This article recounts 6 years of empirical research in a humanitarian context on spatial behaviour using the behaviour settings theory. This research journey details the shortcomings of conventional architectural processes and the subsequent development of a human-centred behaviour setting methodology that drives behaviour change for adaptable spaces. The research work puts Barker's theory of behaviour settings into practice to show its significant methodological abilities in shaping behaviours through spaces. While the original theory was solely an analytical account of existing behaviours in certain settings, this study marks the first pragmatic exploration of the theory into both residential and refugee contexts. The methodology that is subsequently proposed is a complementary tool to account for the deficiencies of conventional architectural design processes. A method that enables one to fully immerse themselves in the environment, recognize specific architectural interventions, assess their effects and reiterate. It is a proposal for humanizing architecture, sympathizing its processes and personalizing its results for the users of any space. This article is part of the theme issue 'People, places, things, and communities: expanding behaviour settings theory in the twenty-first century'.
Arquitetura , Humanos , Comportamento EspacialRESUMO
If architecture is an expression of human creativity through multi-sensory embodiment, then learning, creating and experiencing architecture should also be multi-sensory and embodied. In this article, we challenge the separation of mind and body through Sheets-Johnstone's mindful bodies concept. We define a mindful body in architecture as one that documents, analyses and memory maps the moving body in different qualities of movement to create diverse spatial experiences. A mindful body approach to creating architecture involves: (i) engaging in meaningful movement and documenting the body, (ii) documenting embodied interactions with dynamic, animate elements in the built environment, (iii) connecting our body's movements with emotions and memories, (iv) designing spaces that produce diverse movements and atmospheres, and (v) designing architecture based on these spaces. We hypothesize that if designers engage in a mindful body approach to design, they can create spatial experiences that help us make sense of ourselves, others and the world. A mindful body approach to design can result in architectural spaces that activate our attentional switches, connect haptic experiences and memories and reveal wonders. This article is part of the theme issue 'Minds in movement: embodied cognition in the age of artificial intelligence'.
Atenção Plena , Movimento , Humanos , Arquitetura , Criatividade , Ambiente Construído , Emoções/fisiologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: The aim of this article is to attempt to answer the question of how to enhance the fulfillment of needs for senior citizens residing in riverside cities. To achieve this, an attempt was made to develop the principles of a cohesive system that enables the activation of waterfront areas located in urbanized regions, often affected by a deficit of green spaces. The concept presented in this article is based on a consistent focus on architectural and urban design solutions that provide opportunities for functional enrichment of underutilized riverside areas for recreational purposes. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Based on literature studies, field research, and design analysis, this article demonstrates the possibility of taking a structural approach to implementing changes in the utilization of green spaces located by the water in contemporary cities. Using the results of the analysis, an original system called the mobile architectural-urban elements (mobilne elementy architektoniczno-urbanistyczne - MEAU) was developed to activate the untapped potential of waterfront areas to meet the specific needs of senior citizens. RESULTS: The research objective outlined in the introduction led to the development of a solution based on the utilization of floating architecture for the establishment of services and amenities that enable comfortable and diverse leisure activities for the elderly. Additionally, it was demonstrated that the described approach aligns with the multidimensional vision of improving the well-being of users, as defined by the European Commission in the New European Bauhaus (NEB) program. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis conducted in this article allows for preliminary confirmation of the hypothesis that the specific needs of senior citizens can be fulfilled through the activation of waterfront areas using MEAU located on the water. Such actions not only activate existing resources but also align with the guidelines of the NEB idea, providing a coherent and applicable model with significant implementation potential for most waterfront cities. Med Pr Work Health Saf. 2024;75(3):211-222.
Planejamento de Cidades , Humanos , Idoso , Planejamento Ambiental , Cidades , Polônia , Arquitetura , População UrbanaRESUMO
Due to the competitive nature of the construction industry, the efficiency of requirement analysis is important in enhancing client satisfaction and a company's reputation. For example, determining the optimal configuration of panels (generally called panelization) that form the structure of a building is one aspect of cost estimation. However, existing methods typically rely on rule-based approaches that may lead to suboptimal material usage, particularly in complex designs featuring angled walls and openings. Such inefficiency can increase costs and environmental impact due to unnecessary material waste. To address these challenges, this research proposes a Panelization Algorithm for Architectural Designs, referred to as PAAD, which utilizes a genetic evolutionary strategy built on the 2D bin packing problem. This method is designed to balance between strict adherence to manufacturing constraints and the objective of optimizing material usage. PAAD starts with multiple potential solutions within the predefined problem space, facilitating dynamic exploration of panel configurations. It approaches structural rules as flexible constraints, making necessary corrections in post-processing, and through iterative developments, the algorithm refines panel sets to minimize material use. The methodology is validated through an analysis against an industry implementation and expert-derived solutions, highlighting PAAD's ability to surpass existing results and reduce the need for manual corrections. Additionally, to motivate future research, a synthetic data generator, the architectural drawing encodings used, and a preliminary interface are also introduced. This not only highlights the algorithm's practical applicability but also encourages its use in real-world scenarios.
Algoritmos , Arquitetura , Materiais de Construção , Indústria da Construção/métodos , HumanosRESUMO
En Bolivia, la adopción del minimalismo enfrenta obstáculos culturales y sociales importantes, en tal sentido, el estudio estuvo orientado al análisis de la factibilidad de implementación del minimalismo en la cultura boliviana, abordando los desafíos culturales que impiden su adopción. De esta forma se planteó un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, no experimental, de corte transversal, en el que se consideró una muestra de 384 personas entre 30 a 70 años, pertenecientes a las ciudades de mayor crecimiento, como Santa Cruz, El Alto, La Paz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro, Potosí, encontrando que los principales desafíos se relacionan con la falta de conocimiento sobre sus beneficios y la presión social para consumir en exceso, se percibe al minimalismo como poco práctico y aburrido. En necesario implementar estrategias de manera gradual para lograr la adopción del minimalismo en el país.
In Bolivia, the adoption of minimalism faces significant cultural and social obstacles. Therefore, the study aimed to analyze the feasibility of implementing minimalism in Bolivian culture, addressing the cultural challenges that hinder its adoption. A quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study was proposed, considering a sample of 384 individuals aged 30 to 70, from major cities such as Santa Cruz, El Alto, La Paz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro, Potosí. It was found that the main challenges are related to the lack of knowledge about its benefits and social pressure to consume excessively, perceiving minimalism as impractical and boring. It is necessary to implement strategies gradually to achieve the adoption of minimalism in the country.
Na Bolívia, a adoção do minimalismo enfrenta importantes obstáculos culturais e sociais. Nesse sentido, o estudo teve como objetivo analisar a viabilidade da implementação do minimalismo na cultura boliviana, abordando os desafios culturais que impedem sua adoção. Assim, foi proposto um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, não experimental, de corte transversal, que considerou uma amostra de 384 indivíduos com idades entre 30 e 70 anos, provenientes das cidades de maior crescimento, como Santa Cruz, El Alto, La Paz, Cochabamba, Sucre, Oruro, Potosí. Constatou-se que os principais desafios estão relacionados à falta de conhecimento sobre seus benefícios e à pressão social para consumir em excesso, sendo o minimalismo percebido como pouco prático e entediante. É necessário implementar estratégias gradualmente para alcançar a adoção do minimalismo no país.
Humanos , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , ArquiteturaRESUMO
This essay explores how film, feature and documentary, can offer a new perspective on modernist architecture, industrial design, and urban planning. Through the lens of two young directors, Kogonada and Davide Maffei, it traces the histories of two twentieth-century company towns: Ivrea, Italy, headquarters of Italian business machine giant Olivetti, and Columbus, Indiana, U.S.A., home to Cummins Inc., a global leader in diesel engine design and manufacturing. Adriano Olivetti and J. Irwin Miller shared the conviction that modernist architecture and design had a decisive role to play not just in the economic health of their respective firms but in the civic health of their surrounding communities. These companies have long abandoned the corporate idealism of their founding patrons. In film, Ivrea and Columbus have become architectural time capsules that raise important questions about the transformative power of architecture and design in the face of an increasingly competitive global economy.
Arquitetura , Humanos , Arquitetura/história , Planejamento de Cidades/história , História do Século XX , Itália , Filmes Cinematográficos/história , IndianaRESUMO
Fundamento. El lugar donde paren las madres condiciona su proceso de parto y nivel de satisfacción. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las experiencias y percepciones acerca de los elementos de diseño del entorno del parto hasta el alta hospitalaria, que influyen en la experiencia de las madres a largo plazo. Metodología. Investigación fenomenológica de tipo método biográfico, a través del análisis temático inductivo de veinticinco testimonios de parto en el hospital, escritos por madres arquitectas, ingenieras, paisajistas o diseñadoras de interiores. Resultados. Los resultados se organizaron en cuatro temas y siete subtemas. El primer tema es la Impresión a primera vista y largo plazo que se subdivide en los subtemas Itinerario despersonalizado en accesos y pasillos y Búsqueda instintiva de conexión con la naturaleza. El segundo tema trata sobre el Acompañamiento y arropamiento durante el proceso de parto y se subdivide en Como en un hotel: espacio para el movimiento y adaptación personalizada y Desamparo, frío e incertidumbre: espacios donde estar contra su voluntad. El tercer tema son los Daños (en espacios) colaterales, que engloba La integración de los aseos en el proceso de parto, los Quirófanos inmutables ante el parto por cesárea y las Salas de neonatos que no integran a las familias. El cuarto tema incluye Propuestas de mejora para nuevos diseños. Conclusiones. Esta investigación permite profundizar en aspectos de diseño identificados en literatura reciente y mostrar que son necesarios más estudios que incorporen la experiencia de la mujer en el proceso del parto para promocionar políticas de diseño basadas en evidencias. (AU)
Background. The birthplace has a crucial role in shaping the childbirth experience and mothers satisfaction levels. This study aimed to identify the experiences and perceptions that may have an impact in the long-term on mothers birthing experience, considering hospital design features in the birthing environment until discharge. Methods. Inductive thematic analysis of twenty-five hospital labor testimonies employing a phenomenological research approach and utilizing a biographical method. Participants were women with a professional background in architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, or interior design. Results. The results are organized into four themes and seven subthemes. The first theme is First sight and long term impression which is subdivided into the subthemes Depersonalized itinerary in entrances and corridors and Instinctive search for connection with nature. The second theme deals with Accompaniment and tucking in during the birthing process, subdivided into Hotel-like: space for movement and personalized adaptation and Helplessness, cold and uncertainty: spaces to be against ones will. The third theme is Damage in collateral rooms, which includes The integration of toilets in the birthing process, Operating rooms unchangeable in the face of cesarean delivery and Neonatal units that do not integrate families. Finally, the fourth theme includes Improvement proposals for new designs. Conclusions. This study contributes to the existing literature by deepening the understanding of the design features identified in hospitals in recent studies. Further research incorporating the experiences of women in the birthing process is needed to facilitate evidence-based design policies. (AU)
Humanos , Feminino , Arquitetura , Planejamento Ambiental , Arquitetura Hospitalar , Parto Humanizado , Entorno do Parto , Pesquisa QualitativaRESUMO
Alfredo Ramón Campos (1880-1970), militar, arquitecto, político, docente y escritor uruguayo. Constructor material y doctrinario del Ejército del siglo XX. De joven, participó en las guerras civiles de 1897 y 1904. De adulto en la revolución de 1910 y luego en la de 1935. En 1935 concurre como presidente de la delegación uruguaya a la Comisión Militar Neutral para solucionar lo que no pudo la Sociedad de Naciones en la guerra del Chaco. Asume como Ministro de Defensa en junio 1938, sorteando la llegada del Graf Spee a Montevideo y renunciando un año y medio más tarde por falta de apoyo político con la ley del Servicio Militar Obligatorio. Asume nuevamente el ministerio de Defensa en 1942 culminando un importante número de proyectos. En cada destino militar nos dejó un reglamento y una ley. En cada acontecimiento histórico que participó, nos dejó un relato de los hechos. Abrazó una segunda profesión, docente de secundaria, Facultad de Matemáticas y Arquitectura, socio fundador de la "Sociedad de Arquitectos del Uruguay" y jurado de los principales edificios y monumentos del país en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Construyó más de doscientas obras particulares y estatales, realizó decoraciones y reformas, y sobre todo construyó los edificios para alojamiento de las tropas en el Ejército Nacional, ampliaciones del Hospital Militar y Sanatorio Español. La fortaleza de sus obras hace, que aún se mantengan de pie.
Alfredo Ramón Campos (1880-1970), Uruguayan military man, architect, politician, teacher and writer. Material and doctrinal builder of the Army of the 20th century. As a young man, he participated in the civil wars of 1897 and 1904. As an adult, he participated in the revolution of 1910 and then in the revolution of 1935. In 1935 he was president of the Uruguayan delegation to the Neutral Military Commission to solve what the League of Nations could not in the Chaco War. He became Minister of Defense in June 1938, avoiding the arrival of the Graf Spee to Montevideo and resigned a year and a half later due to lack of political support for the law of Compulsory Military Service. He assumed again the Ministry of Defense in 1942, culminating an important number of projects. In each military assignment he left us a regulation and a law. In each historical event in which he participated, he left us an account of the facts. He embraced a second profession, secondary school teacher, Faculty of Mathematics and Architecture, founding member of the "Society of Architects of Uruguay" and juror of the main buildings of the country in the first half of the twentieth century. He built more than two hundred private and state works, made decorations and reforms, and above all built the buildings for troop housing in the National Army, extensions of the Military Hospital and the Spanish Sanatorium. The strength of his works means that they are still standing.
Alfredo Ramón Campos (1880-1970), oficial militar, arquiteto, político, professor e escritor uruguaio. Construtor de material e doutrina do exército no século XX. Quando jovem, participou das guerras civis de 1897 e 1904. Quando adulto, participou das revoluções de 1910 e 1935. Em 1935, foi presidente da delegação uruguaia na Comissão Militar Neutra para resolver o que a Liga das Nações não conseguiu na Guerra do Chaco. Tornou-se Ministro da Defesa em junho de 1938, evitando a chegada do Graf Spee a Montevidéu e renunciando um ano e meio depois devido à falta de apoio político à lei do Serviço Militar Obrigatório. Ele assumiu novamente o Ministério da Defesa em 1942 e concluiu um grande número de projetos. Em cada missão militar, ele nos deixou um regulamento e uma lei. Em cada evento histórico do qual participou, ele nos deixou um relato dos fatos. Adotou uma segunda profissão: professor de ensino médio, professor de matemática e arquitetura, membro fundador da Sociedad de Arquitectos del Uruguay e jurado dos principais edifícios do país na primeira metade do século XX. Ele construiu mais de duzentos edifícios privados e estatais, realizou decorações e reformas e, acima de tudo, construiu os edifícios para acomodação de tropas no Exército Nacional, extensões do Hospital Militar e do Sanatório Espanhol. A força de suas obras significa que elas ainda estão de pé até hoje.
Humanos , Masculino , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Arquitetura , Hospitais Militares , Militares , UruguaiRESUMO
Following a reminder on the quantities of carbon emitted in the healthcare sector, and casting a spotlight on those directly related to architecture, the authors of this article will develop three large-scale themes, the objective being to render hospital construction sustainable. 1. Energy consumption and how to reduce it. 2. "Low-carbon" construction and how building designers can limit emissions by the choice of construction materials. 3. The "resilience" of some constructions, their capacity to stave off obsolescence. As a conclusion, the authors present one of the most recent projects of the Brunet Saunier & Associates architecture agency: the Saint-Ouen university hospital, Grand Paris Nord. This project is illustrative of these preoccupations and demonstrates the possibility of meeting the challenges of sustainable development by means of simple and durable architecture.
Arquitetura Hospitalar , Humanos , Arquitetura , Conservação de Recursos Energéticos , Materiais de Construção , Desenvolvimento SustentávelRESUMO
Japan has the world's largest old population ratio; thus, aging is an urgent societal issue. As global trends seem to be following Japan's social changes, there is an emphasis on municipalities becoming more age-friendly. Hence, we examine the age-friendliness of 135 Japanese municipalities, selecting 240 resident architectural designers and constructors to assess their municipalities using the Age-Friendly Cities and Communities Questionnaire (AFCCQ). The findings indicate that Japan lacks "outdoor spaces and buildings". Additionally, the evaluation of "housing", "community support and health services", and "transportation" in populated municipalities in the past five years was found to be significantly higher than that in depopulated ones. Age-friendliness is significantly affected by the AFCCQ total score (hereafter, Score) based on "housing", "social participation", "community support and health services", "transportation", and "financial situation" evaluations. High specificity (0.939) was found when the score was treated as a marker of depopulation; an age-friendly approach is a necessary condition for preventing depopulation. Furthermore, a lack of "communication and information" was observed in municipalities with a higher rate of single-person households aged 65 years and older. Therefore, resident architectural designers' and constructors' assessments, combined with the AFCCQ, will be a powerful tool for evaluating the age-friendliness of municipalities.
Envelhecimento , Arquitetura , Planejamento de Cidades , Apoio Comunitário , População do Leste Asiático , Planejamento Ambiental , Humanos , Cidades , Comunicação , Meios de Transporte , Japão , Crescimento DemográficoRESUMO
The pile with ram-compacted bearing sphere (PRBS)is a kind of special-shaped pile, the calculation formula of single pile bearing capacity stipulated in Chinese Standards JGJ/T 135-2018 is relatively simple, and the factors considered are not comprehensive enough. This article uses the finite element simulation software ABAQUS to simulate and calculate the compressive bearing characteristics of PRBS, and studies the changes in the vertical bearing characteristics of PRBS under different factors and working conditions (different pile lengths, pile diameters, and the diameters of ram-compacted bearing sphere (RBS)). The calculation results indicate that the PRBS still has a large axial force near the enlarged end of the pile bottom, and the RBS bears a large load. The vertical bearing capacity of the PRBS is mainly provided by the RBS, but the pile side friction still has a certain degree of influence on its bearing capacity. The maximum ratio of pile side frictional resistance to applied load can reach 18.41%. Compared with the ordinary pile, the bearing capacity of the PRBS is significantly improved. The ultimate bearing capacity of the PRBS with the RBS diameter of 1m is more than 5 times that of the ordinary pile under the same condition. Pile diameter has little influence on the bearing capacity of PRBS, while the change of RBS diameter has great influence on the bearing capacity of single pile. However, when the RBS diameter is too large, it is easy to cause the uplift of surrounding soil in the construction process and affect surrounding piles. Therefore, it is suggested that the optimal RBS diameter should be 800mm~1200mm. This study provides reference suggestions for the study of piles with ram-compacted bearing sphere.
Arquitetura , Indústria da Construção , Materiais de Construção , Simulação por Computador , Análise de Elementos Finitos , Suporte de Carga , Arquitetura/métodosRESUMO
Uno de los ocho principios rectores para la transformación digital del sector de la salud promovidos por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) es la arquitectura de salud pública. Este documento de política presenta conceptos clave, líneas de acción recomendadas e indicadores para su monitoreo con el objetivo de avanzar en la arquitectura de salud pública. De acuerdo con la definición de la OPS, este principio rector se propone diseñar la arquitectura de salud pública en la era de la interdependencia digital. "La arquitectura de salud pública, en la era de la interdependencia digital, debe enmarcarse en la agenda digital del gobierno. Debe ser transversal, para articular las distintas vertientes de gobernanza y optimizar la planificación estratégica y la gestión de los recursos. Debe basarse en el aprovechamiento de normas y procedimientos a favor de múltiples áreas, no solo de la esfera de la salud; este es el caso de la conectividad y el ancho de banda, que influyen indistintamente en salud, en educación y en todos los sectores". La mayoría de los avances en salud digital se dan como aplicaciones y sistemas de información individuales que funcionan independientemente. Esto genera islas de información, con grandes desafíos para alcanzar la eficiencia y mejorar los resultados de salud. La propuesta es lograr una arquitectura de salud como plataforma que sirva de base para que los diversos sistemas de información interoperen y trabajen juntos de manera integrada. Existen diferentes formas de alcanzar este intercambio de datos, y todos ellos implican establecer la gobernanza, un marco de confianza (dado por normativas y su cumplimiento) y de arquitectura tecnológica de interoperabilidad
Arquitetura , Sistemas de Informação , Saúde Pública , Telemedicina , Disseminação de Informação , Política Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação , Interoperabilidade da Informação em Saúde , Acesso à InternetRESUMO
Fujian Tulous in China are important international architectural heritage sites that reflect precious human cultural heritage. Currently, only a small number of Tulou buildings have been listed as world cultural heritage sites, resulting in a lack of attention and financial support for most Tulou buildings. Thus, it is difficult to effectively renovate and repair Tulou buildings to adapt to modern life, and therefore they are facing the severe challenge of abandonment and desolation. Due to the special conditions of Tulou buildings, there are significant limitations in renovation and repair work, with a number of problems such as the lack of innovative renovations. Therefore, through a problem model analysis of a design system for Tulou renovations, in this study, we adopt the methods of divergent tree, conjugate pair, correlative net, implied system, and split-merge chain analyses in extenics to carry out extension transformation and solve the problem and we verify its feasibility using the example of the Tulou renovation projects in Lantian Village, Longyan City. We explore an innovative methodology for scientific renovation of Tulou buildings, and we establish a design system for Tulou building renovations that enriches and supplements original renovation methods; thus, we provide a basis for the repair and reuse of Tulou buildings, to extend their service life and to realize the sustainable development of Tulou buildings. The research results show that extenics can be implemented in innovative renovations of Tulou buildings, and it is concluded that the essence of achieving sustainable renewal in Tulou building renovations is to solve contradictory problems, including contradictions in conditions, objectives, and design. This study verifies the possibility of applying extenics in the design of Tulou building renovations, makes corresponding contributions to the application of extension methods in the renovation and renewal of Tulou buildings, and also contributes to the renovation, renewal, and protection of other types of architectural heritage sites.
Arquitetura , Cultura , Humanos , ChinaRESUMO
(1) Background: Housing has long been recognized as an essential determinant of health. Our sense of home goes beyond physical shelter and is associated with personal or collective connections with spaces and places. However, modern architecture has gradually lost its connections between people and places; (2) Methods: We examined traditional Indigenous architecture and how it can be utilized in contemporary settings to restore connections to promote the environment, health, and well-being. (3) Results: We found that traditional Indigenous building structures may be the best manifestation of the Indigenous interconnected and holistic worldviews in North America, containing thousands of years of knowledge and wisdom about the land and the connection between humans and the environment, which is the foundation of reciprocal well-being; (4) Conclusions: Learning from the traditional structures, we proposed that modern architects should consider the past, present, and future in every endeavor and design and to utilize traditional knowledge as a crucial source of inspiration in creating works that are beneficial for both current and future generations by taking collectivism, health and well-being, and the environment into consideration in designs.
Arquitetura , Ambiente Construído , Promoção da Saúde , Povos Indígenas , Humanos , América do Norte , Habitação , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Determinantes Sociais da Saúde/etnologiaRESUMO
Virtual architecture has been increasingly relied on to evaluate the health impacts of physical architecture. In this health research, exposure to virtual architecture has been used as a proxy for exposure to physical architecture. Despite the growing body of research on the health implications of physical architecture, there is a paucity of research examining the long-term health impacts of prolonged exposure to virtual architecture. In response, this paper considers: what can proxy studies, which use virtual architecture to assess the physiological response to physical architecture, tell us about the impact of extended exposure to virtual architecture on human health? The paper goes on to suggest that the applicability of these findings to virtual architecture may be limited by certain confounding variables when virtual architecture is experienced for a prolonged period of time. This paper explores the potential impact of two of these confounding variables: multisensory integration and gravitational perception. This paper advises that these confounding variables are unique to extended virtual architecture exposure and may not be captured by proxy studies that aim to capture the impact of physical architecture on human health through acute exposure to virtual architecture. While proxy studies may be suitable for measuring some aspects of the impact of both physical and virtual architecture on human health, this paper argues that they may be insufficient to fully capture the unintended consequences of extended exposure to virtual architecture on human health. Therefore, in the face of the increasing use of virtual architectural environments, the author calls for the establishment of a subfield of neuroarchitectural health research that empirically examines the physiological impacts of extended exposure to virtual architecture in its own right.
Arquitetura , Realidade Virtual , Humanos , Gravitação , Ambiente ConstruídoRESUMO
El hallazgo sobre 32 hospitales históricos rurales en Álava (España) de 10 con una cruzesculpida en sus accesos sugiere un potencial significado de hospitalidad que no seevidencia en la bibliografía. A fin de determinar esta posible asociación, se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva de cruces enaccesos de arquitectura doméstica de la provincia hallando 53 que cumplían los criterios deinclusión y exclusión. Distribuidas por toda la geografía provincial, 48 son de facturaprofesional y 5 son incisiones elaboradas. 36 son cruces únicas por localidad, cuestionando interpretaciones mágico-religiosas dominantes en la antropología y etnografía. Treinta y siete (698%)se encuentran en localidades que tuvieron hospital, si bien solo en 10 casos hay correspondenciacruz-hospital documentada y en 3 probablemente. El Camino a Santiago, fundamental en el desarrollo hospitalario, queda mejor representado desde el análisis de las cruces que desde los hospitales. Aunque no hay dos cruces iguales, 50 son latinas de calvario y al menos 14 presentan susbrazos remarcados (Trinidad), pudiéndose hacer lecturas bíblicas de estas características relacionándolas con la hospitalidad. Aunque queda establecida la asociación entre cruces y hospitalidad, diversas limitaciones en la búsqueda y el análisis no permiten ser concluyentes, requiriéndose de estudios comparados en otras regiones.(AU)
The finding on 32 rural historic hospitals in Álava (Spain) of 10 with a sculpted crosson their entrances suggests a potential meaning of hospitality that is not evident in the literature. In order to determine this possible association, an exhaustive search for crosses on the entrances of domestic architecture in the province was carried out, finding 53 that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Distributed throughout the province, 48 are professionally madeand 5 are elaborate incisions. 36 are unique crosses per locality, questioning dominant magicalreligious interpretations in anthropology and ethnography. Thirty-seven (69.8%) are found inlocalities that had a hospital, although in only 10 cases is there a documented cross-hospitalcorrespondence, and in 3 probably. The Road to Santiago, fundamental in the development ofhospitals, is better represented from the analysis of the crosses than from the hospitals. Although no two crosses are the same, 50 are Latin Calvary crosses and at least 14 have their armsmarked (Trinity), making it possible to make biblical readings of these characteristics relatingthem to hospitality. Although the association between crosses and hospitality is established,several limitations in the search and analysis do not allow us to be conclusive, requiring comparative studies in other regions.(AU)
A descoberta em 32 hospitais históricos rurais em Álava (Espanha) de 10 com uma cruzesculpida nas suas entradas sugere um significado potencial de hospitalidade que não é evidentena literatura. A fim de determinar esta possível associação, foi realizada uma busca exaustiva decruzes nas entradas da arquitectura doméstica na província, encontrando 53 que preenchiam oscritérios de inclusão e exclusão. Distribuídas por toda a província, 48 são feitas profissionalmentee 5 são incisões elaboradas. 36 são cruzes únicas por localidade, questionando as interpretaçõesmágico-religiosas dominantes em antropologia e etnografia. Trinta e sete (69,8%) encontramseem localidades que tiveram um hospital, embora em apenas 10 casos exista uma correspondênciainterhospitalar documentada, e em 3 provavelmente. O Caminho de Santiago, fundamental nodesenvolvimento dos hospitais, é melhor representado a partir da análise das cruzes do que apartir dos hospitais. Embora não haja duas cruzes iguais, 50 são cruzes do Calvário Latino e pelomenos 14 têm os braços marcados (Trindade), o que permite fazer leituras bíblicas destas características relacionandoas com a hospitalidade. Embora a associação entre cruzes e hospitalidadeseja estabelecida, várias limitações na pesquisa e análise não nos permitem ser conclusivos, exigindo estudos comparativos noutras regiões.(AU)
Humanos , Hospitais Rurais , Arquitetura , Simbolismo , Hospitais/história , EspanhaRESUMO
Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a relação entre arte e vida segundo Vigotski. Para isso, foi realizada uma análise conceitual dos capítulos 1, 7, 9, 10 e 11 da Psicologia da Arte, do capítulo 13 da Psicologia Pedagógica e do texto O significado histórico da crise da Psicologia: Uma investigação metodológica. A pesquisa conceitual consiste na análise semântica dos principais conceitos de uma teoria com o intuito de elucidar seus sentidos ocultos ou confusos e desvendar possíveis contradições e ambiguidades no quadro teórico. Podemos observar que a arte é um fenômeno dialético tanto em sua criação como em seus efeitos. A influência da vida, isto é, da realidade sócio-histórica, na criação artística é indireta, pois ela é sempre mediada pelo psiquismo particular do artista. Já o efeito da arte sobre a vida possibilita que o ser humano se conscientize de sua realidade social e se engaje para mudá-la. A arte é, portanto, transformadora, pois reorganiza o psiquismo e possibilita uma mudança nas condições materiais dos seres humanos.(AU)
This study aims to analyze the relationship between art and life according to Vygotsky. Therefore, a conceptual analysis of chapters 1, 7, 9, 10, and 11 of Psychology of Art, chapter 13 of Educational Psychology and the text The Historical meaning of the Crisis of Psychology: A Methodological Investigation was carried out. Conceptual research consists of the semantic analysis of the main concepts of a theory to elucidate its hidden or confused meanings and to reveal possible contradictions and ambiguities in the theoretical framework. Results show that art is a dialectical phenomenon both in its creation and its effects. The influence of life, that is, of socio-historical reality, on artistic creation is indirect since it is always mediated by the artist's particular psyche. The effect of art on life, on the other hand, allows human beings to become aware of their social reality and engage to change it. Art is, therefore, transformative, as it reorganizes the psyche and enables a change in the material conditions of human beings.(AU)
Este proyecto tuve como objetivo analizar la relación entre el arte y la vida, según Vigotski. Para esto, fue realizado un análisis de los capítulos 1, 7, 9, 10 y 11 de Psicología del arte, del capítulo 13 de Psicología Pedagógica y del texto Él significado histórico de la crisis de la Psicología: una investigación metodológica. La pesquisa conceptual consiste en la analice semántica de los conceptos de una teoría, para aclarar sus significados ocultos o confusos y desvendar contradicciones y ambigüedades em el cuadro teórico. Pudimos observar que, el arte es un fenómeno dialéctico en su creación tanto como en sus efectos. La influencia de la vida, esto es, de la realidad socio-histórica, en la creación artística es indirecta, pues es mediada por el psiquismo particular de lo artista. Así, el efecto del arte sobre la vida habilita que lo ser humano adquiera conciencia de su realidad social y que se comprometa a cambiarla. El arte, consiguientemente, transformadora, pues reorganiza lo psiquismo y habilita un cambio en las condiciones materiales de los seres humanos.(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Arte , Psicologia , Vida , Representação Social , Pintura , Percepção , Personalidade , Desenvolvimento da Personalidade , Filosofia , Arquitetura , Princípio do Prazer-Desprazer , Política , Psicologia Social , Agitação Psicomotora , Rejeição em Psicologia , Religião , Associação , Pesquisa , Papel (figurativo) , Sensação , Meio Social , Espiritualismo , Pensamento , Transferência Psicológica , Inconsciente Psicológico , Comportamento , Humanos , Simbolismo , Adaptação Psicológica , Atitude , Catarse , Comentário , Competência Mental , Cognição , Comunismo , Conflito Psicológico , Congressos como Assunto , Emoções Manifestas , Psicologia do Self , Processos Psicoterapêuticos , Desenho , Criatividade , Sinais (Psicologia) , Cultura , Dança , Capitalismo , Características Humanas , Ab-Reação , Drama , Impulso (Psicologia) , Educação , Emoções , Estética , Existencialismo , Competência Cultural , Resiliência Psicológica , Poesia , Prazer , Normas Sociais , Ciência nas Artes , Liberdade , Terapia do Comportamento Dialético , Egocentrismo , Processos Grupais , História , Individualidade , Inteligência , Relações Interpessoais , Literatura , Métodos , Antropologia , Modelos Teóricos , Moral , Filmes Cinematográficos , Motivação , MúsicaRESUMO
With the rapid development of urbanization, urban land has been expropriated and developed on a large scale. Moreover, people's awareness of the protection of historical buildings is relatively weak, so some historical buildings have been demolished or rebuilt. Historical buildings have played an important role in the spread of national culture, so how to use some methods to protect historical buildings from being destroyed has become an urgent problem to be solved. The protection of historical buildings includes a series of complicated and rigorous procedures, such as on-site drawing and mapping, survey and design, and scheme discussion and construction. The surveying and mapping of traditional historical buildings require people to do it by themselves, so it is inevitably time-consuming and labor-intensive. This paper first discussed and analyzed the significance of historical building protection, and then used digital technology to make up for the shortcomings of traditional manual surveying and mapping and historical building protection methods. Modern technologies such as three-dimensional laser scanning technology and virtual reality technology are used to restore the style and appearance of historical buildings. Among them, in terms of the color of historical buildings, the restoration degree of buildings based on digital protection technology has reached 56.1%; at the same time, the efficiency of information collection and processing, and virtual model construction has also been improved. Thus, the ultimate goal of historical building protection is achieved, and it provides a reference for the digital protection of historical buildings.
Planejamento de Cidades , Arquitetura , ComputadoresRESUMO
Online virtual museum tours combine museum authority and an academic approach with the diversity and interactivity of online resources; such tours have become an essential resource for online scientific research and education. Many important museums around the world are developing this type of online service. Comprehensive evaluation of such tours is, however, urgently needed to ensure effectiveness. This paper establishes a heuristic evaluation scale based on the literature. Taking the online virtual tour of the Exhibition of Architecture of the Forbidden City as a case study, confirmatory factor analysis was then carried out to improve the scale. Interviews were conducted to discuss and analyze the research results. The developed evaluation scale has four dimensions: authenticity, interaction, navigation, and learning. The results from the case study showed, first, that the exhibition had visual authenticity, but the behavioral authenticity was insufficient; second, the exhibition was generally interactive, but this aspect could be improved by enriching the links; third, the lack of effective navigation design for the exhibit was the main factor affecting experience quality. Fourth, the exhibition was informative and supported learning, but needs further improvement to the quantity and quality of information provided. Finally, the interviews revealed that the online exhibition did not entirely support people of different ages and abilities, so it needs further improvement to be wholly inclusive.