Current hypotheses of early tetrapod evolution posit close ecological and biogeographic ties to the extensive coal-producing wetlands of the Carboniferous palaeoequator with rapid replacement of archaic tetrapod groups by relatives of modern amniotes and lissamphibians in the late Carboniferous (about 307 million years ago). These hypotheses draw on a tetrapod fossil record that is almost entirely restricted to palaeoequatorial Pangea (Laurussia)1,2. Here we describe a new giant stem tetrapod, Gaiasia jennyae, from high-palaeolatitude (about 55° S) early Permian-aged (about 280 million years ago) deposits in Namibia that challenges this scenario. Gaiasia is represented by several large, semi-articulated skeletons characterized by a weakly ossified skull with a loosely articulated palate dominated by a broad diamond-shaped parasphenoid, a posteriorly projecting occiput, and enlarged, interlocking dentary and coronoid fangs. Phylogenetic analysis resolves Gaiasia within the tetrapod stem group as the sister taxon of the Carboniferous Colosteidae from Euramerica. Gaiasia is larger than all previously described digited stem tetrapods and provides evidence that continental tetrapods were well established in the cold-temperate latitudes of Gondwana during the final phases of the Carboniferous-Permian deglaciation. This points to a more global distribution of continental tetrapods during the Carboniferous-Permian transition and indicates that previous hypotheses of global tetrapod faunal turnover and dispersal at this time2,3 must be reconsidered.
Fósseis , Camada de Gelo , Comportamento Predatório , Vertebrados , Animais , História Antiga , Namíbia , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Filogenia , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Dente/anatomia & histologia , Vertebrados/anatomia & histologia , Vertebrados/classificação , Áreas Alagadas , Tamanho CorporalRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: The superimposition of 3 dimensions (3D) digital models has been increasingly used for evaluating dental changes resulting from orthodontic treatment, and different superimposition techniques have been described. Although the maxilla has areas with greater stability for superimposition, such as the palatal rugae, there is still no reliable method for superimposing models of the lower arch. OBJECTIVE: Therefore, this article aims to describe a technique for superimposing virtual models. METHODS: To evaluate pre- and post-orthodontic treatment changes, the Geomagic Qualify 2013 software (3D Systems®, Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA) was used, with reference points in the maxilla, including the rugae and a reference area in the palate and midpalatal raphe. The lower arch was superimposed using the maximum habitual intercuspation (MHI) model as reference. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: 3D models superimposition using palatal rugae and MHI occlusion seems to offer satisfactory results in the interpretation of clinical changes at different follow-up moments in terms of development and/or orthodontic treatment.
Imageamento Tridimensional , Modelos Dentários , Software , Humanos , Imageamento Tridimensional/métodos , Maxila/anatomia & histologia , Palato Duro/anatomia & histologia , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Oclusão Dentária , Mandíbula/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
El conocimiento anatómico del canal nasopalatino (CNP) es fundamental para la realización de cirugías en el sector anterior del maxilar y así prever posibles complicaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar y determinar las variaciones anatómicas y dimensionales del CNP según sexo, edad y estado dental. Este estudio transversal analizó un total de 251 imágenes de TCHC obtenidas de la base de datos del Servicio de Imagenología Oral y Maxilofacial de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Andrés Bello, Viña del Mar, Chile. Para evaluar la asociación estadística entre variaciones del CNP con sexo, edad y estado dentario se realizó la prueba T de Student, chi-cuadrado y ANOVA (p0,05). Además, se detectó diferencia significativa entre el estado dentario y la dimensión de la tabla vestibular en relación con el CNP (p<0,01). Se deben considerar las variaciones de CNP para evitar posibles complicaciones durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos.
SUMMARY: Anatomical knowledge of the nasopalatine canal (PNC) is essential for performing surgeries in the anterior sector of the maxilla and thus anticipating possible complications. The objective of this work is to evaluate and determine the anatomical and dimensional variations of the CNP according to sex, age and dental status. This cross-sectional study analyzed a total of 251 CBCT images obtained from the database of the Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging Service of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Andrés Bello University, Viña del Mar, Chile. To evaluate the statistical association between CNP variations with sex, age and dental status, the Student's T test, chi-square and ANOVA (p0.05). In addition, a significant difference was detected between the dental state and the dimension of the vestibular table in relation to the CNP (p<0.01). CNP variations should be considered to avoid potential complications during surgical procedures.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Palato/diagnóstico por imagem , Nariz/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Variação Anatômica , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Nariz/anatomia & histologia , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Retrospectivos , Distribuição por Idade e Sexo , MaxilaRESUMO
Objetivos: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer la correlación entre la presencia de maloclusiones a nivel vertical con el índice del paladar y con la altura palatina. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de tipo transversal. La población de estudio fue conformada por 134 modelos de yeso con dentición mixta, 81 mujeres y 53 hombres, seleccionados por conveniencia y obtenidos desde el 2014 hasta el 2018 del área de clínica de odontopediatría y ortodoncia en la Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad León. La muestra de estudio fue dividida en 3 categorías según la oclusión; mordida abierta (37), mordida profunda (32) y normoclusión (65). Se realizaron mediciones del ancho intermolar y altura del paladar con el uso de un calibrador digital, posteriormente se obtuvo el índice del paladar y se correlacionó con los parámetros expuestos por Korkhaus mediante la prueba estadística de Spearman. Resultados: La prueba estadística de Spearman refleja que no hay correlación entre la magnitud de los valores del índice del paladar propuestos por Korkhaus con la presencia de maloclusiones a nivel vertical. De igual manera las pruebas estadísticas indican que no existe correlación notable entre la altura del paladar y la oclusión en relación vertical. Conclusiones: El resultado obtenido al usar el índice del paladar no fue capaz de corresponder a los parámetros propuestos por Korkhaus como normales, posiblemente al ser usado durante la etapa de la dentición mixta pues durante este periodo suceden cambios constantes relacionados al crecimiento.
Objetivos: Os objetivos a presente investigação buscou valor uma correlação entre a presença de más oclusões em nível vertical com o índice do palato e com a altura palatina. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo do tipo transversal. A população do estudo foi composta por 134 modelos de gesso com dentição mista, 81 mulheres e 53 homens, selecionados por conveniência e obtidos de 2014 a 2018 na área de Odontopediatria e Ortodontia na Escola Nacional de Ensino Superior Unidade de León. A amostra do estudo foi dividida em 3 categorias de acordo com a oclusão; mordida aberta (37), mordida profunda (32) e normoclusão (65). A medida da largura intermolar e da altura do palato foi feita com o uso de um paquímetro digital, o índice de palato foi posteriormente obtido e relacionado aos parâmetros expostos por Korkhaus por meio do teste estatístico de Spearman. Resultados: O teste estatístico de Spearman mostra que não há correlação entre a magnitude dos valores do índice de palato proposta por Korkhaus e a presença de más oclusões verticais. Da mesma forma, os testes estatísticos indicam que não há correlação notável entre a altura do palato e a oclusão na relação vertical. Conclusões: O resultado obtido com o uso do índice de palato não foi capaz de corresponder aos parâmetros propostos por Korkhaus como normais, possivelmente quando usado durante o estágio de dentição mista, porque durante este período há mudanças constantes relacionadas ao crescimento
Purpose: The aim of the present study is to assess the relation between vertical malocclusions with palatal index and palatal height. Materials and Methods: Transversal study. The sample consisted in 134 stone models within mixed dentition, 81 females and 53 males, they were convenience selected and obtained from the pediatric and orthodontic dentistry medical center at the National School for Superior Studies Unit León since 2014 to 2018. The stone models were divided into three categories according to their kind of occlusion: open bite (37), deep bite (32) and normal bite (65). Palatal width and height were measure by using a digital caliper. Subsequently the palatal index was obtained and it was related with the parameters exposed by Korkhaus using the Spearman statistical test. Results: The Spearman statistical test indicated there is no a clearly relationship between palatal index values exposed by Korkhaus with the presence of vertical malocclusions and in the same way there is no a relationship between palatal height and vertical malocclusions.Conclusions: The result obtained by using the palatal index was no able to indicate an agreement with Korkhaus parameters. Probably this disagreement was due to the constant changes that occur during the period of the mixed dentition.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Dentição Mista , Má Oclusão , Estudos Transversais , Arco Dental/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
O objetivo deste estudo foi averiguar por meio de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) se parâmetros da morfologia palatina podem influenciar a espessura do tecido ósseo e mucoso do palato duro de indivíduos adultos. A amostra consistiu em 82 exames tomográficos (31 homens, 51 mulheres) de pacientes adultos com dentição completa e sem tratamento ortodôntico prévio. A reconstrução multiplanar dos cortes tomográficos, orientação e medições foram realizadas com o software CS 3D Imaging. Foi mensurado o comprimento do palato, a altura palatina, a largura entre os caninos e primeiros molares superiores. A espessura de tecido ósseo (ETO) e a espessura de tecido mucoso para o (ETM) do palato duro foram mensuradas no sentido anteroposterior, a partir do forame incisivo a 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 e 24 mm, enquanto que no sentido mediolateral, foi realizada ao nível da sutura palatina mediana, 3 e 6 mm bilateralmente, totalizando em 60 mensurações por imagem tomográfica (30 para o ETO e 30paro o ETM). Para análise estatística, foram utilizados os testes de regressão linear univariada e multivariada. O nível de significância adotado para este estudo foi de 5%. O comprimento do palato influenciou a ETO na região anterior do palato. A altura palatina exerceu influencia na ETM da região anterior paramediana a 6 mm da sutura palatina mediana. A largura entre caninos exerceu influência na ETO da região posterior do palato e na ETM da região anterior da sutura e na região paramediana a 6 mm da sutura palatina mediana. A largura entre molares exerceu influencia na ETO da região paramediana a 3 mm da sutura palatina e na ETM de todo o palato O sexo teve influência apenas na ETO. Conclui-se que os parâmetros da morfologia apresentaram influência, com significância estatística, na espessura de tecido ósseo e mucoso do palato duro. No entanto, essa influência tem pouca relevância clínica. Faz-se necessário o uso de TCFC durante o planejamento da inserção de mini-implantes no palato ósseo, pois os parâmetros morfológicos não são preditores confiáveis da espessura de tecido ósseo e mucoso. (AU)
The aim of this study was to investigate using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) whether parameters of palatal morphology can influence the thickness of bone and mucosa tissue of the hard palate of adults. The sample consisted of 82 CT scans of adult patients with complete dentition and no previous orthodontic treatment. The multiplanar reconstruction of the tomographic slices, orientation and measurements were performed with CS 3D Imaging software. The palate length, palatal height, width between the canines and first molars were measured. The palate bone thickness (PBT) and palate soft thickness (PST) of the hard palate were measured in the anteroposterior direction, from the incisive foramen at 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 mm, in the mediolateral direction, it was performed at the level of the midpalatal suture, 3 and 6 mm bilaterally. Totaling 60 measurements per tomographic image (30 for the PBT and 30 for the PST). For statistical analysis, univariate and multivariate linear regression tests were used. The significance level adopted for this study was 5%. The palate length influenced the PBT in the anterior region of the palate. Palatal height had an influence on the PST of the anterior paramedian region at 6 mm from the midpalatal suture. The width between canines had an influence on the PBT of the posterior palatal region and on the PST of the anterior palatal suture region and on the paramedian region at 6 mm from the midpalatal suture. The width between molars had an influence on the PBT of the paramedian region at 3 mm from the midpalatal suture and on the PST of the entire palate. Thus, it can be concluded that the morphology parameters had an influence with statistical significance on the thickness of bone and mucosa tissue of the hard palate, however, this influence has little clinical relevance. It is necessary to use CBCT when planning the insertion of mini-implants in the bony palate because morphological parameters are not reliable predictors of bone and mucosa tissue thickness. (AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Palato/ultraestrutura , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Palato/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar nas formas qualitativa e quantitativa as regiões ósseas do palato, mensurar o conhecimento de ortodontistas acerca da interpretação das imagens tomográficas, de acordo com sua experiência, além de avaliar a intensidade dos valores dos voxels das regiões ósseas do palato utilizando programa ImageJ/Fiji® . A amostra foi composta por cinquenta exames de Tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico pertencentes ao banco de dados da Disciplina de Ortodontia e Radiologia Oral, da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, e vinte e quatro examinadores, pósgraduados em Ortodontia. Esses realizaram o preenchimento do questionário para análise qualitativa em três tempos, com intervalo de quinze dias entre eles. Para análise quantitativa, dois examinadores, pesquisadores do estudo, realizaram as mensurações ósseas a fim de estabelecer o padrão-ouro. Para análise dos dados, o nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05 e o programa utilizado foi o SPSS v.25. De acordo com a análise quantitativa, encontrou-se uma espessura óssea palatal 28% maior nos homens comparada às mulheres. A espessura óssea palatal diminui gradualmente da região anterior para a posterior, sendo a maior encontrada 9 mm lateralmente à sutura palatal mediana. Um aumento significativo da espessura no grupo dos adolescentes foi notado. A análise qualitativa mostrou que não houve significância no desempenho de acordo com a experiência dos examinadores (p>0,05), demonstrando maior dificuldade na questão relativa à sutura palatal mediana e maior facilidade na questão sobre a área de maior qualidade óssea. Quando considerada a análise quantitativa dos valores de intensidade de voxels da região palatal, revelou confiabilidade com os resultados da questão relativa à classificação óssea em D1, D2 e D3. Conclui-se que o método proposto para quantificar os valores de voxels é eficaz e pode ser utilizado clinicamente para avaliar a qualidade óssea em relação aos valores de voxels da região de interesse. (AU)
The objective of the present study was to evaluate qualitative and quantitative forms such as bone regions of the palate, to measure or the knowledge of orthodontists on the interpretation of tomographic images, according to their experience, in addition to evaluating the intensity of the values of voxels in bone regions of the palate using the ImageJ / Fiji® program, version 1.50d (NIH, Bethesda, USA). The sample consisted of fifty CBCT exams belonging to the database of the Clinics of Orthodontics and Oral Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - FO / UFRJ, and twenty-four examiners, post-graduated in Orthodontics. They carried out the full fill the questionnaire for qualitative analysis in three stages, with an interval of fifteen days between them, under the same conditions. For quantitative analysis, two examiners, researchers in the study, perform bone measurements at the end of the gold standard. The level of significance adopted was 0.05 and the program used was SPSS v.25. According to the quantitative analysis, 28% greater palatal bone thickness was found in men compared to women. The palatal bone thickness gradually decreased from the anterior to the posterior region and the greater thickness was found 9 mm laterally in the median palatal suture. A significant increase in thickness was noticed in the group of adolescents. The data from the qualitative analysis, which showed that there was no significance in performance, showed the levels of experience of the examiners (p> 0.05), however, a greater difficulty in the question regarding median palatal mediation was detected and easier in the question about an area of higher bone quality. When taking into account a quantitative analysis of the values of voxel variables of the palatal region, revealed tests with the results of the question regarding the bone classification in D1, D2 and D3. Conclude whether the proposed method for quantifying voxel values is effective and can be used clinically to assess bone quality in relation to voxel values in the region of interest. (AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Interpretação de Imagem Assistida por Computador , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Ortodontistas/estatística & dados numéricos , Conhecimento , Ortodontistas , Análise de DadosRESUMO
La morfología y dimensiones de ciertas estructuras anatómicas varían de población a población, así como de individuo a individuo; el canal nasopalatino (CNP) es una de estas estructuras, este se encuentra ubicado en la línea media del paladar y aloja el nervio nasopalatino y la rama terminal de la arteria nasopalatina. El propósito de este estudio es determinar la morfología y dimensiones promedio del CNP en la población mexicana mediante tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT). Se analizaron 120 CBCT de manera coronal, transversal y sagital; y se clasificaron siguiendo los parámetros de Bornstein. Para el análisis estadístico se determinó la normalidad de las variables empleando la prueba de Shapiro Wilk y la significancia estadística mediante la prueba de UMann Whitney. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticas significativas en las variables analizadas del canal nasopalatino entre hombres y mujeres. De acuerdo con los datos obtenidos se puede establecer que la morfología del CNP es muy variable y se recomienda realizar un estudio morfológico y dimensional antes de cualquier intervención quirúrgica relacionada con esta zona.
Certain human structures present different dimensions and morphologies in each population and individual, the nasopalatine canal being one of these. It is located in the midline of the palate, and it contains the nasopalatine nerve and the terminal branch of the nasopalatine artery. The purpose of this study was to analyze and record measurements of the nasopalatine duct in Mexican population by Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). A total of 120 CBCT coronal, transversal and sagittal views were analyzed. The data were classified according to Bornstein´s parameters. The normality of the variables was determined with the Shapiro Wilk test and the statistical significance was determinate by U-Mann Whitney test. A statistically significant difference was found in the evaluated variables of the nasopalatal canal between men and women. The data obtained determined that the morphology of the nasopalatine canal is variable and a morphological and dimensional analysis before any surgical intervention related with the area is recommended.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto Jovem , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Nariz/anatomia & histologia , Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico , Palato/diagnóstico por imagem , Fatores Sexuais , Nariz/diagnóstico por imagem , MéxicoRESUMO
Subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) is an essential therapeutic tool in periodontal plastic surgery and implantology. The aim of this preliminary study was to observe and make a histological and histomorphometric comparison of the composition of subepithelial connective tissue grafts (SCTGs) harvested from the palatal mucosa by two different harvesting techniques: mucoperiosteal (lamina propria and complete submucosa including periosteum) and mucosal (lamina propria and a portion of the submucosa). The main hypothesis proposes that SCTG harvested with the mucosal technique contains a greater proportion of connective tissue proper (CTP) and a lower proportion of adipose tissue (AT) than the mucoperiosteal technique. Twenty healthy patients who required SCTG for different purposes were selected and assigned to one of the two following groups: group A (n=10; mucoperiosteal harvesting technique) and group B (n=10, mucosal harvesting technique). The histological sample was obtained by removing a 2 mm thick slice from the most distal portion of the graft. The proportions of adipose tissue (AT), connective tissue proper (CTP) and vascular tissue (VT) were evaluated. In group A, histomorphometric analysis showed that CTP accounted for 58.2% of the graft while AT accounted for 32.64%. In group B, the proportions of CTP and AT were 79.86% and 11.93%, respectively. The differences between groups were statistically significant for both tissues (p< .05). In contrast, no statistically significant difference was observed in the proportion of VT. Within the limitations of this study, the results show that the SCTGs harvested by the mucosal technique contain a greater proportion of CTP and a lower proportion of AT than those obtained by the mucoperiosteal technique, whereas the proportion of VT does not differ. Further long-term clinical and histological studies with more samples are needed to evaluate the clinical implications of SCTG composition.
El injerto de tejido conectivo subepitelial (ITCSE) es una herramienta indispensable en la cirugía plástica periodontal y la implantología. El objetivo del presente estudio preliminar fue observar y comparar histológica e histomorfometricamente la composición de los injertos de tejido conectivo subepitelial (ITCSE) obtenidos de la mucosa palatina mediante dos técnicas diferentes: mucoperióstica (lamina propia y submucosa incluyendo el periostio) y mucosa (lámina propia y parte de la submucosa). La principal hipótesis postula que el ITCSE obtenido mediante la técnica mucosa contiene mayor proporción de tejido conectivo propiamente dicho (TCP) y menor proporción de tejido adiposo (TA) que el obtenido mediante la técnica mucoperióstica. El presente estudio incluyó veinte pacientes sanos que requerían ITCSE por diferentes motivos, los cuales fueron distribuidos de forma equitativa en dos grupos: grupo A (n=10; técnica de obtención mucoperióstica) y grupo B (n=10; técnica de obtención mucosa). La muestra histológica se obtuvo removiendo una porción de 2 mm de ancho de la parte más distal del injerto. Se evaluó la proporción (%) de tejido adiposo (TA), tejido conectivo propiamente dicho (TCP) y tejido vascular (TV). En el grupo A, el análisis histomorfométrico mostró que el TCP constituía el 58.2% del tejido mientras que el tejido adiposo constituía el 32.64%. En el grupo B, la proporción de TCP y AT fue 79.86%y 11.93%, respectivamente. Las diferencias observadas entre los grupos fueron estadísticamente significativas para ambos tejidos (p< .05). En cambio, no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la proporción de TV. Dentro de las limitaciones del presente estudio, los resultados mostraron que los ITCSE obtenidos mediante la técnica mucosa contienen mayor proporción de TCP y menor proporción de TA que los obtenidos con la técnica mucoperióstica, mientras que el TV permanece estable. Se requieren estudios longitudinales clínicos e histológicos a largo plazo con mayor cantidad de muestras para evaluar las implicancias clínicas de la composición del ITCSE.
Tecido Conjuntivo/anatomia & histologia , Tecido Conjuntivo/transplante , Gengiva/anatomia & histologia , Gengiva/transplante , Retração Gengival/cirurgia , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Transplante de Tecidos , Transplantes , Autoenxertos , Tecido Conjuntivo/cirurgia , Gengiva/cirurgia , Humanos , Palato/cirurgia , Periodontia , Transplante de Tecidos/métodos , Transplantes/cirurgia , Transplantes/transplanteRESUMO
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate topographic and temporal aspects of premaxillary bone and premaxillary-maxillary suture, since they are fundamental anatomical elements little explored clinically. Methods: 1,138 human dry skulls were evaluated, of which 116 (10.19%) of the specimens were children, and 1,022 (89.81%) were adults. The skulls were photographed and the percentage of premaxillary-maxillary suture opening was determined. Subsequently the data were tabulated and submitted to statistical analysis, adopting a level of significance of 5%. Results: The progression of premaxillary suture closure from birth to 12 years of age was 3.72% per year. In 100% of the skulls up to 12 years, the premaxillary-maxillary suture open in the palatal region was observed, while 6.16% of adults presented different degrees of opening. Conclusions: The premaxilla exists in an independent way within the maxillary complex and the presence of the premaxilla-maxillary suture justifies the success of anteroposterior expansions to stimulate the growth of the middle third of the face, solving anatomical and functional problems.
RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar aspectos topográficos e temporais do osso pré-maxilar e da sutura pré-maxilar/maxilar, por serem elementos anatômicos fundamentais pouco explorados clinicamente. Métodos: foram avaliados 1.138 crânios secos humanos, sendo 116 (10,19%) dos espécimes crianças e 1.022 (89,81%) adultos. Os crânios foram fotografados e determinou-se a porcentagem de abertura da sutura pré-maxilar/maxilar. Posteriormente, os dados foram tabulados e submetidos a análise estatística, adotando-se nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: a progressão de fechamento da sutura pré-maxilar/maxilar do nascimento aos 12 anos de idade foi de 3,72% ao ano. Em 100% dos crânios até 12 anos, observou-se a sutura pré-maxilar/maxilar aberta na região palatina, enquanto 6,16% dos adultos apresentavam diferentes graus. Conclusões: a pré-maxila existe de forma independente dentro do complexo maxilar e a presença da sutura pré-maxilar / maxilar justifica o sucesso de expansões anteroposteriores para estimular o crescimento do terço médio da face, solucionando problemas anatômicos e funcionais.
Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adulto , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Crânio/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Suturas Cranianas/anatomia & histologia , Suturas Cranianas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Maxila/anatomia & histologia , Maxila/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Desenvolvimento Maxilofacial/fisiologia , Ortodontia Corretiva , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Palato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Palato/diagnóstico por imagem , Crânio/diagnóstico por imagem , Fatores Etários , Maxila/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
Establishing the genetic basis that underlies craniofacial variability in natural populations is one of the main topics of evolutionary and developmental studies. One of the genes associated with mammal craniofacial variability is RUNX2, and in the present study we investigated the association between craniofacial length and width and RUNX2 across New World bats (Phyllostomidae) and primates (Catarrhini and Platyrrhini). Our results showed contrasting patterns of association between the glutamate/alanine ratios (Q/A ratio) and palate shape in these highly diverse groups. In phyllostomid bats, we found an association between shorter/broader faces and increase of the Q/A ratio. In New World monkeys (NWM) there was a positive correlation of increasing Q/A ratios to more elongated faces. Our findings reinforced the role of the Q/A ratio as a flexible genetic mechanism that would rapidly change the time of skull ossification throughout development. However, we propose a scenario in which the influence of this genetic adjustment system is indirect. The Q/A ratio would not lead to a specific phenotype, but throughout the history of a lineage, would act along with evolutionary constraints, as well as other genes, as a facilitator for adaptive morphological changes.
Quirópteros/genética , Subunidade alfa 1 de Fator de Ligação ao Core/genética , Palato/fisiologia , Platirrinos/genética , Alanina/análise , Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Evolução Biológica , Quirópteros/classificação , Subunidade alfa 1 de Fator de Ligação ao Core/química , Subunidade alfa 1 de Fator de Ligação ao Core/metabolismo , Bases de Dados Genéticas , Ácido Glutâmico/análise , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Filogenia , Platirrinos/classificação , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Crânio/fisiologiaRESUMO
Objective: To analyse the role of palatal rugoscopy in person identification and sex determination. Material and Methods: The study group consisted of 30 children having mixed dentition within the age range of 8-15 years. Based on the length of the rugae, it was classified as primary (>5mm), secondary (3-5mm) and fragmentary (<3mm) and according to shape, (straight, curve, circular and wavy). Association between rugae patterns and sexual dimorphism were tested and statistically analysed using Chi-square test and stepwise discriminant function analysis with statistical software SPSS version 17.0. Results: Results of the present study indicates that there was higher primary rugae patterns (p>0.05) among boys over girls (boys - 224 and girls - 213) and circular rugae pattern and secondary rugae were more among girls (88) over boys (56) (p<0.05). Converging unification pattern was more among boys (17) over girls (11), whereas diverging pattern was more among girls (19) over boys (13), but there was no difference for wavy and curved patterns between boys and girls. These results were confirmed with standardized canonical discriminant function coefficient test. Conclusion: The present study hypothesizes the uniqueness of the rugae pattern in person identification as no two palates showed similar type of rugae in either of the genders. Palatal rugae revealed a specific pattern in unification among boys and girls. Discriminant function analysis enabled sex determination of individuals.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Criança , Antropologia Forense , Odontologia Legal , Índia , Distribuição de Qui-Quadrado , AdolescenteRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate topographic and temporal aspects of premaxillary bone and premaxillary-maxillary suture, since they are fundamental anatomical elements little explored clinically. METHODS: 1,138 human dry skulls were evaluated, of which 116 (10.19%) of the specimens were children, and 1,022 (89.81%) were adults. The skulls were photographed and the percentage of premaxillary-maxillary suture opening was determined. Subsequently the data were tabulated and submitted to statistical analysis, adopting a level of significance of 5%. RESULTS: The progression of premaxillary suture closure from birth to 12 years of age was 3.72% per year. In 100% of the skulls up to 12 years, the premaxillary-maxillary suture open in the palatal region was observed, while 6.16% of adults presented different degrees of opening. CONCLUSIONS: The premaxilla exists in an independent way within the maxillary complex and the presence of the premaxilla-maxillary suture justifies the success of anteroposterior expansions to stimulate the growth of the middle third of the face, solving anatomical and functional problems.
Suturas Cranianas/anatomia & histologia , Suturas Cranianas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Maxila/anatomia & histologia , Maxila/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Desenvolvimento Maxilofacial/fisiologia , Crânio/anatomia & histologia , Crânio/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Adulto , Fatores Etários , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Maxila/diagnóstico por imagem , Ortodontia Corretiva , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Palato/diagnóstico por imagem , Palato/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Crânio/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
Objective: To identify specific predominant rugoscopy and dactyloscopy patterns in children associated with malocclusion and dental caries for the predilection of malocclusion and dental caries. Material and Methods: 800 children between 8-16 years were screened and among them, 150 were who met inclusion criteria were selected and divided into 2 Groups. Based on Angle's malocclusion, Group 1 (n = 90) was subdivided into Group 1A (30 - Class I), 1B (30 - Class II) and 1C (30 - Class III). Based on DMFT, Group 2 (n = 60) were subdivided as Group 2A (30 - Caries free) and 2B (30 - Caries active). Both Groups had an equal distribution of boys and girls. Finger and palm prints were analyzed using Cummins and Midlo; rugae patterns were analyzed using Thomas and Kotze classification. The obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis using Chi-square test. Results: Based on dermatoglyphics, predominant loop pattern was observed in all the subgroups of Group 1 (1A, 1B and 1C). Based on rugae pattern, predominant wavy pattern in Group 1A and curved pattern in both 1B and 1C were observed. In Group 2, loop dermatoglyphic pattern and wavy rugae pattern were predominant in Groups 2A and 2B. Atd angle was highest in Groups 1A (41.60) and 2B (42.36). Gender distribution showed curved pattern of palatal rugae in Group 2B (Caries active) females. Statistical significance was seen in dactyloscopy and rugoscopy patterns among both Group I and Group II (p<0.05). Conclusion: The curved rugae pattern in Group 1B and 1C can be considered as a predictor in Class II and Class III malocclusions. Gender differentiation showed predominant curved pattern in females of Group 2B (Caries active).
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Criança , Estudos de Coortes , Cárie Dentária , Dermatoglifia , Má Oclusão/diagnóstico , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Distribuição por Idade e Sexo , Distribuição de Qui-QuadradoRESUMO
The midpalatal suture has bone margins with thick connective tissue interposed between them, and it does not represent the fusion of maxillary palatal processes only, but also the fusion of palatal processes of the jaws and horizontal osseous laminae of palatal bones. Changing it implies affecting neighboring areas. It has got three segments that should be considered by all clinical analyses, whether therapeutic or experimental: the anterior segment (before the incisive foramen, or intermaxillary segment), the middle segment (from the incisive foramen to the suture transversal to the palatal bone ) and the posterior segment (after the suture transversal to the palatal bone ). Rapid palatal expansion might be recommended for patients at the final pubertal growth stage, in addition to adult patients with maxillary constriction. It represents a treatment solution that can potentially avoid surgical intervention. When performed in association with rapid palatal expanders, it might enhance the skeletal effects of the latter. Of the various designs of expansion appliances, MARPE (miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expander) has been modified in order to allow its operational advantages and outcomes to become familiar in the clinical practice.
Procedimentos de Ancoragem Ortodôntica/instrumentação , Técnica de Expansão Palatina/instrumentação , Adolescente , Adulto , Humanos , Desenho de Aparelho Ortodôntico , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Adulto JovemRESUMO
ABSTRACT The midpalatal suture has bone margins with thick connective tissue interposed between them, and it does not represent the fusion of maxillary palatal processes only, but also the fusion of palatal processes of the jaws and horizontal osseous laminae of palatal bones. Changing it implies affecting neighboring areas. It has got three segments that should be considered by all clinical analyses, whether therapeutic or experimental: the anterior segment (before the incisive foramen, or intermaxillary segment), the middle segment (from the incisive foramen to the suture transversal to the palatal bone ) and the posterior segment (after the suture transversal to the palatal bone ). Rapid palatal expansion might be recommended for patients at the final pubertal growth stage, in addition to adult patients with maxillary constriction. It represents a treatment solution that can potentially avoid surgical intervention. When performed in association with rapid palatal expanders, it might enhance the skeletal effects of the latter. Of the various designs of expansion appliances, MARPE (miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expander) has been modified in order to allow its operational advantages and outcomes to become familiar in the clinical practice.
RESUMO A sutura palatina mediana tem margens ósseas interpostas por tecido conjuntivo denso e não representa apenas a união dos processos palatinos da maxila, mas também a dos processos alveolares das maxilas e das lâminas horizontais dos ossos palatinos. Modificá-la implica em influenciar outras áreas vizinhas. Ela tem três segmentos a serem considerados em todas as análises clínicas, terapêuticas e experimentais: anterior (antes do forame incisivo, ou intermaxilar), médio (do forame incisivo até a sutura transversa com o osso palatino) e posterior (após a sutura transversa com o osso palatino). A expansão rápida da maxila pode ser indicada para pacientes que se encontram no final da fase de crescimento da puberdade, além de pacientes adultos com atresia maxilar, representando uma solução de tratamento, possivelmente evitando uma intervenção cirúrgica. Quando associada a aparelhos de protração maxilar, pode maximizar os efeitos esqueléticos desses. Entre os vários designs de aparelhos disjuntores, ultimamente encontra-se o MARPE (Miniscrew-Assisted Rapid Palatal Expander), que tem sido modificado para que ocorra, na rotina clínica, uma familiarização com suas vantagens operatórias e resultados obtidos.
Humanos , Adolescente , Adulto Jovem , Técnica de Expansão Palatina , Procedimentos de Ancoragem Ortodôntica/instrumentação , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Desenho de Aparelho OrtodônticoRESUMO
INTRODUÇÃO: A correção cirúrgica primária do palato é de fundamental importância na reabilitação do indivíduo com fissura labiopalatina e visa tanto a restauração anatômica local, com o fechamento da comunicação existente entre a cavidade nasal e oral, como a restauração funcional do anel velofaríngeo por meio do reposicionamento dos músculos palatinos. Ao longo dos anos, as técnicas de fechamento de palato foram evoluindo progressivamente, utilizando, cada vez mais, o procedimento de reposicionamento da musculatura responsável pelo fechamento do esfíncter velofaríngeo, denominado veloplastia intravelar. Tal procedimento favorece o funcionamento sinérgico da musculatura velar e faríngea, evitando, assim, os sintomas decorrentes da insuficiência velofaríngea. No entanto, apesar de todos os esforços no sentido de conseguir o funcionamento velofaríngeo adequado, intercorrências intraoperatórias e complicações pós-operatórias imediatas e/ou tardias podem contribuir para o insucesso da palatoplastia primária e, consequentemente, levar ao aparecimento de hipernasalidade. MÉTODOS: Sessenta pacientes submetidos à palatoplastia primária com veloplastia intravelar. Intercorrências intraoperatórias e complicações pós-operatórias imediatas e tardias foram investigadas. A presença e localização de fístula ou deiscência do palato foi feita por meio de avaliação clínica. Os pacientes foram submetidos, também, à gravação em áudio de amostra de fala, as quais foram analisadas por três fonoaudiólogas. As intercorrências intraoperatórias e as complicações pós-operatórias foram analisadas de forma descritiva. A associação entre as intercorrências intraoperatórias e complicações imediatas e tardias com a formação de fístulas, bem como a associação entre a ocorrência de fístulas e deiscências com a presença e ausência de hipernasalidade, foram analisadas por meio de Teste de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se 5% de intercorrências intraoperatórias, 20% de complicações imediatas e 13,3% de complicações tardias. O índice de fístulas foi de 16,67%. A proporção de hipernasalidade foi de 18,6%. CONCLUSÃO: A palatoplastia com veloplastia intravelar utilizada no presente estudo demonstrou ser uma técnica segura, de fácil execução, eficiente para a fala e com baixos índices de complicações.
INTRODUCTION: The primary surgical correction of the palate is of fundamental importance in the rehabilitation of individuals with labiopalatine cleft and aims for local anatomical restoration and closure of the existing communication between the nasal and oral cavities, such as functional restoration of the velopharyngeal ring through repositioning of the palatine muscles. Palate closure techniques have evolved progressively over the years and increasingly involve repositioning of the muscles responsible for closing the velopharyngeal sphincter, called intravelar veloplasty. This procedure encourages the synergistic operation of the velar and pharyngeal musculature, thereby avoiding the symptoms resulting from velopharyngeal insufficiency. However, despite efforts to achieve adequate velopharyngeal function, intraoperative events and immediate postoperative and/or late complications may contribute to primary palatoplasty failure and consequently lead to hypernasality. METHODS: Sixty patients underwent primary palatoplasty with intravelar veloplasty. Intraoperative events and immediate and late postoperative complications were investigated. The presence and location of palatal fistula or dehiscence was assessed by clinical evaluation. The patients also made an audio recording of their speech that was analyzed by three speech therapists. The intraoperative events and postoperative complications were descriptively analyzed. The association between intraoperative events and immediate and late postoperative complications with the formation of fistulae as well as that between the occurrence of fistulae and dehiscences and the presence and absence of hypernasality was analyzed using Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: Overall, there was a 5% incidence of intraoperative events, 20% incidence of immediate complications, and 13.3% incidence of late complications. Fistulae and hypernasality were found in 16.67% and 18.6% of cases, respectively. CONCLUSION: Palatoplasty with intravelar veloplasty is a safe and easily implemented technique that is efficient for speech and has low complication rates.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Criança , História do Século XXI , Palato , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Fala , Insuficiência Velofaríngea , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fenda Labial , Fissura Palatina , Estudo de Avaliação , Esfíncter Velofaríngeo , Fístula , Doenças do Recém-Nascido , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Palato/cirurgia , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/cirurgia , Insuficiência Velofaríngea/cirurgia , Fenda Labial/cirurgia , Fissura Palatina/cirurgia , Fissura Palatina/terapia , Esfíncter Velofaríngeo/cirurgia , Fístula/cirurgia , Fístula/terapia , Doenças do Recém-Nascido/cirurgiaRESUMO
The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the effect of different types of orthognathic surgery on the dimensions of the upper airways assessed using three-dimensional images. An electronic search was performed in Cochrane Library, Medline, Scopus, VHL, Web of Science, and the System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe, ending January 2015. Inclusion criteria encompassed clinical studies in humans, patient age >15 years, patients submitted to maxillary or mandibular advancement or setback surgery, isolated or in combination, and presentation of airway measures, specifically volume and/or minimum cross-sectional area (CSA), obtained from computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Additional searches were conducted on the references of included articles and in the NLM catalogue. An assessment of the risk of bias was performed. A total of 1180 studies were retrieved, of which 28 met the eligibility criteria; one was later excluded as it presented a high risk of bias. A meta-analysis was performed. There is moderate evidence to conclude that the upper airway minimum CSA increases significantly (124.13 mm(2)) after maxillomandibular advancement (MMA); the total volume increases significantly after MMA (7416.10mm(3)) and decreases significantly after maxillary advancement+mandibular setback (-1552.90 mm(3)) and isolated mandibular setback (-1894.65 mm(3)).
Diagnóstico por Imagem , Imageamento Tridimensional , Boca/anatomia & histologia , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Ortognáticos , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Faringe/anatomia & histologia , HumanosRESUMO
Los caninos superiores permanentes, estadísticamente, se encuentran entre las piezas dentarias que con más frecuencia quedan en retención ósea,después de los terceros molares.Sin embargo, los caninos, estética, funcionalmente, y para mantenimiento de las relaciones contactantes,a la hora de valorarlos en boca, desempeñan una función más importante que los terceros molares. Por eso la importancia de poder ubicarlos en el arco dentario. Cuando los ortodoncistas, sobre todo los menos experimentados, se enfrentan a la decisión de conservar los caninos que se encuentran en posiciones deretención ósea palatina, son muchos los interrogantes que se le plantean sobre su posible ubicación con éxito, en el arco dentario. Frecuentemente está la duda de cuál es el límite de la posición de retención para intentar su acomodamiento. Proponemos un simple trazado que se puede hacersobre la ortopantomografia panorámica, marcando dos líneas tangentes a la pared externa delas fosas nasales que se continuarán con los ejes longitudinales de los caninos retenidos de ambos lados. Si queda constituida una figura geométrica de apariencia de un rombo, significa que el extremo de la raíz se encuentra próximo a la posición que anatómicamente le pertenece (fosa canina del maxilar superior), existiendo una alta probabilidad de concluir con éxito su ubicación en el arco dentario.
Statiscally, permanent upper canines are the mostfrequently impacted teeth, after third molars.Upper canines though, have more significancethan third molars aesthetically, functionally andin maintaining contacting relations;thus the importance of bringing them inthe correct position within the dental arch.When an Orthodontist, particularly those lessexperienced, are faced with the decision ofmaintaining canines impacted in the palatal bone;many questions linger regarding the possibilitiesof successful relocation into the dental arch.Frequently, the question lays in the limitationsof moving it from its impacted positionto the correct one.We propose a simple tracing of theOrthopantomogram (OPG), marking twotangent lines to the lateral wall of the nasal cavitycontinuing on the long axis of the impactedcanines of both sides. If the result is a geometricfigure resembling a rhombus, it means thatthe radicular apex is close to the correctanatomical position (maxillary canine fossa),indicating high probabilities of successfullypositioning the impacted tooth.
Humanos , Dente Canino/fisiopatologia , Dente Impactado/diagnóstico por imagem , Radiografia Panorâmica/métodos , Arco Dental/anatomia & histologia , Palato/anatomia & histologiaRESUMO
Introdução: Na odontologia forense, a cavidade oral tem um importante papel devido a sua anatomiaúnica. A queiloscopia e a rugoscopia são métodos de identificação seguros e acurados. Objetivos: Osobjetivos da presente pesquisa foram: a) avaliar a praticabilidade das técnicas empregadas; b) avaliar aunicidade das amostras; c) traçar um perfil das rugas palatinas e sulcos labiais de alunos do curso deOdontologia da UERN. Materiais e métodos: Foram feitas moldagens no palato com o auxilio demoldeiras de estoque e alginato. Modelos de estudo foram feitos com gesso tipo III. Para a obtenção dasimpressões labiais, foram utilizados um batom de cor vermelha, uma folha de papel de cor branca e umaplaca de vidro. Para classificar as impressões labiais foi utilizado o sistema de classificação de Suzuki eTsuchihashi. Para a classificação das rugas palatinas foi o utilizado o sistema de Martin dos Santos.Resultados: Ao todo foram coletadas 60 amostras, sendo 30 impressões labiais e 30 modelos comimpressões das rugas palatinas. As rugas palatinas do tipo sinuosa foram as mais encontradas. Os sulcoslabiais com maior ocorrência foram dos tipos bifurcados. Conclusões: A queiloscopia e a palatoscopiasão técnicas de identificação humana aplicáveis, porém é necessário que mais estudos sejam realizadospara que as mesmas sejam utilizadas com mais frequência entre os órgãos de investigaçõescompetentes. As técnicas mostraram-se exequíveis e as amostras singulares. Foi encontrada uma maiorocorrência de rugas palatinas sinuosas e uma predominância de sulcos labiais bifurcados.
Introduction: In forensic dentistry, the oral cavity plays a very important role because of the uniqueanatomy. The cheiloscopy and palatoscopy are self and accurate methods of identification. Objectives:The objectives of this research were: a)assess the feasibility of techniques b) assess the uniqueness ofthe sample c) draw a profile of wrinkles and furrows lip palate of students of Dentistry, UERN. Methods:Impressions on the palate were made with stocks trays and alginate and making the study model wasmade with plaster type III. To obtain the lip prints were used lipstick red color, a sheet of white paper and aglass plate. To sort the lip prints it was used the classification system of Suzuki and Tsuchihashi. For theclassification of palatal rugae was the system used Martin dos Santos. Results: Altogether 60 sampleswere collected, with 30 lip prints and 30 models with palatal rugae. The palatal rugae winding type werefound with higher occurrence. The highest occurrence labial furrows were bifurcated type. Conclusions:The cheiloscopy and palatoscopy are applicable human identification techniques, but it is necessary thatmore studies be conducted so that they are used more frequently among competent organs ofinvestigations. The techniques were feasible and the samples were singular. A higher occurrence ofwinding palatine rugae and a predominance of bifurcated labial grooves were found.
Antropologia Forense/estatística & dados numéricos , Antropologia Forense/legislação & jurisprudência , Odontologia Legal/métodos , Palato/anatomia & histologia , Palato/fisiologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Anterior open bite AOB is the most common malocclusion associated with speech disorders and the literature has shown that problems of occlusion involve all oral functions. AOB not only produce aesthetic and occlusal problems for the patient and modifies the union of the lips, tongue, teeth, palate, palatal rugae and oropharynx, and thus affecting the ability to communicate well with their surroundings. The prevalence of AOB in children and adolescent in our population is unknown. Furthermore, the most frequent type of dyslalias in children with this malocclusion is also unknown. Therefore, the aim of the study was to describe the frequency and types of dyslalia in students between 8-16 years with AOB, as well as the difference in the types of dyslalia according to the magnitude of AOB. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted. Clinical assessment of AOB in students from the municipality of Envigado, Colombia, was performed. Students from 8 to 16 years of age were examined during the second semester of 2011 and first semester of 2012. Phonoaudiological assessment was carried out in students in the mixed or permanent dentition. Exclusion criteria included children with history of systemic disease, altered skeletal development, neurological and psychiatric disorders, and residents in other departments. In addition, students undergoing orthodontic treatment at the time of evaluation or with history of previous orthodontic treatment, as well as those who did not cooperate with the oral cavity evaluation, were excluded. RESULTS: Six thousand one hundred sixty five children were evaluated. One hundred sixty six presented AOB (prevalence: 2.7 %; 95 % CI: 2.28-3.10). Thirty four students were excluded. 26.5 % of the sample presented mild AOB, 66.7 % moderate, and 6.8 % severe. Some type of dyslalia was found in 77.4 % of the students, being distortion (75.8 %) the most common. The most frequently altered phonemes were: / d / t / s / ch / ñ /. No significant association between different types of dyslalia and AOB severity (p-value = 0.974) was found. CONCLUSION: Prevalence of AOB in Envigado is low (2.7 %). Phonation alterations are very common in children with AOB (77.8 %), and distortion is the most frequent type of dyslalia (75.8 %). In order to diagnose and treat occlusal and phonetic problems, and to avoid possible recurrence, interdisciplinary approach is recommended.