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Plant Dis ; 2024 Apr 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616407


Root crops, referred to as ground provisions in the Caribbean, are traditional staples in Trinidad. One widely consumed example is sweet potato (Ipomeas batatas L.). The crop is mainly produced by subsistence farming which together with imports from neighboring Caribbean countries meet domestic demand (Singh et al. 2008). The Central Experiment Station, situated in the eastern part of Trinidad, maintains a sweet potato germplasm collection comprising both imported and locally-sourced landraces for cultivar development and distribution of propagules. In May 2017 chlorosis and leaf curling symptoms, typically associated with sweepoviruses, were observed on imported cultivars, Centennial, Jewel, 86 BM 31, TIB 313, TIB 8 21 1, and S128, and the landraces, Kick Up Jenny, John, and Carrot. Leaf samples from these nine symptomatic plants were collected for analysis, along with samples from the asymptomatic landrace, Chickenfoot. Total nucleic acids were extracted (Sharma et al. 2008) and the samples were assayed by PCR using degenerate primers SPG1 and SPG2 (Li et al. 2004) that target the replication associated protein gene (ORF C1), a highly conserved region of sweepoviruses. Amplicons of 912-bp were obtained from two of the nine symptomatic plants (TIB 8 21 1, Kick Up Jenny), but not from the asymptomatic Chickenfoot. The same samples were assayed by PCR amplification using primers SpvF and SpvR (Avelar 2015) which are specific to a highly conserved 632-bp region of the coat protein gene (ORF V1) of sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV). All 10 samples tested positive for SPLCV, including the asymptomatic landrace, Chickenfoot. The ORF V1 PCR products from three of the 10 samples, namely Chickenfoot, TIB 8 21 1, and Kick Up Jenny, were cloned and sequenced (two clones per sample). Comparison of the sequences (GenBank accession nos. OR882007 [Chickenfoot], OR913125 [TIB 8 21 1] and OR913126 [Kick Up Jenny]) identified up to 4% nt sequence variability between samples. In BLASTn analysis, they were most closely related to the SPLCV isolate China:Sichuan (GenBank accession no. KJ013557), sharing 94 to 98% nt identity. Total nucleic extracts from one representative sample (TIB 8 21 1) was used as template for rolling circle amplification (RCA, TempliPhi Amplification Kit, GE Healthcare Life Sciences, Piscataway, NJ, USA). Digestion of the RCA product with StuI (Thermo Scientific, MA, USA) yielded ~2.8 kb DNA fragments indicative of monomeric full length genomes. Digested fragments were cloned, completely sequenced and deposited in GenBank under the accession nos. OR866202 (2,821 nts) and OR866203 (2,828 nts). Two species of sweepoviruses were detected. In BLASTn analysis, OR866202 showed 95% nt identity with sweet potato golden vein associated virus (SPGVaV) US:MS:1B-3 (GenBank accession no. HQ333143.1) which is a recombinant virus comprised of SPLCV and sweet potato leaf curl Georgia virus (SPLCGV) (Zhang and Ling 2011) and in BLASTx analysis OR866202 was most similar (92-99%) to SPLCV isolates from Brazil (GenBank accession nos. ACI23475.1, AGW16179.1, ACY79479.1), Peru (GenBank accession no. ACY79466.1) and China (GenBank accession nos. ACY79439.1). OR866203 shared 96% nt identity with SPLCV China:Henan25(8):2012 (GenBank accession no. KF040465.1) in BLASTn analysis and BLASTx analysis revealed ≥ 94% aa sequence identity with SPLCV from Brazil (GenBank accession nos. ACI23475.1, AGW16179.1, ADZ96559.1), Peru (GenBank accession no. ACY79479.1), China (GenBank accession no. ACY79466.1). and Spain (GenBank accession no. QWQ56365.1). Both Trinidad isolates also showed 90-96% nt identity with SPLCV from Korea (GenBank accession no.s KT992061.1, KT992064.1, unpublished). This is the first detection of sweepoviruses in Trinidad. SPGVaV has been reported in Brazil, the United States and Korea (Kil et al. 2014), while SPLCV has been described in other Caribbean islands, including Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Vincent (Cuellar et al. 2015), and Barbados (Alleyne et al. 2019), as well as several countries in South America. Although Koch's postulates were not completed, our findings suggest that sweet potato crops in Trinidad harbor sweepoviruses, notwithstanding efforts to distribute pathogen-free materials and, in some instances, the apparent absence of visible symptoms on infected plants. Further studies on the management and impact of these viruses are necessary, including their prevalence in the sweet potato production regions of Trinidad.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550607


La preparación física, como parte del entrenamiento de los cadetes, busca poner en óptimo estado al practicante, perfecciona sus aptitudes naturales y desarrolla al máximo sus capacidades físicas por medio de ejercicios sistemáticos. En ese sentido, la velocidad de reacción durante la defensa personal constituye un importante aspecto a tratar; sin embargo, la observación y análisis de la realidad educativa en el Instituto de Enseñanza Superior del Ministerio del Interior, en Santiago de Cuba, reveló insuficiencias que limitan el logro de altos niveles en la velocidad de reacción. El objetivo del estudio consistió en elaborar una metodología para el desarrollo de la velocidad de reacción durante la defensa personal, en los cadetes de la carrera Ciencias de la Seguridad del Estado del Ministerio del Interior. En esa línea de pensamiento, se realizó una investigación con enfoque mixto y diseño cuasi experimental que empleó como métodos empíricos la revisión documental, la observación científica y la entrevista no estructurada; se utilizó la estadística inferencial por medio de la prueba de rangos de Wilcoxon para muestras relacionadas, lo que permitió conocer la eficiencia de los ejercicios especiales que se aplicaron. La calidad de la metodología quedó corroborada por los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación del criterio de expertos en la variante "Delphi" y del prexperimento, confirmados por diferentes técnicas estadísticas que resaltan la funcionalidad, sostenibilidad, pertinencia y factibilidad de la propuesta.

A preparação física, como parte do treinamento dos cadetes, busca colocar o praticante em ótimas condições, aperfeiçoar suas aptidões naturais e desenvolver ao máximo suas capacidades físicas por meio de exercícios sistemáticos. Nesse sentido, a velocidade de reação durante a defesa pessoal é um aspecto importante a ser abordado; no entanto, a observação e a análise da realidade educacional no Instituto de Ensino Superior do Ministério do Interior, em Santiago de Cuba, revelaram insuficiências que limitam a obtenção de altos níveis de velocidade de reação. O objetivo do estudo foi elaborar uma metodologia para o desenvolvimento da velocidade de reação durante a autodefesa, em cadetes do curso de Ciências de Segurança do Estado do Ministério do Interior. Nessa linha de pensamento, foi realizada uma pesquisa com abordagem mista e desenho quase experimental, utilizando como métodos empíricos a revisão documental, a observação científica e a entrevista não estruturada; foi utilizada a estatística inferencial por meio do teste de postos de Wilcoxon para amostras relacionadas, o que permitiu conhecer a eficiência dos exercícios especiais aplicados. A qualidade da metodologia foi corroborada pelos resultados obtidos na aplicação de critérios de especialistas na variante "Delphi" e no pré-experimento, confirmados por diferentes técnicas estatísticas que destacam a funcionalidade, a sustentabilidade, a relevância e a viabilidade da proposta.

Physical preparation, as part of training of the cadets, seeks to put the practitioner in optimal condition, perfects their natural aptitudes and develops their physical capabilities to the maximum through systematic exercises. In this sense, the speed of reaction during self-defense is an important aspect to address; however, the observation and analysis of the educational reality at the Institute of Higher Education of the Ministry of the Interior, in Santiago de Cuba, revealed insufficiencies that limit the achievement of high levels in reaction speed. The objective of the study was to develop a methodology for the development of reaction speed during self-defense, in the cadets of the State Security Sciences career of the Ministry of the Interior. In this line of thought, research was carried out with a mixed approach and quasi-experimental design that used documentary review, scientific observation and unstructured interviews as empirical methods; inferential statistics was used through the Wilcoxon rank test for related samples, which made it possible to know the efficiency of the special exercises that were applied. The quality of the methodology was corroborated by the results obtained in the application of expert criteria in the "Delphi" variant and of the pre-experiment, confirmed by different statistical techniques that highlight the functionality, sustainability, relevance and feasibility of the proposal.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550618


Uno de los deportes que más versatilidad representa es el levantamiento de pesas, pues su práctica no solo se reduce al deporte competitivo, sino es una actividad física que desarrolla la capacidad de fuerza, en el resto de los deportes. Esto constituye una realidad que se concreta en el rendimiento deportivo, sin embargo, las féminas que lo practican no cuentan con un tratamiento ajustado a su género, por lo que el objetivo de este trabajo consistió en determinar qué nivel de conocimientos poseen los entrenadores de levantamiento de pesas en Santiago de Cuba, para distribuir las cargas en el equipo femenino de este deporte. Para lograr este propósito, se implementaron métodos del nivel empírico como la observación científica aplicada a las +sesiones de entrenamiento y la encuesta a los entrenadores que atienden a estas atletas. Como resultado del diagnóstico, se declaró que existe un significativo desconocimiento sobre cómo distribuir las cargas en estas pesistas y se carece de una metodología para incrementar este conocimiento y mejorar los resultados competitivos del género femenino, en esta categoría.

Um dos esportes mais versáteis é o levantamento de peso, pois sua prática não se limita apenas ao esporte competitivo, mas é uma atividade física que desenvolve a capacidade de força em outros esportes. Essa é uma realidade que se reflete no desempenho esportivo, no entanto, as mulheres que o praticam não têm um tratamento ajustado ao seu gênero, por isso o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar qual o nível de conhecimento que os treinadores de halterofilismo em Santiago de Cuba têm para distribuir as cargas na equipe feminina desse esporte. Para atingir esse objetivo, foram utilizados métodos empíricos, como a observação científica aplicada às sessões de treinamento e uma pesquisa com os técnicos que treinam essas atletas. Como resultado do diagnóstico, constatou-se que há uma significativa falta de conhecimento sobre como distribuir as cargas nessas levantadoras de peso e que falta uma metodologia para aumentar esse conhecimento e melhorar os resultados competitivos do gênero feminino nessa categoria.

One of the sports that represents the most versatility is weightlifting, since its practice is not only reduced to competitive sports, but is a physical activity that develops strength capacity in the rest of the sports. This constitutes a reality that is reflected in sports performance, however, the women who practice it do not have treatment adjusted to their gender, so the objective of this work was to determine what level of knowledge lifting coaches have of weights in Santiago de Cuba, to distribute the loads in the women's team of this sport. To achieve this purpose, empirical level methods were implemented such as scientific observation applied to training sessions and surveys of coaches who care for these athletes. As a result of the diagnosis, it was declared that there is a significant lack of knowledge about how to distribute the loads in these weightlifters and there is a lack of a methodology to increase this knowledge and improve the competitive results of the female gender, in this category.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550622


El presente estudio constituye un trabajo trascendente en el área del conocimiento de la condición física y representa el resultado de investigaciones realizadas en la República de Cuba y en los Estados Unidos Mexicanos como respuesta a la solicitud de ambos países. Fue diseñado estadísticamente, para representar datos oficiales y altamente confiables, con el objetivo de conocer el estado de la condición física de las dos naciones y valorar así, el efecto de los programas de Educación Física que se aplican. Se contó con el apoyo de las organizaciones deportivas y de cultura física al conformar los estudios, cuidadosamente tratados en el diseño de muestra, para ello se contó con un equipo de estadísticos especialistas que tuvieron a su cargo el procesamiento de la información. Los datos de este estudio se consideraron limitados para la publicación y una vez desclasificados se dan conocer. Se utilizaron iguales metodologías en su aplicación, lo que resulta una información valiosa para el perfeccionamiento de los planes y programas que en el campo de la Licenciatura en Cultura Física y se brinda una información que, en su comparación, llama a la reflexión de los especialistas de Educación Física, para continuar el perfeccionamiento de estas especialidades, en general.

O presente estudo constitui um trabalho transcendental na área do conhecimento da aptidão física e representa o resultado de uma pesquisa realizada na República de Cuba e nos Estados Unidos Mexicanos em resposta à solicitação de ambos os países. Foi projetado estatisticamente para representar dados oficiais e altamente confiáveis, com o objetivo de conhecer o estado da aptidão física em ambos os países e, assim, avaliar o efeito dos programas de Educação Física aplicados. As organizações esportivas e de cultura física foram apoiadas na elaboração dos estudos, cuidadosamente tratadas no desenho da amostra, com a ajuda de uma equipe de estatísticos especializados que foram responsáveis pelo processamento das informações. Os dados deste estudo foram considerados limitados para publicação e, uma vez desclassificados, são tornados públicos. Foram utilizadas as mesmas metodologias em sua aplicação, o que resulta em informações valiosas para o aprimoramento dos planos e programas no campo da cultura física e fornece informações que, em sua comparação, exigem a reflexão dos especialistas em educação física, a fim de continuar o aprimoramento dessas especialidades em geral.

The present study constitutes a transcendent work in the area of knowledge of physical condition and represents the result of research carried out in the Republic of Cuba and in the United Mexican States in response to the request of both countries. It was designed statistically, to represent official and highly reliable data, with the objective of knowing the state of the physical condition of the two nations and thus evaluating the effect of the Physical Education programs that are applied. It was had the support of sports and physical culture organizations when forming the studies, carefully treated in the sample design, for this it was had a team of specialist statisticians who were in charge of processing the information. The data from this study was considered limited for publication and will be released once declassified. The same methodologies were used in its application, which is valuable information for the improvement of plans and programs in the field of the Bachelor's Degree in Physical Culture and information is provided that, in comparison, calls for reflection by specialists. of Physical Education, to continue the improvement of these specialties, in general.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550623


En el Campeonato Nacional de Paratletismo, en Cuba, los resultados competitivos de las balistas con discapacidad físico-motriz por amputación muestran un decrecimiento, en varias categorías. Se detectaron insuficiencias en la dosificación de las cargas, en la utilización de métodos, medios y procedimientos; además de una inadecuada orientación metodológica. Se trazó como objetivo diseñar una metodología para la planificación de la capacidad fuerza rápida en la etapa de preparación especial de balistas con discapacidad físico-motriz por amputación. Se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptiva y cuantitativa en el periodo comprendido entre el 2019-2022, el estudio se centró en el proceso de planificación y entrenamiento de la fuerza rápida en la etapa de preparación especial analizado y descrito, a través de métodos empíricos como la revisión de documentos, encuesta, entrevista y la triangulación metodológica, ello permitió evaluar su estado actual. Colaboraron como muestra atletas, entrenadores y directivos de nivel provincial y nacional. La metodología propuesta es viable y factible, con una efectividad esperada para el contexto deportivo actual y con posibilidades de generalización en otros eventos de lanzamiento. La propuesta diseñada enriquece la teoría del entrenamiento deportivo en atletas con discapacidad.

Nos Campeonatos Nacionais de Paratletismo em Cuba, os resultados competitivos dos balistas com deficiências físico-motoras por amputação mostram uma diminuição em várias categorias. Foram detectadas insuficiências na dosagem de cargas, no uso de métodos, meios e procedimentos, bem como uma orientação metodológica inadequada. O objetivo foi elaborar uma metodologia para o planejamento da capacidade de força rápida na fase de preparação especial de balistas com deficiência físico-motora decorrente de amputação. Foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa no período entre 2019-2022, o estudo focou no processo de planejamento e treinamento da força rápida na fase de preparação especial analisada e descrita, por meio de métodos empíricos como revisão de documentos, pesquisa, entrevista e triangulação metodológica, o que permitiu avaliar seu estado atual. Atletas, técnicos e gerentes em nível provincial e nacional colaboraram como amostra. A metodologia proposta é viável e factível, com uma eficácia esperada para o contexto esportivo atual e com possibilidades de generalização em outros eventos de arremesso. A proposta elaborada enriquece a teoria do treinamento esportivo em atletas com deficiências.

In the National Para-Athletics Championship in Cuba, the competitive results of shot put athletes with physical-motor disabilities due to amputation show a decrease in several categories. Deficiencies were detected in the dosage of loads, in the use of methods, means and procedures; in addition to inadequate methodological guidance. The objective was to design a methodology for planning rapid strength capacity in the special preparation stage of shot put athletes with physical - motor disabilities due to amputation. A descriptive and quantitative research was carried out in the period between 2019-2022, the study focused on the planning and training process of rapid strength in the special preparation stage analyzed and described, through empirical methods such as the review of documents, survey, interview and methodological triangulation made it possible to evaluate its current state. Athletes, coaches and managers from provincial and national levels collaborated as a sample. The proposed methodology is viable and feasible, with expected effectiveness for the current sporting context and with possibilities of generalization in other throwing events. The designed proposal enriches the theory of sports training in athletes with disabilities.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 19(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550625


Los juegos como actividades lúdicas constituyen un elemento importante en el desarrollo del proceso pedagógico de la Educación Física; se contribuye al trabajo en colectivo, formación de valores como: la valentía, la perseverancia, la disciplina, la honestidad, el compañerismo, la organización, el respeto a las reglas, entre otros, lo cual hace que contenga un gran valor biológico, psicológico, pedagógico, evidenciados en sus actividades y en los beneficios que reporta al ser humano. No obstante, a pesar de ser este planteamiento una fortaleza en el sistema educativo de Cuba, no se potencia desde el punto de vista científico y académico el juego pre deportivo para lograr estos componentes antes mencionados. Es por ello que se proyectó como objetivo caracterizar los juegos pre deportivos que implementan los profesores del departamento de Educación Física en los dos primeros años de la formación de profesionales en la Universidad de Oriente, Cuba. Como métodos empíricos se aplica una entrevista a los profesores y una guía de observación dedicada al proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la Educación Física. Se intenta conocer las potencialidades y debilidades que poseen los juegos pre deportivos para mejorar las habilidades físicas y deportivas de estos estudiantes, además de los valores en los que se pueden tributar a la formación integral desde estas prácticas. La inserción de este tipo de juegos ha contado con un nivel de opinión muy positivo por parte de los educandos y los profesores.

Os jogos como atividades lúdicas constituem um elemento importante no desenvolvimento do processo pedagógico da Educação Física; Contribui para o trabalho coletivo, formação de valores como: coragem, perseverança, disciplina, honestidade, camaradagem, organização, respeito às regras, entre outros, o que faz com que contenha grande valor biológico e psicológico. atividades e nos benefícios que traz ao ser humano. No entanto, apesar desta abordagem ser um ponto forte no sistema educativo cubano, o jogo pré-desportivo não é promovido do ponto de vista científico e académico para alcançar estes componentes acima mencionados. Por isso foi projetado o objetivo de caracterizar os jogos pré-desportivos implementados pelos professores do departamento de Educação Física nos primeiros dois anos de formação profissional da Universidade de Oriente, Cuba. Como métodos empíricos, são aplicados uma entrevista com professores e um roteiro de observação dedicado ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem em Educação Física. Procura-se conhecer as potencialidades e fragilidades que os jogos pré-desportivos apresentam para melhorar as competências físicas e desportivas destes alunos, bem como os valores em que pode contribuir uma formação integral a partir destas práticas. A inserção deste tipo de jogos tem tido uma opinião muito positiva por parte de alunos e professores.

Games as recreational activities constitute an important element in the development of the pedagogical process of Physical Education; tt contributes to collective work, formation of values such as: courage, perseverance, discipline, honesty, camaraderie, organization, respect for the rules, among others, which makes it contain great biological psychological and pedagogical value evidenced in its activities and in the benefits it brings to human beings. However, despite this approach being a strength in the Cuban educational system, the pre-sports game is not promoted from a scientific and academic point of view to achieve these aforementioned components. That is why the objective was projected to characterize the pre-sports games implemented by the teachers of the Physical Education department in the first two years of professional training at the Universidad de Oriente, Cuba. As empirical methods, an interview with teachers and an observation guide dedicated to the teaching-learning process in Physical Education are applied. An attempt is made to know the potential and weaknesses that pre-sports games have to improve the physical and sports skills of these students, in addition to the values in which comprehensive training can be contributed from these practices. The insertion of this type of games has had a very positive level of opinion from students and teachers.

Zootaxa ; 5419(2): 296-300, 2024 Mar 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38480322


Cubanthonomus Anderson, new genus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Curculioninae: Anthonomini) is here described to accommodate the Cuban species Cleogonus grossulus Suffrian, which was previously placed as incertae sedis within Cleogonini. The genus is characterized by head constricted behind the eyes, globose form, compact antennal funicle of seven antennomeres, base of pronotum strongly produced posteriorly at middle, elytra with rows of punctures (striae effaced), tarsal claws with small basal tooth, profemora with two teeth, meso- and metafemora with single small tooth. Specimens have been collected in tropical semideciduous forest but no host associations are known.

Escarabajos , Gorgojos , Animales , Cuba , Bosques
Zootaxa ; 5405(2): 209-226, 2024 Jan 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38480389


Oliarus pinicolus Osborn, 1926 is a little-known planthopper described from western Cuba on Cuban pine (Pinus cubensis). As part of a review of the sprawling New World cixiid genus Melanoliarus Fennah, 1945, the species is herein redescribed and illustrated for the first time, including the male terminalia. After comparison to similar species in the region, we transfer the species to Nivcentia Holzinger, 2004, as Nivcentia pinicolus comb. nov., based on characteristics of the male terminalia and provide an amended description of the genus. We also designate a lectotype for Oliarus pinicolus to ensure the stability of the species concept described here. A checklist of Antillean Pentastirini is included with taxonomic comments on the species and genera of the region. The pentastirine species of Cuba are illustrated.

Hemípteros , Pinus , Masculino , Animales
Front Plant Sci ; 15: 1367632, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38504901


The Baracoa region, eastern Cuba, hosts around 80 % of the country cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) plantations. Cacao plants in farms are diverse in origin and propagation, with grafted and hybrid plants being the more common ones. Less frequent are plants from cuttings, TSH progeny, and traditional Cuban cacao. A national cacao gene bank is also present in Baracoa, with 282 accessions either prospected in Cuba or introduced from other countries. A breeding program associated with the gene bank started in the 1990s based on agro-morphological descriptors. The genetic diversity of cacao resources in Baracoa has been poorly described, except for traditional Cuban cacao, affecting the proper development of the breeding program and the cacao planting policies in the region. To assess the population structure and genetic diversity of cacao resources in Baracoa region, we genotyped plants from both cacao gene bank (CG) and cacao farms (CF) applying a new ddRADseq protocol for cacao. After data processing, two SNPs datasets containing 11,425 and 6,481 high-quality SNPs were generated with 238 CG and 135 CF plants, respectively. SNPs were unevenly distributed along the 10 cacao chromosomes and laid mainly in noncoding regions of the genome. Population structure analysis with these SNP datasets identified seven and four genetic groups in CG and CF samples, respectively. Clustering using UPGMA and principal component analysis mostly agree with population structure results. Amelonado was the predominant cacao ancestry, accounting for 49.22 % (CG) and 57.73 % (CF) of the total. Criollo, Contamana, Iquitos, and Nanay ancestries were detected in both CG and CF samples, while Nacional and Marañon backgrounds were only identified in CG. Genetic differentiation among CG (FST ranging from 0.071 to 0.407) was higher than among CF genetic groups (FST: 0.093-0.282). Genetic diversity parameters showed similar values for CG and CF samples. The CG and CF genetic groups with the lowest genetic diversity parameters had the highest proportion of Amelonado ancestry. These results should contribute to reinforcing the ongoing breeding program and updating the planting policies on cacao farms, with an impact on the social and economic life of the region.

Front Cell Infect Microbiol ; 14: 1346595, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38533383


Multiple ticks (Acari: Ixodoidea) carrying Rickettsiales bacteria have significant importance for both human and animal health. Thus, the purpose of this work was to genetically analyze tick species and their associated Rickettsiales bacteria in animal hosts. In order to achieve these objectives, various animals (including camels, cattle, goats, sheep, dogs, and mice) were inspected in four districts (Mardan, Peshawar, Kohat, and Karak) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to collect ticks, while blood samples were collected from all the symptomatic and asymptomatic cattle in all four districts. A total of 234 ticks were obtained from 86 out of 143 (60.14%) host animals, which were morphologically identified as Rhipicephalus turanicus, Rhipicephalus microplus, Haemaphysalis cornupunctata, and Hyalomma asiaticum. Among these, their representative ticks (126/234, 53.85%) were processed for molecular confirmation using cytochrome c oxidase (cox1) gene. Obtained cox1 sequences of four different tick species showed 99.72%-100% maximum identity with their corresponding species reported from Pakistan, China, India, and Kazakhstan and clustered phylogenetically. This study presented the first genetic report of Hy. asiaticum ticks in Pakistan. Moreover, genetically confirmed tick species were molecularly analyzed by PCR for detection of Rickettsiales DNA using partial fragments of 16S rDNA, 190-kDa outer membrane protein A (ompA), and 120-kDa outer membrane protein B (ompB) genes. In addition, blood samples were analyzed to identify Rickettsiales bacteria using the aforementioned genes. Rickettsiales bacteria were found in 24/126 (19.05%) ticks and 4/16 (25.00%) in symptomatic cattle's blood. The obtained ompA and ompB sequences from Hy. asiaticum ticks showed 99.73%-99.87% with Candidatus Rickettsia shennongii and unidentified Rickettsia sp., whereas the obtained 16S rDNA sequences from cattle's blood and ticks (Hae. cornupunctata) showed 99.67% highest identity with Anaplasma phagocytophilum. The 16S rDNA sequence of Rickettsiales DNA from Rh. turanicus ticks showed 100% identity with Ehrlichia canis and unidentified Ehrlichia sp. Obtained sequences of Rickettsiales bacteria were grouped along with their respective species in phylogenetic trees, which were previously reported in Greece, Cuba, Iraq, Turkey, Pakistan, South Korea, and China (mainland and Taiwan). This extensive study explores the wide range of damaging ticks and their corresponding tick-borne bacteria in the area, suggesting a possible danger to both livestock and human communities.

Ixodidae , Rickettsia , Garrapatas , Humanos , Bovinos , Animales , Ovinos/genética , Perros , Ratones , Garrapatas/microbiología , Filogenia , Pakistán , Genotipo , Ixodidae/genética , ADN Ribosómico/genética
Dokl Biol Sci ; 2024 Mar 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38538825


The Cuban macaw Ara tricolor (Bechstein, 1811) is an extinct species of large parrots. Its historical distribution and ecology are poorly understood. To date, only three late Quaternary paleontological and one archeozoological (17th-18th centuries) finds of the species have been described from central Cuba. A new (fourth) fossil find of the Cuban macaw is described and is a fragmentary carpometacarpus from Upper Pleistocene layers of the El Abrón Cave in the Pinar del Río province. The find provides the first documented evidence of the species from the western part of Cuba. The associated fauna indicates that the Cuban macaw lived in mosaic, semi-open marshy landscapes, which were probably similar to those in the vicinity of Ciénaga de Zapata in modern times.

JAMA ; 331(13): 1109-1121, 2024 04 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38497797


Importance: Since 2015, US government and related personnel have reported dizziness, pain, visual problems, and cognitive dysfunction after experiencing intrusive sounds and head pressure. The US government has labeled these anomalous health incidents (AHIs). Objective: To assess whether participants with AHIs differ significantly from US government control participants with respect to clinical, research, and biomarker assessments. Design, Setting, and Participants: Exploratory study conducted between June 2018 and July 2022 at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, involving 86 US government staff and family members with AHIs from Cuba, Austria, China, and other locations as well as 30 US government control participants. Exposures: AHIs. Main Outcomes and Measures: Participants were assessed with extensive clinical, auditory, vestibular, balance, visual, neuropsychological, and blood biomarkers (glial fibrillary acidic protein and neurofilament light) testing. The patients were analyzed based on the risk characteristics of the AHI identifying concerning cases as well as geographic location. Results: Eighty-six participants with AHIs (42 women and 44 men; mean [SD] age, 42.1 [9.1] years) and 30 vocationally matched government control participants (11 women and 19 men; mean [SD] age, 43.8 [10.1] years) were included in the analyses. Participants with AHIs were evaluated a median of 76 days (IQR, 30-537) from the most recent incident. In general, there were no significant differences between participants with AHIs and control participants in most tests of auditory, vestibular, cognitive, or visual function as well as levels of the blood biomarkers. Participants with AHIs had significantly increased fatigue, depression, posttraumatic stress, imbalance, and neurobehavioral symptoms compared with the control participants. There were no differences in these findings based on the risk characteristics of the incident or geographic location of the AHIs. Twenty-four patients (28%) with AHI presented with functional neurological disorders. Conclusions and Relevance: In this exploratory study, there were no significant differences between individuals reporting AHIs and matched control participants with respect to most clinical, research, and biomarker measures, except for objective and self-reported measures of imbalance and symptoms of fatigue, posttraumatic stress, and depression. This study did not replicate the findings of previous studies, although differences in the populations included and the timing of assessments limit direct comparisons.

Familia , Gobierno , Masculino , Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Biomarcadores , Fatiga , Medidas de Seguridad
Environ Pollut ; 346: 123589, 2024 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38373626


In recent years, the concern derived from the presence of emerging contaminants in the environment and the possible effects on the One Health trilogy has increased. This study determined the concentration of pharmaceutical contaminants of emerging concern and their relationship with the extracellular enzymatic activity of microbial communities from two rivers in western Cuba. Two sampling stations were analyzed; one in the Almendares River (urban) and the other in the San Juan River (rural), taking into account the pollution sources that arrive at these stations and previous physicochemical characterizations. Extracellular protease, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, lipase, and catalase activities in water and sediments were determined and correlated with contaminants of emerging concern determined by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry. This study evidenced the presence of different pharmaceutical contaminants found in the categories of antihypertensives, stimulants, anti-inflammatories, and antibiotics in both rivers. Concentrations of contaminants of emerging concern were greater in the Almendares River compared to the San Juan River. In addition, through the canonical redundancy analysis, the influence of these contaminants on the extracellular enzymatic activities of microbial communities was documented, where in most cases they inhibit protease, phosphatase, and lipase activities and enhance catalase activity in response to oxidative stress. The present investigation constitutes the first report in Cuba of the presence of pharmaceutical contaminants of emerging concern and one of the few works that exist in the Latin American region.

Microbiota , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua , Ríos/química , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/toxicidad , Contaminantes Químicos del Agua/análisis , Cuba , Catalasa , Péptido Hidrolasas , Lipasa , Preparaciones Farmacéuticas , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos
Front Genet ; 15: 1302580, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38343690


Crossbreeding has been employed to address environmental challenges. One successful example is the Siboney de Cuba, developed in response to economic challenges in the 1960s. The aim of this study was to perform the first genomic characterization of the Siboney de Cuba breed, a successful hybrid breed resulting from the crossbreeding of Cuban Zebu and Holstein, using SNP array chip. For this purpose, 48 Siboney de Cuba cattle samples were collected and genotyped with the GGP Bovine 100k BeadChip, resulting in 83,314 SNPs after quality control. The genetic diversity was investigated using observed and expected heterozygosity, inbreeding coefficient, and minor allele frequency. Runs of homozygosity (ROH) analysis provided insights into molecular inbreeding. Additionally, the study investigated copy number variants (CNV), identifying CNV regions and their distribution. The genetic relationship and population structure of Siboney de Cuba were analyzed in comparison with worldwide cattle populations using ADMIXTURE, multidimensional scaling, and phylogenetic analysis. Six ROH islands containing a total of 50 genes were discovered, some of which were uncharacterized loci. Furthermore, 792 CNV with higher occurrence of genetic material loss were observed. The overall genome coverage for CNV regions was 2.16%. The Siboney de Cuba exhibited a good level of genetic variability with high heterozygosity and low inbreeding when compared with other cattle breeds worldwide. Also, the breed shared genetic similarity to hybrids from America and Bos indicus from Africa and highlighted a moderate level of genetic isolation with some overlaps with Bos taurus from America. The breed showed a complex genetic composition, influenced by historical factors. Overall, findings of the present study contribute to the understanding of genomic structure of Siboney de Cuba cattle breed.

Ther Adv Drug Saf ; 15: 20420986241228119, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38323190


To perform optimal monitoring of the safety profile in the postmarketing phase, Marketing Authorization Holders and National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) must evaluate the adverse drug reactions (ADRs) that occurred and characterize their nature, frequency, and severity. Management is possible through Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSRs), which are the reports of organized and processed data. Globally, the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) E2B guideline suggests harmonized activities for the ICSR electronic content and transmission. In America, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is the agency responsible to implement cooperation among its members, which are recognized as National Regulatory Authorities of Reference (NRARs) such as Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, and the United States. PAHO published the 'Good Pharmacovigilance Practices for the Americas' suggesting improvement and harmonization in the region. After reviewing the regulatory framework, it is assumed that all NRARs have a regulated ICSR transmission system (i.e. a systematic vigilance system for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information from ADRs). However, significant differences exist, such as the requirement for social media vigilance, expedited and non-expedited ICSRs, coding, severity, and transmission. The volume of ICSRs has significantly increased, due to using electronic standards managed by the NRAs, which facilitates early identification of new ADRs, allowing the implementation of novel minimization activities, contributing to the continuous assessment of the benefit-risk balance of medicines. Nevertheless, there is still area for improvement, especially in Latin America.

Transmission of spontaneous adverse drug reactions by industry in countries designated as a reference by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO): comparison on regulatory requirements This review aims to describe regulatory criteria and compare harmonization across regions that marketing authorization holders must fulfill when transmitting spontaneous adverse drug reactions to the authorities for postmarketing surveillance. It centers on the regulatory requirements of authorities designated as a reference by the PAHO. Consequently, it is important to review the regulatory framework, to evaluate the requirements for transmission and have the context of the current harmonization among these agencies in America. This review contains the minimum criteria for transmission and harmonized guidelines according to the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) and PAHO. However, identifying the differences is only the first step, future research in harmonization must continue to advance the understanding and establish guidelines that allow a better evaluation of the safety profile of medical products.

Rev. clín. esp. (Ed. impr.) ; 224(2): 96-104, feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-230401


Introducción Los estudios genéticos han demostrado asociaciones de varios polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido (SNP) con diferentes tasas de progresión y variación en la susceptibilidad a la infección por VIH. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar la frecuencia de los polimorfismos ccr5Δ32, IL-6-174G/C, IFN-γ+874T/A e IL-10-1082A/G en pacientes cubanos infectados por VIH y un grupo de parejas serodiscordantes para evaluar su influencia sobre el riesgo y la progresión de la enfermedad. Métodos Se realizó un estudio transversal en 120 sujetos atendidos en el Instituto de Medicina Tropical «Pedro Kour» (IPK) y el Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras entre junio de 2018 y diciembre de 2019. La amplificación de los fragmentos de los genes ccr5, IL-6, IFN-γ e IL-10 se realizó mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa seguida por el análisis del polimorfismo de fragmentos de restricción utilizando la enzima NlaIII para la IL-6. El sistema de mutación refractario a la amplificación por PCR se utilizó en el caso de los genes IFN-γ e IL-10. Resultados Las distribuciones alélicas y genotípicas de los genes ccr5, IL-6, IFN-γ e IL-10 no difirieron significativamente entre los dos grupos. Los recuentos celulares y los valores de carga viral en plasma no difirieron significativamente entre los genotipos de los genes ccr5, IL-6, IFN-γ e IL-10. Solo el genotipo IL-6 GC se asoció con valores más altos de carga viral. La combinación de alelos de los cuatro SNP considerados mostró un aumento muy significativo del riesgo de infección por VIH para uno de ellos, pero con una frecuencia muy baja (<1%). Conclusión Este estudio contribuye a evaluar la frecuencia de estos polimorfismos y su influencia en los biomarcadores de la progresión de la infección por VIH en la población cubana con infección por el VIH. (AU)

Introduction Genetic studies have shown associations of several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) with different rates of progression and variation in susceptibility to HIV infection. This study aimed to estimate the frequency of ccr5Δ32, IL-6-174G/C, IFN-γ+874T/A and IL-10-1082A/G polymorphisms in Cuban HIV-infected patients and a group of sero-discordant couples to assess their influence on risk and disease progression. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out on 120 subjects registered at the Institute of Tropical Medicine «Pedro Kour» (IPK) and the Ameijeiras Hospital from June 2018 until December 2019. The amplification of fragments of the ccr5, IL-6, IFN-γ and IL-10 genes was performed by polymerase chain reaction followed by identification of polymorphisms using the restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis for IL-6 with the restriction enzymes Nla III. Amplification refractory mutation system was used for IFN-γ and IL-10 genes. Results The allelic and genotypic distributions of the genes ccr5, IL-6, IFN-γ and IL-10 did not differ significantly between the two groups. Cell counts and plasma viral load values did not differ significantly between genotypes of the ccr5, IL-6, IFN-γ and IL-10 genes. Only the IL-6 GC genotype was associated with higher viral load values. The combination of alleles of the four considered SNPs showed a highly significant increase in the risk of HIV infection for one of them, but with a very low frequency (<1%). Conclusion This study contributes to evaluating the frequency of these polymorphisms and their influence on biomarkers of the progression of HIV infection in the Cuban HIV-population. (AU)

Humanos , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Infecciones por VIH , Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple , Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida , Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad , Estudios Transversales , Cuba
Rev. clín. esp. (Ed. impr.) ; 224(2): 96-104, feb. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-EMG-584


Introducción Los estudios genéticos han demostrado asociaciones de varios polimorfismos de un solo nucleótido (SNP) con diferentes tasas de progresión y variación en la susceptibilidad a la infección por VIH. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar la frecuencia de los polimorfismos ccr5Δ32, IL-6-174G/C, IFN-γ+874T/A e IL-10-1082A/G en pacientes cubanos infectados por VIH y un grupo de parejas serodiscordantes para evaluar su influencia sobre el riesgo y la progresión de la enfermedad. Métodos Se realizó un estudio transversal en 120 sujetos atendidos en el Instituto de Medicina Tropical «Pedro Kour» (IPK) y el Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras entre junio de 2018 y diciembre de 2019. La amplificación de los fragmentos de los genes ccr5, IL-6, IFN-γ e IL-10 se realizó mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa seguida por el análisis del polimorfismo de fragmentos de restricción utilizando la enzima NlaIII para la IL-6. El sistema de mutación refractario a la amplificación por PCR se utilizó en el caso de los genes IFN-γ e IL-10. Resultados Las distribuciones alélicas y genotípicas de los genes ccr5, IL-6, IFN-γ e IL-10 no difirieron significativamente entre los dos grupos. Los recuentos celulares y los valores de carga viral en plasma no difirieron significativamente entre los genotipos de los genes ccr5, IL-6, IFN-γ e IL-10. Solo el genotipo IL-6 GC se asoció con valores más altos de carga viral. La combinación de alelos de los cuatro SNP considerados mostró un aumento muy significativo del riesgo de infección por VIH para uno de ellos, pero con una frecuencia muy baja (<1%). Conclusión Este estudio contribuye a evaluar la frecuencia de estos polimorfismos y su influencia en los biomarcadores de la progresión de la infección por VIH en la población cubana con infección por el VIH. (AU)

Introduction Genetic studies have shown associations of several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) with different rates of progression and variation in susceptibility to HIV infection. This study aimed to estimate the frequency of ccr5Δ32, IL-6-174G/C, IFN-γ+874T/A and IL-10-1082A/G polymorphisms in Cuban HIV-infected patients and a group of sero-discordant couples to assess their influence on risk and disease progression. Methods A cross-sectional study was carried out on 120 subjects registered at the Institute of Tropical Medicine «Pedro Kour» (IPK) and the Ameijeiras Hospital from June 2018 until December 2019. The amplification of fragments of the ccr5, IL-6, IFN-γ and IL-10 genes was performed by polymerase chain reaction followed by identification of polymorphisms using the restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis for IL-6 with the restriction enzymes Nla III. Amplification refractory mutation system was used for IFN-γ and IL-10 genes. Results The allelic and genotypic distributions of the genes ccr5, IL-6, IFN-γ and IL-10 did not differ significantly between the two groups. Cell counts and plasma viral load values did not differ significantly between genotypes of the ccr5, IL-6, IFN-γ and IL-10 genes. Only the IL-6 GC genotype was associated with higher viral load values. The combination of alleles of the four considered SNPs showed a highly significant increase in the risk of HIV infection for one of them, but with a very low frequency (<1%). Conclusion This study contributes to evaluating the frequency of these polymorphisms and their influence on biomarkers of the progression of HIV infection in the Cuban HIV-population. (AU)

Humanos , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Infecciones por VIH , Polimorfismo de Nucleótido Simple , Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida , Predisposición Genética a la Enfermedad , Estudios Transversales , Cuba
New Phytol ; 242(2): 389-391, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38363008
Data Brief ; 53: 110078, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38317727


The Custard Apple, known as sugar apple or sweetsop, spans diverse regions like India, Portugal, Thailand, Cuba, and the West Indies. This dataset holds 8226 images of Custard Apple (Annona squamosa) fruit and leaf diseases, categorized into six types: Athracnose, Blank Canker, Diplodia Rot, Leaf Spot on fruit, Leaf Spot on leaf, and Mealy Bug. It's a key resource for refining machine learning algorithms focused on detecting and classifying diseases in Custard Apple plants. Utilizing methods like deep learning, feature extraction, and pattern recognition, this dataset sharpens automated disease identification precision. Its extensive range suits testing and training disease identification techniques. Public access fosters collaboration, fast-tracking plant pathology advancements and supporting Custard Apple plant sustainability. This dataset fosters collaborative efforts, aiding disease prevention techniques to boost Custard Apple yield and refine farming. It enhances disease identification, monitoring, and management in Custard Apple production, aiming to elevate agricultural practices and crop yields.
