Sperm chromatin is typically transformed by protamines into a compact and transcriptionally inactive state1,2. Sperm cells of flowering plants lack protamines, yet they have small, transcriptionally active nuclei with chromatin condensed through an unknown mechanism3,4. Here we show that a histone variant, H2B.8, mediates sperm chromatin and nuclear condensation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Loss of H2B.8 causes enlarged sperm nuclei with dispersed chromatin, whereas ectopic expression in somatic cells produces smaller nuclei with aggregated chromatin. This result demonstrates that H2B.8 is sufficient for chromatin condensation. H2B.8 aggregates transcriptionally inactive AT-rich chromatin into phase-separated condensates, which facilitates nuclear compaction without reducing transcription. Reciprocal crosses show that mutation of h2b.8 reduces male transmission, which suggests that H2B.8-mediated sperm compaction is important for fertility. Altogether, our results reveal a new mechanism of nuclear compaction through global aggregation of unexpressed chromatin. We propose that H2B.8 is an evolutionary innovation of flowering plants that achieves nuclear condensation compatible with active transcription.
Arabidopsis , Tamanho Celular , Cromatina , Histonas , Pólen , Arabidopsis/citologia , Arabidopsis/genética , Arabidopsis/metabolismo , Cromatina/química , Cromatina/genética , Cromatina/metabolismo , Histonas/classificação , Histonas/genética , Histonas/metabolismo , Protaminas , Pólen/citologia , Pólen/genética , Pólen/metabolismo , Regulação da Expressão Gênica de Plantas , Sequência Rica em At , Núcleo Celular/genética , Mutação , Tamanho do Núcleo Celular , Transição de Fase , Transcrição GênicaRESUMO
Rapid mutation rates are typical of mitochondrial genomes (mtDNAs) in animals, but it is not clear why. The difficulty of obtaining measurements of mtDNA mutation that are not biased by natural selection has stymied efforts to distinguish between competing hypotheses about the causes of high mtDNA mutation rates. Several studies which have measured mtDNA mutations in nematodes have yielded small datasets with conflicting conclusions about the relative abundance of different substitution classes (i.e., the mutation spectrum). We therefore leveraged Duplex Sequencing, a high-fidelity DNA sequencing technique, to characterize de novo mtDNA mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans. This approach detected nearly an order of magnitude more mtDNA mutations than documented in any previous nematode mutation study. Despite an existing extreme AT bias in the C. elegans mtDNA (75.6% AT), we found that a significant majority of mutations increase genomic AT content. Compared to some prior studies in nematodes and other animals, the mutation spectrum reported here contains an abundance of CGâAT transversions, supporting the hypothesis that oxidative damage may be a driver of mtDNA mutations in nematodes. Furthermore, we found an excess of GâT and CâT changes on the coding DNA strand relative to the template strand, consistent with increased exposure to oxidative damage. Analysis of the distribution of mutations across the mtDNA revealed significant variation among protein-coding genes and as well as among neighboring nucleotides. This high-resolution view of mitochondrial mutations in C. elegans highlights the value of this system for understanding relationships among oxidative damage, replication error, and mtDNA mutation.
Composição de Bases , DNA Mitocondrial/genética , Mutação , Estresse Oxidativo , Sequência Rica em At , Animais , Caenorhabditis elegansRESUMO
Poly(dA:dT) tracts cause nucleosome depletion in many species, e.g., at promoters and replication origins. Their intrinsic biophysical sequence properties make them stiff and unfavorable for nucleosome assembly, as probed by in vitro nucleosome reconstitution. The mere correlation between nucleosome depletion over poly(dA:dT) tracts in in vitro reconstituted and in in vivo chromatin inspired an intrinsic nucleosome exclusion mechanism in vivo that is based only on DNA and histone properties. However, we compile here published and new evidence that this correlation does not reflect mechanistic causation. (1) Nucleosome depletion over poly(dA:dT) in vivo is not universal, e.g., very weak in S. pombe. (2) The energy penalty for incorporating poly(dA:dT) tracts into nucleosomes is modest (<10%) relative to ATP hydrolysis energy abundantly invested by chromatin remodelers. (3) Nucleosome depletion over poly(dA:dT) is much stronger in vivo than in vitro if monitored without MNase and (4) actively maintained in vivo. (5) S. cerevisiae promoters evolved a strand-biased poly(dA) versus poly(dT) distribution. (6) Nucleosome depletion over poly(dA) is directional in vivo. (7) The ATP dependent chromatin remodeler RSC preferentially and directionally displaces nucleosomes towards 5' of poly(dA). Especially distribution strand bias and displacement directionality would not be expected for an intrinsic mechanism. Together, this argues for an in vivo mechanism where active and species-specific read out of intrinsic sequence properties, e.g., by remodelers, shapes nucleosome organization.
Sequência Rica em At , Montagem e Desmontagem da Cromatina , Nucleossomos/genética , Regulação Fúngica da Expressão Gênica , Nucleossomos/química , Nucleossomos/metabolismo , Saccharomyces cerevisiae , SchizosaccharomycesRESUMO
The transition to a heterotrophic lifestyle in angiosperms is characterized by convergent evolutionary changes. Plastid genome remodeling includes dramatic functional and physical reductions with the highest degrees observed in fully heterotrophic plants. Genes related to photosynthesis are generally absent or pseudogenized, while a few genes related to other metabolic processes that take place within the plastid are almost invariably maintained. The family Balanophoraceae consists of root holoparasites that present reduced plastid genomes with an extraordinarily elevated AT content and the single genetic code change ever documented in land plant plastomes (the stop codon TAG now codes for tryptophan). Here, we studied the plastomes of Lophophytum leandri and Ombrophytum subterraneum (Balanophoraceae) that showed the remarkable absence of the gene trnE, a highly biased nucleotide composition, and an independent genetic code change (the standard stop codon TGA codes for tryptophan). This is the second genetic code change identified in land plant plastomes. Analysis of the transcriptome of Lophophytum indicated that the entire C5 pathway typical of plants is conserved despite the lack of trnE in its plastome. A hypothetical model of plastome evolution in the Balanophoraceae is presented.
Sequência Rica em At/genética , Balanophoraceae/genética , Evolução Molecular , Código Genético , Genomas de Plastídeos , Genes de Plantas/genética , FilogeniaRESUMO
Site-directed mutagenesis (SDM) is an invaluable technique that enables the manipulation of DNA and therefore the primary structure and function of any encoded gene products. Commercial protocols for SDM have been optimized for Escherichia coli and mean A/T content but may hinder generation of desired products using other templates. Mutagenesis of A/T-rich DNA is often hindered by low oligodeoxynucleotide (oligo)-annealing temperatures, requiring oligos longer than manufacturer protocol recommendations. However, longer oligos can result in primer dimer formation and decreased SDM efficiencies. Commercially available kits proved inefficient at generating AT-rich mutants. We sought to generate a modified protocol that generated SDM products detectable using gel electrophoresis and that did not require an apparent limit on oligo length.
Sequência Rica em At/genética , DNA/genética , Mutagênese Sítio-Dirigida/métodos , Escherichia coli/genética , Oligonucleotídeos/genéticaRESUMO
In vitro transcription using T7 bacteriophage polymerase is widely used in molecular biology. Here, we use 5'RACE-Seq to screen a randomized initially transcribed region of the T7 promoter for cross-talk with transcriptional activity. We reveal that sequences from position +4 to +8 downstream of the transcription start site affect T7 promoter activity over a 5-fold range, and identify promoter variants with significantly enhanced transcriptional output that increase the yield of in vitro transcription reactions across a wide range of template concentrations. We furthermore introduce CEL-Seq+ , which uses an optimized T7 promoter to amplify cDNA for single-cell RNA-Sequencing. CEL-Seq+ facilitates scRNA-Seq library preparation, and substantially increases library complexity and the number of expressed genes detected per cell, highlighting a particular value of optimized T7 promoters in bioanalytical applications.
Bacteriófago T7/genética , Ácidos Nucleicos/genética , Regiões Promotoras Genéticas , Transcrição Gênica , Sequência Rica em At/genética , Sequência de Bases , RNA-Seq , Análise de Célula Única , Moldes GenéticosRESUMO
Mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) have been widely used for studies on phylogenetic relationships and molecular evolutionary biology. Here, the complete mitogenome sequence of Spilosoma lubricipedum (Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Arctiinae) was determined (total length 15,375 bp) and phylogenetic analyses S. lubricipedum were inferred from available noctuid sequence data. The mitogenome of S. lubricipedum was found to be highly A + T-biased (81.39%) and exhibited negative AT- and GC-skews. All 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) were initiated by ATN codons, except for cox1 with CGA. All tRNAs exhibited typical clover-leaf secondary structures, except for trnS1. The gene order of the S. lubricipedum mitogenome was trnM-trnI-trnQ-nad2. The A + T-rich region of S. lubricipedum contained several conservative features common to noctuid insects. Phylogenetic analysis within Noctuoidea was carried out based on mitochondrial data. Results showed that S. lubricipedum belonged to Erebidae and the Noctuoidea insects could be divided into five well-supported families (Notodontidae + (Erebidae + (Nolidae + (Euteliidae + Noctuidae)))).
Genoma Mitocondrial , Mariposas/genética , Sequência Rica em At , Animais , Genes de RNAr , Proteínas de Insetos/genética , Lepidópteros/classificação , Mariposas/classificação , Filogenia , RNA de Transferência/genéticaRESUMO
A-tracts are A:T rich DNA sequences that exhibit unique structural and mechanical properties associated with several functions in vivo. The crystallographic structure of A-tracts has been well characterized. However, the mechanical properties of these sequences is controversial and their response to force remains unexplored. Here, we rationalize the mechanical properties of in-phase A-tracts present in the Caenorhabditis elegans genome over a wide range of external forces, using single-molecule experiments and theoretical polymer models. Atomic Force Microscopy imaging shows that A-tracts induce long-range (â¼200 nm) bending, which originates from an intrinsically bent structure rather than from larger bending flexibility. These data are well described with a theoretical model based on the worm-like chain model that includes intrinsic bending. Magnetic tweezers experiments show that the mechanical response of A-tracts and arbitrary DNA sequences have a similar dependence with monovalent salt supporting that the observed A-tract bend is intrinsic to the sequence. Optical tweezers experiments reveal a high stretch modulus of the A-tract sequences in the enthalpic regime. Our work rationalizes the complex multiscale flexibility of A-tracts, providing a physical basis for the versatile character of these sequences inside the cell.
Sequência Rica em At , DNA de Helmintos/química , Animais , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Caenorhabditis elegans/genética , DNA de Helmintos/ultraestrutura , Genoma Helmíntico , Microscopia de Força Atômica , Pinças ÓpticasRESUMO
RNA polymerases initiate transcription at DNA sequences called promoters. In bacteria, the best conserved promoter feature is the AT-rich -10 element; a sequence essential for DNA unwinding. Further elements, and gene regulatory proteins, are needed to recruit RNA polymerase to the -10 sequence. Hence, -10 elements cannot function in isolation. Many horizontally acquired genes also have a high AT-content. Consequently, sequences that resemble the -10 element occur frequently. As a result, foreign genes are predisposed to spurious transcription. However, it is not clear how RNA polymerase initially recognizes such sequences. Here, we identify a non-canonical promoter element that plays a key role. The sequence, itself a short AT-tract, resides 5 base pairs upstream of otherwise cryptic -10 elements. The AT-tract alters DNA conformation and enhances contacts between the DNA backbone and RNA polymerase.
RNA Polimerases Dirigidas por DNA/metabolismo , Transferência Genética Horizontal , Genes Bacterianos , Regiões Promotoras Genéticas , Ativação Transcricional , Sequência Rica em At , Proteínas de Bactérias/metabolismo , DNA/química , Proteínas de Ligação a DNA/metabolismo , RNA Polimerases Dirigidas por DNA/química , Fator sigma/química , Fator sigma/metabolismo , Transcrição GênicaRESUMO
In this study, we determined the complete mitogenome sequence of Calappa bilineata, which is the first mitogenome of Calappidae up to now. The total length is 15,606 bp and includes 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs, two ribosomal RNAs and one control region. The genome composition is highly A + T biased (68.7%), and exhibits a negative AT-skew (-0.010) and GC-skew (-0.267). As with other invertebrate mitogenomes, the PCGs start with the standard ATN and stop with the standard TAN codons or incomplete T. Phylogenetic analysis showed that C. bilineata was most closely related to Matuta planipes (Matutidae), and these two species formed a sister clade, constituting a Calappoidea group and forming a sister clade with part of Eriphioidea. The existence of the polyphyletic families raised doubts over the traditional classification system. These results will help to better understand the features of the C. bilineata mitogenome and lay foundation for further evolutionary relationships within Brachyura.
Braquiúros/genética , Genoma Mitocondrial , Sequência Rica em At , Animais , Proteínas de Artrópodes/genética , Braquiúros/classificação , Uso do Códon , DNA Mitocondrial/química , Proteínas Mitocondriais/genética , Filogenia , RNA Ribossômico/genética , RNA de Transferência/genéticaRESUMO
To sustain iron homeostasis, microorganisms have evolved fine-tuned mechanisms for uptake, storage and detoxification of the essential metal iron. In the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus, the fungal-specific bZIP-type transcription factor HapX coordinates adaption to both iron starvation and iron excess and is thereby crucial for virulence. Previous studies indicated that a HapX homodimer interacts with the CCAAT-binding complex (CBC) to cooperatively bind bipartite DNA motifs; however, the mode of HapX-DNA recognition had not been resolved. Here, combination of in vivo (genetics and ChIP-seq), in vitro (surface plasmon resonance) and phylogenetic analyses identified an astonishing plasticity of CBC:HapX:DNA interaction. DNA motifs recognized by the CBC:HapX protein complex comprise a bipartite DNA binding site 5'-CSAATN12RWT-3' and an additional 5'-TKAN-3' motif positioned 11-23 bp downstream of the CCAAT motif, i.e. occasionally overlapping the 3'-end of the bipartite binding site. Phylogenetic comparison taking advantage of 20 resolved Aspergillus species genomes revealed that DNA recognition by the CBC:HapX complex shows promoter-specific cross-species conservation rather than regulon-specific conservation. Moreover, we show that CBC:HapX interaction is absolutely required for all known functions of HapX. The plasticity of the CBC:HapX:DNA interaction permits fine tuning of CBC:HapX binding specificities that could support adaptation of pathogens to their host niches.
Aspergillus fumigatus/genética , Fatores de Transcrição de Zíper de Leucina Básica/metabolismo , Fator de Ligação a CCAAT/metabolismo , Proteínas Fúngicas/metabolismo , Ferro/metabolismo , Regiões Promotoras Genéticas , Sequência Rica em At , Aspergillus fumigatus/metabolismo , Fatores de Transcrição de Zíper de Leucina Básica/química , Sítios de Ligação , DNA Fúngico/química , DNA Fúngico/metabolismo , Evolução Molecular , Proteínas Fúngicas/química , Mutação , Motivos de Nucleotídeos , Ligação Proteica , Domínios Proteicos , Regulon , Sideróforos/metabolismo , Ressonância de Plasmônio de Superfície , Fatores de Transcrição/química , Fatores de Transcrição/metabolismoRESUMO
The sequence of the DNA template has long been thought to influence the rate of transcription by DNA-dependent RNA polymerases, but the influence of DNA sequence on transcription elongation properties of eukaryotic RNA polymerase I (Pol I) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae has not been defined. In this study, we observe changes in dinucleotide production, transcription elongation complex stability, and Pol I pausing in vitro in response to downstream DNA. In vitro studies demonstrate that AT-rich downstream DNA enhances pausing by Pol I and inhibits Pol I nucleolytic cleavage activity. Analysis of Pol I native elongating transcript sequencing data in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggests that these downstream sequence elements influence Pol I in vivo Native elongating transcript sequencing studies reveal that Pol I occupancy increases as downstream AT content increases and decreases as downstream GC content increases. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the downstream DNA sequence directly impacts the kinetics of transcription elongation prior to the sequence entering the active site of Pol I both in vivo and in vitro.
RNA Polimerase I/metabolismo , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/genética , Elongação da Transcrição Genética , Sequência Rica em At/genética , Composição de Bases/genética , Sequência de Bases , DNA Fúngico/química , Mutação , Oligonucleotídeos/genética , Oligonucleotídeos/metabolismo , Clivagem do RNA/genética , RNA Polimerase I/genética , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/enzimologiaRESUMO
The 35S and 5S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) organized in thousands of copies in genomes, have been widely used in numerous comparative cytogenetic studies. Nevertheless, several questions related to the diversity and organization of regulatory motifs in 5S rDNA remain to be addressed. The 5S rDNA unit is composed of a conserved 120 bp length coding region and an intergenic spacer (IGS) containing potential regulatory motifs (Poly-T, AT-rich and GC-rich) differing in number, redundancy and position along the IGS. The Cestrum species (Solanaceae) have large genomes (about 10 pg/1C) and conserved 2n = 16 karyotypes. Strikingly, these genomes show high diversity of heterochromatin distribution, variability in 35S rDNA loci and the occurrence of B chromosomes. However, the 5S rDNA loci are highly conserved in the proximal region of chromosome 8. Comparison of seventy-one IGS sequences in plants revealed several conserved motifs with potential regulatory function. The AT- and GC-rich domains appeared highly conserved in Cestrum chromosomes. The 5S genic and the GC-rich IGS probe produced FISH signals in both A (pair 8) and B chromosomes. The GC-rich domain presented a strong potential for regulation because it may be associated with CpG islands organization, as well as to hairpin and loop organization. Another interesting aspect was the ability of AT- and GC-rich motifs to produce non-heterochromatic CMA/DAPI signals. While the length of the 5S rDNA IGS region varied in size between the Cestrum species, the individual sequence motifs seem to be conserved suggesting their regulatory function. The most striking feature was the conserved GC-rich domain in Cestrum, which is recognized as a signature trait of the proximal region of chromosome pair 8.
Sequência Rica em At , Cestrum/genética , DNA Intergênico/genética , DNA Ribossômico/genética , Sequência Rica em GC , Sequência de Bases , Bandeamento Cromossômico , Sequência Conservada , DNA de Plantas/genética , Regulação da Expressão Gênica de Plantas , Heterocromatina/genética , Cariotipagem , RNA Ribossômico 5S/genéticaRESUMO
After explanation of the Chargaff´s first parity rule in terms of the Watson-Crick base-pairing between the two DNA strands, the Chargaff´s second parity rule for each strand of DNA (also named strand symmetry), which cannot be explained by Watson-Crick base-pairing only, is still a challenging issue already fifty years. We show that during evolution DNA preserves its identity in the form of quadruplet A+T and C+G rich matrices based on purine-pyrimidine mirror symmetries of trinucleotides. Identical symmetries are present in our classification of trinucleotides and the genetic code table. All eukaryotes and almost all prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) have quadruplet mirror symmetries in structural form and frequencies following the principle of Chargaff's second parity rule and Natural symmetry law of DNA creation and conservation. Some rare symbionts have mirror symmetry only in their structural form within each DNA strand. Based on our matrix analysis of closely related species, humans and Neanderthals, we find that the circular cycle of inverse proportionality between trinucleotides preserves identical relative frequencies of trinucleotides in each quadruplet and in the whole genome. According to our calculations, a change in frequencies in quadruplet matrices could lead to the creation of new species. Violation of quadruplet symmetries is practically inconsistent with life. DNA symmetries provide a key for understanding the restriction of disorder (entropy) due to mutations in the evolution of DNA.
DNA/genética , Evolução Molecular , Sequência Rica em At , Cromossomos Humanos/genética , Sequência Conservada , Eucariotos/metabolismo , Humanos , Nucleotídeos/genética , Células Procarióticas/metabolismo , Simbiose/genéticaRESUMO
AT-rich interaction domain (ARID)-containing BAF250a protein is a central DNA-binding subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex. ARIDs are found in several eukaryotic proteins that play roles in different aspects of cellular physiology. However, despite their biological importance, ARIDs remain relatively uncharacterized for their dynamics and DNA binding. Here, we have probed the structure and DNA-binding properties of BAF250a ARID. We show that the core BAF250a ARID interacts with DNA sequences with low micromolar affinities. NMR chemical shift perturbation (CSP) results reveal a number of conserved residues in ARID that are involved in DNA binding. An NMR CSP-based docking model of ARID-DNA complexes reveals that BAF250a ARID possesses necessary determinants of specific DNA binding.
Proteínas de Ligação a DNA/química , DNA/química , Simulação de Acoplamento Molecular , Fatores de Transcrição/química , Sequência Rica em At , Sítios de Ligação , DNA/metabolismo , Proteínas de Ligação a DNA/metabolismo , Humanos , Ligação Proteica , Fatores de Transcrição/metabolismoRESUMO
A label-free and enzyme-free aptasensor for sensitive assay of acetamiprid has been established using AT-rich double-stranded (ds) DNA-templated copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) as fluorescent probe. In this work, two hairpin DNA, HP1 and HP2, were elaborately designed with AT-rich DNA sequences in their loops. The aptamer of acetamiprid was located at the 3'-terminal of HP1, which was caged in the stem of HP1. Upon the addition of acetamiprid, the aptamer could combine with acetamiprid to form a target/aptamer complex, and thus its free 5'-terminal was released. Subsequently, the protruded 3'-terminal of HP2 could hybridize with the free 5'-terminal of HP1 to form a stable AT-rich dsDNA. When it interacted with Cu2+ and ascorbic acid (AA), the AT-rich dsDNA/CuNPs were generated with strong fluorescence, offering a "switch-on" detection of acetamiprid. The developed strategy could high selectively detect acetamiprid at the concentration as low as 2.37â¯nM. Moreover, the possibility of this strategy for the food sample analysis was also investigated. The obtained results demonstrate that the developed strategy has a promising application potential for acetamiprid assay in food safety fields.
Sequência Rica em At , Aptâmeros de Nucleotídeos/química , Cobre/química , DNA/química , Corantes Fluorescentes/química , Nanopartículas Metálicas/química , Neonicotinoides/análise , Alanina/química , DNA/genética , Tirosina/químicaRESUMO
Each genomic locus in a eukaryotic cell has a distinct average time of replication during S phase that depends on the spatial and temporal pattern of replication initiation events. Replication timing can affect genomic integrity because late replication is associated with an increased mutation rate. For most eukaryotes, the features of the genome that specify the location and timing of initiation events are unknown. To investigate these features for the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we developed an integrative model to analyze large single-molecule and global genomic datasets. The model provides an accurate description of the complex dynamics of S. pombe DNA replication at high resolution. We present evidence that there are many more potential initiation sites in the S. pombe genome than previously identified and that the distribution of these sites is primarily determined by two factors: the sequence preferences of the origin recognition complex (ORC), and the interference of transcription with the assembly or stability of prereplication complexes (pre-RCs). We suggest that in addition to directly interfering with initiation, transcription has driven the evolution of the binding properties of ORC in S. pombe and other eukaryotic species to target pre-RC assembly to regions of the genome that are less likely to be transcribed.
Replicação do DNA , Células Eucarióticas/metabolismo , Schizosaccharomyces/metabolismo , Sequência Rica em At , Cromossomos Fúngicos/genética , Simulação por Computador , Período de Replicação do DNA , RNA Polimerases Dirigidas por DNA/metabolismo , Células Eucarióticas/citologia , Genoma Fúngico , Modelos Biológicos , Complexo de Reconhecimento de Origem/genética , Probabilidade , Schizosaccharomyces/citologia , Proteínas de Schizosaccharomyces pombe/metabolismo , Transcrição GênicaRESUMO
BAF200 is a subunit of PBAF chromatin remodeling complex that contains an N-terminal AT-rich interaction domain (ARID). ARID domain in general has been shown to bind to the AT-rich DNA sequences. The human BAF200 ARID (~ 110 residues) has the potential to bind the DNA sequences with high affinity, however, the structure and the exact contribution of hBAF200 ARID in PBAF functions as well its DNA binding specificities have not been established. In this study, we have expressed and purified the hBAF200 ARID for NMR studies. We report the complete backbone 1H, 13C, and 15N chemical shift assignment and secondary structure of hBAF200 ARID domain.
Sequência Rica em At , Proteínas de Ligação a DNA/química , Ressonância Magnética Nuclear Biomolecular , Fatores de Transcrição/química , Sequência de Aminoácidos , Humanos , Domínios ProteicosRESUMO
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) plays a key role in glycolysis but is also known for its involvement in a myriad of extra-glycolytic functions. While GAPDH is not the only enzyme with established moonlighting roles, it shows great diversity in terms of its functions, cellular localizations, protein partners, and post-translational modifications. This review focuses on GAPDH's role as a non-canonical RNA binding protein to regulate the stability and translation of cellular mRNAs. Despite the clear involvement of GAPDH in gene expression regulation, how and where GAPDH binds to its RNA targets is still unknown. In addition, the mechanism by which GAPDH switches among its various cellular functions is also unknown. This review will summarize our current understanding of GAPDH-mediated regulation of RNA function.
Gliceraldeído-3-Fosfato Desidrogenases/metabolismo , RNA/genética , RNA/metabolismo , Sequência Rica em At , Gliceraldeído-3-Fosfato Desidrogenases/química , Humanos , Modelos MolecularesRESUMO
Genome instability often arises at common fragile sites (CFSs) leading to cancer-associated chromosomal rearrangements. However, the underlying mechanisms of how CFS protection is achieved is not well understood. We demonstrate that BLM plays an important role in the maintenance of genome stability of structure-forming AT-rich sequences derived from CFSs (CFS-AT). BLM deficiency leads to increased DSB formation and hyper mitotic recombination at CFS-AT and induces instability of the plasmids containing CFS-AT. We further showed that BLM is required for suppression of CFS breakage upon oncogene expression. Both helicase activity and ATR-mediated phosphorylation of BLM are important for preventing genetic instability at CFS-AT sequences. Furthermore, the role of BLM in protecting CFS-AT is not epistatic to that of FANCM, a translocase that is involved in preserving CFS stability. Loss of BLM helicase activity leads to drastic decrease of cell viability in FANCM deficient cells. We propose that BLM and FANCM utilize different mechanisms to remove DNA secondary structures forming at CFS-AT on replication forks, thereby preventing DSB formation and maintaining CFS stability.