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Georgian Med News ; (351): 33-37, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39230217


INTRODUCTION: Despite being highly preventable, cervical cancer (CC) is the eighth most prevalent form of female cancer in Armenia and the second most common malignancy among those aged 15 to 44. In Armenia, there is an age-standardized incidence of 7.8 per 100,000 females, and an age-standardized mortality of 4.6 per 100,000 females. Globally, the CC is the 4th most common cancer among women. Its incidence was 604,127 new cases and 341,831 deaths in 2020. We conducted a retrospective, observational cohort study using clinical data to verify the influence of HPV vaccine (Gardasil, Merck&CO) on fertility function in women, vaccinated in RA since 2017 year in the limits of anti-HPV vaccination Program (included in National Vaccination Calendar). MATERIALS AND METHODS: For the study, we analyzed data received from Armenian-American Wellness Center (Yerevan, Armenia). 98 female volunteers vaccinated with the 4vHPV who attended AAWC and were examined for reproductive function. The subjects were divided into 3 age groups - 1st group - 15 years -24 years 11 months, 2nd group - 25 years -34 years 11 months, 3rd group - 35 -40 years. Each control group was composed of randomly selected 30 healthy women in age identical to the main group who applied AAWC for regular checkup in the same time frame and have never been exposed to anti HPV vaccine. RESULTS: The current research is aimed to reveal any negative impact of 4vHPV vaccine on fertility indicators in Armenian cohort. The performed comparative statistical analysis of the assessed indicators has revealed the ORs<1 for POI, late fertilization disorders of menstrual cycle and anovulation prevalence indicators. The chance of investigated disorders' development in 4vHPV vaccine exposed cohort did not exaggerate that in non-exposed sample cohort. The significant difference was not observed in Anti-Mullerian Hormone, FSH basal levels, as well as in mean ovarian volume and number of antral follicles indicators between clinical and respective control groups (p<.05). CONCLUSION: The data obtained make us to conclude about absence of any negative impact of 4vHPV vaccine on fertility function indicators in 4vHPV vaccinated cohort in RA. The study results contribute to perception of the 4vHPV vaccine safety concept, what in its turn can trigger increase of vaccination coverage leading to CC control efficiency.

Fertilidade , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Armênia/epidemiologia , Adolescente , Estudos Retrospectivos , Adulto Jovem , Vacinas contra Papillomavirus/administração & dosagem , Vacinação/estatística & dados numéricos , Vacina Quadrivalente Recombinante contra HPV tipos 6, 11, 16, 18/administração & dosagem , Vacina Quadrivalente Recombinante contra HPV tipos 6, 11, 16, 18/uso terapêutico , Vacina Quadrivalente Recombinante contra HPV tipos 6, 11, 16, 18/imunologia , Estudos de Coortes , Infecções por Papillomavirus/prevenção & controle
PLoS One ; 19(9): e0307396, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39250513


BACKGROUND: Since the discovery of COVID-19 in December 2019, the novel virus has spread globally causing significant medical and socio-economic burden. Although the pandemic has been curtailed, the virus and its attendant complication live on. A major global concern is its adverse impact on male fertility. AIM: This study was aimed to give an up to date and robust data regarding the effect of COVID-19 on semen variables and male reproductive hormones. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Literature search was performed according to the recommendations of PRISMA. Out of the 852 studies collected, only 40 were eligible for inclusion in assessing the effect SARS-CoV-2 exerts on semen quality and androgens. More so, a SWOT analysis was conducted. RESULTS: The present study demonstrated that SARS-CoV-2 significantly reduced ejaculate volume, sperm count, concentration, viability, normal morphology, and total and progressive motility. Furthermore, SARS-CoV-2 led to a reduction in circulating testosterone level, but a rise in oestrogen, prolactin, and luteinizing hormone levels. These findings were associated with a decline in testosterone/luteinizing hormone ratio. CONCLUSIONS: The current study provides compelling evidence that SARS-CoV-2 may lower male fertility by reducing semen quality through a hormone-dependent mechanism; reduction in testosterone level and increase in oestrogen and prolactin levels.

COVID-19 , SARS-CoV-2 , Análise do Sêmen , Testosterona , Humanos , Masculino , Testosterona/sangue , SARS-CoV-2/isolamento & purificação , Fertilidade , Infertilidade Masculina/virologia , Infertilidade Masculina/sangue , Hormônio Luteinizante/sangue , Contagem de Espermatozoides , Sêmen/virologia , Sêmen/metabolismo , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides
Trop Anim Health Prod ; 56(7): 256, 2024 Sep 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39240402


Growth and reproductive performance traits are important economic indicators for analyzing the overall performance of breeding systems. This study aims to evaluate the comparative performance of two Algerian sheep (Rumbi and Hamra) in terms of growth and reproductive performance, and the effect of factors such as breed, season of birth, mode of birth and age of the mother on this performance in a semi-intensive breeding system. The reproductive performance of 577 Rumbi ewes and 1328 Hamra ewes bred at the Tiaret and Saïda experimental stations respectively, was analyzed using performance monitoring data. Fertility rates for the Rumbi and Hamra breeds of 87.14% and 78.8% respectively were practically similar (p > 0,05). Litter size at birth and weaning was significantly higher in the Hamra breed than in the Rumbi breed (p < 0,05). Weaning mortality was significantly higher in the Hamra breed than in the Rumbi breed, with an average of 22.60% versus 14.94% (p < 0,05). The effect of factors showed that there was a highly significant effect of the mother's age and season of birth on the reproductive performance of the Hamra and Rumbi breeds with a p < 0.0001 on fertility, litter size at birth, litter size at weaning and fertility. There was a significant effect of the year factor on reproductive performance with p = 0,013 for the Hamra breed and p = 0,031 for the Rumbi breed. The results of this study showed that Rumbi lambs were heavier at birth than Hamra lambs. The values observed were 4,86 kg versus 3,10 kg for the Hamra breed, with a highly significant difference (p < 0,0001), so that the average daily pre-weaning weight gains of Rumbi lambs were higher than those of Hamra lambs, at 0,195 kg/day versus 0,113 kg/day for Hamra lambs, with a high significance (p < 0,0001). The effect of factors showed that there was a significant effect of the mother's age on the ADGs (0-30), (30-70) and (70-90) of the Hamra and Rumbi breeds with a p = 0,034 and p = 0,02 respectively. There was also a highly significant effect of the birth mode effect on ADGs (0-30), (30-70) and (70-90) only for the Hamra breed with a p = 0,004. The effect of the birth weight on ADGs was not significant for both Hamra and Rumbi breeds with a p > 0,05. According to the findings of this study, the Hamra breed had superior reproductive potential and the Rumbi breed had superior growth. The Hamra breed showed better maternal skills in terms of fertility and prolificacy, while the Rumbi breed showed better lamb growth performance. Consequently, these results could be used for selective sheep breeding, taking into account the random effects of the environment and the potential of each breed.

Tamanho da Ninhada de Vivíparos , Reprodução , Animais , Feminino , Argélia , Cruzamento , Fertilidade , Carneiro Doméstico/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Carneiro Doméstico/genética , Carneiro Doméstico/fisiologia , Estações do Ano , Desmame , Gravidez , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ovinos/genética
Reprod Domest Anim ; 59(9): e14719, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39246145


The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate the effects of the preovulatory follicle (POF) size on the accuracy of Doppler-based early pregnancy detection, and (2) to determine whether the removal of PGF2α (PGF) treatment during the resynchronisation protocol would affect fertility in beef cows. In Experiment 1, Nelore suckling cows (n = 224) were enrolled in an estradiol-progesterone-based timed artificial insemination (TAI) protocol. At TAI, cows were separated based on the range of POF diameters, as follows: ≤11.0 mm (n = 50), 11.1-12.9 mm (n = 64), 13.0-14.4 mm (n = 62) and ≥14.5 mm (n = 48). On day 22 after TAI, the corpus luteum (CL) blood flow (CLBF) of all cows was examined by colour Doppler ultrasonography to diagnose nonpregnant cows. The cows with the largest POF had the greatest positive predictive value (88.6%; 31 of 35) and diagnostic accuracy (91.7%; 44 of 48). In Experiment 2, Nelore cows (n = 233) were subjected to the same TAI protocol. Fourteen days after TAI, all cows were started on a resynchronisation protocol. Cows diagnosed as nonpregnant based on CLBF, on day 22, received 0.5 mg estradiol cypionate intramuscular (im) and were assigned to receive either 150 µg of PGF (PGF; n = 50) or 2 mL of saline (control; n = 47). Cows treated with PGF had a P/AI of 30.0% compared with a 48.9% P/AI in controls (p = 0.06). Our findings demonstrate that the POF size affects the accuracy of a CLBF-based early pregnancy diagnosis and that the removal of PGF treatment from the resynchronisation protocol tended to increase P/AI of the second TAI.

Corpo Lúteo , Dinoprosta , Estradiol , Sincronização do Estro , Inseminação Artificial , Folículo Ovariano , Progesterona , Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Gravidez , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Sincronização do Estro/métodos , Progesterona/administração & dosagem , Progesterona/sangue , Progesterona/farmacologia , Estradiol/análogos & derivados , Estradiol/administração & dosagem , Estradiol/farmacologia , Corpo Lúteo/efeitos dos fármacos , Dinoprosta/administração & dosagem , Dinoprosta/farmacologia , Dinoprosta/análogos & derivados , Fertilidade
Front Public Health ; 12: 1375643, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39234088


Background: Infertility is a global health challenge impacting quality of life, particularly in low and middle-income countries such as Sudan. The Fertility Quality of Life (FertiQoL) tool, a standardized questionnaire, is pivotal in assessing fertility-related quality of life. However, existing research on its utility has primarily been conducted in Global North and High-Income Countries, highlighting the need to shift away from neocolonialism to promote truly inclusive research and effective healthcare practices. Science diplomacy, through the adaptation and culturally sensitive implementation of research tools, can serve as a catalyst for addressing health disparities on a global scale. This study aims to assess methodological and cultural considerations that impact the implementation of the FertiQoL tool in Sudan, framed within the context of science diplomacy and neocolonialism. By investigating the challenges and opportunities of utilizing this tool in a non-Western cultural setting, we seek to contribute to the broader discussion on decolonizing global health research. Methods: Utilizing an explanatory sequential design involving surveys and interviews, we conducted a study in a Sudanese fertility clinic from November 2017 to May 2018. A total of 102 participants were recruited using convenience sampling, providing socio-demographic, medical, and reproductive history data. The Arabic version of FertiQoL was administered, with 20 participants interviewed and 82 surveyed (40 self-administered and 42 provider-administered). We applied descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, thematic analysis, and triangulation to explore methodological and cultural nuances. Results: Most participants were educated women who lived in urban areas. While the ANOVA results revealed no statistically significant differences in FertiQoL scores based on the mode of administration [core score (F(2,99) = 1.58, p = 0.21, η 2 = 0.03) and domain scores: emotional (F(2,99) = 1.85, p = 0.16, η 2 = 0.04); mind/body (F(2,99) = 1.95, p = 0.15, η 2 = 0.04); relational (F(2,99) = 0.18, p = 0.83, η 2 = 0.04); and social (F(2,99) = 1.67, p = 0.19, η 2 = 0.03)], qualitative insights unveiled vital cultural considerations. Interpretation challenges related to concepts like hope and jealousy emerged during interviews. Notably, the social domain of FertiQoL was found to inadequately capture the social pressures experienced by infertile individuals in Sudan, underscoring the importance of region-specific research. Despite these challenges, participants perceived FertiQoL as a comprehensive and valuable tool with broader utility beyond assessing fertility-related quality of life. Conclusion: Our findings emphasize the significance of incorporating cultural sensitivity into the interpretation of FertiQoL scores when implementing it globally. This approach aligns with the principles of science diplomacy and challenges neocolonial structures by acknowledging the unique lived experiences of local populations. By fostering cross-cultural understanding and inclusivity in research, we can enhance the implementation of FertiQoL and pave the way for novel interventions, increased funding, and policy developments in the Global South, ultimately promoting equitable global health.

Qualidade de Vida , Humanos , Sudão/etnologia , Feminino , Adulto , Inquéritos e Questionários , Infertilidade/psicologia , Competência Cultural , Masculino , Fertilidade
Zool Res ; 45(5): 1061-1072, 2024 09 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39245650


The structural integrity of the sperm flagellum is essential for proper sperm function. Flagellar defects can result in male infertility, yet the precise mechanisms underlying this relationship are not fully understood. CCDC181, a coiled-coil domain-containing protein, is known to localize on sperm flagella and at the basal regions of motile cilia. Despite this knowledge, the specific functions of CCDC181 in flagellum biogenesis remain unclear. In this study, Ccdc181 knockout mice were generated. The absence of CCDC181 led to defective sperm head shaping and flagellum formation. Furthermore, the Ccdc181 knockout mice exhibited extremely low sperm counts, grossly aberrant sperm morphologies, markedly diminished sperm motility, and typical multiple morphological abnormalities of the flagella (MMAF). Additionally, an interaction between CCDC181 and the MMAF-related protein LRRC46 was identified, with CCDC181 regulating the localization of LRRC46 within sperm flagella. These findings suggest that CCDC181 plays a crucial role in both manchette formation and sperm flagellum biogenesis.

Camundongos Knockout , Proteínas dos Microtúbulos , Cauda do Espermatozoide , Animais , Masculino , Camundongos , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Flagelos/metabolismo , Flagelos/fisiologia , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Cauda do Espermatozoide/metabolismo , Cauda do Espermatozoide/fisiologia , Espermatozoides/fisiologia , Proteínas dos Microtúbulos/genética , Proteínas dos Microtúbulos/metabolismo
Vet Parasitol ; 331: 110297, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39236398


Studies in various species have demonstrated different results on the effects of T. gondii infection on sperm quality. It has also been demonstrated that in some stages of the disease, there is elimination of cellular debris or even the intact parasite in the semen. The present work aimed to evaluate the in vitro effects of the presence of soluble T. gondii antigens in bovine semen on sperm integrity. The spermatozoa were treated with T. gondii antigens in double serial dilutions classified as high, medium and low doses (8, 4, 2 µg/ml) in "TALP-Sperm" and "TALP-Fert" media. The results showed that T. gondii antigens affect sperm motility and mitochondrial activity, and cause changes in sperm chromatin integrity, as well as damage to the sperm membrane and acrosome. Finally, spermatozoa treated with T. gondii antigens were evaluated in the in vitro production of embryos (IVEP). The use of semen contaminated with antigens in IVEP routines did not lead to a decrease in the fertilization of oocytes, as sperm undergo selection before in vitro fertilization, which eliminates the most altered sperm. However, early embryonic development was affected, probably by structural changes that were not eliminated in the selection process. The results demonstrated that the presence of soluble T. gondii antigens in bovine semen alters sperm integrity and vital characteristics for the fertilization process and embryonic development and therefore causes fertility problems in males.

Antígenos de Protozoários , Fertilidade , Espermatozoides , Toxoplasma , Animais , Bovinos , Masculino , Espermatozoides/imunologia , Toxoplasma/imunologia , Toxoplasma/fisiologia , Antígenos de Protozoários/imunologia , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Fertilização in vitro/veterinária , Sêmen/parasitologia , Sêmen/imunologia
Saudi Med J ; 45(9): 935-944, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39218461


OBJECTIVES: To analyze the fertility rate trends in the GCC countries and their association with socioeconomic factors so that policymakers may use the study findings for future healthcare plans. METHODS: Total population, crude death rate, life expectancy, literacy rate, human development index (HDI), female employment, unemployment rate, urbanisation, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and inflation were chosen as possible predictors of TFR trends. The data were collected for the Global Burden of Disease 2021 study and other official databases such as the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program and Our World in Data for the 6 Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Mean with standard deviation and percentage change was calculated to assess trends of TFR and all other variables from 1980-2021. RESULTS: The fertility rate declined in all 6 countries in 2021 compared to 1980. The highest decline was found in the United Arab Emirates (75.5%), while the lowest was in Kuwait (60.9%). From 1980-2021, total population, life expectancy, HDI, literacy rate, GDP, urbanisation, and female labor force increased in all GCC countries. The total population, life expectancy, urbanisation, female labor force, GDP and HDI were negatively and significantly correlated with TFR (p<0.01). The literacy rate showed a negative and significant correlation with TFR in Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. CONCLUSION: The TFR is declining in GCC countries. The plausible causes include the inclination towards postponement of marriages and excessive costs of living. These trends and associations need to be evaluated by policymakers so that they identify priority areas for interventions, allocate resources and formulate developmental plans accordingly to ensure strategic progress of the region.

Coeficiente de Natalidade , Expectativa de Vida , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Humanos , Coeficiente de Natalidade/tendências , Feminino , Expectativa de Vida/tendências , Oriente Médio/epidemiologia , Produto Interno Bruto , Estudos Longitudinais , Fatores Econômicos , Alfabetização/estatística & dados numéricos , Kuweit/epidemiologia , Emirados Árabes Unidos/epidemiologia , Fertilidade , Urbanização/tendências , Demografia , Emprego/estatística & dados numéricos
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 21211, 2024 09 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39261589


This study aimed to investigate whether heat stress, as defined by the temperature-humidity index (THI) during the close-up dry period, had any impact on the productive performance, fertility, and immunometabolic blood indices of dairy cows in the subsequent lactation. Lactation performance was associated with increasing THI values on - 21, - 14, and - 7 d before calving resulting in decreased milk yield by about 2.30, 2.60, and 2.90 kg, respectively. The THI on the - 7 d before the calving was negatively associated with fertility parameters such as delayed first estrus postpartum, an elongated calving interval by approximately 32 d, a higher number of services per conception by 1.00, and an elongated artificial insemination service period, days open, and inter-calving period by about 20, 52, and 52 d, respectively. The study found that the immunometabolic blood indices were associated with increasing THI values during the close-up dry period. The study showed that exposing dairy cows to close-up dry period heat stress had negative consequences on performance, fertility, and immunometabolic blood indices in the subsequent lactation. Therefore, it is recommended that herd management and barn microclimate changes be implemented earlier, starting from the late dry period, to mitigate the negative impact of heat stress.

Fertilidade , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Lactação , Animais , Bovinos , Feminino , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Lactação/fisiologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Indústria de Laticínios , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/sangue , Umidade , Gravidez
Int J Gynecol Cancer ; 34(9): 1416-1422, 2024 Sep 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39222973


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of adjuvant chemotherapy, type of ovarian surgery, and the surgical approach on fertility in patients with stage I immature teratoma of the ovary. METHODS: Clinicopathologic data were retrospectively collected and analyzed from a cohort of 47 patients with childbearing desire treated for a stage I immature teratoma of the ovary at IRCCS San Gerardo dei Tintori Hospital, Monza, Italy. Multivariate logistic regression was used to address the influence of chemotherapy and type of surgery on the outcome. RESULTS: Among the patients included, 78.7% (37/47) were able to get pregnant, with a live birth rate of 80.9% (51/63 pregnancies). These rates were not different between adjuvant chemotherapy versus surveillance group (62.5% (5/8) and 82.0% (32/39), respectively; p=0.22) nor between the type of ovarian surgery (cystectomy vs unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy; p=0.57) and surgical approach (laparotomy or laparoscopy; p=0.18). A statistically significant difference was found for stage of disease (a decrease in pregnancy rate from 86.5% (32/37) for stage IA to 50.0% for stage IC (5/10); p=0.02), but it was not confirmed in the multivariate analysis. After relapse diagnosis and management, a total of 62.5% (5/8) of patients conceived and had at least one live birth baby. CONCLUSIONS: The fertility-sparing approach is feasible in this population, and fertility does not depend on surgical approach or post-operative treatment. However, adjuvant chemotherapy should be carefully evaluated in this setting.

Estadiamento de Neoplasias , Neoplasias Ovarianas , Teratoma , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias Ovarianas/patologia , Neoplasias Ovarianas/cirurgia , Adulto , Estudos Retrospectivos , Gravidez , Teratoma/cirurgia , Teratoma/patologia , Adulto Jovem , Quimioterapia Adjuvante , Fertilidade , Adolescente , Preservação da Fertilidade/métodos , Taxa de Gravidez
Reprod Domest Anim ; 59 Suppl 2: e14690, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39233584


Extending lactation length reduces the frequency of critical calving events for the cow and herewith reduces the frequency of periods with increased risk for health problems. Moreover, breeding is postponed until a moment later in lactation, which is associated with better conception rates and less days open after start of the breeding period in most studies. Potential risks of an extended lactation are that milk yield of cows at the end of the lactation may be too low which may lead to cows being overconditioned at the end of the extended lactation. Therefore, extending lactation length might not fit every cow. Individual cow characteristics like parity, milk yield level, or body condition determine the response of the cow to an extended lactation. These individual cow characteristics can be used in customized management strategies to optimize lactation length for individual cows. Customized lactation length for individual cows could limit the impact at herd level of disadvantages concerning milk losses and overconditioning and maintain benefits for improved cow health and fertility, reduced number of surplus calves and increased work satisfaction for the farmer. In conclusion, extending lactation length has interesting perspectives for health and fertility of high-producing dairy cows, although questions remain concerning management approaches to support lactation persistency of cows with an extended lactation, and consequences for calf health and development. Moreover, ongoing studies aim to develop decision support tools to select individual cows for a specific lactation length.

Indústria de Laticínios , Fertilidade , Lactação , Leite , Animais , Bovinos/fisiologia , Feminino , Lactação/fisiologia , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Gravidez , Fatores de Tempo , Cruzamento , Paridade
Psychooncology ; 33(8): e9304, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39160674


OBJECTIVES: Systemic cancer treatments pose threats to fertility, leading to concerns regarding fertility and parenthood in young adult women with breast cancer (YAWBC). This systematic review aimed to synthesize existing evidence on reproductive concerns (RCs) among YAWBC and identify areas where further research in needed. METHODS: A systematic review was conducted. Nine English and Chinese databases were searched for studies from inception to June 2023. A meta-analysis was employed to pool RC levels measured using the Reproductive Concerns After Cancer scale (RCAC scale; possible total scores: 18-90). Narrative synthesis was conducted in cases where a meta-analysis could not be performed. RESULTS: Twenty-four cross-sectional studies across seven countries were included in this review. The prevalence of RCs among YAWBC ranged from 21.75% to 80%. The pooled mean total score on the overall RCAC scale was 55.84 (95% confidence interval: 53.26-58.43). "Personal health," "child's health," and "fertility potential" were the top three types of RCs among YAWBC. Sociodemographic, clinical, and psychosocial factors were found to be associated with RCs among YAWBC. Additionally, significant correlations among RCs, nonadherence to treatment, depression, and quality of life were also identified among YAWBC. CONCLUSION: RCs are a common issue among YAWBC, and age, parenthood status, fertility desire, and chemotherapy treatment are important factors associated with RCs among these women. Further research is needed to clarify RC-related factors to provide evidence aimed at tailoring interventions to mitigate RCs among YWBC.

Neoplasias da Mama , Humanos , Feminino , Neoplasias da Mama/psicologia , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Qualidade de Vida , Estudos Transversais , Fertilidade
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39173650


There are a few studies and case reports that postulate a connection between hypothyroidism and reproductive disorders in bitches and an increased neonatal mortality and morbidity in puppies. Other studies, however, cannot demonstrate a connection between hypothyroidism and reproductive disorders in bitches. In this work, the relevant literature is to be checked for its evidence. The connection between hypothyroidism and reproductive disorders in the bitch, puppy mortality and neonatal morbidity to hypothyroidism will be analyzed based on a literature review. For this purpose, the available German and international "English-language" literature from 1986 to January 2023 was analyzed. It turns out that only a small amount of literature contains high levels of scientific evidence, as it mostly consists of case reports and expert opinions. In some case reports a connection between estrous abnormalities, galactorrhoea and infertility and the presence of hypothyroidism could be seen, but in experimental studies and according to the opinion of other authors the connection between hypothyroidism and reproductive disorders does not exist. A negative influence of hypothyroidism on the birth process could not be clearly proven. In an experimental study, although the duration and intensity of uterine contractions were longer and weaker in animals with hypothyroidism, the interval between pup births was not affected. Only in the area of neonatal mortality and morbidity a connection with the hypothyroidism of the dam could be demonstrated. The puppies of affected bitches showed a lower birth weight and were weaker than puppies of euthyroid bitches. The importance of hypothyroidism for fertility in the bitch has not yet been documented in the literature, but this endocrinopathy seems to have an influence on neonatal vitality.

Animais Recém-Nascidos , Doenças do Cão , Hipotireoidismo , Cães , Animais , Doenças do Cão/mortalidade , Hipotireoidismo/veterinária , Hipotireoidismo/mortalidade , Hipotireoidismo/complicações , Feminino , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Gravidez
Am J Reprod Immunol ; 92(2): e13907, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39177066


PROBLEM: The interleukin-17 (IL-17) family includes pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-17A-F with important roles in mucosal defence, barrier integrity and tissue regeneration. IL-17A can be dysregulated in fertility complications, including pre-eclampsia, endometriosis and miscarriage. Because mammalian subclasses (eutherian, metatherian, and prototherian) have different related reproductive strategies, IL-17 genes and proteins were investigated in the three mammalian classes to explore their involvement in female fertility. METHOD OF STUDY: Gene and protein sequences for IL-17s are found in eutherian, metatherian and prototherian mammals. Through synteny and multiple sequence protein alignment, the relationships among mammalian IL-17s were inferred. Publicly available datasets of early pregnancy stages and female fertility in therian mammals were collected and analysed to retrieve information on IL-17 expression. RESULTS: Synteny mapping and phylogenetic analyses allowed the classification of mammalian IL-17 family orthologs of human IL-17. Despite differences in their primary amino acid sequence, metatherian and prototherian IL-17s share the same tertiary structure as human IL-17s, suggesting similar functions. The analysis of available datasets for female fertility in therian mammals shows up-regulation of IL-17A and IL-17D during placentation. IL-17B and IL-17D are also found to be over-expressed in human fertility complication datasets, such as endometriosis or recurrent implantation failure. CONCLUSIONS: The conservation of the IL-17 gene and protein across mammals suggests similar functions in all the analysed species. Despite significant differences, the upregulation of IL-17 expression is associated with the establishment of pregnancy in eutherian and metatherian mammals. The dysregulation of IL-17s in human reproductive disorders suggests them as a potential therapeutic target.

Fertilidade , Interleucina-17 , Mamíferos , Filogenia , Feminino , Interleucina-17/metabolismo , Interleucina-17/genética , Animais , Humanos , Fertilidade/genética , Gravidez , Mamíferos/genética , Evolução Molecular , Sintenia
Mol Biol Rep ; 51(1): 910, 2024 Aug 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39150575


Cytoplasmic male sterility has been a popular genetic tool in development of hybrids. The molecular mechanism behind maternal sterility varies from crop to crop. An understanding of underlying mechanism can help in development of new functional CMS gene in crops which lack effective and stable CMS systems. In crops where seed or fruit is the commercial product, fertility must be recovered in F1 hybrids so that higher yield gains can be realized. This necessitates the presence of fertility restorer gene (Rf) in nucleus of male parent to overcome the effect of sterile cytoplasm. Fertility restoring genes have been identified in crops like wheat, maize, sunflower, rice, pepper, sugar beet, pigeon pea etc. But in crops like eggplant, bell pepper, barley etc. unstable fertility restorers hamper the use of Cytoplasmic genic male sterility (CGMS) system. Stability of CGMS system is influenced by environment, genetic background or interaction of these factors. This review thus aims to understand the genetic mechanisms controlling mitochondrial-nuclear interactions required to design strong and stable restorers without any pleiotropic effects in F1 hybrids.

Citoplasma , Fertilidade , Infertilidade das Plantas , Infertilidade das Plantas/genética , Citoplasma/metabolismo , Citoplasma/genética , Fertilidade/genética , Produtos Agrícolas/genética , Melhoramento Vegetal/métodos , Regulação da Expressão Gênica de Plantas/genética , Núcleo Celular/metabolismo , Núcleo Celular/genética
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 19446, 2024 08 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39169105


Artificial insemination (AI) success in bovine reproduction is vital for the cattle industry's economic sustainability and for advancing the understanding of reproductive physiology. Identify high-fertile animals' fertility is a complex task due to multifactorial traits, including hormonal, age-related, and body condition factors. Early high-fertility identification is crucial for timely interventions and enhancing AI success. In this study, we present the potential use of Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy on blood serum for early identification of high-fertile Nellore female cows for AI protocols. Blood serum FTIR spectra were obtained from Nellore female cows before AI. FTIR spectra underwent data analysis and the results demonstrated successful discrimination between animals that exhibit pregnant and non-pregnant diagnoses 30 days after AI. FTIR spectra revealed consistent vibrational modes, emphasizing Amide I and II bands. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) effectively segregated groups based on molecular information. Linear SVM with C = 10 and 4 PCs achieved 100% accuracy in the group classification. This innovative approach using FTIR spectroscopy and ML algorithms offers a promising means of high-fertile cow identification, potentially improving AI outcomes in Nellore cattle. The study presents valuable insights into advancements in reproductive management practices for this economically significant breed.

Fertilidade , Aprendizado de Máquina , Animais , Bovinos , Feminino , Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier/métodos , Fertilidade/fisiologia , Gravidez , Análise de Componente Principal , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária
BMC Public Health ; 24(1): 2285, 2024 Aug 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39174971


Recent research has established existence of a correlation between women's education and fertility, suggesting that they share similar risk factors. However, in many studies, the two variables were analysed separately, which could bias the conclusions by undermining the apparent correlations of such paired outcomes. In this article, the univariate and bivariate Poisson regression models were applied to nationally representative sample of 24,562 women from the 2015-16 Malawi demographic and health survey to examine the risk factors of women's education levels and fertility. The R software version 4.1.2 was used for the analyses. The results showed that estimates from the bivariate Poisson model were consistent with those obtained from the separate univariate Poisson models. The sizes of estimates of coefficients, their standard errors, p-values, and directions were comparable in both bivariate and univariate Poisson models. Using either the univariate or bivariate Poisson model, it was found that the age of a woman at first sexual experience, her current age, household wealth index, and contraceptive usage were significantly associated with both the woman's schooling and fertility. The study further revealed that ethnicity, religion, and region of residence impacted education level only and not fertility. Similarly, marital status and occupation impacted fertility only and not education. The study also found that higher education levels were linked to a lower number of children, with a strong negative correlation of -0.62 between the two variables. The study recommends using bivariate Poisson regression for analysing paired count response data, when there is an apparent covariance between the outcome variables. The results suggest that efforts by policymakers to achieve the desired women's sexual and reproductive health in sub-Saharan Africa should be intertwined with improving women's and girls' education attainment in the region.

Escolaridade , Humanos , Malaui , Feminino , Adulto , Distribuição de Poisson , Adulto Jovem , Adolescente , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fertilidade , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos , Análise de Regressão
Am Nat ; 204(3): 258-273, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39179234


AbstractThe evolution of phenotypic traits is usually studied on generational timescales or across species on million-year timescales. We bridge this conceptual gap by using high-density sampling of a species lineage, Microporella agonistes (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida), over 2 million years of its evolutionary history, to ask whether trait-fitness associations are consistent with evolutionary trait models often applied to phenotypic time series. We use average fecundity and competitive outcome as two different fitness components, where competitive outcome is a proxy for partial survival. Examining three quantitative traits in multivariate analyses, we present evidence that some traits experienced substantial selective pressures, in part controlled by past environments. A complex interplay of resource competition with an altering set of competitors and past temperatures has contributed to the changing patterns of phenotypes within the focal species. A comparison with congeneric species living in the same regional community suggests that size traits are more temporally variable and less constrained than shape traits. Our analyses also show that while controls on phenotypes are complex and varied in time, ecological and evolutionary processes that unfold on shorter timescales are not inconsistent with macroevolutionary patterns observed on longer timescales.

Evolução Biológica , Fertilidade , Fósseis , Fenótipo , Animais , Aptidão Genética
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 19277, 2024 08 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39164272


Due to their potential impact on the host's phenotype, organ-specific microbiotas are receiving increasing attention in several animal species, including cattle. Specifically, the vaginal microbiota of ruminants is attracting growing interest, due to its predicted critical role on cows' reproductive functions in livestock contexts. Notably, fertility disorders represent a leading cause for culling, and additional research would help to fill relevant knowledge gaps. In the present study, we aimed to characterize the vaginal microbiota of a large cohort of 1171 female dairy cattle from 19 commercial herds in Northern France. Vaginal samples were collected using a swab and the composition of the microbiota was determined through 16S rRNA sequencing targeting the V3-V4 hypervariable regions. Initial analyses allowed us to define the core bacterial vaginal microbiota, comprising all the taxa observed in more than 90% of the animals. Consequently, four phyla, 16 families, 14 genera and a single amplicon sequence variant (ASV) met the criteria, suggesting a high diversity of bacterial vaginal microbiota within the studied population. This variability was partially attributed to various environmental factors such as the herd, sampling season, parity, and lactation stage. Next, we identified numerous significant associations between the diversity and composition of the vaginal microbiota and several traits related to host's production and reproduction performance, as well as reproductive tract health. Specifically, 169 genera were associated with at least one trait, with 69% of them significantly associated with multiple traits. Among these, the abundances of Negativibacillus and Ruminobacter were positively correlated with the cows' performances (i.e., longevity, production performances). Other genera showed mixed relationships with the phenotypes, such as Leptotrichia being overabundant in cows with improved fertility records and reproductive tract health, but also in cows with lower production levels. Overall, the numerous associations underscored the complex interactions between the vaginal microbiota and its host. Given the large number of samples collected from commercial farms and the diversity of the phenotypes considered, this study marks an initial step towards a better understanding of the intimate relationship between the vaginal microbiota and the dairy cow's phenotypes.

Fertilidade , Longevidade , Microbiota , RNA Ribossômico 16S , Vagina , Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Vagina/microbiologia , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , Fertilidade/genética , Microbiota/genética , Bactérias/genética , Bactérias/classificação , Reprodução