INTRODUCCIÓN: Las opacidades pulmonares en receptores de trasplante de precursores hematopoyéticos (TPH) representan un desafío diagnóstico y son una causa de morbimortalidad. Existen grandes discrepancias con respecto a la sensibilidad diagnóstica del lavado broncoalveolar (LBA), sus complicaciones, y los factores asociados a la identificación microbiológica. OBJETIVO: Conocer la utilidad del estudio microbiológico del LBA en el diagnóstico, modificación de la conducta médica y estimar las complicaciones y mortalidad asociada al procedimiento, en receptores de TPH con opacidades pulmonares. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio de cohorte, retrospectivo, en adultos receptores de TPH a los que se les realizó una broncoscopía con LBA por presentar opacidades pulmonares, en el Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires entre el 01/01/2011 y el 31/12/2020. RESULTADOS: De los 189 procedimientos analizados, en 79 se logró un hallazgo microbiológico (41,8%) y 122 permitieron modificar la conducta médica (64,6%). En 11 casos se observaron complicaciones graves dentro de las 12 horas (5,8%) de efectuado el LBA. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue de 16,8% (N = 21/125). El valor de neutrófilos en sangre previo al LBA (p = 0,037) y la presencia de nódulos pulmonares como lesión tomográfica predominante (p = 0,029) se asociaron independientemente al hallazgo microbiològico global. CONCLUSIONES: Nuestra investigación apoya la realización del LBA como herramienta diagnóstica en pacientes que reciben un TPH y presentan opacidades pulmonares.
BACKGROUND: Lung opacities are a cause of morbimortality in bone marrow transplant patients, and represent a diagnostic challenge. There are large discrepancies regarding the diagnostic sensitivity of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), its complications, and the factors associated with microbiological detection. AIM: To know the usefulness of the microbiological study of BAL in the diagnosis, in the modification in medical behavior and to estimate the complications and associated mortality of this diagnostic procedure in patients transplanted with hematopoietic progenitor cells with pulmonary opacities. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study in bone marrow transplant adult patients who underwent bronchoscopy with BAL due to lung opacities at Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires between 01/01/2011 and 12/31/2020. RESULTS: Of the 189 BAL analyzed, 79 presented a microbiological detection (41.8%) and 122 allowed to modify the medical behavior (64.6%). Severe complications were observed within 12 hours after the procedure in11 cases (5.8%). In-hospital mortality was 16,8% (N = 21/125). The value of blood neutrophils prior to bronchoalveolar lavage (p = 0.037) and the presence of pulmonary nodules as the predominant tomographic lesion (p = 0.029) were independently associated with global microbiological detection. CONCLUSION: Our research supports the performance of BAL as a diagnostic tool in bone marrow transplant patients with lung opacities.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Broncoscopia/métodos , Líquido da Lavagem Broncoalveolar/microbiologia , Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas/efeitos adversos , Lavagem Broncoalveolar/métodos , Neoplasias Hematológicas/terapia , Bactérias/isolamento & purificação , Vírus/isolamento & purificação , Análise Multivariada , Estudos de Coortes , Hospedeiro Imunocomprometido , Transplantados , Fungos/isolamento & purificação , Pulmão/microbiologiaRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Influenza A virus (IAV) causes respiratory disease in pigs and is a major concern for public health. Vaccination of pigs is the most successful measure to mitigate the impact of the disease in the herds. Influenza-based virosome is an effective immunomodulating carrier that replicates the natural antigen presentation pathway and has tolerability profile due to their purity and biocompatibility. METHODS: This study aimed to develop a polyvalent virosome influenza vaccine containing the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins derived from the swine IAVs (swIAVs) H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2 subtypes, and to investigate its effectiveness in mice as a potential vaccine for swine. Mice were immunized with two vaccine doses (1 and 15 days), intramuscularly and intranasally. At 21 days and eight months later after the second vaccine dose, mice were euthanized. The humoral and cellular immune responses in mice vaccinated intranasally or intramuscularly with a polyvalent influenza virosomal vaccine were investigated. RESULTS: Only intramuscular vaccination induced high hemagglutination inhibition (HI) titers. Seroconversion and seroprotection (> 4-fold rise in HI antibody titers, reaching a titer of ≥ 1:40) were achieved in 80% of mice (intramuscularly vaccinated group) at 21 days after booster immunization. Virus-neutralizing antibody titers against IAV were detected at 8 months after vaccination, indicating long-lasting immunity. Overall, mice immunized with the virosome displayed greater ability for B, effector-T and memory-T cells from the spleen to respond to H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2 antigens. CONCLUSIONS: All findings showed an efficient immune response against IAVs in mice vaccinated with a polyvalent virosome-based influenza vaccine.
Vacinas contra Influenza , Influenza Humana , Vacinas Virossomais , Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H1N1 , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H1N2 , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N2 , Vacinas contra Influenza/administração & dosagem , Vacinas contra Influenza/imunologia , Influenza Humana/imunologia , Baço/citologia , Baço/imunologia , Vacinas Combinadas/administração & dosagem , Vacinas Virossomais/administração & dosagem , Vacinas Virossomais/imunologia , Virossomos/ultraestrutura , Humanos , Animais , CamundongosRESUMO
BACKGROUND: A clear cutoff value of galactomannan (GM) has not been established for chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA) and is frequently extrapolated from invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the diagnostic performance of serum and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) GM, and to propose a cutoff. METHODS: We extracted from the studies the cutoff of serum or/and BAL GM associated with true positives, false positives, true negatives, and false negatives. We performed a multi-cutoff model and a non-parametric random effect model. We estimated the optimal cutoff and the area under the curve (AUC) for GM in serum and BAL samples. RESULTS: Nine studies from 1999 to 2021 were included. Overall, the optimal cutoff of serum GM was 0.96 with a sensitivity of 0.29 (95%CI: 0.14-0.51); specificity of 0.88 (95%CI: 0.73-0.95); and AUC of 0.529 (with a CI: [0.415-0.682] [0.307-0.713]). The AUC for the non-parametric ROC model was 0.631. For BAL GM the cutoff was 0.67 with a sensitivity of 0.68 (95%CI: 0.51-0.82), specificity of 0.84 (95%CI: 0.70-0.92), and AUC of 0.814 (with a CI: [0.696-0.895] [0.733-0.881]). The AUC for the non-parametric model was 0.789. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of CPA requires the assessment of a combination of mycological and serological factors, as no single serum and/or BAL GM antigen test is adequate. BAL GM performed better than serum, with better sensitivity and excellent accuracy.
Aspergilose Pulmonar , Humanos , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Líquido da Lavagem Broncoalveolar/microbiologia , Aspergilose Pulmonar/diagnóstico , Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Mananas/análiseRESUMO
BACKGROUND: Allergies are increasing worldwide. The presence of atopic diseases in the mother propagates the onset of allergic diseases in the offspring with a considerably stronger penetrance than atopic diseases of the father. Such observation challenges genetic predispositions as the sole cause of allergic diseases. Epidemiological studies suggest that caregiver stress in the perinatal period may predispose offspring to asthma. Only one group has studied the link between prenatal stress and neonatal asthma susceptibility in a murine model. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to study if the neonatal increased risk of developing allergic lung inflammation persists after puberty and if there are sex differences in susceptibility. METHODS: Pregnant BALB/c mice were subjected to a single restraint stress exposure at day 15 of gestation. Pups were separated by gender and subjected to a well-known sub-optimal asthma model after puberty. RESULTS: Adult mice born to stressed dams were more susceptible to developing allergic pulmonary inflammation since an increase in the number of eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), a greater peribronchial and perivascular infiltrate, a higher proportion of mucus-producing cells, and increased IL-4 and IL-5 levels in BAL were detected compared to control mice. These effects were more profound in females than males. Moreover, only females from stressed dams showed an increase in IgE levels. CONCLUSIONS: Increased litter susceptibility to develop allergic lung inflammation induced by maternal stress persists after puberty and is more potent in females than in male mice.
Asma , Hipersensibilidade , Pneumonia , Gravidez , Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Camundongos , Asma/etiologia , Eosinófilos , Lavagem Broncoalveolar/efeitos adversos , Pneumonia/complicações , Camundongos Endogâmicos BALB C , Pulmão , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Ovalbumina , Líquido da Lavagem BroncoalveolarRESUMO
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the prevalence of hemosiderin-laden macrophages in children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and assess for an association between hemosiderin-laden macrophages and pulmonary arterial hypertension. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case-control study of infants and children with and without BPD who underwent bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) the at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia between 2012 and 2021. RESULTS: BAL from 205 children with BPD and 106 controls without BPD matched for tracheostomy, infection, and age were reviewed for hemosiderin-laden macrophages. Seventy-one individuals (34.6%) with BPD had a BAL with 10% or more hemosiderin-laden macrophages compared with 3 (2.8%) controls (P < .0001; OR, 18.19; 95% CI, 5.57-59.41). Patients with pulmonary hypertension by echocardiogram (P = .04; OR, 3.69; 95% CI, 1.05-12.96) or an elevated mean pulmonary artery pressure during cardiac catheterization, rs (14) = 0.56, P = .04, were more likely to have elevated hemosiderin-laden macrophages on BAL samples less than 60 days from bronchoscopy. After adjusting for birth weight, gestational age, BPD grade, and age at the time of bronchoscopy using logistic regression, pulmonary hypertension was associated with a higher odds of hemosiderin-laden macrophages of 10% or more (P = .02; OR, 6.37; 95% CI, 1.28-31.87). No association was observed between hemosiderin-laden macrophages and sex, race, gestational age, birth weight, tracheostomy, or infectious studies. CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective study revealed increased hemosiderin-laden macrophages in BAL samples from patients with BPD and a significant association with pulmonary arterial hypertension. It is unclear whether elevated hemosiderin-laden macrophages within BPD contributes to the pathogenesis of lung and pulmonary vascular disease or is simply a biomarker of pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Displasia Broncopulmonar , Hipertensão Pulmonar , Hipertensão Arterial Pulmonar , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Humanos , Criança , Displasia Broncopulmonar/complicações , Estudos Retrospectivos , Hemossiderina , Hipertensão Pulmonar/diagnóstico , Hipertensão Pulmonar/complicações , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Líquido da Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Peso ao Nascer , Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Macrófagos , Hipertensão Pulmonar Primária Familiar/complicaçõesRESUMO
INTRODUCCIÓN. La epidemia de influenza y sus complicaciones profundizaron el estudio de las neumonías virales en cuidados intensivos. En nuestro país hay pocos datos sobre este tema. OBJETIVOS. Realizar una caracterización demográfica y clínica de pacientes críticos con neumonía por Influenza A H1N1 en un hospital de tercer nivel de complejidad. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, analítico, retrospectivo, con análisis univariante y multivariante. Población de 293 y muestra de 44 datos de historias clínicas electrónicas de pacientes diagnosticados con A H1N1 ingresados a la Unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín en el período enero 2016 a diciembre de 2018. Como criterios de inclusión se consideró a todos los pacientes adultos mayores de 18 años que ingresaron a la UCI, con el diagnóstico de neumonía comunitaria grave con confirmación por reacción de cadena de polimerasa en tiempo real para influenza A H1N1 en hisopado nasal o aspirado traqueal. Se excluyó a pacientes embarazadas con diagnóstico de influenza A H1N1, pacientes con más de 48 horas de ingreso hospitalario previo a su ingreso a UCI, pacientes con datos insuficientes en los registros. Los datos se obtuvieron del sistema AS-400. El análisis estadístico se realizó en el programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences, versión 22. El nivel de significación fue una p<0.05. RESULTADOS. La prevalencia en pacientes críticos de neumonía por influenza A H1N1 durante 2016-2018 fue de 16,72%, la mediana de edad fue de 55 años, 25% masculinos, 34% obesos, 34% con hipertensión arterial. Escala "Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II" 23,50, "Simplified Acute Physiologic Score III" 54, "Sepsis related Organ Failure Assessment" 11,50, Lactato deshidrogenasa 99,50, Procalcitonina 0,99; 9 días de ventilación mecánica invasiva, 10,50 días de estancia en la unidad. El 91% presentó shock séptico, 59% lesión renal aguda. El 89% tuvo Síndrome de Distrés Respiratorio del Adultos, 69% fue grave, 87% usó ventilación mecánica, 38,50% corticoides, 36% posición prona, Presión parcial de oxígeno/Fracción inspirada de oxígeno 74, volumen tidal/kilogramo de 7 mililitros, presión plateau de 27,50 centímetros de agua. La mortalidad general en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos fue de 38,63% y a los 28 días de 63,60%, en shock séptico fue 42,50% y en Síndrome de Distrés Respiratorio del Adultos del 41,02%. El análisis de regresión logística multivariable identificó como factores independientes asociados a mortalidad el incremento de Lactato deshidrogenasa (OR 2,69, 9% IC 1,090-6,642) y Procalcitonina (OR 2,51, IC 1,005-6,272). CONCLUSIONES. Las características, frecuencia y mortalidad de este grupo de pacientes críticos con neumonía por influenza A H1N1 son similares a lo reportado en la literatura mundial.
INTRODUCTION. The influenza epidemic and its complications deepened the study of viral pneumonias in intensive care. In our country there is little data on this subject. OBJECTIVES. To perform a demographic and clinical characterization of critical patients with pneumonia due to pneumonia due to Influenza A H1N1 in a third level hospital. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Observational, analytical, retrospective study, with univariate and multivariate analysis. We compared the groups of dead patients and survivors. The significance level was p<0,05. RESULTS. The prevalence in critically ill patients of influenza A H1N1 pneumonia during 2016-2018 was 16,72%, 44 cases were collected, median age 55 years, 25% male, 34% obese, 34% with arterial hypertension. APACHE II 23,50, SAPS III 54, SOFA 11,50, LDH 99,50, PCT 0,99, 9 days of invasive mechanical ventilation, 10,50 days of unit stay. 91% presented septic shock, 59% with acute kidney injury 89% had ARDS, 69% were severe, 87% used mechanical ventilation, 38,50% corticosteroids, 36% prone position, PaO2/FiO2 74, tidal volume/kg of 7 ml, plateau pressure of 27,50 cmH2O. Overall mortality in the ICU was 38,63% and at 28 days was 63,60%, in septic shock it was 42,50% and in Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome it was 42,50%. was 42,50% and 41,02% in Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. The ultivariate logistic regression analysis identified as independent factors associated with mortality, the increase in LDH (OR 2,69, 9% CI 1,090-6,642) and PCT (OR 2,51, CI 1,005-6,272). CONCLUSIONS. The characteristics, frequency and mortality of this group of critical patients with pneumonia due to influenza A H1N1 are similar to those reported in the world literature.
Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Pneumonia , Pneumonia Viral , Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório do Recém-Nascido , Infecções Comunitárias Adquiridas , Sepse , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H1N1 , Respiração Artificial , Choque Séptico , Comorbidade , Mortalidade , Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Diagnóstico , Equador , Conduta do Tratamento Medicamentoso , Unidades de Terapia IntensivaRESUMO
Introduction: With more than 100 years of use, the Ziehl-Neelsen stain is still currently used worldwide. Objective: To compare the performance of diagnostic tests used to determine mycobacteria in the clinic and pathology laboratory in bronchoalveolar lavage samples. Materials and methods: We retrospectively reviewed 737 bronchoalveolar lavage samples from 2019 to 2020 in the San Vicente Fundación hospital (Medellín, Colombia) comparing the performance of three tests done in parallel: mycobacteria and resistance PCR, culture, and Ziehl-Neelsen stain. Results: In total, 93/737 patients were classified as sick due to a positive result in any of the three tests. The culture, PCR, and Ziehl-Neelsen stain had a sensibility of 0.80, 0.76 y 0.51, respectively. However, only 5/75 (6.5%) of the positive cultures had results within the first four weeks and the rest in eight weeks. The PCR test combined with the Ziehl-Neelsen stain improved the sensibility of the PCR test alone from 0.76 a 0.88, a change that was statistically significant (p = 0.022). Conclusion: At least in bronchoalveolar lavage samples, culture is still the test with better sensibility. The use in parallel of the PCR test and the Ziehl-Neelsen stain improved in a statistically significant manner the performance of the PCR test alone, regardless of the higher turnaround time of the Ziehl-Neelsen stain.
Introducción. La coloración de Ziehl-Neelsen, con más de 100 años de uso, continúa vigente mundialmente. Objetivo. Comparar el rendimiento de las pruebas diagnósticas utilizadas para la determinación de micobacterias en el laboratorio clínico de patología en muestras de lavado broncoalveolar. Materiales y métodos. Se revisaron retrospectivamente 737 muestras de lavado broncoalveolar procesadas en el 2019 y el 2020 en el Hospital San Vicente Fundación (Medellín, Colombia) y se compararon las características de tres pruebas diagnósticas realizadas en paralelo: la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) para micobacterias con detección de resistencia, el cultivo, y la coloración de Ziehl-Neelsen. Resultados. Se catalogaron como enfermos a 93 de los 737 pacientes a partir de los resultados positivos en alguna de las tres pruebas. El cultivo tuvo una sensibilidad de 0,80, la PCR una de 0,76 y la coloración de Ziehl-Neelsen una de 0,51. Sin embargo, solo 5 de 75 (6,5 %) cultivos fueron positivos a las cuatro semanas y el resto lo fue a las ocho semanas. La PCR combinada con la coloración de Ziehl-Neelsen mejoró la sensibilidad de la PCR por sí sola, de 0,76 a 0,88, diferencia que fue estadísticamente significativa (p=0,022). Conclusión. En las muestras de lavado broncoalveolar, el cultivo sigue siendo la prueba con mejor sensibilidad. El uso conjunto de la prueba de PCR y la coloración de Ziehl-Neelsen mejora significativamente la sensibilidad de la primera, lo que compensa la demora relativa en la entrega de los resultados debida al tiempo requerido para la tinción de Ziehl-Neelsen.
Mycobacterium , Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Colômbia , Humanos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Estudos RetrospectivosRESUMO
Introducción. La coloración de Ziehl-Neelsen, con más de 100 años de uso, continúa vigente mundialmente. Objetivo. Comparar el rendimiento de las pruebas diagnósticas utilizadas para la determinación de micobacterias en el laboratorio clínico de patología en muestras de lavado broncoalveolar. Materiales y métodos. Se revisaron retrospectivamente 737 muestras de lavado broncoalveolar procesadas en el 2019 y el 2020 en el Hospital San Vicente Fundación (Medellín, Colombia) y se compararon las características de tres pruebas diagnósticas realizadas en paralelo: la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) para micobacterias con detección de resistencia, el cultivo, y la coloración de Ziehl-Neelsen. Resultados. Se catalogaron como enfermos a 93 de los 737 pacientes a partir de los resultados positivos en alguna de las tres pruebas. El cultivo tuvo una sensibilidad de 0,80, la PCR una de 0,76 y la coloración de Ziehl-Neelsen una de 0,51. Sin embargo, solo 5 de 75 (6,5 %) cultivos fueron positivos a las cuatro semanas y el resto lo fue a las ocho semanas. La PCR combinada con la coloración de Ziehl-Neelsen mejoró la sensibilidad de la PCR por sí sola, de 0,76 a 0,88, diferencia que fue estadísticamente signifcativa (p=0,022). Conclusión. En las muestras de lavado broncoalveolar, el cultivo sigue siendo la prueba con mejor sensibilidad. El uso conjunto de la prueba de PCR y la coloración de ZiehlNeelsen mejora signifcativamente la sensibilidad de la primera, lo que compensa la demora relativa en la entrega de los resultados debida al tiempo requerido para la tinción de Ziehl-Neelsen.
Introduction: With more than 100 years of use, the Ziehl-Neelsen stain is still currently used worldwide. Objective: To compare the performance of diagnostic tests used to determine mycobacteria in the clinic and pathology laboratory in bronchoalveolar lavage samples. Materials and methods: We retrospectively reviewed 737 bronchoalveolar lavage samples from 2019 to 2020 in the San Vicente Fundación hospital (Medellín, Colombia) comparing the performance of three tests done in parallel: mycobacteria and resistance PCR, culture, and Ziehl-Neelsen stain. Results: In total, 93/737 patients were classifed as sick due to a positive result in any of the three tests. The culture, PCR, and Ziehl-Neelsen stain had a sensibility of 0.80, 0.76 y 0.51, respectively. However, only 5/75 (6.5%) of the positive cultures had results within the frst four weeks and the rest in eight weeks. The PCR test combined with the Ziehl-Neelsen stain improved the sensibility of the PCR test alone from 0.76 a 0.88, a change that was statistically signifcant (p = 0.022). Conclusion: At least in bronchoalveolar lavage samples, culture is still the test with better sensibility. The use in parallel of the PCR test and the Ziehl-Neelsen stain improved in a statistically signifcant manner the performance of the PCR test alone, regardless of the higher turnaround time of the Ziehl-Neelsen stain.
Tuberculose/diagnóstico , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Colômbia , Lavagem BroncoalveolarRESUMO
Background. The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is a predisposing factor for the development of healthcare-associated infections, of which ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is one.Hypothesis. VAP is caused by ESKAPE bacteria and other pathogens not detected by microbiological culture.Aim. To elucidate the bacterial pathogens of severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and VAP patients by massive sequencing and to predict their degree of relationship with the age and sex of the patients.Methods. Analysis of ribosomal libraries of the V3-V4 hypervariable region obtained by Illumina sequencing of bronchoalveolar lavages from COVID-19 and VAP (first wave) patients from Hospital Juárez de México.Results. Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas were the main bacterial genera in the bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) analysed. Other members of the ESKAPE group, such as Enterococcus and Klebsiella, were also identified. Taxonomic composition per patient showed that non-ESKAPE genera were present with significant relative abundances, such as Prevotella, Stenotrophomas, Enterococcus, Mycoplasma, Serratia and Corynebacterium. Kruskal-Wallis analysis proved that VAP acquisition is an adverse event that is not influenced by the sex and age of COVID-19 patients.Discussion. Metagenomic findings in COVID-19/VAP patients highlight the importance of implementing comprehensive microbiological diagnostics by including alternative tools for the detection of the causal agents of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).Conclusions. Timely identification of bacteria 'not sought' in diagnostic bacteriology laboratories will allow specific and targeted treatments. Implications for the restricted diagnosis of VAP causative agents in COVID-19 patients and the presence of pathogens not detected by classical microbiology are analysed and discussed.
COVID-19 , Infecção Hospitalar , Microbiota , Pneumonia Associada à Ventilação Mecânica , Humanos , Pneumonia Associada à Ventilação Mecânica/diagnóstico , Pneumonia Associada à Ventilação Mecânica/epidemiologia , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , COVID-19/diagnóstico , SARS-CoV-2/genética , Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Bactérias/genética , Infecção Hospitalar/tratamento farmacológico , Unidades de Terapia IntensivaRESUMO
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are undoubtedly related. Even though it is not clear yet which one is the primary disease, they certainly interact increasing each other's severity. Symptoms are unreliable to diagnose GERD in patients with IPF, and objective evaluation with pH monitoring and/or bronchoalveolar lavage analysis is mandatory. Pharmacological treatment with proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may bring control of IPF in few patients, but PPIs do not control reflux but just change the pH of the gastric refluxate. Surgical therapy based on a fundoplication is safe and effective as it controls any type of reflux, independently from the pH of the gastric refluxate. In patients waiting for lung transplantation (if they can tolerate a laparoscopic operation under general anesthesia), a fundoplication before the operation might block the progression of IPF, while after transplantation it might prevent rejection by preventing the bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome.
Refluxo Gastroesofágico/complicações , Fibrose Pulmonar Idiopática/complicações , Bronquiolite Obliterante/prevenção & controle , Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Progressão da Doença , Monitoramento do pH Esofágico , Fundoplicatura/métodos , Refluxo Gastroesofágico/diagnóstico , Refluxo Gastroesofágico/tratamento farmacológico , Refluxo Gastroesofágico/cirurgia , Rejeição de Enxerto/prevenção & controle , Azia/tratamento farmacológico , Humanos , Fibrose Pulmonar Idiopática/cirurgia , Transplante de Pulmão , Inibidores da Bomba de Prótons/uso terapêutico , SíndromeRESUMO
La histoplasmosis es una micosis producida por el Histoplasma capsulatum. Esta condición es endémica en Estados Unidos, Suramérica, América central y África. Suele presentarse en todas las edades, pero en niños; en especial en aquellos inmunodeprimidos, se han descrito presentaciones graves o atípicas. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 16 años con antecedentes de trasplante renal, que inicia con síntomas respiratorios inespecíficos, tos y alzas térmicas intermitentes. La radiografía de tórax mostró una imagen de condensación cavitada en el lóbulo superior izquierdo, por lo que se realiza una fibrobroncoscopia, lavado broncoalveolar y cultivos para patógenos habituales, micobacterias y hongos, lográndose aislar al Histoplasma capsulatum. EL objetivo de este trabajo es el de resaltar la consideración de histoplasmosis como diagnóstico diferencial de lesiones cavitadas en parénquima pulmonar en pacientes inmunodeprimidos con la presentación de un caso clínico.
Histoplasmosis is a mycosis caused by Histoplasma capsulatum. This condition is endemic in the United States, South America, Central America, and Africa. It usually occurs in all ages, but in children, especially those immunosuppressed, serious or atypical presentations have been described. We present the case of a 16-year-old patient with a history of kidney transplantation that began with nonspecific respiratory symptoms, cough, and intermittent fever peaks. Imaging findings suggestive of cavitation were found, which by means of a fiberoptic bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage study isolated Histoplasma capsulatum by means of a deep mycosis culture. The main interest of the case presented is the consideration of histoplasmosis in the presence of cavitated lesions in the lung parenchyma in immunosuppressed patients.
Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Transplante de Rim/efeitos adversos , Histoplasmose/etiologia , Histoplasmose/terapia , Histoplasmose/diagnóstico por imagem , Radiografia Torácica , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Anfotericina B/uso terapêutico , Hospedeiro Imunocomprometido , Itraconazol/uso terapêutico , Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Histoplasma/isolamento & purificação , Antifúngicos/uso terapêuticoRESUMO
Objetivos: Exponer en base a un caso clínico una revisión de literatura reciente sobre Proteinosis alveolar pulmonar (PAP). Presentación del caso: Revisión de ficha clínica electrónica de paciente de sexo masculino de 76 años con antecedente de linfoma no Hodgkin (LNH) mesentérico, estirpe B de tipo folicular, quien acude en forma reiterada a servicios de urgencia por cuadro de dos meses de evolución de fiebre, compromiso del estado general y tos. Al examen físico destaca crépitos en hemitórax derecho. Se realizó Tomografía computada (TC) de tórax que mostró opacidades pulmonares en vidrio esmerilado periféricas, con engrosamiento septal liso y algunas bandas retráctiles subpleurales. Se manejó ambulatoriamente con Azitromicina por una semana. Sin respuesta, evoluciona con baja de peso y diaforesis nocturna. Nueva TC de tórax en enero 2021, muestra nuevos focos de "empedrado" periféricos extensos, descrito como "crazy paving", focos de vidrio esmerilado difusos extensos, sin condensación y con resolución de bandas retráctiles. Estudio infeccioso negativo. Se realiza lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) con estudio histológico de líquido que muestra proceso inflamatorio crónico con abundantes macrófagos y material proteináceo. Discusión: Tras el descarte de patología infecciosa, se orientó el estudio hacia otras causas de enfermedad parenquimatosa pulmonar. Así, resulta fundamental la descripción correcta del patrón imagenológico tomográfico y el LBA que resultaron compatibles con PAP. Conclusión: La PAP es una patología infrecuente, pero una historia clínica adecuada, el planteamiento de diagnósticos diferenciales de neumonía de lenta resolución, asociado el reconocimiento del patrón radiológico característico y el estudio histológico con LBA permiten realizar un diagnóstico certero, con gran implicancia terapéutica.
Objective: To present a review of recent literature on pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) based on a clinical case. Presentation of the case: Review of electronic clinical record of a 76 years-old masculine patient with history of mesenteric Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) follicular-type lineage B, who repeatedly attended the emergency services due to a two-month history of symptoms of fever, compromised general condition and cough. Physical examination revealed crepitus in the right hemithorax. Chest computed tomography (CT) was performed, which showed peripheral ground-glass pulmonary opacities, with smooth septal thickening and some subpleural retractile bands. He was managed on an outpatient basis with Azithromycin for one week. No response; evolves with weight loss and night diaphoresis. New chest CT in January 2021, shows new extensive peripheral "cobblestone" foci, described as "crazy paving", extensive diffuse ground glass foci, without condensation and with resolution of retractile bands. Negative infectious study. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed with a histological study of the fluid showing a chronic inflammatory process with abundant macrophages and proteinaceous material. Discussion: After ruling out infectious pathology, the study was oriented towards other causes of pulmonary parenchymal disease. Thus, the correct description of the tomographic imaging pattern and the BAL that were compatible with PAP are essential. Conclusion: PAP is an infrequent pathology, but an adequate clinical history, the approach to differential diagnoses of slowly resolving pneumonia, associated with the recognition of the characteristic radiological pattern and the histological study with BAL allow an accurate diagnosis to be made, with great therapeutic implications.
Humanos , Masculino , Idoso , Proteinose Alveolar Pulmonar/terapia , Proteinose Alveolar Pulmonar/diagnóstico por imagem , Linfoma não Hodgkin , Surfactantes Pulmonares , Prednisona/uso terapêutico , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Lavagem Broncoalveolar/métodos , Proteínas Associadas a Surfactantes PulmonaresRESUMO
Resumen Introducción: Las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales difusas son un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades respiratorias con difícil diagnóstico. El estudio del lavado broncoalvolar mediante citometría de flujo puede definir patrones celulares típicos en diferentes en fermedades, proporcionando algo de ayuda en el diagnóstico diferencial. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido analizar retrospectivamente la utilidad clínica de las subpoblaciones celulares y linfocitarias detectadas en el lavado broncoalveolar por citometría de flujo, con la finalidad de definir patrones celulares típicos que permitan el diagnóstico diferencial de enfermedades granulomatosas pulmonares. Materiales y métodos: En el estudio se han incluido 44 pacientes retrospectivamente. Los sujetos fueron diagnosticados de sar coidosis o neumonitis por hipersensibilidad durante un periodo de 3 años. Se realizó el análisis celular de lavado broncoalveolar por citometría de flujo, pruebas histológicas y de imagen (TACAR), como parte del diagnóstico. Los porcentajes de células T, células B, células NK, CD4, CD8 y CD4 / CD8 se analizaron por citometría de flujo, a través de los marcadores CD3 +, CD19 + CD4 +, CD8 +, CD3 + CD4-CD8- y CD3 + CD16-CD56-. Resultados: Concluimos que los parámetros de mayor utilidad fueron la linfocitosis y sobre todo, el cociente CD4/CD8. Este cociente se presentó alto en patologías como la sarcoidosis y se invirtió en la neumonitis por hipersensibilidad, con respecto a los valores hallados en sangre periférica. Conclusiones: El estudio de BAL es útil para discriminar entre enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales granulomatosas y otras EPID.
Doenças Pulmonares Intersticiais , Doenças Pulmonares Intersticiais/diagnóstico , Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Alveolite Alérgica Extrínseca , Citometria de FluxoRESUMO
Abstract Introduction: Diffuse interstitial lung diseases are a hard-to-diagnose heterogeneous group of respiratory diseases. The study of bronchoalveolar lavage through flow cytometry may define typical cell patterns in different diseases and so help confirm the differential diagnosis. The purpose of this study was to retrospectively analyze the clinical utility of cell and lymphocyte subpopulations detected in the bronchoalveolar lavage by flow cytometry in order to define typical cell patterns that allow for making a differential diagnosis of granulomatous lung diseases. Materials and methods: The retrospective study included 44 patients. The subjects were diagnosed with sarcoidosis or hypersen sitivity pneumonitis during a period of 3 years. We performed the cellular analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage through flow cytometry and histological and imaging testing (HRCAT, High Resolution Computed Axial Tomography) as part of the diagnosis. The percentages of T cells, B cells, NK cells, CD4, CD8 and CD4/CD8 were analyzed by flow cytometry for the following markers: CD3 +, CD19 + CD4 +, CD8 +, CD3 + CD4-CD8- and CD3 + CD16-CD56-. Results: We conclude that the most important parameters were lymphocytosis and especially the CD4/CD8 quotient. This quotient was high for diseases such as sarcoidosis and low for hypersensitivity pneumonitis, in comparison with the values found in the peripheral blood. Conclusions: The BAL (Bronchoalveolar Lavage) study is useful for differentiating between granulomatous interstitial lung diseases and other DILDs (diffuse interstitial lung diseases).
Doenças Pulmonares Intersticiais , Doenças Pulmonares Intersticiais/diagnóstico , Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Alveolite Alérgica Extrínseca , Citometria de FluxoRESUMO
Resumen La Tuberculosis (TB) es una de las diez causas principales de muerte en el mundo, y la principal causa por un solo agente infeccioso. La detección precoz del Complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis (CMT) y de mutaciones que confieren resistencia a los principales fármacos empleados en la terapia antituberculosa, contribuye a la disminución de la transmisión de la infección y consecuentemente a la expansión de la TB resistente. La prueba GeneXpertMTB/RIF, mediante ensayos de PCR en tiempo real identifica de manera simultánea el CMT y detecta las mutaciones más frecuentemente asociadas con resistencia a rifampicina. El objetivo de este estudio es comparar el rendimiento del método GeneXpertMTB/RIF en lavado broncoalveolar (BAL) frente al lavado bronquial (LB) en pacientes inmunocompetentes con sospecha clínica de TB pulmonar, sin documentación microbiológica previa. Materiales y Métodos: Se incorporaron prospectivamente pacientes con infiltrados radiológicos pulmonares compatibles con TB activa o residual sin tratamiento previo, con baciloscopia directa negativa o tos improductiva, para valoración de enfermedad activa. Se identificó el segmento más afectado mediante tomografía axial computada realizándose broncoscopia con BAL en dicho segmento, seguido de LB en todo el lóbulo afectado. Se consideró significativa una recuperación del BAL >40%. Las muestras obtenidas fueron procesadas para baciloscopia, cultivo y GeneXpertMTB/RIF. Se analizó la sensibilidad (S), especificidad (E), valor predictivo positivo (VPP) y valor predictivo negativo (VPN) tomando como referencia el cultivo en medio sólido para el diagnóstico del CMT. Resultados: Se incorporaron 20 pacientes, se excluyeron 3 por no obtener una muestra representativa de BAL. Se estudiaron 17 pacientes (11 mujeres, 65%), edad 37.2 ± 16.3 años. Se identificó al CMT con métodos convencionales en 10 pacientes: 10 con cultivo positivo en LB y 9 en BAL. Comparando con métodos convencionales, 6 de 17 muestras obtenidas mediante BAL fueron positivas con GeneXpertMTB/RIF: S = 60.0% (IC 31%-83%), E = 100% (IC 65%-100%), VPP = 100% (IC 61%-100%) y VPN = 64% (IC 35.4%-84.8%). Con LB, 9 de 17 fueron Xpert MTB/RIF positivas: S = 90.0% (IC 60%-98%), E = 100% (IC 65%-100%), VPP = 100% (IC 70%-100%) y VPN = 88% (IC 53%-98%). Todos los casos identificados con GeneXpertMTB/RIF fueron verdaderos positivos en relación con los cultivos convencionales. Conclusión: Considerando al cultivo sólido como método de referencia, el LB resultó más sensible que el BAL para el diagnóstico de infección tuberculosa por el método de GeneXpertMTB/RIF en los pacientes con sospecha de TB sin documentación microbiológica previa.
Tuberculose , Doenças Transmissíveis , Lavagem BroncoalveolarRESUMO
Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the ten leading causes of death worldwide, and the main cause from a single infectious agent. Early detection of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) and of mutations conferring resistance to the main drugs used in antituberculous treatment contributes to reducing the transmission of the infection, and consequently the spread of resistant TB. The GeneXpert MTB/ RIF test identifies the MTC and simultaneously detects mutations most frequently associated with rifampicin resistance, through real-time PCR testing. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of the GeneXpert MTB/RIF method in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) with bronchial lavage (LB) in immunocompetent patients with clinical suspicion of pulmonary TB without any previous microbiological documentation. Materials and Methods: We prospectively enrolled patients with radiologic pulmonary infiltrates compatible with active or residual TB without previous treatment, with negative direct bacilloscopy or nonproductive cough, for the assessment of active disease. We identified the most affected segment through computed axial tomography and bronchoscopy with BAL in said segment, followed by BL of the affected lobe. A BAL recovery > 40% was considered significant. The samples obtained were processed for bacilloscopy, culture and GeneXpert MTB/RIF. We analyzed sensitivity (S), specificity (SP), positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV), taking the solid culture medium as reference for the diagnosis of MTC. Results: We included 20 patients; 3 were excluded because they didn't have a representative BAL sample. 17 patients were evaluated (11 women, 65%), age 37.2 ± 16.3. The MTC was identified through conventional methods in 10 patients: 10 with positive culture in BL and 9 in BAL. In comparison with the conventional methods, 6 out of 17 samples obtained through BAL had a positive result for GeneXpert MTB/ RIF: S = 60.0% (CI 31%-83%), SP = 100% (CI 65%-100%), PPV = 100% (CI 61%-100%) and NPV = 64% (CI 35.4%-84.8%). With BL, 9 out of 17 had a positive result for Xpert MTB/RIF: S = 90.0% (CI 60%-98%), SP = 100% (CI 65%-100%), PPV = 100% (CI 70%-100%) and NPV = 88% (CI 53%-98%). All the cases identified with GeneXpert MTB/RIF were true positives in relation to conventional cultures. Conclusion: Considering the solid culture as reference method, the BL was more sensitive than the BAL for the diagnosis of tubercu lous infection through the GeneXpert MTB/RIF method in patients with suspected TB without previous microbiological documentation.
Tuberculose , Doenças Transmissíveis , Lavagem BroncoalveolarRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: The study of a pulmonary nodule in pediatrics is a diagnostic challenge where multiple pathologies must be taken into account, especially infections. In developing countries, where tuberculosis infec tion is endemic, it is one of the most likely diagnoses; however, the diagnostic possibility of malig nancy should never be overlooked. OBJECTIVE: To describe a case report of a patient with a pulmonary nodule, that after ruling out the most frequent causes, a primary malignant tumor was diagnosed. CLINICAL CASE: 17-year-old female patient with a one-month history of cough, dyspnea, and hemop tysis, without other symptoms. Since she did not respond to conventional antibiotic management, a chest CT scan with contrast was performed which showed a pulmonary nodule with irregular con tours, and with the bronchoalveolar lavage pulmonary infections were ruled out (pulmonary tuber culosis, fungal infection, and others bacteria). Biopsy of the lesion was performed to complete the study which histopathology was compatible with a mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC). The patient underwent right low lobectomy and lymph node resection with good clinical response during three years of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Pulmonary nodule in pediatrics is a finding usually associated with infection, nevertheless, neoplastic conditions have to be considered, not only metastasis but also pri mary pulmonary malignant lesions due to prognosis implications.
Carcinoma Mucoepidermoide/patologia , Neoplasias Pulmonares/patologia , Nódulo Pulmonar Solitário/patologia , Adolescente , Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Carcinoma Mucoepidermoide/diagnóstico por imagem , Meios de Contraste , Feminino , Humanos , Pneumopatias Fúngicas/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Pulmonares/diagnóstico por imagem , Infecções Respiratórias/diagnóstico , Nódulo Pulmonar Solitário/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Tuberculose Pulmonar/diagnósticoRESUMO
OBJECTIVE: To analyze whether changes in medical care due to the application of COVID-19 protocols affected clinical outcomes in patients without COVID-19 during the pandemic. METHODS: This was a retrospective, observational cohort study carried out in a thirty-eight-bed surgical and medical intensive care unit of a high complexity private hospital. Patients with respiratory failure admitted to the intensive care unit during March and April 2020 and the same months in 2019 were selected. We compared interventions and outcomes of patients without COVID-19 during the pandemic with patients admitted in 2019. The main variables analyzed were intensive care unit respiratory management, number of chest tomography scans and bronchoalveolar lavages, intensive care unit complications, and status at hospital discharge. RESULTS: In 2020, a significant reduction in the use of a high-flow nasal cannula was observed: 14 (42%) in 2019 compared to 1 (3%) in 2020. Additionally, in 2020, a significant increase was observed in the number of patients under mechanical ventilation admitted to the intensive care unit from the emergency department, 23 (69%) compared to 11 (31%) in 2019. Nevertheless, the number of patients with mechanical ventilation after 5 days of admission was similar in both years: 24 (69%) in 2019 and 26 (79%) in 2020. CONCLUSION: Intensive care unit protocols based on international recommendations for the COVID-19 pandemic have produced a change in non-COVID-19 patient management. We observed a reduction in the use of a high-flow nasal cannula and an increased number of tracheal intubations in the emergency department. However, no changes in the percentage of intubated patients in the intensive care unit, the number of mechanical ventilation days or the length of stay in intensive care unit.
OBJETIVO: Analisar se as modificações na atenção médica em razão da aplicação dos protocolos para COVID-19 afetaram os desfechos clínicos de pacientes sem a doença durante a pandemia. MÉTODOS: Este foi um estudo observacional de coorte retrospectiva conduzido em uma unidade de terapia intensiva clínica e cirúrgica com 38 leitos, localizada em hospital privado de alta complexidade na cidade de Buenos Aires, Argentina, e envolveu os pacientes com insuficiência respiratória admitidos à unidade de terapia intensiva no período compreendido entre março e abril de 2020 em comparação com o mesmo período no ano de 2019. Compararam-se as intervenções e os desfechos dos pacientes sem COVID-19 tratados durante a pandemia em 2020 e os pacientes admitidos em 2019. As principais variáveis avaliadas foram os cuidados respiratórios na unidade de terapia intensiva, o número de exames de tomografia computadorizada do tórax e lavados broncoalveolares, complicações na unidade de terapia intensiva e condições quando da alta hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Observou-se, em 2020, uma redução significante do uso de cânula nasal de alto fluxo: 14 (42%), em 2019, em comparação com 1 (3%), em 2020. Além disso, em 2020, observou-se aumento significante no número de pacientes sob ventilação mecânica admitidos à unidade de terapia intensiva a partir do pronto-socorro, de 23 (69%) em comparação com 11 (31%) em 2019. Contudo, o número de pacientes com ventilação mecânica 5 dias após a admissão foi semelhante em ambos os anos: 24 (69%), em 2019, e 26 (79%) em 2020. CONCLUSÃO: Os protocolos para unidades de terapia intensiva com base em recomendações internacionais para a pandemia de COVID-19 modificaram o manejo de pacientes sem COVID-19. Observamos redução do uso da cânula nasal de alto fluxo e aumento no número de intubações traqueais no pronto-socorro. Entretanto, não se identificaram alterações na percentagem de pacientes intubados na unidade de terapia intensiva, número de dias sob ventilação mecânica ou número de dias na unidade de terapia intensiva.
COVID-19/epidemiologia , Estado Terminal/terapia , Gerenciamento Clínico , Pandemias , Idoso , Argentina/epidemiologia , Lavagem Broncoalveolar/estatística & dados numéricos , Feminino , Pesquisas sobre Atenção à Saúde , Humanos , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Intubação Intratraqueal/estatística & dados numéricos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Respiração Artificial/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Resultado do TratamentoRESUMO
Objetivo: Describir el diagnóstico y el tratamiento interdisciplinario de un caso clínico de histoplasmosis. Caso clínico: Un paciente masculino de 39 años, con antecedentes de consumo de drogas, alcohol, tabaquismo crónico y VIH+ sin adherencia al tratamiento, acudió al Servicio de Odontología por una interconsulta del Servicio de Clínica Médica para la evaluación de lesiones erosivas en paladar duro y blando, reborde alveolar anterior, dorso lingual y lesión tumoral en encía anterosuperior. El diagnóstico definitivo se obtuvo por medio del análisis de muestras de biopsia transbronquial, lavado broncoalveolar y biopsia de lesión en piel. El paciente recibió tratamiento sistémico con antimicóticos (anfotericina B e itraconazol según esquema) y tratamiento local con colutorio de clorhexidina al 0,12% y 100.000 UI de nistatina en suspensión. Al momento del alta, presentaba una considerable mejoría de su estado general y de las lesiones orales, con disminución de sintomatología dolorosa. Se indicó turno para control a los 7 días de forma ambulatoria, al cual el paciente no asistió. El abordaje interdisciplinario y el análisis de los diferentes aspectos socioeconómicos, culturales, ambientales y sistémicos del paciente facilitaron el diagnóstico temprano de la enfermedad (AU)
Aim: To describe the diagnosis and interdisciplinary treatment of a clinical case of histoplasmosis. Clinical case: 39-year-old male patient with a history of drug abuse, alcohol, and chronic smoking, HIV+ without treatment compliance, attends the dental department referred by the medical department for the diagnosis of erosive lesions in the hard and soft palate, anterior alveolar ridge, lingual dorsum and tumor lesion in the anterosuperior gingiva. The definitive diagnosis was obtained by the analysis of transbronchial biopsy, bronchoalveolar lavage and skin lesion biopsy. The patient received systemic treatment with antifungals (amphotericin b, itraconazole according to protocol), and local treatment with 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwash and 100,000 IU nystatin suspension. At the time of medical discharge, the patient presented a considerable improvement in his general condition and of the oral lesions with a reduced pain. A 7 days recall was prescribed, however the patient failed to attend. The interdisciplinary approach to the patient and the analysis of the different socio-economic, cultural, environmental and systemic aspects of the patient facilitates the early diagnosis of the disease (AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Manifestações Bucais , HIV , Assistência Odontológica para Doentes Crônicos , Histoplasmose , Argentina , Biópsia , Anfotericina B , Nistatina , Terapia de Imunossupressão/efeitos adversos , Itraconazol , Lavagem Broncoalveolar , Unidade Hospitalar de Odontologia , Diagnóstico Precoce , Mucosa Bucal/lesões , AntifúngicosRESUMO
RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar se as modificações na atenção médica em razão da aplicação dos protocolos para COVID-19 afetaram os desfechos clínicos de pacientes sem a doença durante a pandemia. Métodos: Este foi um estudo observacional de coorte retrospectiva conduzido em uma unidade de terapia intensiva clínica e cirúrgica com 38 leitos, localizada em hospital privado de alta complexidade na cidade de Buenos Aires, Argentina, e envolveu os pacientes com insuficiência respiratória admitidos à unidade de terapia intensiva no período compreendido entre março e abril de 2020 em comparação com o mesmo período no ano de 2019. Compararam-se as intervenções e os desfechos dos pacientes sem COVID-19 tratados durante a pandemia em 2020 e os pacientes admitidos em 2019. As principais variáveis avaliadas foram os cuidados respiratórios na unidade de terapia intensiva, o número de exames de tomografia computadorizada do tórax e lavados broncoalveolares, complicações na unidade de terapia intensiva e condições quando da alta hospitalar. Resultados: Observou-se, em 2020, uma redução significante do uso de cânula nasal de alto fluxo: 14 (42%), em 2019, em comparação com 1 (3%), em 2020. Além disso, em 2020, observou-se aumento significante no número de pacientes sob ventilação mecânica admitidos à unidade de terapia intensiva a partir do pronto-socorro, de 23 (69%) em comparação com 11 (31%) em 2019. Contudo, o número de pacientes com ventilação mecânica 5 dias após a admissão foi semelhante em ambos os anos: 24 (69%), em 2019, e 26 (79%) em 2020. Conclusão: Os protocolos para unidades de terapia intensiva com base em recomendações internacionais para a pandemia de COVID-19 modificaram o manejo de pacientes sem COVID-19. Observamos redução do uso da cânula nasal de alto fluxo e aumento no número de intubações traqueais no pronto-socorro. Entretanto, não se identificaram alterações na percentagem de pacientes intubados na unidade de terapia intensiva, número de dias sob ventilação mecânica ou número de dias na unidade de terapia intensiva.
Abstract Objective: To analyze whether changes in medical care due to the application of COVID-19 protocols affected clinical outcomes in patients without COVID-19 during the pandemic. Methods: This was a retrospective, observational cohort study carried out in a thirty-eight-bed surgical and medical intensive care unit of a high complexity private hospital. Patients with respiratory failure admitted to the intensive care unit during March and April 2020 and the same months in 2019 were selected. We compared interventions and outcomes of patients without COVID-19 during the pandemic with patients admitted in 2019. The main variables analyzed were intensive care unit respiratory management, number of chest tomography scans and bronchoalveolar lavages, intensive care unit complications, and status at hospital discharge. Results: In 2020, a significant reduction in the use of a high-flow nasal cannula was observed: 14 (42%) in 2019 compared to 1 (3%) in 2020. Additionally, in 2020, a significant increase was observed in the number of patients under mechanical ventilation admitted to the intensive care unit from the emergency department, 23 (69%) compared to 11 (31%) in 2019. Nevertheless, the number of patients with mechanical ventilation after 5 days of admission was similar in both years: 24 (69%) in 2019 and 26 (79%) in 2020. Conclusion: Intensive care unit protocols based on international recommendations for the COVID-19 pandemic have produced a change in non-COVID-19 patient management. We observed a reduction in the use of a high-flow nasal cannula and an increased number of tracheal intubations in the emergency department. However, no changes in the percentage of intubated patients in the intensive care unit, the number of mechanical ventilation days or the length of stay in intensive care unit.