In order to provide a guide for plant selection of ecological restoration at antimony (Sb) mining ecological damaged sites, species composition, importance value, niche, and interspecific associations of tree, shrub, and herb layers were examined at Sb mining site in Nandan City, Guangxi, China. The results showed that 23 vascular plant species were recorded at the Sb mining ecological damaged site, belonging to 22 genera and 13 families, primarily Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, and Asteraceae. The highest importance values for trees, shrubs, and herbs were observed in Rhus chinensis (56.7%), Coriaria nepalensis (56.3%), and Eremochloa ciliaris (44.0%), which were characterized by fairly large niche widths of 1.58, 1.32 and 1.57, respectively. The highest niche overlap values were found between R. chinensis and Triadica sebifera in the tree layer, and between Thysanolaena latifolia and Bidens pilosa in the herb layer, with the value of 0.68 and 0.99, respectively. Shrub layer exhibited a lower range of niche overlap (0.30-0.42), suggesting significant niche differentiation among different species. In the tree and shrub layers, most species showed insignificantly negative associations, the proportion was 83.3% and 66.7%, respectively, indicating that the plant community was not stable. Herb layer generally exhibited significantly positive correlations, with 52.4% of species pairs showing positive correlation, indicating weak resource competition among species. Overall, plant community at Sb mining ecological damaged site was unstable. In the process of ecological restoration, trees and shrubs that can adapt to the conditions and have positive associations should be prioritized in species selection, such as R. chinensis, C. lanceolata, C. nepalensis, and B. nivea. This will promote vegetation positive succession, rehabilitate the ecosystem and ensure sustainable development at Sb mining ecological damaged sites.
Antimônio , Ecossistema , Mineração , China , Antimônio/análise , Árvores/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Árvores/classificação , Plantas/classificação , Fabaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Poaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cyperaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Asteraceae/crescimento & desenvolvimentoRESUMO
MAIN CONCLUSION: Biofortification of legumes using diverse techniques such as plant breeding, agronomic practices, genetic modification, and nano-technological approaches presents a sustainable strategy to address micronutrient deficiencies of underprivileged populations. The widespread issue of chronic malnutrition, commonly referred to as "hidden hunger," arises from the consumption of poor-quality food, leading to various health and cognitive impairments. Biofortified food crops have been a sustainable solution to address micronutrient deficiencies. This review highlights multiple biofortification techniques, such as plant breeding, agronomic practices, genetic modification, and nano-technological approaches, aimed at enhancing the nutrient content of commonly consumed crops. Emphasizing the biofortification of legumes, this review employs bibliometric analysis to examine research trends from 2000 to 2023. It identifies key authors, influential journals, contributing countries, publication trends, and prevalent keywords in this field. The review highlights the progress in developing biofortified crops and their potential to improve global nutrition and help underprivileged populations.
Bibliometria , Biofortificação , Produtos Agrícolas , Fabaceae , Desnutrição , Biofortificação/métodos , Fabaceae/metabolismo , Produtos Agrícolas/metabolismo , Melhoramento Vegetal/métodos , Humanos , Alimentos Fortificados , Micronutrientes/análiseRESUMO
The high content and quality of protein in Andean legumes make them valuable for producing protein hydrolysates using proteases from bacteria isolated from extreme environments. This study aimed to carry out a single-step purification of a haloprotease from Micrococcus sp. PC7 isolated from Peru salterns. In addition, characterize and apply the enzyme for the production of bioactive protein hydrolysates from underutilized Andean legumes. The PC7 protease was fully purified using only tangential flow filtration (TFF) and exhibited maximum activity at pH 7.5 and 40 °C. It was characterized as a serine protease with an estimated molecular weight of 130 kDa. PC7 activity was enhanced by Cu2+ (1.7-fold) and remained active in the presence of most surfactants and acetonitrile. Furthermore, it stayed completely active up to 6% NaCl and kept Ì´ 60% of its activity up to 8%. The protease maintained over 50% of its activity at 25 °C and 40 °C and over 70% at pH from 6 to 10 for up to 24 h. The determined Km and Vmax were 0.1098 mg mL-1 and 273.7 U mL-1, respectively. PC7 protease hydrolyzed 43%, 22% and 11% of the Lupinus mutabilis, Phaseolus lunatus and Erythrina edulis protein concentrates, respectively. Likewise, the hydrolysates from Lupinus mutabilis and Erythrina edulis presented the maximum antioxidant and antihypertensive activities, respectively. Our results demonstrated the feasibility of a simple purification step for the PC7 protease and its potential to be applied in industrial and biotechnological processes. Bioactive protein hydrolysates produced from Andean legumes may lead to the development of nutraceuticals and functional foods contributing to address some United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Fabaceae , Micrococcus , Hidrolisados de Proteína , Micrococcus/metabolismo , Micrococcus/enzimologia , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Hidrolisados de Proteína/química , Hidrolisados de Proteína/metabolismo , Peso Molecular , Proteínas de Bactérias/metabolismo , Proteínas de Bactérias/isolamento & purificação , Peru , Temperatura , Serina Proteases/metabolismo , Serina Proteases/isolamento & purificação , Serina Proteases/química , Estabilidade Enzimática , Cloreto de Sódio/metabolismo , Cloreto de Sódio/farmacologia , Hidrólise , CinéticaRESUMO
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) by symbiotic bacteria plays a vital role in sustainable agriculture. However, current quantification methods are often expensive and impractical. This study explores the potential of Raman spectroscopy, a non-invasive technique, for rapid assessment of BNF activity in soybeans. Raman spectra were obtained from soybean plants grown with and without rhizobia bacteria to identify spectral signatures associated with BNF. δN15 isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) was used to determine actual BNF percentages. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) was employed to develop a model for BNF quantification based on Raman spectra. The model explained 80% of the variation in BNF activity. To enhance the model's specificity for BNF detection regardless of nitrogen availability, a subsequent elastic net (Enet) regularisation strategy was implemented. This approach provided insights into key wavenumbers and biochemicals associated with BNF in soybeans.
Glycine max , Fixação de Nitrogênio , Análise Espectral Raman , Fixação de Nitrogênio/fisiologia , Análise Espectral Raman/métodos , Glycine max/metabolismo , Glycine max/química , Análise dos Mínimos Quadrados , Fabaceae/metabolismo , Nitrogênio/metabolismo , Simbiose/fisiologiaRESUMO
Gabon has a rich flora, many species of which are used in traditional medicine. However, little research has been carried out on this wealth. An ethnopharmacological survey in the Fang language was carried out among traditional practitioners to collect antimicrobial medicinal plants. Phytochemical profiling of ethanolic and methanolic extracts from Erismadelphus exsul Mildbr leaves was carried out using HPLC-ESI-Q/TOF and a molecular network approach. Antibacterial activity was assessed with disk diffusion and microdilution methods, antioxidant activity via DPPH and FRAP methods, and in vitro cell viability via Cell Counting Kit-8. A total of 21 medicinal plants were collected, grouped into 10 families, of which the Fabaceae is the most represented. Erismadelphus exsul was chosen for chemical and biological studies due to its citation frequency (RCF = 0.59) and the absence of previous phytochemical studies. These studies revealed 4 major families of natural compounds and annotated 19 compounds for the first time. The crude leaf extract showed significant antioxidant and antibacterial activity. Cytotoxicity studies showed that the leaves were not cytotoxic, unlike the bark. This study underlines the importance of preserving the ancestral knowledge of the Fang populations, while showing promising results for Erismadelphus exsul.
Antibacterianos , Antioxidantes , Compostos Fitoquímicos , Extratos Vegetais , Folhas de Planta , Plantas Medicinais , Compostos Fitoquímicos/farmacologia , Compostos Fitoquímicos/química , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/química , Antioxidantes/farmacologia , Antioxidantes/química , Plantas Medicinais/química , Folhas de Planta/química , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Antibacterianos/química , Humanos , Testes de Sensibilidade Microbiana , Fabaceae/química , Medicina Tradicional , Anti-Infecciosos/farmacologia , Anti-Infecciosos/química , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão , Sobrevivência Celular/efeitos dos fármacosRESUMO
Primary liver cancer is globally on the rise, partially due to poor diets and sedentary lifestyles. Shifting to more plant-based diets may lower the risk. We aimed to estimate the effect of replacing total red meat, unprocessed red meat and processed red meat with legumes on primary liver cancer in a free-living population. We analyzed data from 126,744 UK Biobank participants who completed ≥ two 24 h diet recalls. Baseline characteristics were collected from the initial assessment visit. Information on liver cancer diagnoses was collected via external linkage to inpatient hospital episodes or central cancer registries. Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to estimate the substitution of 15 g/day of legumes with 15 g/day of total red meat, unprocessed red meat or processed red meat on liver cancer risk, using the leave-one-out food substitution model. During a median follow-up time of 11.1 years, 173 participants developed liver cancer. In the fully adjusted models, no association was observed when substituting 15 g/day of legumes with total red meat (HR: 1.02 (95% CI 0.96-1.08)), unprocessed red meat (HR: 1.00 (95% CI 0.94-1.06)) or processed red meat (HR: 1.09 (95% CI 0.99-1.21)). Overall, little evidence of an association between replacing red meat with legumes and liver cancer was observed. Further research in other study populations with longer follow-up time is warranted.
Fabaceae , Neoplasias Hepáticas , Carne Vermelha , Adulto , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos de Coortes , Dieta/efeitos adversos , Dieta/estatística & dados numéricos , Dieta Vegetariana , Neoplasias Hepáticas/epidemiologia , Neoplasias Hepáticas/etiologia , Modelos de Riscos Proporcionais , Carne Vermelha/efeitos adversos , Fatores de Risco , Biobanco do Reino Unido , Reino Unido/epidemiologiaRESUMO
Introducing legumes into C4-dominated tropical pastures, may enhance their sustainability but has some pasture management constraints. One potential alternative is using arboreal legumes, but several of these species have relatively high condensed tannin (CT) concentrations, which negatively impact forage quality. There is limited knowledge, however, on how arboreal legume leaf CT content varies over the year and how this might impact forage quality. The objective of this 2 year study was to assess the seasonal variation of CT and nutritive value for ruminants of the tropical tree legumes gliricidia [Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex. Walp.] and mimosa (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth). The research was carried out in the sub-humid tropical region of Brazil on well-established pastures in which either legume was present with signalgrass (Urochloa decumbens Stapf.). We determined CT and nitrogen concentrations, in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM), and leaf δ13C and δ15N from January to October of 2017 and 2018. All parameters were affected (P < 0.05) by the interaction between legume species and sampling time, with generally higher leaf CT content for mimosa than gliricidia, and both were reduced at the start of the dry season, although much more drastically for mimosa. The IVDOM was strongly affected by CT content and increased at the start of the dry season, coincidentally when C4 grass forage quality typically decreased. There is a marked species effect, with CT from gliricidia impacting IVDOM more than the same CT content from mimosa. While N concentration from mimosa also increased at the start of the dry season, that for gliricidia did not vary over the year. We conclude that although these arboreal legumes have relatively high CT contents, these reduce during the dry season when CT concentrations coinciding with a reduced forage quality as the protein content for C4 grasses is usually inadequate in this season.
Fabaceae , Valor Nutritivo , Proantocianidinas , Árvores , Proantocianidinas/análise , Fabaceae/química , Fabaceae/metabolismo , Folhas de Planta/química , Estações do Ano , Mimosa/química , Animais , Brasil , Ração Animal/análise , Nitrogênio/análiseRESUMO
The legume albumin-1 gene family, arising after nodulation, encodes linear a- and b-chain peptides for nutrient storage and defense. Intriguingly, in one prominent legume, Clitoria ternatea, the b-chains are replaced by domains producing ultra-stable cyclic peptides called cyclotides. The mechanism of this gene hijacking is until now unknown. Cyclotides require recruitment of ligase-type asparaginyl endopeptidases (AEPs) for maturation (cyclization), necessitating co-evolution of two gene families. Here we compare a chromosome-level C. ternatea genome with grain legumes to reveal an 8 to 40-fold expansion of the albumin-1 gene family, enabling the additional loci to undergo diversification. Iterative rounds of albumin-1 duplication and diversification create four albumin-1 enriched genomic islands encoding cyclotides, where they are physically grouped by similar pI and net charge values. We identify an ancestral hydrolytic AEP that exhibits neofunctionalization and multiple duplication events to yield two ligase-type AEPs. We propose cyclotides arise by convergence in C. ternatea where their presence enhances defense from biotic attack, thus increasing fitness compared to lineages with linear b-chains and ultimately driving the replacement of b-chains with cyclotides.
Proteínas de Plantas , Proteínas de Plantas/genética , Proteínas de Plantas/metabolismo , Clitoria/metabolismo , Clitoria/genética , Ciclotídeos/genética , Ciclotídeos/química , Ciclotídeos/metabolismo , Fixação de Nitrogênio/genética , Evolução Molecular , Ciclização , Filogenia , Família Multigênica , Duplicação Gênica , Fabaceae/genética , Fabaceae/metabolismo , Albuminas/metabolismo , Albuminas/genética , Genoma de Planta , Cisteína EndopeptidasesRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Climate change induces perturbation in the global water cycle, profoundly impacting water availability for agriculture and therefore global food security. Water stress encompasses both drought (i.e. water scarcity) that causes the drying of soil and subsequent plant desiccation, and flooding, which results in excess soil water and hypoxia for plant roots. Terrestrial plants have evolved diverse mechanisms to cope with soil water stress, with the root system serving as the first line of defense. The responses of roots to water stress can involve both structural and physiological changes, and their plasticity is a vital feature of these adaptations. Genetic methodologies have been extensively employed to identify numerous genetic loci linked to water stress-responsive root traits. This knowledge is immensely important for developing crops with optimal root systems that enhance yield and guarantee food security under water stress conditions. RESULTS: This review focused on the latest insights into modifications in the root system architecture and anatomical features of legume roots in response to drought and flooding stresses. Special attention was given to recent breakthroughs in understanding the genetic underpinnings of legume root development under water stress. The review also described various root phenotyping techniques and examples of their applications in different legume species. Finally, the prevailing challenges and prospective research avenues in this dynamic field as well as the potential for using root system architecture as a breeding target are discussed. CONCLUSIONS: This review integrated the latest knowledge of the genetic components governing the adaptability of legume roots to water stress, providing a reference for using root traits as the new crop breeding targets.
Mapeamento Cromossômico , Desidratação , Fabaceae , Fenótipo , Raízes de Plantas , Raízes de Plantas/genética , Raízes de Plantas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Raízes de Plantas/fisiologia , Fabaceae/genética , Fabaceae/fisiologia , Adaptação Fisiológica/genética , Secas , Inundações , Produtos Agrícolas/genética , Produtos Agrícolas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Produtos Agrícolas/fisiologiaRESUMO
The synthesis and differential allocation of reserve compounds is an important adaptive mechanism that enables species to resprout in fire-prone ecosystems. The analysis of compound allocation dynamics (differential accumulation of compounds between plant organs) provides insights into plant responses to disturbances. The aim was to quantify reserves in eight legume species from Cerrado open savannas with high fire frequency in order to investigate the patterns of allocation and distribution of compounds between leaves and underground organs, drawing ecophysiological inferences. The species were collected in 'campo sujo' areas of the Cerrado. Leaves and underground organs (xylopodium, taproot tubers) were subjected to physiological analyses. Overall, underground organs were characterised by greater deposits of carbohydrates, mainly soluble sugars, and also with the accumulation of proteins and amino acids. This suggests that nitrogen reserves, as well as carbohydrates, may have an ecophysiological function in response to fire, being allocated to the underground organs. Phenols were mainly evident in leaves, but a morphophysiological pattern was identified, where the two species with taproot tubers tended to concentrate more phenols in the underground portion compared to species with xylopodium, possibly due to functional differences between these organs. Such data allow inferring relevant ecophysiological dynamics in legumes from open savannas.
Fabaceae , Folhas de Planta , Fabaceae/metabolismo , Folhas de Planta/metabolismo , Incêndios , Pradaria , Brasil , Fenóis/metabolismo , Raízes de Plantas/metabolismo , Aminoácidos/metabolismo , Tubérculos/metabolismoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Anthropogenic threats are causing alteration of coastal areas worldwide. Most of the coastal biodiversity is endangered, taking a particular toll on island ecosystems, like the Azores. To better understand the biotic and abiotic factors constraining the distribution and conservation status of two endemic plants, Azorina vidalii (Campanulaceae) and Lotus azoricus (Fabaceae), we performed a global survey of coastal plant communities in the archipelago, also covering environmental descriptors, natural and anthropogenic threats. Moreover, we revised their IUCN conservation status and estimated the population fractions within protected areas. RESULTS: Non-indigenous plants were commonly found in plots with or without the target endemics, contributing to the absence of well-defined coastal plant communities. Nonetheless, indigenous taxa commonly occurred at the plots with L. azoricus. With a larger area of occurrence, A. vidalii ecological niche differed from that of L. azoricus, the latter being restricted to dry and rocky sea cliffs, mostly in Santa Maria Island. Besides the presence of invasive plants, signs of habitat destruction, trampling and grazing, and of natural threats, such as coastal erosion, were commonly observed. CONCLUSIONS: Occurrence data indicated an endangered status for both species, although this would change to critically endangered for L. azoricus when using smaller-sized occurrence cells. Both species are threatened since their habitat is restricted to a very narrow vegetation belt, strongly limited by sea influence and human pressure, and with the frequent presence of invasive plants. While focusing on two endemic plants, our study allowed a broader view of the impact of anthropogenic disturbance on Azorean coastal plant communities.
Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema , Açores , Biodiversidade , Efeitos Antropogênicos , Fabaceae , Espécies em Perigo de ExtinçãoRESUMO
The significant grasslands of Europe and its member states represents a significant feedstock opportunity for circular bioeconomy development. The development of green biorefineries (GBR), to supply protein for the feed industry from grass, could help many European member states to address significant deficits in protein availability and reduce imports. The current study assesses the environmental footprint of alternative GBR protein extraction techniques from grasses and legumes using life cycle assessment. The focus is on comparing feedstock and technology pathways that could displace soya bean imports. The study finds that leaf protein concentrate (LPC) produced from grass had an improved environmental performance when compared to soya bean meal (SBM), across the assessed feedstock (perennial ryegrass or grass-clover mixtures) and technology pathways (one-stage maceration versus multi-stage maceration). For example, in the case of Climate Change the emission intensity for LPC was 57-85 % lower per tonne of crude protein (CP) compared with SBM. Acidification burdens were 54-88 % lower, and Eutrophication: Freshwater burdens were 74-89 % lower. Some scenarios of GBR produced LPC with a larger Energy Resources: Non-Renewable burden than SBM, though this could be mitigated with higher renewable energy (biogas and wind energy) integration within the scenario. Grass-clover scenarios generally achieved a lower intensity of emissions compared to ryegrass scenarios, particularly in the category of Climate Change, where feedstock cultivation represented a significant contributor to impacts. Overall, GBR can produce high quality protein with a lower environmental burden than SBM, but choice of feedstock and system design are critical factors for overall environmental performance.
Fabaceae , Poaceae , Proteínas de Plantas , Mudança ClimáticaRESUMO
In recent years, there has been a need for environmentally friendly compounds for weed management in agriculture. This study is aimed to assess the phytotoxic constituents of oils obtained from oleoresins of seven Copaifera species (known as copaiba oils). Copaiba oils were separated from the resins by hydro-distillation, and the distillates were analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to characterize their chemical compositions. Multivariate analyses and molecular networking of GC-MS data were conducted to discern patterns in the chemical composition and phytotoxic activity of the oils, with the aim of identifying key compounds associated with phytotoxic activity. Seed germination bioassay revealed strong or complete germination inhibition against the monocot, Agrostis stolonifera but not the dicot Lactuca sativa. GC-MS analysis showed variations in composition among Copaifera species with some common compounds identified across multiple species. Caryophyllene oxide and junenol were associated with the observed phytotoxic effects. Automated flash chromatography was used to isolate the major compounds of the oils. Isolated compounds exhibited differing levels of phytotoxicity compared to the oils, suggesting the importance of interactions or synergism among oil components. These findings highlight the potential of copaiba oils as natural herbicidal agents and underscore the importance of considering species-specific responses in weed management strategies.
Fabaceae , Cromatografia Gasosa-Espectrometria de Massas , Germinação , Óleos Voláteis , Sementes , Fabaceae/química , Óleos Voláteis/química , Óleos Voláteis/toxicidade , Óleos Voláteis/farmacologia , Sementes/química , Sementes/efeitos dos fármacos , Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Germinação/efeitos dos fármacos , Óleos de Plantas/química , Óleos de Plantas/toxicidade , Óleos de Plantas/farmacologia , Lactuca/efeitos dos fármacos , Lactuca/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Herbicidas/farmacologia , Herbicidas/química , Herbicidas/toxicidadeRESUMO
The genus Hedysarum L. (Fabaceae) includes about 200 species of annual and perennial herbs distributed in Asia, Europe, North Africa, and North America. Many species of this genus are valuable medicinal, melliferous, and forage resources. In this review, we consider the taxonomic history of the genus Hedysarum, the chromosomal organization of the species from the sections Hedysarum and Multicaulia, as well as phylogenetic relationships between these sections. According to morphological, genetic, and phylogenetic data, the genus Hedysarum is divided into three main sections: Hedysarum (= syn. Gamotion), Multicaulia, and Stracheya. In species of this genus, two basic chromosome numbers, x = 7 (section Hedysarum) and x = 8 (sections Multicaulia and Stracheya), were determined. The systematic positions of some species within the sections are still uncertain due to their morphological similarities. The patterns of distribution of molecular chromosomal markers (45S rDNA, 5S rDNA, and different satellite DNAs) in karyotypes of various Hedysarum species made it possible to determine their ploidy status and also specify genomic relationships within the sections Hedysarum and Multicaulia. Recent molecular phylogenetic studies clarified significantly the taxonomy and evolutionary development of the genus Hedysarum.
Cromossomos de Plantas , Fabaceae , Genoma de Planta , Filogenia , Fabaceae/genética , Fabaceae/classificação , Cromossomos de Plantas/genéticaRESUMO
Legumes are ecologically and economically important plants that contribute to nutrient cycling and agricultural sustainability, features tied to their intimate symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia. Rhizobia vary dramatically in quality, ranging from highly growth-promoting to non-beneficial; therefore, legumes must optimize their symbiosis with rhizobia through host mechanisms that select for beneficial rhizobia and limit losses to non-beneficial strains. In this Perspective, we examine the considerable scientific progress made in decoding host control over rhizobia, empirically examining both molecular and cellular mechanisms and their effects on rhizobia symbiosis and its benefits. We consider pre-infection controls, which require the production and detection of precise molecular signals by the legume to attract and select for compatible rhizobia strains. We also discuss post-infection mechanisms that leverage the nodule-level and cell-level compartmentalization of symbionts to enable host control over rhizobia development and proliferation in planta. These layers of host control each contribute to legume fitness by directing host resources towards a narrowing subset of more-beneficial rhizobia.
Fabaceae , Fixação de Nitrogênio , Rhizobium , Simbiose , Fabaceae/microbiologia , Rhizobium/fisiologia , Rhizobium/metabolismo , Interações entre Hospedeiro e Microrganismos , Nódulos Radiculares de Plantas/microbiologia , NodulaçãoRESUMO
Phytic acid or inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6) and its dephosphorylated forms (InsP5, InsP4 & InsP3) are integral to cellular functions and confer several health benefits. The present study was aimed to develop a cost effective and high sample throughput RP-HPLC-RID method for routine quantification of lower inositol phosphates in both raw and processed cereals and pulses. For this asuitable mobile phase composition was formulated and two columns (MacroporusHamilton PRP-1 Vs Waters Symmetry C18) were compared in terms ofsystem specificity,linearity, accuracy and precision. Separation ofInsP3, InsP4, InsP5 and InsP6 were recorded at 2.39, 2.93, 3.83 and 5.37 min usingPRP-1column while the RT were 4.67, 5.64, 6.99 and 9.14 min with C18column.Linearity of standards (R2 > 0.99), with an accuracy and precision ranging from 1 to 5 % was achieved. The LOD and LOQ of all InsPs were 5 and 15 µg/ml, respectively. In quality control sample InsP6 was found in highest concentration (446 ± 14.71 mg/100 g) followed by InsP5 (162 ± 8.00 mg/100 g) and InsP4 with the least concentration of 11.63 ± 1.06 mg/100 g whereas InsP3 was below detectable limit (BDL). The optimised method was used for profiling of InsPs in the raw and processed cereals and pulses consumed as staple foods in India. Processed foods contained lesser InsP6 and more of lower InsP compared to raw foods. The optimised method using unique mobile phase composition was found to yield accurate results and can used for large scale analysis of cereals and pulses and estimation of mineral nutrition potential and allied health benefits.
Cromatografia de Fase Reversa , Grão Comestível , Fabaceae , Limite de Detecção , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão/métodos , Grão Comestível/química , Cromatografia de Fase Reversa/métodos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Fabaceae/química , Ácido Fítico/análise , Ácido Fítico/química , Fosfatos de Inositol/análise , Fosfatos de Inositol/química , Modelos Lineares , ÍndiaRESUMO
Copper oxide nanoparticles (CuONPs) have been produced on a large scale because they can be applied across various fields, especially in nano-enabled healthcare and agricultural products. However, the increasing use of CuONPs leads to their release and accumulation into the environment. The CuONPs uptaken by seeds and their implications on germination behavior have been reported, but little is known or understood about their impact on photosynthesis in seed tissues. To fill knowledge gaps, this study evaluated the effects of CuONP concentrations (0-300 mg L-1) on the photosynthetic activity of Inga laurina seeds. The microscopy data showed that CuONPs had an average size distribution of 57.5 ± 0.7 nm. Copper ion release and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by CuONPs were also evaluated by dialysis and spectroscopy experiments, respectively. CuONPs were not able to intrinsically generate ROS and released a low content of Cu2⺠ions (4.5%, w/w). Time evolution of chlorophyll fluorescence imaging and laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy were used to monitor the seeds subjected to nanoparticles during 168 h. The data demonstrate that CuONPs affected the steady-state maximum chlorophyll fluorescence ( F m ' ), the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II ( F v / F m ), and non-photochemical quenching ( NPQ ) of Inga laurina seeds over time. Besides, the NPQ significantly increased at the seed development stage, near the root protrusion stage, probably due to energy dissipation at this germination step. Additionally, the results indicated that CuONPs can change the oscillatory rhythms of energy dissipation of the seeds, disturbing the circadian clock. In conclusion, the results indicate that CuONPs can affect the photosynthetic behavior of I. laurina seeds. These findings open opportunities for using chlorophyll fluorescence as a non-destructive tool to evaluate nanoparticle impact on photosynthetic activity in seed tissues.
Cobre , Fabaceae , Fotossíntese , Sementes , Fotossíntese/efeitos dos fármacos , Sementes/efeitos dos fármacos , Fabaceae/efeitos dos fármacos , Germinação/efeitos dos fármacos , Nanopartículas , Clorofila/metabolismoRESUMO
Tumor metabolism is a crucial aspect of cancer development, and mitochondria plays a significant role in the aggressiveness and metastasis of tumors. As a result, mitochondria have become a promising therapeutic target in cancer treatment, leading to the development of compounds known as mitocans. In our group, we have consolidated the search of anticancer therapies based on natural products derived from plants, obtaining extracts such as P2Et from Caesalpinia spinosa and Anamu-SC from Petiveria alliacea, which have been shown to have antitumor activities in different cancer models. These extracts, due to their complex molecular composition, can interfere with multiple functions during tumor progression. To better understand how these natural products operate (P2Et and Anamu-SC), we constructed a model using 4T1 murine breast cancer cells with reduced expression of genes associated with glycolysis (Hexokinase-2) and mitochondrial function (Cqbp). The results indicate that the cells were more sensitive to the Anamu-SC extract, showing significant decreases in glucose consumption, ATP production, and oxygen consumption rate. Additionally, we observed changes in mitochondrial function, which reduced the cells' ability to migrate, particularly when C1qbp was silenced. This triple-negative breast cancer model allows us to identify potential natural products that can modulate tumor cell metabolism.
Movimento Celular , Mitocôndrias , Extratos Vegetais , Neoplasias de Mama Triplo Negativas , Mitocôndrias/metabolismo , Mitocôndrias/efeitos dos fármacos , Neoplasias de Mama Triplo Negativas/metabolismo , Neoplasias de Mama Triplo Negativas/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias de Mama Triplo Negativas/patologia , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Extratos Vegetais/química , Animais , Movimento Celular/efeitos dos fármacos , Camundongos , Feminino , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , Humanos , Glicólise/efeitos dos fármacos , Fabaceae/químicaRESUMO
Phosphorus is critical for plant growth but often becomes less accessible due to its precipitation with cations in soil. Fabaceae, a diverse plant family, exhibits robust adaptability and includes species like Lupinus albus, known for its efficient phosphorus utilization via cluster roots. Here, we systematically identified phosphorus-utilization-efficiency (PUE) gene families across 35 Fabaceae species, highlighting significant gene amplification in PUE pathways in Fabaceae. Different PUE pathways exhibited variable amplification, evolution, and retention patterns among various Fabaceae crops. Additionally, the number of homologous genes of the root hair development gene RSL2 in L. albus was far more than that in other Fabaceae species. Multiple copies of the RSL2 gene were amplified and retained in L. albus after whole genome triplication. The gene structure and motifs specifically retained in L. albus were different from homologous genes in other plants. Combining transcriptome analysis under low-phosphorus treatment, it was found that most of the homologous genes of RSL2 in L. albus showed high expression in the cluster roots, suggesting that the RSL2 gene family plays an important role in the adaptation process of L. albus to low-phosphorus environments and the formation of cluster roots.
Regulação da Expressão Gênica de Plantas , Lupinus , Fósforo , Proteínas de Plantas , Raízes de Plantas , Fósforo/metabolismo , Lupinus/genética , Lupinus/metabolismo , Proteínas de Plantas/genética , Proteínas de Plantas/metabolismo , Raízes de Plantas/genética , Raízes de Plantas/metabolismo , Raízes de Plantas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Adaptação Fisiológica/genética , Fabaceae/genética , Fabaceae/metabolismo , Família Multigênica , Filogenia , Genes de PlantasRESUMO
<b>Background and Objective:</b> Carob tree (<i>Ceratonia siliqua</i> L.) is a perennial leguminous species and is known as a medicinal importance tree. This species exhibits a myriad of biological effects including antibacterial, antidiarrheal and antidiabetic. To this end, current study evaluates the difference between the phytochemical composition of the leaves of two accessions of "wild" and "domesticated" hermaphroditic carob trees. <b>Materials and Methods:</b> The comparison between two carob accessions "wild" and "domesticated" was done according to methanolic extraction by the Soxhlet and aqueous extraction by maceration. The polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins and their antioxidant activity were measured. The ANOVA test was used for the analysis of results. <b>Results:</b> The total polyphenols in aqueous extract are 6.19±0.25 mg equivalent gallic acid/g dry weight (EGA/g DW) and 4.23±0.2 mg EGA/g DW) in carob fresh leaves for wild and domesticated trees, respectively. The flavonoid content was higher in methanolic extract (3.17±0.64 mg quercetin equivalent/g DW) than in aqueous extract (1.06±0.19 mg EQ/g DW) for wild trees. Wild accession recorded the highest concentration of condensed tannins in the methanolic extract (6.4±0.3 mg catechin equivalents/g DW) while low levels were recorded in aqueous extract (0.51±0.27 mg EC/g DW). <b>Conclusion:</b> Such knowledge is expected to be the key to understanding the biochemical composition of two different leaves of <i>C. siliqua</i> accessions and its various commercial food products.