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Neurourol Urodyn ; 44(1): 220-228, 2025 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39315716


INTRODUCTION: One of the main causes of a neurogenic bladder is spinal cord injury (SCI),(SCI), which induces little or no bladder reflex activity. Because of this alteration, there is an increased risk of developing urinary tract infections and kidney damage. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) treatment has been shown to improve micturition in a rat model of SCI. AIM: The present study was aimed at determining whether GnRH administration is capable to reduce bladder and kidney damage in rats with SCI. METHODS: Ovariectomized female Wistar rats were divided into three groups: sham, SCI with saline solution (SCI), and SCI treated with GnRH (SCI+GnRH) for 6 weeks. SCI was induced by compression at the T10 spinal level. At the end of the experiment, bladders and kidneys were processed for morphological and immunofluorescence analysis. For morphometric analysis, the thickness of the urothelium and the muscular layer of the bladder was measured, as well as the intensity of staining related to collagen in the kidney. RESULTS: At the end of the experiment, all animals in the sham group showed normal urination (100%), in contrast, the percentage of untreated injured rats (SCI) that did not require manual stimulation for micturition was 19%, while the treated group (SCI+GnRH) was 68%. A significative increase in bladder weight, urothelial and muscle thickness, and collagen-related coloration in the kidney was observed in SCI when compared to sham rats. CONCLUSION: GnRH administration decreased damage to the urinary bladder and kidneys after SCI in rats. These results suggest that this hormone could be a potential preventive treatment for SCI patients at risk of neurogenic bladder and kidney damage. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Not applicable.

Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina , Rim , Ratos Wistar , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal , Bexiga Urinaria Neurogênica , Bexiga Urinária , Micção , Animais , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/complicações , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/fisiopatologia , Traumatismos da Medula Espinal/tratamento farmacológico , Feminino , Bexiga Urinária/efeitos dos fármacos , Bexiga Urinária/fisiopatologia , Bexiga Urinária/patologia , Rim/efeitos dos fármacos , Rim/patologia , Rim/fisiopatologia , Micção/efeitos dos fármacos , Bexiga Urinaria Neurogênica/tratamento farmacológico , Bexiga Urinaria Neurogênica/etiologia , Bexiga Urinaria Neurogênica/fisiopatologia , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Ratos , Ovariectomia , Nefropatias/prevenção & controle , Nefropatias/etiologia , Nefropatias/fisiopatologia , Nefropatias/tratamento farmacológico , Nefropatias/patologia , Urotélio/efeitos dos fármacos , Urotélio/patologia , Urotélio/fisiopatologia , Urotélio/metabolismo
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 121(49): e2404848121, 2024 Dec 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39585978


Mesoamerican nephropathy (MeN) is a progressive kidney disease found on the Pacific coast of Central America primarily in young male agricultural workers without typical kidney disease risk factors. While it is generally accepted that environmental exposures contribute to MeN, we hypothesized that there was also an important genetic component. We performed a genome-wide association study comparing individuals with MeN versus individuals with normal kidney function. We found that Native American ancestry was strongly associated with increased risk of MeN. We also identified candidate variants in the OPCML gene, which encodes a protein that binds opioid receptors, that were associated with ~sixfold reduced odds of MeN (allele frequency 0.029 in controls and 0.005 in cases, OR = 0.16; P = 4 × 10-8). Sugarcane workers with the protective OPCML variants had markedly increased urine osmolality suggesting greater ability to defend against hypovolemia. Experiments with Opcml knock-out mice revealed roles for OPCML in fluid balance and temperature regulation consistent with our findings in humans. Our data suggest that heritable differential sensitivity to heat stress and dehydration contributes to high rates of kidney disease in Central America.

Predisposição Genética para Doença , Estudo de Associação Genômica Ampla , Humanos , Masculino , Animais , Fatores de Risco , Camundongos , América Central , Camundongos Knockout , Adulto , Nefropatias/genética , Nefropatias/epidemiologia , Feminino , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Doenças Renais Crônicas Idiopáticas
Braz J Med Biol Res ; 57: e14249, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39607209


Renal fibrosis is a common manifestation in the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) to kidney failure. Currently, there is no available therapy to prevent the progression of renal fibrosis. Poricoic acid A (PAA) isolated from Poria cocos shows notable antifibrotic effects. However, its potential mechanism is still unclear. This study aimed to evaluate the effects and the potential mechanisms of PAA against renal fibrosis. A mouse model of renal fibrosis was established using unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO). We showed that PAA administration significantly alleviated renal lesions and collagen deposition in UUO mice. Mice with UUO resulted in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and the activation of endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) in the renal tissues, while PAA treatment significantly inhibited EMT and ERS activation. Additionally, PAA markedly alleviated ERS-mediated apoptosis in UUO mice. Molecular docking results indicated that PAA stably combined to GRP78 and ATF4. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that PAA possesses a significant bioactivity against renal fibrosis and its treatment mechanism might be the inhibition of ERS-mediated apoptosis.

Apoptose , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Chaperona BiP do Retículo Endoplasmático , Estresse do Retículo Endoplasmático , Fibrose , Animais , Estresse do Retículo Endoplasmático/efeitos dos fármacos , Apoptose/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Camundongos , Transição Epitelial-Mesenquimal/efeitos dos fármacos , Obstrução Ureteral/tratamento farmacológico , Obstrução Ureteral/patologia , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Nefropatias/tratamento farmacológico , Nefropatias/patologia , Rim/patologia , Rim/efeitos dos fármacos , Simulação de Acoplamento Molecular
Rev Invest Clin ; 76(5): 207-212, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39541947


UNASSIGNED: Random renal biopsy is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of systemic renal disorders. Percutaneous biopsy remains a safe option for most patients; however, the percutaneous approach may be considered too risky in approximately 5-10% of patients. In these high-risk patients, transjugular renal biopsy (TJRB) may represent an underutilized alternative. TJRB is a technically difficult procedure with a learning curve of approximately 10 cases. When performed properly, TJRB is a safe alternative to percutaneous biopsy in patients with renal failure or who are at high risk of bleeding. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the indications, techniques, precautions, and complications of TJRB, a possibly underutilized technique. (Rev Invest Clin. 2024;76(5):207-12).

Veias Jugulares , Nefropatias , Rim , Humanos , Biópsia/métodos , Nefropatias/patologia , Nefropatias/diagnóstico , Rim/patologia , Veias Jugulares/patologia , Curva de Aprendizado , Insuficiência Renal/diagnóstico
J Bras Nefrol ; 46(4): e20230148, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39412511


INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study was to investigate the role of fenofibrate, a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α agonist, in obesity-induced kidney damage (lipotoxicity) in mice with uninephrectomy. METHODS: C57BL/6 mice underwent uninephrectomy and sham surgeries and were fed normocaloric or high-fat diets. After 10 weeks, obese mice were administered 0.02% fenofibrate for 10 weeks. Kidney function and morphology were evaluated, as well as levels of inflammatory and fibrotic mediators and lipid metabolism markers. RESULTS: High-fat diet-fed mice developed characteristic obesity and hyperlipidemia, with subsequent renal lipid accumulation and damage, including mesangial expansion, interstitial fibrosis, inflammation, and proteinuria. These changes were greater in obese uninephrectomy mice than in obese sham mice. Fenofibrate treatment prevented hyperlipidemia and glomerular lesions, lowered lipid accumulation, ameliorated renal dysfunction, and attenuated inflammation and renal fibrosis. Furthermore, fenofibrate treatment downregulated renal tissue expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, and local expression of fibroblast growth factor-21. CONCLUSION: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α activation by fenofibrate, with subsequent lipolysis, attenuated glomerular and tubulointerstitial lesions induced by renal lipotoxicity, thus protecting the kidneys of uninephrectomy mice from obesity-induced lesions. The study findings suggest a pathway in the pharmacological action of fenofibrate, providing insight into the mechanisms involved in kidney damage caused by obesity in kidney donors.

Dieta Hiperlipídica , Fenofibrato , Hipolipemiantes , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Nefrectomia , Obesidade , Animais , Fenofibrato/farmacologia , Fenofibrato/uso terapêutico , Dieta Hiperlipídica/efeitos adversos , Camundongos , Obesidade/complicações , Obesidade/metabolismo , Masculino , Hipolipemiantes/uso terapêutico , Hipolipemiantes/farmacologia , Rim/efeitos dos fármacos , Rim/patologia , Rim/metabolismo , Nefropatias/etiologia , Nefropatias/prevenção & controle , Nefropatias/metabolismo , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos/efeitos dos fármacos
Braz J Med Biol Res ; 57: e13116, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39383377


Nephrotoxicity is a common complication that limits the clinical utility of cisplatin. Ferroptosis is an iron-dependent necrotic cell death program that is mediated by phospholipid peroxidation. The molecular mechanisms that disrupt iron homeostasis and lead to ferroptosis are yet to be elucidated. In this study, we aimed to investigate the involvement of nuclear receptor coactivator 4 (NCOA4), a selective cargo receptor that mediates ferroptosis and autophagic degradation of ferritin in nephrotoxicity. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly-assigned to four groups: control group, cisplatin (Cis)-treated group, deferiprone (DEF)-treated group, and Cis+DEF co-treated group. Serum, urine, and kidneys were isolated to perform biochemical, morphometric, and immunohistochemical analysis. Iron accumulation was found to predispose to ferroptotic damage of the renal tubular cells. Treatment with deferiprone highlights the role of ferroptosis in nephrotoxicity. Upregulation of NCOA4 in parallel with low ferritin level in renal tissue seems to participate in iron-induced ferroptosis. This study indicated that ferroptosis may participate in cisplatin-induced tubular cell death and nephrotoxicity through iron-mediated lipid peroxidation. Iron dyshomeostasis could be attributed to NCOA4-mediated ferritin degradation.

Cisplatino , Ferroptose , Coativadores de Receptor Nuclear , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Transdução de Sinais , Animais , Ferroptose/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Cisplatino/toxicidade , Coativadores de Receptor Nuclear/metabolismo , Transdução de Sinais/efeitos dos fármacos , Ratos , Deferiprona/farmacologia , Sistema y+ de Transporte de Aminoácidos/metabolismo , Antineoplásicos , Peroxidação de Lipídeos/efeitos dos fármacos , Ferro/metabolismo , Rim/efeitos dos fármacos , Rim/metabolismo , Rim/patologia , Ferritinas/metabolismo , Nefropatias/induzido quimicamente , Nefropatias/metabolismo , Imuno-Histoquímica
J Nephrol ; 37(8): 2351-2354, 2024 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39225979


BACKGROUND: Two-thirds of patients with immunoglobulin light chain (AL) amyloidosis have renal involvement. The biochemical profile of kidney damage is poorly described. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving patients diagnosed with AL amyloidosis and renal involvement between January 1, 2010, and April 30, 2022 at the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Participants were retrospectively identified from the Institutional Amyloidosis Registry. Patients diagnosed with AL amyloidosis and evidence of renal involvement were included. Individuals with other types of amyloidosis were excluded. The selection process involved a thorough review of medical records and registry data to ensure accurate identification and inclusion of eligible participants. RESULTS: Seventy-seven patients were included. At diagnosis, 90% of the subjects had proteinuria, with a median of 4.3 g/24 h, 61% had renal failure, and 47% presented nephrotic syndrome. Semi-automated urinary electrophoresis revealed 55% with non-selective and 21% with moderately selective glomerular proteinuria. Urine immunofixation indicated 64% with lambda monoclonal free light chains and 12% with kappa. Serum immunofixation demonstrated 48% with lambda monoclonal type and 25% with lambda IgG. At the time of diagnosis of AL amyloidosis, the median age was 66 years (IQR 53-72) and 49% were men. In addition to kidney involvement, other organs were also affected: heart in 53%, gastrointestinal system in 19%, peripheral nervous system in 16%, and liver in 16% of patients. CONCLUSION: Our study provides a biochemical profile in renal amyloidosis due to immunoglobulin light chains in a Latin American population. Proteinuria emerged as the most common finding in this cohort with frequent multiorgan involvement.

Amiloidose de Cadeia Leve de Imunoglobulina , Nefropatias , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Transversais , Idoso , Estudos Retrospectivos , Nefropatias/diagnóstico , Nefropatias/etiologia , Nefropatias/epidemiologia , Amiloidose de Cadeia Leve de Imunoglobulina/sangue , Amiloidose de Cadeia Leve de Imunoglobulina/diagnóstico , Amiloidose de Cadeia Leve de Imunoglobulina/urina , Amiloidose de Cadeia Leve de Imunoglobulina/epidemiologia , Argentina/epidemiologia , Proteinúria/etiologia , Biomarcadores/sangue , Biomarcadores/urina , Síndrome Nefrótica/urina , Sistema de Registros , Cadeias lambda de Imunoglobulina/sangue , Cadeias kappa de Imunoglobulina/sangue , Cadeias kappa de Imunoglobulina/urina , Cadeias kappa de Imunoglobulina/análise , Amiloidose/epidemiologia , Amiloidose/diagnóstico
Cell Biochem Funct ; 42(7): e4119, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39244707


In the present study, we investigated whether curcumin administration would interfere with the main renal features of l-NAME-induced hypertension model. For this purpose, we conducted both in vitro and in vivo experiments to evaluate renal indicators of inflammation, oxidative stress, and metalloproteinases (MMPs) expression/activity. Hypertension was induced by l-NAME (70 mg/kg/day), and Wistar rats from both control and hypertensive groups were treated with curcumin (50 or 100 mg/kg/day; gavage) or vehicle for 14 days. Blood and kidneys were collected to determine serum creatinine levels, histological alterations, oxidative stress, MMPs expression and activity, and ED1 expression. l-NAME increased blood pressure, but both doses of curcumin treatment reduced these values. l-NAME treatment increased creatinine levels, glomeruli area, Bowman's space, kidney MMP-2 activity, as well as MMP-9 and ED1 expression, and reduced the number of glomeruli. Curcumin treatment prevented the increase in creatinine levels, MMP-2 activity, and reduced MMP-2, MMP-9, ED1, and superoxide levels, as well as increased superoxide dismutase activity and partially prevented glomeruli alterations. Moreover, curcumin directly inhibited MMP-2 activity in vitro. Thus, our main findings demonstrate that curcumin reduced l-NAME-induced hypertension and renal glomerular alterations, inhibited MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression/activity, and reduced oxidative stress and inflammatory processes, which may indirectly impact hypertension-induced renal outcomes.

Curcumina , Hipertensão , Metaloproteinase 2 da Matriz , Metaloproteinase 9 da Matriz , NG-Nitroarginina Metil Éster , Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Curcumina/farmacologia , Hipertensão/induzido quimicamente , Hipertensão/tratamento farmacológico , Hipertensão/metabolismo , Rim/efeitos dos fármacos , Rim/patologia , Rim/metabolismo , Nefropatias/induzido quimicamente , Nefropatias/prevenção & controle , Nefropatias/patologia , Nefropatias/metabolismo , Nefropatias/tratamento farmacológico , Metaloproteinase 2 da Matriz/metabolismo , Metaloproteinase 9 da Matriz/metabolismo , NG-Nitroarginina Metil Éster/farmacologia , Estresse Oxidativo/efeitos dos fármacos , Ratos Wistar
J Med Case Rep ; 18(1): 361, 2024 Aug 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39095912


INTRODUCTION: Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome , a rare Müllerian ducts congenital disease, is characterized by a diphtheritic uterus, blind hemivagina, and ipsilateral renal agenesis. Diagnosis is at young age by ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, and the prognosis is good. Usually, complications evolve endometriosis and secondary pelvic inflammation. CASE REPORT: A 40-year-old female patient, Brazilian, white, primigravida, diagnosed at 30 years with a didelphic uterus on ultrasound, and 4 years later, with a left ovarian endometrioma, multiple ovarian cysts, and left renal agenesis on magnetic resonance imaging. Subsequently, due to dyspareunia and a feeling of swelling, the patient underwent transvaginal ultrasound with bowel preparation, and a hematocolpos was found and Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome was suspected; 10 years after the diagnosis she had a planned pregnancy. She presented frequent contractions following the 15th week of pregnancy and fortunately there were no complications or premature labor. Labor was inducted at 40 weeks and 6 days without progress and a cesarean section was indicated and performed without complications. Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome often goes unnoticed, leading to inadequate treatment. Individuals with Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome commonly face fertility issues, such as high miscarriage rate (21-33%), and obstetric complications, such as spontaneous abortions (40% risk), intrauterine growth restriction, postpartum hemorrhage, increased fetal mortality, preterm delivery (21-29%), and elevated rates of cesarean sections. In addition, there is higher susceptibility of developing endometriosis, especially with hemivaginal obstruction, and pelvic adhesions. CONCLUSION: Early diagnosis enables timely treatment and, consequently, fewer complications. Still, when these factors are absent, vaginal birth may still be possible. The true prevalence and incidence of complications related to Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome are still unknown.

Endometriose , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Endometriose/complicações , Gravidez , Útero/anormalidades , Útero/diagnóstico por imagem , Cesárea , Rim/anormalidades , Ductos Paramesonéfricos/anormalidades , Anormalidades Múltiplas , Anormalidades Congênitas/diagnóstico , Anormalidades Congênitas/diagnóstico por imagem , Vagina/anormalidades , Complicações na Gravidez , Nefropatias/congênito , Nefropatias/diagnóstico
Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) ; 70(7): e20240423, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39166668


OBJECTIVE: Nowadays, the frequency of complications is also increasing following the increasing frequency of coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention. Contrast-induced nephropathy is one of the most common of these complications. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the Osaka prognostic score, which has previously been shown to have prognostic importance in gastrointestinal malignancies, and the development of contrast-induced nephropathy. METHODS: The study retrospectively examined the data of 1,498 patients who underwent coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention due to acute coronary syndrome between 2018 and 2023. Demographic characteristics and laboratory findings were retrospectively collected from patients' charts and electronic medical records. RESULTS: Osaka prognostic score (0.84±0.25 vs. 2.2±0.32, p<0.001) was higher in patients who developed contrast-induced nephropathy. Also, Osaka prognostic score [OR 2.161 95%CI (1.101-4.241), p<0.001] was found to be an independent risk factor along with age, diabetes mellitus, systolic pulmonary artery pressure, hemoglobin, hemoglobin, C-reactive protein, albumin, N-terminal brain natriuretic peptide, and systemic immune-inflammation index. The receiver operating characteristic curve showed that the optimal cutoff value of Osaka prognostic score to predict the development of contrast-induced nephropathy was 1.5, with a sensitivity of 83.4 and a specificity of 65.9% [area under the curve: 0.874 (95%CI: 0.850-0.897, p≤0.001)]. CONCLUSION: Osaka prognostic score may be an easily calculable, user-friendly, and useful parameter to predict the development of contrast-induced nephropathy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention after acute coronary syndromes.

Meios de Contraste , Angiografia Coronária , Humanos , Meios de Contraste/efeitos adversos , Feminino , Masculino , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Fatores de Risco , Prognóstico , Angiografia Coronária/efeitos adversos , Intervenção Coronária Percutânea/efeitos adversos , Síndrome Coronariana Aguda/induzido quimicamente , Síndrome Coronariana Aguda/diagnóstico por imagem , Curva ROC , Medição de Risco , Injúria Renal Aguda/induzido quimicamente , Nefropatias/induzido quimicamente , Valor Preditivo dos Testes
Curr Top Membr ; 93: 1-25, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39181576


Mammalian cell membranes are very dynamic where they respond to several environmental stimuli by rearranging the membrane composition by basic biological processes, including endocytosis. In this context, receptor-mediated endocytosis, either clathrin-dependent or caveolae-dependent, is involved in different physiological and pathological conditions. In the last years, an important amount of evidence has been reported that kidney function involves the modulation of different types of endocytosis, including renal protein handling. In addition, the dysfunction of the endocytic machinery is involved with the development of proteinuria as well as glomerular and tubular injuries observed in kidney diseases associated with hypertension, diabetes, and others. In this present review, we will discuss the mechanisms underlying the receptor-mediated endocytosis in different glomerular cells and proximal tubule epithelial cells as well as their modulation by different factors during physiological and pathological conditions. These findings could help to expand the current understanding regarding renal protein handling as well as identify possible new therapeutic targets to halt the progression of kidney disease.

Endocitose , Humanos , Animais , Nefropatias/metabolismo , Nefropatias/patologia , Rim/metabolismo , Rim/patologia , Receptores de Superfície Celular/metabolismo
Front. immunol ; 15ago. 2024. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | CONASS, Sec. Est. Saúde SP, SESSP-IDPCPROD, Sec. Est. Saúde SP | ID: biblio-1570575


INTRODUCTION: G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) expressed on neutrophils regulate their mobilization from the bone marrow into the blood, their half-live in the circulation, and their pro- and anti-inflammatory activities during inflammation. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with systemic inflammatory responses, and neutrophilia is a hallmark of CKD onset and progression. Nonetheless, the role of neutrophils in CKD is currently unclear. METHODS: Blood and renal tissue were collected from non-dialysis CKD (grade 3 - 5) patients to evaluate GPCR neutrophil expressions and functions in CKD development. RESULTS: CKD patients presented a higher blood neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), which was inversely correlated with the glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). A higher frequency of neutrophils expressing the senescent GPCR receptor (CXCR4) and activation markers (CD18+CD11b+CD62L+) was detected in CKD patients. Moreover, CKD neutrophils expressed higher amounts of GPCR formyl peptide receptors (FPR) 1 and 2, known as neutrophil pro- and anti-inflammatory receptors, respectively. Cytoskeletal organization, migration, and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by CKD neutrophils were impaired in response to the FPR1 agonist (fMLP), despite the higher expression of FPR1. In addition, CKD neutrophils presented enhanced intracellular, but reduced membrane expression of the protein Annexin A1 (AnxA1), and an impaired ability to secrete it into the extracellular compartment. Secreted and phosphorylated AnxA1 is a recognized ligand of FPR2, pivotal in anti-inflammatory and efferocytosis effects. CKD renal tissue presented a low number of neutrophils, which were AnxA1+. CONCLUSION: Together, these data highlight that CKD neutrophils overexpress GPCRs, which may contribute to an unbalanced aging process in the circulation, migration into inflamed tissues, and efferocytosis.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/metabolismo , Nefropatias , Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio/metabolismo , Receptores CXCR4/metabolismo , Receptores de Lipoxinas/metabolismo , Receptores Acoplados a Proteínas G/metabolismo , Receptores de Formil Peptídeo/metabolismo , Neutrófilos/metabolismo
J Med Life ; 17(3): 309-313, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39044930


Experimental glomerulonephritis results in hypertension that is sensitive to salt. Nevertheless, salt retention alone cannot explain the increase in blood pressure. Angiotensin antagonistic therapy reduces hypertension caused by puromycin amino nucleosides (PAN). We investigated the hypothesis that PAN modifies renal vascular reactivity through processes dependent on angiotensin. Long-Evans rats were given an intraperitoneal injection of either puromycin (150 mg/kg) or saline (controls). Group 1 was fed a normal sodium diet (NSD, n = 9). Group 2 was given 30 mg/L of quinapril (Q) in addition to NSD (NSD + Q; n = 6). Group 3 received a high sodium diet (HSD, n = 7), and Group 4 received HSD + Q (n = 7). Systolic blood pressure (SBP), plasma creatinine, proteinuria, and sodium balance were monitored for 12 days. On day 15, renal vascular reactivity was assessed by administering increasing doses of angiotensin II, acetylcholine (ACh), and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) directly into the renal artery. SBP progressively increased in all PAN groups. This increase in SBP was greater in the HSD groups and was not significantly altered by Q treatment. SBP increased by 22 ± 4% (NSD), 51 ± 5% (NSD + Q), 81 ± 10% (HSD), and 65 ± 8% (HSD + Q). The renal blood flow of PAN rats did not return to baseline despite their normal renal vasoconstrictor responses to angiotensin II. Additionally, they showed reduced renal vasodilator responses to SNP and Ach. The vasodilator responses to both vasodilators were surprisingly unaffected by the inhibition of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE). Renal vasodilator responses to both endothelium-dependent and independent variables were reduced in early PAN-induced hypertension. We found that the angiotensin-mediated mechanism is not responsible for this altered renal vasoreactivity.

Angiotensina II , Rim , Animais , Angiotensina II/farmacologia , Ratos , Rim/irrigação sanguínea , Rim/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Ratos Long-Evans , Pressão Sanguínea/efeitos dos fármacos , Puromicina/farmacologia , Nitroprussiato/farmacologia , Puromicina Aminonucleosídeo , Acetilcolina/farmacologia , Nefropatias/induzido quimicamente
J Bras Nefrol ; 46(3): e2024E007, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38991207


Historically, it takes an average of 17 years for new treatments to move from clinical evidence to daily practice. Given the highly effective treatments now available to prevent or delay kidney disease onset and progression, this is far too long. Now is the time to narrow the gap between what we know and what we do. Clear guidelines exist for the prevention and management of common risk factors for kidney disease, such as hypertension and diabetes, but only a fraction of people with these conditions are diagnosed worldwide, and even fewer are treated to target. Similarly, the vast majority of people living with kidney disease are unaware of their condition, because it is often silent in the early stages. Even among patients who have been diagnosed, many do not receive appropriate treatment for kidney disease. Considering the serious consequences of kidney disease progression, kidney failure, or death, it is imperative that treatments are initiated early and appropriately. Opportunities to diagnose and treat kidney disease early must be maximized beginning at the primary care level. Many systematic barriers exist, ranging from the patient to the clinician to the health systems to societal factors. To preserve and improve kidney health for everyone everywhere, each of these barriers must be acknowledged so that sustainable solutions are developed and implemented without further delay.

Nefropatias , Humanos , Nefropatias/terapia , Nefropatias/diagnóstico , Nefrologia/normas
J Bras Nefrol ; 46(3): e20240035, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39058283


Renal involvement is one of the most severe morbidities of Fabry disease (FD), a multisystemic lysosomal storage disease with an X-linked inheritance pattern. It results from pathogenic variants in the GLA gene (Xq22.2), which encodes the production of alpha-galactosidase A (α-Gal), responsible for glycosphingolipid metabolism. Insufficient activity of this lysosomal enzyme generates deposits of unprocessed intermediate substrates, especially globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) and derivatives, triggering cellular injury and subsequently, multiple organ dysfunction, including chronic nephropathy. Kidney injury in FD is classically attributed to Gb3 deposits in renal cells, with podocytes being the main target of the pathological process, in which structural and functional alterations are established early and severely. This configures a typical hereditary metabolic podocytopathy, whose clinical manifestations are proteinuria and progressive renal failure. Although late clinical outcomes and morphological changes are well established in this nephropathy, the molecular mechanisms that trigger and accelerate podocyte injury have not yet been fully elucidated. Podocytes are highly specialized and differentiated cells that cover the outer surface of glomerular capillaries, playing a crucial role in preserving the structure and function of the glomerular filtration barrier. They are frequent targets of injury in many nephropathies. Furthermore, dysfunction and depletion of glomerular podocytes are essential events implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease progression. We will review the biology of podocytes and their crucial role in regulating the glomerular filtration barrier, analyzing the main pathogenic pathways involved in podocyte injury, especially related to FD nephropathy.

Doença de Fabry , Nefropatias , Podócitos , Doença de Fabry/complicações , Doença de Fabry/patologia , Podócitos/patologia , Humanos , Nefropatias/etiologia , Nefropatias/patologia
J Bras Nefrol ; 46(3): e20230168, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39074252


Arboviruses are endemic in several countries and represent a worrying public health problem. The most important of these diseases is dengue fever, whose numbers continue to rise and have reached millions of annual cases in Brazil since the last decade. Other arboviruses of public health concern are chikungunya and Zika, both of which have caused recent epidemics, and yellow fever, which has also caused epidemic outbreaks in our country. Like most infectious diseases, arboviruses have the potential to affect the kidneys through several mechanisms. These include the direct action of the viruses, systemic inflammation, hemorrhagic phenomena and other complications, in addition to the toxicity of the drugs used in treatment. In this review article, the epidemiological aspects of the main arboviruses in Brazil and other countries where these diseases are endemic, clinical aspects and the main laboratory changes found, including changes in renal function, are addressed. It also describes how arboviruses behave in kidney transplant patients. The pathophysiological mechanisms of kidney injury associated with arboviruses are described and finally the recommended treatment for each disease and recommendations for kidney support in this context are given.

Infecções por Arbovirus , Humanos , Infecções por Arbovirus/epidemiologia , Arbovírus , Brasil/epidemiologia , Transplante de Rim , Febre de Chikungunya/epidemiologia , Febre de Chikungunya/complicações , Febre de Chikungunya/diagnóstico , Nefropatias/virologia , Nefropatias/epidemiologia , Nefropatias/terapia , Nefropatias/etiologia , Dengue/epidemiologia , Dengue/complicações , Infecção por Zika virus/epidemiologia , Infecção por Zika virus/complicações , Febre Amarela/epidemiologia
J Pediatr ; 273: 114151, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38880380


OBJECTIVE: To assess the long-term outcome of renal oligohydramnios and risk factors for fetal, neonatal, and postneonatal death. STUDY DESIGN: This retrospective cohort study included fetuses with prenatally detected renal oligohydramnios between 2002 and 2023. Patients who were lost to follow-up were excluded. Fetal, neonatal, and long-term outcomes were evaluated, and their risk factors were analyzed. RESULTS: Of 131 fetuses with renal oligohydramnios, 46 (35%) underwent a termination of pregnancy, 11 (8%) had an intrauterine fetal death, 26 (20%) had a neonatal death, nine (7%) had a postneonatal death, and 39 (30%) survived. Logistic regression analyses showed that an earlier gestational age at onset (OR 1.16, 95% CI 1.01-1.37) was significantly associated with intrauterine fetal death; anhydramnios (OR 12.7, 95% CI 1.52-106.7) was significantly associated with neonatal death as a prenatal factor. Although neonatal survival rates for bilateral renal agenesis, bilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney (MCDK), and unilateral MCDK with contralateral renal agenesis were lower than for other kidney diseases, 1 case of bilateral renal agenesis and two of bilateral MCDK survived with fetal intervention. Kaplan-Meier overall survival rates were 57%, 55%, and 51% for 1, 3, and 5 years, respectively. In the Cox proportional hazards model, birth weight <2000 g (hazard ratio 7.33, 95% CI 1.48-36.1) and gastrointestinal comorbidity (hazard ratio 4.37, 95% CI 1.03-18.5) were significant risk factors for postneonatal death. CONCLUSION: Long-term survival following renal oligohydramnios is a feasible goal and its appropriate risk assessment is important.

Morte Fetal , Rim , Oligo-Hidrâmnio , Humanos , Oligo-Hidrâmnio/epidemiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Feminino , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Prognóstico , Fatores de Risco , Morte Fetal/etiologia , Rim/anormalidades , Masculino , Nefropatias/epidemiologia , Nefropatias/congênito , Idade Gestacional , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal , Adulto , Lactente , Resultado da Gravidez/epidemiologia