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Biochem Pharmacol ; 227: 116465, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39102991


In sensory neurons that transmit pain signals, whether acute or chronic, voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) are crucial for regulating excitability. NaV1.1, NaV1.3, NaV1.6, NaV1.7, NaV1.8, and NaV1.9 have been demonstrated and defined their functional roles in pain signaling based on their biophysical properties and distinct patterns of expression in each subtype of sensory neurons. Scorpions and spiders are traditional Chinese medicinal materials, belonging to the arachnid class. Most of the studied species of them have evolved venom peptides that exhibit a wide variety of knottins specifically targeting VGSCs with subtype selectivity and conformational specificity. This review provides an overview on the exquisite knottins from scorpion and spider venoms targeting pain-related NaV channels, describing the sequences and the structural features as well as molecular determinants that influence their selectivity on special subtype and at particular conformation, with an aim for the development of novel research tools on NaV channels and analgesics with minimal adverse effects.

Dor , Venenos de Escorpião , Transdução de Sinais , Venenos de Aranha , Canais de Sódio Disparados por Voltagem , Animais , Venenos de Escorpião/química , Venenos de Escorpião/farmacologia , Venenos de Escorpião/metabolismo , Venenos de Aranha/farmacologia , Venenos de Aranha/química , Venenos de Aranha/metabolismo , Canais de Sódio Disparados por Voltagem/metabolismo , Canais de Sódio Disparados por Voltagem/efeitos dos fármacos , Canais de Sódio Disparados por Voltagem/química , Canais de Sódio Disparados por Voltagem/fisiologia , Dor/tratamento farmacológico , Dor/metabolismo , Humanos , Transdução de Sinais/efeitos dos fármacos , Transdução de Sinais/fisiologia , Escorpiões/metabolismo , Bloqueadores do Canal de Sódio Disparado por Voltagem/farmacologia , Bloqueadores do Canal de Sódio Disparado por Voltagem/química , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Aranhas/metabolismo
Bull Exp Biol Med ; 177(2): 217-220, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39093473


PT1 peptide isolated from the venom of spider Geolycosa sp. is a modulator of P2X3 receptors that play a role in the development of inflammation and the transmission of pain impulses. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic efficacy of the PT1 peptide was studied in a model of complete Freund's adjuvant-induced paw inflammation in CD-1 mice. The analgesic activity of PT1 peptide was maximum after intramuscular injection at a dose of 0.01 mg/kg, which surpassed the analgesic effect of diclofenac at a dose of 1 mg/kg. The anti-inflammatory activity was maximum after intramuscular injection at a dose of 0.0001 mg/kg; a decrease in paw thickness was observed as soon as 2 h after the administration of the PT1 peptide against the background of inflammation development. All tested doses of PT1 peptide showed high anti-inflammatory activity 4 and 24 h after administration. PT1 peptide at a dose of 0.01 mg/kg when injected intramuscularly simultaneously produced high anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects compared to other doses of the peptide. Increasing the dose of PT1 peptide led to a gradual decrease in its analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity; increasing the dose of intramuscular injection to 0.1 and 1 mg/kg is inappropriate.

Analgésicos , Anti-Inflamatórios , Inflamação , Peptídeos , Animais , Camundongos , Analgésicos/farmacologia , Analgésicos/uso terapêutico , Inflamação/tratamento farmacológico , Inflamação/patologia , Anti-Inflamatórios/farmacologia , Anti-Inflamatórios/administração & dosagem , Masculino , Peptídeos/farmacologia , Peptídeos/administração & dosagem , Peptídeos/uso terapêutico , Injeções Intramusculares , Adjuvante de Freund , Venenos de Aranha/farmacologia , Diclofenaco/farmacologia , Diclofenaco/uso terapêutico , Diclofenaco/administração & dosagem , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Dor/tratamento farmacológico
Acta Trop ; 258: 107354, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39106916


Loxoscelism is the pathological condition triggered by a brown spider bite. The venom of these spiders is rich in phospholipases D (PLDs), which can induce virtually all local and systemic manifestations. Recombinant mutated PLDs from clinically relevant Loxosceles species in South America have been investigated as potential antigens to develop novel therapeutic strategies for loxoscelism. However, certain gaps need to be addressed before a clinical approach can be implemented. In this study, we examined the potential of these recombinant mutated PLDs as antigens by testing some variations in the immunization scheme. Furthermore, we evaluated the efficacy of the produced antibodies in neutralizing the nephrotoxicity and sphingomyelinase activity of brown spider venoms. Our findings indicate that the number of immunizations has a greater impact on the effectiveness of neutralization compared to the amount of antigen. Specifically, two or three doses were equally effective in reducing dermonecrosis and edema. Additionally, three immunizations proved to be more effective in neutralizing mice lethality than one or two. Moreover, immunizations mitigated the signs of kidney injury, a crucial aspect given that acute renal failure is a serious systemic complication. In vitro inhibition of the sphingomyelinase activity of Loxosceles venoms, a key factor in vivo toxicity, was nearly complete after incubation with antibodies raised against these antigens. These findings underscore the importance of implementing an effective immunization scheme with multiple immunizations, without the need for high antigen doses, and enhances the spectrum of neutralization exhibited by antibodies generated with these antigens. In summary, these results highlight the strong potential of these antigens for the development of new therapeutic strategies against cutaneous and systemic manifestations of loxoscelism.

Fosfolipase D , Proteínas Recombinantes , Venenos de Aranha , Animais , Fosfolipase D/imunologia , Fosfolipase D/genética , Venenos de Aranha/imunologia , Camundongos , Proteínas Recombinantes/imunologia , Proteínas Recombinantes/genética , Picada de Aranha/imunologia , Aranha Marrom Reclusa/imunologia , Feminino , Antígenos/imunologia , Esfingomielina Fosfodiesterase/genética , Esfingomielina Fosfodiesterase/imunologia , Anticorpos Neutralizantes , Antivenenos/imunologia , Antivenenos/administração & dosagem , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Imunização , Diester Fosfórico Hidrolases
Toxins (Basel) ; 16(8)2024 Aug 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39195768


HxTx-Hv1h, a neurotoxic peptide derived from spider venom, has been developed for use in commercial biopesticide formulations. Cell Penetrating Peptides (CPPs) are short peptides that facilitate the translocation of various biomolecules across cellular membranes. Here, we evaluated the aphidicidal efficacy of a conjugated peptide, HxTx-Hv1h/CPP-1838, created by fusing HxTx-Hv1h with CPP-1838. Additionally, we aimed to establish a robust recombinant expression system for HxTx-Hv1h/CPP-1838. We successfully achieved the secretory production of HxTx-Hv1h, its fusion with Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) forming HxTx-Hv1h/GNA and HxTx-Hv1h/CPP-1838 in yeast. Purified HxTx-Hv1h exhibited contact toxicity against Megoura crassicauda, with a 48 h median lethal concentration (LC50) of 860.5 µg/mL. Fusion with GNA or CPP-1838 significantly enhanced its aphidicidal potency, reducing the LC50 to 683.5 µg/mL and 465.2 µg/mL, respectively. The aphidicidal efficacy was further improved with the addition of surfactant, decreasing the LC50 of HxTx-Hv1h/CPP-1838 to 66.7 µg/mL-over four times lower compared to HxTx-Hv1h alone. Furthermore, we engineered HxTx-Hv1h/CPP-1838 multi-copy expression vectors utilizing the BglBrick assembly method and achieved high-level recombinant production in laboratory-scale fermentation. This study is the first to document a CPP fusion strategy that enhances the transdermal aphidicidal activity of a natural toxin like HxTx-Hv1h and opens up the possibility of exploring the recombinant production of HxTx-Hv1h/CPP-1838 for potential applications.

Peptídeos Penetradores de Células , Neurotoxinas , Venenos de Aranha , Venenos de Aranha/química , Venenos de Aranha/genética , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Animais , Peptídeos Penetradores de Células/farmacologia , Peptídeos Penetradores de Células/química , Neurotoxinas/toxicidade , Neurotoxinas/farmacologia , Neurotoxinas/genética , Lectinas de Plantas/farmacologia , Lectinas de Plantas/genética , Lectinas de Plantas/química , Inseticidas/farmacologia , Inseticidas/toxicidade
Toxicon ; 249: 108077, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39182727


The genus Latrodectus (Araneae: Theridiidae) consists of 35 widow spider species with global distribution. Envenoming by medically important species, latrodectism, commonly features bite site erythema and diaphoresis, variably severe pain that may be persistent, myalgia/cramping and/or myoclonus, autonomic symptoms, abdominal distress; severe envenoming can be prolonged and include serious effects such as oliguria, hypertension and, rarely, myocarditis/myocardial injury. Red-back spiders (Latrodectus hasselti) are the most common cause of envenoming in Australia and can cause the spectrum of effects noted for other medically important widow spiders. A 34-yr-old woman with a history of previous L. hasselti envenoming and treatment with antivenom was envenomed in her left ankle by a verified L. hasselti (hiding in her boot) while attending an appointment with her primary care physician. She reported some of the common effects of latrodectism including severe, prolonged pain, bite site diaphoresis, and malaise; however, she also developed marked edema that involved the entire left foot. She also exhibited mild hypertension and autonomic/non-specific effects limited to nausea, headache, and anxiety. She was effectively treated with red-back spider antivenom (a total of 4 ampoules) and supportive care; full resolution of the edema required almost 5 days. The uncommon clinical evolution of L. hasselti local envenoming observed in this patient may have been caused by a mixed picture of venom-induced effects and Type I hypersensitivity, but alternatively could be a rare, solely venom-induced manifestation. While provision of patient-centred care for anyone envenomed by Latrodectus spp. requires careful history collection and assessment of comorbidities, differentiation of atopic and direct venom effects may be challenging in some envenomed patients with established complex allergy history.

Antivenenos , Picada de Aranha , Venenos de Aranha , Aranhas , Picada de Aranha/complicações , Picada de Aranha/tratamento farmacológico , Animais , Feminino , Adulto , Humanos , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Antivenenos/uso terapêutico , Austrália , Hipersensibilidade
Gigascience ; 132024 Jan 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39101784


BACKGROUND: Venom glands play a key role in the predation and defense strategies of almost all spider groups. However, the spider family Uloboridae lacks venom glands and has evolved an adaptive strategy: they excessively wrap their prey directly with spider silk instead of paralyzing it first with toxins. This shift in survival strategy is very fascinating, but the genetic underpinnings behind it are poorly understood. RESULTS: Spanning multiple spider groups, we conducted multiomics analyses on Octonoba sinensis and described the adaptive evolution of the Uloboridae family at the genome level. We observed the coding genes of myosin and twitchin in muscles are under positive selection, energy metabolism functions are enhanced, and gene families related to tracheal development and tissue mechanical strength are expanded or emerged, all of which are related to the unique anatomical structure and predatory behavior of spiders in the family Uloboridae. In addition, we also scanned the elements that are absent or under relaxed purifying selection, as well as toxin gene homologs in the genomes of 2 species in this family. The results show that the absence of regions and regions under relaxed selection in these spiders' genomes are concentrated in areas related to development and neurosystem. The search for toxin homologs reveals possible gene function shift between toxins and nontoxins and confirms that there are no reliable toxin genes in the genome of this group. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates the trade-off between different predation strategies in spiders, using either chemical or physical strategy, and provides insights into the possible mechanism underlying this trade-off. Venomless spiders need to mobilize multiple developmental and metabolic pathways related to motor function and limb mechanical strength to cover the decline in adaptability caused by the absence of venom glands.

Evolução Molecular , Aranhas , Animais , Aranhas/genética , Aranhas/metabolismo , Venenos de Aranha/genética , Comportamento Predatório , Filogenia , Evolução Biológica , Genoma , Seleção Genética , Adaptação Fisiológica/genética
Int J Biol Macromol ; 275(Pt 1): 133658, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38969044


Venomous toxins hold immense value as tools in elucidating the intricate structure and underlying mechanisms of ion channels. In this article, we identified of two novel toxins, Hainantoxin-XXI (HNTX-XXI) and Hainantoxin-XXII (HNTX-XXII), derived from the venom of the Chinese spider Ornithoctonus hainana. HNTX-XXI, boasting a molecular weight of 6869.095 Da, comprises 64 amino acid residues and contains 8 cysteines. Meanwhile, HNTX-XXII, with a molecular weight of 8623.732 Da, comprises 77 amino acid residues and contains 12 cysteines. Remarkably, we discovered that both HNTX-XXI and HNTX-XXII possess the ability to activate TRPV1. They activated TRPV1 with EC50 values of 3.6 ± 0.19 µM and 862 ± 56 nM, respectively. Furthermore, the current generated by the activation of TRPV1 by these toxins can be rapidly blocked by ruthenium red. Intriguingly, our analysis revealed that the interaction between HNTX-XXI and TRPV1 is mediated by three key amino acid residues: L465, V469, and D471. Similarly, the interaction between HNTX-XXII and TRPV1 is facilitated by four key amino acid residues: A657, F659, E600, and R601. These findings provide profound insights into the molecular basis of toxin-TRPV1 interactions and pave the way for future research exploring the therapeutic potential of these toxic peptides.

Venenos de Aranha , Canais de Cátion TRPV , Animais , Humanos , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Células HEK293 , Ligação Proteica , Venenos de Aranha/química , Venenos de Aranha/farmacologia , Aranhas/metabolismo , Canais de Cátion TRPV/metabolismo , Canais de Cátion TRPV/química , Canais de Cátion TRPV/genética
Int Immunopharmacol ; 139: 112664, 2024 Sep 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39008937


PANoptosis is a newly discovered type of cell death characterized by pyroptosis, apoptosis and/or necroptosis and has been implicated in the inflammatory response. Piezo1 is a mechanosensitive ion channel that plays important roles in physiological development and various diseases. However, whether cardiomyocytes undergo PANoptosis during myocardial ischaemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury and the role of Piezo1 in this process remain largely unexplored. In this study, our results revealed that the expression levels of the main components of the PANoptosome, including caspase-8, caspase-3, NLRP3, caspase-1, GSDMD, RIPK1, RIPK3 and MLKL, were significantly upregulated in I/R heart tissues over time, indicating the occurrence of PANoptosis in I/R hearts. Accordingly, Piezo1 expression was significantly upregulated in I/R-injured hearts and hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R)-treated cardiomyocytes. In contrast, pharmacological inhibition of Piezo1 by the inhibitor GsMTx4 in mice markedly attenuated the I/R-mediated decline in cardiac contractile function and increases in infarct size, apoptosis, oxidative stress and inflammation accompanied by the inhibition of PANoptosis-related mediators in I/R hearts. Consistently, the effects of Piezo1 on calcium influx and PANoptosis were further verified by GsMTx4 and Piezo1 activator Yoda1 in H/R-treated cardiomyocytes in vitro. Moreover, caspase-8 rather than calcium influx was required for H/R-induced PANoptosis in vitro. Mechanistically, Piezo1 interacts with caspase-8, a key initial activator of the PANoptosome complex, which subsequently activates cardiomyocyte PANoptosis, leading to cardiac dysfunction. In summary, these data suggest that Piezo1 is a new cardiac mechanosensor that promotes cardiac I/R injury possibly through the caspase-8-mediated activation of cardiomyocyte PANoptosis and highlight that Piezo1 may represent a new target for treating ischaemic heart disease.

Caspase 8 , Canais Iônicos , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BL , Traumatismo por Reperfusão Miocárdica , Miócitos Cardíacos , Animais , Traumatismo por Reperfusão Miocárdica/metabolismo , Traumatismo por Reperfusão Miocárdica/patologia , Caspase 8/metabolismo , Caspase 8/genética , Canais Iônicos/metabolismo , Canais Iônicos/genética , Miócitos Cardíacos/metabolismo , Miócitos Cardíacos/patologia , Camundongos , Masculino , Necroptose , Apoptose , Oligopeptídeos/farmacologia , Venenos de Aranha , Peptídeos e Proteínas de Sinalização Intercelular
Sci Rep ; 14(1): 15379, 2024 07 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38965282


Venom is a remarkable innovation found across the animal kingdom, yet the evolutionary origins of venom systems in various groups, including spiders, remain enigmatic. Here, we investigated the organogenesis of the venom apparatus in the common house spider, Parasteatoda tepidariorum. The venom apparatus consists of a pair of secretory glands, each connected to an opening at the fang tip by a duct that runs through the chelicerae. We performed bulk RNA-seq to identify venom gland-specific markers and assayed their expression using RNA in situ hybridisation experiments on whole-mount time-series. These revealed that the gland primordium emerges during embryonic stage 13 at the chelicera tip, progresses proximally by the end of embryonic development and extends into the prosoma post-eclosion. The initiation of expression of an important toxin component in late postembryos marks the activation of venom-secreting cells. Our selected markers also exhibited distinct expression patterns in adult venom glands: sage and the toxin marker were expressed in the secretory epithelium, forkhead and sum-1 in the surrounding muscle layer, while Distal-less was predominantly expressed at the gland extremities. Our study provides the first comprehensive analysis of venom gland morphogenesis in spiders, offering key insights into their evolution and development.

Organogênese , Venenos de Aranha , Aranhas , Animais , Aranhas/embriologia , Aranhas/metabolismo , Venenos de Aranha/metabolismo , Regulação da Expressão Gênica no Desenvolvimento , Glândulas Exócrinas/metabolismo , Glândulas Exócrinas/embriologia
Adv Sci (Weinh) ; 11(32): e2404937, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38962935


Anti-cancer peptides (ACPs) represent a promising potential for cancer treatment, although their mechanisms need to be further elucidated to improve their application in cancer therapy. Lycosin-I, a linear amphipathic peptide isolated from the venom of Lycosa singorensis, shows significant anticancer potential. Herein, it is found that Lycosin-I, which can self-assemble into a nanosphere structure, has a multimodal mechanism of action involving lipid binding for the selective and effective treatment of leukemia. Mechanistically, Lycosin-I selectively binds to the K562 cell membrane, likely due to its preferential interaction with negatively charged phosphatidylserine, and rapidly triggers membrane lysis, particularly at high concentrations. In addition, Lycosin-I induces apoptosis, cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase and ferroptosis in K562 cells by suppressing the PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling pathway and activating cell autophagy at low concentrations. Furthermore, intraperitoneal injection of Lycosin-I inhibits tumor growth of K562 cells in a nude mouse xenograft model without causing side effects. Collectively, the multimodal effect of Lycosin-I can provide new insights into the mechanism of ACPs, and Lycosin-I, which is characterized by high potency and specificity, can be a promising lead for the development of anti-leukemia drugs.

Leucemia , Camundongos Nus , Animais , Camundongos , Humanos , Leucemia/tratamento farmacológico , Células K562 , Apoptose/efeitos dos fármacos , Venenos de Aranha/farmacologia , Venenos de Aranha/química , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Antineoplásicos/farmacologia , Transdução de Sinais/efeitos dos fármacos , Ensaios Antitumorais Modelo de Xenoenxerto , Linhagem Celular Tumoral , Peptídeos/farmacologia , Peptídeos Catiônicos Antimicrobianos
J Gen Physiol ; 156(10)2024 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39042091


ω-Grammotoxin-SIA (GrTX-SIA) was originally isolated from the venom of the Chilean rose tarantula and demonstrated to function as a gating modifier of voltage-gated Ca2+ (CaV) channels. Later experiments revealed that GrTX-SIA could also inhibit voltage-gated K+ (KV) channel currents via a similar mechanism of action that involved binding to a conserved S3-S4 region in the voltage-sensing domains (VSDs). Since voltage-gated Na+ (NaV) channels contain homologous structural motifs, we hypothesized that GrTX-SIA could inhibit members of this ion channel family as well. Here, we show that GrTX-SIA can indeed impede the gating process of multiple NaV channel subtypes with NaV1.6 being the most susceptible target. Moreover, molecular docking of GrTX-SIA onto NaV1.6, supported by a p.E1607K mutation, revealed the voltage sensor in domain IV (VSDIV) as being a primary site of action. The biphasic manner in which current inhibition appeared to occur suggested a second, possibly lower-sensitivity binding locus, which was identified as VSDII by using KV2.1/NaV1.6 chimeric voltage-sensor constructs. Subsequently, the NaV1.6p.E782K/p.E838K (VSDII), NaV1.6p.E1607K (VSDIV), and particularly the combined VSDII/VSDIV mutant lost virtually all susceptibility to GrTX-SIA. Together with existing literature, our data suggest that GrTX-SIA recognizes modules in NaV channel VSDs that are conserved among ion channel families, thereby allowing it to act as a comprehensive ion channel gating modifier peptide.

Ativação do Canal Iônico , Venenos de Aranha , Animais , Humanos , Venenos de Aranha/farmacologia , Ativação do Canal Iônico/efeitos dos fármacos , Ativação do Canal Iônico/fisiologia , Bloqueadores do Canal de Sódio Disparado por Voltagem/farmacologia , Canais de Sódio Disparados por Voltagem/metabolismo , Canais de Sódio Disparados por Voltagem/genética , Células HEK293 , Simulação de Acoplamento Molecular , Canal de Sódio Disparado por Voltagem NAV1.6/metabolismo , Canal de Sódio Disparado por Voltagem NAV1.6/genética , Xenopus laevis
Toxicon ; 247: 107842, 2024 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38960287


Poecilotheria spiders are considered theraphosids of underestimated clinical importance, with bites from these species inducing symptoms such as severe pain and intense muscle cramps. However, there is no specific treatment for the envenomation caused by these species, which, while native to India and Sri Lanka, are widely distributed worldwide. The present study reports the case of a 31-year-old man bitten by a Poecilotheria regalis specimen. The patient's clinical presentation was similar to Latrodectus envenomation, and patient was treated with an L. mactans antivenom. Most of patient's symptoms improved (fasciculations, pain, erythema, and local swelling), except muscle cramps. A toxicological study conducted on mice did not show that L. mactans antivenom has a neutralizing effect on the toxicity of P. regalis. The present report discusses the envenoming process of Poecilotheria species and the possible neutralizing effect exerted by L. mactans antivenom.

Antivenenos , Picada de Aranha , Venenos de Aranha , Aranhas , Animais , Antivenenos/uso terapêutico , Masculino , Adulto , Humanos , Picada de Aranha/tratamento farmacológico , Índia , Camundongos
Toxicon ; 247: 107810, 2024 Aug 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38880255


Spider-derived peptides with insecticidal, antimicrobial and/or cytolytic activities, also known as spider venom antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), can be found in the venoms of RTA-clade spiders. They show translational potential as therapeutic leads. A set of 52 AMPs has been described in the Chinese wolf spider (Lycosa shansia), and many have been shown to exhibit antibacterial effects. Here we explored the potential to enhance their antimicrobial activity using bioengineering. We generated a panel of artificial derivatives of an A-family peptide and screened their activity against selected microbial pathogens, vertebrate cells and insects. In several cases, we increased the antimicrobial activity of the derivatives while retaining the low cytotoxicity of the parental molecule. Furthermore, we injected the peptides into adult Drosophila suzukii and found no evidence of insecticidal effects, confirming the low levels of toxicity. Our data therefore suggest that spider venom linear peptides naturally defend the venom gland against microbial colonization and can be modified into more potent antimicrobial agents that could help to battle infectious diseases in the future.

Venenos de Aranha , Aranhas , Animais , Venenos de Aranha/química , Venenos de Aranha/farmacologia , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Drosophila/efeitos dos fármacos , Peptídeos Antimicrobianos/farmacologia , Anti-Infecciosos/farmacologia , Inseticidas/farmacologia , Humanos
Toxins (Basel) ; 16(6)2024 May 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38922129


Polyamines (PAs) are polycationic biogenic amines ubiquitously present in all life forms and are involved in molecular signaling and interaction, determining cell fate (e.g., cell proliferation, dif-ferentiation, and apoptosis). The intricate balance in the PAs' levels in the tissues will determine whether beneficial or detrimental effects will affect homeostasis. It's crucial to note that endoge-nous polyamines, like spermine and spermidine, play a pivotal role in our understanding of neu-rological disorders as they interact with membrane receptors and ion channels, modulating neuro-transmission. In spiders and wasps, monoamines (histamine, dopamine, serotonin, tryptamine) and polyamines (spermine, spermidine, acyl polyamines) comprise, with peptides and other sub-stances, the low molecular weight fraction of the venom. Acylpolyamines are venom components exclusively from spiders and a species of solitary wasp, which cause inhibition chiefly of iono-tropic glutamate receptors (AMPA, NMDA, and KA iGluRs) and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). The first venom acylpolyamines ever discovered (argiopines, Joro and Nephila toxins, and philanthotoxins) have provided templates for the design and synthesis of numerous analogs. Thus far, analogs with high potency exert their effect at nanomolar concentrations, with high se-lectivity toward their ionotropic and ligand receptors. These potent and selective acylpolyamine analogs can serve biomedical purposes and pest control management. The structural modification of acylpolyamine with photolabile and fluorescent groups converted these venom toxins into use-ful molecular probes to discriminate iGluRs and nAchRs in cell populations. In various cases, the linear polyamines, like spermine and spermidine, constituting venom acyl polyamine backbones, have served as cargoes to deliver active molecules via a polyamine uptake system on diseased cells for targeted therapy. In this review, we examined examples of biogenic amines that play an essential role in neural homeostasis and cell signaling, contributing to human health and disease outcomes, which can be present in the venom of arachnids and hymenopterans. With an empha-sis on the spider and wasp venom acylpolyamines, we focused on the origin, structure, derivatiza-tion, and biomedical and biotechnological application of these pharmacologically attractive, chemically modular venom components.

Inseticidas , Poliaminas , Venenos de Aranha , Vespas , Animais , Poliaminas/química , Venenos de Aranha/química , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Inseticidas/farmacologia , Inseticidas/química , Inseticidas/toxicidade , Humanos , Aranhas
Toxins (Basel) ; 16(6)2024 May 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38922134


Venom plays a crucial role in the defense and predation of venomous animals. Spiders (Araneae) are among the most successful predators and have a fascinating venom composition. Their venom mainly contains disulfide-rich peptides and large proteins. Here, we analyzed spider venom protein families, utilizing transcriptomic and genomic data, and highlighted their similarities and differences. We show that spiders have specific combinations of toxins for better predation and defense, typically comprising a core toxin expressed alongside several auxiliary toxins. Among them, the CAP superfamily is widely distributed and highly expressed in web-building Araneoidea spiders. Our analysis of evolutionary relationships revealed four subfamilies (subA-subD) of the CAP superfamily that differ in structure and potential functions. CAP proteins are composed of a conserved CAP domain and diverse C-terminal domains. CAP subC shares similar domains with the snake ion channel regulator svCRISP proteins, while CAP subD possesses a sequence similar to that of insect venom allergen 5 (Ag5). Furthermore, we show that gene duplication and selective expression lead to increased expression of CAP subD, making it a core member of the CAP superfamily. This study sheds light on the functional diversity of CAP subfamilies and their evolutionary history, which has important implications for fully understanding the composition of spider venom proteins and the core toxin components of web-building spiders.

Evolução Molecular , Venenos de Aranha , Aranhas , Venenos de Aranha/genética , Venenos de Aranha/química , Animais , Aranhas/genética , Filogenia , Transcriptoma , Proteínas de Artrópodes/genética , Proteínas de Artrópodes/química , Sequência de Aminoácidos
Toxins (Basel) ; 16(6)2024 May 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38922143


α-Latrotoxin (α-LTX) was found to form two-dimensional (2D) monolayer arrays in solution at relatively low concentrations (0.1 mg/mL), with the toxin tetramer constituting a unit cell. The crystals were imaged using cryogenic electron microscopy (cryoEM), and image analysis yielded a ~12 Å projection map. At this resolution, no major conformational changes between the crystalline and solution states of α-LTX tetramers were observed. Electrophysiological studies showed that, under the conditions of crystallization, α-LTX simultaneously formed multiple channels in biological membranes that displayed coordinated gating. Two types of channels with conductance levels of 120 and 208 pS were identified. Furthermore, we observed two distinct tetramer conformations of tetramers both when observed as monodisperse single particles and within the 2D crystals, with pore diameters of 11 and 13.5 Å, suggestive of a flickering pore in the middle of the tetramer, which may correspond to the two states of toxin channels with different conductance levels. We discuss the structural changes that occur in α-LTX tetramers in solution and propose a mechanism of α-LTX insertion into the membrane. The propensity of α-LTX tetramers to form 2D crystals may explain many features of α-LTX toxicology and suggest that other pore-forming toxins may also form arrays of channels to exert maximal toxic effect.

Microscopia Crioeletrônica , Animais , Venenos de Aranha/química , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Membrana Celular/química , Multimerização Proteica , Cristalização
Pestic Biochem Physiol ; 202: 105963, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38879311


The long-term use of pesticides in the field, and the high fertility and adaptability of phytophagous mites have led to resistance problems; consequently, novel safe and efficient active substances are necessary to broaden the tools of pest mite control. Natural enemies of arthropods typically secrete substances with paralytic or lethal effects on their prey, and those substances are a resource for future biopesticides. In this study, two putative venom peptide genes were identified in a parasitic mite Neoseiulus barkeri transcriptome. Recombinant venom NbSP2 peptide injected into Tetranychus cinnabarinus mites was significantly more lethal than recombinant NBSP1. NbSP2 was also lethal to Spodoptera litura when injected but not when fed to third instar larvae. The interaction proteins of NbSP2 in T. cinnabarinus and S. litura were identified by affinity chromatography. Among these proteins, ATP synthase subunit ß (ATP SSß) was deduced as a potential target. Four binding sites were predicted between NBSP2 and ATP SSß of T. cinnabarinus and S. litura. In conclusion, we identified a venom peptide with activity against T. cinnabarinus and S. litura. This study provides a novel component for development of a new biological pesticide.

Peptídeos , Venenos de Aranha , Animais , Venenos de Aranha/química , Venenos de Aranha/genética , Peptídeos/farmacologia , Peptídeos/química , Ácaros/efeitos dos fármacos , Spodoptera/efeitos dos fármacos , Tetranychidae/efeitos dos fármacos , Tetranychidae/genética , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodos , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Proteínas de Artrópodes/genética , Proteínas de Artrópodes/metabolismo , Proteínas de Artrópodes/química , Comportamento Predatório/efeitos dos fármacos
Life Sci ; 351: 122853, 2024 Aug 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38889841


AIMS: Activation of central respiratory chemoreceptors provides excitatory drive to both respiratory and sympathetic outputs. The enhanced respiratory-sympathetic coupling contributes to the onset and development of hypertension. However, the specific central targets and molecular mechanisms involved in this process remain elusive. This study aimed to investigate the role of acid-sensing ion channel 1 (ASIC1) in nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) neurons in CO2-stimulated cardiorespiratory effects in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). MAIN METHODS: Respiration and blood pressure of conscious rats were recorded by whole-body plethysmography and telemetry, respectively. Western blot was used to detect the expression difference of ASIC1 protein in NTS region between Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats and SHRs. Excitability of NTS neurons were assessed by extracellular recordings. KEY FINDINGS: Compared to WKY rats, the enhanced CO2-stimulated cardiopulmonary effect and up-regulation of ASIC1 in the NTS were already observed in 4-week-old prehypertensive SHRs. Furthermore, specific blockade of ASIC1 effectively attenuated the CO2-stimulated increase in firing rate of NTS neurons in anesthetized adult SHRs. Intracerebroventricular injections of the ASIC1a blocker PcTx1 or knockdown Asic1 in NTS neurons significantly reduced the heightened CO2-stimulated ventilatory response, and diminished the CO2-stimulated increase in arterial pressure and heart rate in adult SHRs. SIGNIFICANCE: These findings showed that dysregulated ASIC1 signaling in the NTS contribute to the exaggerated CO2-stimulated cardiorespiratory effects observed in SHRs.

Canais Iônicos Sensíveis a Ácido , Pressão Sanguínea , Dióxido de Carbono , Hipertensão , Neurônios , Ratos Endogâmicos SHR , Ratos Endogâmicos WKY , Núcleo Solitário , Animais , Canais Iônicos Sensíveis a Ácido/metabolismo , Núcleo Solitário/metabolismo , Ratos , Neurônios/metabolismo , Neurônios/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Dióxido de Carbono/metabolismo , Hipertensão/metabolismo , Hipertensão/fisiopatologia , Pressão Sanguínea/efeitos dos fármacos , Respiração/efeitos dos fármacos , Peptídeos , Venenos de Aranha
J Cell Mol Med ; 28(11): e18472, 2024 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38842129


Excessive load on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a significant factor in the development of TMJ osteoarthritis, contributing to cartilage degeneration. The specific mechanism through which excessive load induces TMJ osteoarthritis is not fully understood; however, mechanically-activated (MA) ion channels play a crucial role. Among these channels, Piezo1 has been identified as a mediator of chondrocyte catabolic responses and is markedly increased in osteoarthritis. Our observations indicate that, under excessive load conditions, endoplasmic reticulum stress in chondrocytes results in apoptosis of the TMJ chondrocytes. Importantly, using the Piezo1 inhibitor GsMTx4 demonstrates its potential to alleviate this condition. Furthermore, Piezo1 mediates endoplasmic reticulum stress in chondrocytes by inducing calcium ion influx. Our research substantiates the role of Piezo1 as a pivotal ion channel in mediating chondrocyte overload. It elucidates the link between excessive load, cell apoptosis, and calcium ion influx through Piezo1. The findings underscore Piezo1 as a key player in the pathogenesis of TMJ osteoarthritis, shedding light on potential therapeutic interventions for this condition.

Apoptose , Cálcio , Condrócitos , Estresse do Retículo Endoplasmático , Canais Iônicos , Osteoartrite , Articulação Temporomandibular , Condrócitos/metabolismo , Condrócitos/patologia , Canais Iônicos/metabolismo , Canais Iônicos/genética , Animais , Articulação Temporomandibular/metabolismo , Articulação Temporomandibular/patologia , Cálcio/metabolismo , Osteoartrite/metabolismo , Osteoartrite/patologia , Humanos , Camundongos , Transdução de Sinais , Venenos de Aranha , Peptídeos e Proteínas de Sinalização Intercelular
Front Immunol ; 15: 1407398, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38933276


Poisoning by widow-spider (genus Latrodectus) bites occurs worldwide. The illness, termed latrodectism, can cause severe and persistent pain and can lead to muscle rigidity, respiratory complications, and cardiac problems. It is a global health challenge especially in developing countries. Equine serum-derived polyclonal anti-sera are commercially available as a medication for patients with latrodectism, but the use of sera imposes potential inherent risks related to its animal origin. The treatment may cause allergic reactions in humans (serum sickness), including anaphylactic shock. Furthermore, equine-derived antivenom is observed to have batch-to-batch variability and poor specificity, as it is always an undefined mix of antibodies. Because latrodectism can be extremely painful but is rarely fatal, the use of antivenom is controversial and only a small fraction of patients is treated. In this work, recombinant human antibodies were selected against alpha-latrotoxin of the European black widow (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus) by phage display from a naïve antibody gene library. Alpha-Latrotoxin (α-LTX) binding scFv were recloned and produced as fully human IgG. A novel alamarBlue assay for venom neutralization was developed and used to select neutralizing IgGs. The human antibodies showed in vitro neutralization efficacy both as single antibodies and antibody combinations. This was also confirmed by electrophysiological measurements of neuronal activity in cell culture. The best neutralizing antibodies showed nanomolar affinities. Antibody MRU44-4-A1 showed outstanding neutralization efficacy and affinity to L. tredecimguttatus α-LTX. Interestingly, only two of the neutralizing antibodies showed cross-neutralization of the venom of the Southern black widow (Latrodectus mactans). This was unexpected, because in the current literature the alpha-latrotoxins are described as highly conserved. The here-engineered antibodies are candidates for future development as potential therapeutics and diagnostic tools, as they for the first time would provide unlimited supply of a chemically completely defined drug of constant quality and efficacy, which is also made without the use of animals.

Anticorpos Neutralizantes , Antivenenos , Viúva Negra , Venenos de Aranha , Humanos , Animais , Viúva Negra/imunologia , Anticorpos Neutralizantes/imunologia , Venenos de Aranha/imunologia , Antivenenos/imunologia , Anticorpos de Cadeia Única/imunologia , Picada de Aranha/imunologia , Imunoglobulina G/imunologia