Earth harbors unique environments where only microorganisms adapted to extreme conditions, known as extremophiles, can survive. This study focused on a high-altitude meltwater pond, located in the Puna de Atacama, Dry Andes. The extremophilic bacteria of this habitat must adapt to a range of extremities, including cold and dry climate, high UV radiation, high daily temperature fluctuations, low-nutrient availability, and negative water balance. This study aimed to explore the taxonomic diversity of cultivable extremophilic bacteria from sediment samples of a desiccated, high-altitude, meltwater pond using media with different organic matter contents and different incubation temperatures. Based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the isolates were identified as members of the phyla Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, and Firmicutes. The most abundant genera were Arthrobacter and Pseudoarthrobacter. The isolates had oligocarbophilic and psychrotrophic properties, suggesting that they have adapted to the extreme environmental parameters of their natural habitats. The results indicate a positive correlation between nutrient concentration and temperature tolerance.
Altitude , Bactérias , Lagoas , Bactérias/genética , Bactérias/classificação , Bactérias/isolamento & purificação , Lagoas/microbiologia , Chile , Extremófilos , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , Microbiologia da ÁguaRESUMO
Metacommunity processes have the potential to determine most features of the community structure. However, species diversity has been the dominant focus of studies. Nestedness, modularity and checkerboard distribution of species occurrences are main components of biodiversity organisation. Within communities, these patterns emerge from the interaction between functional diversity, spatial heterogeneity and resource availability. Additionally, the connectivity determines the pool of species for community assembly and, eventually, the pattern of species co-occurrence within communities. Despite the recognised theoretical expectations, the change in occurrence patterns within communities along ecological gradients has seldom been considered. Here, we analyse the spatial occurrence of animal species along sampling units within 18 temporary ponds and its relationship with pond environments and geographic isolation. Isolated ponds presented a nested organisation of species with low spatial segregation-modularity and checkerboard-and the opposite was found for communities with high connectivity. A pattern putatively explained by high functional diversity in ponds with large connectivity and heterogeneity, which determines that species composition tracks changes in microhabitats. On the contrary, nestedness is promoted in dispersal-limited communities with low functional diversity, where microhabitat filters mainly affect richness without spatial replacement between functional groups. Vegetation biomass promotes nestedness, probably due to the observed increase in spatial variance in biomass with the mean biomass. Similarly, the richness of vegetation reduced the spatial segregation of animals within communities. This result may be due to the high plant diversity of the pond that is observed similarly along all sampling units, which promotes the spatial co-occurrence of species at this scale. In the study system, the spatial arrangement of species within communities is related to local drivers as heterogeneity and metacommunity processes by means of dispersal between communities. Patterns of species co-occurrence are interrelated with community biodiversity and species interactions, and consequently with most functional and structural properties of communities. These results indicate that understanding the interplay between metacommunity processes and co-occurrence patterns is probably more important than previously thought to understand biodiversity assembly and functioning.
Los procesos metacomunitarios tienen el potencial de determinar la mayoría de las características de la estructura de las comunidades. Sin embargo, los trabajos se han enfocado principalmente en los patrones de diversidad de especies. El anidamiento, la modularidad y la distribución en damero de la ocurrencia espacial de las especies son propiedades básicas de las comunidades. Estos patrones surgen de la interacción entre la diversidad funcional, la heterogeneidad espacial y la disponibilidad de recursos dentro de las comunidades. Además, el pool de especies disponibles para el ensamblaje está determinado por la conectividad de la comunidad, afectando así su patrón de coocurrencia de especies. A pesar de las reconocidas expectativas teóricas, el cambio en los patrones de ocurrencia dentro de las comunidades a lo largo de gradientes ecológicos ha sido poco considerado. Aquí, analizamos la ocurrencia espacial de especies animales dentro de 18 charcos temporales y su relación con las características ambientales y el aislamiento geográfico de los charcos. Los charcos aislados presentaron alto anidamiento espacial mientras que los charcos de alta conectividad una distribución de ocurrencias modular y en damero. Por un lado, la baja diversidad funcional en charcos aislados, determinaría que los filtros microambientales afecten la riqueza de especies sin reemplazo espacial entre grupos funcionales, promoviendo un arreglo anidado de ocurrencias. Por otro lado, la alta diversidad funcional en charcos con alta conectividad y heterogeneidad permitiría el reemplazo espacial de especies en gradientes microambientales, determinando los patrones de segregación observados. La biomasa vegetal promueve el anidamiento, probablemente debido al aumento observado en la variación espacial de la biomasa con la biomasa media. La riqueza vegetal también redujo la segregación espacial de los animales dentro de las comunidades. Este resultado puede deberse a que la alta diversidad de plantas de los charcos es también observada a nivel de unidades muestreales, favoreciendo esto la coexistencia espacial de especies. El arreglo espacial de especies dentro de las comunidades estudiadas estaría determinado tanto por factores locales como la heterogeneidad, como por procesos regionales operando a través de la dispersión de individuos entre comunidades. Los patrones de coocurrencia de especies están interrelacionados con la diversidad comunitaria y las interacciones bióticas, y consecuentemente con la mayoría de las propiedades estructurales y funcionales de las comunidades. Este estudio evidencia la importancia de la conexión entre procesos metacomunitarios y la coocurrencia espacial de especies para comprender el ensamblaje y funcionamiento de la biodiversidad.
Biodiversidade , Lagoas , Animais , Ecossistema , BiomassaRESUMO
Toxic cyanobacterial blooms in various water bodies have been given much attention nowadays as they release hazardous substances in the surrounding areas. These toxic planktonic cyanobacteria in shrimp ponds greatly affect the survival of shrimps. Ecuador is the second highest shrimp producing country in the Americas after Brazil; and the shrimp-based economy is under threat due to toxic cyanobacterial blooms in Ecuador shrimp ponds. This study investigated the abundance of different cyanobacteria in the shrimp ponds at the Chone and Jama rivers (in Manabi province) at Ecuadorian pacific coast, focusing on different environmental factors, such as temperature, pH, salinity, and light. Temperature and pH were identified as key factors in influencing the abundance of cyanobacteria, with a significant positive correlation between Raphidiopsis raciborskii and pH. The highest and lowest abundance of cyanobacteria found during the dry season in the shrimp ponds near the Chone and Jama rivers were > 3 × 106 and 1 × 106 Cell.m-3, respectively. The Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index fluctuated between 0.41-1.15 and 0.31-1.15 for shrimp ponds of Chone and Jama rivers, respectively. This variation was linked to changes in salinity and the presence of harmful algal blooms, highlighting the importance of continuous monitoring. Additionally, the study areas showed eutrophic conditions with low diversity, underlining the need for additional spatiotemporal studies and expanded research in both rivers, to better understand these complex phenomena. The findings underscore the importance of continuous monitoring and expanded research in cyanobacteria ecology, with implications for public health and aquatic resource management.
Aquicultura , Cianobactérias , Lagoas , Equador , Cianobactérias/classificação , Cianobactérias/isolamento & purificação , Animais , Lagoas/microbiologia , Humanos , Penaeidae/microbiologia , Salinidade , Proliferação Nociva de Algas , Estações do Ano , TemperaturaRESUMO
Diverse abiotic and biotic factors drive the ecological variation of communities across spatial and temporal dimensions. Within the Amazonian landscape, various freshwater environments exhibit distinct physicochemical characteristics. Thus, our study delved into the fluctuations of Odonata assemblages amidst distinct water bodies within Amazonia, encompassing two distinct climatic seasons. Comparative analysis was conducted on Odonata species diversity and assemblage composition across a blackwater pond, a lake, and a stream, spanning the initiation and culmination of the dry season in the southwestern Amazon region in Peru. Our methodology involved capturing adult Odonata using entomological nets on three separate occasions between 11:00 and 14:00 h for each water body in May (beginning of the dry season) and October (end of the dry season) of 2018. We also evaluated the influence of temperature, precipitation, and percent cloud cover on the abundance and richness of adult Odonata. Species richness and composition differed among the three water bodies in both periods of the dry season. No effect of the dry season periods on species richness and abundance was observed. However, except in the oxbow lake, the more abundant species were substituted to the end of the dry season. Our study highlights the influence of water body types on Odonata species diversity and composition. The effects of the sampling period during the dry season may not be immediately apparent in conventional diversity metrics, such as species richness and abundance. Instead, its effects manifest predominantly in the relative abundance of the species that compose these assemblages.
Biodiversidade , Lagos , Odonatos , Estações do Ano , Animais , Peru , Odonatos/classificação , Lagoas , Rios , TemperaturaRESUMO
Biometric evaluations are essential to determine the growth characteristics related to the weight and length of fish. This study aimed to determine the growth patterns of juvenile piraputangas (Brycon hilarii) produced in hapas within an excavated pond. The piraputangas were anesthetized and micro-chipped and their biometric characteristics were measured. Subsequently, the fish were distributed in six hapas of eight m3 at the density of 20 fish/hapa, totaling 120 animals. During the experimental period six months, the fish were fed twice (5% of the biomass) a day. Every 30 days, all fish were sampled to measure the biometric characteristics of body weight (g); standard length; total length; head height; head length; body height and body width (cm). The calculations of the weight ratio with the biometric characteristics were determined using allometric equation and estimated by linear regression according to the equation log Y = log a + b log X. All tested relationships were significant by the Student t-test (p < 0.05). Allometric growth was positive for: weight x total length; standard weight x length; weight x head height; weight x head length and weight x body height. The relative condition factor of piraputangas observed in this study was 1.00. The study provided information on the allometric parameters of juvenile Brycon hilarii produced in hapas, and the relative condition factor indicated good growth conditions for piraputangas with positive allometric growth.
Caraciformes , Animais , Biomassa , LagoasRESUMO
The accumulation of nitrogen compounds in shrimp farming water and effluent presents a major challenge. Ammonia is a form of nitrogen that limits shrimp growth due to its potential toxicity and effects on shrimp health and water quality. This study is aimed at identifying promising bioremediators from shrimp pond sludge to mitigate ammonia levels in both culture water and wastewater and at determining major bacterial communities in sludge using metagenomic analysis. A sludge sample was collected from a shrimp pond in Selangor, Malaysia, to isolate potential ammonia-removing bacteria. Out of 64 isolated strains, Bacillus flexus SS2 showed the highest growth in synthetic basal media (SBM) containing ammonium sulfate at a concentration of 70 mg/L as the sole nitrogen source. The strain was then incubated in SBM with varying pH levels and showed optimal growth at pH 6.5-7. After 24 h of incubation, B. flexus SS2 reduced the ammonia concentration from an initial concentration of 5 to 0.01 mg/L, indicating a 99.61% reduction rate, which was highest in SBM at pH 7. Moreover, the strain showed ammonia removal ability at concentrations ranging from 5 to 70 mg/L. Metagenomic analysis revealed that Proteobacteria was the most abundant phylum in the sludge, followed by Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteria, Chloraflexi, Firmicutes, and Campilobacterota. Bacillus flexus SS2 belongs to the Bacillota phylum and has the potential to serve as a bioremediator for removing ammonia from shrimp culture water and wastewater.
Bacillus , Microbiota , Águas Residuárias , Esgotos/microbiologia , Amônia , Lagoas , Bactérias/genética , NitrogênioRESUMO
Abstract Fish is the main source of animal protein for human diet. The aim of this study was to find out prevalence of pathogenic bacteria of two selected economically important fish of Pakistan namely Mahseer (Tor putitora) and Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Live fish samples from hatcheries and dead fish samples from different markets of study area were randomly collected. The fish samples were analyzed for isolation, identification and prevalence of bacteria. The isolated bacteria from study fish were identified through biochemical test and about 10 species of pathogenic bacteria were identified including the pathogenic bacteria to human and fish namely, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus iniae, Serratia spp. Citrobacter spp. Stenotrophomonas spp. Bacillus spp. and Salmonella spp. The bacterial percentage frequency of occurrence in Silver carp and Mahseer fish showed Pseudomonas aeruginosa 21.42%, Staphylococcus epidermidis 17.85%, Escherichia coli 11.90%, Staphylococcus aureus 9.52%, Citrobacter spp. 9.52%, Serratia spp. 8.33%, Streptococcus iniae 7.14%, Stenotrophomonas spp. 5.95%, Bacillus spp. 4.76% and Salmonella spp. 3.57%. The study revealed that Fish samples of Mahseer and Silver carp that were collected from markets have found more isolates (10 bacterial species) than did the fresh fish pond samples (03 bacterial species) of hatcheries. The occurrence of pathogenic bacteria in study fish showed risk factor for public health consumers.
Resumo O peixe é a principal fonte de proteína animal para a alimentação humana. O objetivo deste estudo foi descobrir a prevalência de bactérias patogênicas de dois peixes economicamente importantes selecionados do Paquistão, nomeadamente Mahseer (Tor putitora) e carpa prateada (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). Amostras de peixes vivos de incubatórios e amostras de peixes mortos de diferentes mercados da área de estudo foram coletadas aleatoriamente. As amostras de peixes foram analisadas quanto ao isolamento, identificação e prevalência de bactérias. As bactérias isoladas dos peixes do estudo foram identificadas através de testes bioquímicos e cerca de 10 espécies de bactérias patogênicas foram identificadas incluindo as bactérias patogênicas para humanos e peixes, nomeadamente, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus iniae, Serratia spp. Citrobacter spp. Stenotrophomonas spp. Bacillus spp. e Salmonella spp. A porcentagem de freqüência de ocorrência bacteriana em carpa prateada e peixes Mahseer mostrou Pseudomonas aeruginosa 21,42%, Staphylococcus epidermidis 17,85%, Escherichia coli 11,90%, Staphylococcus aureus 9,52%, Citrobacter spp. 9,52%, Serratia spp. 8,33%, Streptococcus iniae 7,14%, Stenotrophomonas spp. 5,95%, Bacillus spp. 4,76% e Salmonella spp. 3,57%. O estudo revelou que as amostras de peixes de Mahseer e carpa prateada coletadas nos mercados encontraram mais isolados (10 espécies bacterianas) do que as amostras de peixes frescos (03 espécies bacterianas) de incubatórios. A ocorrência de bactérias patogênicas nos peixes do estudo apresentou fator de risco para consumidores de saúde pública.
Humanos , Animais , Carpas , Paquistão , Bactérias , Lagoas , IncidênciaRESUMO
Abstract The present study aimed to determine the effect of different levels of protein on the growth, body composition, amino acid profile and serology of Channa marulius fingerlings. The experiment was conducted in ten happas installed in earthen ponds, each stocked with 10 fishes for 90 days. Four commercial fish feeds having 25%, 30%, 32% and 40% crude protein (CP) levels were fed to fish at 3% of their wet body weight three times a day. The results of the study revealed that highest weight gain, feed conversion ratio and survival rate were observed in 30% protein feed. Meanwhile, moisture content was higher in fish fed with 30% CP feed while highest crude protein was recorded in 40% CP fed fish. Lowest fat content was observed in 32% CP feed. Amino acid profile of fish revealed better results in 30% CP feed. Total protein, glucose and globulin were also highest in fish feeding 30% CP feed, while albumin was highest in 40% CP feed. It is concluded that 30% CP feed showed better results in terms of growth, amino acid profile and serological parameters without effecting fish body composition.
Resumo O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar o efeito de diferentes níveis de proteína sobre o crescimento, composição corporal, perfil de aminoácidos e sorologia de alevinos de Channa marulius. O experimento foi conduzido em dez happas instalados em tanques de terra, cada um abastecido com 10 peixes, por 90 dias. Quatro alimentos para peixes comerciais com níveis de 25%, 30%, 32% e 40% de proteína bruta (PB) foram dados aos peixes com 3% de seu peso corporal úmido três vezes ao dia. Os resultados do estudo revelaram que maior ganho de peso, taxa de conversão alimentar e taxa de sobrevivência foram observados em 30% de proteína alimentar. Enquanto isso, o conteúdo de umidade foi maior em peixes alimentados com 30% de PB, enquanto a proteína bruta mais alta foi registrada em peixes alimentados com 40% de PB. O menor conteúdo de gordura foi observado em rações com 32% de PB. O perfil de aminoácidos dos peixes revelou melhores resultados na ração com 30% de PB. Proteína total, glicose e globulina também foram maiores em peixes alimentados com ração com 30% de PB, enquanto a albumina foi mais alta com 40% de PB. Conclui-se que a ração com 30% de PB apresentou melhores resultados em termos de crescimento, perfil de aminoácidos e parâmetros sorológicos sem afetar a composição corporal dos peixes.
Animais , Peixes , Ração Animal/análise , Paquistão , Composição Corporal , Lagoas , DietaRESUMO
Biological samples obtained from a small temporary pond of northern Colombia yielded the first record Coronatella undata Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro and Santos, 2015 and of the male of C. monacantha (Sars, 1901) for Colombia. In this study, the morphology of female of Coronatella undata and female and male of C. monacantha was described and compared to other species within the genus. C. undata was originally described from Brazil and, among the species of the Coronatella monacantha complex, seems to be closely related to C. acuticostata (Sars, 1903). C. undata shows some similarities with C. monacantha, but it can be identified by important diagnostic characters such as: 1) posterior-ventral corner of valve with two denticles, 2) seta on exopodite of trunk limb II rudimentary, 3) filter comb of trunk limb II with six setae, 4) ODL seta of trunk limb I shorter than longest seta of IDL. C. monacantha is the most reported species in the Neotropical region and the male most resemble C. paulinae Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos, 2015 in relation to (i), length/wide of postabdomen ratio (ii) basal spine almost straight and (iii)) long basal spine reaching the mid-length of basal spine. However, they can be separated by (i) number of lateral seta on the antennule, (ii) postanal angle, (iii) position of gonopore (iv) presence of a denticle on posterior-ventral corner of valve.
Amostras biológicas obtidas de uma pequena lagoa temporária do norte da Colômbia proporcionaram o primeiro registro de Coronatella undata Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro e Santos, 2015 e do macho de Coronatella monacantha (Sars, 1901) na Colômbia. Neste estudo, foi descrita a morfologia de fêmeas de C. undata e de fêmeas e machos de C. monacantha, comparando-a com outras espécies do gênero. Coronatella undata foi descrita originalmente no Brasil e, entre as espécies do complexo C. monacantha, parece estar intimamente relacionada com Coronatella acuticostata (Sars, 1903). Coronatella undata apresenta algumas semelhanças com C. monacantha, mas pode ser identificada por seus principais caracteres, tais como: 1) ângulo posterior ventral da valva com dois dentículos; 2) cerda rudimentar no exopodito do ramo do tronco II; 3) filtro da gnatobase do apêndice torácico II com seis cerdas; 4) cerda ODL do membro do tronco I mais curta que a cerda mais longa do IDL. Coronatella monacantha é a espécie mais relatada na região neotropical, e o macho se assemelha mais a Coronatella paulinae Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos em relação à/ao: (i) razão comprimento / largura do pós-abdômen, (ii) espinho basal quase reto e (iii) espinho basal longo com a metade do comprimento do espinho basal. No entanto, eles podem ser separados pelo/pela: (i) número de cerdas laterais na antênula, (ii) ângulo postanal, (iii) posição do gonóporo e (iv) presença de dentículo no canto ventral posterior da valva.
Animais , Lagoas , Registros , Crustáceos , ColômbiaRESUMO
A little-studied characteristic of the Mexican native fish Dormitator latifrons is the effect that the color of the bottom or lining of ponds or tubs can have on their growth and blood parameters under controlled conditions. After a quarantine period in prophylactic treatment, an initial assay was performed. The organisms were grouped into four treatments (white, yellow, blue, and black) in triplicate, with 30 individuals with an average weight of 34.7± 2.5 g and average size of 12.5 ± 1.5 cm per tank. The trial lasted 60 days, after which a final biometry to all specimens and blood extractions to six random organisms per tank were performed. The following hematological and blood chemistry parameters were evaluated: erythrocytes, cell counts, and differential counts, as well as glucose, albumin, a/g ratio, and total proteins. Final weight, weight gain, and specific growth rate presented statistical differences between treatments (p<0.05), with dark bottoms (blue and black) above 80% of WG and above 1.0 of SGR. No statistically differences were found in hematological blood chemistry parameters (p>0.05). The growth results suggest that dark pond bottoms promote the adaptation of Dormitator latifrons by allowing it to avoid detection by predators through the adoption of a cryptic coloration. However, the species shows a great capacity for crypsis, being able to change its pigmentation to adapt to different bottom colors.
Perciformes , Lagoas , Animais , Peixes , MéxicoRESUMO
An increase in prey richness, prey size and predator trophic position with predator body size has been consistently reported as prime features of food web organization. These trends have been explained by non-exclusive mechanisms. First, the increase in energy demand with body size determines that larger predators must reduce prey selectivity for achieving the required number of resources, being consumption relationships independent of prey traits. Second, when consumption is restricted by gape limitation, small predators are constrained to select among small prey. However, this selection weakens over large predators, which progressively consume more and larger prey. Finally, the optimal foraging mechanism predicts that larger predators optimize their diet by selecting only large prey with high energy reward. Each one of these mechanisms can individually explain the increase in prey richness, prey size and predator trophic position with predator body size but their relative importance or the direct evidence for their combined role was seldom considered. Here we use the community assembly by trait selection (CATS) theory for evaluating the support for each one of these mechanisms based on the prey selection patterns that they predict. We analyzed how prey body size and trophic guild determine prey selection by predators of increasing body size in a killifish guild from a temporary pond system. Results support the combination of the three mechanisms to explain the structural trends in our food web, although their strength is contingent on prey trophic group. Overall, high energy prey are preferred by larger predators, and small predators select small prey of all trophic status. However, large predators prefer large primary producers and avoid large carnivorous prey, probably because of the inherent risk of consuming other carnivorous. Our study provides a mechanistic understanding of how predator traits determine the selection of prey traits affecting food web assembly.
Cadeia Alimentar , Lagoas , Animais , Tamanho Corporal , Dieta , Estado Nutricional , Comportamento PredatórioRESUMO
Floating treatment islands (FTIs) offer effective solutions for stormwater management, providing flood attenuation and pollutant removal capabilities. However, there remains a knowledge gap concerning their performance, specifically in terms of pollutant removal and sediment deposition. To address this gap, the present study employs computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling to investigate the intricate interactions within FTI systems. Various FTI configurations are analyzed, considering mass removal through FTIs and sediment deposition, the first time where these two processes were considered together in a CFD environment. The findings demonstrate that FTIs have a significant influence on flow patterns and mass removal. Notably, FTIs enhance mass removal compared to the control case, with larger sediment particles exhibiting higher removal rates. The correlation between the short-circuit index and sedimentation in FTI ponds highlights the potential of FTIs as indicators of treatment efficiency. Furthermore, the study focuses on mass removal exclusively through the FTI root zones. The positioning of FTIs within the pond has a considerable impact, resulting in differences of up to 20% in mass removal. Moreover, the FTI configuration exerts a more pronounced influence on mass removal through FTIs than through sediment deposition alone. In cases where both processes occur simultaneously, the presence of FTIs lead to higher mass removal, primarily attributed to the FTIs themselves, particularly in the initial segment. Remarkably, certain FTI configurations enable mass removal exceeding 70% for large sediment particles, even with a pond length less than half of the original.
Poluentes Ambientais , Áreas Alagadas , LagoasRESUMO
Cheese whey is the main by-product of dairy industries. It is used as a raw material for other value-added products, like whey protein concentrate. By using enzymes, this product can be further treated to obtain new higher value products, like whey protein hydrolysates. Proteases (EC: 3.4) represent a large segment of industrial enzymes, since they are used in several industries, including food. In this work, we describe three novel enzymes identified using a metagenomic approach. Metagenomic DNA from dairy industry stabilization ponds were sequenced, and the predicted genes were compared against the MEROPS database, focusing on families commercially used to produce whey protein hydrolysates. From a total of 849 candidates, 10 were selected for cloning and expression and three showed activities with both the chromogenic substrate, azocasein, and whey proteins. Particularly, Pr05, an enzyme from the yet uncultured phylum Patescibacteria, showed activity that is comparable to a commercial protease. All these novel enzymes could represent an alternative for dairy industries to produce value-added products from industrial by-products. KEY POINTS: ⢠Over 19,000 proteases were predicted in a sequence-based metagenomic analysis. ⢠Three proteases were successfully expressed and showed activity with whey proteins. ⢠The enzyme Pr05 showed hydrolysis profiles of interest for food industry.
Queijo , Peptídeo Hidrolases , Humanos , Proteínas do Soro do Leite/metabolismo , Peptídeo Hidrolases/metabolismo , Hidrolisados de Proteína/análise , Lagoas , Soro do Leite/metabolismo , Endopeptidases/genética , Endopeptidases/metabolismoRESUMO
A novel Vibrio strain (CAIM 722T=SW9T=DSM 24596T) was isolated in 2003 from water of a shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) culture pond located in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico, and taxonomically characterized using a polyphasic approach. The 16S rRNA gene sequence clustered within those of the genus Vibrio, showing high similarity to the type strains of the Porteresiae clade. Multilocus sequence analysis using eight housekeeping genes (ftsZ, gapA, gyrB, mreB, pyrH, recA, rpoA, topA and 16S rRNA) and phylogenetic analysis with 139 single-copy genes showed that the strain forms an independent branch. Whole genome sequencing and genomic analyses (average nucleotide identity, OrthoANI, average amino acid identity and in silico DNA-DNA hybridization) produced values well below the thresholds for species delineation with all methods tested. In addition, a phenotypic characterization was performed to support the description and differentiation of the novel strain from related taxa. The results obtained demonstrate that the strain represent a novel species, for which the name Vibrio eleionomae sp. nov. is proposed.
Penaeidae , Vibrio , Animais , Análise de Sequência de DNA , Filogenia , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , Lagoas , Técnicas de Tipagem Bacteriana , Ácidos Graxos/química , DNA Bacteriano/genética , Composição de Bases , ÁguaRESUMO
Shrimp farming is blooming worldwide, posing a severe threat to mangroves and its multiple goods and ecosystem services. Several studies reported the impacts of aquaculture on mangrove biotic communities, including microbiomes. However, little is known about how mangrove soil microbiomes would change in response to mangrove forest recolonization. Using genome-resolved metagenomics, we compared the soil microbiome of mangrove forests (both with and without the direct influence of shrimp farming effluents) with active shrimp farms and mangroves under a recolonization process. We found that the structure and composition of active shrimp farms microbial communities differ from the control mangrove forests, mangroves under the impact of the shrimp farming effluents, and mangroves under recolonization. Shrimp farming ponds microbiomes have lower microbial diversity and are dominated by halophilic microorganisms, presenting high abundance of multiple antibiotic resistance genes. On the other hand, control mangrove forests, impacted mangroves (exposed to the shrimp farming effluents), and recolonization ponds were more diverse, with a higher abundance of genes related to carbon mobilization. Our data also indicated that the microbiome is recovering in the mangrove recolonization ponds, performing vital metabolic functions and functionally resembling microbiomes found in those soils of neighboring control mangrove forests. Despite highlighting the damage caused by the habitat changes in mangrove soil microbiome community and functioning, our study sheds light on these systems incredible recovery capacity. Our study shows the importance of natural mangrove forest recovery, enhancing ecosystem services by the soil microbial communities even in a very early development stage of mangrove forest, thus encouraging mangrove conservation and restoration efforts worldwide.
Ecossistema , Microbiota , Animais , Lagoas , Florestas , Áreas Alagadas , Solo/química , CrustáceosRESUMO
This work studied the formation of aggregates used for wastewater treatment in high-rate algal ponds (HRAP). For this, the establishment of microalgae-bacteria aggregates in these systems was evaluated, considering strategies for the inoculation and start-up. Two HRAP were operated in parallel, at first in batch mode and then in continuous flow. The wastewater treatment was efficient, with removal rates around 80% for COD and N-ammoniacal. Volatile suspended solids and chlorophyll for the culture grew continuously reached a concentration of 548 ± 11â mg L-1 and 7.8â mg L-1, respectively. Larger photogranules were observed when the system was placed in a continuous regime. The protein fraction of extracellular polymeric substances was identified as a determinant in photogranules formation. During the continuous regime, more than 50% of the biomass was higher than 0.2â mm, flocculation efficiency of 78 ± 6%, and the volumetric sludge index of 32 ± 5â mL g-1. The genetic sequencing showed the growth of cyanobacteria in the aggregate and the presence of microalgae from the chlorophytes and diatoms groups in the final biomass.
Microalgas , Águas Residuárias , Eliminação de Resíduos Líquidos , Lagoas/microbiologia , Bactérias , BiomassaRESUMO
Abstract The present investigation was aimed to examine the concentrations of trace metals including e.g copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn) in water samples collected from nursery pond of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in Bannu Hatchery of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during the period from April 2018 to January 2019. The temperature and pH of each water sample were measured for the whole study duration. The concentration of Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni), and Zinc (Zn) in collected water samples were measured in mg/liter by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The blank and standard solutions for device calibration Standard solutions i.e., 2.0 mg, 4.0 mg, and 6.0 were used to measure the concentration of these metals in water samples to verify the measurements. The data was statistically analyzed on descriptive statistics (estimation of proportions and standard deviation) used to summarize mean concentration. The results obtained of both temperature and pH of water samples were found in ranged 10 to 36 0C and 7.0 to 8.44; whereas the size of fry stages was ranged from 4.0 to 56.0 mm in total length. The results of investigated metals found in pond water samples are in order of Zn>Mn>Ni>Cu, respectively. As optimum temperature and pH for grass carp were mostly between 15 0C and 30 0C and pH 6.5 to 8.0. It was concluded from obtained results that temperature, pH, and trace metals were found appropriate for the growth of Ctenopharyngodon idella from fry to fingerling stages, but the highest amount of zinc can cause its mortality. It is a preliminary study on grass carp culturing in Bannu fish hatchery so, it would provide useful information for model fish seed production unit in a hatchery.
Resumo A presente investigação teve como objetivo examinar as concentrações de metais traço, incluindo cobre (Cu), manganês (Mn), níquel (Ni) e zinco (Zn) em amostras de água coletadas de viveiro de carpa-capim (Ctenopharyngodon idella) em Incubatório de Bannu de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa durante o período de abril de 2018 a janeiro de 2019. A temperatura e o pH de cada amostra de água foram medidos durante todo o período do estudo. A concentração de cobre (Cu), manganês (Mn), níquel (Ni) e zinco (Zn) nas amostras de água coletadas foi medida em mg / litro usando espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica. As soluções em branco e padrão para as soluções padrão de calibração do dispositivo, ou seja, 2,0 mg, 4,0 mg e 6,0, foram usadas para medir a concentração desses metais em amostras de água para verificar as medições. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente em estatística descritiva (estimativa de proporções e desvio padrão) usada para resumir a concentração média. Os resultados obtidos tanto de temperatura quanto de pH das amostras de água variaram de 10 a 36 0C e 7,0 a 8,44, enquanto o tamanho dos estágios de alevinos variou de 4,0 a 56,0 mm no comprimento total. Os resultados dos metais investigados encontrados em amostras de água de lagoas são da ordem de Zn > Mn > Ni > Cu, respectivamente. A temperatura e o pH ótimos para a carpa-capim foram principalmente entre 15 0C e 30 0C e pH 6,5 a 8,0. Concluiu-se, a partir dos resultados obtidos, que temperatura, pH e traços de metais foram considerados adequados para o crescimento de Ctenopharyngodon idella desde os estágios de alevinos até alevinos, mas a maior quantidade de zinco pode causar sua mortalidade. É um estudo preliminar sobre a cultura da carpa-capim em incubatório de peixes Bannu, portanto forneceria informações úteis para modelo de unidade de produção de sementes de peixes em um incubatório.
Animais , Carpas , Paquistão , Água , Lagoas , PesqueirosRESUMO
La Escuela Especializada en Ingeniería ITCA FEPADE, MEGATEC La Unión, a través de la carrera Técnico en Manejo Integrado de Recursos Costero Marino con especialidad en Acuicultura y Pesquería, realizó esta investigación en asocio con Camaronera Eben Ezer. El proyecto tuvo como objetivo la caracterización de la calidad física, química y biológica del agua del Golfo de Fonseca y el Estero El Chapernal, previo al desarrollo de dos ciclos de cultivo de camarón marino Litopenaeus vannamei, durante el cultivo y antes de las descargas de agua a los efluentes receptores. La metodología se desarrolló en tres fases, de junio a diciembre de 2021. Fase de campo: toma de parámetros físicos, químicos y biológicos en 8 puntos de muestreos, Estero El Chapernal, Golfo de Fonseca y estanques de producción. Fase de laboratorio: se realizó sembrando muestras de agua en medios de cultivo para aislamiento, crecimiento e identificación de bacterias. Tercera fase: procesamiento de datos y análisis de resultados. Se identificaron tres tipos de bacterias: Psudomonas, Vibrios y Heterótrofas. En el primer ciclo de junio a agosto, éstas no reportaron crecimiento, esto pudo deberse a que la transición de la época seca a época lluviosa influyó en los factores físicos y químicos, como la temperatura y el pH. Durante el primer ciclo, la calidad del agua del Estero El Chapernal mantuvo estándares idóneos para el crecimiento del camarón. El segundo ciclo presentó un crecimiento exponencial de las bacterias Heterótrofas y Pseudomonas sobrepasando los límites de referencia establecidos en la normativa vigente. Como parte de la proyección social se efectuó transferencia de conocimientos y tecnología durante la producción, se establecieron mejoras para la operatividad y se les dotó de un protocolo de producción acuícola.
The Escuela Especializada en Ingeniería ITCA FEPADE, MEGATEC La Unión, through the major of Técnico en Manejo Integrado de Recursos Costero Marino con especialidad en Acuicultura y Pesquería, carried out this research in association with Camaronera Eben Ezer. The objective of the project was to characterize the physical, chemical and biological quality of water in Golfo de Fonseca and Estero El Chapernal, prior to the development of two culture cycles of the marine shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, during the culture and before discharges of water to receiving effluents. The methodology was developed in three phases, from June to December 2021. Field phase: collection of physical, chemical and biological parameters at 8 demonstration points, Estero El Chapernal, Golfo de Fonseca and production ponds. Laboratory phase: it was carried out by planting water samples in culture media for isolation, growth and identification of bacteria. Third phase: data processing and analysis of results. Three types of bacteria were identified: Psudomonas, Vibrios and Heterotrophs. In the first cycle from June to August, growth was not reported, due to the fact that the transition from the dry season to the rainy season influenced in physical and chemical factors, such as temperature and pH. During the first cycle, the water quality of Estero El Chapernal maintained optimal standards for shrimp growth. The second cycle presented an exponential growth of Heterotrophic and Pseudomonas bacteria, exceeding the reference limits established in current regulations. As part of the social projection, knowledge and technology were transferred during production, they were profoundly improved for operability and they were provided with an aquaculture production protocol.
Qualidade da Água , Aquicultura/métodos , Astacoidea/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Produção Agrícola , LagoasRESUMO
Despite significant efforts devoted to understanding the underlying complexity and emergence of collective movement in animal groups, the role of different external settings on this type of movement remains largely unexplored. Here, by combining time series analysis and complex network tools, we present an extensive investigation of the effects of shady environments on the behavior of a fish species (Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) within earthen ponds. We find that shade encourages fish residence during daylight hours, but the degree of preference for shade varies substantially among trials and ponds. Silver Carp are much slower and exhibit lower persistence in their speeds when under shade than out of it during daytime and nighttime, with fish displaying the highest persistence degree and speeds at night. Furthermore, our research shows that shade affects fish schooling behavior by reducing their polarization, number of interactions among individuals, and the stability among local neighbors; however, fish keep a higher local degree of order when under shade compared to nighttime positions.
Carpas , Eventos de Massa , Animais , LagoasRESUMO
Nile tilapia is the most commercially important fish in Chiapas as well as in other parts of the world. An understanding of parasite infection dynamics in tilapia may assist in applying proper prophylactic measures for reducing the loss of fish caused by parasitic diseases. Different environments and culture systems may imply different infection dynamics; therefore, the present study identified and compared the infection parameters (prevalence, mean abundance, and intensity) of parasites of Oreochromis niloticus cultured in floating cages and ponds. A total of 18 metazoan parasite taxa were recovered from gills, skin, fins and intestines of 310 specimens from floating cages and ponds. Fourteen species of parasites were found in floating cages: 8 monogenean species, 1 nematode, 1 digenea, 1 crustacea, 3 protozoans. In ponds, 16 parasite taxa were reported: 11 were monogeneans species, 4 protozoans and 1 crustacean. In both systems, monogeneans (Cichlidogyrus sclerosus, C. tilapiae, Gyrodactylus cichlidarum) and protozoans (Trichodina compacta) were most prevalent. Tilapia in ponds sustained higher parasitic infections than those in floating cages (p < 0.05). The Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed two groups: the first grouped the ponds, associated with high values of nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, conductivity, temperature, and the abundance of the ectoparasites C. halli, C. dossoui, Scutogyrus longicornis, C. sclerosus and T. compacta. The second group grouped the cages, associated with Clinostomum marginatum, Apiosoma piscicola, Lernea sp., and Contracaecum sp. and a high dissolved oxygen concentration. Our findings suggest that monitoring programs are required to improve the sanitary conditions of tilapia cultures in Chiapas.