The pivotal importance of workplace learning (WPL) within health professions education has elevated its understanding and improvement to a major research priority. From a sociocultural learning theory perspective, WPL is inherently situated and context-specific. This means that the health care settings in which (future) health care professionals are trained will impact how and what is learned. However, to what extent is the research performed thus far transferable across professional contexts, cultures and borders? To what extent has WPL research sufficiently addressed the contextual characteristics of WPL to enable the evaluation of its transferability? To what extent have methodological and theoretical approaches enabled the building of understanding across contexts? We propose that heightening the transferability of WPL research as well as opening up the conversation to more diverse WPL contexts, settings and cultures will require mapping context and theoretical engagement. To explore what theoretical engagement may afford to our understanding of the influence of context on WPL, we use two theories: Landscapes of Practice and Figured Worlds. These theories with sociocultural groundings provide concrete lenses to understand the interplay between the individual and the context. We conclude with implications for research and practice and advocate for more attention to research practices that may deepen our understanding and heighten the transferability of workplace learning research.
Aprendizagem , Local de Trabalho , Humanos , Pessoal de Saúde/educaçãoRESUMO
All over the world, many companies are including oocyte cryopreservation for nonmedical reasons, also popularly known as nonmedical egg freezing (NMEF), within their employee benefits packages. However, it is important to ask whether companies are ethically justified in offering NMEF as a benefit for their employees. The inclusion of NMEF within companies' employee benefits packages could be ethically justified in two ways. On the one hand, company-sponsored NMEF can serve as a strategy to mitigate or eliminate gender inequalities in the workplace, such as female underrepresentation in positions of authority and leadership and the so-called work/motherhood conflict. On the other hand, company-sponsored NMEF can be a means to expand women's reproductive autonomy by making egg freezing accessible to those women who are not able to afford it otherwise. This article calls into question these ethical justifications. We argue that by offering NMEF as an employee benefit, companies maintain current workplace inequalities and impose an option for women with multiple risks and externalities. Therefore, companies' offering of NMEF benefits cannot be ethically justified. Furthermore, we argue that companies that offer NMEF benefits incur fiduciary responsibilities related to the physiological, emotional, psychological, and financial costs of the use of company-sponsored NMEF.
Criopreservação , Humanos , Feminino , Criopreservação/ética , Preservação da Fertilidade/ética , Oócitos , Local de Trabalho , Equidade de GêneroRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Health, safety, and well-being training programs provide essential education on anticipating, identifying, and mitigating exposures like infectious diseases. Gaps in infectious diseases awareness and education became especially apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequently were exacerbated by mis- and disinformation. METHODS: Vaccine-preventable infectious diseases training (influenza, hepatitis A and B, and tetanus infections, including COVID-19) was developed, delivered, and evaluated among 1,043 farmworkers, bodega workers, and production management in the Rio Grande Valley using mobile-learning technologies. The Kirkpatrick Four-Level Training Evaluation Model was utilized to evaluate training satisfaction (Level 1), effectiveness (Level 2), and effect on behavior (Level 3). RESULTS: The mean score on the pretest before training was 67.8% (SD 17.5), and the mean score on the same test immediately after the video training was 77.2% (SD 17.9). A paired t-test revealed that knowledge improved significantly from pre- to post-training (p < .05). We observed a difference between mean pre- and post-test scores relative to the pooled standard deviation, resulting in an effect size estimate of 0.53 indicative of a medium learning effect. CONCLUSION: There is no "silver bullet" for training migrating bodega and farmworkers. Our findings suggest that the utilization of m-learning techniques continues to be a successful mechanism for delivering health, safety, and well-being awareness training content to agricultural workers in remote and challenging work environments. There is a long overdue need for offline capable software with features that allow equitable access to training, even in remote farming regions.
Fazendeiros , Saúde Ocupacional , Humanos , Saúde Ocupacional/educação , Fazendeiros/psicologia , Masculino , Adulto , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , Feminino , Doenças Preveníveis por Vacina/prevenção & controle , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Local de Trabalho , PeruRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: to analyze the relationship between the nursing practice environment and hospital sociotechnical complexity as perceived by nurses. METHODS: a sequential explanatory mixed-methods study was conducted in a hospital in southern Brazil. The Brazilian version of the Practice Environment Scale-Nursing Work Index and the Complexity Characterization Questionnaire were administered to 132 nurses. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 participants, and the data were subjected to thematic analysis. Data integration was achieved through a connection approach. RESULTS: the nursing practice environment was found to be favorable, except in the subscale concerning Staffing and Resource Adequacy, where complexity was present in the activities. The three emerging categories explained human and technical aspects related to complexity in the practice environment, quality of care, and patient safety. Unexpected variability was inversely correlated with the practice environment. CONCLUSIONS: the study results indicate a relationship between these constructs, with implications for the quality and the safety of care.
Pesquisa Qualitativa , Humanos , Brasil , Inquéritos e Questionários , Feminino , Adulto , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Local de Trabalho/normas , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde/normas , Qualidade da Assistência à Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Hospitais/normas , Satisfação no Emprego , Atitude do Pessoal de SaúdeRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: to summarize the recommendations of guidelines for promoting mental health in the workplace. METHODS: an umbrella review, according to Joanna Briggs Institute and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses methodological assumptions. Data collection was carried out in January 2021 and updated in July 2023 in the American Psychological Association, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, National Library of Medicine, and Scopus databases. Systematic reviews that assessed guidelines with recommendations for mental health care for workers were included. PROSPERO registration CRD42023461845. RESULTS: four systematic reviews published between 2015 and 2018 were identified. The abstracts highlighted actions that facilitate and inhibit the recommendations as well as three categories of intervention: primary prevention - worker protection; secondary prevention - promoting workers' mental health; and tertiary prevention - supporting, monitoring and rehabilitating workers upon returning to work. CONCLUSIONS: the interventions are based on prevention, promotion and early recognition, support and rehabilitation of mental health problems.
Saúde Mental , Local de Trabalho , Humanos , Local de Trabalho/normas , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Saúde Mental/normas , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Promoção da Saúde/normas , Saúde Ocupacional/normas , Guias como AssuntoRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: to analyze stress from the perspective of nursing workers caring for people with COVID-19 in a public hospital in the Recôncavo region of Bahia. METHODS: this is an exploratory qualitative study, conducted through semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed using word clouds, similarity trees, and content analysis. RESULTS: nursing workers were exposed to stress while attending to patients with COVID-19. The reported stressors in the workplace included: work overload, lack of planning, speed in performing tasks, fatigue, lack of participation in decision-making, lack of support from management, technological changes, excessive responsibility without preparation, interpersonal conflicts, and professional undervaluation. CONCLUSIONS: exposure to these stressors leads to emotional exhaustion and demotivation, which were intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 , Pesquisa Qualitativa , SARS-CoV-2 , Humanos , COVID-19/enfermagem , COVID-19/psicologia , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Brasil/epidemiologia , Pandemias , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estresse Ocupacional/psicologia , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem Hospitalar/psicologia , Entrevistas como Assunto/métodos , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Estresse Psicológico/etiologia , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Local de Trabalho/normasRESUMO
To examine multiple relations between organizational roles, work-family conflict, job satisfaction, mental health, and affective organizational commitment among basic education teachers, a cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 438 respondents, to whom the Scale for the Assessment of Psychosocial Stressors in the Workplace (EAEPCL, acronym in Portuguese), the General Job Satisfaction Scale, the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and the Reduced Affective Organizational Commitment Scale (ECOA, acronym in Portuguese) were applied. Data were analyzed by structural equation modeling and the estimated measurement model indicated convergent and discriminant validity, as well as reliability regarding the latent variables used. Direct effects of conflict and role ambiguity on job satisfaction, common mental disorders (CMD) and affective organizational commitment were observed, as well as indirect effects on the latter two mediated by job satisfaction. As for role overload, its direct effects occurred only in relation to job satisfaction, the latter mediating the effect of the former on CMD and affective commitment, whereas work-family conflict mediated the effect of role overload on CMD. These results highlight the harmful effects of role stressors and job (dis)satisfaction on the mental health of teachers by making them more vulnerable to developing CMD and indicate how these can affect results of interest to the institutions studied, such as affective commitment in school organizations.
Com o objetivo de examinar relações múltiplas entre papéis na organização, conflito trabalho-família, satisfação laboral, saúde mental e comprometimento organizacional afetivo entre docentes da educação básica, realizou-se um estudo transversal com amostra de 438 respondentes, aos quais foram aplicadas a Escala para Avaliação de Estressores Psicossociais no Contexto Laboral (EAEPCL), a Escala de Satisfação Geral no Trabalho, o Questionário de Saúde Geral (QSG-12) e a Escala Reduzida de Comprometimento Organizacional Afetivo (ECOA). Foi empregada a modelagem de equações estruturais para a análise dos dados, e a estimação do modelo de mensuração indicou validade convergente e discriminante e confiabilidade no que tange às variáveis latentes utilizadas. Efeitos diretos do conflito e da ambiguidade de papéis em relação à satisfação laboral, aos transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) e ao comprometimento organizacional afetivo foram observados, bem como efeitos indiretos sobre essas duas últimas com a mediação da satisfação laboral. Quanto à sobrecarga de papéis, seus efeitos diretos aconteceram apenas em relação à satisfação laboral, sendo que essa última mediou o efeito da primeira sobre os TMC e o comprometimento afetivo, ao passo que o conflito trabalho-família mediou o efeito da sobrecarga de papéis na ocorrência de TMC. Os resultados contribuem para salientar os efeitos nocivos dos estressores de papel e da (in)satisfação laboral sobre a saúde mental dos pesquisados ao torná-los mais vulneráveis ao desenvolvimento de TMC e sinalizam como eles podem afetar os resultados de interesse das instituições estudadas, como o comprometimento afetivo em relação às organizações escolares.
Con el objetivo de examinar múltiples relaciones entre papeles en la organización, conflicto trabajo-familia, satisfacción laboral, salud mental y compromiso organizacional afectivo entre docentes de educación básica, se realizó un estudio transversal con una muestra de 438 encuestados, a quienes se les aplicó la Escala de Evaluación de Estresores Psicosociales en el Contexto Laboral (EAEPCL, por su sigla en portugués), la Escala de Satisfacción General en el Trabajo, el Cuestionario de Salud General (QSG-12, por sus siglas en portugués) y la Escala Reducida de Compromiso Organizacional Afectivo (ECOA, por sus siglas en portugués). Para el análisis de los datos se empleó el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales, y la estimación del modelo de medición indicó validez convergente y discriminante, así como confiabilidad con respecto a las variables latentes utilizadas. Se observaron efectos directos del conflicto y la ambigüedad de papel con relación a la satisfacción laboral, los trastornos mentales comunes (TMC) y el compromiso afectivo organizacional, así como efectos indirectos sobre estos dos últimos con la mediación de la satisfacción laboral. En cuanto a la sobrecarga de papeles, sus efectos directos se dieron solo con relación a la satisfacción laboral, y esta última es la que medió el efecto de la primera sobre los TMC y el compromiso afectivo, mientras que el conflicto trabajo-familia medió el efecto de la sobrecarga de papeles en la incidencia de TMC. Los resultados contribuyen para resaltar los efectos nocivos de los estresores de papel y de la (in)satisfacción laboral en la salud mental de los encuestados al hacerlos más vulnerables al desarrollo de TMC y señalan cómo estos pueden afectar resultados de interés para las instituciones estudiadas, como el compromiso afectivo con relación a las organizaciones escolares.
Satisfação no Emprego , Saúde Mental , Professores Escolares , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Estudos Transversais , Adulto , Inquéritos e Questionários , Professores Escolares/psicologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Estresse Ocupacional/psicologia , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Brasil , Adulto JovemRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the sociodemographic and occupational influences on health professionals' quality of life. METHOD: This descriptive-exploratory, cross-sectional, analytical, and quantitative study addressed 94 health workers, including nursing technicians, nurses, and physical therapists working in Intensive Care Units in a town in the extreme south of Brazil in 2023. The student's t-test and Spearman correlation were used. RESULTS: A significant positive correlation was found between being a woman and the psychological domain and between income and the social and environmental domain while working hours were inversely related to general QoL. Additionally, workload negatively impacted the physical, psychological, and general QOL, furniture negatively influenced the psychological domain, and equipment was negatively associated with the physical and psychological domain. CONCLUSION: The characteristics of the work environment interfere with several areas of quality of life.
Pessoal de Saúde , Qualidade de Vida , Humanos , Qualidade de Vida/psicologia , Feminino , Estudos Transversais , Masculino , Brasil , Adulto , Pessoal de Saúde/psicologia , Pessoal de Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Inquéritos e Questionários , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Local de Trabalho/normas , Fatores SocioeconômicosRESUMO
to assess the job satisfaction level, stressors and working conditions of nursing professionals in some Latin American countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.this is a cross-sectional study of nursing professionals working in hospital, primary care, educational, governmental, research, commercial and independent institutions. An online survey was carried out to assess satisfaction with the Font-Roja instrument, sociodemographic characteristics, stress factors and working conditions.a total of 1,215 workers from Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador and Panama participated. The overall satisfaction score was 81.5 (SD:11.6). There was less satisfaction in the dimensions of tension, pressure, extrinsic characteristics and monotony. Increased stress at work (84.3%), workload (81.3%), fear of SARS-CoV-2 (67.7%), uncertainty at work (51.2%) and salary reduction (20.4%) were reported. The work factors related to satisfaction were, as follows: job recommendation, mixed working hours, care work, increased stress, increased workload, salary reduction and purchase of protective equipment.the aspects of job satisfaction most affected during the pandemic were pressure, tension, lack of independence and monotony at work; this satisfaction was reduced due to increased stress and workload, the acquisition of personal protective equipment and a reduction in salary.
(1) Job satisfaction in Latin America is perceived as a stress factor. (2) Wage injustice in nursing during the pandemic is highlighted. (3) The pressure and tension perceived by the profession limits their autonomy and independence. (4) Satisfaction is directly related to educational level and the position held.
COVID-19 , Satisfação no Emprego , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , América Latina , Masculino , COVID-19/epidemiologia , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Carga de Trabalho/estatística & dados numéricos , Estresse Ocupacional/epidemiologia , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Adulto Jovem , Enfermagem , SARS-CoV-2 , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pandemias , Condições de TrabalhoRESUMO
Objectives: This study investigates how nurse supervisors' Dark Triad personality traits (Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy) influence nurses' task performance, mediated by perceptions of enriched work design (autonomy, task variety, social support, safe work conditions, feedback quality) and psychological safety. Methods: A multisource approach was used to collect data from 256 manager-nurse dyads across various healthcare settings. Nurses completed surveys assessing their work design and psychological safety. Managers completed a self-assessment of Dark Triad traits and rated their nurse subordinates' task performance. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used for analysis. Results: Supervisors' Dark Triad traits core component impacted nurses' task performance indirectly, mediated by psychological safety and nurses' perceptions of their enriched work design. Psychopathic traits revealed a significant direct negative effect on nurses' performance, while other Dark Triad traits did not show direct effects. Conclusion: This study sheds light on key factors influencing nurses' performance, offering insights for healthcare organizations aiming to optimize work environments and improve team effectiveness.
Maquiavelismo , Narcisismo , Desempenho Profissional , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Transtorno da Personalidade Antissocial/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem Hospitalar/psicologia , Segurança PsicológicaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Menezes et al. describe their experience with the diagnosis and management of disruptive medical staff behavior in a private hospital between 2020 and 2022. Surgical medical specialties were found to demonstrate the highest prevalence of such behavior, and continual education of physicians regarding appropriate workplace behavior was found to be the most important management strategy to prevent unsafe work environments and strengthen an appropriate culture of safety. BACKGROUND: â Disruptive medical staff behavior potentially affects patient care. BACKGROUND: â Surgical specialties have the highest incidence of disruptive medical staff behavior. BACKGROUND: â Proper diagnosis and management is key to the mitigating disruptive medical staff behavior. OBJECTIVE: To describe the 3-year long experience of addressing disruptive events by medical staff in a private hospital. METHODS: The cross-sectional study that was conducted between 2020 and 2022, involved collection, analysis, and management of suspected cases of disruptive behavior by medical staff. RESULTS: Relevant information was collected from reports issued by health care leaders (69%), anonymous reports accessed from the health institution's intranet tool "SINAPSE" (19%), the compliance center (5%), customer attendance service (3.7%), the hospital board (2.3%), and the medical practice department (1%). Surgical specialties were responsible for 70.3% of the disruptive incidents, and the average time to outcome was 24.5 days, with most solutions involving guided education of physicians (92.7%). CONCLUSION: Management of disruptive behavior by medical staff is essential for the prevention of unsafe work environments and strengthening a culture of safety.
Corpo Clínico Hospitalar , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Corpo Clínico Hospitalar/psicologia , Corpo Clínico Hospitalar/estatística & dados numéricos , Comportamento Problema/psicologia , Local de Trabalho , Hospitais Privados/estatística & dados numéricos , BrasilRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: to adapt and validate the content of the Healthy Work Environment Assessment Tool for Brazilian culture, and evaluate the practical aspects of its application. METHODS: methodological study that followed six stages: translation; synthesis; back translation; content validation by a group of experts, pre-testing and approval of the process by the author of the original instrument. RESULTS: the first three stages were carried out by contracted companies. In the committee, two items and the title of a subscale were evaluated in a second round, when consensus was reached among experts. In the pre-test, more than 93% of professionals agreed that the tool was easy to understand. The average completion time was 8.53 minutes. The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses authorized publication of the results. CONCLUSIONS: the adaptation of the tool to Brazilian culture was completed following the adopted framework. In addition to the evidence of content validity, the tool appears promising for managerial use.
Comparação Transcultural , Local de Trabalho , Brasil , Humanos , Local de Trabalho/normas , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Tradução , Psicometria/métodos , Psicometria/instrumentação , Saúde Ocupacional/normas , Condições de TrabalhoRESUMO
PURPOSE: Although mental disorders are common in the workplace, they often go unnoticed. There is frequently a gap in the recognition and effective management of these disorders, leading to delayed recovery and worsening conditions. This study evaluates the level of Mental Health Literacy (MHL) among employees of the Finance and Planning Departments in the Federal District, Brazil, and proposes preventive measures and de-stigmatization strategies for mental health in the workplace. METHODS: MHL among active employees was assessed using the Mental Health Literacy Scale (MHLS), developed by O'Connor and Casey (2015) and validated for Brazilian Portuguese by Buta et al. (2024). The data analysis included descriptive and inferential statistics, with nonparametric tests used to compare MHL across different groups. RESULTS: The results showed that 27.6% of participants had adequate literacy, 67.9% had problematic levels, and 4.5% had inadequate levels. Women were observed to have higher literacy levels than men. Additionally, significant variations in literacy levels were noted among individuals with different health conditions; those diagnosed with cancer, depression, or other illnesses had higher literacy than those without diagnosed conditions. CONCLUSION: To address MHL challenges, educational actions such as awareness campaigns, training, and consultancy programs are essential.
Letramento em Saúde , Humanos , Letramento em Saúde/estatística & dados numéricos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Brasil , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Saúde Mental , Adulto Jovem , Transtornos Mentais , Empregados do Governo/psicologia , Empregados do Governo/estatística & dados numéricos , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Estudos TransversaisRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: to interpret young nursing professionals' perceptions about the relationship between working, employment and health conditions. METHOD: a qualitative study with an interpretive approach regarding the work-related experiences of 15 young nurses, who took part in the research through voluntary snowball sampling. The data from the interviews and the focus group were analyzed to reach an approximation to the realities inherent to the nurses' work life. RESULTS: the relevant study findings pointed out that work precariousness is a characteristic feature in the population group, mainly related to hiring modalities and to wages. According to the participants, the psychosocial working conditions (which were intensified during the COVID-19 pandemic) were the ones that caused the most effects on their mental and physical health. CONCLUSION: from the young nurses' perspective, this study reports how the macro- and micro-structural working conditions and their relationship with health are perceived, pointing out the key elements to devise interventions focused on life paths that foster decent and healthy work postulates in their work environments, as well as actions to prevent injuries or harms to nurses' health.
COVID-19 , Emprego , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Humanos , Feminino , Emprego/psicologia , Adulto , Masculino , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros/psicologia , Adulto Jovem , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Nível de Saúde , Grupos Focais , Saúde OcupacionalRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: to develop and validate the content and technical aspects of a web software program for promoting mental health in the workplace. METHOD: applied methodological study and technological development, carried out in three stages: 1) Umbrella review development; 2) Web software development; 3) Content and technical validation carried out by 14 judges. The data was submitted to descriptive statistical analysis and calculation of the content validity index. RESULTS: based on the guidelines' recommendations, information was defined and extracted in order to develop the web software consisting of the following dimensions: mental health education, support among coworkers, promotion strategies and mental health self-assessment. For the technical development, the objectives, general functions and technological infrastructure were defined. After development and functional testing, the version was made available for content and technical validation by judges. The overall content validity index was 0.98 and for the technical aspects it was 0.97. CONCLUSION: the agreement between the judges in relation to the content and technical aspects, as well as the suggestions incorporated, demonstrated the potential for using web software to promote mental health in the workplace.
Promoção da Saúde , Saúde Mental , Local de Trabalho , Humanos , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Design de Software , Saúde Ocupacional/normas , Internet , Software , Validação de Programas de ComputadorRESUMO
Background: Workplace-based assessments (WPBA) have become integral to learner-centred medical education. As previous research has linked learner engagement to WPBA implementation, this study explores residents' and faculty members' experiences with learner engagement in the normalisation of WPBA practice. Methods: Transcendental phenomenology was used as the qualitative approach, focusing on the participants' lived experiences. A semi-structured interview guide was used to interview five faculty members and five residents who had conducted WPBA. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using phenomenological data analysis. Results: Three themes were identified between learner engagement and WPBA conduct: (a) work environment, (b) roles and relationships, and (c) mutually beneficial teaching and learning. WPBA learner engagement occurred when participants interacted with each other and with the clinical setting to facilitate teaching and learning. Both participant groups reported a desire to participate in WPBA, but time constraints at times hindered participation. The residents indicated that WPBA improved their knowledge and admitted to experiencing negative emotions during the assessment. Overall, participants recognised the reciprocal benefits of WPBA participation for their professional development. Conclusion: The findings of the study suggest that learner engagement influences the use of WPBA. Consequently, it may be beneficial to consider the role of learner engagement to normalise WPBA application for teaching and learning in the clinical context.
Contexte: Les évaluations en milieu de travail (EMT) font désormais partie intégrante de l'enseignement médical centré sur l'apprenant. Des recherches antérieures ayant établi un lien entre l'engagement de l'apprenant et la mise en Åuvre de l'EMT, cette étude explore les expériences des résidents et des membres du corps professoral en matière d'engagement de l'apprenant dans la normalisation de la pratique de l'EMT. Méthodes: La phénoménologie transcendantale a été utilisée comme approche qualitative, en portant une attention particulière aux expériences vécues des participants. Un guide d'entrevue semi-structurée a été utilisé pour interroger cinq membres du corps professoral et cinq résidents qui avaient pratiqué l'EMT. Les entrevues ont été transcrites et analysées à l'aide d'une analyse phénoménologique des données. Résultats: Trois thèmes ont été identifiés entre l'engagement de l'apprenant et la conduite des EMT : (a) l'environnement de travail, (b) les rôles et les relations, et (c) l'enseignement et l'apprentissage mutuellement bénéfiques. L'engagement de l'apprenant dans le cadre de l'EMT s'est produit lorsque les participants ont interagi entre eux et avec le milieu clinique pour faciliter l'enseignement et l'apprentissage. Les deux groupes de participants ont fait part de leur désir de participer à l'EMT, mais des contraintes de temps ont parfois entravé leur participation. Les résidents ont indiqué que l'EMT avait amélioré leurs connaissances et ont admis avoir ressenti des émotions négatives lors de l'évaluation. Dans l'ensemble, les participants ont reconnu les avantages réciproques de la participation à l'EMT pour leur développement professionnel. Conclusion: Les résultats de l'étude suggèrent que l'engagement de l'apprenant influence l'utilisation de l'EMT. Par conséquent, il peut être bénéfique de considérer le rôle de l'engagement de l'apprenant pour normaliser l'application de l'EMT pour l'enseignement et l'apprentissage dans le contexte clinique.
Docentes de Medicina , Internato e Residência , Local de Trabalho , Humanos , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Docentes de Medicina/psicologia , Avaliação Educacional/métodos , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Masculino , Feminino , Aprendizagem , Entrevistas como Assunto , Competência ClínicaRESUMO
Purpose: To present the social network analysis-based approach used to create a new workspace layout for three hospital services as part of a campus expansion at a large tertiary care public hospital. Objective: To analyze the relationships among service members across four healthcare resilience abilities (monitor, anticipate, respond, and learn) and utilize network metrics to indicate the suitability of a shared workspace layout for the services. Background: The hospital expanded by 70%, providing space for relocating key services-the rapid response team, medical on-call team, and nursing supervision. Initial observations suggested a shared workspace layout based on anecdotal evidence. Method: Stakeholders have reached a consensus on a three-stage process to assess the suitability of a shared workspace layout for these services: first, collecting data on social interactions with a focus on resilience abilities; second, presenting layout alternatives based on sociograms; and third, evaluating these alternatives and devising a strategy for allocating personnel to shifts based on a resilience score derived from social network metrics. Case Study: The examination of social network metrics allowed identifying key individuals contributing to the overall resilience of the three services. Sociograms provided visual representations of how these individuals were spatially distributed within the shared layout. Discussion: The process was designed to shape a resilient layout and incorporated initial data, preferences, and constraints into layout proposals. Additionally, it utilized a resilience score from existing literature to formulate a strategy for staff allocation to shifts, ensuring consistent collective resilience ability across all shifts.
Análise de Rede Social , Local de Trabalho , Humanos , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Arquitetura Hospitalar , Estudos de Casos Organizacionais , Hospitais PúblicosRESUMO
Workplace injuries constitute a serious and growing public health concern worldwide. Despite work-related injuries being highly common, especially among workers in the manufacturing industry, their growing complexities are not adequately addressed in the current literature. Therefore this study aims to investigate the association between sociodemographic, workplace, and behavioral characteristics with work-related injuries among large-scale factory workers in Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study was conducted from February to April 2020 with 457 workers selected from large-scale factories in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. Survey data included sociodemographic characteristics, working and safety conditions, and behavioral factors as predictors of occupational injuries. A logistic regression model was fitted to estimate the probability of injury and identify its associated factors. The 12-month prevalence of work-related injuries was 25%. Most injuries occurred at midnight (8.8%). Factors associated with work-related injury were excessive working hours (OR = 3.26; 95%CI: 1.26-8.41), cigarette smoking (OR = 2.72; 95%CI: 1.22-6.08), and manual handling (OR = 2.30; 95%CI: 1.13-4.72). Use of personal protective equipment reduced the odds of injury (OR = 0.42; 95%CI: 0.21-0.83). Although our estimated prevalence of occupational injury was lower than that found in other studies, our findings suggest that actions on modifiable conditions must be taken to reduce the burden of workplace injuries in Ethiopia. The results could inform preparedness and policy efforts aimed at improving worker safety and health.
Traumatismos Ocupacionais , Fatores Socioeconômicos , Local de Trabalho , Humanos , Etiópia/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Masculino , Traumatismos Ocupacionais/epidemiologia , Adulto , Local de Trabalho/estatística & dados numéricos , Adulto Jovem , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Fatores Sociodemográficos , Adolescente , Inquéritos e Questionários , Acidentes de Trabalho/estatística & dados numéricos , Saúde Ocupacional/estatística & dados numéricosRESUMO
The main objective of this study was to examine the actor and partner effects between Perceived Workplace Support for Families (PWSFs) and family support (PFS), diet quality, and satisfaction with food-related life (SWFoL) in households with both parents working and adolescents, along with the role of the three family members' diet quality as a mediator. During the second year of the pandemic in Chile, 860 dual-earner parents of different sexes and their adolescent child (average age 13 years, with 50.7% being male) were recruited from two cities. Parents responded to a measure of PWSFs and the Perceived Family Support Scale. Mothers, fathers, and adolescents answered the Adapted Healthy Eating Index (AHEI) and the satisfaction with food-related life Scale. The examination employed the mediation Actor-Partner Interdependence Model and structural equation modeling for the analyses. Results showed that mothers' PWSFs improved their and their teenage children's SWFoL, while fathers' PWSFs only improved their SWFoL. The mothers' PFS improved their and the fathers' diet quality while enhancing their SWFoL and the adolescents' SWFoL. The fathers' PFS enhanced their and the adolescents' SWFoL. The mothers' PFS also indirectly enhanced their and the fathers' SWFoL via each parent's diet quality. Each family member's diet quality was positively related to their SWFoL, while mothers' diet quality was positively related to the fathers' SWFoL. These results imply that resources obtained by parents from PFS positively impact the SWFoL of the three family members through different mechanisms. They also highlight the importance of maternal family support for SWFoL during the pandemic.
COVID-19 , Satisfação Pessoal , Local de Trabalho , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Adolescente , COVID-19/epidemiologia , COVID-19/prevenção & controle , COVID-19/psicologia , Local de Trabalho/psicologia , Chile , Adulto , Apoio Social , Dieta Saudável/psicologia , Família/psicologia , Dieta/psicologia , Pandemias , Inquéritos e Questionários , SARS-CoV-2 , Pais/psicologia , Apoio FamiliarRESUMO
The organizational climate is related to the degree of motivation of its employees. This perception is essentially felt, it is neither seen nor touched, but it is real. This study aims to identify difficulties and potentialities related to the organizational climate of the nursing staff at a public hospital in the Federal District. Methodologically, a descriptive and exploratory study was carried out characterized by a qualitative approach. The thematic content analysis led to three interpretative dimensions: environment and working conditions; communication, interpersonal relationship and work flows; motivation to improve the work environment. The results indicate a deficit of human resources, scarcity of material resources, supplies, precarious physical structure, in addition to interpersonal relationship problems, such as the (de)valuation of professional nurses and nursing. The challenges posed to managers go beyond the technical and structural dimension, the technological complexity of equipment without maintenance, as it unfolds through the human dimension, feelings and unmet needs (of appreciation) of nursing, which needs to be cared for, valued, heard and seen in their care process.
O ambiente organizacional está relacionado com o grau de motivação de seus colaboradores. Essa percepção é essencialmente sentida, não se vê e nem se toca, mas tem uma existência real. Este estudo objetiva identificar as dificuldades e potencialidades relacionadas ao clima organizacional dos servidores de enfermagem de um hospital público do Distrito Federal. Metodologicamente foi realizado um estudo descritivo e exploratório caracterizado por uma abordagem qualitativa. A análise de conteúdo temática conduziu a três dimensões interpretativas: ambiente e condições de trabalho; comunicação, relacionamento interpessoal e fluxos de trabalho; e motivação para a melhoria do ambiente de trabalho. Os resultados apontam para um déficit de recursos humanos, escassez de recursos materiais, insumos, estrutura física precária, além de problemas de relacionamento interpessoal, como a (des)valorização do profissional enfermeiro e da enfermagem. Os desafios postos para os gestores estão para além da dimensão técnica e estrutural, da complexidade tecnológica dos equipamentos sem manutenção, desdobra-se pela dimensão humana, pelos sentimentos e pelas necessidades não atendidas (de valorização) da enfermagem, que precisa ser cuidada, valorizada, ouvida e vista no seu processo de cuidar.