Epilepsy is a frequent chronic and genetic brain disease. In diagnose of genetic and craniofacial disease, the face is one of the gold standard phenotypic features. This study was carried out to determine the angle and linear measurements of face region in Turkish healthy and epilepsy subjects, and to apply a feature selection method to identify the most important attributes that affect epilepsy decision. The retrospective and observational study was conducted with 120 subjects with epilepsy aged between 18 to 60 years (56 males; 64 females) and 60 healthy subjects aged between 18 and 55 years (29 males, 31 females). Pyramidal angle performed from 3 reference points, nasal bone length, the width of piriform aperture, nasofrontal angle, nasolabial angle, distance between glabella and nasion were measured on computed tomography. Also, we used supervised machine learning to learn classification models to detect epilepsy as our dataset has class label where 1 means epilepsy, 2 means healthy. The well-known classification model learning algorithms implemented in Weka (with version 3.8.6) machine learning toolkit were applied. All parameters excluding nasal bone length were higher in epilepsy patients than in healthy subjects. Also, there was a significant difference in nasal pyramidal angle nasal bone, nasal pyramidal angle nasal tip, piriform aperture, and nasal bone lengths between epilepsy and healthy subjects. However, age related changes for healthy subjects were no seen in healthy subjects. In epilepsy subjects there was a significant difference in 6 measurements all nasal pyramidal angles, piriform aperture width, nasofrontal angle, and nasolabial angle. Gender related changes were found in only nasal pyramidal angle nasal root and nasal bone of healthy subjects, in nasal pyramidal angle nasal bone, nasal bone length, nasofrontal angle of epilepsy subjects. We can say epilepsy may affect the some facial parameters and these, although anthropometric measurements are affected by age and gender parameters. Comprehensive knowledge of this region's normal references ranges is essential for planning, proper selection of silicone implants or osteotomy determining the limitations of the surgical field and minimizing the risk of complication and performing aesthetic facial surgery or rhinoplasty in epilepsy patients.
Antropometria , Epilepsia , Nariz , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Epilepsia/diagnóstico por imagem , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Nariz/diagnóstico por imagem , Nariz/anatomia & histologia , Antropometria/métodos , Face/diagnóstico por imagem , Face/anatomia & histologia , Osso Nasal/diagnóstico por imagem , TurquiaRESUMO
No study has examined the simultaneous effect of facial forms, midline deviations and midline angulations on facial beauty. Therefore, this comprehensive study aimed to evaluate these and many other hypotheses. This psychometric study was performed on 15,042 observations. A female frontal photograph was edited to 45 perceptometric images with controlled anatomical alteration: 3 facial forms (euryprosopic [brachyfacial], mesoprosopic [mesofacial], leptoprosopic [dolichofacial]), each having either 9 bidirectional midline deviations (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 mm deviated to the left and right) or 7 bidirectional midline angular deviations (0°, 5°, 10°, and 15° deviated to the left and right). One of the photographs were repeated. These 46 images were esthetically judged by 327 participants (243 laypeople, 49 orthodontists, and 35 'prosthodontists or restorative dentists'). Hierarchical mixed-model multiple linear regressions and post hoc tests were adopted to evaluate the simultaneous impacts of the photomodel's facial forms, midline deviations to the right or left, and midline rolls to the right or left plus sex, age, experience, and dental specialty of the referees on their perception of facial beauty as well as the tolerable zones of midline alterations. These were also done separately for each specialty group, and also for each facial face. Ideal combinations of anatomic features were determined using repeated-measures ANOVAs. Differences between esthetic preferences of different groups in terms of each image were assessed using one-way ANOVAs and t-tests (α = 0.05, α = 0.008, α = 0.001). All 5 anatomical features significantly and independently influenced perception of facial beauty. The tolerance threshold for midline deviations was 1 mm deviations to the right and left sides. For midline rolls, the only tolerable form was the no-roll ('on') midline; the judges preferred right-oriented defects over left-sided ones. The most beautiful facial form was mesoprosopic, followed by leptoprosopic. Men perceived the female face slightly more attractive than did women. The viewers' specialty (or lack of it), their age, or their experience did not affect their esthetic preferences. Predictors of esthetic preferences were all 5 anatomical features plus views' sex, but not their dental specialty, age, or experience. Zones of acceptability and also the ideal range of anatomical features were determined.
Beleza , Odontólogos , Face , Humanos , Feminino , Face/anatomia & histologia , Masculino , Adulto , Ortodontistas , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estética , Adulto JovemRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Quantitative biomarkers of facial skin aging were investigated in 109 healthy Asian female volunteers, aged 20 to 70 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In vivo 3D Line-field Confocal Optical Coherence Tomography (LC-OCT) imaging, enhanced by Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based quantification algorithms, was utilized to compute various metrics, including stratum corneum thickness (SC), viable epidermal (VE) thickness, and Dermal-Epidermal Junction (DEJ) undulation along with cellular metrics for the temple, cheekbone, and mandible. RESULTS: Comparison with data from a cohort of healthy Caucasian volunteers revealed similarities in the variations of stratum corneum and viable epidermis layers, as well as cellular shape and size with age in both ethnic groups. However, specific findings emerged, such as larger, more heterogeneous nuclei in both layers, demonstrated by an increase in nuclei volume and their standard deviation, and increased network atypia, all showing significant age-related variations. Caucasian females exhibited a flatter and more homogeneous epidermis, evidenced by a decreased standard deviation of the number of layers, and a less dense cellular network with fewer cells per layer, indicated by a decrease in cell surface density. CONCLUSION: Ethnicity-wise comparisons highlighted distinct biological features specific to each population. Asian individuals showed significantly higher DEJ undulation, higher compactness, and lower cell network atypia compared to their Caucasian counterparts across age groups. Differences in stratum corneum and viable epidermal thickness on the cheekbone were also significant. LC-OCT 3D imaging provides valuable insights into the aging process in different populations and underscores inherent biological differences between Caucasian and Asian female volunteers.
Povo Asiático , Face , Imageamento Tridimensional , Envelhecimento da Pele , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica , População Branca , Humanos , Feminino , Envelhecimento da Pele/fisiologia , Envelhecimento da Pele/etnologia , Adulto , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica/métodos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Face/diagnóstico por imagem , Face/anatomia & histologia , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Idoso , Adulto Jovem , Epiderme/diagnóstico por imagem , Voluntários SaudáveisRESUMO
Biological variation in the mammalian skull is the product of a series of factors including changes in gene expression, developmental timing, and environmental pressures. When considering the diversity of extant mammalian crania, it is important to understand these mechanisms that contribute to cranial growth and in turn, how differences in cranial morphology have been attained. Various researchers, including Dr. Sue Herring, have proposed a variety of mechanisms to explain the process of cranial growth. This work has set the foundation on which modern analysis of craniofacial morphology happens today. This study focused on the analysis of modularity in three mammalian taxa, all of which exhibit facial reduction. Specifically, we examined facial reduction as a morphological phenomenon through the use of two-module and six-module modularity hypotheses. We recorded three-dimensional coordinate data for 55 cranial landmarks that allowed us to analyze differences in cranial shape in these three taxa (primates n = 88, bats n = 64, dogs n = 81). When assessing modularity within the two-module modularity hypothesis specifically, dogs exhibited the lowest levels of modularity, while bats and primates both showed a slightly more modular covariance structure. We further assessed modularity in the same sample using the Goswami six-module model, where again dogs exhibited a low degree of modularity, with bats and primates being more moderate. We then broke the sample into subsets by analyzing each morphotype separately. We hypothesized that the modularity would be more pronounced in the brachycephalic morphotype. Surprisingly, we found that in brachycephalic dogs, normocephalic dogs, brachycephalic primates, and normocephalic primates, there was a moderate degree of modularity. Brachycephalic bats had a low degree of modularity, while normocephalic bats were the most modular group observed in this study. Based on these results, it is evident that facial reduction is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon with unique morphological changes observed in each of the three taxa studied.
Quirópteros , Face , Primatas , Crânio , Animais , Quirópteros/anatomia & histologia , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Primatas/anatomia & histologia , Face/anatomia & histologia , Evolução BiológicaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of tongue position on facial morphology of Pakistani adults and different growth patterns. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of the Study: Department of Orthodontics, Karachi Medical and Dental College, Karachi, Pakistan, from January to April 2021. METHODOLOGY: The study included individuals aged 17 to 30 years with no history of prior orthodontic treatment, absence of wound, burn, or scar tissue in the neck region, comfortable breathing through the nose, absence of deglutition disorder, and a skeletal Class I or II relationship. The exclusion criteria were a cleft lip or palate, or a history of chronic mouth breathing, snoring, or tonsillectomy. According to their skeletal relationships, the subjects were split into three groups; Group I (low-angle), Group II (normal growth), and Group III (high-angle). Vertical growth pattern was assessed on radiograph by interpreting the values of NS / ML (nasion-sella / mandibular plane) angle, and angle formed between FH / ML (Frankfort horizontal plane / mandibular plane). A predesigned proforma was used to record all the measurements made on pre-treatment lateral cephalograms by the sole investigator. Data were analysed using SPSS 24.0. RESULTS: Data from the lateral cephalogram of 79 patients, consisting of 18 (22.8%) males and 61 (77.2%) females who met the inclusion criteria, were analysed. The sample included 15 low-angle, 45 normal vertical growth, and 19 high-angle cases. Fifty participants had Class I skeletal relationships, while 29 had Class II relationships. According to the ANOVA test, FH / ML and NS / ML measurements showed no statistically significant variations in tongue position and growth trends. CONCLUSION: There was no statistically significant difference between tongue position and facial morphology of Class I or II subjects with different vertical growth patterns. However, there was a statistically sufficient evidence showing the tongue height was greater in Class I skeletal relationship patients as compared to Class II skeletal cases (p = 0.008). KEY WORDS: Tongue position, Tongue space, Tongue length, Growth pattern.
Cefalometria , Língua , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Estudos Transversais , Adulto , Paquistão , Adulto Jovem , Língua/anatomia & histologia , Língua/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Adolescente , Desenvolvimento Maxilofacial/fisiologia , Face/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
Research suggests various associations between generalized trust and a wide range of economic, political, and social dimensions. Despite its importance, there is considerable debate about how best to measure generalized trust. One recent solution operationalizes generalized trust as the average of trust ratings across a small set of trust domains and human faces. Here, we investigate whether heterogeneity in facial appearance affects the psychometric properties of these new instruments. In a survey experiment conducted with a sample of U.S. adults (n = 5001), we randomly assigned respondents to one of five conditions that varied the features of human and AI-synthesized faces. Irrespective of the condition, respondents rated each face along four trust domains. We find that facial heterogeneity has negligible effects on the measurement validity and measurement equivalence of these new instruments. Small differences are observed on a subset of faces for some psychometric tests. These findings contribute to a growing body of work using faces to measure generalized trust, and demonstrate the utility of using AI-synthesized faces in social science research more broadly.
Psicometria , Confiança , Humanos , Confiança/psicologia , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Psicometria/métodos , Face/anatomia & histologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reconhecimento Facial , Adolescente , Expressão FacialRESUMO
As digital technology becomes more prevalent in the practice of dental medicine, methods to fully replace 2-dimensional photography and analog devices such as the facebow are still in their infancy. As more practices adopt 3-dimensional (3D) intraoral scanners, effective digital communication of the relationships between the teeth and the face becomes essential. With the high cost of intraoral scanners, the additional expense of a face scanner is not a feasible investment for many practices. This article explores a technique for meshing (lower resolution) facial data obtained from a smartphone-based scanner with high-resolution intraoral scan data. In this approach, the data from a free 3D scanning application on a smartphone and a traditional intraoral scanner are meshed so that high-resolution data are available for intraoral features and lower resolution data are used to capture the gross contours of the face. In this way, a hybrid-resolution composite scan that incorporates all of the data needed to simulate the face and accurately reproduce the teeth is generated without the cost of additional scanning equipment. This article defines a new term, the facial registration scan, for use alongside the familiar digital bite registration obtained with an intraoral scanner. To illustrate the clinical use of the hybrid-resolution scan concept, this article presents a case in which this method was used for the restoration of maxillary anterior implants.
Análise Custo-Benefício , Imageamento Tridimensional , Humanos , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Face/anatomia & histologia , Face/diagnóstico por imagem , Smartphone , Implantes Dentários/economiaRESUMO
This study evaluates the accuracy and repeatability of craniofacial measurements with a 3D light scanner, specifically the EINSTAR scanner, in comparison to traditional caliper measurements for facial anthropometry. Eleven volunteers were assessed by two examiners, one experienced and one inexperienced, who performed direct caliper measurements and indirect measurements using the scanner. Results indicated minimal differences between caliper and scanner results, with overall high accuracy and reliability demonstrated by correlation coefficients. Despite the slightly longer scanning time, the benefits of 3D imaging, including detailed surface mapping and virtual modeling, justify its integration into clinical practice, particularly in maxillofacial surgery and craniofacial assessment. Craniofacial measurements obtained with the EINSTAR scanner showed excellent reliability and accuracy, which qualifies this method for clinical and scientific use.
Antropometria , Face , Imageamento Tridimensional , Humanos , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Face/anatomia & histologia , Face/diagnóstico por imagem , Antropometria/métodos , Antropometria/instrumentação , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Reprodutibilidade dos TestesRESUMO
In recent years, significant progress has been made in facial expression recognition methods. However, tasks related to facial expression recognition in real environments still require further research. This paper proposes a tri-cross-attention transformer with a multi-feature fusion network (TriCAFFNet) to improve facial expression recognition performance under challenging conditions. By combining LBP (Local Binary Pattern) features, HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) features, landmark features, and CNN (convolutional neural network) features from facial images, the model is provided with a rich input to improve its ability to discern subtle differences between images. Additionally, tri-cross-attention blocks are designed to facilitate information exchange between different features, enabling mutual guidance among different features to capture salient attention. Extensive experiments on several widely used datasets show that our TriCAFFNet achieves the SOTA performance on RAF-DB with 92.17%, AffectNet (7 cls) with 67.40%, and AffectNet (8 cls) with 63.49%, respectively.
Expressão Facial , Redes Neurais de Computação , Humanos , Algoritmos , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Face/anatomia & histologia , Reconhecimento Facial Automatizado/métodos , Reconhecimento Automatizado de Padrão/métodosRESUMO
Age estimation is crucial in legal and humanitarian contexts. Forensic professionals may use various procedures to estimate age, including dental analysis, bone density tests, evaluation of physical characteristics including facial bone structure and development, and image-based methods. Although images are often the only material available, visual observation of photographic material is an imprecise method in age estimation, which can compromise judicial decision-making. Analyzing 4000 photographs from the Brazilian Federal Police database, representing four age groups (6, 10, 14, and 18 years), the study employed automated analysis by marking 28 photogrammetric points. Data were used to establish facial patterns by age and sex using the facial geometric morphometrics method. Performance was assessed through a Multinomial Logistic Regression model, evaluating accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity across the categorical age groups. Analyses were conducted using R software, with a 5 % significance level. The study found that facial geometric morphometrics achieved an overall accuracy of 69.3 % in age discrimination, with higher accuracy in males (74.7 %) compared to females (65.8 %) (p < 0.001). The method excelled at predicting the age of 6-year-olds with 87.3 % sensitivity and 95.6 % specificity but had lower performance at 14 years. It showed greater accuracy in distinguishing age groups with larger age gaps, achieving up to 99.5 % accuracy between certain groups, and was particularly effective in differentiating ages of 6 and 10 years in females and 10, 14, and 18 years in males. The facial geometric morphometrics emerges as a promising approach for age estimation among children and adolescents in forensic settings.
Determinação da Idade pelo Esqueleto , Face , Fotografação , Humanos , Adolescente , Criança , Masculino , Feminino , Face/anatomia & histologia , Determinação da Idade pelo Esqueleto/métodos , Modelos Logísticos , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Brasil , Fotogrametria , Antropologia Forense/métodosRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The determining effect of facial hard tissues on soft tissue morphology in orthodontic patients has yet to be explained. The aim of this study was to clarify the hard-soft tissue relationships of the lower 1/3 of the face in skeletal Class II-hyperdivergent patients compared with those in Class I-normodivergent patients using network analysis. METHODS: Fifty-two adult patients (42 females, 10 males; age, 26.58 ± 5.80 years) were divided into two groups: Group 1, 25 subjects, skeletal Class I normodivergent pattern with straight profile; Group 2, 27 subjects, skeletal Class II hyperdivergent pattern with convex profile. Pretreatment cone-beam computed tomography and three-dimensional facial scans were taken and superimposed, on which landmarks were identified manually, and their coordinate values were used for network analysis. RESULTS: (1) In sagittal direction, Group 2 correlations were generally weaker than Group 1. In both the vertical and sagittal directions of Group 1, the most influential hard tissue landmarks to soft tissues were located between the level of cemento-enamel junction of upper teeth and root apex of lower teeth. In Group 2, the hard tissue landmarks with the greatest influence in vertical direction were distributed more forward and downward than in Group 1. (2) In Group 1, all the correlations for vertical-hard tissue to sagittal-soft tissue position and sagittal-hard tissue to vertical-soft tissue position were positive. However, Group 2 correlations between vertical-hard tissue and sagittal-soft tissue positions were mostly negative. Between sagittal-hard tissue and vertical-soft tissue positions, Group 2 correlations were negative for mandible, and were positive for maxilla and teeth. CONCLUSION: Compared with Class I normodivergent patients with straight profile, Class II hyperdivergent patients with convex profile had more variations in soft tissue morphology in sagittal direction. In vertical direction, the most relevant hard tissue landmarks on which soft tissue predictions should be based were distributed more forward and downward in Class II hyperdivergent patients with convex profile. Class II hyperdivergent pattern with convex profile was an imbalanced phenotype concerning sagittal and vertical positions of maxillofacial hard and soft tissues.
Pontos de Referência Anatômicos , Cefalometria , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Face , Imageamento Tridimensional , Má Oclusão Classe II de Angle , Má Oclusão Classe I de Angle , Mandíbula , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Má Oclusão Classe II de Angle/diagnóstico por imagem , Má Oclusão Classe II de Angle/patologia , Cefalometria/métodos , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Face/anatomia & histologia , Face/diagnóstico por imagem , Má Oclusão Classe I de Angle/diagnóstico por imagem , Má Oclusão Classe I de Angle/patologia , Mandíbula/diagnóstico por imagem , Mandíbula/patologia , Adulto Jovem , Maxila/diagnóstico por imagem , Maxila/patologia , Queixo/diagnóstico por imagem , Queixo/anatomia & histologia , Queixo/patologia , Incisivo/diagnóstico por imagem , Incisivo/anatomia & histologia , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodosRESUMO
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Botulinum toxin treatment is gaining popularity among men for cosmetic purposes driven by workplace competition and a desire for confidence and youthfulness. Because of the unique features of male facial anatomy, careful consideration is necessary during assessment and treatment execution. METHODS: The peer-reviewed literature on male facial anatomy in relation to neuromodulator treatment was analyzed with a particular emphasis on studies involving male subjects and the use of botulinum toxin type A. RESULTS: Anatomic differences in muscle mass and contraction patterns between men and women help guide treatment. Men appear to require higher doses for effective treatment of facial wrinkles and, in the case of glabellar lines, often require double the standard dose for women. Treatment of the frontalis muscle in men, responsible for forehead creases, requires precise dosage and placement to avoid brow ptosis. The lateral canthal wrinkles are often the first area that men seek consultation for. Although FDA approval for lower face regions is lacking, off-label use can still be considered. CONCLUSION: Successful botulinum toxin treatment in men necessitates understanding facial anatomy, customized treatment plans, and appropriate dosing. Further research is warranted to refine protocols and enhance outcomes for male patients.
Toxinas Botulínicas Tipo A , Técnicas Cosméticas , Músculos Faciais , Fármacos Neuromusculares , Envelhecimento da Pele , Humanos , Toxinas Botulínicas Tipo A/administração & dosagem , Masculino , Envelhecimento da Pele/efeitos dos fármacos , Fármacos Neuromusculares/administração & dosagem , Músculos Faciais/efeitos dos fármacos , Músculos Faciais/anatomia & histologia , Face/anatomia & histologia , Neurotransmissores/administração & dosagemRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To characterise applied force on the face and head during simulated mask ventilation with varying mask, device and expertise level. DESIGN: Randomised cross-over simulation study. SETTING: A quiet, empty room in the children's hospital. PARTICIPANTS: Neonatal healthcare providers, categorised as novices and experts in positive pressure ventilation (PPV). INTERVENTIONS: PPV for 2 min each in a 2×2 within-subjects design with two masks (round and anatomic) and two ventilation devices (T-piece and self-inflating bag (SIB)). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Applied force (Newton (N)) measured under the head and at four locations on the manikin's face (nasal bridge, mentum, left and right zygomatic arches) and symmetry of force applied around the mask rim. RESULTS: For the 51 participants, force applied to the head was greater with the SIB than the T-piece (mean (SD): 16.03 (6.96) N vs 14.31 (5.16) N) and greater with the anatomic mask than the round mask (mean (SD): 16.07 (6.80) N vs 14.26 (5.35) N). Underhead force decreased over the duration of PPV for all conditions. Force measured on the face was greatest at the left zygomatic arch (median (IQR): 0.97 (0.70-1.43) N) and least at the mentum (median (IQR): 0.44 (0.28-0.61) N). Overall, experts applied more equal force around the mask rim compared with novices (median (IQR): 0.46 (0.26-0.79) N vs 0.65 (0.24-1.18) N, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: We characterised an initial dataset of applied forces on the face and head during simulated PPV and described differences in force when considering mask type, device type and expertise.
Estudos Cross-Over , Manequins , Máscaras , Respiração com Pressão Positiva , Humanos , Respiração com Pressão Positiva/instrumentação , Respiração com Pressão Positiva/métodos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Cabeça/anatomia & histologia , Cabeça/fisiologia , Face/anatomia & histologia , Competência Clínica , Desenho de Equipamento , Pressão , AdultoRESUMO
The 'organizational-activational hypothesis' posits that the fetal environment has a lasting impact on offspring physical, cognitive, and behavioral phenotype. An established biomarker for human prenatal testosterone exposure is the second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D). While related facial characteristics and their social perceptions have been investigated in young adults, studies focusing on younger or older age groups are scarce. Standardized facial photographs of 17 Austrian boys aged 4 to 11 years were each rated by 162 adults in Austria (78 female, 84 male) for masculinity, dominance, physical strength, maturity, independence, cuteness, and prettiness. Following high interrater agreement (Cronbach's alphas >0.96), average ratings per face were subjected to a principal component analysis. The first principal component (52 % var. expl.) correlated positively with the boys' age (r = 0.685), whereas the second principal component (37 % var. expl.) reflected organizational effects of prenatal androgen exposure (i.e. androgenization), as shown by a negative correlation with the boys' 2D:4D (r = -0.487). Geometric morphometrics was employed to extract the facial shapes corresponding to these two principal components. Overall, adults consistently attributed masculinity in line with prenatal testosterone exposure, whereby masculinity was assessed as neither pretty nor cute. In contrast to findings within adults, boys' face ratings of dominance and physical strength did not correspond with their masculinity assessments, but rather with the social attributions reflecting age-related developmental progress (maturity and independence). This adds an ontogenetic layer of complexity. Prenatal testosterone exposure influences the development of boys' facial features, which in turn even shape social stereotypes in adults.
Face , Masculinidade , Testosterona , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Face/anatomia & histologia , Dedos/anatomia & histologia , Gravidez , Efeitos Tardios da Exposição Pré-Natal , AdultoRESUMO
Our given name is a social tag associated with us early in life. This study investigates the possibility of a self-fulfilling prophecy effect wherein individuals' facial appearance develops over time to resemble the social stereotypes associated with given names. Leveraging the face-name matching effect, which demonstrates an ability to match adults' names to their faces, we hypothesized that individuals would resemble their social stereotype (name) in adulthood but not in childhood. To test this hypothesis, children and adults were asked to match faces and names of children and adults. Results revealed that both adults and children correctly matched adult faces to their corresponding names, significantly above the chance level. However, when it came to children's faces and names, participants were unable to make accurate associations. Complementing our lab studies, we employed a machine-learning framework to process facial image data and found that facial representations of adults with the same name were more similar to each other than to those of adults with different names. This pattern of similarity was absent among the facial representations of children, thereby strengthening the case for the self-fulfilling prophecy hypothesis. Furthermore, the face-name matching effect was evident for adults but not for children's faces that were artificially aged to resemble adults, supporting the conjectured role of social development in this effect. Together, these findings suggest that even our facial appearance can be influenced by a social factor such as our name, confirming the potent impact of social expectations.
Face , Nomes , Humanos , Masculino , Criança , Feminino , Adulto , Face/anatomia & histologia , Adulto Jovem , Adolescente , Reconhecimento Facial/fisiologia , EstereotipagemRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Methods available at home for capturing facial images to track changes in skin quality and evaluate skincare treatments are limited. In this study, we developed a smartphone camera application (app) for personalized facial aesthetic monitoring. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A face alignment indicators (FAIN) system utilizing facial landmark detection, an artificial intelligence technique, to estimate key facial parts, was implemented into the app to maintain a consistent facial appearance during image capture. The FAIN system is composed of a fixed target indicator and an alignment indicator that dynamically changes its shape according to the user's face position, size, and orientation. Users align their faces to match the alignment indicator with the fixed target indicator, and the image is automatically captured when alignment is achieved. RESULTS: We investigated the app's effectiveness in ensuring a consistent facial appearance by analyzing both geometric and colorimetric data. Geometric information from captured faces and colorimetric data from stickers applied to the faces were utilized. The coefficients of variation (CVs) for the L*, a*, and b* values of the stickers were higher compared to those measured by a colorimeter, with CVs of 14.9 times, 8.14 times, and 4.41 times for L*, a*, and b*, respectively. To assess the feasibility of the app for facial aesthetic monitoring, we tracked changes in pseudo-skin color on the cheek of a participant using skin-colored stickers. As a result, we observed the smallest color difference ∆Eab of 1.901, which can be considered as the experimentally validated detection limit using images acquired by the app. CONCLUSION: While the current monitoring method is a relative quantification approach, it contributes to evidence-based evaluations of skincare treatments.
Estética , Face , Aplicativos Móveis , Smartphone , Humanos , Face/anatomia & histologia , Face/diagnóstico por imagem , Feminino , Colorimetria/instrumentação , Colorimetria/métodos , Fotografação , Adulto , Masculino , Inteligência ArtificialRESUMO
In today's biometric and commercial settings, state-of-the-art image processing relies solely on artificial intelligence and machine learning which provides a high level of accuracy. However, these principles are deeply rooted in abstract, complex "black-box systems". When applied to forensic image identification, concerns about transparency and accountability emerge. This study explores the impact of two challenging factors in automated facial identification: facial expressions and head poses. The sample comprised 3D faces with nine prototype expressions, collected from 41 participants (13 males, 28 females) of European descent aged 19.96 to 50.89 years. Pre-processing involved converting 3D models to 2D color images (256 × 256 px). Probes included a set of 9 images per individual with head poses varying by 5° in both left-to-right (yaw) and up-and-down (pitch) directions for neutral expressions. A second set of 3,610 images per individual covered viewpoints in 5° increments from -45° to 45° for head movements and different facial expressions, forming the targets. Pair-wise comparisons using ArcFace, a state-of-the-art face identification algorithm yielded 54,615,690 dissimilarity scores. Results indicate that minor head deviations in probes have minimal impact. However, the performance diminished as targets deviated from the frontal position. Right-to-left movements were less influential than up and down, with downward pitch showing less impact than upward movements. The lowest accuracy was for upward pitch at 45°. Dissimilarity scores were consistently higher for males than for females across all studied factors. The performance particularly diverged in upward movements, starting at 15°. Among tested facial expressions, happiness and contempt performed best, while disgust exhibited the lowest AUC values.
Algoritmos , Reconhecimento Facial Automatizado , Expressão Facial , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Reconhecimento Facial Automatizado/métodos , Adulto Jovem , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Imageamento Tridimensional , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Identificação Biométrica/métodos , Face/anatomia & histologia , Movimentos da Cabeça/fisiologia , Postura/fisiologiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Aim: The aim of the article is a comparative analysis of the main aspects of existing medical and diagnostic measures in patients with abnormal types of occlusal relationships and methods of mathematical and graphic reproduction of the shape of the dental arches, taking into account the individual characteristics of the maxillofacial area. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and Methods: The search for relevant publications related to the objective topic was carried out through scientific databases: Scopus, PubMed, BVS and Scielo. CONCLUSION: Conclusions: The analysis of regression models of the reproduction of individual characteristics of the dental arch of the jaws will avoid errors that occur when comparing the actual sizes with their statistical norm, which will allow to correctly determine the proportionality and ratio of dif f erent departments of the dental and jaw system, the necessary amount of orthodontic measures in the treatment of anomalies of the dental arches.
Arco Dental , Humanos , Arco Dental/anatomia & histologia , Cefalometria , Face/anatomia & histologia , Face/anormalidades , Má OclusãoRESUMO
With the continuous progress of technology, facial recognition technology is widely used in various scenarios as a mature biometric technology. However, the accuracy of facial feature recognition has become a major challenge. This study proposes a face length feature and angle feature recognition method for digital libraries, targeting the recognition of different facial features. Firstly, an in-depth study is conducted on the architecture of facial action networks based on attention mechanisms to provide more accurate and comprehensive facial features. Secondly, a network architecture based on length and angle features of facial expressions, the expression recognition network is explored to improve the recognition rate of different expressions. Finally, an end-to-end network framework based on attention mechanism for facial feature points is constructed to improve the accuracy and stability of facial feature recognition network. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, experiments were conducted using the facial expression dataset FER-2013. The experimental results showed that the average recognition rate for the seven common expressions was 97.28% to 99.97%. The highest recognition rate for happiness and surprise was 99.97%, while the relatively low recognition rate for anger, fear, and neutrality was 97.18%. The data has verified that the research method can effectively recognize and distinguish different facial expressions, with high accuracy and robustness. The recognition method based on attention mechanism for facial feature points has effectively optimized the recognition process of facial length and angle features, significantly improving the stability of facial expression recognition, especially in complex environments, providing reliable technical support for digital libraries and other fields. This study aims to promote the development of facial recognition technology in digital libraries, improve the service quality and user experience of digital libraries.