Endothelin-1 (ET-1) and its receptors are linked to increases in sensitivity of the chemoreceptors to hypoxic stress and the development of hypertension in preclinical models. We hypothesized ET receptor antagonism would lower resting blood pressure (BP) as well as the acute BP response to chemoreflex stress. Twenty-four men (31 ± 5 years, 26 ± 3 kg/m2) completed two study visits (control, bosentan). On each visit, BP was assessed under three conditions: (1) normoxia (FiO2 0.21), (2) chemoreflex excitation via hypoxia (FiO2 0.05-0.21), (3) chemoreflex inhibition via hyperoxia (FiO2 1.00). Bosentan increased plasma ET-1 (0.94 ± 0.90 to 1.27 ± 0.62 pg/mL, p = 0.004), supporting receptor blockade. Resting diastolic (73 ± 5 to 69 ± 7 mmHg, p = 0.007) and mean (93 ± 7 to 88 ± 7 mmHg, p = 0.005) BP were reduced following bosentan compared to control with no change in systolic BP (p = 0.507). The mean BP response to both acute hypoxia (-0.48 ± 0.38 to -0.25 ± 0.31 mmHg/%, p = 0.004) and hyperoxia (area under the curve -93 ± 108 to -27 ± 66 AU, p = 0.018) were attenuated following bosentan. Acute ET receptor inhibition attenuates the rise in BP during chemoreflex excitation as well as the fall in BP during chemoreflex inhibition in healthy young men. These data support a role for ET-1 in control of resting BP, possibly through a chemoreceptor-mediated mechanism.
Pressão Sanguínea , Bosentana , Endotelina-1 , Hiperóxia , Hipóxia , Humanos , Masculino , Hiperóxia/fisiopatologia , Pressão Sanguínea/efeitos dos fármacos , Adulto , Hipóxia/fisiopatologia , Endotelina-1/sangue , Bosentana/farmacologia , Antagonistas dos Receptores de Endotelina/farmacologia , Sulfonamidas/farmacologiaAssuntos
Protocolos de Quimioterapia Combinada Antineoplásica , Compostos Bicíclicos Heterocíclicos com Pontes , Leucemia Linfocítica Crônica de Células B , Sulfonamidas , Humanos , Leucemia Linfocítica Crônica de Células B/tratamento farmacológico , Compostos Bicíclicos Heterocíclicos com Pontes/uso terapêutico , Compostos Bicíclicos Heterocíclicos com Pontes/administração & dosagem , Sulfonamidas/uso terapêutico , Sulfonamidas/administração & dosagem , Protocolos de Quimioterapia Combinada Antineoplásica/uso terapêutico , Inibidores de Proteínas Quinases/uso terapêutico , Inibidores de Proteínas Quinases/administração & dosagem , Tirosina Quinase da Agamaglobulinemia/antagonistas & inibidores , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
The increasing prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria necessitates the exploration of novel therapeutic targets. Bacterial carbonic anhydrases (CAs) have been known for decades, but only in the past ten years they have garnered significant interest as drug targets to develop antibiotics having a diverse mechanism of action compared to the clinically used drugs. Significant progress has been made in the field in the past three years, with the validation in vivo of CAs from Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and vancomycin-resistant enterococci as antibiotic targets. This chapter compiles the state-of-the-art research on sulfonamide derivatives described as inhibitors of all known bacterial CAs. A section delves into the mechanisms of action of sulfonamide compounds with the CA classes identified in pathogenic bacteria, specifically α, ß, and γ classes. Therefore, the inhibitory profiling of the bacterial CAs with classical and clinically used sulfonamide compounds is reported and analyzed. Another section covers various other series of sulfonamide CA inhibitors studied for the development of new antibiotics. By synthesizing current research findings, this chapter highlights the potential of sulfonamide inhibitors as a novel class of antibacterial agents and paves the way for future drug design strategies.
Antibacterianos , Inibidores da Anidrase Carbônica , Anidrases Carbônicas , Sulfonamidas , Sulfonamidas/farmacologia , Sulfonamidas/química , Inibidores da Anidrase Carbônica/farmacologia , Inibidores da Anidrase Carbônica/química , Anidrases Carbônicas/metabolismo , Antibacterianos/farmacologia , Antibacterianos/química , Humanos , Bactérias/enzimologia , Bactérias/efeitos dos fármacos , Neisseria gonorrhoeae/enzimologia , Neisseria gonorrhoeae/efeitos dos fármacosRESUMO
Non-sulfonamide chemical moieties able to inhibit the bacterial (b) expressed Carbonic Anhydrases (CAs; EC constitute an important alternative to the prototypic modulators discussed in Chapter 6, as give access to large and variegate chemical classes, also of the natural origin. This contribution reports the main classes of compounds profiled in vitro on the bCAs and thus may be worth developing for the validation process of this class of enzymes.
Inibidores da Anidrase Carbônica , Anidrases Carbônicas , Inibidores da Anidrase Carbônica/farmacologia , Inibidores da Anidrase Carbônica/química , Anidrases Carbônicas/metabolismo , Humanos , Bactérias/efeitos dos fármacos , Bactérias/enzimologia , Sulfonamidas/farmacologia , Sulfonamidas/químicaRESUMO
Overexpression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) possesses a correlation with leukemia especially chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). However, no such MMP-2 inhibitor has come out in the market to date for treating leukemia. In this study, synthesis, biological evaluation, and molecular modeling studies of a set of biphenylsulfonamide derivatives as promising MMP-2 inhibitors were performed, focusing on their potential applications as antileukemic therapeutics. Compounds DH-18 and DH-19 exerted the most effective MMP-2 inhibition (IC50 of 139.45 nM and 115.16 nM, respectively) with potent antileukemic efficacy against the CML cell line K562 (IC50 of 0.338 µM and 0.398 µM, respectively). The lead molecules DH-18 and DH-19 reduced the MMP-2 expression by 21.3% and 17.8%, respectively with effective apoptotic induction (45.4% and 39.8%, respectively) in the K562 cell line. Moreover, both these compounds significantly arrested different phases of the cell cycle. Again, both these molecules depicted promising antiangiogenic efficacy in the ACHN cell line. Nevertheless, the molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation studies revealed that DH-18 formed strong bidentate chelation with the catalytic Zn2+ ion through the hydroxamate zinc binding group (ZBG). Apart from that, the MD simulation study also disclosed stable binding interactions of DH-18 and MMP-2 along with crucial interactions with active site amino acid residues namely His120, Glu121, His124, His130, Pro140, and Tyr142. In a nutshell, this study highlighted the importance of biphenylsulfonamide-based novel and promising MMP-2 inhibitors to open up a new avenue for potential therapy against CML.
Antineoplásicos , Metaloproteinase 2 da Matriz , Inibidores de Metaloproteinases de Matriz , Simulação de Acoplamento Molecular , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Sulfonamidas , Humanos , Sulfonamidas/farmacologia , Sulfonamidas/química , Sulfonamidas/síntese química , Metaloproteinase 2 da Matriz/metabolismo , Células K562 , Inibidores de Metaloproteinases de Matriz/farmacologia , Inibidores de Metaloproteinases de Matriz/química , Inibidores de Metaloproteinases de Matriz/síntese química , Antineoplásicos/farmacologia , Antineoplásicos/química , Antineoplásicos/síntese química , Compostos de Bifenilo/química , Compostos de Bifenilo/farmacologia , Apoptose/efeitos dos fármacos , Leucemia Mielogênica Crônica BCR-ABL Positiva/tratamento farmacológico , Proliferação de Células/efeitos dos fármacos , Relação Estrutura-AtividadeRESUMO
The translocation t(14;18) activates BCL2 and is considered the initiating genetic lesion in most follicular lymphomas (FL). Surprisingly, FL patients fail to respond to the BCL2 inhibitor, Venetoclax. We show that mutations and deletions affecting the histone lysine methyltransferase SETD1B (KMT2G) occur in 7% of FLs and 16% of diffuse large B cell lymphomas (DLBCL). Deficiency in SETD1B confers striking resistance to Venetoclax and an experimental MCL-1 inhibitor. SETD1B also acts as a tumor suppressor and cooperates with the loss of KMT2D in lymphoma development in vivo. Consistently, loss of SETD1B in human lymphomas typically coincides with loss of KMT2D. Mechanistically, SETD1B is required for the expression of several proapoptotic BCL2 family proteins. Conversely, inhibitors of the KDM5 histone H3K4 demethylases restore BIM and BIK expression and synergize with Venetoclax in SETD1B-deficient lymphomas. These results establish SETD1B as an epigenetic regulator of cell death and reveal a pharmacological strategy to augment Venetoclax sensitivity in lymphoma.
Apoptose , Histona-Lisina N-Metiltransferase , Mutação , Proteínas Proto-Oncogênicas c-bcl-2 , Animais , Humanos , Camundongos , Apoptose/genética , Compostos Bicíclicos Heterocíclicos com Pontes/farmacologia , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , Proteínas de Ligação a DNA/genética , Proteínas de Ligação a DNA/metabolismo , Resistencia a Medicamentos Antineoplásicos/genética , Histona-Lisina N-Metiltransferase/genética , Histona-Lisina N-Metiltransferase/metabolismo , Linfoma de Células B/genética , Linfoma de Células B/patologia , Linfoma de Células B/metabolismo , Linfoma Difuso de Grandes Células B/genética , Linfoma Difuso de Grandes Células B/patologia , Linfoma Difuso de Grandes Células B/metabolismo , Proteínas de Neoplasias/genética , Proteínas de Neoplasias/metabolismo , Proteínas Proto-Oncogênicas c-bcl-2/genética , Proteínas Proto-Oncogênicas c-bcl-2/metabolismo , Sulfonamidas/farmacologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: High-grade endometrial cancers (EAC) are aggressive tumors with a high risk of progression after treatment. As EAC may harbor mutations in the RAS/MAPK pathways, we evaluated the preclinical in vitro and in vivo efficacy of avutometinib, a RAF/MEK clamp, in combination with the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) inhibitors defactinib or VS-4718, against multiple primary EAC cell lines and xenografts. METHODS: Whole-exome sequencing (WES) was used to evaluate the genetic landscape of five primary EAC cell lines. The in vitro activity of avutometinib and defactinib as single agents and in combination was evaluated using cell viability, cell cycle, and cytotoxicity assays. Mechanistic studies were performed using Western blot assays while in vivo experiments were completed in UTE10 engrafted mice treated with either vehicle, avutometinib, VS-4718, or their combination through oral gavage. RESULTS: WES results demonstrated multiple EAC cell lines to harbor genetic derangements in the RAS/MAPK pathway including KRAS/PTEN/PIK3CA/BRAF/ARID1A, potentially sensitizing to FAK and RAF/MEK inhibition. Five out of five of the EAC cell lines demonstrated in vitro sensitivity to FAK and/or RAF/MEK inhibition. By Western blot assays, exposure of EAC cell lines to defactinib, avutometinib, and their combination demonstrated decreased phosphorylated FAK (p-FAK) as well as decreased p-MEK and p-ERK. In vivo the combination of avutometinib/VS-4718 demonstrated superior tumor growth inhibition compared to single-agent treatment and controls starting at Day 9 (p < 0.02 and p < 0.04) in UTE10 xenografts. CONCLUSIONS: Avutometinib, defactinib, and to a larger extent their combinations, demonstrated promising in vitro and in vivo activity against EAC cell lines and xenografts. These preclinical data support the potential clinical evaluation of this combination in high-grade EAC patients.
Neoplasias do Endométrio , Ensaios Antitumorais Modelo de Xenoenxerto , Feminino , Humanos , Animais , Camundongos , Neoplasias do Endométrio/tratamento farmacológico , Neoplasias do Endométrio/patologia , Neoplasias do Endométrio/genética , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , Carcinoma Endometrioide/tratamento farmacológico , Carcinoma Endometrioide/patologia , Carcinoma Endometrioide/genética , Carcinoma Endometrioide/metabolismo , Sequenciamento do Exoma , Protocolos de Quimioterapia Combinada Antineoplásica/farmacologia , Protocolos de Quimioterapia Combinada Antineoplásica/uso terapêutico , Proliferação de Células/efeitos dos fármacos , Gradação de Tumores , Inibidores de Proteínas Quinases/farmacologia , Inibidores de Proteínas Quinases/uso terapêutico , Quinase 1 de Adesão Focal/metabolismo , Quinase 1 de Adesão Focal/antagonistas & inibidores , Oxazepinas , Sulfonamidas , Pirazinas , Benzamidas , ImidazóisRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Intravenous thrombolysis is a standard treatment of acute ischemic stroke. The efficacy and safety of combining intravenous thrombolysis with argatroban (an anticoagulant agent) or eptifibatide (an antiplatelet agent) are unclear. METHODS: We conducted a phase 3, three-group, adaptive, single-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial at 57 sites in the United States. Patients with acute ischemic stroke who had received intravenous thrombolysis within 3 hours after symptom onset were assigned to receive intravenous argatroban, eptifibatide, or placebo within 75 minutes after the initiation of thrombolysis. The primary efficacy outcome, the utility-weighted 90-day modified Rankin scale score (range, 0 to 10, with higher scores reflecting better outcomes), was assessed by means of centralized adjudication. The primary safety outcome was symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage within 36 hours after randomization. RESULTS: A total of 514 patients were assigned to receive argatroban (59 patients), eptifibatide (227 patients), or placebo (228 patients). All the patients received intravenous thrombolysis (70% received alteplase, and 30% received tenecteplase), and 225 patients (44%) underwent endovascular thrombectomy. At 90 days, the mean (±SD) utility-weighted modified Rankin scale scores were 5.2±3.7 with argatroban, 6.3±3.2 with eptifibatide, and 6.8±3.0 with placebo. The posterior probability that argatroban was better than placebo was 0.002 (posterior mean difference in utility-weighted modified Rankin scale score, -1.51±0.51) and that eptifibatide was better than placebo was 0.041 (posterior mean difference, -0.50±0.29). The incidence of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage was similar in the three groups (4% with argatroban, 3% with eptifibatide, and 2% with placebo). Mortality at 90 days was higher in the argatroban group (24%) and the eptifibatide group (12%) than in the placebo group (8%). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with acute ischemic stroke treated with intravenous thrombolysis within 3 hours after symptom onset, adjunctive treatment with intravenous argatroban or eptifibatide did not reduce poststroke disability and was associated with increased mortality. (Funded by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke; MOST number, NCT03735979.).
Arginina , Eptifibatida , AVC Isquêmico , Peptídeos , Ácidos Pipecólicos , Inibidores da Agregação Plaquetária , Sulfonamidas , Humanos , Ácidos Pipecólicos/administração & dosagem , Ácidos Pipecólicos/uso terapêutico , Ácidos Pipecólicos/efeitos adversos , Arginina/análogos & derivados , Arginina/efeitos adversos , Feminino , Idoso , Eptifibatida/administração & dosagem , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Sulfonamidas/administração & dosagem , Sulfonamidas/efeitos adversos , Sulfonamidas/uso terapêutico , Método Simples-Cego , Inibidores da Agregação Plaquetária/efeitos adversos , Inibidores da Agregação Plaquetária/administração & dosagem , Inibidores da Agregação Plaquetária/uso terapêutico , AVC Isquêmico/tratamento farmacológico , Peptídeos/administração & dosagem , Peptídeos/efeitos adversos , Peptídeos/uso terapêutico , Quimioterapia Combinada , Terapia Trombolítica/efeitos adversos , Fibrinolíticos/efeitos adversos , Fibrinolíticos/administração & dosagem , Fibrinolíticos/uso terapêutico , Hemorragias Intracranianas/induzido quimicamente , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Infusões IntravenosasRESUMO
Lomentospora prolificans is a rare filamentous fungus that causes invasive fungal disease (IFD) in immunocompromised patients with hematological malignancies, as well as hematopoietic cell or solid organ transplant recipients. A 75-year-old woman was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, and started induction therapy with azacitidine and adjusted-dose venetoclax along with antifungal prophylaxis with fluconazole. On day 7, she became febrile and chest CT imaging showed multiple nodules in both lung fields, and the serum galactomannan antigen index became positive, indicating probable IFD. Anti-fungal therapy with liposomal amphotericin B was immediately initiated; however, the patient's condition rapidly deteriorated, and she died on day 15. L. prolificans was later identified in blood culture tests that had been repeatedly performed while she had been febrile. L. prolificans is generally resistant to most antifungal agents, which can make it fatal. As early definitive diagnosis is difficult, it may be appropriate to consider combination therapy when conventional anti-IFD therapy seems inadequate.
Azacitidina , Compostos Bicíclicos Heterocíclicos com Pontes , Leucemia Mieloide Aguda , Sulfonamidas , Humanos , Leucemia Mieloide Aguda/tratamento farmacológico , Idoso , Feminino , Azacitidina/administração & dosagem , Azacitidina/uso terapêutico , Sulfonamidas/administração & dosagem , Compostos Bicíclicos Heterocíclicos com Pontes/administração & dosagem , Compostos Bicíclicos Heterocíclicos com Pontes/uso terapêutico , Evolução Fatal , Antifúngicos/administração & dosagem , Antifúngicos/uso terapêutico , Quimioterapia de Indução , Protocolos de Quimioterapia Combinada Antineoplásica/uso terapêutico , Infecções Fúngicas Invasivas/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções Fúngicas Invasivas/diagnóstico , Micoses/tratamento farmacológico , Micoses/diagnósticoRESUMO
An analytical, accurate, precise, specific, efficient and simple Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography method has been developed and validated for the determination of Pazopanib in bulk and was applied on marketed Pharmaceutical Dosage form. The mobile phase used for the chromatographic runs consisted of 0.1% OPA Buffer and Acetonitrile in the ratio of 30:70% v/v. The separation was achieved on a BHEL UPLC column using isocratic mode. Pazopanib Drug peak were well separated and were detected by a PDA detector at 256 nm. The developed method was linear at the concentration range 6-14 µg/ml for Pazopanib. The method has been validated according to ICH guidelines with respect to system suitability, specificity, precision, accuracy and robustness. The LOD and LOQ for the Pazopanib were found to be 0.5853 µg/ml and 1.7738µg/ml respectively. The developed method is simple, precise, specific, accurate and rapid, making it suitable for estimation of Pazopanib in bulk and marketed pharmaceutical dosage form dosage form.
Indazóis , Pirimidinas , Sulfonamidas , Pirimidinas/análise , Sulfonamidas/análise , Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Pressão/métodos , Estabilidade de MedicamentosRESUMO
Polarization and charge-transfer interactions play an important role in ligand-receptor complexes containing metals, and only quantum mechanics methods can adequately describe their contribution to the binding energy. In this work, we selected a set of benzenesulfonamide ligands of human Carbonic Anhydrase II (hCA II)-an important druggable target containing a Zn2+ ion in the active site-as a case study to predict the binding free energy in metalloprotein-ligand complexes and designed specialized computational methods that combine the ab initio fragment molecular orbital (FMO) method and GRID approach. To reproduce the experimental binding free energy in these systems, we adopted a machine-learning approach, here named formula generator (FG), considering different FMO energy terms, the hydrophobic interaction energy (computed by GRID) and logP. The main advantage of the FG approach is that it can find nonlinear relations between the energy terms used to predict the binding free energy, explicitly showing their mathematical relation. This work showed the effectiveness of the FG approach, and therefore, it might represent an important tool for the development of new scoring functions. Indeed, our scoring function showed a high correlation with the experimental binding free energy (R2 = 0.76-0.95, RMSE = 0.34-0.18), revealing a nonlinear relation between energy terms and highlighting the relevant role played by hydrophobic contacts. These results, along with the FMO characterization of ligand-receptor interactions, represent important information to support the design of new and potent hCA II inhibitors.
Anidrase Carbônica II , Inibidores da Anidrase Carbônica , Ligação Proteica , Ligantes , Anidrase Carbônica II/antagonistas & inibidores , Anidrase Carbônica II/química , Anidrase Carbônica II/metabolismo , Humanos , Inibidores da Anidrase Carbônica/química , Inibidores da Anidrase Carbônica/farmacologia , Termodinâmica , Interações Hidrofóbicas e Hidrofílicas , Sulfonamidas/química , Sulfonamidas/farmacologia , Metaloproteínas/química , Metaloproteínas/antagonistas & inibidores , Metaloproteínas/metabolismo , Modelos Moleculares , Aprendizado de Máquina , Benzenossulfonamidas , Sítios de LigaçãoRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Primary pulmonary angiosarcoma (PPA) is a highly aggressive and rare malignancy originating from the endothelial cells of blood vessels in the lungs. PPA is an extremely rare subtype, with less than 30 cases reported to date. PPA is not only challenging to diagnose but also has a poor prognosis, often resulting in a high mortality rate within a year of diagnosis, regardless of the treatment approach. METHOD: We present the case of a 33-year-old woman with no significant past medical history who presented with abdominal pain and was incidentally found to have a right hilar mass with pleural effusion and empyema. After undergoing surgery for a perforated gastric ulcer, her pulmonary lesions were further worked up. Despite an extensive diagnostic evaluation, including imaging, bronchoscopy, and thoracotomy, establishing a diagnosis was challenging. Ultimately, PPA was diagnosed on surgical lung biopsy, and the patient was started on pazopanib and paclitaxel chemotherapy but expired after 1 month due to multiple complications. CONCLUSION: This case highlights the difficulty in diagnosing this rare tumor and its poor prognosis regardless of therapy. Greater awareness of PPA and more research are needed to improve early detection and treatment options for this deadly disease.
Hemangiossarcoma , Achados Incidentais , Neoplasias Pulmonares , Humanos , Hemangiossarcoma/diagnóstico , Hemangiossarcoma/complicações , Hemangiossarcoma/patologia , Feminino , Adulto , Neoplasias Pulmonares/complicações , Neoplasias Pulmonares/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Pulmonares/patologia , Evolução Fatal , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X/métodos , Broncoscopia/métodos , Pirimidinas/uso terapêutico , Indazóis , Biópsia , Sulfonamidas/uso terapêutico , Paclitaxel/uso terapêutico , Paclitaxel/administração & dosagemRESUMO
The pathogenesis mechanism of acute gastric mucosal lesions (AGML) is still unclear; further exploration is urgently needed to find a new therapeutic target. This study aimed to investigate whether morphine might regulate the expression and function of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) through a cyclic adenosine monophosphate/protein kinase A (cAMP/PKA)-dependent pathway, thereby alleviating gastric mucosal lesions caused by water-immersion restraint stress (WIRS). Rats were administered with intrathecal morphine, TRPA1 antagonist (HC-030031), µ-opioid receptor antagonist, or protein kinase A inhibitor (H-89), respectively, before WIRS. After 6 hours of WIRS, microscopic lesions, hematoxylin and eosin staining, and transmission electron microscopy were applied to assess the damage of the gastric mucosa. Real-time polymerase chain reaction, Western blot, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay were conducted to detect the levels of TRPA1 and substance P (SP) in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and gastric tissues. In addition, immunofluorescence was used to explore the possible co-expression of TRPA1 and µ-opioid receptors in the DRG. The results indicated that WIRS upregulated TRPA1 and SP in gastric mucosa, and HC-030031 or H-89 could alleviate gastric mucosal lesions caused by WIRS (P < .0001). Morphine was found to suppress both WIRS-induced gastric mucosal lesions (P < .0001) and the upregulation of TRPA1 (P = .0086) and SP (P = .0013). Both TRPA1 and SP play important roles in the pathogenesis of WIRS-induced AGML. Exogenous gastroprotective strategies reduce elevated levels of TRPA1 via the cAMP/PKA-dependent pathway. Inhibition of TRPA1 upregulation in the DRG is critical for intrathecal morphine preconditioning-induced gastric protection.
Gânglios Espinais , Mucosa Gástrica , Isoquinolinas , Morfina , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Restrição Física , Canal de Cátion TRPA1 , Regulação para Cima , Animais , Morfina/farmacologia , Mucosa Gástrica/efeitos dos fármacos , Mucosa Gástrica/metabolismo , Regulação para Cima/efeitos dos fármacos , Canal de Cátion TRPA1/metabolismo , Masculino , Gânglios Espinais/metabolismo , Gânglios Espinais/efeitos dos fármacos , Restrição Física/efeitos adversos , Ratos , Isoquinolinas/farmacologia , Acetanilidas/farmacologia , Proteínas Quinases Dependentes de AMP Cíclico/metabolismo , Purinas/farmacologia , Estresse Psicológico/complicações , Imersão , Receptores Opioides mu/metabolismo , AMP Cíclico/metabolismo , SulfonamidasRESUMO
This single-centre substudy of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial aimed to determine the effect of 96âweeks of rosuvastatin on pulse wave velocity (PWV) in men (nâ=â55, 54âyears) with HIV at moderate cardiovascular risk (Framingham risk score 10-15%). PWV increased in both rosuvastatin [0.54âm/s standard error of difference (SED) 0.26] and placebo [0.50âm/s (SED 0.26), Pâ=â0.896] arms, leading to no difference in PWV at week 96 [rosuvastatin 9.40âm/s (SE 0.31); placebo 9.21âm/s (SE0.31), Pâ=â0.676].
Doenças Cardiovasculares , Infecções por HIV , Análise de Onda de Pulso , Rosuvastatina Cálcica , Humanos , Rosuvastatina Cálcica/uso terapêutico , Rosuvastatina Cálcica/administração & dosagem , Masculino , Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções por HIV/complicações , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Método Duplo-Cego , Placebos/administração & dosagem , Adulto , Sulfonamidas/uso terapêutico , Sulfonamidas/farmacologia , Resultado do Tratamento , Pirimidinas , Inibidores de Hidroximetilglutaril-CoA Redutases/uso terapêutico , Fluorbenzenos/uso terapêuticoRESUMO
Lichen planus is a chronic auto-inflammatory disease that primarily affects mucocutaneous regions. There are many variants of lichen planus including cutaneous, oral, nail, follicular, and erosive forms. Without any disease-specific treatment options, multi-variant lichen planus can be a challenging disease to manage. We present a 61-year-old woman with multivariant lichen planus that was refractory to numerous systemic and topical therapies. Subsequently, her cutaneous and vulvovaginal lesions improved with the use of oral baricitinib and the erosive oral lesions improved with topical ruxolitinib.
Azetidinas , Líquen Plano , Nitrilas , Purinas , Pirazóis , Pirimidinas , Sulfonamidas , Humanos , Feminino , Pirazóis/uso terapêutico , Pirazóis/administração & dosagem , Nitrilas/uso terapêutico , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Purinas/uso terapêutico , Purinas/administração & dosagem , Azetidinas/uso terapêutico , Azetidinas/administração & dosagem , Sulfonamidas/uso terapêutico , Sulfonamidas/administração & dosagem , Pirimidinas/uso terapêutico , Pirimidinas/administração & dosagem , Líquen Plano/tratamento farmacológico , Líquen Plano/patologia , Administração OralRESUMO
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, non-infectious inflammatory dermatosis, with increasing prevalence in recent decades. Due to its chronic and recurrent nature, it diminishes the quality of life of patients and their families. In recent years, advances in the understanding of AD's pathophysiology have driven the development of targeted therapies such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and Janus kinase inhibitors (JAKis) which modulate the immune system through specific signaling pathways, providing effective alternatives to traditional systemic immunosuppressive agents. Four targeted therapies have been approved in the USA for the treatment of severe/refractory cases: dupilumab, tralokinumab, abrocitinib, and upadacitinib. This manuscript aims to present an update on the pathophysiology of AD, describe the new treatments available, and provide an analysis of the initial results of the use of these treatments in the pediatric population. We concluded that the high cost of these treatments often limits their prescription to situations where cases of atopic dermatitis are resistant to other conventional therapeutic options or when the disease reaches a severe degree. This underscores the importance of careful and accurate decision-making in the medical management of AD to ensure the efficient use of these therapeutic resources.
Dermatite Atópica , Medicina de Precisão , Dermatite Atópica/tratamento farmacológico , Humanos , Criança , Inibidores de Janus Quinases/uso terapêutico , Índice de Gravidade de Doença , Anticorpos Monoclonais Humanizados/uso terapêutico , Anticorpos Monoclonais/uso terapêutico , Terapia de Alvo Molecular/métodos , Pirimidinas , SulfonamidasRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Vonoprazan, a potassium-competitive acid blocker, is superior to traditional proton pump inhibitor (PPI) in acid suppression and has been approved in the treatment of acid-related disorders. Accumulating evidence suggest associations between PPI use and gut microbiota, yet the effect of vonoprazan on GI microbiota is obscure. METHODS: Transgenic FVB/N insulin-gastrin (INS-GAS) mice as a model of gastric cancer (GC) were administered vonoprazan by gavage every other day for 12 weeks. Stomachs were evaluated by histopathology, Ki-67 proliferation index, and inflammatory cytokines. The mucosal and lumen microbiota from stomach, jejunum, ileum, cecum, and feces were detected using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. RESULTS: Higher incidence of intestinal metaplasia and epithelial proliferation were observed in the vonoprazan group than that in the control mice. Vonoprazan also elevated the gastric expression of proinflammatory cytokines, including TNF-α, IL-1ß, and IL-6. Each mice comprised a unique microbiota composition that was consistent across different niches. The structure of GI microbiota changed dramatically after vonoprazan treatment with the stomach being the most disturbed segment. Vonoprazan administration shifted the gut microbiota toward the enrichment of pathogenic Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Bilophila, and the loss of commensal Prevotella, Bifidobacterium, and Faecalibacterium. Interestingly, compared to the controls, microbial interactions were weaker in the stomach while stronger in the jejunum of the vonoprazan group. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term vonoprazan treatment promoted gastric lesions in male INS-GAS mice, with the disequilibrium of GI microbiome. The clinical application of vonoprazan needs to be judicious particularly among those with high risk of GC.
Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Pirróis , Neoplasias Gástricas , Sulfonamidas , Animais , Pirróis/administração & dosagem , Pirróis/farmacologia , Sulfonamidas/administração & dosagem , Sulfonamidas/farmacologia , Microbioma Gastrointestinal/efeitos dos fármacos , Neoplasias Gástricas/microbiologia , Neoplasias Gástricas/patologia , Camundongos , Camundongos Transgênicos , RNA Ribossômico 16S/genética , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Masculino , Inibidores da Bomba de Prótons/efeitos adversos , Inibidores da Bomba de Prótons/administração & dosagem , Citocinas/metabolismoRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The effect of preprandial or postprandial administration of amoxicillin on the efficacy of vonoprazan-amoxicillin dual therapy (VA-dual therapy) for Helicobacter pylori treatment has not been studied. It is also unclear whether amoxicillin dosing four times daily is more effective than three times daily. We aimed to investigate the effect of different amoxicillin administration regimens on the efficacy of VA-dual therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: H. pylori-infected subjects were randomly assigned to three groups in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive a 14-day dual therapy consisting of vonoprazan 20 mg twice daily + amoxicillin 1000 mg three times daily before meals (BM-TID) or 1000 mg three times daily after meals (AM-TID) or 750 mg four times daily after meals (AM-QID). H. pylori eradication rates, adverse events rates, compliance, and antibiotic resistance were compared. RESULTS: Between May 2021 to April 2023, 327 subjects were enrolled. The eradication rates of BM-TID, AM-TID, and AM-QID dual therapy were 88.1%, 89.9%, and 93.6% in intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis, 90.6%, 94.2%, and 99.0% in modified ITT (MITT) analysis, and 90.4%, 94.1%, and 99.0% in per-protocol (PP) analysis. Although there was non-inferiority between BM-TID and AM-TID, as well as between AM-TID and AM-QID, AM-QID was significantly more effective than BM-TID. There were no significant differences in adverse event rates, compliance, and antibiotic resistance among the three groups. CONCLUSIONS: Postprandial administration and the increased frequency of administration of amoxicillin may contribute to a better efficacy of VA-dual therapy, especially for rescue therapy. All VA-dual therapy in our study could achieve good efficacy for first-line treatment. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT05901051.
Amoxicilina , Antibacterianos , Quimioterapia Combinada , Infecções por Helicobacter , Helicobacter pylori , Pirróis , Sulfonamidas , Humanos , Amoxicilina/administração & dosagem , Amoxicilina/uso terapêutico , Infecções por Helicobacter/tratamento farmacológico , Masculino , Sulfonamidas/administração & dosagem , Sulfonamidas/uso terapêutico , Sulfonamidas/efeitos adversos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Antibacterianos/administração & dosagem , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Antibacterianos/efeitos adversos , Helicobacter pylori/efeitos dos fármacos , Pirróis/administração & dosagem , Pirróis/uso terapêutico , Resultado do Tratamento , Idoso , Adulto , Inibidores da Bomba de Prótons/administração & dosagem , Inibidores da Bomba de Prótons/uso terapêutico , Esquema de MedicaçãoRESUMO
Objective: Sepsis-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is an independent risk factor for mortality in critically ill septic patients. However, effective therapeutic targets are still unavailable due to the lack of understanding of its unclear pathogenesis. With increasing understanding in the roles of circulating histones and endothelial dysfunction in sepsis, we aimed to investigate the mechanism of histone-induced endothelial dysfunction leading to sepsis-induced ARDS and to provide experimental support for histone-targeted treatment of sepsis-induced ARDS. Methods: First of all, in vitro experiments were conducted. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were stimulated with gradient concentrations of histones to explore for the optimal stimulation concentration in vitro. Then, HUVEC were exposed to histones at an optimal concentration with or without resatorvid (TAK-242), a selective inhibitor of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), for 24 hours for modeling. The cells were divided into 4 groups: 1) the blank control group, 2) the blank control+TAK-242 intervention group, 3) the histone stimulation group, and 4) the histone+TAK-242 intervention group. HUVEC apoptosis was determined by flow cytometry, VE-Cadherin expression in endothelial cells was determined by Western blot, and the integrity of adhesion connections between endothelial cells was evaluated with confocal fluorescence microscopic images. Male C57BL/6 mice aged 6-8 weeks and weighing 22-25 g were used for the in vivo experiment. Then, the mice were given cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) as well as histone injection at 50 mg/kg via the tail vein for sepsis modeling. The experimental animals were divided into 6 groups: 1) the blank control group, 2) the blank control+TAK-242 intervention group, 3) the CLP model group, 4) the CLP+TAK-242 intervention group, 5) the histone model group, and 6) the histone+TAK-242 intervention group. After 24 h, the concentrations of serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were determined using ELISA kits. Western blot was performed to determine the expression of vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin in the lung tissue. Hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining was performed to observe the pathological changes in the lung tissue of the mice. Evans Blue was injected via the tail vein 30 min before the mice were sacrificed. Lung tissue was collected after the mice were sacrificed. Then, the concentrations of Evans blue dye per unit mass in the lung tissue from mice of different groups were evaluated, the rates of pulmonary endothelial leakage were calculated, and the integrity of the pulmonary endothelial barrier was evaluated. Results: The results of the in vitro experiment showed that, compared with those of the control group, HUVEC apoptosis was significantly increased under histone stimulation (P<0.05), the expression of VE-cadherin was decreased (P<0.05), and the integrity of adherens junctions between endothelial cells was damaged. TAK-242 can significantly inhibit histone-induced HUVEC apoptosis and VE-cadherin expression reduction and maintain the integrity of adherens junctions between endothelial cells. According to the findings from the in vivo experiments, in mice with CLP-induced and histone-induced sepsis, TAK-242 effectively alleviated the increase in serum concentrations of IL-6 and TNF-α, reduced the downregulation of VE-cadherin expression in the lung tissue (P<0.05), decreased endothelial permeability of the lung vessels, and improved pathological injury in the lung tissue. Conclusion: By binding to TLR-4, histone decreases VE-cadherin expression on the surface of vascular endothelial cells, disrupts the integrity of intercellular adherens junctions, and triggers pathological damage to lung tissue. Using TLR-4 inhibitors can prevent sepsis-induced ARDS in histone-induced sepsis.