Plágio , Pesquisadores , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Editoração , Má Conduta Científica , HumanosAssuntos
Envelhecimento , Humanos , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Enganação , Idoso , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Feminino , MasculinoRESUMO
We move beyond discussing the desirability and feasibility of bridging the research-practice gap to introducing an identity perspective to explore how Chinese management researchers make sense of the research-practice gap and what kinds of career identities are constructed. We conducted a qualitative study among 34 Chinese management researchers working at or studying for a PhD at research-oriented business schools in China. The findings show that management researchers in typical Chinese higher education institutions prefer constructing a single identity (i.e., professional, scholar, or knowledge worker identity) rather than a hybrid identity such as "academic-practitioner" as studies of their Western counterparts suggest. Moreover, before seeking and emulating role models to construct their desired career identities, researchers in China studying management reflexively search for referent groups by identifying either with a narrow disciplinary group (US mainstream management researchers or traditional intellectuals) or a broad group of knowledge workers. Furthermore, this study delineates how researchers with varying career identity narratives adopt corresponding identity work strategies (i.e., redefinition, defense, and distance) suggesting that identity work strategies do not always lead to achieving or preserving positive identity.
Pesquisadores , Humanos , Pesquisadores/psicologia , China , Feminino , Masculino , Identificação Social , Adulto , Conhecimento , População do Leste AsiáticoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Patient and public involvement (PPI) is a critical priority in research, policy, academia and advocacy organizations. PPI in dementia research is gaining momentum. However, these efforts are missing in international projects aimed at those living with advanced dementia in long-term care (LTC) homes. Additional complexities can arise in enacting PPI within the context of integration of a palliative approach to care and experiences around end-of-life in (EOL) dementia. The mySupport study involved implementing the Family Carer Decision Support (FCDS) intervention for care partners of those living with advanced dementia in LTC in six countries. RESEARCH DESIGN AND OBJECTIVE: An interpretive description study was conducted to explore the perspectives of international researchers from six countries on engaging people with lived experiences of dementia and EOL care in research processes. The findings from this study informed the development of a PPI strategy and a subsequent toolkit for the FCDS intervention. FINDINGS: Thirty-eight interviews were completed with project researchers: 12 from the United Kingdom, 8 from Canada, 7 from Ireland, 4 each from Italy and The Netherlands and 3 from the Czech Republic. Four broad themes describe international researchers' perspectives on advancing methods of engagement for people with lived experiences of dementia and EOL in international PPI activities: (1) Groundwork to engage in research; (2) planning for research activities is key; (3) focus on meaningful engagement and (4) having foresight for practical issues shaping PPI. DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS: International projects that involve PPI can present many sources of challenges. The findings in this study highlight important considerations for foundational work for incorporating PPI in international projects. Learning from world leaders and those with lived experiences in various regions can be insightful and help share tools and resources. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: PPI was envisioned as a critical part of conducting the mySupport study. The findings from this study informed the development of a PPI strategy and an international Strategic Guiding Council that included family carers of those living with advanced dementia in LTC homes in six countries. This manuscript focused on the perspectives of researchers on their engagement with people with lived experiences of dementia and EOL. The perspectives of persons with lived experiences on engaging in the mySupport research study will be reported in a forthcoming manuscript.
Demência , Participação do Paciente , Assistência Terminal , Humanos , Demência/terapia , Demência/psicologia , Assistência Terminal/psicologia , Cuidadores/psicologia , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Entrevistas como Assunto , Reino Unido , Canadá , Assistência de Longa Duração , Cuidados Paliativos/psicologia , Comportamento Cooperativo , Países Baixos , Participação da Comunidade , FemininoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Community engagement (CE) is pertinent to ethically and scientifically rigorous infectious disease clinical trials in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, there are critiques that CE is not properly embedded in research processes and that there is uncertainty about what CE entails. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of CE in infectious disease clinical trials in SSA, specifically factors affecting CE and existing strategies for engaging with communities. METHODS: Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with 20 community and clinical trial (CT) stakeholders who worked in SSA. The audio-recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed inductively using thematic analysis. RESULTS: Themes are as follows: 1) Communities are abandoned research-entities-a disconnect between scientific teams and communities was observed and knowledge translation was not prioritised at the community-level. 2) Us and them: community engagement teams vs investigators-CE teams expressed that researchers did not account for CE processes and often did not involve CE staff in their planning, and felt that their roles were not valued. 3) Ethical considerations: concerns and gaps-there were concerns that procedures were not standardised and that ethics processes were not adhered to. 4) Opportunities for improved CE practices-training needs were expressed, including for standardised practices, ethics, and for developing a holistic understanding of collaborating with communities. CONCLUSION: CE role players require intensive training to ensure ethical CE and that communities are treated with dignity. This includes 1) using collaborative strategies involving research and CE staff, 2) protocol-adherence that recognises CE as pertinent, 3) viewing communities as complex and building relationships that are sustainable, and 4) ensuring that knowledge translation is considered at a community-level. Further research is necessary to investigate potential training programmes that integrate these elements.
Ensaios Clínicos como Assunto , Participação da Comunidade , Humanos , África Subsaariana/epidemiologia , Participação da Comunidade/métodos , Doenças Transmissíveis/terapia , Doenças Transmissíveis/epidemiologia , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Pesquisadores/psicologiaRESUMO
Questionable research practices (QRP) are believed to be widespread, but empirical assessments are generally restricted to a few types of practices. Furthermore, conceptual confusion is rife with use and prevalence of QRPs often being confused as the same quantity. We present the hitherto most comprehensive study examining QRPs across scholarly fields and knowledge production modes. We survey perception, use, prevalence and predictors of QRPs among 3,402 researchers in Denmark and 1,307 in the UK, USA, Croatia and Austria. Results reveal remarkably similar response patterns among Danish and international respondents (τ = 0.85). Self-reported use indicates whether respondents have used a QRP in recent publications. 9 out of 10 respondents admitted using at least one QRP. Median use is three out of nine QRP items. Self-reported prevalence reflects the frequency of use. On average, prevalence rates were roughly three times lower compared to self-reported use. Findings indicated that the perceived social acceptability of QRPs influenced self-report patterns. Results suggest that most researchers use different types of QRPs within a restricted time period. The prevalence estimates, however, do not suggest outright systematic use of specific QRPs. Perceived pressure was the strongest systemic predictor for prevalence. Conversely, more local attention to research cultures and academic age was negatively related to prevalence. Finally, the personality traits conscientiousness and, to a lesser degree, agreeableness were also inversely associated with self-reported prevalence. Findings suggest that explanations for engagement with QRPs are not only attributable to systemic factors, as hitherto suggested, but a complicated mixture of experience, systemic and individual factors, and motivated reasoning.
Pesquisadores , Dinamarca/epidemiologia , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Inquéritos e Questionários , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Adulto , Autorrelato , Croácia/epidemiologia , Áustria/epidemiologia , Má Conduta Científica/estatística & dados numéricos , Reino Unido/epidemiologia , Estados Unidos , Pessoa de Meia-IdadeAssuntos
Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ciência Ambiental , Floresta Úmida , Pesquisadores , Estresse Psicológico , Incêndios Florestais , Humanos , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Incêndios Florestais/prevenção & controle , Estresse Psicológico/prevenção & controle , Estresse Psicológico/psicologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine (CAIM) has become an increasingly popular supportive therapy option for patients with cancer. The objective of this study was to investigate how researchers and clinicians in the oncology field perceive CAIM. METHODS: We conducted an online, anonymous, cross-sectional survey for researchers and clinicians who have published their work in oncology journals that are indexed in MEDLINE. The link to the survey was sent to 47, 991 researchers and clinicians whose contact information was extracted from their publications. The survey included various multiple-choice questions, and one open-ended question at the end to allow for any additional comments. RESULTS: 751 respondents completed the survey, and they mostly identified themselves as researchers (n = 329, 45.13%), or as both researchers and clinicians (n = 332, 45.45%) in the field of oncology. Over half of the respondents perceive mind-body therapies (n = 354, 54.97%) to be the most promising CAIM category with regards to the prevention, treatment, and/or management of diseases related to oncology, and many respondents agreed that most CAIM therapies are safe (n = 218, 37.39%), and that clinicians should receive training on CAIM therapies via formal (n = 225, 38.59%) and supplemental education (n = 290, 49.83%). However, many respondents were unsure when asked if most CAIM therapies are effective (n = 202, 34.77%). CONCLUSIONS: The findings from this study demonstrated great current interest in the use of CAIM in oncology. This information can serve as a foundation for conducting additional research and creating customized educational materials for researchers and clinicians in oncology.
Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde , Terapias Complementares , Medicina Integrativa , Neoplasias , Humanos , Estudos Transversais , Terapias Complementares/métodos , Terapias Complementares/estatística & dados numéricos , Medicina Integrativa/métodos , Feminino , Masculino , Neoplasias/terapia , Neoplasias/psicologia , Inquéritos e Questionários , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Oncologia/métodos , Pesquisadores/psicologiaRESUMO
PROBLEM: There is an increasing awareness of the prevalence of obstetric violence within maternity care and that some women and birthing people are at greater risk of experiencing violence and harm. BACKGROUND: Supporting self-agency for women and birthing people in maternity care may be a way of addressing the disparities in vulnerability to violence and harm. AIM: To explore researchers' perspectives of self-agency for women from different backgrounds, what inhibits and prevents self-agency, and how self-agency can be enabled. METHODS: A qualitative research design was undertaken underpinned by a reproductive justice framework. Group interviews were held with researchers working with perinatal women/birthing people with histories and experiences of violence and abuse. Reflexive thematic analysis using Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory was undertaken. FINDINGS: 12 participants took part in two group interviews. Two themes were developed: 'defining self-agency' and 'ecological influences on self-agency'. DISCUSSION: The findings identify how self-agency should not be perceived as an intrinsic attribute, but rather is underpinned by exogenous and endogenous influences. Whether and how self-agency is enacted is determined by interacting factors that operate on a micro, meso and macro level perspective. Self-agency is undermined by factors including immigration policies and sociocultural perspectives that can lead to under-resourced and judgemental care, other intersectional factors can also lead to some individuals being more vulnerable to violence and harm. CONCLUSION: Implications from this work include strategies that emphasise woman-centred care, staff training and meaningful organisational change to optimise positive health and wellbeing.
Serviços de Saúde Materna , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Serviços de Saúde Materna/normas , Gravidez , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Violência/psicologia , Violência/prevenção & controleRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Large language models including GPT-4 (OpenAI) have opened new avenues in health care and qualitative research. Traditional qualitative methods are time-consuming and require expertise to capture nuance. Although large language models have demonstrated enhanced contextual understanding and inferencing compared with traditional natural language processing, their performance in qualitative analysis versus that of humans remains unexplored. OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the effectiveness of GPT-4 versus human researchers in qualitative analysis of interviews with patients with adult-acquired buried penis (AABP). METHODS: Qualitative data were obtained from semistructured interviews with 20 patients with AABP. Human analysis involved a structured 3-stage process-initial observations, line-by-line coding, and consensus discussions to refine themes. In contrast, artificial intelligence (AI) analysis with GPT-4 underwent two phases: (1) a naïve phase, where GPT-4 outputs were independently evaluated by a blinded reviewer to identify themes and subthemes and (2) a comparison phase, where AI-generated themes were compared with human-identified themes to assess agreement. We used a general qualitative description approach. RESULTS: The study population (N=20) comprised predominantly White (17/20, 85%), married (12/20, 60%), heterosexual (19/20, 95%) men, with a mean age of 58.8 years and BMI of 41.1 kg/m2. Human qualitative analysis identified "urinary issues" in 95% (19/20) and GPT-4 in 75% (15/20) of interviews, with the subtheme "spray or stream" noted in 60% (12/20) and 35% (7/20), respectively. "Sexual issues" were prominent (19/20, 95% humans vs 16/20, 80% GPT-4), although humans identified a wider range of subthemes, including "pain with sex or masturbation" (7/20, 35%) and "difficulty with sex or masturbation" (4/20, 20%). Both analyses similarly highlighted "mental health issues" (11/20, 55%, both), although humans coded "depression" more frequently (10/20, 50% humans vs 4/20, 20% GPT-4). Humans frequently cited "issues using public restrooms" (12/20, 60%) as impacting social life, whereas GPT-4 emphasized "struggles with romantic relationships" (9/20, 45%). "Hygiene issues" were consistently recognized (14/20, 70% humans vs 13/20, 65% GPT-4). Humans uniquely identified "contributing factors" as a theme in all interviews. There was moderate agreement between human and GPT-4 coding (κ=0.401). Reliability assessments of GPT-4's analyses showed consistent coding for themes including "body image struggles," "chronic pain" (10/10, 100%), and "depression" (9/10, 90%). Other themes like "motivation for surgery" and "weight challenges" were reliably coded (8/10, 80%), while less frequent themes were variably identified across multiple iterations. CONCLUSIONS: Large language models including GPT-4 can effectively identify key themes in analyzing qualitative health care data, showing moderate agreement with human analysis. While human analysis provided a richer diversity of subthemes, the consistency of AI suggests its use as a complementary tool in qualitative research. With AI rapidly advancing, future studies should iterate analyses and circumvent token limitations by segmenting data, furthering the breadth and depth of large language model-driven qualitative analyses.
Pesquisa Qualitativa , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Análise de Dados , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Pesquisadores/estatística & dados numéricos , IdosoRESUMO
Researchers, who play a crucial role in knowledge production, deal with various emotions in their challenging work environment. Their personality might affect how well they manage their emotions, but their moods could help counteract these effects. This study aims to investigate whether researchers' moods influence the connection between their personality and emotional intelligence. 7,463 Spanish researchers replied to an online survey. Responses analysed through partial least squares structural equation modelling show significant positive relationships between the big five personality traits (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and emotional stability) and emotional intelligence. In addition, positive affect positively mediates the relationships between each of the personality traits and emotional intelligence, and negative affect mediates the same relationships but negatively. The importance of managing emotional states to regulate emotional experiences in the work of researchers is discussed.
Inteligência Emocional , Personalidade , Pesquisadores , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Adulto , Inquéritos e Questionários , Afeto/fisiologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Emoções/fisiologiaRESUMO
Scientific research requires taking risks, as the most cautious approaches are unlikely to lead to the most rapid progress. Yet, much funded scientific research plays it safe and funding agencies bemoan the difficulty of attracting high-risk, high-return research projects. Why don't the incentives for scientific discovery adequately impel researchers toward such projects? Here, we adapt an economic contracting model to explore how the unobservability of risk and effort discourages risky research. The model considers a hidden-action problem, in which the scientific community must reward discoveries in a way that encourages effort and risk-taking while simultaneously protecting researchers' livelihoods against the vicissitudes of scientific chance. Its challenge when doing so is that incentives to motivate effort clash with incentives to motivate risk-taking, because a failed project may be evidence of a risky undertaking but could also be the result of simple sloth. As a result, the incentives needed to encourage effort actively discourage risk-taking. Scientists respond by working on safe projects that generate evidence of effort but that don't move science forward as rapidly as riskier projects would. A social planner who prizes scientific productivity above researchers' well-being could remedy the problem by rewarding major discoveries richly enough to induce high-risk research, but in doing so would expose scientists to a degree of livelihood risk that ultimately leaves them worse off. Because the scientific community is approximately self-governing and constructs its own reward schedule, the incentives that researchers are willing to impose on themselves are inadequate to motivate the scientific risks that would best expedite scientific progress.
Motivação , Assunção de Riscos , Humanos , Ciência , Recompensa , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Modelos Econômicos , PesquisaRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: People with disabilities are underrepresented in higher education, facing systematic obstacles such as inaccessible communication and physical environments and difficulties obtaining accommodations. This study aims to shed light on barriers to accessibility and disability inclusion in research institutions through confidential qualitative interviews with researchers with disabilities. METHODS: We recruited participants via virtual flyers. Eligibility criteria included working in the United States (U.S.) as researchers that had applied for grant funding (last five years), and self-identifying as having a disability. We offered participants (total n = 35) the option of either semi-structured one-on-one live or written interviews based on their preference. Two study team members analyzed written and live responses using thematic analysis to identify themes. RESULTS: Themes included identity/visibility, career trajectories, accessibility, accommodations, bias, representation, and inclusion. Some participants reported not disclosing their disabilities at work or during hiring processes due to fear of negative perceptions from peers or potential employers. Experiences around stigma and bias were noted both in professional relationships and when interacting with disability service offices, underscoring difficulties and delays in processes to secure accommodations. Respondents highlighted the lack of disability inclusion and low representation of people with disabilities in academia and elevated the importance of self-advocacy and of role models and mentors in shaping career pathways for future researchers with disabilities. CONCLUSION: Researchers with disabilities encounter systematic barriers at academic institutions, and lack of acknowledgement and research on these experiences has held back institutional and policy changes. To reduce disparities for researchers with disabilities, academic leadership must allocate resources to address ableism, create more inclusive environments, and raise standards beyond compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Pessoas com Deficiência , Pesquisadores , Humanos , Estados Unidos , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Universidades , Estigma SocialRESUMO
The ethical decision making of researchers has historically been studied from an individualistic perspective. However, researchers rarely work alone, and they typically experience ethical dilemmas in a team context. In this mixed-methods study, 67 scientists and engineers working at a public R1 (very high research activity) university in the United States responded to a survey that asked whether they had experienced or observed an ethical dilemma while working in a research team. Among these, 30 respondents agreed to be interviewed about their experiences using a think-aloud protocol. A total of 40 unique ethical incidents were collected across these interviews. Qualitative data from interview transcripts were then systematically content-analyzed by multiple independent judges to quantify the overall ethicality of team decisions as well as several team characteristics, decision processes, and situational factors. The results demonstrated that team formalistic orientation, ethical championing, and the use of ethical decision strategies were all positively related to the overall ethicality of team decisions. Additionally, the relationship between ethical championing and overall team decision ethicality was moderated by psychological safety and moral intensity. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.
Tomada de Decisões , Engenharia , Ética em Pesquisa , Pesquisadores , Ciência , Humanos , Tomada de Decisões/ética , Engenharia/ética , Pesquisadores/ética , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Feminino , Masculino , Ciência/ética , Entrevistas como Assunto , Processos Grupais , Princípios Morais , Estados Unidos , Comportamento Cooperativo , Adulto , Pesquisa Qualitativa , Universidades/ética , Inquéritos e QuestionáriosRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Health care workers (HCWs) are often impacted by distressing situations during patient care and can experience the second victim phenomenon (SVP). Addressing an adequate response, training, and increasing awareness of the SVP can increase HCWs' well-being and ultimately improve the quality of care and patient safety. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to describe and evaluate a multimodal training organized by the European Researchers' Network Working on Second Victims to increase knowledge and overall awareness of SVP and second victim programs. METHODS: We implemented a multimodal training program, following an iterative approach based on a continuous quality improvement process, to enhance the methodology and materials of the training program over the duration of 2 years. We conducted web-based surveys and group interviews to evaluate the scope and design of the training, self-directed learning materials, and face-to-face activities. RESULTS: Out of 42 accepted candidates, 38 (90%) participants attended the 2 editions of the Training School program. In the second edition, the level of participants' satisfaction increased, particularly when adjusting the allocated time for the case studies' discussion (P<.001). After the multimodal training, participants stated that they had a better awareness and understanding of the SVP, support interventions, and its impact on health care. The main strengths of this Training School were the interdisciplinary approach as well as the contact with multiple cultures, the diversity of learning materials, and the commitment of the trainers and organizing team. CONCLUSIONS: This multimodal training is suitable for different stakeholders of the health care community, including HCWs, clinical managers, patient safety and quality-of-care teams, academicians, researchers, and postgraduate students, regardless of their prior experience with SVP. Furthermore, this study represents a pioneering effort in elucidating the materials and methodology essential for extending this training approach to similar contexts.
Pessoal de Saúde , Humanos , Europa (Continente) , Pessoal de Saúde/educação , Avaliação de Programas e Projetos de Saúde , Pesquisadores/educação , Pesquisadores/psicologia , Inquéritos e QuestionáriosRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: Postdoctoral researchers in Chinese universities commonly face a high risk of mental health issues, such as depression, yet the underlying causes and mechanisms remain unclear. This study aims to explore the influence of childhood socioeconomic status (SES) on depression among postdoctoral researchers and the mediating roles of current subjective SES and perceived stress in this process. METHODS: An online survey was conducted among postdoctoral researchers at a university. The survey included a general information questionnaire, the Childhood Socioeconomic Status Scale, the Subjective Socioeconomic Status Scale, the Perceived Stress Scale, and the Patient Health Questionnaire. A total of 505 valid responses were collected. Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyze the data, and the PROCESS macro was employed for chain mediation analysis. RESULTS: Childhood SES was significantly positively correlated with current subjective SES (P<0.05) and significantly negatively correlated with postdoctoral tenure, perceived stress, and depression (all P<0.05). Current subjective SES was significantly negatively correlated with perceived stress and depression (both P<0.05), while perceived stress was significantly positively correlated with depression (P<0.05). The chain mediation effect of childhood SES â current subjective SES â perceived stress â depression was significant (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Childhood socioeconomic status can influence depression among postdoctoral researchers through the mediating roles of current subjective socioeconomic status and perceived stress. These findings provide a target for the prevention and intervention of depression in postdoctoral populations and offer a reference for the development of mental health promotion strategies for young university faculty.