La carúncula lagrimal forma parte de los anexos oculares y es asiento ocasional de neoplasias, las cuales en su mayoría son benignas. Dentro de estos tumores se encuentran los oncocitomas, los cuales están constituidos por células oncocíticas (oxifílicas) y poseen una baja incidencia con menos del 3 por ciento de los tumores y bajos reportes de casos en la literatura. A pesar de que existen varios estudios en Cuba de tumores de anexos oculares no hay evidencia actualizada de casos con oncocitoma. Por ello se considera necesaria la presentación de este caso. Se trata de paciente blanca, femenina de 83 años de edad con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial, compensada bajo tratamiento y de carcinoma basocelular, operada hace siete años. Acudió por presentar aumento de volumen indoloro en el ángulo interno del ojo izquierdo. Al examen físico oftalmológico se observó lesión de 1 cm, gris-rosácea, bien delimitada. Se procedió a su exéresis con sospecha clínica de carcinoma basocelular y se envió espécimen para estudio anatomopatológico, el cual concluyó como oncocitoma quístico papilar (cistoadenoma papilar eosinofílico) de carúncula(AU)
The lacrimal caruncle is part of the ocular adnexa and is the occasional seat of neoplasms, most of which are benign. Among these tumors are oncocytomas, which are constituted by oncocytic (oxyphilic) cells and have a low incidence with less than 3 percent of tumors and low case reports in the literature. Although there are several studies in Cuba of ocular adnexal tumors, there is no updated evidence of cases with oncocytoma. Therefore, it is considered necessary to present this case. The patient is a white, 83-year-old female with a history of arterial hypertension, compensated under treatment and basal cell carcinoma, operated seven years ago. She presented with painless enlargement of the inner corner of the left eye. Ophthalmologic physical examination revealed a 1 cm lesion, grayish-pinkish, well demarcated. The lesion was excised with clinical suspicion of basal cell carcinoma and the specimen was sent for anatomopathologic study, which concluded as papillary cystic oncocytoma (eosinophilic papillary cystoadenoma) of the caruncle(AU)
Humanos , Feminino , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide , Adenoma Oxífilo/epidemiologia , Literatura de Revisão como AssuntoRESUMO
SUMMARY: The group of primary renal tumours with granular-oncocytic cytoplasm is a very heterogeneous group, in its histological origin and biological behavior resulting in many diagnostic problems. In this study 57 renal epithelial tumours with granular oncocytic cells were analyzed using fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH), array comparative genomic hybridisation (aCGH) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The results of analysis in renal oncocytoma (RO) did not indicate the presence of the gene mutations or chromosomal abnormalities. Sporadic renal hybrid oncocytic/chromophobe tumours (HOCT) had multiple numerical aberrations of chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 13, 17, 20, 21 and 22. This type of tumour had no mutations in the VHL, c-kit, PDGFRA, and FLCN genes. Oncocytic papillary renal cell carcinoma (O-PRCC) had numerical abnormalities of chromosomes 7 and 17 and the loss of the Y chromosome. Cytogenetic analysis of 20 pigmented microcystic chromophobe renal cell carcinomas (PMChRCC) showed monosomy as the most frequent aberration in all analyzed chromosomes 1, 2, 5, 10, 13, 17 and 21. One case of chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (ChRCC) with hyaline globules had a mutation in the distal part of exon 3 of the VHL gene. Absence of genetic disorders in usual RO is common result, but we have established absence of genetic disorders even in rare variants. Variety of genetic alterations detected in sporadic renal HOCT proves it to be a separate entity, not a variant of ChRCC, while PMChRCC is an uncommon variant of ChRCC. O-PRCC is a subtype of papillary renal cell carcinoma.
RESUMEN: El grupo de tumores renales primarios con citoplasma granular-oncocítico es un grupo muy heterogéneo, en su origen histológico y comportamiento biológico, resultando en problemas de diagnóstico. En el estudio se analizaron 57 tumores epiteliales renales con citoplasma oncocítico granular mediante hibridación fluorescente in situ (FISH), hibridación genómica comparativa de matriz (aCGH) y reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR). Los resultados del análisis en oncocitoma renal (RO) no indicaron la presencia de mutaciones genéticas ni anomalías cromosómicas. Los tumores oncocíticos / cromófobos híbridos renales esporádicos (HOCT) tenían múltiples aberraciones numéricas de los cromosomas 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 13, 17, 20, 21 y 22. No se observaron mutaciones en este tipo de tumor en el VHL, c-kit, PDGFRA y genes FLCN. El carcinoma de células renales papilar oncocítico (O-PRCC) tenía anomalías numéricas de los cromosomas 7 y 17 y la pérdida del cromosoma Y. El análisis citogenético de 20 carcinomas de células renales cromófobos microquísticos pigmentados (PMChRCC) mostró que la monosomía era la aberración más frecuente en todos los cromosomas analizados 1, 2, 5, 10, 13, 17 y 21. Un caso de carcinoma de células renales cromófobo (CCRc) hialino tenía una mutación en la parte distal del exón 3 del gen VHL. La ausencia de trastornos genéticos en la OI habitual es un resultado común, pero hemos establecido la ausencia de trastornos genéticos incluso en variantes raras. Varias alteraciones genéticas detectadas en esporádica HOCT renal demuestran que es una entidad separada, no una variante de ChRCC, mientras que PMChRCC es una variante poco común de ChRCC. O-PRCC es un subtipo de carcinoma papilar de células renales.
Humanos , Carcinoma de Células Renais/genética , Adenoma Oxífilo/genética , Neoplasias Epiteliais e Glandulares/genética , Neoplasias Renais/genética , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Estudos Retrospectivos , Hibridização in Situ FluorescenteRESUMO
PURPOSE: To evaluate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) criteria of solid renal lesions lower-equal to 2 cm to differentiate benign and malignant tumors, using histopathology as gold standard. METHODS: Three radiologists independently evaluated objective and subjective MRI criteria of focal renal lesions. A total of 105 nodules of patients who had MRI and histopathological results in our institution were included. Subjective criteria evaluated were signal on T2-weighted imaging, presence of microscopic and macroscopic fat, hemosiderin, hemorrhage, central scar, segmented inversion enhancement and enhancement type; objective criteria were gender, ADC value, heterogeneity on T2-weighted imaging and proportion of enhancement in late post-contrast phases. Finally, the readers classified the lesions in probably benign or malignant. Interobserver agreement was evaluated by the Gwet method, and the quantitative variables by intraclass correlation coefficients. To adjust the predictive model, the logistic regression model was used considering the benignity variable as outcome. RESULTS: A total of 26 nodules (24.5%) were benign and 79 (75.2%) were malignant, with size ranging from 7 to 20 mm (median: 14 mm). The most frequent subtype was papillary renal cell carcinoma (RCC) (35.2%), followed by clear-cell RCC (24.8%) and oncocytoma (12.4%). The univariate and multivariate analysis showed, among all categories evaluated, that microscopic fat (p: 0.072), intermediate (p: 0.004) and hyper-enhancement (p: 0.031) and female sex (p: 0.0047) had the best outcome for benignity, within odds ratios of 4.29, 5.75, 4.07 and 2.86, respectively. CONCLUSION: In small solid renal lesions lower-equal to 2 cm, microscopic fat, moderate and hyper-enhancement and female sex were associated with benignity.
Adenoma Oxífilo , Carcinoma de Células Renais , Neoplasias Renais , Carcinoma de Células Renais/diagnóstico por imagem , Meios de Contraste , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Feminino , Humanos , Rim , Neoplasias Renais/diagnóstico por imagem , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Estudos RetrospectivosRESUMO
Introducción: El oncocitoma suprarrenal es un tumor infrecuente e incidental y sin manifestaciones clínicas propias. Objetivo: Presentar un caso de oncocitoma suprarrenal y sus particularidades diagnósticas y terapéuticas. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 34 años de edad con antecedentes de salud, que se presentó por dolor lumbo-abdominal derecho, sin irradiación ni otros síntomas acompañantes. El examen físico fue normal. El ultrasonido informó un tumor de unos 7 cm de diámetro, localizado hacia el polo superior del riñón derecho. El origen suprarrenal se definió con la tomografía abdominal contrastada. Los valores sanguíneos de hormonas de la corteza suprarrenal fueron normales. Se hizo la exéresis total del tumor, mediante laparotomía convencional. El riñón estaba normal. El examen histopatológico notificó oncocitoma suprarrenal y lo ratificó la inmunohistoquímica. El paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente. Conclusiones: El oncocitoma suprarrenal es un tumor infrecuente y de hallazgo fortuito. La tomografía abdominal contrastada no tiene alta especificidad para diferenciarlo de otros tumores suprarrenales. El perfil inmunohistoquímico del tumor es concluyente en el diagnóstico definitivo(AU)
Introduction: Adrenal oncocytoma is a rare and incidental tumor without its own clinical manifestations. Objective: To present a case of adrenal oncocytoma and its diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics. Clinical case: 34-year-old male patient with a medical history, who presented with right lumbo-abdominal pain, without radiation or other accompanying symptoms. The physical exam was normal. The ultrasound reported a tumor of about 7 cm in diameter, located towards the upper pole of the right kidney. The adrenal origin was defined with contrast abdominal tomography. The blood levels of hormones of the adrenal cortex were normal. Total excision of the tumor was performed by conventional laparotomy. The kidney was normal. Histopathological examination reported adrenal oncocytoma and immunohistochemistry confirmed it. The patient evolved satisfactorily. Conclusions: Adrenal oncocytoma is a rare and fortuitous tumor. Contrast abdominal tomography does not have high specificity to differentiate it from other adrenal tumors. The immunohistochemical profile of the tumor is conclusive in the definitive diagnosis(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Córtex Suprarrenal , Adenoma Oxífilo/cirurgia , Corticosteroides , Adenoma Oxífilo/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
Background: The risk of malignancy (RoM) of indeterminate thyroid nodules (ITNs) shows a high variability in interinstitutional cohorts. The RoM is partially associated with the cytological degree of atypia and the ultrasound (US) pattern. This study evaluated the cancer risk of ITNs by jointly considering the cytological subcategory and the American Thyroid Association (ATA)-based US risk classification. Methods: This study features a retrospective cohort from two Brazilian centers comprising 238 ITNs with confirmed outcomes. US classification, according to ATA-based guidelines, and cytological subcategorization were determined. The cytological subgroups were as follows: (1) nuclear atypia (NA) related to papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) but insufficient to categorize the cytology as suspicious for malignancy; (2) architectural atypia without NA (AA); (3) both architectural and nuclear atypia (ANA); (4) oncocytic pattern (OP) without NA; and (5) NA not related to PTC (NANP). NA was divided into three subgroups: nuclear size and shape, nuclear membrane appearance, and/or chromatin aspects. Results: The overall frequency of malignancy was 39.5%. Among the cytological subcategories, the highest RoM was related to the NA (43.9%) and to the ANA (43.5%), followed by AA (29.4%), and OP (9.4%). NA was positively and independently associated with cancer (odds ratio [OR]: 4.5; confidence interval [CI: 1.2-16.6]) as was the occurrence of ANA (OR 6.6 [CI 1.5-29.5]). AA and OP were not independently associated with cancer. Both ATA-based high- and intermediate-risk categories showed an independent association with cancer (OR 6.8 [CI 2.9-15.5] and OR: 2.6 [CI 1.1-5.8], respectively). ITNs with cytological findings of NA or ANA when combined with intermediate US patterns had RoM values of 47.5% and 56.7%, respectively. Both cytological subcategories, when combined with the ATA high-suspicion class reached an RoM >70%. The type of NA with the highest odds for cancer was related to the nuclear membrane (OR 11.5). Conclusions: The RoM of ITNs can reach almost 80% when both NA and ATA-based high-risk US features are present. The presence of such cytological features also increased the RoM in the ATA-based intermediate-risk US category. In addition, AA and OP were not independently related to higher cancer risk. These results strengthen the recommendations for combing cytological subcategorization and US risk classification in the workup for ITNs before the decision of a molecular testing, clinical observation, or diagnostic surgery.
Câncer Papilífero da Tireoide/epidemiologia , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/epidemiologia , Nódulo da Glândula Tireoide/diagnóstico por imagem , Nódulo da Glândula Tireoide/patologia , Adenocarcinoma Folicular/diagnóstico por imagem , Adenocarcinoma Folicular/epidemiologia , Adenocarcinoma Folicular/patologia , Adenoma Oxífilo/diagnóstico por imagem , Adenoma Oxífilo/epidemiologia , Adenoma Oxífilo/patologia , Adulto , Biópsia por Agulha Fina , Carcinoma Neuroendócrino/diagnóstico por imagem , Carcinoma Neuroendócrino/epidemiologia , Carcinoma Neuroendócrino/patologia , Estudos de Coortes , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Medição de Risco , Sociedades Médicas , Câncer Papilífero da Tireoide/diagnóstico por imagem , Câncer Papilífero da Tireoide/patologia , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/patologia , Nódulo da Glândula Tireoide/classificaçãoRESUMO
Oncocytoma of the eyelid is a rare neoplasm. Oncocytoma associated with an ocular surface squamous neoplasm, namely conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia, is very hard to find in the literature. Herein we report a case of a 53-year-old male who presented with a swelling in the right lower lid over the last 6 years, along with a growth in the conjunctiva of the same eye for the last 2 years and encroaching upon the cornea for the last 4 months. Excision biopsy of the lower lid mass showed histopathological features consistent with oncocytoma. The conjunctival tissue revealed conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia 3 (severe dysplasia). This case documents a rare synchronous dual ocular neoplasia, a very unlikely coexistence of oncocytoma with conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia.
Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Papiloma/patologia , Pterígio , Carcinoma in Situ , Adenoma Oxífilo/complicações , Neoplasias Palpebrais/complicaçõesRESUMO
RESUMO O oncocitoma é um tipo de neoplasia rara na prática clínica e descrito na literatura, principalmente quando localizado no olho. Quando localizado nos anexos oculares, é mais frequentemente na carúncula. Analisou-se o caso de uma paciente de 74 anos, caucasiana, que relatou desconforto visual no olho esquerdo, e cujo exame físico mostrou lesão tumoral na carúncula esquerda, com volume moderado, presença de neovascularização e secreção excessiva. A excisão cirúrgica da lesão foi realizada sob sedação, e a peça foi enviada para avaliação anatomopatológica. A lesão foi diagnosticada histologicamente como oncocitoma, sem malignidade, e a paciente não apresentou recidiva após o procedimento. Embora raro, esse tumor deve ser reconhecido pelos oftalmologistas, devido ao risco já relatado de desenvolvimento de adenocarcinoma.
ABSTRACT Oncocytoma is a neoplasm rarely observed in clinical practice and reported in the literature, especially when located in the eye. When described in the ocular adnexa, it is most often located in the caruncle. The case of a 74-year-old Caucasian female patient is reported. She complained of visual discomfort in the left eye, and physical examination showed a tumoral lesion in the left caruncle, of moderate volume, presence of neovascularization, and excessive secretion. Surgical excision of the lesion was performed under sedation, and the specimen was sent for pathological examination. The lesion was histologically diagnosed as oncocytoma with no malignancy, and the patient presented no recurrence after the procedure. Although rare, this tumor must be recognized by ophthalmologists due to the risk of developing adenocarcinoma, as already reported.
Humanos , Feminino , Idoso , Adenoma Oxífilo/patologia , Neoplasias Oculares/patologia , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/patologia , Adenoma Oxífilo/cirurgia , Neoplasias Oculares/cirurgia , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/cirurgiaRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: Genomic alterations in Hürthle cell carcinomas (HCC) include chromosomal losses, mitochondrial DNA mutations, and changes in the expression profile of the PI3K-AKT-mTOR and Wnt/ß-catenin pathways. This study aimed at characterizing the mutational profile of HCC. METHODS: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) of 40 HCC using a 102-gene panel including, among others, the MAPK, PI3K-AKT-mTOR, Wnt/ß-catenin, and Notch pathways. HCC was widely invasive in 57.5%, and lymph node and distant metastases were diagnosed in 5% and 7.5% of cases. During follow-up, 10% of patients presented with persistent/recurrent disease, but there were no cancer-related deaths. RESULTS: Genetic alterations were identified in 47.5% of HCC and comprised 190 single-nucleotide variants and 5 insertions/deletions. The Wnt/ß-catenin pathway was most frequently affected (30%), followed by MAPK (27.5%) and PI3K-AKT-mTOR (25%). FAT1 and APC were the most frequently mutated genes and present in 17.5%. RAS mutations were present in 12.5% but no BRAF mutation was found. There was no association between the mutational profile and clinicopathological features. CONCLUSIONS: This series of HCC presents a wide range of mutations in the Wnt/ß-catenin, MAPK and PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathways. The recurrent involvement of Wnt/ß-catenin pathway, particularly mutations in APC and FAT1, are of particular interest. The data suggest that mutated FAT1 may represent a potential novel driver in HCC tumorigenesis and that the Wnt/ß-catenin pathway plays a critical role in this distinct thyroid malignancy.
Adenoma Oxífilo/genética , Proteína da Polipose Adenomatosa do Colo/genética , Caderinas/genética , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/genética , Via de Sinalização Wnt/genética , beta Catenina/genética , Idoso , Feminino , Regulação Neoplásica da Expressão Gênica/genética , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Polimorfismo de Nucleotídeo Único , Estudos RetrospectivosRESUMO
Resumen Objetivo Describir el caso clínico de una paciente con neoplasia oncocitica adrenocortical, tratado quirúrgicamente en una clínica de Lima, Perú. Caso clínico Paciente mujer de 26 años ingresa a emergencia por dolor abdominal inespecífico. Se evidencia tumoración de 15x14x12 cm dependiente de glándula suprarrenal izquierda por lo que se decide tratamiento quirúrgico. Al análisis patológico se evidencia neoplasia oncocítica de potencial maligno incierto. Discusión Las neoplasias oncocíticas adrenocorticales son entidades poco frecuentes, con escasos reportes de casos de esta enfermedad. Para clasificarlas, se usa la escala de Weiss modificada. Obtenemos una neoplasia oncocítica de potencial maligno incierto, cuyo tratamiento incluye la cirugía de resección de tumor y observación. Conclusión Considerar a las neoplasias oncocíticas dentro del diagnóstico diferencial de incidentalomas adrenales.
Objective To describe a case report of a oncocytic adrenocortical neoplasm, treated surgically in a clinic in Lima, Peru. Case report A 26-year-old woman is admitted to the emergency due to nonspecific abdominal pain. A tumor measuring 15x14x12 cm dependent on left adrenal gland is evidenced, so surgical treatment is decided. Pathological analysis evidences oncocytic neoplasia of uncertain malignant potential. Discussion Oncocytic adrenocortical neoplasms are rare entities, with few case reports of this disease. To classify them, the modified Weiss scale is used. We obtain an oncocytic neoplasm of uncertain malignant potential, whose treatment includes surgery for tumor resection and observation. Conclusion Consider oncocytic neoplasms within the differential diagnosis of adrenal incidentalomas.
Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Córtex Suprarrenal/patologia , Neoplasias do Córtex Suprarrenal/cirurgia , Neoplasias do Córtex Suprarrenal/diagnóstico por imagem , Resultado do Tratamento , Neoplasias do Córtex Suprarrenal/patologia , Adrenalectomia/métodosRESUMO
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate anatomic factors and radiologist's experience in the detection of solid renal masses on ultrasonography. Methods: We searched for solid renal masses diagnosed on cross-sectional imaging from 2007 to 2017 that also had previous ultrasonography from the past 6 months. The following features were evaluated: nodule size, laterality, location and growth pattern, patient body mass index and radiologist's experience in ultrasound. In surgically resected cases, pathologic reports were evaluated. Unpaired t test and χ2 test were used to evaluate differences among subgroups, using R-statistics. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: The initial search of renal nodules on cross-sectional imaging resulted in 428 lesions and 266 lesions were excluded. Final cohort included 162 lesions and, of those, 108 (67%) were correctly detected on ultrasonography (Group 1) and 54 (33%) were missed (Group 2). Comparison of Groups 1 and 2 were as follows, respectively: body mass index (27.7 versus 27.1; p=0.496), size (2.58cm versus 1.74cm; p=0.003), laterality (54% versus 59% right sided; p=0.832), location (27% versus 22% upper pole; p=0.869), growth pattern (25% versus 28% endophytic; p=0.131) and radiologist's experience (p=0.300). From surgically resected cases, histology available for Group 1 was clear cell (n=11), papillary (n=15), chromophobe (n=2) renal cell carcinoma, oncocytoma (n=1), and, for Group 2, clear cell (n=7), papillary (n=5) renal cell carcinoma, oncocytoma (n=2), angiomyolipoma, chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, and interstitial pyelonephritis (n=1, each). Conclusion: Size was the only significant parameter related to renal nodule detection on ultrasound.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar os fatores anatômicos e a experiência do radiologista na detecção de massas renais sólidas na ultrassonografia. Métodos: Buscamos massas renais sólidas diagnosticadas em imagens seccionais, de 2007 a 2017, que também tivessem ultrassonografia prévia nos últimos 6 meses. As seguintes características foram avaliadas: tamanho do nódulo, lateralidade, localização e padrão de crescimento, índice de massa corporal do paciente e experiência do radiologista em ultrassonografia. Nos casos com ressecção cirúrgica, os laudos de patologia foram analisados. O teste t não pareado e o teste χ2 foram utilizados para avaliar as diferenças entre os subgrupos, usando R-statistics. A significância estatística foi estabelecida em p<0,05. Resultados: A pesquisa inicial de nódulos renais achados em imagens seccionais resultou em 428 lesões, com 266 exclusões. A coorte final incluiu 162 lesões e, destas, 108 (67%) foram detectadas corretamente na ultrassonografia (Grupo 1), e 54 (33%) não foram identificadas (Grupo 2). A comparação dos Grupos 1 e 2 mostrou índice de massa corporal (27,7 versus 27,1; p=0,496), tamanho (2,58cm versus 1,74cm; p=0,003), lateralidade (54% versus 59% no lado direito; p=0,832), localização (27% versus 22% no polo superior; p=0,869), padrão de crescimento (25% versus 28% endofítico; p=0,131) e experiência do radiologista (p=0,300). A histologia disponível para o Grupo 1 foi carcinoma renal de células claras (n=11), papilar (n=15), cromófobo (n=2), oncocitoma (n=1), e, para o Grupo 2, carcinoma renal de células claras (n=7), papilar (n=5), oncocitoma (n=2), angiomiolipoma, cromófobo e pielonefrite intersticial (n=1, cada). Conclusão: O tamanho foi o único parâmetro significativo relacionado à detecção de nódulos renais no ultrassom.
Humanos , Carcinoma de Células Renais/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia , Rim/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias Renais/diagnóstico por imagem , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Radiologistas , Rim/patologiaRESUMO
Introducción: En imágenes, los hallazgos del oncocitoma generalmente coinciden con el carcinoma de células renales (CCR) por lo que resulta muy poco segura su discriminación mediante imágenes. Objetivos: Evaluar el comportamiento de una muestra de oncocitoma en tomografía (TC). Métodos: Se seleccionaron retrospectivamente los pacientes con cirugía de tumor renal y diagnóstico anatomopatológico de oncocitoma, que fueron tratados entre enero de 2015 y diciembre de 2017. Se incluyeron los pacientes a quienes se les realizó TC con medio de contraste endovenoso en nuestra institución. Resultados: Del total de pacientes (n = 44), 43 tenían una lesión única renal, mientras que uno tenía tres lesiones. Del total de las lesiones (n = 47), 20 (42,55 %) fueron diagnosticadas tras una nefrectomía radical y 24 (51,10 %) fueron diagnosticadas por una nefrectomía parcial. La media de diámetro máximo fue de 36,5 mm (RIQ 22-44,25), de los cuales se agruparon en menores y mayores a 4 cm; se encontraron 22 tumores en este último grupo (47 %). De estos, en 15 tumores (31,91 %) que tenían más de 4 cm se encontró la cicatriz central. Se evidenciaron calcificaciones en 3 pacientes (6,8 %). Se encontró 1 tumor (2,1 %) con inversión de realce segmentario luego de la administración medio de contraste endovenoso. En este caso, el oncocitoma era menor a 4 cm. Conclusión: El hallazgo de una masa sólida con realce más intenso que el parénquima circundante durante la fase nefrográfica obliga a considerar al oncocitoma entre los diagnósticos diferenciales
Introduction: The imaging findings of oncocytomas usually coincide with renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which makes it difficult to discriminate them in imaging. Objective: To evaluate the imaging findings of a sample of oncocytomas in tomography (CT). Methods: We retrospectively selected patients with renal tumor surgery and oncocytoma anatomopathological diagnosis, who were treated between January 2015 and December 2017. Patients who underwent CT with intravenous contrast at our institution were included. Results: Of the total number of patients (n = 44), 43 had a single renal lesion while one patient presented 3 lesions. Of the total lesions (n = 47), 20 (42.55%) were diagnosed after a radical nephrectomy and 24 (51.10%) were diagnosed by a partial nephrectomy. The mean maximum diameter was 36.5 mm (RIQ 22-44, 25), of which they were grouped by tumor length into smaller or larger than 4 cm, with 22 tumors in this last group (47%). Of these, 15 tumors (31.91 %) that were larger than 4 cm had a central scar. Calcifications were evident in 3 patients (6.8 %). One tumor (2.1%) was found with the presence of inversion of segmental enhancement after administration of intravenous contrast. In this case, the oncocytoma was less than 4 cm. Conclusion: The finding of a solid mass with more enhancement than the surrounding parenchyma during the nephrographic phase makes it necessary to consider oncocytoma among the differential diagnoses
Adenoma Oxífilo , Diagnóstico , Tomografia Computadorizada Multidetectores , Neoplasias RenaisRESUMO
El oncocitoma suprarrenal es un tumor extremadamente infrecuente, con apenas unos 150 casos descriptos. Paciente de sexo masculino, de 48 años, con adrenalectomía derecha por incidentaloma suprarrenal de 7 cm, no funcionante. El oncocitoma suprarrenal no puede distinguirse desde el punto de vista clínico-imagenológico de otros tumores adrenales más frecuentes, por lo que su confirmación es histológica. Rara vez son malignos, y el tratamiento aceptado es la suprarrenalectomía, idealmente por vía laparoscópica. En nuestro caso, la presencia de dos criterios histológicos menores lo clasifican como un tumor con potencial maligno.
Oncocytic adrenocortical carcinoma is an extremely rare tumor, with only 150 cases reported in the literature. A 48-year-old male patient, with right adrenalectomy due to a 7-cm non-functional adrenal incidentaloma. From a clinical imaging point of view, oncocytic adrenocortical carcinoma cannot be distinguished from other more common adrenal tumors; therefore, the diagnostic confirmation is histological. It is rarely malignant, and the accepted treatment is laparoscopic adrenalectomy. In our case, two minor histological criteria classify it as a potentially malignant tumor.
Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adenoma Oxífilo/cirurgia , Adenoma Oxífilo/diagnóstico por imagem , NeoplasiasRESUMO
ABSTRACT Objective: We aimed to determine the roles of preoperative thyroid nodule diameter and volume in the prediction of malignancy. Subjects and methods: The medical records of patients who underwent thyroidectomy between January 2007 and December 2014 were reviewed. The nodule diameters were grouped as < 1 cm, 1-1.9 cm, 2-3.9 cm and ≥ 4 cm, and volume was grouped as > 5 cm3, 5-9.9 cm3 and > 10 cm3. ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve analysis was performed to find the optimal cutoff value of diameter and volume that can predict malignancy. Results: There were 5561 thyroid nodules in 2463 patients. Five hundred and forty (9.7%) nodules were < 1 cm, 2,413 (43.4%) were 1-1.9 cm, 1,600 (28.8%) were 2-3.9 cm and 1,008 (18.1%) were ≥ 4 cm. Malignancy rates were 25.6%,10.6%, 9.7% and 8.5% in nodules < 1 cm, 1-1.9 cm, 2-3.9 cm and ≥ 4 cm, respectively. When classified according to volume, 3,664 (65.9%) nodules were < 5 cm3, 594 (10.7%) were 5-9.9 cm3 and 1,303 (23.4%) were ≥ 10 cm3. The malignancy rates were 12.7%, 11.4% and 7.8% for the nodules < 5 cm3, 5-9.9 cm3 and ≥ 10 cm3, respectively (p < 0.001). In ROC curve analysis, an optimal cutoff value for diameter or volume that can predict malignancy in all thyroid nodules or nodules ≥ 4 cm could not be determined. Conclusion: In this surgical series, malignancy risk did not increase with increasing nodule diameter or volume. Although the volume of malignant nodules ≥ 4 cm was higher than that of benign nodules ≥ 4 cm, there was no optimal cutoff value. The diameter or volume of the nodule cannot be used to predict malignancy or decide on surgical resection.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Adulto Jovem , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/patologia , Nódulo da Glândula Tireoide/classificação , Nódulo da Glândula Tireoide/patologia , Adenoma Oxífilo/patologia , Câncer Papilífero da Tireoide/patologia , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Estudos Retrospectivos , Curva ROC , Medição de Risco/métodos , Carga Tumoral , Diagnóstico DiferencialRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to determine the roles of preoperative thyroid nodule diameter and volume in the prediction of malignancy. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The medical records of patients who underwent thyroidectomy between January 2007 and December 2014 were reviewed. The nodule diameters were grouped as < 1 cm, 1-1.9 cm, 2-3.9 cm and ≥ 4 cm, and volume was grouped as > 5 cm3, 5-9.9 cm3 and > 10 cm3. ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve analysis was performed to find the optimal cutoff value of diameter and volume that can predict malignancy. RESULTS: There were 5561 thyroid nodules in 2463 patients. Five hundred and forty (9.7%) nodules were < 1 cm, 2,413 (43.4%) were 1-1.9 cm, 1,600 (28.8%) were 2-3.9 cm and 1,008 (18.1%) were ≥ 4 cm. Malignancy rates were 25.6%,10.6%, 9.7% and 8.5% in nodules < 1 cm, 1-1.9 cm, 2-3.9 cm and ≥ 4 cm, respectively. When classified according to volume, 3,664 (65.9%) nodules were < 5 cm3, 594 (10.7%) were 5-9.9 cm3 and 1,303 (23.4%) were ≥ 10 cm3. The malignancy rates were 12.7%, 11.4% and 7.8% for the nodules < 5 cm3, 5-9.9 cm3 and ≥ 10 cm3, respectively (p < 0.001). In ROC curve analysis, an optimal cutoff value for diameter or volume that can predict malignancy in all thyroid nodules or nodules ≥ 4 cm could not be determined. CONCLUSION: In this surgical series, malignancy risk did not increase with increasing nodule diameter or volume. Although the volume of malignant nodules ≥ 4 cm was higher than that of benign nodules ≥ 4 cm, there was no optimal cutoff value. The diameter or volume of the nodule cannot be used to predict malignancy or decide on surgical resection.
Adenoma Oxífilo/patologia , Câncer Papilífero da Tireoide/patologia , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide/patologia , Nódulo da Glândula Tireoide/patologia , Adolescente , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Curva ROC , Estudos Retrospectivos , Medição de Risco/métodos , Nódulo da Glândula Tireoide/classificação , Carga Tumoral , Adulto JovemRESUMO
RESUMEN: Los oncocitos son células originadas probablemente por transformación metaplásica del epitelio ductal o acinar de parótida y submandibular. Su proliferación puede originar condiciones patológicas que incluyen hiperplasias oncocíticas adenomatosas multinodulares (HOAM), oncocitomas y carcinomas oncocíticos. Los tumores oncocíticos constituyen el 1 % de todos los tumores salivales y entre el 82 y 90 % se desarrollan en la parótida; el resto se divide entre la glándula submandibular y las glándulas salivales menores. Las hiperplasias oncocíticas multinodulares son extremadamente raras. En el presente trabajo se analizaron 5 casos de oncocitomas de parótida y dos casos de HOAM, uno de parótida y otro de submandibular y se describieron las características estructurales e inmunohistoquímicas de los oncocitos. Cortes seriados de las biopsias incluidas en parafina se colorearon con Hematoxilina - Eosina, Hematoxilina/ácido fosfotúngstico (PTA/H), PAS y se marcaron con AC antimitocondrial, CK 5/6, CK 20 y EMA. Los tumores mostraron un crecimiento nodular encapsulado por tejido conectivo denso. En los cortes histológicos se identificaron oncocitos eosinófilos (oscuros) y granulaciones violáceas con PTA/H. En dos casos de parótida y el caso de HOAM de submandibular presentaron además oncocitos claros PAS positivos. La inmunomarcación fue positiva en todas las células siendo la marcación para mitocondrias periférica en los oncocitos claros. Las células eosinofílicas PTA/H positivas y con fuerte marcación con AC antimitocondrial, CKs y EMA confirman el diagnóstico de patología oncocítica. En tres casos coexisten oncocitos claros y oscuros. Las células claras son oncocitos que acumulan glucógeno en su citoplasma desplazando a las mitocondrias hacia la periferia. En el diagnóstico diferencial de este tumor debemos considerar los tumores salivales con células claras, el carcinoma renal metastásico, el tumor de Whartin, la variante de células claras del carcinoma epitelial/mioepitelial y el carcinoma mucoepidermoide con metaplasia oncocítica.
ABSTRACT: Oncocytes are cells probably originated by metaplastic transformation of the ductal or acinar epithelium of parotid and submandibular. Its proliferation can cause pathological conditions that include multinodular adenomatous oncocytic hiperplasia (HOAM), oncocytomas and oncocytic carcinomas. Oncocytic tumors make up 1 % of all salivary tumors and between 82 and 90 % develop in the parotid; the rest of the tumors are divided between the submandibular gland and the minor salivary glands. Multinodular oncocytic hyperplasias are extremely rare. In the present work we analyzed five cases of parotid oncocytomas and two cases of HOAM, one of parotid and the other of submandibular; structural and immunohistochemical characteristics of the oncocytes were described. Biopsies were included in paraffin, serial cuts were stained with H&E, Hematoxylin / phosphotungstic acid (PTA / H), PAS and were marked with antimitochondrial AC, CK 5/6, CKs 20 and EMA. The tumors showed a nodular growth encapsulated by dense connective tissue. The histological cuts showed dark eosinophilic oncocytes and violaceous granulations with PTA / H. In two cases of parotid and the case of submandibular HOAM, PAS positive clear oncocytes were also present. The immunostaining was positive in all the cells, being the labeling for peripheral mitochondria in the clear oncocytes. Eosinophilic cells PTA / H positive with strongly marked with antimitochondrial AC, CKs and EMA confirm the diagnosis of oncocytic pathology. In three cases, light and dark oncocytes coexist. Clear cells are oncocytes that accumulate glycogen in their cytoplasm, displacing the mitochondria to the periphery. In the differential diagnosis we should consider salivary tumors with clear cells, metastatic renal carcinoma, Whartin's tumor, the clear cell variant of epithelial / myoepithelial carcinoma and mucoepidermoid carcinoma with oncocytic metaplasia.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Neoplasias das Glândulas Salivares/patologia , Adenoma Oxífilo/patologia , Neoplasias da Glândula Submandibular/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica , Células Oxífilas/patologia , Diagnóstico DiferencialRESUMO
Las neoplasias oncocíticas se encuentran raramente en la glándula suprarrenal. Suelen ser benignos y no funcionales. Existen informes extremadamente limitados de neoplasias oncocíticas suprarrenales. Alrededor del 20% de las neoplasias oncocíticas adrenocorticales muestran componentes malignos y el 10-20% produce hormonas que pueden causar desbalances hormonales. Se presenta un carcinoma adrenocortical oncocítico virilizante en mujer de 35 años de edad quien acudió a consulta por presentar hipomenorrea secundaria de seis meses de duración acompañada de hirsutismo y agravamiento del acné que afectaba principalmente la cara. El examen de laboratorio revela niveles elevados de testosterona libre. La tomografía computada mostró tumor multinodular en la glándula suprarrenal derecha con necrosis central y sin evidencia de linfadenopatía o invasión de estructuras que la rodeaban. Se programó la adrenalectomía derecha lográndose resección completa del tumor. Después de la cirugía, se normalizaron los ciclos menstruales, el hirsutismo, el acné y el resto de las pruebas. El examen histopatológico del tumor fue compatible con carcinoma adrenocortical oncocítico(AU)
Oncocytic neoplasms are found more rarely in the adrenal gland. They are usually benign and nonfunctional. There are limited reports of adrenal oncocytic neoplasms. About 20% of adrenocortical oncocytic neoplasms show malignant components and 10-20% produce hormones that can cause hormonal imbalances. We present a virilizing oncocytic adrenocortical carcinoma in a 35-year-old woman who consulted for hypomenorrhea accompanied by hirsutism and face acne worsening. Laboratory test revealed high levels of free testosterone. Computed tomography showed multinodular tumor of the right adrenal gland with central necrosis and without evidence of lymphadenopathy or invasion of surrounding structures. A right adrenalectomy was performed. After surgery, menstrual cycle, hirsutism and acne, as well as hormonal tests were normal. Histopathological examination of tumor showed an oncocytic adrenocortical carcinoma(AU)
Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Neoplasias do Córtex Suprarrenal/cirurgia , Neoplasias do Córtex Suprarrenal/patologia , Adenoma Oxífilo/fisiopatologia , Neoplasias da Glândula Tireoide , Células Oxífilas/patologiaRESUMO
RESUMEN El cistoadenoma es un tumor epitelial benigno raro de glándulas salivales, de crecimiento lento y asintomático, que forma grandes masas uni o multiloculares con desarrollo papilar intraluminal. Si bien es más frecuente en glándulas salivales menores, se ha destacado lo inusual de la lesión en glándulas salivales mayores. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 60 años, quien consultó por una masa indolora, blanda y de consistencia quistica en glándula parótida derecha, de crecimiento lento y progresivo. Su evolución fue de varios meses con piel de la zona intacta. Se realizó parotidectomia superficial. El examen histopatológico demostró cistoadenoma papilar oncocitico, tumor que ha sido destacado por su infrecuencia, y con una manifestación en parótida sumamente rara y de variados patrones histológicos. Su reconocimiento es trascendente para el profesional en casos como el que se presenta, pues su diagnóstico diferencial incluye lesiones con aspecto clínico similar y en algunos casos comportamiento agresivo.
ABSTRACT The cystadenoma is a rare benign epithelial tumor of salivary glands, characterized by slow growing and asymptomatic presentation, forming large uni or multilocular masses with intraluminal papillary development. Although it is more frequent in minor salivary glands, it has been emphasized the unusual of the major salivary glands affection. We present the case of a 60-year-old woman consulting for a painless, soft mass with cystic consistency in the right parotid gland, slow and progressive growing. The tumor evolved for several months keeping the skin of the area intact. A superficial parotidectomy was performed. Histopathological examination demonstrated a papillary oncocytic cystadenoma, a tumor that has been noted for its low frequency, and with extremely rare parotid manifestation and varied histological patterns. Its recognition is relevant for the professional in cases such as the one presented, since its differential diagnosis includes lesions with similar clinical appearance and in some cases aggressive behavior.
Humanos , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Neoplasias Parotídeas/patologia , Cistadenoma Papilar/patologia , Adenoma Oxífilo/patologia , Glândula Parótida , Cistadenoma , Diagnóstico DiferencialRESUMO
Renal oncocytoma is an infrequently reported renal neoplasm, often asymptomatic, which usually behaves as a benign entity and is identified accidentally on radiological imaging. Transplant patients under long-term immunosuppressive drugs have a high prevalence of cancers, such as skin cancers, lymphoproliferative disorders, and renal carcinomas. We present a case report of an asymptomatic renal oncocytoma in a kidney transplant recipient presenting persistent hematuria. The features of computed tomography and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) are presented. This was the first time we used CEUS in a transplant kidney recipient presenting a renal mass, allowing the real-time visualization of contrast-enhancement patterns during all vascular phases for the differential diagnosis of renal tumors. Although the pattern of intense vascularization could mislead to an early judgment as a malignant lesion, it could help to exclude other renal lesions without inducing nephrotoxicity.
Adenoma Oxífilo/diagnóstico por imagem , Meios de Contraste , Neoplasias Renais/diagnóstico por imagem , Transplante de Rim , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/diagnóstico por imagem , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Ultrassonografia/métodosRESUMO
Abstract Renal oncocytoma is an infrequently reported renal neoplasm, often asymptomatic, which usually behaves as a benign entity and is identified accidentally on radiological imaging. Transplant patients under long-term immunosuppressive drugs have a high prevalence of cancers, such as skin cancers, lymphoproliferative disorders, and renal carcinomas. We present a case report of an asymptomatic renal oncocytoma in a kidney transplant recipient presenting persistent hematuria. The features of computed tomography and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) are presented. This was the first time we used CEUS in a transplant kidney recipient presenting a renal mass, allowing the real-time visualization of contrast-enhancement patterns during all vascular phases for the differential diagnosis of renal tumors. Although the pattern of intense vascularization could mislead to an early judgment as a malignant lesion, it could help to exclude other renal lesions without inducing nephrotoxicity.
Resumo O oncocitoma renal é uma neoplasia renal raramente relatada, muitas vezes assintomática, que geralmente se comporta como uma entidade benigna e é identificada acidentalmente em imagens radiológicas. Pacientes transplantados em regimes imunossupressores de longa duração apresentam alta prevalência de neoplasias tais como câncer de pele, distúrbios linfoproliferativos e carcinomas renais. Apresentamos o relato de um caso de oncocitoma renal assintomático em receptor de transplante renal com hematúria persistente. São apresentados os achados de imagens de tomografia computadorizada e ultrassonografia (US) com contraste. Foi a primeira vez que utilizamos a US com contraste em um receptor de transplante renal que apresentava massa renal, permitindo a visualização em tempo real dos padrões de realce do contraste em todas as fases vasculares para o diagnóstico diferencial dos tumores renais. Embora o padrão de vascularização intensa possa induzir uma avaliação precoce de lesão maligna, o exame ajuda a excluir outras lesões renais sem induzir nefrotoxicidade.
Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/diagnóstico por imagem , Transplante de Rim , Adenoma Oxífilo/diagnóstico por imagem , Meios de Contraste , Neoplasias Renais/diagnóstico por imagem , Ultrassonografia/métodosRESUMO
El oncocitoma fusocelular es una neoplasia selar primaria no endocrina infrecuente, de curso clínico benigno. Debido a su similitud morfológica con los adenomas hipofisarios, considerar al oncocitoma como diagnóstico diferencial lleva a un abordaje quirúrgico cuidadoso, con el objetivo de evitar el sangrado intraquirúrgico y lograr la resección más completa posible, de la que parecería depender la evolución a largo plazo. Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 60 años que consultó por alteración campimétrica. La evaluación bioquímica evidenció panhipopituitarismo y la resonancia magnética (RM) una lesión selar. Se indicó tratamiento quirúrgico por compromiso visual con diagnóstico presuntivo de macroadenoma hipofisario no funcionante. El diagnóstico anatomopatológico fue compatible con oncocitoma fusocelular. En la RM selar, postquirúrgica (a los 5 meses), se observó remanente tumoral y se decidió realizar radiocirugía, constatándose en las subsiguientes RM disminución tumoral sin evidencia de remanente ni recidiva en 4 años de seguimiento. La comunicación de nuevos casos de esta entidad permitirá aumentar la disponibilidad de evidencia y ayudará a determinar la eficacia de los tratamientos disponibles y el pronóstico.
Spindle cell oncocytoma is an infrequent benign non-endocrine sellar neoplasm. Due to its similar morphology to pituitary adenomas, consideration of this differential diagnosis would conduce to a more careful surgical approach in order to avoid intraoperative bleeding and aiming to a complete resection, on which depends long-term outcomes. We present the case of a 60-year-old male who complained about visual abnormalities, with computerized visual field confirmation. On biochemistry, a panhypopituitarism was detected. The brain magnetic resonance images showed a sellar mass. A non-functioning pituitary macroadenoma was presumptively diagnosed and due to the visual impairment, surgical transesphenoidal treatment was indicated. The histological diagnosis was spindle cell oncocytoma. Five months after surgery, the control image demonstrated a lesion that was considered as remnant tumor, hence radiosurgery was performed. During the follow-up, the tumor reduced its size and four years after initial treatment, the sellar resonance imaging showed disappearance of the residual tumor. Communication of new cases of this rare entity will enlarge the existing evidence and will help to determinate the most effective treatment and prognosis.