Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) and thyrotoxic cardiomyopathy (TCMP) are potentially lethal complications of thyrotoxicosis that require emergent recognition and management to attenuate significant morbidity and mortality. We present the case of a 23-year-old Asian male with no prior medical history who developed TPP with coincident TCMP, which was successfully managed with antithyroid and heart failure therapies. The clinician should be aware of the diagnosis and treatment of these 2 life-threatening conditions in a hyperthyroid state.
Antitireóideos , Cardiomiopatias , Paralisia Periódica Hipopotassêmica , Tireotoxicose , Humanos , Masculino , Paralisia Periódica Hipopotassêmica/diagnóstico , Paralisia Periódica Hipopotassêmica/etiologia , Tireotoxicose/complicações , Tireotoxicose/diagnóstico , Adulto Jovem , Cardiomiopatias/etiologia , Cardiomiopatias/complicações , Cardiomiopatias/diagnóstico , Antitireóideos/uso terapêutico , EletrocardiografiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer eradication is one of the main goals for 2030 by the World Health Organization, which can only be achieved with high vaccination rates against Human Papilloma Virus. In Colombia, more and better scientific evidence is required to increase confidence in vaccination. The objective of this study is to evaluate the safety profile of the quadrivalent vaccine against HPV in the risk of developing autoimmune, neurological, and hematological diseases in adolescent women in Colombia. METHODS: We designed a cohort study based on national HPV vaccination records and incident diagnostic data for the diseases of special interest during 2012 and 2021. We included adolescent women between 9 and 19 years old and compared vaccinated and non-vaccinated cohorts using an Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting (IPWT) method for each scenario disease and follow-up period (180 and 360 days). FINDINGS: The Odds Ratio (OR) of developing diseases of interest was estimated during two follow up periods, 180 and 360 days after the follow-up index date (Vaccination Day). The OR for developing rheumatoid arthritis was 4·4; CI95% (1·74 - 11·14), juvenile idiopathic arthritis was 2·76 IC95% (1·50 - 5·11), idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura was 2·54 IC95% (1·28 - 5·02) and thyrotoxicosis was 2·86 IC95% (1·03 - 7·95), when comparing the vaccinated versus unvaccinated population. However, the temporal distribution of cases incident did not reveal a clear difference between the cohorts, since the rate of appearance of new cases has a constant linear behavior for the two groups. INTERPRETATION: For rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, and thyrotoxicosis; the application of the vaccine had an effect on the development of the disease. Nevertheless, our results should be interpreted with caution and be further studied, considering that the biological plausibility of the events occurred without a clear temporal pattern in relation to the exposure to the vaccine.
Artrite Juvenil , Artrite Reumatoide , Infecções por Papillomavirus , Vacinas contra Papillomavirus , Púrpura Trombocitopênica Idiopática , Tireotoxicose , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero , Adolescente , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Estudos de Coortes , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Papillomavirus Humano , Infecções por Papillomavirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Papillomavirus/prevenção & controle , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/epidemiologia , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/prevenção & controle , Vacinação/efeitos adversos , Vacinação/métodos , Vacinas CombinadasRESUMO
La vacunación contra el SARS-CoV-2 no está exenta de efectos adversos. Se presenta dos casos de afectación endocrina asociada a la vacunación por la COVID-19. Mujer de 46 años que, luego de la primera dosis, presentó fiebre persistente y signos de tirotoxicosis, tras el diagnóstico de tiroiditis subaguda asociada a vacunación por la COVID-19, el cuadro remitió con el uso de corticoides. Varón de 71 años, que luego de la vacunación por la COVID-19, presentó hipoglicemias hiperinsulinemicas, con resultado positivo de anticuerpos antiinsulina. Se le diagnosticó con una hipoglicemia autoinmune asociada a la vacunación por la COVID-19 y recibió tratamiento con prednisona, controlando los episodios de hipoglicemia. En conclusión, las enfermedades endocrinas asociadas a vacunación por la COVID-19 son extremadamente raras y su detección oportuna permite su tratamiento adecuado.
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is not free of adverse effects. We present two cases of endocrine involvement associated with COVID-19 vaccination. A 46-year-old woman who, after receiving the first COVID-19 vaccination dose, presented persistent fever and signs of thyrotoxicosis after being diagnosed with subacute thyroiditis associated with COVID-19 vaccination; the condition remitted with the use of corticoids. A 71-year-old male, who after COVID-19 vaccination, presented hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, testing positive for anti-insulin antibodies; he was diagnosed with autoimmune hypoglycemia associated with COVID-19 vaccination and received treatment with prednisone, controlling the episodes of hypoglycemia. In conclusion, endocrine diseases associated with COVID-19 vaccination are extremely rare and their timely detection allows adequate treatment.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , TireotoxicoseRESUMO
Introducción: La tirotoxicosis se considera una emergencia endocrinológica. Suele ser la complicación más grave y menos frecuente de una patología relativamente frecuente como es el hipertiroidismo. Tiene afectación a nivel sistémico, con especial hincapié en el sistema cardiovascular, por lo que una de las manifestaciones prevalentes y a considerar en este trabajo, es la insuficiencia cardiaca aguda. Caso clínico: Paciente femenina de 40 años con antecedente de tabaquismo e hipertiroidismo, con abandono de medicación (Metimazol) y de controles en contexto de pandemia. Consultó en reiteradas ocasiones por evento sincopal asociado a palpitaciones, agregando en esta consulta episodio tos con expectoración hemoptoica y náuseas. Laboratorio con TSH<0.01mU/L y T4 7.77pmol/L. Troponinas 19.3ng/L. Evolucionó con hipotensión sin respuesta a cristaloides y mayor disnea. Se decidió intubación orotraqueal. Se realizó ecocardiograma que informaba función sistólica con deterioro severo. Realizó tratamiento con Metimazol y solución de Lugol con mejoría de los parámetros de laboratorio. A los diez días evolucionó con abdomen agudo perforado con posterior shock séptico refractario y falleció. Discusión y conclusiones: Luego de examinar la bibliografía disponible, y contrastarla de forma retrospectiva con la evolución de la paciente, se puede observar la relación entre el hipertiroidismo y los cambios hemodinámicos. En el caso presentado, la paciente tuvo como antecedente el diagnóstico de hipertiroidismo y se consideró que el factor desencadenante fue la suspensión del metimazol; a su vez, la insuficiencia cardíaca aguda que presentó durante los primeros días de internación fue consecuencia del efecto cardiovascular directo de las hormonas tiroideas.
Introduction: Thyrotoxicosis is considered an endocrinological emergency; It is usually the most serious and least frequent complication of a relatively frequent pathology such as hyperthyroidism. It has systemic involvement, with special emphasis on the cardiovascular system, which is why one of the most prevalent manifestations to be considered in this work is acute heart failure. Clinical case: A 40-year-old female patient with a history of smoking and hyperthyroidism, with abandonment of medication (Methimazole) and controls in the context of a pandemic. She consulted repeatedly due to a syncopal event associated with palpitations, adding to this consultation an episode of coughing with bloody sputum and nausea. Laboratory with TSH <0.01mU/L and T4 7.77pmol/L. Troponins 19.3ng/L. He evolved with hypotension without response to crystalloids and increased dyspnea. Orotracheal intubation was decided. An echocardiogram was performed, which reported severely impaired systolic function. She underwent treatment with Methimazole and Lugol's solution with improvement in laboratory parameters. Ten days later, he developed an acute perforated abdomen with subsequent refractory septic shock and died. Discusion. Conclusion: After examining the available bibliography, and contrasting it retrospectively with the evolution of the patient, the relationship between hyperthyroidism and hemodynamic changes can be observed. In the case presented, the patient had a history of a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, and it was considered that the triggering factor was the suspension of methimazole; In turn, the acute heart failure that she presented during the first days of hospitalization was a consequence of the direct cardiovascular effect of thyroid hormones.
Tireotoxicose , Insuficiência Cardíaca , HipertireoidismoRESUMO
Acute suppurative thyroiditis is an uncommon disorder caused by a bacterial infection, usually presenting with normal thyroid function. It is a serious condition that requires a prompt diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics and supportive measures. A 62 years-old female presented with a painful cervical induration and odynophagia a week after a fish bone had been removed from her pharynx. She was febrile, and tachycardic and, on physical examination, a painful thyroid mass was detected. High inflammatory parameters and thyrotoxicosis were confirmed: thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) < 0.01 mIU/L (normal range [NR] 0.27-4.2); free thyroxine (FT4) 3.86 ng/dL (NR 0.9-1.7) and anti-TSH receptor antibodies (TRABs) 5.3 U/L (NR < 1.5). Thyroid scintigraphy showed a diffuse uptake of the thyroid parenchyma suggesting Graves disease. Cervical ultrasonography revealed an abscess of the left thyroid lobe of 36 × 36 mm and fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) with partial drainage was performed. Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus viridans were isolated, and directed antibiotic therapy was started. Clinical improvement was observed as well as a decrease of inflammatory parameters and the patient was discharged after 9 days of hospitalization. Eighteen days after discharge, thiamazole was initiated due to persistent thyrotoxicosis. Complete resolution of the abscess was documented within 6 months and the patient became euthyroid under thiamazole one year after initial presentation. To our knowledge, this is the third case reporting an association between acute thyroiditis and Graves disease. Furthermore, this is the first case detailing the simultaneous diagnosis of acute suppurative thyroiditis caused by a foreign body and Graves disease.
Doença de Graves , Tireoidite Supurativa , Tireotoxicose , Feminino , Humanos , Tireoidite Supurativa/complicações , Metimazol/uso terapêutico , Abscesso/complicações , Doença de Graves/complicações , Tireotoxicose/complicações , Doença AgudaRESUMO
Factitious thyrotoxicosis is characterized by the intentional or accidental intake of excess thyroid hormones or their derivatives. We describe 6 cases of patients who developed thyrotoxicosis and adverse effects by weight-reducing herbal medicines. Currently there is a lot of publicity about supplements that "help to lose weight", which are over-the-counter and widely distributed in health food stores or online, which is why it is common to have patients who consume them, without many noticing their possible risks. If factitious hyperthyroidism is suspected, we should request thyroglobulin and anti-thyroglobulin tests, as well as a thyroid scan or uptake curve. To make the differential diagnosis between intake of thyroxine (T4) or triiodothyronine (T3) or its derivatives, we must request the measurement of T4 and T3. In case of ingestion of T4, T4 and T3 will be elevated, but in case of ingestion of triodothyronine or its derivatives, T4 will be decreased with elevated T3.
La tirotoxicosis facticia se caracteriza por la ingesta de un exceso de hormonas tiroideas o derivados de las mismas de forma intencional o accidental. Describimos 6 casos clínicos de pacientes que desarrollaron tirotoxicosis y efectos adversos con la ingesta de suplementos de herbales de venta libre para descenso de peso. Actualmente existe mucha publicidad sobre suplementos que "ayudan al descenso de peso", los cuales son de venta libre y distribuidos ampliamente en tiendas de dietéticas o por internet por lo cual es habitual tener pacientes que los consumen, sin que muchos reparen en sus posibles riesgos. En caso de sospechar un hipertiroidismo facticio debemos solicitar tiroglobulina y anticuerpos anti tiroglobulina así como centellograma tiroideo o curva de captación. Para realizar el diagnóstico diferencial entre ingesta de tiroxina (T4) o triiodotironina (T3) o sus derivados debemos solicitar medición de T4 y T3. En caso de ingesta de T4, la T4 y T3 se encontrarán elevadas, pero en caso de ingesta de triodotironina o sus derivados la T4 se encontrará descendida con una T3 elevada.
Hipertireoidismo , Tireotoxicose , Humanos , Tireotoxicose/induzido quimicamente , Tireotoxicose/diagnóstico , Tri-Iodotironina , Tiroxina , Redução de Peso , Suplementos Nutricionais/efeitos adversos , Hipertireoidismo/induzido quimicamente , Hipertireoidismo/diagnósticoRESUMO
Background: Hyperthyroidism is the increase in the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones. It is rare but serious in children and constitutes approximately 5% of all cases; 15% manifests before 10 years of age. The peak of presentation and the majority of cases (80%) are diagnosed around 10-15 years of age. Adolescence is usually the stage with the highest incidence and it is more frequent in women (5:1). Acute thyrotoxic crisis or thyroid storm is rare and only occurs in a poorly controlled hyperthyroid patient or in a hyperthyroid patient undergoing emergency surgery. It is manifested by fever, extreme tachycardia, tachyarrhythmia with atrial fibrillation, vomiting, diarrhea, agitation and mental confusion. Clinical case: 17-year-old adolescent with Graves' disease with uncontrolled clinical manifestations that did not respond to medical treatment and was scheduled for radical thyroidectomy. 35 points were obtained on the Burch and Wartofsky Scale. It was managed with general anesthesia, reducing stimuli for airway and regional control to reduce surgical stimuli. Adjuvant medications such as magnesium sulfate for intraoperative stability were used. Conclusion: Multimodal anesthesia managed to avoid thyroid storm, postoperative pain, as well as other complications.
Introducción: el hipertiroidismo es el incremento en la síntesis y secreción de hormonas tiroideas. Es raro pero grave en la edad pediátrica y constituye aproximadamente el 5% de todos los casos; el 15% se presenta antes de los 10 años. El pico de presentación y la mayoría de los casos (80%) se diagnostican hacia los 10-15 años. La adolescencia es la etapa de mayor incidencia y más frecuente en mujeres (5:1). La crisis tirotóxica aguda o tormenta tiroidea es rara y solo se presenta en un hipertiroideo mal controlado o en un paciente hipertiroideo intervenido de urgencia. Se manifiesta con fiebre, taquicardia extrema, taquiarritmia con fibrilación auricular, vómito, diarrea, agitación y confusión mental. Caso clínico: adolescente de 17 años con enfermedad de Graves con manifestaciones clínicas descontroladas, la cual no respondió a tratamiento médico y se programó para tiroidectomia radical. Se obtuvieron 35 puntos en la Escala de Burch y Wartofsky. Se manejó con anestesia general y fueron disminuyendo los estímulos para control de vía aérea y regional a fin de disminuir los estímulos quirúrgicos. Se usaron medicamentos adyuvantes como sulfato de magnesio para la estabilidad transoperatoria. Conclusión: la anestesia multimodal logró evitar la tormenta tiroidea, el dolor postoperatorio, así como otras complicaciones.
Anestesia , Doença de Graves , Crise Tireóidea , Tireotoxicose , Adolescente , Criança , Feminino , Doença de Graves/complicações , Doença de Graves/diagnóstico , Doença de Graves/cirurgia , Humanos , Crise Tireóidea/complicações , Crise Tireóidea/diagnóstico , Tireoidectomia/efeitos adversos , Tireotoxicose/complicações , Tireotoxicose/diagnósticoRESUMO
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effect of hyperthyroidism and its treatment on body weight and composition, insulin resistance, and mediators of appetite and energy homeostasis, namely ghrelin, leptin, adiponectin, and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21). Subjects and methods: Thirty-five adult patients (27 female and 8 male, aged 39.63 ± 9.70 years) with overt hyperthyroidism were evaluated for leptin, ghrelin, adiponectin, and FGF21 levels; insulin resistance; and body composition using DEXA both at baseline and a minimum of two months following normalization of serum thyroxin on carbimazole treatment. Comparison of means between the baseline and post treatment values was performed by the paired t test for normally distributed parameters and by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test for non-normally distributed data. Results: Hyperthyroidism correction resulted in an increase in weight from 51.15 ± 8.50 kg to 55.74 ± 8.74 kg (P < 0.001), paradoxically accompanied by a decrease in insulin resistance as measured by HOMA-IR from 1.35 (1.02-1.72) to 0.73 (0.52-0.93) (P < 0.001). Correction of hyperthyroidism was also associated with a decrease in FGF21 from 58 (55-64) to 52 (47-58) pg/mL (P < 0.001) and in leptin levels from 17 (7-36) to 11 (4.6-28) ng/mL (P = 0.03). Conclusion: Despite lower body weight, thyrotoxicosis is associated with insulin resistance. High levels of thermogenic hormones, leptin, and FGF21 were observed in thyrotoxicosis and may be partly responsible for the excessive heat production typical of this condition.
Hipertireoidismo , Resistência à Insulina , Tireotoxicose , Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Leptina , Grelina , Adiponectina , Homeostase , Peso CorporalRESUMO
Introducción. El hipertiroidismo es una condición heterogénea caracterizada por la producción excesiva de hormonas tiroideas. Su aparición en la edad pediátrica representa un reto diagnóstico y terapéutico. Objetivo. Describir las características clínicas y paraclínicas, así como la evolución y las diferencias entre las principales causas etiológicas de los pacientes con hipertiroidismo atendidos por el Servicio de Endocrinología Pediátrica del Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación en Medellín, Colombia, entre el 1° de julio de 2015 y el 30 de junio de 2020. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio observacional transversal con recolección retrospectiva de la información. Resultados. Se incluyeron 54 pacientes con una edad media de 11,9 años, 72,2 % de ellos mujeres. El 11,1 % tenía antecedentes familiares de enfermedad de Graves y 29,6 % de otras enfermedades tiroideas. El bocio fue la manifestación clínica más frecuente (83,3 %). El 92,6 % había recibido terapia con metimazol, el 79,6 % requirió betabloqueador y el 11,2 % necesitó una terapia farmacológica adicional. Se presentaron reacciones adversas a la medicación en el 16,7 %. En el 20,4 % de los pacientes hubo resolución del hipertiroidismo (espontánea: 9,3 %; posterior a la ablación con yodo radiactivo: 9,3 %, y después de la cirugía: 1,9 %). Conclusión. El hipertiroidismo es una enfermedad con manifestaciones clínicas diversas. La causa más frecuente es la enfermedad de Graves, seguida por la hashitoxicosis. En este estudio, la hashitoxicosis fue más frecuente que en estudios previos. La duración y los efectos secundarios del tratamiento farmacológico fueron similares a los reportados previamente, pero es de resaltar la mayor frecuencia de agranulocitosis en nuestra población.
Introduction: Hyperthyroidism is a heterogeneous condition characterized by the excessive production of thyroid hormones. It represents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Objective: To describe the clinical and paraclinical characteristics and the evolution and differences between the main etiologies in patients with hyperthyroidism treated by the Pediatric Endocrinology Service at the Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación in Medellín, Colombia, between July 1st., 2015, and June 30th., 2020. Materials and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional observational study with retrospective data collection. Results: We included 54 patients with a mean age of 11.9 years, 72.2% of whom were female; 85.2% had no history of comorbidities related to autoimmunity; 11.1% had a family history of Graves' disease, and 29.6% of other thyroid diseases. Goiter was the most frequent clinical manifestation (83.3%) and 92.6% of the patients received treatment with methimazole, 79.6% required beta-blockers, and 11.2% additional drug therapy. Adverse drug reactions occurred in 16.7% of the patients and in 20.4% there was a resolution of hyperthyroidism (spontaneous: 9.3%; after radio-iodine ablation: 9.3%, and after surgery: 1.9%). Conclusion: Hyperthyroidism is a disease with diverse clinical manifestations. Its most frequent cause is Graves' disease followed by hashitoxicosis, which in this study had a higher frequency than that reported in the literature. The duration and side effects of pharmacological treatment were similar to those previously reported, but the higher frequency of agranulocytosis is noteworthy.
Criança , Adolescente , Hipertireoidismo , Tireotoxicose , Autoimunidade , Doença de GravesRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Extragonadal choriocarcinoma is rare and can be associated with hyperthyroidism when producing very high levels of human chorionic gonadotropin. CASE PRESENTATION: A 62-year-old Hispanic female presented with a 3-week history of shortness of breath, palpitations, extreme weakness, new-onset hot flashes, and right flank pain. Her physical examination was remarkable for tachycardia, hepatomegaly, hyperreflexia, and tremor; goiter was absent. Laboratory studies revealed increased lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, suppressed thyroid stimulating hormone, very elevated T4, and absent thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography-computed tomography exhibited hepatomegaly with multiple large fluorodeoxyglucose-avid liver masses and a focus of fluorodeoxyglucose avidity in the stomach with no structural correlate. A thyroid scan (99mTcO 4 - ) showed diffusely increased tracer uptake. She was started on propranolol and methimazole. Upon stabilization of severe thyrotoxicosis, upper endoscopy was performed, showing a ~ 5 cm bleeding lesion in the greater stomach curvature body; biopsy was consistent with choriocarcinoma; beta-human chorionic gonadotropin hormone was 2,408,171 mIU/mL. The patient received methotrexate followed by etoposide and cisplatin. Methimazole was titrated down, and upon liver failure the medication was stopped. The thyrotoxicosis was effectively controlled with antithyroid drug and concurrent chemotherapy. At ~ 1.5 months after initial diagnosis, the patient died due to bleeding/acute liver failure with coagulation defects followed by multiple organ failure. CONCLUSIONS: Severe thyrotoxicosis can represent an unusual initial presentation of metastatic choriocarcinoma in the setting of extreme elevation of beta-human chorionic gonadotropin. Primary gastric choriocarcinoma is an aggressive malignancy with very poor outcomes. The co-occurrence of severe thyrotoxicosis with advanced primary gastric choriocarcinoma and imminent liver failure complicates management options.
Coriocarcinoma , Hipertireoidismo , Falência Hepática , Neoplasias Gástricas/patologia , Tireotoxicose , Coriocarcinoma/complicações , Coriocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Coriocarcinoma/tratamento farmacológico , Gonadotropina Coriônica/uso terapêutico , Gonadotropina Coriônica Humana Subunidade beta , Feminino , Hepatomegalia , Humanos , Hipertireoidismo/diagnóstico , Hipertireoidismo/tratamento farmacológico , Hipertireoidismo/etiologia , Falência Hepática/complicações , Masculino , Metimazol/uso terapêutico , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neoplasias Embrionárias de Células Germinativas , Gravidez , Neoplasias Testiculares , Tireotoxicose/complicações , Tireotoxicose/diagnóstico , Tireotoxicose/tratamento farmacológico , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios XRESUMO
Introducción: La tormenta tirotóxica se produce por la liberación repentina y rápida de hormonas tiroideas al torrente sanguíneo. Constituye la complicación más peligrosa de la tirotoxicosis. Objetivo: Describir los principales elementos de interés acerca del diagnóstico y del tratamiento de la tormenta tirotóxica. Métodos: Se utilizaron como motores de búsqueda los correspondientes a las bases de datos Google Académico, Pubmed y SciELO. Las palabras clave utilizadas fueron: tormenta tirotóxica, tormenta tiroidea, tirotoxicosis, hipertiroidismo, diagnóstico y tratamiento. Se evaluaron y se incluyeron los trabajos de revisión, de investigación y las páginas web que tuvieran menos de 10 años de publicados y que por el título trataban el tema de estudio. Fueron excluidos los artículos que no estuvieran en idioma español, portugués o inglés. En total 34 artículos fueran referenciados. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico es eminentemente clínico y se realiza por la detección de factores desencadenantes. Se suma la exacerbación del cuadro clínico de tirotoxicosis previamente existente, el cual afecta a varios sistemas del organismo como consecuencia del aumento de las hormonas tiroideas circulantes. Lo ideal es prevenir la tormenta tirotóxica, aunque ya establecido el tratamiento no se debe retrasar la terapia de la causa desencadenante y de la causa específica. Deberá estar encaminada a reducir la síntesis y la secreción de las hormonas tiroideas y a minimizar las acciones periféricas de estas. Deberán emplearse diferentes fármacos y otras medidas terapéuticas para tratar las complicaciones sistémicas para complementar el tratamiento(AU)
Introduction: Thyrotoxic storm is caused by the sudden and rapid release of thyroid hormones into the bloodstream. It is the most dangerous complication of thyrotoxicosis. Objective: Describe some elements of interest about the diagnosis and treatment of thyrotoxic storm. Methods: Search engines corresponding to Google Scholar, Pubmed and SciELO databases were used. The keywords used were: thyrotoxic storm; thyroid storm; thyrotoxicosis; hyperthyroidism; diagnosis and treatment. The review papers, research papers and web pages, which in general, had less than 10 years of publication and that by the title dealt with the subject of study were evaluated and included. Articles that were not in Spanish, Portuguese or English were excluded. A total of 34 articles were referenced. Conclusions: The diagnosis is eminently clinical and is made by the detection of triggers, to which is added the exacerbation of the clinical picture of thyrotoxicosis previously existing, which affects several systems of the body as a result of the circulating thyroid hormones increase. The ideal is to prevent the thyrotoxic storm; although if the treatment is already established, the therapy of the triggering cause and the specific cause should not be delayed. It should be aimed at reducing the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones and minimizing their peripheral actions. Different drugs and other therapeutic measures should be used to treat systemic complications to complement treatment(AU)
Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Tireotoxicose/complicações , Crise Tireóidea/diagnóstico , Crise Tireóidea/terapia , Fatores Desencadeantes , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas , Ferramenta de BuscaAssuntos
Fibrilação Atrial , Hipertireoidismo , Tireotoxicose , Idoso , Feminino , Humanos , Hipertireoidismo/diagnóstico , Tireotoxicose/diagnósticoAssuntos
Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Complicações na Gravidez , Tireotoxicose/diagnóstico , Tireotoxicose/tratamento farmacológico , Hipertireoidismo/diagnóstico , Hipertireoidismo/tratamento farmacológico , Cuidado Pré-Natal/métodos , Antitireóideos/efeitos adversos , Antitireóideos/uso terapêutico , LactaçãoRESUMO
La enfermedad por coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 que surgió en el año 2019 (COVID-19), ha obligado al rápido desarrollo de vacunas para prevenir su propagación e intentar controlar la pandemia. Dentro de las vacunas desarrolladas, las primeras en ser aprobadas con una tecnología nueva en el campo de la vacunación, fueron las vacunas basadas en ARNm (ácido ribonucleico mensajero), que lograron tasas de efectividad cercanas al 95 % para la prevención de la enfermedad COVID-19 grave. Los eventos adversos comunes son reacciones locales leves, pero ha habido varios informes de pacientes que desarrollaron tiroiditis subaguda y disfunción tiroidea después de recibir la vacuna contra SARS-CoV-2. Este artículo presenta dos casos de tiroiditis subaguda poco después de recibir la vacuna contra COVID-19
The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus disease which emerged in 2019 (COVID-19), has forced the rapid development of vaccines to prevent the spread of infection and attempt to control the pandemic. Among the vaccines developed, one of the first to be approved with a new technology in the field of vaccination, was the mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) vaccine, with rates of effectiveness close to 95% for the prevention of severe COVID-19 disease. Common adverse events are mild local reactions, but there have been some reports of patients developing sub-acute thyroiditis and thyroid dysfunction after receiving the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. This article presents two case reports of subacute thyroiditis shortly after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Idoso , Tireoidite Subaguda/induzido quimicamente , Tireotoxicose/induzido quimicamente , Vacina BNT162/efeitos adversos , ChAdOx1 nCoV-19/efeitos adversos , Tireoidite Subaguda/diagnóstico , Tireoidite Subaguda/tratamento farmacológico , Tireotoxicose/diagnóstico , Tireotoxicose/tratamento farmacológico , Anti-Inflamatórios não Esteroides/uso terapêutico , Bócio/induzido quimicamenteRESUMO
.Introdução: O hipertireoidismo decorre da elevação sérica dos hormônios tireoidianos, secundária à hiperfunção da glândula tireoide, sendo as principais causas a Doença de Graves (DG) e os Bócios Nodulares Tóxicos (BNT). Objetivos: Avaliar o perfil clínico e modalidades terapêuticas aplicadas em pacientes com diagnóstico de hipertireoidismo acompanhados em um Hospital Universitário no Sul do Brasil. Métodos: Estudo observacional, transversal e descritivo, com inclusão de pacientes com diagnóstico de hipertireoidismo por DG e BNT; foram coletados dados epidemiológicos, clínicos, laboratoriais e de tratamento. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes foi referenciada pela atenção primária e encontrava-se em uso prévio de droga antitireoidiana (DAT). A variável idade obteve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as etiologias de DG e BNT; em ambas houve predomínio de incidência no sexo feminino. A DG apresentou maior frequência de sinais e sintomas de tireotoxicose, ao passo que o BNT mostrou mais sinais e sintomas de compressão. Houve remissão da doença em 23,2% dos pacientes com DG tratados com DAT; em 23,2% dos pacientes optou-se pela manutenção de metimazol em baixa dose por mais de 36 meses e em 16,1% foi realizado tratamento definitivo. No BNT foram preferidas terapias definitivas, principalmente a tireoidectomia, em 27,5% dos pacientes. Doses baixas de metimazol por mais de 36 meses foram utilizados também no BNT, em 22,5% dos pacientes. Conclusão: O hipertireoidismo é uma doença heterogênea, desde a clínica inicial até a terapêutica, entre suas etiologias mais prevalentes. Observou-se uma tendência de priorizar as terapias medicamentosas em longo prazo com baixas doses, tanto na DG quanto no BNT. (AU)
Perfil clínico e terapêutico dos pacientes com hipertireoidismo do ambulatório de endocrinologia de um hospital universitário do sul do BrasilClinical and therapeutic profile of patients with hyperthyroidism in an outpatient endocrine clinic at a university hospital in southern Brazil ARTIGO ORIGINALRafael Antonio Parabocz1, Renata Soares Carvalho1, Gianna Carla Alberti Schrut1, Ana Claudia Garabeli Cavalli Kluthcovsky1, Matheo Augusto Morandi Stumpf1Introduction: Hyperthyroidism results from the serum elevation of thyroid hormones, secondary to hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. The main causes are Graves' disease (DG) and Toxic Nodular Goiters (BNT). Objectives: Evaluate the clinical profile and therapeutic modalities applied in patients diagnosed with hyperthyroidism followed up at a University Hospital in Southern Brazil. Methods: Observational, cross-sectional and descriptive study, including patients diagnosed with hyperthyroidism by DG and BNT; epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and treatment data were collected. Results: Most patients were referred by primary care and had been using antithyroid drugs (DAT). The age variable obtained showed a statistically significant difference between the etiologies of DG and BNT; in both, there was a predominance of incidence in females. DG showed a higher frequency of signs and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, while BNT showed more signs and symptoms of compression. There was remission of the disease in 23.2% of patients with DG treated with DAT; in 23.2% of the patients, low-dose methimazole was maintained for more than 36 months and in 16.1%, definitive treatment was performed. In BNT, definitive therapies were preferred, mainly thyroidectomy, in 27.5% of patients. Low doses of methimazole for more than 36 months were also used in BNT in 22.5% of patients. Conclusion: Hyperthyroidism is a heterogeneous disease, from initial clinic to therapy, among its most prevalent etiologies. There was a tendency to prioritize long-term drug therapies with low doses, both in DG and BNT. (AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Tireoidectomia , Tireotoxicose , Doença de Graves , Morbidade , Bócio Nodular , Hospitais Universitários , HipertireoidismoRESUMO
SUMMARY Acute suppurative thyroiditis (AST) is a rare but potentially life-threatening thyroid disease with a high mortality if left untreated. Thus, differentiation from other thyroid disorders is highly important in clinical practice. A 22-year-old male patient was admitted to a tertiary care hospital with cervical pain, palpitations, thyrotoxicosis, and an inhomogeneously enlarged right thyroid lobe. In view of the clinical findings, subacute thyroiditis (SAT) was suspected and treatment with glucocorticoids was started. After initial amelioration, the patient developed cervical erythema, fever, and recurrent pain. A CT scan showed extensive phlegmonous inflammation and abscess formation, suggestive of AST. We started immediate empiric antibiotic therapy and performed surgical drainage of the abscess formations. Subsequently, the patient developed hypoxic respiratory failure, leading to ICU admission and intermittent need for non-invasive ventilation. Blood and abscess cultures were positive for Streptococcus anginosus. If left untreated, AST represents a potentially life-threatening disease. Thus, in clinically doubtful cases, liberal further assessment by means of cervical CT scans or fine needle aspiration biopsy are strongly advised.
Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório do Recém-Nascido , Tireoidite Supurativa/complicações , Tireoidite Supurativa/diagnóstico por imagem , Tireotoxicose , Sepse/complicações , Streptococcus anginosusRESUMO
Amiodarone is widely used in treating atrial and ventricular arrhythmias; however, due to its high iodine concentration, the chronic use of the drug can induce thyroid disorders. Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) can decompensate and exacerbate underlying cardiac abnormalities, leading to increased morbidity and mortality, especially in patients with left ventricular ejection fraction <30%. AIT cases are classified into two subtypes that guide therapeutic management. The risks and benefits of maintaining the amiodarone must be evaluated individually, and the therapeutic decision should be taken jointly by cardiologists and endocrinologists. Type 1 AIT treatment is similar to that of spontaneous hyperthyroidism, using antithyroid drugs (methimazole and propylthiouracil) at high doses. Type 1 AIT is more complicated since it has proportionally higher recurrences or even non-remission, and definitive treatment is recommended (total thyroidectomy or radioiodine). Type 2 AIT is generally self-limited, yet due to the high mortality associated with thyrotoxicosis in cardiac patients, the treatment should be implemented for faster achievement of euthyroidism. Furthermore, in well-defined cases of type 2 AIT, the treatment with corticosteroids is more effective than treatment with antithyroid drugs. In severe cases, regardless of subtype, immediate restoration of euthyroidism through total thyroidectomy should be considered before the patient progresses to excessive clinical deterioration, as delayed surgery indication is associated with increased mortality.
A amiodarona é amplamente utilizada no tratamento de arritmias atriais e ventriculares, porém devido sua alta concentração de iodo, o uso crônico da droga pode induzir distúrbios tireoidianos. A tireotoxicose induzida pela amiodarona (TIA) pode descompensar e exacerbar anormalidades cardíacas subjacentes, provocando aumento da morbidade e mortalidade, principalmente em pacientes com fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo <30%. Os casos de TIA são classificados em dois subtipos que direcionam a conduta terapêutica. Os riscos e benefícios de manter a amiodarona devem ser avaliados de maneira individualizada, e a decisão de continuar ou suspender a droga deve ser tomada conjuntamente por cardiologistas e endocrinologistas. O tratamento de TIA tipo 1 é semelhante ao do hipertireoidismo espontâneo, sendo indicado o uso de drogas antitireoidianas (metimazol e propiltiouracil) em doses elevadas. A TIA tipo 1 mostra-se mais complicada, pois apresenta proporcionalmente maiores números de recorrências ou até mesmo a não remissão do quadro, sendo recomendado o tratamento definitivo (tireoidectomia total ou radioiodo). TIA tipo 2 é geralmente autolimitada, mas devido a elevada mortalidade associada a tireotoxicose em pacientes cardiopatas, o tratamento deve ser instituído para que o eutireoidismo seja atingido mais rapidamente. Em casos bem definidos de TIA tipo 2, o tratamento com corticosteroides é mais efetivo do que o tratamento com drogas antitireoidianas. Em casos graves, independentemente do subtipo, a restauração imediata do eutiroidismo por meio da tireoidectomia total deve ser considerada antes que o paciente evolua com piora clínica excessiva, pois a demora na indicação da cirurgia está associada ao aumento da mortalidade.
Amiodarona , Tireotoxicose , Amiodarona/efeitos adversos , Antiarrítmicos/efeitos adversos , Humanos , Radioisótopos do Iodo , Volume Sistólico , Tireotoxicose/induzido quimicamente , Tireotoxicose/tratamento farmacológico , Função Ventricular EsquerdaRESUMO
Acute suppurative thyroiditis (AST) is a rare but potentially life-threatening thyroid disease with a high mortality if left untreated. Thus, differentiation from other thyroid disorders is highly important in clinical practice. A 22-year-old male patient was admitted to a tertiary care hospital with cervical pain, palpitations, thyrotoxicosis, and an inhomogeneously enlarged right thyroid lobe. In view of the clinical findings, subacute thyroiditis (SAT) was suspected and treatment with glucocorticoids was started. After initial amelioration, the patient developed cervical erythema, fever, and recurrent pain. A CT scan showed extensive phlegmonous inflammation and abscess formation, suggestive of AST. We started immediate empiric antibiotic therapy and performed surgical drainage of the abscess formations. Subsequently, the patient developed hypoxic respiratory failure, leading to ICU admission and intermittent need for non-invasive ventilation. Blood and abscess cultures were positive for Streptococcus anginosus. If left untreated, AST represents a potentially life-threatening disease. Thus, in clinically doubtful cases, liberal further assessment by means of cervical CT scans or fine needle aspiration biopsy are strongly advised.
Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório , Sepse , Tireoidite Supurativa , Tireotoxicose , Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Sepse/complicações , Streptococcus anginosus , Tireoidite Supurativa/complicações , Tireoidite Supurativa/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto JovemRESUMO
Resumo A amiodarona é amplamente utilizada no tratamento de arritmias atriais e ventriculares, porém devido sua alta concentração de iodo, o uso crônico da droga pode induzir distúrbios tireoidianos. A tireotoxicose induzida pela amiodarona (TIA) pode descompensar e exacerbar anormalidades cardíacas subjacentes, provocando aumento da morbidade e mortalidade, principalmente em pacientes com fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo <30%. Os casos de TIA são classificados em dois subtipos que direcionam a conduta terapêutica. Os riscos e benefícios de manter a amiodarona devem ser avaliados de maneira individualizada, e a decisão de continuar ou suspender a droga deve ser tomada conjuntamente por cardiologistas e endocrinologistas. O tratamento de TIA tipo 1 é semelhante ao do hipertireoidismo espontâneo, sendo indicado o uso de drogas antitireoidianas (metimazol e propiltiouracil) em doses elevadas. A TIA tipo 1 mostra-se mais complicada, pois apresenta proporcionalmente maiores números de recorrências ou até mesmo a não remissão do quadro, sendo recomendado o tratamento definitivo (tireoidectomia total ou radioiodo). TIA tipo 2 é geralmente autolimitada, mas devido a elevada mortalidade associada a tireotoxicose em pacientes cardiopatas, o tratamento deve ser instituído para que o eutireoidismo seja atingido mais rapidamente. Em casos bem definidos de TIA tipo 2, o tratamento com corticosteroides é mais efetivo do que o tratamento com drogas antitireoidianas. Em casos graves, independentemente do subtipo, a restauração imediata do eutiroidismo por meio da tireoidectomia total deve ser considerada antes que o paciente evolua com piora clínica excessiva, pois a demora na indicação da cirurgia está associada ao aumento da mortalidade.
Abstract Amiodarone is widely used in treating atrial and ventricular arrhythmias; however, due to its high iodine concentration, the chronic use of the drug can induce thyroid disorders. Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis (AIT) can decompensate and exacerbate underlying cardiac abnormalities, leading to increased morbidity and mortality, especially in patients with left ventricular ejection fraction <30%. AIT cases are classified into two subtypes that guide therapeutic management. The risks and benefits of maintaining the amiodarone must be evaluated individually, and the therapeutic decision should be taken jointly by cardiologists and endocrinologists. Type 1 AIT treatment is similar to that of spontaneous hyperthyroidism, using antithyroid drugs (methimazole and propylthiouracil) at high doses. Type 1 AIT is more complicated since it has proportionally higher recurrences or even non-remission, and definitive treatment is recommended (total thyroidectomy or radioiodine). Type 2 AIT is generally self-limited, yet due to the high mortality associated with thyrotoxicosis in cardiac patients, the treatment should be implemented for faster achievement of euthyroidism. Furthermore, in well-defined cases of type 2 AIT, the treatment with corticosteroids is more effective than treatment with antithyroid drugs. In severe cases, regardless of subtype, immediate restoration of euthyroidism through total thyroidectomy should be considered before the patient progresses to excessive clinical deterioration, as delayed surgery indication is associated with increased mortality.
Tireotoxicose/induzido quimicamente , Tireotoxicose/tratamento farmacológico , Amiodarona/efeitos adversos , Volume Sistólico , Função Ventricular Esquerda , Radioisótopos do Iodo , Antiarrítmicos/efeitos adversosRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Neonatal hyperthyroidism is a disease that can cause mortality and sequelae. To date, there is no clinical series of cases that allows us to know the local reality of this condition. OBJECTIVE: to charac terize the children of mothers with Graves' disease (GD) from a clinical and biochemical point of view. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: A prospective follow-up of all newborns (NB) of mothers with history of GD was performed in two public hospitals in Santiago, during 5 years. Clinical and laboratory variables of mother-child pairs and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibodies (TRAbs) le vels were analyzed looking for associations between these variables and the development of neonatal hyperthyroidism. RESULTS: Seventy-six mother-child pairs were included (0.2% of all deliveries). Five neonates (6.6%) presented biochemical hyperthyroidism, and 3 of them developed clinical disease and required treatment. All 5 NBs who developed hyperthyroidism had mothers with positive or indeterminate TRAbs. No child of TRAbs-negative mothers developed the disease. TRAbs could be determined in only 65% of the mothers and 72% of the NBs. There was a significant correlation bet ween maternal TRAbs titers (p < 0.03), neonatal TRAbs titers (p < 0.008), and neonatal TSH between days 2-6 (p < 0.006), with the subsequent development of hyperthyroidism. All cases of neonatal hyperthyroidism were transient. There was no mortality in our series. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first national case series of children of mothers with GD. Maternal and neonatal TRAbs and TSH between days 2-6 of life were predictors of neonatal hyperthyroidism.