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Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;46: x-xx, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565357


Abstract Monkeypox (MPX), an orthopoxviral disease endemic in Africa, is now a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) as declared by the World Health Organization in July 2023. Although it is generally mild, the overall case fatality rate was reported to be 3%, and the basic reproduction number (R0) is > 1 in men who have sex with men (MSM, i.e., Portugal (1.4), the United Kingdom (1.6), and Spain (1.8)). However, R0 is < 1 in other settings. In concordance with the smallpox virus, it is also expected to increase the risk of adverse outcomes for both the mother and the fetus. The outcomes of the disease in an immunocompromised state of pregnancy are scary, showing high mortality and morbidity of both mother and fetus, with up to a 75% risk of fetal side effects and a 25% risk of severe maternal diseases. Therefore, it warrants timely diagnosis and intervention. The reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT PCR) test is the standard approach to diagnosis. We summarized the recent findings of MPX on pregnancy, and the associated risk factors. We also give recommendations for active fetal surveillance, perinatal care, and good reporting to improve outcomes. The available vaccines have shown promise for primary disease prevention.

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Complicaciones del Embarazo , Infecciones por Poxviridae , Atención Perinatal , Mpox/epidemiología
Viruses ; 15(12)2023 11 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38140542


Monkeypox virus (MPXV), belonging to the Poxviridae family and Orthopoxvirus genus, is closely related to the smallpox virus. Initial prodromal symptoms typically include headache, fever, and lymphadenopathy. This review aims to detail various ocular manifestations and immune evasion associated with the monkeypox viral infection and its complications, making it appropriate as a narrative review. Common external ocular manifestations of MPXV typically involve a generalized pustular rash, keratitis, discharges, and dried secretions related to conjunctival pustules, photophobia, and lacrimation. Orthopoxviruses can evade host immune responses by secreting proteins that antagonize the functions of host IFNγ, CC and CXC chemokines, IL-1ß, and the complement system. One of the most important transcription factors downstream of pattern recognition receptors binding is IRF3, which controls the expression of the crucial antiviral molecules IFNα and IFNß. We strongly recommend that ophthalmologists include MPXV as part of their differential diagnosis when they encounter similar cases presenting with ophthalmic manifestations such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, or corneal lesions. Furthermore, because non-vaccinated individuals are more likely to exhibit these symptoms, it is recommended that healthcare administrators prioritize smallpox vaccination for at-risk groups, including very young children, pregnant women, older adults, and immunocompromised individuals, especially those in close contact with MPXV cases.

Enfermedades de la Córnea , Monkeypox virus , Niño , Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Preescolar , Anciano , Evasión Inmune , Vacunación , Párpados
Rev Clin Esp (Barc) ; 223(1): 32-39, 2023 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36341988


Viral infections during pregnancy have been one of the leading causes associated with significant perinatal problems, such as congenital defects, fetal neurological syndromes, stillbirths, and adverse pregnancy outcomes. The mpox virus infection, caused by an Orthopoxvirus related to the human smallpox virus, was declared a global health emergency by the World Health Organization in July 2022 due to the large number of cases emerging outside the usual endemic area in Africa. There is little information on the impact of mpox virus infection during pregnancy, although the limited evidence available shows a high rate of fetal harm. This review addresses the problem of mpox virus infection in pregnant women and provides indications for its prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

Enfermedades Desatendidas , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo , Femenino , Humanos , Embarazo , África , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/diagnóstico , Complicaciones Infecciosas del Embarazo/epidemiología , Resultado del Embarazo , /epidemiología
Goiânia; SES-GO; 09 set. 2022. 1-4 p. quadro.
No convencional en Portugués | LILACS, CONASS, Coleciona SUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1392890


A presente nota técnica tem como objetivo orientar os profissionais de saúde em relação à condução dos casos suspeitos e/ou confirmados de Monkeypox em gestantes, puérperas e lactantes. A Monkeypox (MPX) ou Varíola M é uma doença causada pelo vírus Monkeypox do gênero Orthopoxvirus e família Poxviridae. Trata-se de uma zoonose viral cuja transmissão pode ocorrer por meio do contato desprotegido com lesões ou fluidos corporais (contato sexual, saliva, olhos, cavidade oral) e/ou materiais contaminados (roupa de cama, vestes, utensílios domésticos)

This technical note aims to guide health professionals in relation to the management of suspected and/or confirmed cases of Monkeypox in pregnant, postpartum and lactating women. Monkeypox (MPX) or Smallpox M is a disease caused by the Monkeypox virus of the genus Orthopoxvirus and family Poxviridae. It is a viral zoonosis whose transmission can occur through unprotected contact with injuries or bodily fluids (sexual contact, saliva, eyes, sinus oral) and/or contaminated materials (bedding, clothing, household items)

Humanos , Femenino , Embarazo , Lactante , Mpox/prevención & control , Poxviridae , Orthopoxvirus , Mpox/transmisión
In. Pose Trujillo, Guillermo Luis; Vaz Ferreira, Catalina; Lucas Munaut, Leandro José. Actualizaciones y casos clínicos en neonatología. [Montevideo], s.n, 2022. p.316-328, ilus.
Monografía en Español | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1568328