual risk behavior, this scale might be an option to be applied in various Brazilian population segments for this purpose.
Preservativos , Psicometria , Estudantes , Traduções , Humanos , Preservativos/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudantes/psicologia , Estudos Transversais , Masculino , Brasil , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Universidades , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Adulto , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adolescente , Análise Fatorial , Comportamento Sexual , Assunção de RiscosRESUMO
PURPOSE: to analyze the knowledge, behaviors, and attitudes of students on noise. METHODS: We used an observational method study, in 32 Schools from Itajaí/Brazil, with a convenience sample, comprising 1,835 students, 45.7% females and 54.3% males, mean age of 11.53 ± 0.8 years, was conducted. The Portuguese version of Dangerous Decibels® questionnaire was applied. For the data analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics were used, significance level of 5%. RESULTS: A large part of the sample part of the sample had harmful hearing habits; 62.6% reported knowledge on the subject, but only 25.4% answered the questions on the theme correctly; 58.9% reported that they did not know how to protect hearing if necessary. Regarding sex and age: males have more hazardous hearing habits (p < 0.001) and tinnitus complaint (p<0.001) and females have more knowledge (p < 0.001) and the intent to wear hearing protection (p<0.001), greater intention to wear hearing protection among younger students (10 and 11 years old) (p < 0.001), and the older ones (12 to 16 years old) get more exposed to noise (p < 0.001), and there are more tinnitus complaints (p < 0.05) among them. CONCLUSION: A large part of the students in the study has hazardous noisy habits and scarce knowledge on the theme, with males and older subjects showing the worst attitudes and behaviors in face of the potential hearing risk caused by exposure to high noise levels.