Avian brood parasitism is an evolutionarily derived behavior for which the neurobiological mechanisms are mostly unexplored. We aimed to identify brain regions that have diverged in the brood-parasitic brain using relative transcript abundance of social neuropeptides and receptors. We compared behavioral responses and transcript abundance in three brain regions in the brown-headed cowbird (BHCO), a brood parasite, and a closely related parental species, the red-winged blackbird (RWBL). Females of both species were treated with mesotocin (MT; avian homolog of oxytocin) or saline prior to exposure to nest stimuli. Results reveal that MT promotes approach toward nests with eggs rather than nests with begging nestlings in both species. We also examined relative transcript abundance of the five social neuropeptides and receptors in the brain regions examined: preoptic area (POA), paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST). We found that MT-treated cowbirds but not blackbirds exhibited lower transcript abundance for two receptors, corticotropin-releasing factor 2 (CRFR2) and prolactin receptor (PRLR) in BST. Additionally, MT-treated cowbirds had higher PRLR in POA, comparable to those found in blackbirds, regardless of treatment. No other transcripts of interest exhibited significant differences as a result of MT treatment, but we found a significant effect of species in the three regions. Together, these results indicate that POA, PVN, and BST represent neural nodes that have diverged in avian brood parasites and may serve as neural substrates of brood-parasitic behavior.
Comportamento de Nidação , Ocitocina , Animais , Ocitocina/metabolismo , Ocitocina/genética , Ocitocina/farmacologia , Ocitocina/análogos & derivados , Feminino , Aves Canoras/genética , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Especificidade da Espécie , Núcleo Hipotalâmico Paraventricular/metabolismo , Núcleos Septais/metabolismo , Área Pré-Óptica/metabolismoRESUMO
Previous studies have suggested that the effects of androgens on body weight (BW) and appetite are affected by the estrogen milieu in females; however, the mechanism underlying these effects remains unclear. We hypothesized that androgens may affect endogenous oxytocin (OT), which is a hypothalamic anorectic factor, and that these effects of androgens may be altered by the estrogen milieu in females. To investigate this hypothesis, in the present study, we examined the effects of testosterone on peripheral and central OT levels in ovariectomized female rats that did or did not receive estradiol supplementation. Ovariectomized female rats were randomly divided into non-estradiol-supplemented or estradiol-supplemented groups, and half of the rats in each group were concurrently supplemented with testosterone (i.e., rats were divided into four groups, n = 7 per each group). We also measured peripheral and central OT receptor (OTR) gene expression levels. As a result, we found that testosterone increased serum and hypothalamic OT levels and OT receptor mRNA levels in non-estradiol-supplemented rats, whereas it had no effects on these factors in estradiol-supplemented rats. In addition, testosterone reduced food intake, BW gain, and fat weight in non-estradiol-supplemented rats, whereas it did not have any effects on BW, appetite, or fat weight in estradiol-supplemented rats. These findings indicate that the effects of androgens on OT may be affected by the estrogen milieu, and elevated OT levels may be related to the blunting of appetite and prevention of obesity under estrogen-deficient conditions.
Estradiol , Hipotálamo , Ovariectomia , Ocitocina , Receptores de Ocitocina , Testosterona , Animais , Ocitocina/sangue , Ocitocina/farmacologia , Feminino , Testosterona/sangue , Hipotálamo/metabolismo , Hipotálamo/efeitos dos fármacos , Estradiol/sangue , Estradiol/farmacologia , Ratos , Receptores de Ocitocina/metabolismo , Receptores de Ocitocina/genética , Estrogênios/sangue , Estrogênios/farmacologia , Peso Corporal/efeitos dos fármacos , Ingestão de Alimentos/efeitos dos fármacos , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Apetite/efeitos dos fármacos , RNA Mensageiro/metabolismoRESUMO
Background: The impediment to ß-amyloid (Aß) clearance caused by the invalid intracranial lymphatic drainage in Alzheimer's disease is pivotal to its pathogenesis, and finding reliable clinical available solutions to address this challenge remains elusive. Methods: The potential role and underlying mechanisms of intranasal oxytocin administration, an approved clinical intervention, in improving intracranial lymphatic drainage in middle-old-aged APP/PS1 mice were investigated by live mouse imaging, ASL/CEST-MRI scanning, in vivo two-photon imaging, immunofluorescence staining, ELISA, RT-qPCR, Western blotting, RNA-seq analysis, and cognitive behavioral tests. Results: Benefiting from multifaceted modulation of cerebral hemodynamics, aquaporin-4 polarization, meningeal lymphangiogenesis and transcriptional profiles, oxytocin administration normalized the structure and function of both the glymphatic and meningeal lymphatic systems severely impaired in middle-old-aged APP/PS1 mice. Consequently, this intervention facilitated the efficient drainage of Aß from the brain parenchyma to the cerebrospinal fluid and then to the deep cervical lymph nodes for efficient clearance, as well as improvements in cognitive deficits. Conclusion: This work broadens the underlying neuroprotective mechanisms and clinical applications of oxytocin medication, showcasing its promising therapeutic prospects in central nervous system diseases with intracranial lymphatic dysfunction.
Doença de Alzheimer , Peptídeos beta-Amiloides , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Sistema Glinfático , Camundongos Transgênicos , Ocitocina , Animais , Doença de Alzheimer/tratamento farmacológico , Doença de Alzheimer/metabolismo , Camundongos , Ocitocina/farmacologia , Ocitocina/administração & dosagem , Ocitocina/metabolismo , Sistema Glinfático/metabolismo , Sistema Glinfático/efeitos dos fármacos , Peptídeos beta-Amiloides/metabolismo , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Encéfalo/efeitos dos fármacos , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Administração Intranasal , Linfangiogênese/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Aquaporina 4/metabolismo , Aquaporina 4/genética , Humanos , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Meninges/metabolismo , Meninges/efeitos dos fármacos , Meninges/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
BACKGROUND: High rates of labour augmentation with oxytocin have been found in some low- and lower-middle-income countries, causing potential perinatal harm. It is critical to understand the reasons for this overuse. Aim was to explore factors that shape practices around using oxytocin for labour augmentation in a high-volume labour ward in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. METHODS: Mixed-methods data collection was conducted from March 2021 to February 2022, including structured observations of 234 births, 220 h of unstructured labour ward observations and 13 individual in-depth interviews with birth attendants. Thematic network analysis and descriptive statistics were used to analyse data. We used a time-lens to understand practices of oxytocin for labour augmentation in time-pressured labour wards. RESULTS: Birth attendants constantly had to prioritise certain care practices over others in response to time pressure. This led to overuse of oxytocin for augmentation to ensure faster labour progression and decongestion of the, often overburdened, ward. Simultaneously, birth attendants had little time to monitor foetal and maternal condition. Surprisingly, while oxytocin was used in 146 out of 234 (62.4%) structured labour observations, only 9/234 (4.2%) women had active labour lasting more than 12 h. Correspondingly, 21/48 (43.8%) women who were augmented with oxytocin in the first stage of labour had uncomplicated labour progression at the start of augmentation. While the partograph was often not used for decision-making, timing of starting oxytocin often correlated with natural cycles of ward-rounds and shift-turnovers instead of individual women's labour progression. This resulted in co-existence of 'too early' and 'too late' use of oxytocin. Liberal use of oxytocin for labour augmentation was facilitated by an underlying fear of prolonged labour and low alertness of oxytocin-related risks. CONCLUSIONS: Time scarcity in the labour ward often made birth attendants deviate from clinical guidelines for labour augmentation with oxytocin. Efforts to navigate time pressure resulted in too many women with uncomplicated labour progression receiving oxytocin with little monitoring of labour. Fear of prolonged labour and low alertness to oxytocin-mediated risks were crucial drivers. These findings call for research into safety and benefits of oxytocin in low-resource settings and interventions to address congestion in labour wards to prevent using oxytocin as a time-management tool.
Ocitócicos , Ocitocina , Humanos , Ocitocina/administração & dosagem , Feminino , Gravidez , Tanzânia , Ocitócicos/administração & dosagem , Adulto , Fatores de Tempo , Trabalho de Parto Induzido/métodos , Trabalho de Parto , Tocologia/métodos , Pesquisa QualitativaRESUMO
Oxytocin affects social recognition, interactions, and behavior in adults. Despite growing data on the role of oxytocin in the sensory systems, its effects on early olfactory system development remain poorly understood. The present study aimed to investigate the developmental impact of oxytocin on selected parameters of the GABAergic system in olfactory brain regions. We found a significant increase in the expression of GABAergic markers and scaffolding proteins in the olfactory bulb during the early stages of development in both male and female rats, regardless of oxytocin treatment administered on postnatal days 2 and 3 (P2 and P3, 5 µg/pup). Oxytocin administration markedly reduced the expression of the scaffolding protein Gephyrin in male rats and it led to a significant increase in the number of GABAergic synaptic puncta in the piriform cortex of male rats at P5, P7, and P9. Our data suggest that the developmental action of oxytocin in relation to the GABAergic system may represent a mechanism by which the plasticity and maturation of olfactory brain regions are regulated.
Neurônios GABAérgicos , Proteínas de Membrana , Bulbo Olfatório , Ocitocina , Animais , Ocitocina/farmacologia , Ocitocina/metabolismo , Feminino , Masculino , Neurônios GABAérgicos/efeitos dos fármacos , Neurônios GABAérgicos/metabolismo , Bulbo Olfatório/efeitos dos fármacos , Bulbo Olfatório/metabolismo , Bulbo Olfatório/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Proteínas de Membrana/metabolismo , Ratos Wistar , Proteínas de Transporte/metabolismo , Ratos , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Córtex Piriforme/efeitos dos fármacos , Córtex Piriforme/metabolismo , Proteínas Vesiculares de Transporte de Aminoácidos Inibidores/metabolismoRESUMO
This retrospective study aimed to investigate the preventive effects of Shenghua decoction (SHD) for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) attributed to uterine atony (UA). Records of 84 patients were retrospectively analyzed, with 42 assigned to the treatment group and 42 to the control group. Both groups received carbetocin, and patients in the treatment group additionally underwent SHD. Primary endpoints included blood loss and changes in hemoglobin levels. Secondary endpoints encompassed the number of patients requiring uterine massage, additional oxytocic drugs, pulse rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, and treatment-related adverse events. Patients in the treatment group exhibited superior outcomes in terms of blood loss (P < .01), hemoglobin levels (P = .03), and pulse rate (P < .01) compared to those in the control group. However, no significant differences were observed in the number of patients requiring uterine massage (P = .13), the number of patients needing additional oxytocic drugs (P = .19), respiratory rate (P = .05), and systolic blood pressure (P = .80) between the 2 groups. There were no significant disparities in treatment-related adverse events between the 2 groups. The findings of this study suggest that the preventive effects of SHD combined with carbetocin were superior to those of carbetocin alone for preventing postpartum hemorrhage. However, high-quality prospective studies are needed to validate and confirm these results.
Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas , Ocitocina , Hemorragia Pós-Parto , Inércia Uterina , Humanos , Feminino , Hemorragia Pós-Parto/prevenção & controle , Hemorragia Pós-Parto/tratamento farmacológico , Adulto , Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas/uso terapêutico , Medicamentos de Ervas Chinesas/efeitos adversos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Inércia Uterina/tratamento farmacológico , Ocitocina/análogos & derivados , Ocitocina/uso terapêutico , Ocitocina/efeitos adversos , Gravidez , Ocitócicos/uso terapêutico , Ocitócicos/efeitos adversos , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The use of herbal medicine and/or its products is common throughout the world. In Tamale Metropolis, pregnant women frequently use local oxytocin to induce labour, as shown by the fact that 90% of midwives reported managing patients who used kaligutim (local oxytocin) to speed up labour. Early career midwives are also aware of this and have personally observed it being used by their clients. The purpose of the study was to assess midwives' opinions on pregnant women's use of the well-known kaligutim (local oxytocin) for labour induction in the Tamale Metropolis. METHODS: A facility-based, quantitative, cross-sectional research design was used for the study. A total of 214 working midwives from Tamale's three main public hospitals participated. Data for the study were gathered through a standardized questionnaire. For the analysis and presentation of the data, descriptive and analytical statistics, such as basic frequencies, percentages, Fisher's exact test, chi square test and multivariate analysis, were employed. RESULTS: According to the findings of this study, the safety, dosages, and contraindications of kaligutim during pregnancy and labour are unknown. The cessation of contractions was reported by 44 (22.4%) of the respondents whose clients used local oxytocin. The study also revealed that women in Tamale metropolis use "walgu", a spiritual form of oxytocin, to induce and augment labour. Respondents who responded, "yes" to baby admission to the new-born care unit were 25% more likely to use kaligutim (local oxytocin) than were those who responded, "no" to baby admission to the new-born care unit (AOR = 0.25 95% CI (0.01, 0.53), P = 0.021). CONCLUSIONS: It can be concluded that using kaligutim to start labour has negative effects on both the mother and the foetus. Additional research is required to evaluate the efficacy, effectiveness, biochemical makeup, and safety of these herbal medicines, particularly during pregnancy and delivery, as well as the spiritual significance of kaligutim (Walgu) and its forms.
Hospitais Públicos , Trabalho de Parto Induzido , Tocologia , Ocitócicos , Ocitocina , Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Ocitocina/administração & dosagem , Estudos Transversais , Adulto , Ocitócicos/administração & dosagem , Trabalho de Parto Induzido/métodos , Inquéritos e Questionários , Turquia , Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Adulto Jovem , Gestantes/psicologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: More than 1 million women have their labor induced in the United States each year, and synthetic oxytocin infusion is the most common method used. However, compared to spontaneous labor, medical induction is resource intensive, has increased obstetric risks, and is associated with less successful breastfeeding. In contrast to the endogenous oxytocin hormone, which is released in a pulsatile fashion in the brain, synthetic oxytocin is continuously infused intravenously, resulting in important limitations related to efficacy, safety, and cost. Akin to spontaneous labor contractions, infant suckling of the breast nipple is known to stimulate the pulsatile release of endogenous oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland. Nipple stimulation therapy via an electric breast pump similarly stimulates endogenous oxytocin release and may be a favorable inpatient method for patients undergoing labor induction. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to examine whether inpatient nipple stimulation therapy is an efficacious labor induction method that increases the likelihood of spontaneous vaginal delivery and sustained breastfeeding and determine whether it is a cost-effective approach. METHODS: This is a multicenter, pragmatic, open-label, parallel-group randomized controlled trial of nulliparous patients with singleton gestations ≥36 weeks undergoing labor induction. This trial compares inpatient nipple stimulation therapy via an electric breast pump versus immediate synthetic oxytocin infusion without nipple stimulation. This trial including 988 nulliparas will provide adequate statistical power to detect clinically meaningful differences in delivery mode and breast milk as the sole source of nutrition for newborns at hospital discharge or 72 hours after birth. RESULTS: The project received pilot funding in 2021 and full funding in 2023. Enrollment for this study began in November 2021 at a single site, and as of May 2024, recruitment is underway at 3 study sites. It is anticipated that enrollment will be completed by late 2026. CONCLUSIONS: Successful completion of this trial will provide rigorous data to determine whether inpatient nipple stimulation therapy with an electric breast pump can improve the way we induce labor and positively impact breastfeeding success and early infant nutrition through lactation. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT05079841; INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): DERR1-10.2196/63463.
Trabalho de Parto Induzido , Ocitocina , Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Trabalho de Parto Induzido/métodos , Ocitocina/administração & dosagem , Mamilos , Adulto , Aleitamento Materno , Terapia por Estimulação Elétrica/métodos , MãesRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy of simultaneous and sequential administration of oxytocin and intrauterine balloons in labor induction. METHODS: The databases of Cochrane Library, Web of Science, PubMed,, and Embase were thoroughly searched from their inception to November 2023. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) investigating the simultaneous and sequential use of oxytocin and intrauterine balloons for labor induction in pregnancy were included. The meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.3 statistical software. Heterogeneity among the selected studies was evaluated using the I2 statistic. Dichotomous outcomes were estimated using relative risk (RR) with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI), while continuous outcomes were measured as the mean difference (MD). RESULTS: A total of eight studies, involving a total of 1,315 nulliparous and multiparous women with an unfavorable cervix, were included in the systematic review. Moreover, a subgroup analysis was conducted, separately evaluating nulliparous and multiparous women. Compared with the sequential groups, simultaneous use of oxytocin and intrauterine balloons resulted in a significantly higher rate of delivery within 24h in nulliparas (RR = 1.30, 95%CI:1.04, 1.63, p = 0.02), a higher rate of vaginal delivery within 24h in multiparas (RR = 1.32, 95%CI:1.15,1.51, p < 0.00001), a superior rate of delivery within 12h and a shorter time to delivery in both nulliparas and multiparas. No statistically significant differences were observed in cesarean delivery and maternal and neonatal adverse outcomes between the sequential and simultaneous groups. CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide support for the simultaneous use of intrauterine balloons and oxytocin during labor induction in nulliparous women. Additionally, this approach may also prove beneficial for multiparas.
Trabalho de Parto Induzido , Ocitócicos , Ocitocina , Humanos , Trabalho de Parto Induzido/métodos , Feminino , Gravidez , Ocitocina/administração & dosagem , Ocitócicos/administração & dosagem , Maturidade Cervical/efeitos dos fármacos , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados Aleatórios como AssuntoRESUMO
Oxytocin is a neuropeptide produced by magnocellular neurosecretory neurons located primarily in the supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. The long axons of these neurons project to the neurohypophysis where oxytocin is released into the general circulation in response to the physiological demands. Oxytocin plays critical roles in female reproductive physiology, specifically in uterine contraction during labor and milk ejection while nursing. Oxytocin is also called "the love hormone" due to its modulatory roles in prosocial behaviors, including social recognition, maternal behavior, and pair bonding. Oxytocin influences behaviors by binding to oxytocin receptors (OXTR) located in various parts of the brain. Previously, we discovered a group of estrogen-dependent OXTR neurons that is exclusively present in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) of females but not of males. The female-specific expression of OXTR in the AVPV is a rare case of neurochemically-demonstrated, all-or-none sexual dimorphism in the brain. In this review, the cellular characterization and functional significance of the sexually dimorphic OXTR neurons in the AVPV as well as the clinical implications of the research will be discussed.
Comportamento Materno , Neurônios , Ocitocina , Receptores de Ocitocina , Caracteres Sexuais , Receptores de Ocitocina/metabolismo , Receptores de Ocitocina/genética , Animais , Neurônios/metabolismo , Feminino , Masculino , Comportamento Materno/fisiologia , Humanos , Ocitocina/metabolismoRESUMO
Pain is a major non-motor symptom of Parkinson's disease (PD). Alterations in the descending pain inhibitory system (DPIS) have been reported to trigger hyperalgesia in PD patients. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In the current study, dopaminergic nigrostriatal lesions were induced in rats by injecting 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into their medial forebrain bundle. The neural mechanisms underlying changes in nociception in the orofacial region of 6-OHDA-lesioned rats was examined by injecting formalin into the vibrissa pad. The 6-OHDA-lesioned rats were seen to exhibit increased frequency of face-rubbing and more c-Fos immunoreactive (c-Fos-IR) cells in the trigeminal spinal subnucleus caudalis (Vc), confirming hyperalgesia. Examination of the number of c-Fos-IR cells in the DPIS nuclei [including the midbrain ventrolateral periaqueductal gray, the locus coeruleus, the nucleus raphe magnus, and paraventricular nucleus (PVN)] showed that 6-OHDA-lesioned rats exhibited a significantly lower number of c-Fos-IR cells in the magnocellular division of the PVN (mPVN) after formalin injection compared to sham-operated rats. Moreover, the 6-OHDA-lesioned rats also exhibited significantly lower plasma oxytocin (OT) concentration and percentage of oxytocin-immunoreactive (OT-IR) neurons expressing c-Fos protein in the mPVN and dorsal parvocellular division of the PVN (dpPVN), which secrete the analgesic hormone OT upon activation by nociceptive stimuli, when compared to the sham-operated rats. The effect of OT on hyperalgesia in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats was examined by injecting formalin into the vibrissa pad after intracisternal administration of OT, and the findings showed a decrease in the frequency of face rubbing and the number of c-Fos-IR cells in the Vc. In conclusion, these findings confirm presence of hyperalgesia in PD rats, potentially due to suppression of the analgesic effects of OT originating from the PVN.
Modelos Animais de Doenças , Hiperalgesia , Oxidopamina , Ocitocina , Doença de Parkinson , Proteínas Proto-Oncogênicas c-fos , Animais , Hiperalgesia/metabolismo , Hiperalgesia/tratamento farmacológico , Ocitocina/farmacologia , Ratos , Masculino , Proteínas Proto-Oncogênicas c-fos/metabolismo , Doença de Parkinson/metabolismo , Doença de Parkinson/tratamento farmacológico , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Analgésicos/farmacologia , Núcleo Hipotalâmico Paraventricular/metabolismo , Núcleo Hipotalâmico Paraventricular/efeitos dos fármacosRESUMO
The anxiolytic effect of oxytocin (OXT) on psychosocial stress has been well documented, but the effectiveness under the interference of other factors still requires in-depth research. Previous studies have shown that nicotine addiction interacts with OXT on psychosocial stress on the behavioral level. However, the underlying neural mechanism of interaction between OXT and nicotine addiction on psychosocial stress has not been examined, and we conducted two experiments to reveal it. Firstly, after intranasal administration of randomized OXT or placebo (saline), a group of healthy participants (n = 27) and a group of smokers (n = 26) completed the Montreal Imaging Stress Task (MIST) in an MRI scanner. Secondly, a group of smokers (n = 22) was recruited to complete a transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) experiment, in which anodal tDCS was applied on subjects' anterior right superior temporal gyrus (rSTG). In both experiment, subjective stress ratings, salivary cortisol samples and the amount of daily cigarette consumption were obtained from each participant. Analysis of variance were applied on both behavioral and neural data to examine the effects of OXT and nicotine addiction, and correlation analysis were used to examine relationships between neural and behavioral data. In first fMRI experiment, analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed an interaction of OXT and nicotine addiction on subjective stress. In smokers, OXT failed to suppress the elevation of subjective stress and craving ratings after psychosocial stress. A voxel-wise ANOVA of fMRI data identified an interaction between OXT and nicotine addiction in anterior rSTG, and its functional connectivity with right middle frontal gyrus. Correlations between this functional connectivity and subjective psychosocial stress were also found abnormal in smokers. In second tDCS experiment, we found that under tDCS, OXT successfully suppressed the elevation of subjective stress and craving ratings after stress. In summary, we found that nicotine addiction blocked OXT's anxiolytic on psychosocial stress, which was related to abnormalities in anterior rSTG. By applying anodal tDCS on anterior rSTG, OXT's anxiolytic effect was restored in smokers. These findings will support further development on oxytocin's intervention of psychosocial stress in nicotine addiction, and provides essential information for indicating OXT's effectiveness.
Administração Intranasal , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Ocitocina , Estresse Psicológico , Tabagismo , Estimulação Transcraniana por Corrente Contínua , Humanos , Masculino , Estresse Psicológico/diagnóstico por imagem , Estresse Psicológico/fisiopatologia , Tabagismo/fisiopatologia , Tabagismo/psicologia , Tabagismo/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto , Feminino , Adulto Jovem , Hidrocortisona/metabolismo , Saliva/metabolismo , Lobo Temporal/diagnóstico por imagem , Lobo Temporal/fisiopatologiaRESUMO
The reactivity of an electroencephalogram (EEG) to external stimuli is impaired in comatose patients showing burst-suppression (BS) patterns following hypoxic-ischemic brain injury (HIBI). We explored the reactivity of BS induced by isoflurane in rat models of HIBI and controls using intermittent photic stimulation (IPS) delivered to one eye. The relative time spent in suppression referred to as the suppression ratio (SR) was measured on the contralateral fronto-occipital cortical EEG channel. The BS reactivity (BSR) was defined as the decrease in the SR during IPS from the baseline before stimulation (SRPRE). We found that BSR increased with SRPRE. To standardize by anesthetic depth, we derived the BSR index (BSRi) as BSR divided by SRPRE. We found that the BSRi was decreased at 3 days after transient global cerebral ischemia in rats, which is a model of brain injury after cardiac arrest. The BSRi was also reduced 2 months after experimental perinatal asphyxia in rats, a model of birth asphyxia, which is a frequent neonatal complication in humans. Furthermore, Oxytocin attenuated BSRi impairment, consistent with a neuroprotective effect in this model. Our data suggest that the BSRi is a promising translational marker in HIBI which should be considered in future neuroprotection studies.
Biomarcadores , Eletroencefalografia , Hipóxia-Isquemia Encefálica , Estimulação Luminosa , Animais , Hipóxia-Isquemia Encefálica/fisiopatologia , Hipóxia-Isquemia Encefálica/metabolismo , Ratos , Biomarcadores/metabolismo , Masculino , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Feminino , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Isoflurano/farmacologia , Ocitocina/farmacologia , Ocitocina/metabolismo , HumanosRESUMO
Oxytocin can regulate immunological activity directly or indirectly; however, immunological functions and mechanisms of oxytocin actions under chronic stress like cesarean delivery (CD) are poorly understood. Our study found that abnormal oxytocin production and secretion in CD rats caused atrophy of thymic tissues. Neurotoxin kainic acid microinjected into the dorsolateral supraoptic nucleus in male rats selectively reduced hypothalamic oxytocin levels, increased corticotrophin-releasing hormone and plasma interleukin-1ß while reducing plasma oxytocin, thyroxine and testosterone levels and causing atrophy of immune tissues. Thus, plasma oxytocin is essential for immunological homeostasis, which involves oxytocin facilitation of thyroid hormone and sex steroid secretion.
Sistema Hipotálamo-Hipofisário , Ocitocina , Animais , Ocitocina/sangue , Ocitocina/metabolismo , Ratos , Masculino , Sistema Hipotálamo-Hipofisário/efeitos dos fármacos , Sistema Hipotálamo-Hipofisário/metabolismo , Feminino , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Ácido Caínico/toxicidade , Interleucina-1beta/metabolismo , Interleucina-1beta/sangue , Testosterona/sangue , Hormônio Liberador da Corticotropina/metabolismo , Timo/efeitos dos fármacos , Timo/metabolismoRESUMO
Oxytocin pathways are hypothesized to play important roles in human-animal interactions and may contribute to some benefits of these interspecific social relationships. We explored the effects of naturalistic interactions between children and dogs on oxytocin release in both species, as well as associations between methylation of the oxytocin receptor gene (OXTRm), social behavior, and oxytocin response in this context. Children (N = 55) participated in a within-subjects design involving a) interaction with their pet dog, b) interaction with an unfamiliar dog, and c) a nonsocial control condition (solitary play). We used immunoassays to measure salivary and urinary oxytocin in both the children and dogs, behavioral coding to characterize dog-child interactions, and bisulfite sequencing to quantify methylation of the oxytocin receptor gene (N = 32 children). Child salivary oxytocin decreased moderately across time in all conditions, but the extent of this effect varied between conditions, with greater oxytocin output during interactions with dogs than the control condition. In the pet dog condition, children's salivary oxytocin response was positively associated with the duration of visual co-orientation between the child and dog. Child urinary oxytocin did not deviate substantially from baseline in any condition. Children with higher levels of OXTRm had greater oxytocin output during interactions with their pet dogs, but lower oxytocin output in the control condition, and engaged in lower levels of affectionate interaction with dogs across conditions. Children's pet dogs exhibited increases in salivary oxytocin, but we observed the opposite pattern in the unfamiliar dog, who exhibited decreases in both urinary and salivary oxytocin on average. Collectively, our results support the hypothesis that oxytocin pathways may shape and respond to social interactions between children and dogs, highlighting an important role for companion animals in child development.
Interação Humano-Animal , Ocitocina , Receptores de Ocitocina , Saliva , Comportamento Social , Ocitocina/urina , Ocitocina/metabolismo , Animais , Cães , Humanos , Saliva/química , Saliva/metabolismo , Masculino , Feminino , Receptores de Ocitocina/metabolismo , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Vínculo Humano-AnimalRESUMO
The social functions of oxytocin are diverse, and the specific aspects of information processing involved in emotional contagion remain unclear. We compared some fear-related behaviors among oxytocin receptor knockout mice and oxytocin-receptor-reduced mice with that of wild-type mice. In the observational fear assay, which reflects fear emotional contagion, mice that observed other individuals receiving electric shocks exhibited vicarious freezing. Mice with reduced or knockout oxytocin receptor expression showed reduced vicarious freezing. In the emotional discrimination assay, which reflects the ability to perceive others' emotional cues, we compared approach and scent-sniffing behaviors toward fear and emotionally neutral individuals. While wild-type mice were able to detect the fear emotion of others, mice with reduced or knocked-out oxytocin receptors showed reduced discrimination ability. In the fear behavior assays, which do not present social cues, we did not find these differences in oxytocin receptor expression in the brain. These findings indicate that oxytocin plays a role in emotional contagion by perceiving the emotions of others.
Emoções , Medo , Camundongos Knockout , Ocitocina , Receptores de Ocitocina , Comportamento Social , Animais , Receptores de Ocitocina/metabolismo , Receptores de Ocitocina/genética , Medo/fisiologia , Medo/psicologia , Camundongos , Masculino , Ocitocina/metabolismo , Emoções/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Sinais (Psicologia) , Percepção Social , Encéfalo/metabolismoRESUMO
Although pair bonding has been studied for several decades, only somewhat recently have researchers began studying the neural consequences of separation from a pair bond partner. Here we examined the impact of partner separation on the socially monogamous Mongolian gerbil. Using a within-subjects design, we assessed nonsocial, nonreproductive, and reproductive behavior in male gerbils pre- and post- either 4 weeks of cohabitation with or separation from a pair bond partner. We then conducted an immediate early gene study to examine the influence of partner separation on hypothalamic oxytocin and vasopressin neural responses to interactions with a novel, opposite-sex conspecific.
Gerbillinae , Hipotálamo , Ocitocina , Ligação do Par , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Vasopressinas , Animais , Masculino , Ocitocina/metabolismo , Hipotálamo/metabolismo , Hipotálamo/fisiologia , Vasopressinas/metabolismo , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Neurônios/fisiologia , Neurônios/metabolismo , FemininoRESUMO
Previous studies indicate that CNS administration of oxytocin (OT) reduces body weight in high fat diet-induced obese (DIO) rodents by reducing food intake and increasing energy expenditure (EE). We recently demonstrated that hindbrain (fourth ventricular [4V]) administration of OT elicits weight loss and elevates interscapular brown adipose tissue temperature (TIBAT, a surrogate measure of increased EE) in DIO mice. What remains unclear is whether OT-elicited weight loss requires increased sympathetic nervous system (SNS) outflow to IBAT. We hypothesized that OT-induced stimulation of SNS outflow to IBAT contributes to its ability to activate BAT and elicit weight loss in DIO mice. To test this hypothesis, we determined the effect of disrupting SNS activation of IBAT on the ability of 4V OT administration to increase TIBAT and elicit weight loss in DIO mice. We first determined whether bilateral surgical SNS denervation to IBAT was successful as noted by ≥ 60% reduction in IBAT norepinephrine (NE) content in DIO mice. NE content was selectively reduced in IBAT at 1-, 6- and 7-weeks post-denervation by 95.9 ± 2.0, 77.4 ± 12.7 and 93.6 ± 4.6% (P<0.05), respectively and was unchanged in inguinal white adipose tissue, pancreas or liver. We subsequently measured the effects of acute 4V OT (1, 5 µg ≈ 0.99, 4.96 nmol) on TIBAT in DIO mice following sham or bilateral surgical SNS denervation to IBAT. We found that the high dose of 4V OT (5 µg ≈ 4.96 nmol) elevated TIBAT similarly in sham mice as in denervated mice. We subsequently measured the effects of chronic 4V OT (16 nmol/day over 29 days) or vehicle infusions on body weight, adiposity and food intake in DIO mice following sham or bilateral surgical denervation of IBAT. Chronic 4V OT reduced body weight by 5.7 ± 2.23% and 6.6 ± 1.4% in sham and denervated mice (P<0.05), respectively, and this effect was similar between groups (P=NS). OT produced corresponding reductions in whole body fat mass (P<0.05). Together, these findings support the hypothesis that sympathetic innervation of IBAT is not necessary for OT-elicited increases in BAT thermogenesis and reductions of body weight and adiposity in male DIO mice.
Tecido Adiposo Marrom , Adiposidade , Dieta Hiperlipídica , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Obesidade , Ocitocina , Sistema Nervoso Simpático , Animais , Ocitocina/farmacologia , Tecido Adiposo Marrom/efeitos dos fármacos , Tecido Adiposo Marrom/metabolismo , Tecido Adiposo Marrom/inervação , Masculino , Camundongos , Obesidade/metabolismo , Sistema Nervoso Simpático/efeitos dos fármacos , Dieta Hiperlipídica/efeitos adversos , Adiposidade/efeitos dos fármacos , Peso Corporal/efeitos dos fármacos , Redução de Peso/efeitos dos fármacos , Camundongos Obesos , Metabolismo Energético/efeitos dos fármacos , Norepinefrina/metabolismoRESUMO
There is much interest in targeting the activity in the oxytocin system to regulate social bonding. However, studies with exogenous administration of oxytocin face the caveats of its low stability, poor brain permeability and insufficient receptor specificity. The use of a small-molecule oxytocin receptor-specific agonist could overcome these caveats. Prior to testing the potential effects of a brain-penetrant oxytocin receptor agonist in clinical settings, it is important to assess how such an agonist would affect social bonds in animal models. The facultatively monogamous prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster), capable of forming long-term social attachments between adult individuals, are an ideal rodent model for such testing. Therefore, in a series of experiments we investigated the effects of the recently developed oxytocin receptor-specific agonist LIT-001 on the acquisition and expression of partner preference, a well-established model of pair bonding, in prairie voles. LIT-001 (10 mg/kg, intraperitoneal), as expected, facilitated the acquisition of partner preference when administered prior to a 4hr cohabitation. In contrast, while animals injected with vehicle after the 4hr cohabitation exhibited significant partner preference, animals that were injected with LIT-001 did not show such partner preference. This result suggests that OXTR activation during expression of pair bonding can inhibit partner preference. The difference in effects of LIT-001 on acquisition versus expression was not due to basal differences in partner preference between the experiments, as LIT-001 had no significant effects on expression of partner preference if administered following a shorter (2hr-long) cohabitation. Instead, this difference agrees with the hypothesis that the activation of oxytocin receptors acts as a signal of presence of a social partner. Our results indicate that the effects of pharmacological activation of oxytocin receptors crucially depend on the phase of social attachments.
Arvicolinae , Ligação do Par , Receptores de Ocitocina , Animais , Receptores de Ocitocina/agonistas , Masculino , Comportamento Social , Ocitocina/farmacologia , FemininoRESUMO
Alternative farrowing systems that have been developed in recent years could have a positive effect on the welfare of sows during farrowing and lactation. Oxytocin measurements in saliva may provide information about positive animal welfare status. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the changes in salivary oxytocin concentrations in sows during the lactation period in three different farrowing systems and in two different seasons. Crossbred Duroc sows (n = 34, average parity = 3.6 ± 1.80) were housed in conventional farrowing crates (FC) (n = 10) or in farrowing pens with temporary crating (TC), including SWAP (n = 12) and JFL15 (n = 12) in two different seasons: summer and winter. Saliva samples were collected for six days during lactation: days 2, 4, 12, 23, 25 (i.e., 1-day post-weaning) and 26 (i.e., 2-day post-weaning) after farrowing. Moreover, behavioral data from sows was recorded on days 2, 4, 12 and 23 after farrowing, using a 30-s scan sampling method for 3 min per pen to record the behaviors which were assessed by the same observer. The results showed that the salivary oxytocin concentrations were 472.5 pg/mL and 399.4 pg/mL higher in both TC (SWAP and JLF15, respectively) than in the FC in early-lactation period, and these differences were more pronounced in summer and at the end of lactation in winter. In terms of behavior, higher number of mother-young interactions were observed in TC than FC in early- and mid-lactation period. In conclusion, TC is associated to a higher salivary oxytocin concentration that could indicated an increased mother-young interaction, although oxytocin concentration can be influenced by other factors, such as season or day of lactation.