Electromagnetic tracking (EMT) can benefit image-guided interventions in cases where line of sight is unavailable. However, EMT can suffer from electromagnetic distortion in the presence of metal instruments. Metal instruments are widely used in laparoscopic surgery, ENT surgery, arthroscopy and many other clinical applications. In this work, we investigate the feasibility of tracking such metal instruments by placing the inductive sensor within the instrument shaft. We propose a magnetostatic model of the field within the instrument, and verify the results experimentally for frequencies from 6 kHz to 60 kHz. The impact of the instrument's dimensions, conductivity and transmitting field frequency is quantified for ranges representative of typical metal instruments used in image-guided interventions. We then performed tracking using the open-source Anser EMT system and quantify the error caused by the presence of the rod as a function of the frequency of the eight emitting coils for the system. The work clearly demonstrates why smaller tool diameters (less than 8 mm) are less susceptible to distortion, as well as identifying optimal frequencies (1 kHz to 2 kHz) for transmitter design to minimise for distortion in larger instruments.
Metais , Metais/química , Humanos , Cirurgia Assistida por Computador/métodos , Cirurgia Assistida por Computador/instrumentação , Magnetismo/instrumentação , Desenho de Equipamento , Campos EletromagnéticosRESUMO
The oxidation of tetraselenatetracene (TSeT) by tetracyanoquinodimethane in the presence of dysprosium(III) tris(hexafluoroacetylacetonate), DyIII(hfac)3, produces black crystals of {TSeT1.5}â+[DyIII(hfac)4]- (1) salt, which combines conducting and magnetic sublattices. It contains one-dimensional stacks composed of partially oxidized TSeT molecules (formal averaged charge is +2/3). Dimers and monomers can be outlined within these stacks with charge and spin density redistribution. The spin triplet state of the dimers is populated above 128 K with an estimated singlet-triplet energy gap of 542 K, whereas spins localized on the monomers show paramagnetic behavior. A semiconducting behavior is observed for 1 with the activation energy of 91 meV (measured by the four-probe technique for an oriented single crystal). The DyIII ions coordinate four hfac- anions in [DyIII(hfac)4]-, providing D2d symmetry. Slow magnetic relaxation is observed for DyIII under an applied static magnetic field of 1000 Oe, and 1 is a single-ion magnet (SIM) with spin reversal barrier Ueff = 40.2 K and magnetic hysteresis at 2 K. Contributions from DyIII and TSeTâ+ paramagnetic species are seen in EPR. The DyIII ion rarely manifests EPR signals, but such signal is observed in 1. It appears due to narrowing below 30 K and has g4 = 6.1871 and g5 = 2.1778 at 5.4 K.
Disprósio , Semicondutores , Disprósio/química , Ânions/química , Dimerização , Modelos Moleculares , Fenômenos Magnéticos , MagnetismoRESUMO
In experiments considering cell handling in microchannels, cell sedimentation in the storage container is a key problem because it affects the reproducibility of the experiments. Here, a simple and low-cost cell mixing device (CMD) is presented; the device is designed to prevent the sedimentation of cells in a syringe during their injection into a microfluidic channel. The CMD is based on a slider crank device made of 3D-printed parts that, combined with a permanent magnet, actuate a stir bar placed into the syringe containing the cells. By using A549 cell lines, the device is characterized in terms of cell viability (higher than 95%) in different mixing conditions, by varying the oscillation frequency and the overall mixing time. Then, a dedicated microfluidic experiment is designed to evaluate the injection frequency of the cells within a microfluidic chip. In the presence of the CMD, a higher number of cells are injected into the microfluidic chip with respect to the static conditions (2.5 times), proving that it contrasts cell sedimentation and allows accurate cell handling. For these reasons, the CMD can be useful in microfluidic experiments involving single-cell analysis.
Dispositivos Lab-On-A-Chip , Humanos , Células A549 , Sobrevivência Celular , Técnicas Analíticas Microfluídicas/instrumentação , Magnetismo/instrumentação , Separação Celular/instrumentação , Desenho de Equipamento , Análise de Célula Única/instrumentaçãoRESUMO
Single-molecule techniques are highly sensitive tools that can reveal reaction intermediates often obscured in experiments involving large ensembles of molecules. Therefore, they provide unprecedented information on the mechanisms that control biomolecular reactions. Currently, one of the most significant single-molecule assays is Magnetic Tweezers (MT), which probes enzymatic reactions at high spatio-temporal resolutions on tens, if not hundreds, of molecules simultaneously. For high-resolution MT experiments, a short double-stranded DNA molecule (less than 2000 base pairs) is typically attached between a micron-sized superparamagnetic bead and a surface. The fabrication of such a substrate is key for successful single-molecule assays, and several papers have discussed the possibility of improving the fabrication of short DNA constructs. However, reported yields are usually low and require additional time-consuming purification steps (e.g., gel purification). In this paper, we propose the use of a Golden Gate Assembly assay that allows for the production of DNA constructs within minutes (starting from PCR products). We discuss how relevant parameters may affect the yield and offer single-molecule experimentalists a simple yet robust approach to fabricate DNA constructs.
DNA , DNA/química , Magnetismo , Imagem Individual de Molécula/métodos , Pinças ÓpticasRESUMO
In this study, a new magnetic solid phase extraction based on magnetic composite modified with biochar obtained from pumpkin peel was developed for the enrichment and extraction of Naproxen in lake water, tablet and urine samples. The effects of main parameters such as pH, extraction time, amount of adsorbent and sample volume, which affect magnetic solid phase extraction, were investigated. Under optimal conditions, intraday and interday precision values for naproxen were below 5.9, with accuracy (relative error) better than 7.0â¯%. The detection limit and preliminary concentration factor were 12â¯ng/mL and 10, respectively. The method proposed here can be used for routine analysis of naproxen in lake water, urine and tablets.
Limite de Detecção , Naproxeno , Extração em Fase Sólida , Comprimidos , Naproxeno/análise , Naproxeno/urina , Extração em Fase Sólida/métodos , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão/métodos , Comprimidos/análise , Lagos/química , Água/química , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Concentração de Íons de Hidrogênio , Magnetismo , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Adsorção , Carvão Vegetal/químicaRESUMO
Magnetic motors are a class of out-of-equilibrium particles that exhibit controlled and fast motion overcoming Brownian fluctuations by harnessing external magnetic fields. The advances in this field resulted in motors that have been used for different applications, such as biomedicine or environmental remediation. In this Perspective, an overview of the recent advancements of magnetic motors is provided, with a special focus on controlled motion. This aspect extends from trapping, steering, and guidance to organized motor grouping and degrouping, which is known as swarm control. Further, the integration of magnetic motors in soft robots to actuate their motion is also discussed. Finally, some remarks and perspectives of the field are outlined.
Robótica , Robótica/métodos , Movimento (Física) , Campos Magnéticos , Magnetismo , Proteínas Motores Moleculares/química , Proteínas Motores Moleculares/metabolismo , Fenômenos MagnéticosRESUMO
Noninvasive tracking of biochemical processes in the body is paramount in diagnostic medicine. Among the leading techniques is spectroscopic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which tracks metabolites with an amplified (hyperpolarized) magnetization signal injected into the subject just before scanning. Traditionally, the brief enhanced magnetization period of these agents limited clinical imaging. We propose a solution based on amalgamating two materials-one having diagnostic-metabolic activity and the other characterized by robust magnetization retention. This combination slows the magnetization decay in the diagnostic metabolic probe, which receives continuously replenished magnetization from the companion material. Thus, it extends the magnetization lifetime in some of our measurements to beyond 4 min, with net magnetization enhanced by more than four orders of magnitude. This could allow the metabolic probes to remain magnetized from injection until they reach the targeted organ, improving tissue signatures in clinical imaging. Upon validation, this metabolic MRI technique promises wide-ranging clinical applications, including diagnostic imaging, therapeutic monitoring, and posttreatment surveillance.
Meios de Contraste , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética/métodos , Meios de Contraste/química , Humanos , Animais , MagnetismoRESUMO
Genomes carry the genetic blueprint of all living organisms. Their organization requires strong condensation as well as carefully regulated accessibility to specific genes for proper functioning of their hosts. The study of the structure and dynamics of the proteins that organize the genome has benefited tremendously from the development of single-molecule force spectroscopy techniques that allow for real-time, nanometer accuracy measurements of the compaction of DNA and manipulation with pico-Newton scale forces. Magnetic tweezers, in particular, have the unique ability to complement such force spectroscopy with the control over the linking number of the DNA molecule, which plays an important role when DNA-organizing proteins form or release wraps, loops, and bends in DNA. Here, we describe all the necessary steps to prepare DNA substrates for magnetic tweezers experiments, assemble flow cells, tether DNA to a magnetic bead inside a flow cell, and manipulate and record the extension of such DNA tethers. Furthermore, we explain how mechanical parameters of nucleoprotein filaments can be extracted from the data.
DNA , Imagem Individual de Molécula , DNA/química , DNA/genética , Imagem Individual de Molécula/métodos , Microscopia de Força Atômica/métodos , Magnetismo , Conformação de Ácido Nucleico , Pinças ÓpticasRESUMO
Individual differences in size, experience, and task specialization in natural swarms often result in heterogeneity and hierarchy, facilitating efficient and coordinated task accomplishment. Drawing inspiration from this phenomenon, a general strategy is proposed for organizing magnetic micro/nanorobots (MNRs) with apparent differences in size, shape, and properties into cohesive microswarms with tunable heterogeneity, controlled spatial hierarchy, and collaborative tasking capability. In this strategy, disparate magnetic MNRs can be manipulated to show reversible transitions between synchronization and desynchronization by elaborately regulating parameter sets of the rotating magnetic field. Utilizing these transitions, alongside local robust hydrodynamic interactions, diverse heterospecific pairings of disparate magnetic MNRs can be organized into heterogeneous microswarms, and their spatial organization can be dynamically adjusted from egalitarian to leader-follower-like hierarchies on the fly, both in open space and complex microchannels. Furthermore, when specializing the disparate MNRs with distinct functions ("division of labor") such as sensing and drug carrying, they can execute precise drug delivery targeting unknown sites in a collaborative sensing-navigating-cargo dropping sequence, demonstrating significant potential for precise tumor treatment. These findings highlight the critical roles of attribute differences and hierarchical organization in designing efficient swarming micro/nanorobots for biomedical applications.
Robótica , Robótica/métodos , Humanos , Magnetismo/métodos , Nanotecnologia/métodos , Sistemas de Liberação de Medicamentos/métodosRESUMO
With the increasing application of magnetic compression anastomosis (MCA) in gastrointestinal anastomosis, we identified an interesting phenomenon that an anastomosis is more prone to stenosis after endoscopic gastrointestinal MCA. We hypothesized that the increase in tissue tension during endoscopic procedures is the cause of anastomotic stenosis. In this study, we investigated the effect of tissue tension on gastroduodenal bypass MCA in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Twenty SD rats were divided into the study group (high-tension group, n = 10) and control group (no tension group, n = 10), wherein the rats underwent complete gastroduodenal bypass magnetic anastomosis under high tension and no tension of the digestive tract, respectively. Anastomotic specimens were obtained 4 weeks after the operation, and anastomotic diameters of the two groups were observed and measured. The histological difference was observed by hematoxylin & eosin and Masson staining. The operation was successfully completed in all rats, and all survived until 4 weeks postoperatively. Anastomotic measurements revealed that the anastomosis diameter was significantly smaller in the study group than in the control group, and there were three cases of severe anastomotic stenosis. Histological observation showed that the amount of collagen fibers in the anastomosis was greater in the study group than in the control group. The results suggest that the high-tension state of the digestive tract is an important factor leading to anastomotic stenosis, and thus, we put forward the Yan-Zhang's Tissue Tension Theory of MCA to explain this phenomenon.
Anastomose Cirúrgica , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Animais , Anastomose Cirúrgica/métodos , Ratos , Masculino , Trato Gastrointestinal/cirurgia , Constrição Patológica/cirurgia , MagnetismoRESUMO
Protein phosphorylation plays an important role in cellular signaling and disease development. Advances in mass spectrometry-based proteomics have enabled qualitative and quantitative phosphorylation studies as well as in-depth biological explorations for biomarker discovery and signaling pathway analysis. However, the dynamic changes that occur during phosphorylation and the low abundance of target analytes render direct analysis difficult because mass spectral detection offers no selectivity, unlike immunoassays such as Western blot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The present study aimed to solve one of the key problems in the specific and efficient isolation of phosphorylated peptides. A method based on a magnetic carbon nitride composite coupled with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) was developed for the enrichment and analysis of phosphopeptides with low abundance in complex samples. Magnetic carbon nitride composite was synthesized and characterized by electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray diffractometry. The composite showed a well-distributed two-dimensional layered structure and functional groups with excellent paramagnetic performance. Two classical phosphoproteins, namely, α- and ß-caseins, were selected as model phosphorylated samples to assess the performance of the proposed enrichment technique. The magnetic carbon nitride composite exhibited high selectivity and sensitivity for phosphopeptide enrichment. The limit of detection was determined by MALDI-TOF-MS analysis to be 0.1 fmol. The selectivity of the method was investigated using the digest mixtures of α-casein, ß-casein, and bovine serum albumin (BSA) with different mass ratios (1â¶1â¶1000, 1â¶1â¶2000, and 1â¶1â¶5000). Direct analysis of the samples revealed the dominance of spectral signals from the abundant peptides in BSA. After enrichment with the magnetic carbon nitride composite, the high concentration of background proteins was washed away and only the signals of the phosphopeptides were captured. The signals from the casein proteins were clearly observed with little background noise, indicating the high selectivity of the composite material. The robustness of the method was tested by assessing the reusability of the same batch of magnetic carbon nitride materials over 20 cycles of enrichment. The composite showed nearly the same enrichment ability even after several cycles of reuse, demonstrating its potential applicability for a large number of clinical samples. Finally, the method was applied to the analysis of phosphopeptides from several commonly used phosphoprotein-containing samples, including skimmed milk digest, human serum, and human saliva; these samples are significant in the analysis of food quality, disease biomarkers, and liquid biopsies for cancer. Without enrichment, no phosphopeptide was detected because of the high abundance of nonphosphopeptide materials dominating the spectral signals obtained. After pretreatment with the developed magnetic carbon nitride composite, most of the phosphosites were identified with high selectivity and sensitivity via MALDI-TOF-MS. These results revealed the practicality of the developed approach for clinical applications. In addition, our method may potentially be employed for phosphoproteomics with real complex biological samples.
Nitrilas , Fosfopeptídeos , Espectrometria de Massas por Ionização e Dessorção a Laser Assistida por Matriz , Fosfopeptídeos/análise , Fosfopeptídeos/química , Espectrometria de Massas por Ionização e Dessorção a Laser Assistida por Matriz/métodos , Nitrilas/química , Caseínas/química , Caseínas/análise , Fosforilação , Proteômica/métodos , MagnetismoRESUMO
The traction converter modulation generates switching-frequencies current harmonics. The trapped filters can eliminate these switching harmonics, reducing total inductance and filter size. Nonetheless, in comparison with the typical inductor-capacitor-inductor (LCL) filter, the trap inductor needs a larger magnetic core. Moreover, the trapped filter has not been analyzed in the traction systems. This paper proposes a magnetic integrated inductor-trap-inductor (LLCL) filter to decrease the filter's size and investigate its application in traction converters. In fact, the application range of this filter is quite broad, and it can be used in various electrical power systems, including industrial power systems, renewable energy systems, transportation systems, and building power systems. The LC-trap may be formed by connecting the equivalent trap inductor, introduced through the magnetic coupling between inverter-side and grid-side inductors, in series with the filter capacitor. Furthermore, for H-bridge unipolar pulse width modulation (PWM) traction converters, the prominent switching harmonics are concentrated at the double switching frequencies. Therefore, the stability zone is expanded by moving the resonance above the Nyquist frequency. The presented filter's features and design are thoroughly analyzed. The proposed method is finally validated by the MATLAB/Simulink simulation and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) experimental results. Compared to the discrete windings, the integrated ones can save two magnetic cores. Furthermore, the proposed filter can meet IEEE criteria with 0.3% for all the harmonics and total harmonic distortion (THD) of 2.15% of the grid-side current.
Ferrovias , Desenho de Equipamento , Fontes de Energia Elétrica , MagnetismoRESUMO
In this review article, a perspective on the immobilization of various hydrolytic enzymes onto magnetic nanoparticles for synthetic organic chemistry applications is presented. After a first part giving short overview on nanomagnetism and highlighting advantages and disadvantages of immobilizing enzymes on magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), the most important hydrolytic enzymes and their applications were summarized. A section reviewing the immobilization techniques with a particular focus on supporting enzymes on MNPs introduces the reader to the final chapter describing synthetic organic chemistry applications of small molecules (flavour esters) and polymers (polyesters and polyamides). Finally, the conclusion and perspective section gives the author's personal view on further research discussing the new idea of a synergistic rational design of the magnetic and biocatalytic component to produce novel magnetic nano-architectures.
Enzimas Imobilizadas , Enzimas Imobilizadas/química , Enzimas Imobilizadas/metabolismo , Nanopartículas de Magnetita/química , Biocatálise , MagnetismoRESUMO
In the mid-nineteenth century, magnetic theories penetrated other recognized medical practices in Argentina in order to rationalize their procedures, in a culture that accepted and validated magnetism as a positive science. At the start of the twentieth century, mesmerists created a society, published books and journals, and carried out a large welfare programme; there were public lectures, and magnetic treatment for spiritualists and the general public, emphasizing the therapeutic properties of mesmerism. Magnetologists/mesmerists measured vital radiation and built devices using sensitive objects as 'physical' evidence of it. There was an interest in acquiring and using artefacts to measure human radiation useful in medicine. Magnetic practices survived until the end of the 1920s, when they lost importance.
Hipnose , Argentina , Humanos , História do Século XX , História do Século XIX , Hipnose/história , Espiritualismo/história , Magnetismo/históriaRESUMO
BACKGROUND AND AIM: To explore the feasibility of a standardized training and assessment system for magnetically controlled capsule gastroscopy (MCCG). METHODS: The results of 90 trainees who underwent the standardized training and assessment system of the MCCG at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University from May 2020 to November 2023 was retrospectively analyzed. The trainees were divided into three groups according to their medical backgrounds: doctor, nurse, and non-medical groups. The training and assessment system adopted the '7 + 2' mode, seven days of training plus two days of theoretical and operational assessment. The passing rates of theoretical, operational, and total assessment were the primary outcomes. Satisfaction and mastery of the MCCG was checked. RESULTS: Ninety trainees were assessed; theoretical assessment's passing rates in the three groups were 100%. The operational and total assessment passing rates were 100% (25/25), 97.92% (47/48), and 94.12% (16/17), for the doctor, nurse, and non-doctor groups respectively, with no significant difference (χ2 = 1.741, p = 0.419). No bleeding or perforation occurred during the procedure. Approximately, 96.00% (24/25), 95.83% (46/48), and 94.12% (16/17) of the doctor, nurse and non-medical groups anonymously expressed great satisfaction, respectively, without statistically significant difference (χ2 = 0.565, p = 1.000). The average follow-up time was 4-36 months, and 87 trainees (96.67%) had mastered the operation of the MCCG in daily work. CONCLUSIONS: Standardized training and assessment of magnetically controlled capsule endoscopists is effective and feasible. Additionally, a strict assessment system and long-term communication and learning can improve teaching effects.
Endoscopia por Cápsula , Competência Clínica , Gastroscopia , Humanos , Gastroscopia/educação , Gastroscopia/métodos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Feminino , Masculino , Endoscopia por Cápsula/métodos , Endoscopia por Cápsula/educação , Adulto , Estudos de Viabilidade , Avaliação Educacional/métodos , Magnetismo , ChinaRESUMO
Magnetron production and use far exceed that of other microwave tubes due to their high operational efficiency, power efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in production. The magnetron was named by A. W. Hull; however, the device invented by Hull differs from the magnetron utilized as a microwave tube. The magnetron widely used today is based on the split-anode magnetron invented by K. Okabe. This overview introduces two papers published by Okabe in the Proceedings of the Imperial Academy and discusses the events that led to the discovery of the split-anode magnetron. In addition, the operation mechanisms of magnetrons are explained.
Eletrodos , Invenções , História do Século XX , Micro-Ondas , MagnetismoRESUMO
Aims and objectives: This research aims to develop a kinetic model that accurately captures the dynamics of nanoparticle impact and penetration into cell membranes, specifically in magnetically-driven drug delivery. The primary objective is to determine the minimum initial kinetic energy and constant external magnetic force necessary for successful penetration of the cell membrane.Model Development: Built upon our previous research on quasi-static nanoneedle penetration, the current model development is based on continuum mechanics. The modeling approach incorporates a finite element method and explicit dynamic solver to accurately represent the rapid dynamics involved in the phenomenon. Within the model, the cell is modeled as an isotropic elastic shell with a hemiellipsoidal geometry and a thickness of 200 nm, reflecting the properties of the lipid membrane and actin cortex. The surrounding cytoplasm is treated as a fluid-like Eulerian body.Scenarios and Results: This study explores three distinct scenarios to investigate the penetration of nanoneedles into cell membranes. Firstly, we examine two scenarios in which the particles are solely subjected to either a constant external force or an initial velocity. Secondly, we explore a scenario that considers the combined effects of both parameters simultaneously. In each scenario, we analyze the critical values required to induce membrane puncture and present comprehensive diagrams illustrating the results.Findings and significance: The findings of this research provide valuable insights into the mechanics of nanoneedle penetration into cell membranes and offer guidelines for optimizing magnetically-driven drug delivery systems, supporting the design of efficient and targeted drug delivery strategies.
Membrana Celular , Simulação por Computador , Sistemas de Liberação de Medicamentos , Membrana Celular/metabolismo , Cinética , Nanopartículas/química , Análise de Elementos Finitos , Humanos , Modelos Biológicos , Magnetismo , AgulhasRESUMO
Millimeter-scale soft continuum robots offer safety and adaptability in transluminal procedures due to their passive compliance, but this feature necessitates interactions with surrounding lumina, leading to potential medical risks and restricted mobility. Here, we introduce a millimeter-scale continuum robot, enabling apical extension while maintaining structural stability. Utilizing phase transition components, the robot executes cycles of tip-based elongation, steered accurately through programmable magnetic fields. Each motion cycle features a solid-like backbone for stability, and a liquid-like component for advancement, thereby enabling autonomous shaping without reliance on environmental interactions. Together with clinical imaging technologies, we demonstrate the capability of navigating through tortuous and fragile lumina to transport microsurgical tools. Once it reaches larger anatomical spaces such as stomach, it can morph into functional 3D structures that serve as surgical tools or sensing units, overcoming the constraints of initially narrow pathways. By leveraging this design paradigm, we anticipate enhanced safety, multi-functionality, and cooperative capabilities among millimeter-scale continuum robots, opening new avenues for transluminal robotic surgery.
Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Robóticos , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Robóticos/instrumentação , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Robóticos/métodos , Humanos , Desenho de Equipamento , Robótica/instrumentação , Robótica/métodos , Campos Magnéticos , Microcirurgia/instrumentação , Microcirurgia/métodos , Animais , MagnetismoRESUMO
In recent years, the analysis of circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) containing tumor-derived DNA has emerged as a noninvasive means for cancer monitoring and personalized medicine. However, the isolation of cfDNA from peripheral blood has remained a challenge due to the low abundance and high fragmentation of these molecules. Here, we present a dynamic Magnetic ExTRactiOn (METRO) protocol using microfluidic fluidized bed technology to isolate circulating cfDNA from raw biological materials such as undiluted serum. This protocol maximizes the surface area for DNA binding within the chip in order to capture short DNA fragments. It uses only a few µL of sample and reagents. The protocol can be automated, and it is fully compatible with sensitive DNA amplification methods such as droplet-based digital PCR (ddPCR).