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PLoS One ; 19(9): e0309733, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39231124


Combining different drugs synergistically is an essential aspect of developing effective treatments. Although there is a plethora of research on computational prediction for new combination therapies, there is limited to no research on combination therapies in the treatment of viral diseases. This paper proposes AI-based models for predicting novel antiviral combinations to treat virus diseases synergistically. To do this, we assembled a comprehensive dataset comprising information on viral strains, drug compounds, and their known interactions. As far as we know, this is the first dataset and learning model on combination therapy for viruses. Our proposal includes using a random forest model, an SVM model, and a deep model to train viral combination therapy. The machine learning models showed the highest performance, and the predicted values were validated by a t-test, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed methods. One of the predicted combinations of acyclovir and ribavirin has been experimentally confirmed to have a synergistic antiviral effect against herpes simplex type-1 virus, as described in the literature.

Antivirais , Sinergismo Farmacológico , Quimioterapia Combinada , Aprendizado de Máquina , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Antivirais/farmacologia , Humanos , Ribavirina/uso terapêutico , Herpesvirus Humano 1/efeitos dos fármacos , Herpesvirus Humano 1/fisiologia , Aciclovir/uso terapêutico , Aciclovir/administração & dosagem , Aciclovir/farmacologia , Viroses/tratamento farmacológico
Rev Med Virol ; 34(5): e2574, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39090526


Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections in allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) recipients pose significant challenges, with higher incidence, severity, and risk of emergence of resistance to antivirals due to impaired T-cell mediated immunity. This literature review focuses on acyclovir-refractory/resistant HSV infections in HSCT recipients. The review addresses the efficacy of antiviral prophylaxis, the incidence of acyclovir-refractory/resistant HSV infections, and the identification of risk factors and potential prognostic impact associated with those infections. Additionally, alternative therapeutic options are discussed. While acyclovir prophylaxis demonstrates a significant benefit in reducing HSV infections in HSCT recipients and, in some cases, overall mortality, concerns arise about the emergence of drug-resistant HSV strains. Our systematic review reports a median incidence of acyclovir-resistant HSV infections of 16.1%, with an increasing trend in recent years. Despite limitations in available studies, potential risk factors of emergence of HSV resistance to acyclovir include human leucocyte antigen (HLA) mismatches, myeloid neoplasms and acute leukaemias, and graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Limited evidences suggest a potentially poorer prognosis for allogeneic HSCT recipients with acyclovir-refractory/resistant HSV infection. Alternative therapeutic approaches, such as foscarnet, cidofovir, topical cidofovir, optimised acyclovir dosing, and helicase-primase inhibitors offer promising options but require further investigations. Overall, larger studies are needed to refine preventive and therapeutic strategies for acyclovir-refractory/resistant HSV infections in allogeneic HSCT recipients and to identify those at higher risk.

Aciclovir , Antivirais , Farmacorresistência Viral , Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas , Herpes Simples , Humanos , Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas/efeitos adversos , Herpes Simples/tratamento farmacológico , Herpes Simples/virologia , Herpes Simples/terapia , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Aciclovir/uso terapêutico , Simplexvirus/efeitos dos fármacos , Simplexvirus/fisiologia , Fatores de Risco , Transplantados , Incidência
Discov Med ; 36(187): 1641-1647, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39190379


BACKGROUND: Aciclovir, often known as acyclovir, is a nucleoside analog that exhibits antiviral activity in vitro against human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), cytomegalovirus (CMV), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), and herpes simplex virus (HSV). Valacyclovir is an amino acid ester prodrug of acyclovir. We examined valacyclovir, which is also an anti-viral agent, for its effects on inflammation. METHODS: Mammalian Macrophages were activated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the presence of a concentration range of Valacyclovir. Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and IL-12p40 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to measure the production levels of these pro-inflammatory cytokines. RESULTS: Our results suggest that Valacyclovir had anti-inflammatory activity on the LPS-activated mammalian macrophages. CONCLUSION: Valacyclovir has the potential to be utilized in the clinical setting as an anti-viral drug molecule with anti-inflammatory properties. Future studies are needed to further confirm its activities on different immune system cell types.

Anti-Inflamatórios , Macrófagos , Valaciclovir , Valaciclovir/farmacologia , Animais , Macrófagos/efeitos dos fármacos , Macrófagos/imunologia , Macrófagos/metabolismo , Camundongos , Anti-Inflamatórios/farmacologia , Lipopolissacarídeos/farmacologia , Humanos , Ativação de Macrófagos/efeitos dos fármacos , Antivirais/farmacologia , Citocinas/metabolismo , Aciclovir/farmacologia , Aciclovir/análogos & derivados , Células RAW 264.7 , Fator de Necrose Tumoral alfa/metabolismo
Molecules ; 29(16)2024 Aug 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39202862


In recent years, the environmental impact of pharmaceutical residues has emerged as a pressing global concern, catalyzed by their widespread usage and persistence in aquatic ecosystems. Among these pharmaceuticals, acyclovir (ACV) stands out due to its extensive prescription during medical treatments for herpes simplex virus, chickenpox, and shingles, as well as its heightened usage amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. ACV is excreted largely unchanged by the human body, leading to significant environmental release through wastewater effluents. The urgency of addressing ACV's environmental impact lies in its potential to persist in water bodies and affect aquatic life. This persistence underscores the critical need for effective degradation strategies that can mitigate its presence in aquatic systems. This study focuses on employing sodium hypochlorite as an oxidative agent for the degradation of ACV, leveraging its common use in wastewater treatment plants. Our research aims to explore the kinetics of ACV degradation, identify and characterize its degradation byproducts, and optimize the conditions under which complete degradation can be achieved. By assessing the efficiency of sodium hypochlorite in real wastewater samples, this study seeks to provide practical insights into mitigating ACV contamination in aquatic environments. The novelty of this research lies in its comprehensive approach to understanding the degradation pathways of ACV and evaluating the feasibility of using sodium hypochlorite as a sustainable solution in wastewater treatment. By addressing the environmental concerns associated with ACV and offering practical solutions, this study contributes to the broader goal of sustainable pharmaceutical waste management and environmental stewardship.

Aciclovir , Hipoclorito de Sódio , Águas Residuárias , Poluentes Químicos da Água , Águas Residuárias/química , Aciclovir/química , Hipoclorito de Sódio/química , Poluentes Químicos da Água/química , Poluentes Químicos da Água/análise , Antivirais/química , Purificação da Água/métodos , Humanos
Pharm Res ; 41(7): 1507-1520, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38955999


PURPOSE: To develop a toolkit of test methods for characterizing potentially critical quality attributes (CQAs) of topical semisolid products and to evaluate how CQAs influence the rate and extent of active ingredient bioavailability (BA) by monitoring cutaneous pharmacokinetics (PK) using an In Vitro Permeation Test (IVPT). METHODS: Product attributes representing the physicochemical and structural (Q3) arrangement of matter, such as attributes of particles and globules, were assessed for a set of test acyclovir creams (Aciclostad® and Acyclovir 1A Pharma) and compared to a set of reference acyclovir creams (Zovirax® US, Zovirax® UK and Zovirax® Australia). IVPT studies were performed with all these creams using heat-separated human epidermis, evaluated with both, static Franz-type diffusion cells and a flow through diffusion cell system. RESULTS: A toolkit developed to characterize quality and performance attributes of these acyclovir topical cream products identified certain differences in the Q3 attributes and the cutaneous PK of acyclovir between the test and reference sets of products. The cutaneous BA of acyclovir from the set of reference creams was substantially higher than from the set of test creams. CONCLUSIONS: This research elucidates how differences in the composition or manufacturing of product formulations can alter Q3 attributes that modulate myriad aspects of topical product performance. The results demonstrate the importance of understanding the Q3 attributes of topical semisolid drug products, and of developing appropriate product characterization tests. The toolkit developed here can be utilized to guide topical product development, and to mitigate the risk of differences in product performance, thereby supporting a demonstration of bioequivalence (BE) for prospective topical generic products and reducing the reliance on comparative clinical endpoint BE studies.

Aciclovir , Antivirais , Disponibilidade Biológica , Absorção Cutânea , Creme para a Pele , Equivalência Terapêutica , Aciclovir/farmacocinética , Aciclovir/administração & dosagem , Humanos , Creme para a Pele/farmacocinética , Creme para a Pele/química , Antivirais/farmacocinética , Antivirais/administração & dosagem , Antivirais/química , Administração Cutânea , Pele/metabolismo
Dokl Biol Sci ; 517(1): 55-58, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38955885


Carriers of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) account for more than 90% of the global population. Infection manifests itself in the formation of blisters and ulcers on the face or genitals and can cause blindness, encephalitis, and generalized infection. All first- and second-line modern antiherpetic drugs selectively inhibit viral DNA polymerase. The purine-benzoxazine conjugate LAS-131 ((S)-4-[6-(purin-6-yl)aminohexanoyl]-7,8-difluoro-3,4-dihydro-3-methyl-2H-[1,4]benzoxazine), which we have described earlier, uses the large subunit of the HSV-1 terminase complex as a biotarget and selectively inhibits HSV-1 reproduction in vitro. Basically new results were for the first time obtained to characterize the combined effect on human herpesvirus infection for LAS-131 used in combination with practically significant antiviral compounds, including the nucleoside analogs acyclovir (ACV), penciclovir (PCV), ganciclovir (GCV), brivudine (BVdU), iododeoxyuridine (IdU), and adenine arabinoside (Ara-A); the nucleoside phosphonate analog cidofovir (CDV); and the pyrophosphate analog foscarnet (FOS). A cytopathic effect (CPE) inhibition assay showed that the drug concentration that inhibited the virus-induced CPE by 50% decreased by a factor of 2 (an additive effect, FOS) or more (a synergistic effect; ACV, PCV, GCV, IdU, BVdU, Ara-A, and CDV) when the drugs were used in combination with LAS-131. Nonpermissive conditions for HSV-1 reproduction were thus created at lower drug concentrations, opening up new real possibilities to control human herpesvirus infection.

Aciclovir , Antivirais , Endodesoxirribonucleases , Herpesvirus Humano 1 , Antivirais/farmacologia , Células Vero , Chlorocebus aethiops , Animais , Herpesvirus Humano 1/efeitos dos fármacos , Herpesvirus Humano 1/fisiologia , Endodesoxirribonucleases/metabolismo , Endodesoxirribonucleases/antagonistas & inibidores , Aciclovir/farmacologia , Ganciclovir/farmacologia , Foscarnet/farmacologia , Guanina/análogos & derivados , Guanina/farmacologia , Cidofovir/farmacologia , Humanos , Bromodesoxiuridina/análogos & derivados
Georgian Med News ; (349): 51-53, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38963201


The etiology of meningoencephalitis with COVID19 is coronavirus and herpetic. Secondary herpes infection is associated with immunological dysregulation or with the use of tocilizumab. Differential diagnosis of the etiology of encephalitis is important, because acyclovir is effective for herpes infection. Case Report: A 38-year-old man with right-sided lower lobe pneumonia COVID-19 was hospitalized in the infectious diseases department. On the 6th day of hospitalization, the patient developed respiratory failure and was transferred to the anesthesiology and intensive care unit. We started noninvasive lung ventilation, which was ineffective, and the patient was intubated and started on MVL. MRI data: encephalitis of the frontal, parietal and occipital lobes on the left. On the 14th day, we detected a herpetic rash on the legs and thighs in the projection of the sciatic nerve. We suspected the patient had a herpes infection and prescribed acyclovir 1000 mg intravenously 3 times a day. On the 32nd day, a blood test by IFA revealed class G antibodies to the Viral Capsid Antigen (VCA) of the Epstein-Barr virus. On the 58th day, he was discharged home in a satisfactory condition. Given the extraordinary strain on healthcare systems amid the pandemic, there are challenges in diagnosing herpes infection in patients with COVID-19. The alertness of doctors about the development of herpes infection and its clinical signs is important. This will allow for early antiherpetic treatment.

Aciclovir , COVID-19 , Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , COVID-19/complicações , Aciclovir/uso terapêutico , SARS-CoV-2 , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética
Afr Health Sci ; 24(1): 91-93, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38962355


This case report describes a pregnant patient with recent diagnosis of Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV) infection initiated on Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) in the second trimester, as well as high dose acyclovir high for large infected genital warts. She had no other HIV related opportunistic infections, and no prior anti tuberculosis treatment or preventive medication. Despite little response to acyclovir, patient was continuing on acyclovir for over 4 months. She subsequently developed recurrent anemia requiring frequent transfusion (14 units in total) over a 6-week period. On stopping acyclovir, the anemia subsided, a few weeks later she had a normal delivery, followed by surgical removal of the warts. At a follow-up 8 months later, she was well, with a healthy baby, and reported no other episodes of blood transfusion.

Aciclovir , Anemia , Antivirais , Infecções por HIV , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez , Recidiva , Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Aciclovir/uso terapêutico , Aciclovir/efeitos adversos , Aciclovir/administração & dosagem , Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções por HIV/complicações , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/tratamento farmacológico , Antivirais/efeitos adversos , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Adulto , Uganda , Resultado do Tratamento , Herpes Genital/tratamento farmacológico , Transfusão de Sangue
BMJ Case Rep ; 17(7)2024 Jul 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38991567


We present a case of a primigravida in her 30s who had a caesarean delivery of dichorionic diamniotic twins at 33 weeks of gestation. Her postpartum course was complicated by a herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection of her nipple, found after her neonates were diagnosed with HSV encephalitis. She was evaluated at her 3-week postpartum visit and reported that her neonates were concurrently admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit with disseminated neonatal HSV-1. The patient and her partner were in a monogamous relationship with no known history of HSV. Physical examination demonstrated a vertical fissure on the face of her right nipple and a small cluster of vesicles on her left hand. PCR swabs of the lesions were positive for HSV-1 at both locations. The patient was started on oral valacyclovir 1000 mg two times per day, topical acyclovir ointment applied 4-6 times per day and mupirocin ointment applied 3 times per day to her breast with resolution of her breast lesions. She was able to continue expressing her breastmilk with the help of a pump and then resumed breastfeeding once her infection was cleared. Her infants recovered after prolonged parenteral antiviral therapy with age-appropriate development at follow-up.

Aciclovir , Antivirais , Encefalite por Herpes Simples , Herpes Simples , Herpesvirus Humano 1 , Mamilos , Humanos , Feminino , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Antivirais/administração & dosagem , Recém-Nascido , Aciclovir/uso terapêutico , Aciclovir/administração & dosagem , Herpes Simples/diagnóstico , Herpes Simples/tratamento farmacológico , Herpesvirus Humano 1/isolamento & purificação , Encefalite por Herpes Simples/diagnóstico , Encefalite por Herpes Simples/tratamento farmacológico , Valaciclovir/uso terapêutico , Valaciclovir/administração & dosagem , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/diagnóstico , Adulto , Gravidez , Transmissão Vertical de Doenças Infecciosas , Valina/análogos & derivados , Valina/uso terapêutico , Valina/administração & dosagem , Aleitamento Materno
Int J Biol Macromol ; 277(Pt 1): 133843, 2024 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39032882


This study focuses on the preparation of layered bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) patches for drug delivery and wound healing in the context of herpes labialis. Nanostructured patches were prepared by selective aqueous diffusion of acyclovir (ACV, antiviral drug), hyaluronic acid (HA, skin healing promoter), and glycerol (GLY, plasticizer and humectant) in the BNC network, followed by assembly into trilayered patches with ACV on the central layer of the patch (ACVT) or divided between two layers (ACVH), to modulate drug release. Both patches showed good layers' adhesion and thermal stability (125 °C), UV barrier properties, good static (Young's modulus up to 0.9 GPa (dry) and 0.7 GPa (wet)) and dynamic mechanical performance, and adhesion strength (21 kPa) comparable to or higher than other materials and commercial adhesives for wound healing. In vitro drug dissolution showed faster ACV release from the ACVH patch (77 ± 5 %, 10 min) than from the ACVT one (50 ± 7 %), suggesting efficient drug delivery. ACVH closely resembled a commercial cream formulation in terms of release and permeation profiles. The patches were non-cytotoxic toward L929 fibroblasts, promoting cell adhesion and wound closure (in vitro). These results underscore the dual-action potential of the layered patches for managing herpetic lesions.

Aciclovir , Celulose , Liberação Controlada de Fármacos , Ácido Hialurônico , Ácido Hialurônico/química , Ácido Hialurônico/farmacologia , Aciclovir/farmacologia , Aciclovir/administração & dosagem , Aciclovir/química , Celulose/química , Animais , Camundongos , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Antivirais/farmacologia , Antivirais/química , Linhagem Celular , Portadores de Fármacos/química , Humanos , Nanoestruturas/química , Adesivo Transdérmico
Rinsho Shinkeigaku ; 64(8): 583-588, 2024 Aug 27.
Artigo em Japonês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39048379


The patient, a 36-year-old female, had no previous history of shingles. She was admitted to the hospital due to nausea and lightheadedness. Upon admission, she was diagnosed with bilateral medial medullary infarcts. She received treatment with intravenous edaravone and argatroban, as well as antiplatelet therapy with aspirin and clopidogrel. However, her dysphagia, dysarthria, and paraplegia worsened. Due to changes in the lesion of the basilar artery on brain |MRA, we suspected the possibility of basilar artery dissection, and discontinued antiplatelet therapy. Subsequent imaging studies suggested vasculitis. After examining the cerebrospinal fluid, we diagnosed varicella-zoster virus (VZV) vasculopathy. Based on this diagnosis, we administered steroid pulse therapy for three days, started intravenous acyclovir, and resumed antithrombotic therapy with clopidogrel. Prednisone was administered for five days. Biochemical tests revealed an elevated D-dimer level. Due to the presence of lower extremity venous thrombus, clopidogrel was replaced with apixaban. The acyclovir infusion was discontinued due to observed acyclovir-induced neutropenia. These treatments improved neurological symptoms, circumflex thickening of the basilar artery, and contrast effects in the same area. On the 70th day, the patient was transferred to the hospital for rehabilitation. It is important to consider VZV angiopathy as a potential cause of juvenile cerebral infarction accompanying progressive basilar artery stenosis, regardless of the presence or absence of a skin rash.

Herpesvirus Humano 3 , Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Infecção pelo Vírus da Varicela-Zoster/complicações , Infecção pelo Vírus da Varicela-Zoster/tratamento farmacológico , Infecção pelo Vírus da Varicela-Zoster/diagnóstico , Aciclovir/administração & dosagem , Pulsoterapia , Bulbo , Infartos do Tronco Encefálico/etiologia , Infartos do Tronco Encefálico/tratamento farmacológico , Antivirais/administração & dosagem , Resultado do Tratamento , Clopidogrel/administração & dosagem , Piridonas/administração & dosagem , Pirazóis
Rinsho Shinkeigaku ; 64(8): 579-582, 2024 Aug 27.
Artigo em Japonês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39069488


A 78-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with a 4-day history of fever and confusion. Physical examination revealed oral dryness and decreased skin turgor. Blood tests showed hyponatremia (121.5 |mEq/l), and cerebrospinal fluid examination revealed positivity for herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) via polymerase chain reaction. He was diagnosed with herpes simplex encephalitis and initiated acyclovir treatment. The hyponatremia was diagnosed as cerebral salt wasting syndrome (CSWS) and treated with hypertonic saline infusion and fludrocortisone. The cerebrospinal fluid HSV-1 DNA became negative, and the serum sodium levels normalized. Hyponatremia complicated with encephalitis is often caused by the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH), whereas CSWS is rare, mostly observed in tuberculous meningitis. Differentiating between the SIADH and CSWS is important as they require distinct therapeutic strategies.

Aciclovir , Encefalite por Herpes Simples , Herpesvirus Humano 1 , Hiponatremia , Síndrome de Secreção Inadequada de HAD , Humanos , Masculino , Idoso , Hiponatremia/etiologia , Encefalite por Herpes Simples/complicações , Encefalite por Herpes Simples/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Secreção Inadequada de HAD/etiologia , Síndrome de Secreção Inadequada de HAD/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Secreção Inadequada de HAD/complicações , Solução Salina Hipertônica/administração & dosagem , Aciclovir/administração & dosagem , Antivirais/administração & dosagem , Fludrocortisona/administração & dosagem , Fludrocortisona/uso terapêutico , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Sódio/sangue , Resultado do Tratamento
J Virol Methods ; 329: 114994, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38971379


Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) is a widespread human pathogen known for causing a spectrum of clinical manifestations, ranging from mild cold sores to severe complications like encephalitis. Understanding the strain-specific variations of HSV-1 is crucial for elucidating its pathogenesis and developing targeted therapeutic interventions. In this multifaceted study, we investigated the strain-specific characteristics of HSV-1 using an in vivo rat model. Firstly, a pilot study was conducted to assess the capacity of three HSV-1 strains (Fisher (F), KOS (K), and MacIntyre (M)) to induce cold sores in rats. Remarkably, the F strain exhibited pronounced pathogenicity, inducing erythema, swelling, and disrupted epidermis with ulceration, distinguishing it from the K and M strains. Subsequently, the treatment capability of intravenous acyclovir injection in HSV-1 F strain-infected rats was evaluated. Acyclovir treatment resulted in a significant reduction in HSV-1 viral copy numbers in serum and dissected neuronal tissues, particularly in the spinal cord, brain, and lower lip. Lastly, whole genome sequencing data revealed that high-impact mutations occurred in the K and M strains within the UL49, US2, and US3 genes. These mutations may play a pivotal role in influencing viral replication, dissemination, pathogenesis, and infectivity. In contrast, the moderate missense variant mutations detected in the US12, US8, UL3, UL30, UL31, and UL36 genes appeared to have no effect on viral pathogenesis and infectivity, based on RT-PCR data for spinal cord, trigeminal nerve, brain, and the lower lip. These strain-specific mutations underscore the dynamic nature of HSV-1 evolution. Collectively, our findings contribute to a deeper understanding of HSV-1 strain diversity and pave the way for the development of targeted therapeutic strategies against this medically significant virus.

Aciclovir , Antivirais , Herpes Simples , Herpesvirus Humano 1 , Sequenciamento de Nucleotídeos em Larga Escala , Animais , Herpesvirus Humano 1/genética , Herpesvirus Humano 1/patogenicidade , Herpesvirus Humano 1/isolamento & purificação , Herpesvirus Humano 1/efeitos dos fármacos , Ratos , Herpes Simples/virologia , Antivirais/farmacologia , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Aciclovir/farmacologia , Aciclovir/uso terapêutico , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Projetos Piloto , Mutação , Virulência , Genoma Viral , Masculino
Pediatr Transplant ; 28(5): e14819, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38924278


BACKGROUND: Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) reactivation is the most common infectious complication in the late posthematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) period and is reported as 16%-41%. Acyclovir prophylaxis is recommended for at least 1 year after HSCT to prevent VZV infections. However, studies on the most appropriate prophylaxis are ongoing in pediatric patients. METHODS: Patients who underwent allogeneic HSCT between January 1, 1996 and January 1, 2020 were retrospectively analyzed to outline the characteristics of VZV reactivation after allogeneic HSCT in pediatric patients using 6 months acyclovir prophylaxis. RESULTS: There were 260 patients and 273 HSCTs. Median age was 10.43 (0.47-18.38), and 56% was male. Median follow-up was 2325 days (18-7579 days). VZV reactivation occurred in 21.2% (n = 58) at a median of 354 (55-3433) days post-HSCT. The peak incidence was 6-12 months post-HSCT (43.1%). Older age at HSCT, female gender, history of varicella infection, lack of varicella vaccination, low lymphocyte, CD4 count, and CD4/CD8 ratio at 9 and 12 months post-HSCT was found as a significant risk for herpes zoster (HZ) in univariate analysis, whereas history of varicella infection and low CD4/CD8 ratio at 12 months post-HSCT was an independent risk factor in multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Tailoring acyclovir prophylaxis according to pre-HCT varicella history, posttransplant CD4 T lymphocyte counts and functions, and ongoing immunosuppression may help to reduce HZ-related morbidity and mortality.

Aciclovir , Antivirais , Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas , Herpesvirus Humano 3 , Ativação Viral , Humanos , Aciclovir/uso terapêutico , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas/efeitos adversos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pré-Escolar , Adolescente , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Lactente , Ativação Viral/efeitos dos fármacos , Herpesvirus Humano 3/imunologia , Herpes Zoster/prevenção & controle , Herpes Zoster/etiologia , Infecção pelo Vírus da Varicela-Zoster/prevenção & controle , Transplante Homólogo , Fatores de Risco
Antiviral Res ; 228: 105950, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38944159


Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a neurotropic alphaherpesvirus that establishes a lifelong infection in sensory neurons of infected individuals, accompanied with intermittent reactivation of latent virus causing (a)symptomatic virus shedding. Whereas acyclovir (ACV) is a safe and highly effective antiviral to treat HSV-1 infections, long-term usage can lead to emergence of ACV resistant (ACVR) HSV-1 and subsequently ACV refractory disease. Here, we isolated an HSV-1 strain from a patient with reactivated herpetic eye disease that did not respond to ACV treatment. The isolate carried a novel non-synonymous F289S mutation in the viral UL23 gene encoding the thymidine kinase (TK) protein. Because ACV needs conversion by viral TK and subsequently cellular kinases to inhibit HSV-1 replication, the UL23 gene is commonly mutated in ACVR HSV-1 strains. The potential role of the F289S mutation causing ACVR was investigated using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated HSV-1 genome editing. Reverting the F289S mutation in the original clinical isolate to the wild-type sequence S289F resulted in an ACV-sensitive (ACVS) phenotype, and introduction of the F289S substitution in an ACVS HSV-1 reference strain led to an ACVR phenotype. In summary, we identified a new HSV-1 TK mutation in the eye of a patient with ACV refractory herpetic eye disease, which was identified as the causative ACVR mutation with the aid of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome engineering technology. Direct editing of clinical HSV-1 isolates by CRISPR/Cas9 is a powerful strategy to assess whether single residue substitutions are causative to a clinical ACVR phenotype.

Aciclovir , Antivirais , Sistemas CRISPR-Cas , Farmacorresistência Viral , Edição de Genes , Herpesvirus Humano 1 , Mutação , Timidina Quinase , Timidina Quinase/genética , Herpesvirus Humano 1/genética , Herpesvirus Humano 1/efeitos dos fármacos , Herpesvirus Humano 1/enzimologia , Humanos , Farmacorresistência Viral/genética , Aciclovir/farmacologia , Aciclovir/uso terapêutico , Antivirais/farmacologia , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Herpes Simples/virologia , Herpes Simples/tratamento farmacológico
J Med Case Rep ; 18(1): 271, 2024 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38845030


OBJECTIVE: Extravasation of infused drugs is not a rare problem in medical practice. Acyclovir is a vesicant and an antiviral medication commonly used for young children. In the present study, we presented a neonate with soft tissue damage due to acyclovir extravasation. CASE REPORT: A female newborn (Iranian, Asian) with gestational age 37+2 weeks and breech presentation was born by Cesarean delivery from a mother with a recent history of Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection (Yas Women's Hospital, Tehran, Iran). Intravenous administration of acyclovir was initiated through a peripheral catheter inserted on the dorsal side of the left hand. A few minutes after the second dose, the patient showed a diffused firm swelling, local discoloration, and induration in the dorsum of the hand. The peripheral catheter was removed immediately. Hyaluronidase was injected subcutaneously in five different regions around the catheterization site. Intermittent limb elevation and cold compression (for 10 minutes) were applied. Serial follow-ups and examinations were performed hourly to check limb inflammation, ischemia, and compartment syndrome. The limb swelling and discoloration significantly improved 4 hours after the second dose of hyaluronidase. CONCLUSION: Early diagnosis of acyclovir extravasation and immediate management could prevent severe complications in neonates. Further studies are needed to suggest a standard approach and treatment protocol for acyclovir extravasation.

Aciclovir , Antivirais , Extravasamento de Materiais Terapêuticos e Diagnósticos , Humanos , Aciclovir/efeitos adversos , Aciclovir/administração & dosagem , Aciclovir/uso terapêutico , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Antivirais/efeitos adversos , Herpes Simples/tratamento farmacológico , Hialuronoglucosaminidase/administração & dosagem
Arch Dermatol Res ; 316(6): 325, 2024 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38822848


Treating plantar warts is still a challenging problem with a long list of diverse treatment options that none of them seems to be definitive. To evaluate the effectiveness of intralesional acyclovir versus intralesional Hepatitis-B vaccine (HBV) in treatment of multiple resistant plantar warts. Forty-eight patients with resistant plantar warts completed the study with no dropouts. They were randomized into 3 groups; group(A) receiving intralesional HBV, group (B) receiving intralesional acyclovir and group (C) receiving intralesional saline as a control group over 5 biweekly sessions or until wart clearance. Clinical outcome was assessed through sequential digital lesion photographing upon each visit. Treatment related adverse reactions were recorded. 43.8%, 37.5% & 18.7% of Groups A, B &C respectively showed a complete response. pain was obvious in 100% and 56.3% of cases receiving intralesional acyclovir and HBV respectively. Up to the 6 month follow up period, none of the complete responders in all groups returned with a recurrence. Both acyclovir and HBV showed comparable efficacy and seem to be promising options for treating plantar warts being safe, affordable, and theoretically safe in immunocompromised cases.

Aciclovir , Antivirais , Vacinas contra Hepatite B , Injeções Intralesionais , Verrugas , Humanos , Verrugas/tratamento farmacológico , Verrugas/terapia , Aciclovir/administração & dosagem , Aciclovir/efeitos adversos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Antivirais/administração & dosagem , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Resultado do Tratamento , Adulto Jovem , Vacinas contra Hepatite B/administração & dosagem , Adolescente , Pessoa de Meia-Idade
BMC Infect Dis ; 24(1): 556, 2024 Jun 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38831304


BACKGROUND: Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) is an important central nervous infection with severe neurological sequelae. The aim of this study was to describe clinical characteristic and outcomes of patients with HSE in Vietnam. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of 66 patients with herpes simplex encephalitis who admitted to the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Hanoi, Vietnam from 2018 to 2021. The detection of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in cerebrospinal fluid was made by the real-time PCR assay. We reported the clinical manifestation on admission and evaluated clinical outcomes at the hospital discharge by modified Rankin Scale (mRS). Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the independent risk factors of severe outcomes. RESULTS: Of the 66 patients with laboratory confirmed HSE, the median age was 53 years (IQR 38-60) and 44 patients (69.7%) were male. The most common manifestations included fever (100%), followed by the consciousness disorder (95.5%). Other neurological manifestation were seizures (36.4%), memory disorders (31.8%), language disorders (19.7%) and behavioral disorders (13.6%). Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed 93.8% patients with temporal lobe lesions, followed by abnormalities in insula (50%), frontal lobe (34.4%) and 48.4% of patients had bilateral lesions. At discharge, 19 patients (28.8%) completely recovered, 15 patients (22.7%) had mild sequelae, 28 patients (42.4%) had moderate to severe sequelae. Severe neurological sequelae were memory disorders (55.8%), movement disorders (53.5%), language disorders (30.2%). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that Glasgow score decrement at admission, seizures, and time duration from onset of symptoms to the start of Acyclovir treatment > 4 days were independent factors associated with severe outcomes in HSE patients. CONCLUSION: Glasgow score decrement, seizures and delay treatment with Acyclovir were associated with the poor outcome of patients with HSE.

Encefalite por Herpes Simples , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Estudos Retrospectivos , Vietnã/epidemiologia , Adulto , Encefalite por Herpes Simples/tratamento farmacológico , Encefalite por Herpes Simples/virologia , Encefalite por Herpes Simples/epidemiologia , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Simplexvirus/isolamento & purificação , Simplexvirus/genética , Fatores de Risco , Imageamento por Ressonância Magnética , Aciclovir/uso terapêutico , Resultado do Tratamento