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J. bras. nefrol ; 46(2): e20230117, Apr.-June 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550486


Abstract Introduction: Chronic kidney disease is usually asymptomatic, and its diagnosis depends on laboratory tests, with emphasis on serum creatinine and proteinuria. Objective: To assess knowledge on the role of serum creatinine as a biomarker of kidney function in a sample of the Brazilian population. Method: Cross-sectional observational study conducted in São Paulo (SP, Brazil), in which a random adult population was interviewed. Results: A total of 1138 subjects were interviewed, with a median age of 36 years old (27-52); 55.1% were female. Regarding the "creatinine" biomarker, 40.6% stated they had never performed such a test. When asked about their knowledge on the usefulness of this exam, only 19.6% knew its function. The other responses were "I don't know" (71.6%), evaluating heart function (0.9%) and liver function (7.8%). Of those who reported they had already taken a creatinine test, only 29.4% correctly identified the role of creatinine. When dividing the groups into "knows" and "does not know" the function of creatinine, a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) was observed regarding level of education, female sex, being a healthcare student/worker, having ever measured creatinine, knowing someone with kidney disease and older age. In the multivariate analysis, the main variable related to knowing the creatinine role was having previously taken the test (OR 5.16; 95% CI 3.16-8.43, p < 0.001). Conclusion: There is a significant lack of knowledge about creatinine and its use in checkups. The results indicate that greater efforts are needed from healthcare professionals to raise awareness on the role of serum creatinine.

Resumo Introdução: A doença renal crônica costuma ser assintomática e seu diagnóstico depende da realização de exames laboratoriais, com destaque para a creatinina sérica e pesquisa de proteinúria. Objetivo: Avaliar em uma amostra da população brasileira o conhecimento sobre o papel da creatinina sérica como marcador de função renal. Método: Estudo observacional transversal realizado na cidade de São Paulo (SP, Brasil), em que foi entrevistada uma população adulta aleatória. Resultados: Foram entrevistados 1138 indivíduos, com idade mediana de 36 anos (27-52); 55,1% do sexo feminino. Com relação ao marcador "creatinina", 40,6% afirmaram que nunca realizaram tal dosagem. Quando questionados quanto ao conhecimento sobre a utilidade desse exame, somente 19,6% sabiam a sua função. As outras respostas foram "não sei" (71,6%), avaliar o funcionamento do coração (0,9%) e fígado (7,8%). Dos que afirmaram já terem realizado o exame de creatinina, somente 29,4% acertaram a função da creatinina. Ao dividir os grupos em "sabe" e "não sabe" a função da creatinina, percebeu-se diferença estatisticamente significante (p < 0,05) em relação ao grau de escolaridade, sexo feminino, ser aluno/trabalhador da saúde, ter dosado creatinina alguma vez, conhecer alguém com doença renal e maior idade. Na análise multivariada, a principal variável relacionada com conhecer a função da creatinina foi ter realizado o exame anteriormente (OR 5,16; IC 95% 3,16-8,43, p < 0,001). Conclusão: Há grande desconhecimento sobre a creatinina e seu uso em check-ups. Os resultados indicam que é necessário maior esforço por parte dos profissionais de saúde para divulgar o papel da creatinina sérica.

Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58546, Jan.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1550246


Resumen Introdução: A criação de guias que unificam as demandas clínicas prevalentes em consultas de enfermagem gerontológica e, das suas respectivas intervenções, se faz presente, devido a heterogeneidade das patologias emergentes no processo de envelhecimento, que irão precisar de cuidados. Objetivo: Identificar as demandas clínicas em consultas de enfermagem gerontológica e, as intervenções implementadas pelos(as) enfermeiros(as). Método: Revisão integrativa de pesquisas originais, publicadas entre 2018 e 2022, em inglês, espanhol e português, disponíveis nas bases de dados Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, BIREME/LILACS/BDENF/IBECS/BVS, SciELO e Google Scholar, pelos descritores DeCS/MESH: "Idoso"; "Enfermagem no Consultório"; "Enfermagem Geriátrica" e "Geriatria". O Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention foi usado para determinar o nível de evidência da amostra final. Foram excluídos editoriais, estudos de revisão e artigos duplicados. A análise dos dados se deu pela leitura analítica e interpretativa, guiadas por um checklist. Resultados: Oito artigos foram selecionados e trouxeram demandas clínica tais como: o déficit no autocuidado para banho; autonegligência; fadiga; risco de integridade da pele prejudicada; desesperança; tristeza e depressão. As intervenções se relacionaram ao incentivo ao autocuidado; otimização dos medicamentos; estímulo a atividade física; cuidados com a pele; aconselhamento; musicoterapia e reabilitação psicossocial. Conclusão: Demandas clínicas atendidas nas consultas de enfermagem gerontológica possuem grande variação, com prevalência no domínio atividade/repouso, tais como intervenções voltadas para o tratamento e prevenção de doenças e ações visando a promoção da saúde, tendo o domínio comportamental mais expressivo.

Resumen Introducción: La creación de guías que unifiquen las demandas clínicas prevalentes en las consultas de enfermería gerontológica y sus respectivas intervenciones es necesaria, debido a la heterogeneidad de patologías emergentes en el proceso de envejecimiento que requerirán cuidados. Objetivo: Identificar las demandas clínicas en las consultas de enfermería gerontológica y las intervenciones implementadas por el personal de enfermería. Método: Revisión integrativa de investigaciones originales, publicadas entre 2018 y 2022, en inglés, español y portugués, en las bases de datos Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, BIREME/LILACS/BDENF/IBECS/BVS, SciELO y Google Scholar. Se utilizaron los descriptores DeCS/MESH: "Idoso"; "Enfermagem no Consultório"; "Enfermagem Geriátrica" e "Geriatria". Para determinar el nivel de evidencia de la muestra final, se usó el Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention. Además, se excluyeron los editoriales, los estudios de revisión y los artículos duplicados. Los datos se analizaron mediante lectura analítica e interpretativa, guiada por una lista de verificación. Resultados: Se seleccionaron ocho artículos que aportaron demandas clínicas como déficit en el autocuidado para el baño, autodescuido, fatiga, riesgo integridad de la piel perjudicada; desesperanza, tristeza y depresión. Las intervenciones estaban orientadas al fomento del autocuidado, la optimización de la medicación, el fomento de la actividad física, el cuidado de la piel, el asesoramiento, la musicoterapia y la rehabilitación psicosocial. Conclusión: Las demandas clínicas atendidas en las consultas de enfermería gerontológica son muy variadas, con predominio en el dominio actividad/reposo, como intervenciones dirigidas al tratamiento y prevención de enfermedades y acciones dirigidas a la promoción de la salud, siendo más expresivo el dominio conductual.

Abstract Introduction: The creation of guidelines that unify the prevalent clinical demands from gerontological nursing consultations and their corresponding interventions are necessary due to the heterogeneity of emerging pathologies in the aging process that will require nursing care. Objective: To identify clinical demands in gerontological nursing consultations and the interventions implemented by nurses. Method: An integrative review of original research published from 2018 and 2022, in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, in Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, BIREME/lilacs/BDENF/IBECS/VHL, SciELO, and Google Scholar databases, using the DeCS/MESH descriptors: "Elderly", "Nursing in the Office", "Geriatric Nursing", and "Geriatrics". The Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention was used to determine the level of evidence of the final sample. Editorials, review studies, and duplicate articles were excluded. The data were analyzed by analytical and interpretative reading, guided by a checklist. Results: Eight articles were selected that showed clinical demands such as deficits in self-care for bathing, self-negligence, fatigue, risk of damaged skin integrity, hopelessness, sadness, and depression. Interventions were related to encouraging self-care, medication optimization, encouragement of exercise, skin care, counseling, music therapy, and psychosocial rehabilitation. Conclusion: There are many different clinical demands in gerontological nursing consultations, especially associated with the domain of activity/rest. These include interventions to treat and prevent diseases, and actions aimed at health promotion, in most cases associated with the behavioral domain.

Envejecimiento , Atención Dirigida al Paciente/métodos , Enfermería Geriátrica/métodos , Guía
Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58564, Jan.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1550245


Resumo Introdução: O acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico tem como tratamento a terapia trombolítica, aplicada ainda na fase aguda, promovendo melhora importante nas sequelas acarretadas por este agravo. Considerando a complexidade da terapia trombolítica, torna-se necessário que os enfermeiros compreendam suas competências para auxiliar no cuidado. Objetivo: Identificar evidências científicas acerca das competências do enfermeiro no cuidado a pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral elegíveis à terapia trombolítica. Metodologia: Revisão integrativa composta por seis etapas em seis etapas (elaboração da questão, busca na literatura, coleta de dados, análise, discussão e apresentação da revisão), realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase e CINAHL. A busca foi realizada entre agosto e setembro de 2022 adotando como critérios de inclusão estudos primários; gratuitos, disponíveis eletronicamente na íntegra; nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol. Foram obtidos inicialmente 2.830 estudos, os quais passaram por uma seleção, onde foram incluídos aqueles que atendiam os critérios previamente estabelecidos. Resultados: Com base nos doze estudos incluídos nesta revisão identificaram-se competências voltadas à três atividades do cuidado: gestão do cuidado como trabalho em equipe, códigos, fluxos e protocolos, assistência ao paciente antes, durante e após a utilização da terapia trombolítica e educação em saúde para equipe, pacientes e familiares. Conclusão: Os achados desta revisão puderam evidenciar as competências do enfermeiro no cuidado aos pacientes elegíveis a terapia trombolítica, as quais perpassam diferentes áreas de atuação do enfermeiro. Para este estudo prevaleceram as competências assistências, seguida por competências gerenciais.

Resumen Introducción: El accidente cerebrovascular isquémico se trata con terapia trombolítica, aplicada incluso en la fase aguda, que promueve una mejoría significativa de las secuelas provocadas por este padecimiento. Considerando la complejidad de la terapia trombolítica, es necesario que las personas profesionales de enfermería comprendan sus competencias para ayudar en el cuidado. Objetivo: Identificar evidencias científicas sobre las competencias del personal de enfermería en el cuidado de pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular elegibles para terapia trombolítica. Metodología: Revisión integradora que consta de seis etapas (elaboración de la pregunta, búsqueda bibliográfica, recolección de datos, análisis, discusión y presentación de la revisión), realizada en las bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase y CINAHL. La búsqueda se realizó entre agosto y septiembre de 2022. Los criterio de inclusión fueron: estudios primarios, gratuito, disponible electrónicamente en su totalidad, en inglés, portugués y español. Inicialmente se obtuvieron 2830 estudios, los cuales fueron sometidos a un proceso de selección, que incluyó aquellos que cumplían con los criterios previamente establecidos. Resultados: A partir de los doce estudios incluidos en esta revisión, se identificaron competencias centradas en tres actividades asistenciales: gestión del cuidado como trabajo en equipo, códigos, flujos y protocolos, atención a pacientes antes, durante y después del uso de la terapia trombolítica y educación en salud para personal, pacientes y familias. Conclusión: Los hallazgos de esta revisión pudieron resaltar las competencias de las personas profesionales en enfermería en el cuidado de personas elegibles para terapia trombolítica, que abarcan diferentes áreas de actuación del personal de enfermería. Para este estudio, prevalecieron las habilidades asistenciales, seguidas de las competencias gerenciales.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Ischemic stroke is treated with thrombolytic therapy, applied even in the acute phase, promoting a significant improvement in the after-effects caused by this condition. Considering the complexity of thrombolytic therapy, it is necessary for nurses to understand the skills required to assist in care. Objective: To identify scientific evidence about the competencies of nurses in the care of patients with stroke who are eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Methodology: An integrative review consisting of six stages (elaboration of the question, literature review, data collection, analysis, discussion, and presentation), conducted in MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, and CINAHL databases. The search was carried out between August and September 2022 using primary studies as the inclusion criteria: free of charge, fully available electronically, published in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. Initially, 2.830 studies were obtained, which underwent a selection process that included only those studies that met the previously established criteria. Results: Based on the twelve studies included in this review, competencies focused on three care activities were identified: care management such as teamwork; codes; flows and protocols; patient care before, during, and after the use of thrombolytic therapy; and education health education for staff, patients, and families. Conclusion: The findings of this review highlighted the nurses' competencies in the care of patients eligible for thrombolytic therapy, which encompass different areas of the nurse's work. For this study, assistance competencies prevailed, followed by management competencies.

Humanos , Terapia Trombolítica/enfermería , Accidente Cerebrovascular/enfermería , Atención de Enfermería
Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550527


Introducción: La glomerulonefritis pos infecciosa (GNPI) en la infancia es un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedad renal crónica a largo plazo. La adherencia al control médico permite realizar la nefroprevención secundaria. Objetivo: evaluar la relación entre los factores de riesgo relacionados a la falta de adherencia al control médico de pacientes con GNPI en una cohorte pediátrica. Metodología: estudio descriptivo de asociación cruzada de cohorte retrospectiva de pacientes internados entre enero de 2000 a diciembre de 2018 en un hospital de referencia. Se analizó la relación entre: hacinamiento, colecho, escolaridad materna y paterna, número de hermanos, de convivientes y procedencia, con la falta de adherencia al control médico. Se utilizaron la prueba de chi cuadrado y regresión logística a un nivel de significancia de 0,05. Resultados: Se incluyeron 148 pacientes (103 niños y 45 niñas) entre 2 a 16 años (edad promedio: 8,5± 3,4 años). La falta de adherencia fue encontrada en 73 pacientes (49,3%) que se asoció a procedencia rural (p= 0,012, RR: 1,50, IC95%: 1,10-2,06), baja escolaridad materna (p= 0,046, IC95%: 1,54:1,14-2,08), baja escolaridad paterna (p= 0,02; RR: 1,483, IC95%: 1,09-2,01), >3 convivientes (p=0,007, RR: 1,630, IC95%: 1,21-2,19), colecho (p=0,026; RR: 1,52, IC95%: 1,02-2,27) y hacinamiento (p<0,0001; RR: 1,92, IC95%: 1,39-2,65). Por regresión logística, el hacinamiento (p=0,005; OR= 4,8) y procedencia rural (p=0,022; OR: 2,4) se mantuvieron asociados a la falta de adherencia. Discusión: El hacinamiento y la procedencia rural se asociaron en forma independiente con la pérdida de seguimiento. Se recomienda mayor intervención de la atención primaria de salud.

Introduction: Post-infectious glomerulonephritis (PIGN) in childhood is a risk factor for the development of long-term chronic kidney disease. Adherence to medical control allows secondary nephroprevention to be carried out. Objective: to evaluate the relationship between risk factors related to non-adherence to medical control of patients with IPGN in a pediatric cohort. Methods: descriptive study, with an analytical component of a retrospective cohort of patients hospitalized between January 2000 and December 2018 in a reference hospital. The relationship between: overcrowding, co-sleeping, maternal and paternal education, number of siblings, cohabitants and origin, with lack of adherence to medical control was analyzed. The chi-square test and logistic regression were used at a significance level of 0.05. Results: a total of 148 patients (103 boys y 45 girls) between 2 and 16 years old (mean age: 8.5± 3.4 years) were included. The lack of adherence was found in 73 patients (49.3%) that was associated with rural origin (p= 0.012, RR: 1.50, 95% CI: 1.10-2.06), low maternal education (p= 0.046, 95%CI: 1.54:1.14-2.08), low paternal education (p= 0.02; RR: 1.483, 95%CI: 1.09-2.01), >3 cohabitants (p=0.007, RR: 1.630, 95% CI: 1.21-2.19), co-sleeping (p=0.026; RR: 1.52, 95% CI: 1.02-2.27) and overcrowding (p<0.0001; RR: 1.92, 95% CI: 1.39-2.65). By logistic regression, overcrowding (p=0.005; OR= 4.8) and rural origin (p=0.022; OR: 2.4) remained associated with lack of adherence. Discussion: Overcrowding and rural origin were independently associated with loss to follow-up. Greater intervention by primary health care is recommended.

Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550531


La salud en la frontera presenta una serie de desafíos y oportunidades para el bienestar de las comunidades fronterizas. Estas zonas geográficas, donde los límites políticos y territoriales se entrelazan, enfrentan problemas de salud únicos que requieren enfoques innovadores y colaborativos. Uno de los desafíos principales es el acceso limitado a servicios de atención médica de calidad. Las comunidades fronterizas a menudo carecen de infraestructuras de salud adecuadas, incluyendo hospitales y clínicas, lo que dificulta el acceso a servicios esenciales. Además, las barreras lingüísticas y culturales pueden dificultar aún más la comunicación entre los proveedores de salud y los pacientes, lo que limita la calidad de la atención. A pesar de estos desafíos, también existen oportunidades para mejorar la salud en la frontera. La colaboración transfronteriza puede ser una herramienta poderosa para abordar los problemas de salud comunes. Los países vecinos pueden compartir recursos, conocimientos y mejores prácticas para fortalecer los sistemas de salud en ambos lados de la frontera. Esto incluye la promoción de la formación y capacitación conjunta de profesionales de la salud, el intercambio de información epidemiológica y la armonización de políticas de salud. Además, las comunidades fronterizas pueden aprovechar su diversidad cultural y su conocimiento tradicional para mejorar la atención médica.

Border health presents a series of challenges and opportunities for border communities' well-being. These geographic areas, where political and territorial boundaries are intertwined, face unique health issues that require innovative and collaborative approaches. One of the main challenges is limited access to quality health care services. Border communities often lack adequate health infrastructure, including hospitals and clinics, which makes it difficult to access essential services. In addition, language and cultural barriers can further hinder communication between healthcare providers and patients, thereby limiting the quality of care. Despite these challenges, there are opportunities to improve border health. Cross-border collaboration can be a powerful tool for addressing common health problems. Neighboring countries can share resources, knowledge, and best practices to strengthen their health systems on both sides of their borders. This includes the promotion of joint education and training of health professionals, exchange of epidemiological information, and harmonization of health policies. In addition, border communities can take advantage of cultural diversity and traditional knowledge to improve healthcare.

Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550535


Introducción: Paraguay asumió el reto de lograr cobertura universal mediante redes basadas en Atención Primaria de la Salud con Unidades de Salud de la Familia (USF) en el primer nivel de atención. Un desafío es la atención integral ante enfermedades no transmisibles, principal causa de mortalidad en el país. Objetivo: analizar la capacidad de las USF para la atención de personas con hipertensión arterial y diabetes en el sistema nacional de salud. El diseño fue no experimental, cuantitativo, transversal, descriptivo con componente analítico. Metodología: Incluyó a 761 USF de 12 regiones sanitarias agrupados en 4 ejes territoriales. Se adaptó el método de evaluación SARA de la OMS con 75 variables, aplicando un cuestionario a profesionales de salud entre noviembre y diciembre de 2022. Se calculó índices de disponibilidad y preparación así como un índice que los integra. La medida continua de estos índices se categorizó en 3 grupos: suficiente >0,75 a 1; intermedio 0,5 a 0,75 y bajo <0,5. Resultados: Solo en el 38 % de las USF el índice de disponibilidad fue suficiente, en el 31,5 % para el índice de preparación y en el 31,1 % para el índice integrador SARA DM/HTA. El desempeño se asoció de forma significativa con el eje territorial no así con el área ni con la cobertura a población indígena Discusión: las USF presentaron limitaciones para la atención de personas con diabetes e hipertensión en estas regiones del país.

Introduction: Paraguay assumed the challenge of achieving universal coverage through networks based on Primary Health Care with Family Health Units (USF) at the first level of care. One challenge is comprehensive care for non-communicable diseases, the main cause of mortality in the country. Objective: to analyze the capacity of the USF to care for people with high blood pressure and diabetes in the national health system. The design was non-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive with an analytical component. Methods: It included 761 USF from 12 health regions grouped into 4 territorial axes. The WHO SARA evaluation method was adapted with 75 variables, applying a questionnaire to health professionals between November and December 2022. Availability and preparation indices were calculated as well as an index that integrates them. The continuous measurement of these indices was categorized into 3 groups: sufficient >0.75 to 1; intermediate 0.5 to 0.75 and low <0.5. Results: Only in 38.0% of the USF the availability index was sufficient, in 31.5% for the readiness index and in 31.1% for the SARA DM/HTA integrating index. The performance was significantly associated with the territorial axis, but not with the area or with the coverage of the indigenous population. Discussion: the USF presented limitations for the care of people with diabetes and hypertension in these regions of the country.

Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550536


Introducción: A nivel mundial, la cobertura de vacunación contra el COVID-19, así como contra la influenza es baja tanto en la población general como en los profesionales de la salud a pesar de que la vacuna es gratuita y obligatoria en el personal sanitario. Objetivo: Describir la cobertura de vacunación contra el COVID -19, y la influenza en personal de salud y administrativo de un hospital de referencia del Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social en el periodo 2021-2022. Metodología: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte trasverso. Se hizo la revisión de los registros del personal sanitario y administrativo del centro vacunatorio del Hospital Nacional de Itauguá de la campaña vacunal contra el COVID-19 y de anti-influenza en el periodo 2021- 2022. Resultados: De los 3.586 funcionarios, 999 (27,9 %) eran médicos, 1494 (41,7 %) personal de enfermería, 366 (10,2 %) otra categoría de personal sanitario, y 727 (20,3 %) personal administrativo. En forma global, el 86,5 % de los funcionarios recibió por lo menos las dos dosis que constituyen el esquema primario y el 73 % la dosis de refuerzo. El 2,1 % del personal no recibió ninguna dosis de vacuna anti covid-19, la cifra fue mayor en el personal administrativo (4,8 %). La cobertura de vacunación contra la influenza fue de 20 % en el 2021 y 25 % en el 2022. Discusión: Si bien cobertura de vacunación anti-COVID-19 fue comparable a otros países, la vacunación contra la influenza fue muy baja. Es urgente implementar estrategias dirigidas a aumentar la percepción de riesgo y aceptabilidad de las vacunas obligatorias para el personal sanitario.

Introduction: Worldwide, vaccination coverage against COVID-19, as well as against influenza, is low both in the general population and in health professionals, despite the fact that the vaccine is free and mandatory for health personnel. Objective: To describe the COVID -19 and influenza vaccination coverage in health and administrative personnel of a reference hospital of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare in the period 2021-2022. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive observational study. Charts of the health and administrative personnel of the vaccination center of the Itauguá National Hospital of the COVID-19 and influenza vaccination campaign in the period 2021-2022 were reviewed. Results: Of the 3,586 personnel, 999 (27.9%) were medical personnel, 1,494 (41.7%) nursing personnel, 366 (10.2%) other category of health personnel, and 727 (20.3%) administrative personnel. Overall, 86.5% of the employees received at least the two doses that constitute the primary schedule and 73% the booster dose; 2.1% of the staff did not receive any dose of the anti COVID-19 vaccine, which was higher in the administrative staff (4.8%). Influenza vaccination coverage was 20% in 2021 and 25% in 2022. Discussion: Even though the vaccination coverage of anti-COVID-19 was comparable to other countries, vaccination anti-influenza was very low. It is urgent to implement strategies aimed at increasing the perception of risk and acceptability of mandatory vaccines for health personnel.

JMIR Form Res ; 8: e52920, 2024 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38557671


BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic added to the decades of evidence that public health institutions are routinely stretched beyond their capacity. Community health workers (CHWs) can be a crucial extension of public health resources to address health inequities, but systems to document CHW efforts are often fragmented and prone to unneeded redundancy, errors, and inefficiency. OBJECTIVE: We sought to develop a more efficient data collection system for recording the wide range of community-based efforts performed by CHWs. METHODS: The Communities Organizing to Promote Equity (COPE) project is an initiative to address health disparities across Kansas, in part, through the deployment of CHWs. Our team iteratively designed and refined the features of a novel data collection system for CHWs. Pilot tests with CHWs occurred over several months to ensure that the functionality supported their daily use. Following implementation of the database, procedures were set to sustain the collection of feedback from CHWs, community partners, and organizations with similar systems to continually modify the database to meet the needs of users. A continuous quality improvement process was conducted monthly to evaluate CHW performance; feedback was exchanged at team and individual levels regarding the continuous quality improvement results and opportunities for improvement. Further, a 15-item feedback survey was distributed to all 33 COPE CHWs and supervisors for assessing the feasibility of database features, accessibility, and overall satisfaction. RESULTS: At launch, the database had 60 active users in 20 counties. Documented client interactions begin with needs assessments (modified versions of the Arizona Self-sufficiency Matrix and PRAPARE [Protocol for Responding to and Assessing Patient Assets, Risks, and Experiences]) and continue with the longitudinal tracking of progress toward goals. A user-specific automated alerts-based dashboard displays clients needing follow-up and upcoming events. The database contains over 55,000 documented encounters across more than 5079 clients. Available resources from over 2500 community organizations have been documented. Survey data indicated that 84% (27/32) of the respondents considered the overall navigation of the database as very easy. The majority of the respondents indicated they were overall very satisfied (14/32, 44%) or satisfied (15/32, 48%) with the database. Open-ended responses indicated the database features, documentation of community organizations and visual confirmation of consent form and data storage on a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act-compliant record system, improved client engagement, enrollment processes, and identification of resources. CONCLUSIONS: Our database extends beyond conventional electronic medical records and provides flexibility for ever-changing needs. The COPE database provides real-world data on CHW accomplishments, thereby improving the uniformity of data collection to enhance monitoring and evaluation. This database can serve as a model for community-based documentation systems and be adapted for use in other community settings.

JMIR Med Inform ; 12: e48862, 2024 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38557661


BACKGROUND: Triage is the process of accurately assessing patients' symptoms and providing them with proper clinical treatment in the emergency department (ED). While many countries have developed their triage process to stratify patients' clinical severity and thus distribute medical resources, there are still some limitations of the current triage process. Since the triage level is mainly identified by experienced nurses based on a mix of subjective and objective criteria, mis-triage often occurs in the ED. It can not only cause adverse effects on patients, but also impose an undue burden on the health care delivery system. OBJECTIVE: Our study aimed to design a prediction system based on triage information, including demographics, vital signs, and chief complaints. The proposed system can not only handle heterogeneous data, including tabular data and free-text data, but also provide interpretability for better acceptance by the ED staff in the hospital. METHODS: In this study, we proposed a system comprising 3 subsystems, with each of them handling a single task, including triage level prediction, hospitalization prediction, and length of stay prediction. We used a large amount of retrospective data to pretrain the model, and then, we fine-tuned the model on a prospective data set with a golden label. The proposed deep learning framework was built with TabNet and MacBERT (Chinese version of bidirectional encoder representations from transformers [BERT]). RESULTS: The performance of our proposed model was evaluated on data collected from the National Taiwan University Hospital (901 patients were included). The model achieved promising results on the collected data set, with accuracy values of 63%, 82%, and 71% for triage level prediction, hospitalization prediction, and length of stay prediction, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our system improved the prediction of 3 different medical outcomes when compared with other machine learning methods. With the pretrained vital sign encoder and repretrained mask language modeling MacBERT encoder, our multimodality model can provide a deeper insight into the characteristics of electronic health records. Additionally, by providing interpretability, we believe that the proposed system can assist nursing staff and physicians in taking appropriate medical decisions.

CJEM ; 26(4): 259-265, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38565769


OBJECTIVE: Our primary objective was to determine agreement between non-suicidal self-injury recorded at triage and during subsequent mental health assessment. The secondary objective was to describe patients who reported non-suicidal self-injury. METHODS: This is a health records review of patients aged 12-18 years who had an Emergency Mental Health Triage form on their health record from an ED visit June 1, 2017-May 31, 2018. We excluded patients with diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder or schizophrenia. We abstracted data from the Mental Health Triage form, Emergency Mental Health and Addictions Service Assessment forms and Assessment of Suicide and Risk Inventory. We calculated Cohen's Kappa coefficient, sensitivity, and negative predictive value to describe the extent to which the forms agreed and the performance of triage for identifying non-suicidal self-injury. We compared the cohort who reported non-suicidal self-injury with those who did not, using t-tests, Wilcoxon rank-sum tests, and chi-square tests. RESULTS: We screened 955 ED visits and included 914 ED visits where 558 (58.4%) reported a history of non-suicidal self-injury. There were significantly more females in the group reporting non-suicidal self-injury (82.1%, n = 458) compared to the group not reporting non-suicidal self-injury (45.8%, n = 163). Patients reporting non-suicidal self-injury did so in triage and detailed Mental Health Assessment 64.7% of the time (Cohen's Kappa Coefficient 0.6); triage had sensitivity of 71.5% (95% CI 67.3-75.4) and negative predictive value of 71.2% (95% CI 68.2-74.0). Cutting was the most common method of non-suicidal self-injury (80.3%). CONCLUSION: Screening at triage was moderately effective in identifying non-suicidal self-injury compared to a detailed assessment by a specialised mental health team. More than half of children and adolescents with a mental health-related concern in our ED reported a history of non-suicidal self-injury, most of which were female. This symptom is important for delineating patients' coping strategies.

RéSUMé: OBJECTIFS: Notre objectif principal était de déterminer l'accord entre les blessures non suicidaires enregistrées au triage et lors de l'évaluation subséquente de la santé mentale. L'objectif secondaire était de décrire les patients qui ont déclaré une automutilation non suicidaire. MéTHODES: Il s'agit d'un examen des dossiers de santé de patients âgés de 12 à 18 ans qui avaient un formulaire de triage d'urgence en santé mentale dans leur dossier de santé à la suite d'une visite à l'urgence du 1er juin 2017 au 31 mai 2018. Nous avons exclu les patients présentant un diagnostic de trouble du spectre autistique ou de schizophrénie. Nous avons extrait des données du formulaire de triage en santé mentale, des formulaires d'évaluation des services d'urgence en santé mentale et en toxicomanie et de l'évaluation du suicide et de l'inventaire des risques. Nous avons calculé le coefficient de Kappa de Cohen, la sensibilité et la valeur prédictive négative pour décrire la mesure dans laquelle les formes étaient d'accord et la performance du triage pour identifier l'automutilation non suicidaire. Nous avons comparé la cohorte qui a déclaré une automutilation non suicidaire avec celles qui ne l'ont pas fait, en utilisant des tests t-tests, des tests Wilcoxon rank-sum et des tests chi-carrés. RéSULTATS: Nous avons examiné 955 visites à l'urgence et inclus 914 visites à l'urgence où 558 (58,4 %) ont signalé des antécédents d'automutilation non suicidaire. Il y avait beaucoup plus de femmes dans le groupe déclarant une automutilation non suicidaire (82,1 %, n = 458) que dans le groupe ne déclarant pas une automutilation non suicidaire (45,8 %, n = 163). Les patients ayant déclaré une automutilation non suicidaire l'ont fait dans le cadre du triage et de l'évaluation détaillée de la santé mentale 64,7 % du temps (coefficient de Kappa de Cohen 0,6); le triage avait une sensibilité de 71,5 % (IC à 95 % 67,3­75,4) et une valeur prédictive négative de 71,2 % (IC à 95 % 68,2­74,0). La coupe était la méthode la plus courante d'automutilation non suicidaire (80,3 %). CONCLUSION: Le dépistage au triage a été modérément efficace pour identifier les blessures non suicidaires comparativement à une évaluation détaillée par une équipe spécialisée en santé mentale. Plus de la moitié des enfants et des adolescents ayant un problème de santé mentale à notre DE ont signalé des antécédents d'automutilation non suicidaire, dont la plupart étaient des femmes. Ce symptôme est important pour délimiter les stratégies d'adaptation des patients.

Trastorno del Espectro Autista , Suicidio , Niño , Adolescente , Humanos , Femenino , Masculino , Canadá/epidemiología , Suicidio/psicología , Servicio de Urgencia en Hospital , Salud Mental
J Radiol Prot ; 44(2)2024 Apr 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38569480


The number of healthcare workers occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation (IR) is increasing every year. As health effects from exposure to low doses IR have been reported, radiation protection (RP) in the context of occupational activities is a major concern. This study aims to assess the compliance of healthcare workers with RP policies, according to their registered cumulative dose, profession, and perception of radiation self-exposure and associated risk. Every healthcare worker from one of the participating hospitals in France with at least one dosimetric record for each year 2009, 2014, and 2019 in the SISERI registry was included and invited to complete an online questionnaire including information on the worker's occupational exposure, perception of IR-exposure risk and RP general knowledge. Hp(10) doses were provided by the SISERI system. Multivariate logistic regressions were used. Dosimeter wearing and RP practices compliance were strongly associated with 'feeling of being IR-exposed' (OR = 3.69, CI95% 2.04-6.66; OR = 4.60, CI95% 2.28-9.30, respectively). However, none of these factors was associated with RP training courses attendance. The main reason given for non-compliance is unsuitability or insufficient numbers of RP devices. This study provided useful information for RP policies. Making exposed workers aware of their own IR-exposure seems to be a key element to address in RP training courses. This type of questionnaire should be introduced into larger epidemiological studies. Dosimeter wearing and RP practices compliance are associated to feeling being IR-exposed. RP training courses should reinforce workers' awareness of their exposure to IR.

Exposición Profesional , Protección Radiológica , Humanos , Conocimientos, Actitudes y Práctica en Salud , Personal de Salud , Radiometría , Radiación Ionizante , Hospitales , Exposición Profesional/prevención & control , Exposición Profesional/análisis
Europace ; 26(4)2024 Mar 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38571291


AIMS: Same-day discharge (SDD) after atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation is an effective means to spare healthcare resources. However, safety remains a concern, and besides structural adaptations, SDD requires more efficient logistics and coordination. Therefore, in this study, we implement a streamlined, nurse-coordinated SDD programme following a standardized protocol. METHODS AND RESULTS: As a dedicated SDD coordinator, a nurse specialized in ambulatory cardiac interventions was in charge of the full SDD protocol, including eligibility, patient flow, in-hospital logistics, patient education, and discharge as well as early post-discharge follow-up by smartphone-based virtual visits. Patients planned for AF ablation were considered eligible if they had a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≥35%, with basic support at home and accessibility of the hospital within 60 min also forming a part of the eligibility criteria. A total of 420 consecutive patients were screened by the SDD coordinator, of whom 331 were eligible for SDD. The reasons for exclusion were living remotely (29, 6.9%), lack of support at home (19, 4.5%), or LVEF <35% (17, 4.0%). Of the eligible patients, 300 (91%) were successfully discharged the same day. There were no major post-SDD complications. Rates of unplanned medical attention (19, 6.3%) and 30-day readmission (5, 1.6%) were extremely low and driven by femoral access-site complications. These were significantly reduced upon the introduction of compulsory ultrasound-guided punctures after the initial 150 SDD patients (P = 0.0145). Standardized SDD coordination resulted in efficient workflows and reduced the total workload of the medical staff. CONCLUSION: Same-day discharge after AF ablation following a nurse-coordinated standardized protocol is safe and efficient. The concept of ambulatory cardiac intervention nurses functioning as dedicated coordinators may be key in the future transition of hospitals to SDD. Ultrasound-guided femoral puncture virtually eliminated relevant femoral access-site complications in our cohort and should therefore be a prerequisite for SDD.

S Afr Fam Pract (2004) ; 66(1): e1-e10, 2024 Mar 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38572875


BACKGROUND:  Universal health coverage (UHC) improves national health outcomes while addressing social inequalities in access to quality healthcare services. The district health system (DHS) is critical to the success of UHC in South Africa through the National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme. Family physicians (FPs), as champions of primary care, are central to the DHS operation and implementation of NHI. METHODS:  This was a qualitative exploratory study that used semi-structured interviews to explore FPs views and engagement on NHI policy and implementation in their districts. Ten FPs were included through purposive sampling. RESULTS:  Most of the FPs interviewed were not engaged in either policy formulation or strategic planning. The NHI bill was seen as a theoretical ideology that lacked any clear plan. Family physicians expressed several concerns around corruption in governmental structures that could play out in NHI implementation. Family physicians felt unsupported within their district structures and disempowered to engage in rollout strategies. The FPs were able to provide useful solutions to health system challenges because of the design of their training programmes, as well as their experience at the primary care level. CONCLUSION:  Healthcare governance in South Africa remains located in national and provincial structures. Devolution of governance to the DHS is required if NHI implementation is to succeed. The FPs need to be engaged in NHI strategies, to translate plans into actionable objectives at the primary care level.Contribution: This study highlights the need to involve FPs as key actors in implementing NHI strategies at a decentralised DHS governance level.

Programas Nacionales de Salud , Médicos de Familia , Humanos , Sudáfrica , Política de Salud , Atención a la Salud
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38561131


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Telehealth can improve care for patients with progressive cancer enrolling in hospice. Coordinated telehealth visits (patient/family-hospital-hospice) may improve communication, satisfaction with and interdisciplinary hospice collaboration. This pilot examines the impact of three coordinated telehealth visits on these outcomes. METHODS: This is a prospective pilot study of 0-29-year-old patients with cancer initiating hospice care between 2021-2023. Adult patients, caregivers, oncology and palliative care clinicians, hospice nurses and administrators were surveyed about feasibility and acceptability with telehealth (Technology Acceptance Model 2) after first and third telehealth visits. Hospice satisfaction (Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) was completed by caregivers after visit 3 and during bereavement. Healthcare professionals completed the Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale II (AITCS-II). Survey responses were summarized and differences in scores were analyzed. RESULTS: Of 40 eligible patients, 24 enrolled, 19 completed visit 1, and 13 completed visit 3. Fourteen caregivers and two adult patients completed visit 1 surveys; nine caregivers and two adult patients completed visit 3 surveys. Participants highly rated telehealth acceptability after visit 1 (Median: 4.5, IQR: 4.0-4.7) and 3 (Median: 4.4, IQR: 4.0-4.7). Hospice services were rated as highly satisfactory at visit 3 (Median: 4.0, IQR: 3.7-4.0) and during bereavement (Median: 3.7, IQR: 3.5-4.0). Healthcare professionals (n = 85 surveys) reported excellent interprofessional collaboration (Hospital clinicians median: 99/115 and hospice teams 111/115). CONCLUSIONS: Participants found coordinated telehealth visits to be feasible, acceptable, and satisfactory. Telehealth may be utilized as an acceptable alternative to clinic visits and fosters hospital-hospice collaboration.

Curr Med Res Opin ; : 1-5, 2024 Apr 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38577712


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to examine pregnancy and fetal outcomes following paternal exposure to glatiramer acetate (GA). METHODS: Pregnancy reports of paternal GA-exposure at time of conception from 2001 to 2022 were extracted from Teva Global Pharmacovigilance database. Pregnancy reports obtained prior to (prospective) or after (retrospective) knowledge of the pregnancy outcome were included. The primary endpoint was major congenital malformation (MCM) in the offspring according to the US Metropolitan Atlanta Congenital Defects Program (MACDP) and European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies and Twins (EUROCAT) classification. Other pregnancy and fetal outcomes, including spontaneous abortion, pregnancy termination, fetal death, preterm birth, and low birth weight, were assessed. RESULTS: A total of 466 paternal GA-exposed pregnancies were retrieved, 232 prospective cases and 234 retrospective cases. Of 349 (74.9%) pregnancies with known outcomes, 316 (90.5%) were live births, 28 (8.0%) were spontaneous abortions, 3 (0.9%) were elective pregnancy terminations, and 2 (0.6%) were stillbirths. In prospective live birth cases, there were 7/111 (6.3%) preterm births and 5/115 (4.3%) neonates with a low birth weight. The prevalence of total MCM among prospective cases was 1.7% (2 cases of 116 live births and fetal death/stillbirth), which is slightly lower than the background rates from MACDP (3%) and EUROCAT (2.1%). CONCLUSIONS: This study did not indicate an increase in the rate of adverse pregnancy and fetal outcomes after paternal exposure to GA. These results provide additional information regarding pregnancy outcomes following paternal exposure to GA for healthcare professionals, male patients and their female partners who are considering pregnancy while their male partner is using GA.

This research aimed to look at how pregnancies and babies were affected when fathers with multiple sclerosis have been prescribed and taken the medication, glatiramer acetate (GA). Researchers looked at reports of pregnancies where the father had taken GA around the time of conception, from 2001 to 2022. They got this information from the Teva Global Pharmacovigilance database. They included reports where the pregnancy was known about either before (prospective) or after (retrospective) the outcome was known. They looked at outcomes like major birth defects, miscarriages, pregnancy terminations, fetal deaths, premature births, and low birth weight. The study found a total of 466 pregnancies where the father had taken GA. Of these pregnancies, the final outcome of pregnancy was found for 349 pregnancies. Most of these pregnancies (90.5%) resulted in live births, 8.0% ended in miscarriage, 0.9% in termination, and 0.6% in stillbirth. Among prospective live births, 6.3% were premature, and 4.3% had low birth weight. The amount of major birth defects was 1.7%, which was slightly lower than usual. The study did not suggest that exposure of the father to GA negatively affects the pregnancy or the baby. These findings can help healthcare providers, male patients taking GA, and their partners who are thinking about pregnancy while the male partner is taking GA.

Cancer Rep (Hoboken) ; 7(4): e2067, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38600420


BACKGROUND: Breast cancer (BC) is the most prevalent cancer among women, and it typically presents late in developing countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), leading to higher mortality rates. Late detection at advanced stages of breast cancer can be attributed to the absence of appropriate screening programs and low levels of awareness. AIMS: To evaluate the level of BC knowledge among healthcare workers (HCWs) and identify determinants of good BC knowledge. METHODS AND RESULTS: An analytical cross-sectional survey was conducted from March 1 to 31, 2022 involving HCWs practicing in Kinshasa, DRC. Data were collected using a questionnaire administered through direct interviews. Bivariate and multivariate regression techniques were applied. The study interviewed 543 HCWs, with a median age of 35 years (interquartile range: 29-43). Of these, 61% had good BC knowledge, while 39% had poor BC knowledge. Multivariate analysis revealed that HCWs aged 50 years and over (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 2.3 [1.2-4.5]), female HCWs (aOR = 1.8 [1.1-2.4]), HCWs working in public healthcare facilities (aOR = 1.5 [1.1-2.5]), and HCWs who had received training on BC (aOR = 1.9; 95% CI: 1.5-3.3) were determinants of good BC knowledge. CONCLUSION: This study found that 61% of the surveyed HCWs had good BC knowledge. However, there is still room for improvement in terms of knowledge dissemination. Therefore, it is important to implement continuing medical education programs that focus on raising awareness and improving BC knowledge among HCWs.

Neoplasias de la Mama , Humanos , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Adulto , República Democrática del Congo/epidemiología , Neoplasias de la Mama/diagnóstico , Neoplasias de la Mama/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Factores de Riesgo , Personal de Salud
BMC Health Serv Res ; 24(1): 450, 2024 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38600462


BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in significant physical and psychological impacts for survivors, and for the healthcare professionals caring for patients. Nurses and doctors in critical care faced longer working hours, increased burden of patients, and limited resources, all in the context of personal social isolation and uncertainties regarding cross-infection. We evaluated the burden of anxiety, depression, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and alcohol dependence among doctors and nurses working in intensive care units (ICUs) in Nepal and explored the individual and social drivers for these impacts. METHODS: We conducted a mixed-methods study in Nepal, using an online survey to assess psychological well-being and semi-structured interviews to explore perceptions as to the drivers of anxiety, stress, and depression. Participants were recruited from existing national critical care professional organisations in Nepal and using a snowball technique. The online survey comprised of validated assessment tools for anxiety, depression, stress, PTSD, and alcohol dependence; all tools were analysed using published guidelines. Interviews were analysed using rapid appraisal techniques, and themes regarding the drivers for psychological distress were explored. RESULTS: 134 respondents (113 nurses, 21 doctors) completed the online survey. Twenty-eight (21%) participants experienced moderate to severe symptoms of depression; 67 (50%) experienced moderate or severe symptoms of anxiety; 114 (85%) had scores indicative of moderate to high levels of stress; 46 out of 100 reported symptoms of PTSD. Compared to doctors, nurses experienced more severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD, whereas doctors experienced higher levels of stress than nurses. Most (95%) participants had scores indicative of low risk of alcohol dependence. Twenty participants were followed up in interviews. Social stigmatism, physical and emotional safety, enforced role change and the absence of organisational support were perceived drivers for poor psychological well-being. CONCLUSION: Nurses and doctors working in ICU during the COVID-19 pandemic sustained psychological impacts, manifesting as stress, anxiety, and for some, symptoms of PTSD. Nurses were more vulnerable. Individual characteristics and professional inequalities in healthcare may be potential modifiable factors for policy makers seeking to mitigate risks for healthcare providers.

Alcoholismo , COVID-19 , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Humanos , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/diagnóstico , COVID-19/epidemiología , Depresión/diagnóstico , Pandemias , Prevalencia , Alcoholismo/epidemiología , Nepal/epidemiología , Ansiedad/diagnóstico , Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos
BMC Health Serv Res ; 24(1): 451, 2024 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38600494


BACKGROUND: Having a good provision of respectful maternity care (RMC) to a woman who gives childbirth is a crucial component of maternal health care to result in positive maternal and neonatal outcomes. Disrespect and lack of women-centered care in birth discourage a woman from seeking healthcare during childbirth contributing to poor healthcare-seeking behaviour and dissatisfaction with the maternity service. The current study aimed to assess key determinants of RMC during childbirth at selected public health facilities of the Gofa zone, Southern Ethiopia. METHODS: A cross-sectional study design was conducted from March to April 2021 among 390 women who gave birth in eight randomly selected public health facilities of Gofa zone, Southern Ethiopia. The level of RMC was measured using structured exit interview items. A structured-interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to collect data and then entered into Epi-data version 4.6 and exported to SPSS version 25 for further analysis. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to identify determinants of RMC among women. RESULTS: A total of 390 women responded to the exit interview making a response rate of 100%. The mean (± SD) age of the 390 women was 27.9 (± 4.85) years. The overall prevalence of women who received RMC was 40.5%, 95% CI (36-45%). Two hundred and ninety-seven (76.2%; n = 297/390) women had antenatal care (ANC) attendance in the index pregnancy. A woman who had planned pregnancy (AOR = 1.72, CI: 1.04, 2.85), planned to deliver in a health facility (AOR = 1.68, CI: 1.00, 2.81), presence of familial support (AOR = 2.04, CI: 1.20, 3.48), and had information about service availability (AOR = 4.44, CI: 2.09, 9.42) were associated with RMC among women. CONCLUSION: The provision of respectful maternity care in the study area was low when compared with local studies. Planned pregnancy, plan to deliver in a health facility, family support, and presence of information about service availability were factors associated with RMC among women. More attention should be given to training and supportive supervision of health care professionals on respectful maternity care and its standards to increase service uptake and make service more women-centred.

Servicios de Salud Materna , Recién Nacido , Embarazo , Femenino , Humanos , Adulto Joven , Adulto , Masculino , Etiopía/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Calidad de la Atención de Salud , Parto Obstétrico , Instituciones de Salud
BMC Med Educ ; 24(1): 400, 2024 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38600503


BACKGROUND: Self-efficacy plays an important role in enhancing the teaching capabilities of attending physicians (APs). The clinical ladder (CL) is an educational approach developed in the field of nursing education that increases difficulty in an incremental manner. However, no previous study has confirmed the effectiveness of CL in medical education. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the effect of clinical clerkship integrated with clinical ladder (CC-CL) on the self-efficacy of APs. METHODS: Sixth-year medical students participated in CC-CL for 6 months starting from April 2023, and the changes in the self-efficacy of APs were retrospectively evaluated. The students were trained by the APs concurrently, and the achievement levels of each student were shared. The primary outcome measure was the physician teaching self-efficacy questionnaire (PTSQ) score. The PTSQ scores before and after CC-CL were analyzed using the Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank test. RESULTS: Fifteen APs from the Department of Pediatric and Child Neurology were included in this study. No significant difference was observed in the total PTSQ scores of the APs before and after CC-CL. However, a significant increase was observed in the PTSQ score of APs who participated for at least 2 h per week over a period of more than 3 months (n = 8) after CC-CL (p = 0.022). Furthermore, APs who had received their pediatrician certification < 10 years ago (n = 8) showed a significant increase in the total PTSQ score after CC-CL (p = 0.022). CONCLUSIONS: CC-CL may play an important role in cultivating the self-efficacy of less experienced APs. Further comparative studies must be conducted in the future to validate the findings of this study.

Prácticas Clínicas , Médicos , Estudiantes de Medicina , Humanos , Niño , Movilidad Laboral , Estudios Retrospectivos , Autoeficacia , Enseñanza