PURPOSE: This study was performed to assess the prevalence of the vascularized foveal zone, including macular-foveal capillaries (MFC) and congenital retinal macrovessels (CRM), and to analyze the structural characteristics of the macular area in patients with MFC. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The first phase of the study evaluated the prevalence of MFC and CRM. Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-A) was performed, and OCT-A images of the foveal avascular zone were analyzed. In the second phase, two groups were formed: the MFC group (12 eyes, 9 patients, mean age 43.8±10.7 years) and the control group (18 eyes, 17 patients, mean age 43.0±11.8 years). A comparative analysis was performed assessing central retinal thickness (CRT), thickness of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), ganglion cell layer (GCL), inner plexiform layer (IPL), inner nuclear layer (INL), outer plexiform layer (OPL), outer nuclear layer (ONL), and foveal pit depth. RESULTS: MFCs were detected in 45 eyes from a total sample of 1031 eyes of 536 patients. The presence of CRM was recorded in three eyes of three patients. RNFL thickness was significantly higher in the MFC group in the inferior parafoveal sector (26.50 [26.00; 29.50] and 24.50 [21.75; 26.50] µm; p=0.022) and in the foveal zone (15.50 [14.00; 16.00] and 12.00 [11.00; 14.00] µm; p=0.017). Additionally, patients with MFC had a higher thickness of GCL and IPL in the fovea, inferior, nasal, and temporal parafoveal sectors. The depth of the foveal pit was significantly lower in the MFC group compared to the control group (83.0 [77.4; 101.6] and 128.0 [107.5; 147.05] µm; p=0.001). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of MFC was 4.36% (calculated per number of eyes), while the prevalence of CRM - 0.29%. The macular area in patients with MFC had increased thickness of the inner retinal layers and decreased depth of the foveal pit, suggesting potential disruption in the natural process of ganglion cell migration and apoptosis during embryogenesis.
Fóvea Central , Vasos Retinianos , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica , Humanos , Fóvea Central/irrigação sanguínea , Fóvea Central/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto , Feminino , Masculino , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica/métodos , Prevalência , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Vasos Retinianos/diagnóstico por imagem , Capilares/diagnóstico por imagem , Capilares/patologia , Doenças Retinianas/epidemiologia , Doenças Retinianas/diagnóstico , Doenças Retinianas/etiologia , Federação Russa/epidemiologia , Acuidade Visual , Angiofluoresceinografia/métodosRESUMO
In the brain, a microvascular sensory web coordinates oxygen delivery to regions of neuronal activity. This involves a dense network of capillaries that send conductive signals upstream to feeding arterioles to promote vasodilation and blood flow. Although this process is critical to the metabolic supply of healthy brain tissue, it may also be a point of vulnerability in disease. Deterioration of capillary networks is a feature of many neurological disorders and injuries and how this web is engaged during vascular damage remains unknown. We performed in vivo two-photon microscopy on young adult mural cell reporter mice and induced focal capillary injuries using precise two-photon laser irradiation of single capillaries. We found that ~59% of the injuries resulted in regression of the capillary segment 7 to 14 d following injury, and the remaining repaired to reestablish blood flow within 7 d. Injuries that resulted in capillary regression induced sustained vasoconstriction in the upstream arteriole-capillary transition (ACT) zone at least 21 days postinjury in both awake and anesthetized mice. The degree of vasomotor dynamics was chronically attenuated in the ACT zone consequently reducing blood flow in the ACT zone and in secondary, uninjured downstream capillaries. These findings demonstrate how focal capillary injury and regression can impair the microvascular sensory web and contribute to cerebral hypoperfusion.
Capilares , Circulação Cerebrovascular , Animais , Camundongos , Capilares/fisiologia , Circulação Cerebrovascular/fisiologia , Vasoconstrição/fisiologia , Encéfalo/irrigação sanguínea , Arteríolas/fisiopatologia , Masculino , Vasodilatação/fisiologia , Camundongos Endogâmicos C57BLRESUMO
Purpose: To assess the correspondence between interdigitation zone (IZ) reflectivity, ellipsoid zone (EZ) loss, inner retinal layer reflectivity, patterns of capillary dilation, and telangiectasia in eyes with early macular telangiectasia type 2 (MacTel). Patients and Methods: Twenty-eight eyes of 22 patients with grade 0-2 MacTel (according to the MacTel project classification) and 28 healthy control eyes were included in this study. Multimodal imaging, including optical coherence tomography (OCT) angiography, adaptive optics flood illumination ophthalmoscopy (AO-FIO) and blue light reflectance (BLR), was performed. The EZ, IZ, and outer plexiform layer (OPL) were analyzed on the structural OCT C-scans. The vascular density (VD) was measured on the binarized and skeletonized angiograms of the superficial vascular plexus and deep capillary complex. The vascular diameter index (VDI) was calculated by dividing the binarized VD by the skeletonized VD. Results: On AO-FIO, cone density in the MacTel zone was significantly lower in MacTel eyes than in controls, even in areas located outside the EZ loss (P < 0.001). A distinctive pattern of IZ reflectivity attenuation extended beyond the area of EZ attenuation. The shape and size of a strong OPL hyper-reflectivity corresponded to the MacTel white area (MacTel zone) seen on BLR. Capillary dilation and rarefaction were colocalized with this area, extending beyond visible telangiectasia. The VDI was higher in MacTel eyes than in controls (P < 0.001). Conclusions: These findings suggest that in early MacTel eyes, photoreceptor signal alteration, OPL hyper-reflectivity, and capillary dilation, potentially associated with Müller cell dysfunction, precede the EZ loss.
Angiofluoresceinografia , Oftalmoscopia , Telangiectasia Retiniana , Vasos Retinianos , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica , Humanos , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica/métodos , Feminino , Telangiectasia Retiniana/diagnóstico , Telangiectasia Retiniana/fisiopatologia , Telangiectasia Retiniana/diagnóstico por imagem , Masculino , Vasos Retinianos/diagnóstico por imagem , Vasos Retinianos/patologia , Angiofluoresceinografia/métodos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Acuidade Visual/fisiologia , Fundo de Olho , Imagem Multimodal , Adulto , Capilares/patologia , Capilares/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
Microbubble-enhanced ultrasound provides a noninvasive physical method to locally overcome major obstacles to the accumulation of blood-borne therapeutics in the brain, posed by the blood-brain barrier (BBB). However, due to the highly nonlinear and coupled behavior of microbubble dynamics in brain vessels, the impact of microbubble resonant effects on BBB signaling and function remains undefined. Here, combined theoretical and prospective experimental investigations reveal that microbubble resonant effects in brain capillaries can control the enrichment of inflammatory pathways that are sensitive to wall shear stress and promote differential expression of a range of transcripts in the BBB, supporting the notion that microbubble dynamics exerted mechanical stress can be used to establish molecular, in addition to spatial, therapeutic windows to target brain diseases. Consistent with these findings, a robust increase in cytotoxic T-cell accumulation in brain tumors was observed, demonstrating the functional relevance and potential clinical significance of the observed immuno-mechano-biological responses.
Barreira Hematoencefálica , Encéfalo , Microbolhas , Barreira Hematoencefálica/metabolismo , Barreira Hematoencefálica/efeitos da radiação , Animais , Encéfalo/metabolismo , Encéfalo/irrigação sanguínea , Encéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias Encefálicas/metabolismo , Neoplasias Encefálicas/patologia , Inflamação/metabolismo , Camundongos , Humanos , Estresse Mecânico , Ondas Ultrassônicas , Masculino , Capilares/metabolismo , FemininoRESUMO
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the impact of axial elongation on ganglion cell complex thickness (GCCT) and retinal capillary density (CD) using wide-field swept-source optical coherence tomography angiography. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional analysis was conducted involving 506 eyes. Fovea-centered scans were obtained to assess the subregional GCCT and capillary density across the whole retina, the superficial capillary plexus (SCP), and deep capillary plexus (DCP) among three groups: normal control, high myopia (HM) eyes with axial length < 28 mm, and HM eyes with axial length > 28 mm. Regional variations (central vs. peripheral, quadrants difference [superior, inferior, nasal, and temporal]) were analyzed. Results: In HM eyes with axial length > 28 mm, GCCT and retinal CD exhibit a general decline in most regions (P < 0.05). In HM eyes with axial length < 28 mm, significant reductions were observed specifically in peripheral regions, as in the GCCT beyond the 3 × 3 mm2 area and CD in the 9-12 mm whole retina, 9-12 mm superior SCP, and 6-12 mm DCP (P < 0.05). Maximum GCCT and retinal CD reduction with axial elongation was observed in subregions beyond 6 × 6 mm2. Conclusions: GCCT beyond the 3 × 3 mm2 area and peripheral retinal CD beyond the 6 × 6 mm2 area were more susceptible to axial elongation and are thereby deserving of particular attention. Translational Relevance: It is necessary to evaluate different regions during the clinical assessment of the effect of myopia on the fundus and pay close attention to the peripheral retina.
Células Ganglionares da Retina , Vasos Retinianos , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica , Humanos , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica/métodos , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Retrospectivos , Masculino , Células Ganglionares da Retina/patologia , Feminino , Vasos Retinianos/diagnóstico por imagem , Vasos Retinianos/patologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Miopia/patologia , Miopia/diagnóstico por imagem , Miopia/fisiopatologia , Microvasos/patologia , Microvasos/diagnóstico por imagem , Comprimento Axial do Olho/patologia , Comprimento Axial do Olho/diagnóstico por imagem , Fibras Nervosas/patologia , Angiofluoresceinografia/métodos , Adulto Jovem , Idoso , Capilares/patologia , Capilares/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
Scientific progress within the last few decades has revealed the functional morphology of an insect's sticky footpads-a compliant pad that secretes thin liquid films. However, the physico-chemical mechanisms underlying their adhesion remain elusive. Here, we explore these underlying mechanisms by simultaneously measuring adhesive force and contact geometry of the adhesive footpads of live, tethered Indian stick insects, Carausius morosus, spanning more than two orders of magnitude in body mass. We find that the adhesive force we measure is similar to the previous measurements that use a centrifuge. Our measurements afford us the opportunity to directly probe the adhesive stress in vivo and use existing theory on capillary adhesion to predict the surface tension of the secreted liquid and compare it to previous assumptions. From our predictions, we find that the surface tension required to generate the adhesive stresses we observed ranges between 0.68 and 12 mN m - 1 ${\rm m}^{-1}$ . The low surface tension of the liquid would enhance the wetting of the stick insect's footpads and promote their ability to conform to various substrates. Our insights may inform the biomimetic design of capillary-based, reversible adhesives and motivate future studies on the physico-chemical properties of the secreted liquid.
Insetos , Tensão Superficial , Animais , Insetos/fisiologia , Adesividade , Capilares/fisiologia , Fenômenos BiomecânicosRESUMO
Nailfold capillary density is lower in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). It is unclear whether this observation signifies a unique systemic manifestation of PAH, or reflects microcirculatory dysfunction secondary to pulmonary hypertension (PH). Capillary density and loop dimensions were measured by nailfold-capillaroscopy (NC) in 30 PAH (23 idiopathic, or iPAH, 7 hereditary, or hPAH), 17 chronic thromboembolic PH (CTEPH) patients and 48 controls. NC-Measurements were repeated after pulmonary endarterectomy (PEA) or balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) in CTEPH patients. We examined whether NC-measurements were related to markers of disease severity and predictive of time to clinical worsening (TTCW) as tested by univariate linear/logistic regression and cox-regression analysis, respectively. Capillary density was significantly lower in PAH (7.5 ± 1.1, p < 0.001) and in CTEPH (8.4 ± 1.5, p < 0.001) compared to asymptomatic controls (10.3 ± 1.0 capillaries/mm). Capillary density was similar in iPAH and hPAH and unrelated to hemodynamics in either PAH or CTEPH. A lower capillary density was predictive of clinical worsening in PAH (p 0.05). After normalization of pulmonary artery pressures by PEA or BPA, capillary density remained reduced in CTEPH patients. Capillary loop apex, capillary and venous- and arterial limb diameter were increased in patients with PAH and CTEPH compared to controls. Nailfold capillary density is reduced to a similar extent in iPAH, hPAH and CTEPH. Normalization of hemodynamics by PEA or BPA does not lead to a restoration of capillary density in CTEPH. Capillary dimensions were increased in both patients with PAH and CTEPH. Lower capillary density was predictive of clinical worsening in PAH. Our findings indicate that a loss of peripheral capillaries is not specific to PAH and is not related to the hemodynamic disturbance per se, but that shared mechanisms may account for a simultaneous development of a systemic microangiopathy and pulmonary vascular remodeling.
Capilares , Hipertensão Pulmonar , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Capilares/patologia , Capilares/fisiopatologia , Hipertensão Pulmonar/fisiopatologia , Hipertensão Pulmonar/etiologia , Idoso , Biomarcadores , Embolia Pulmonar/fisiopatologia , Embolia Pulmonar/complicações , Angioscopia Microscópica/métodos , Adulto , Hipertensão Arterial Pulmonar/fisiopatologia , Hipertensão Arterial Pulmonar/cirurgia , Endarterectomia/métodos , Densidade Microvascular , Doença Crônica , Unhas/irrigação sanguínea , Estudos de Casos e ControlesRESUMO
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a multifactorial disease characterized by progressive alterations of different retinal structures ultimately leading to vision loss. Among these, the choriocapillaris (CC) has been found to be affected in different stages of AMD. In this review we provide a discussion on the different stages of AMD, focusing particularly on the alterations involving the CC. This has been possible thanks to the introduction of optical coherence tomography-angiography, a recently developed imaging technique which allows the detection of blood flow in choroidal vessels. Therefore, the aim of this review is to provide a description of the various alterations involving the CC in the different stages of AMD.
Corioide , Angiofluoresceinografia , Degeneração Macular , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica , Humanos , Corioide/irrigação sanguínea , Corioide/patologia , Corioide/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica/métodos , Angiofluoresceinografia/métodos , Degeneração Macular/diagnóstico , Capilares/patologia , Capilares/diagnóstico por imagem , Fluxo Sanguíneo Regional/fisiologiaRESUMO
The diffusion of oxygen through capillary to surrounding tissues through multiple points along the length has been addressed in many clinical studies, largely motivated by disorders including hypoxia. However relatively few analytical or numerical studies have been communicated. In this paper, as a compliment to physiological investigations, a novel mathematical model is developed which incorporates the multiple point diffusion of oxygen from different locations in the capillary to tissues, in the form of a fractional dynamical system of equations using the concept of system of balance equations with memory. Stability analysis of the model has been conducted using the well known Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion. Comprehensive analytical solutions for the differntial equation problem in the new proposed model are obtained using Henkel transformations. Both spatial and temporal variation of concentration of oxygen is visualized graphically for different control parameters. Close correlation with simpler models is achieved. Diffusion is shown to arise from different points of the capillary in decreasing order along the length of the capillary i.e. for the different values of z. The concentration magnitudes at low capillary length far exceed those further along the capillary. Furthermore with progrssive distance along the capillary, the radial distance of diffusion decreases, such that oxygen diffuses only effectively in very close proximity to tissues. The simulations provide a useful benchmark for more generalized mass diffusion computations with commercial finite element and finite volume software including ANSYS FLUENT.
Capilares , Hipóxia , Oxigênio , Oxigênio/metabolismo , Humanos , Difusão , Capilares/metabolismo , Capilares/fisiologia , Hipóxia/fisiopatologia , Hipóxia/metabolismo , Modelos Biológicos , Simulação por Computador , AnimaisRESUMO
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the impact of distinctive capillary-large vessel (CLV) analysis in optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) on the classification performance of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Methods: This multicenter study analyzed 212 OCTA images from 146 patients, including 28 controls, 36 diabetic patients without DR (NoDR), 31 with mild non-proliferative DR (NPDR), 28 with moderate NPDR, and 23 with severe NPDR. Quantitative features were derived from the whole image as well as the parafovea and perifovea regions. A support vector machine classifier was employed for DR classification. The accuracy and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve were used to evaluate the classification performance, utilizing features derived from the whole image and specific regions, both before and after CLV analysis. Results: Differential CLV analysis significantly improved OCTA classification of DR. In binary classifications, accuracy improved by 11.81%, rising from 77.45% to 89.26%, when utilizing whole image features. For multiclass classifications, accuracy increased by 7.55%, from 78.68% to 86.23%. Incorporating features from the whole image, parafovea, and perifovea further improved binary classification accuracy from 83.07% to 93.80%, and multiclass accuracy from 82.64% to 87.92%. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that feature changes in capillaries are more sensitive during DR progression, and CLV analysis can significantly improve DR classification performance by extracting features that are specific to large vessels and capillaries in OCTA. Incorporating regional features further improves DR classification accuracy. Differential CLV analysis promises better disease screening, diagnosis, and treatment outcome assessment.
Capilares , Retinopatia Diabética , Angiofluoresceinografia , Curva ROC , Vasos Retinianos , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica , Humanos , Retinopatia Diabética/classificação , Retinopatia Diabética/diagnóstico , Retinopatia Diabética/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica/métodos , Feminino , Capilares/patologia , Capilares/diagnóstico por imagem , Masculino , Vasos Retinianos/diagnóstico por imagem , Vasos Retinianos/patologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Angiofluoresceinografia/métodos , Idoso , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fundo de Olho , AdultoRESUMO
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of magnification error and axial length (AL) on circumpapillary capillary density (cpCD) and circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (cpRNFLT) in healthy eyes. Seventy-two healthy eyes of 72 subjects with AL 24.7 ± 1.5 mm (range: 20.9-28.0 mm) were enrolled in this retrospective cross-sectional study and underwent optical coherence tomography angiography scanning. Magnification corrected measurement areas were obtained using AL upon which corrected cpCD, cpRNFLT values were determined. Relationships between AL and the percentage difference between corrected and uncorrected values (ΔcpCD, ΔcpRNFLT) as well as the effect of AL on magnification corrected cpCD, cpRNFLT were evaluated. ΔcpCD significantly increased with AL in the global, inferior nasal and superior nasal sectors (all p < 0.001). ΔcpRNFLT significantly increased with AL in global and all sectors (all p < 0.001) and the correlations were significantly stronger than that of ΔcpCD-AL in all sectors (all p < 0.001). Corrected cpCD did not associate with AL while corrected cpRNFLT demonstrated a significant positive association with AL in the global (p = 0.005) and temporal sector (p < 0.001). Magnification error led to a significant underestimation of cpCD in eyes with longer AL although its underestimation and the effect of AL was smaller in comparison to that of cpRNFLT.
Comprimento Axial do Olho , Fibras Nervosas , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica , Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Tomografia de Coerência Óptica/métodos , Adulto , Estudos Transversais , Fibras Nervosas/fisiologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Comprimento Axial do Olho/diagnóstico por imagem , Vasos Retinianos/diagnóstico por imagem , Capilares/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto Jovem , Retina/diagnóstico por imagemRESUMO
Retinal capillary degeneration is a clinical hallmark of the early stages of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Our recent studies have revealed that diabetes-induced retinal capillary stiffening plays a crucial and previously unrecognized causal role in inflammation-mediated degeneration of retinal capillaries. The increase in retinal capillary stiffness results from the overexpression of lysyl oxidase, an enzyme that crosslinks and stiffens the subendothelial matrix. Since tackling DR at the early stage is expected to prevent or slow down DR progression and associated vision loss, subendothelial matrix, and capillary stiffness represent relevant and novel therapeutic targets for early DR management. Further, direct measurement of retinal capillary stiffness can serve as a crucial preclinical validation step for the development of new imaging techniques for non-invasive assessment of retinal capillary stiffness in animal and human subjects. With this view in mind, we here provide a detailed protocol for the isolation and stiffness measurement of mouse retinal capillaries and subendothelial matrix using atomic force microscopy.
Capilares , Microscopia de Força Atômica , Vasos Retinianos , Camundongos , Microscopia de Força Atômica/métodos , Animais , Vasos Retinianos/diagnóstico por imagem , Rigidez Vascular/fisiologiaRESUMO
AIM: Follow-up for colorectal cancer (CRC) necessitates regular monitoring of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) at the hospital. Capillary home-based blood collection, including minimally invasive techniques such as lancet sampling or an automated upper arm device (TAP-II), has the potential to replace a significant portion of hospital-based blood sampling, thereby enhancing self-reliance and quality of life. The objectives of this study were to assess the feasibility, reliability and preference for CEA blood collection. METHODS: Baseline venous and capillary (by lancet and TAP-II) blood samples were collected from 102 participants, including 20 CRC patients with elevated CEA levels, 60 CRC patients undergoing postoperative outpatient monitoring and 20 healthy volunteers. The second group performed capillary blood collections at home on two consecutive follow-up appointments and subsequently sent them to the hospital. Satisfaction was assessed via patient reported outcome measures on pain, burden, ease of use and preference. RESULTS: The Pearson's correlation test of all usable samples resulted in a linear coefficient of 0.998 (95% CI 0.997-0.998) for the TAP-II method and 0.997 (95% CI 0.996-0.998) for the lancet method, both compared to venipuncture. Following the initial blood collection, 86% of the participants (n = 102) favoured the TAP-II, rating it as the least painful and burdensome option. After two home-based blood samples, the preference for the TAP-II method persisted, with 64% of the patients endorsing its use. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated the feasibility of home-based capillary sampling of CEA. The TAP-II blood collection is the most reliable method and is preferred by patients over venipuncture and lancet sampling.
Coleta de Amostras Sanguíneas , Antígeno Carcinoembrionário , Neoplasias Colorretais , Estudos de Viabilidade , Satisfação do Paciente , Humanos , Antígeno Carcinoembrionário/sangue , Feminino , Neoplasias Colorretais/sangue , Neoplasias Colorretais/cirurgia , Estudos Prospectivos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Idoso , Coleta de Amostras Sanguíneas/métodos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Adulto , Capilares , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Medidas de Resultados Relatados pelo Paciente , Qualidade de VidaRESUMO
Capillary plexus cultivation is crucial in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Theoretical simulations have been conducted to supplement the expensive experimental works. However, the mechanisms connecting mechanical and chemical stimuli remained undefined, and the functions of the different VEGF forms in the culture environment were still unclear. In this paper, we developed a hybrid model for simulating short-term in vitro capillary incubations. We used the Cellular Potts model to predict individual cell migration, morphology change, and continuum mechanics to quantify biogel deformation and VEGF transport dynamics. By bridging the mechanical regulation and chemical stimulation in the model, the results showed good agreement between the predicted network topology and experiments, in which elongated cells connected, forming the network cords and round cells gathered, creating cobblestone-like aggregates. The results revealed that the capillary-like networks could develop in high integrity only when the mechanical and chemical couplings worked adequately, with the cell morphology and haptotaxis driven by the soluble and bound forms of VEGF, respectively, functioning simultaneously.
Capilares , Simulação por Computador , Fator A de Crescimento do Endotélio Vascular , Fator A de Crescimento do Endotélio Vascular/metabolismo , Capilares/metabolismo , Humanos , Movimento Celular/fisiologia , Modelos Biológicos , Biologia Computacional , Neovascularização Fisiológica/fisiologia , Engenharia Tecidual/métodosRESUMO
INTRODUCTION: Capillary blood collection, a technique traditionally used in diabetes care, shows promise for many applications including pregnancy monitoring. Serial measurement of serum human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG) is frequently necessary for managing early pregnancy, including molar pregnancy, requiring multiple visits to a maternity hospital for blood collection by venepuncture. This proof-of-concept study aimed to assess the clinical performance and user acceptability of capillary blood samples collected remotely, as an alternative to venous blood for hCG measurement. METHODS: Women attending the early pregnancy unit who required serum hCG measurement, were invited to participate. Following informed written consent, participants were shown how to collect capillary blood samples using the Mini-Collect® collection device. Matched venous and capillary blood samples were collected in clinic for hCG comparison purposes. Participants were also supplied with a home collection kit in a prepaid return envelope. They were asked to perform a finger-prick blood collection at home using the instructions provided and to return the capillary blood sample by post within 24 h of collection, along with a completed user-satisfaction questionnaire. Statistical analysis was performed using Analyse-it® software. RESULTS: The study enrolled 71 participants and over a third of these women collected a capillary blood sample at home. The median age of participants was 33 years (range 29-36). Passing-Bablok linear regression (y = -0.037 + 1.04x) and Spearman correlation (r = 0.999, p < 0.0001), demonstrated good agreement and strong correlation between venous and capillary samples, over a broad range of hCG values (1.2 to 224,0000 IU/L). The majority of capillary samples collected remotely (39%, 27/69) had sufficient blood volume for analysis (74%, 20/27). Respondents (77%, 18/25) found the collection device easy to use and expressed willingness to use a future service if available (80%, 20/25) CONCLUSION: The study demonstrated excellent agreement between the hCG results obtained from both collection methods, suggesting that capillary blood can serve as a reliable alternative for venous hCG measurement, particularly in clinical settings requiring frequent hCG monitoring. Feedback from the study questionnaire indicates a preference for this type of follow-up among women, indicating potential improvements in compliance for blood based diagnostic tests.
Coleta de Amostras Sanguíneas , Gonadotropina Coriônica , Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Gonadotropina Coriônica/sangue , Adulto , Coleta de Amostras Sanguíneas/métodos , Coleta de Amostras Sanguíneas/instrumentação , Estudo de Prova de Conceito , Capilares , Primeiro Trimestre da Gravidez/sangueRESUMO
A man in his 60s with hyperamylasemia underwent contrast-enhanced computed tomography, which revealed masses in his pelvic cavity on the right side and in the left axilla. Hence, a detailed examination was performed. Upon performing Sonazoid® (perfluorobutane) contrast-enhanced ultrasound, it was discovered that the right-sided pelvic cavity mass exhibited centripetal contrast-enhancement right from the early stage. Subsequently, the contrast material disappeared from the center and was washed out in the postvascular phase. The mass was suspected to be caused by vascular malformations. The right-sided pelvic cavity mass was excised, and upon histopathological examination, it was detected to be composed of capillary malformations. Thus, it was found that Sonazoid® contrast-enhanced ultrasound examination could aid in diagnosing retroperitoneal masses.
Meios de Contraste , Compostos Férricos , Ferro , Óxidos , Ultrassonografia , Humanos , Masculino , Fluorocarbonos , Espaço Retroperitoneal/diagnóstico por imagem , Capilares/diagnóstico por imagem , Capilares/anormalidades , Capilares/patologia , Malformações Vasculares/diagnóstico por imagem , Pessoa de Meia-IdadeRESUMO
PURPOSE: Despite the importance of self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) for management of diabetes mellitus (DM), frequent blood sampling is discouraged by bleeding risk due to dual-antiplatelet agent therapy (DAPT) or thrombocytopenia. METHODS: We compared the bleeding time (BT) of sampling by using a laser-lancing-device (LMT-1000) and a conventional lancet in patients with DM and thrombocytopenia or patients undergoing DAPT. BT was measured using the Duke method, and pain and satisfaction scores were assessed using numeric rating scale (NRS) and visual analog scale (VAS). The consistency in the values of glucose and glycated-hemoglobin (HbA1c) sampled using the LMT-1000 or lancet were compared. RESULTS: The BT of sampling with the LMT-1000 was shorter than that with the lancet in patients with thrombocytopenia (60s vs. 85s, P = 0.024). The NRS was lower and the VAS was higher in laser-applied-sampling than lancet-applied sampling in the DAPT-user group (NRS: 1 vs. 2, P = 0.010; VAS: 7 vs. 6, P = 0.003), whereas the group with thrombocytopenia only showed improvement in the VAS score (8 vs. 7, P = 0.049). Glucose and HbA1c sampled by the LMT-1000 and lancet were significantly correlated in both the DAPT-user and the thrombocytopenia groups. CONCLUSION: The LMT-1000 can promote SMBG by shortening BT in subject with thrombocytopenia and by increasing satisfaction score, as well as by showing reliable glucose and HbA1c value.
Automonitorização da Glicemia , Glicemia , Hemorragia , Lasers , Humanos , Feminino , Masculino , Idoso , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Automonitorização da Glicemia/instrumentação , Glicemia/análise , Hemorragia/etiologia , Hemoglobinas Glicadas/análise , Coleta de Amostras Sanguíneas/instrumentação , Coleta de Amostras Sanguíneas/métodos , Coleta de Amostras Sanguíneas/efeitos adversos , Diabetes Mellitus/sangue , Trombocitopenia/sangue , Trombocitopenia/etiologia , Capilares , Inibidores da Agregação Plaquetária/uso terapêuticoRESUMO
Decreased myocardial capillary density has been reported as an important histopathological feature associated with various heart disorders. Quantitative assessment of cardiac capillarization typically involves double immunostaining of cardiomyocytes (CMs) and capillaries in myocardial slices. In contrast, single immunostaining of basement membrane protein is a straightforward approach to simultaneously label CMs and capillaries, presenting fewer challenges in background staining. However, subsequent image analysis always requires expertise and laborious manual work to identify and segment CMs/capillaries. Here, we developed an image analysis tool, AutoQC, for automatic identification and segmentation of CMs and capillaries in immunofluorescence images of basement membrane. Commonly used capillarization-related measurements can be derived from segmentation results. By leveraging the power of a pre-trained segmentation model (Segment Anything Model, SAM) via prompt engineering, the training of AutoQC required only a small dataset with bounding box annotations instead of pixel-wise annotations. AutoQC outperformed SAM (without prompt engineering) and YOLOv8-Seg, a state-of-the-art instance segmentation model, in both instance segmentation and capillarization assessment. Thus, AutoQC, featuring a weakly supervised algorithm, enables automatic segmentation and high-throughput, high-accuracy capillarization assessment in basement-membrane-immunostained myocardial slices. This approach reduces the training workload and eliminates the need for manual image analysis once AutoQC is trained.
Membrana Basal , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador , Miocárdio , Miócitos Cardíacos , Membrana Basal/metabolismo , Animais , Miócitos Cardíacos/metabolismo , Miocárdio/metabolismo , Miocárdio/patologia , Processamento de Imagem Assistida por Computador/métodos , Capilares/metabolismo , Algoritmos , Camundongos , Vasos Coronários/metabolismo , Vasos Coronários/patologiaRESUMO
A comparative study of the morphological and functional state of the microvasculature of the substantia nigra pars compacta of the brain (SNc) and bone marrow of rats was carried out using the rotenone model of Parkinson's disease (PD) and with subsequent administration of bacterial melanin (BM). The detection of microvasculature was carried out according to the histoangiological method of Chilingaryan. Animal behavior was studied using a cylinder test. An analysis of morphometric data showed that, in comparison with control animals, experimental animals with rotenone dysfunction showed an increase in capillary diameters and a general reduction in the capillary link in SNc. Behavioral tests have shown that the animals with rotenone intoxication exhibit a form of behavior inherent in PD (freezing, immobility, apathy). Under the influence of BM, the diameter of the capillaries in the SNc approaches the norm, and the capillary link is restored. Due to the protective effect of BM in rats with rotenone intoxication, the trophism of the brain tissue increases as a result of the approach of the lumen of the vessels to the norm and the opening of new branches in the capillary network, an increase in the density of capillaries, which ensures the safety of nerve cells. Animal behavior indicators are close to normal. A comprehensive analysis of cytogenetic data of rat bone marrow was also carried out. In animals with PD, compared to controls, there is a significant increase in the amount of polyploid cells (PC) and a decrease in the level of mitotic index (MI), which usually manifests itself in inflammatory processes and is accompanied by inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis. Under the influence of BM, a tendency towards normalization of MI was noted and a significant decrease in the percentage of PC was obtained, which possibly indicates its beneficial effect. The data obtained suggest that BM can be used as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of PD.
Comportamento Animal , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Melaninas , Rotenona , Animais , Melaninas/metabolismo , Ratos , Comportamento Animal/efeitos dos fármacos , Masculino , Medula Óssea/efeitos dos fármacos , Doença de Parkinson/patologia , Parte Compacta da Substância Negra/efeitos dos fármacos , Parte Compacta da Substância Negra/patologia , Parte Compacta da Substância Negra/metabolismo , Ratos Wistar , Capilares/efeitos dos fármacos , Capilares/patologiaRESUMO
This study was performed to analyze fingertip capillary blood sampling in pediatric patients using microcapillary blood collection tubes and microhematocrit tubes and to compare the blood cell analysis results obtained via these two blood collection methods. Finger capillary blood was collected from 110 outpatients using microcapillary blood collection tubes and microhematocrit tubes and complete blood count analysis was performed with a Sysmex XS-900i hematology analyzer and manual microscopy for blood cell morphology. Paired data was evaluated for agreement and bias using the microhematocrit samples as the reference group and the samples from the microcapillary blood collection tubes as the observation group. The two blood collection methods demonstrated good agreement for measuring red blood cell (RBC) parameters (i.e., RBC, Hb, Hct, MCV, MCH and MCHC), wherein the relative bias was > allowable total error (TEa) in 0.91%, 1.82%, 11.82%, 1.82%, 0.91% and 8.18% of the parameter measures, respectively. According to industry requirements, the proportion of samples meeting the acceptable bias level should be > 80%. Additionally, the estimated biases at each medical decision level were within clinically acceptable levels for RBC, Hb, Hct, and MCV. However, the proportion of WBC and PLT counts with relative bias > TEa was 25.45% and 35.45%, respectively. Furthermore, the relative bias of the WBC count at the medical decision level of 0.5 × 109/L and that of the PLT counts at the medical decision levels of 10 × 109/L and 50 × 109/L were clinically significant. Bland-Altman analysis further showed a mean bias of 0.66 × 109/L (95% LoA, - 0.79 to 2.11) for the WBC count and 39 × 109/L (95% LoA, - 46 to 124) for the PLT count from the blood samples collected in the microcapillary blood collection tubes compared with the counts of those collected in the microhematocrit tubes. Neutrophil, monocyte, lymphocyte, eosinophil, and PLT counts increased significantly in the microcapillary blood collection tubes compared with those in the microhematocrit tubes, along with an elevated number of instrument false alarms (P < 0.05). The two capillary blood collection devices exhibit performance differences. Therefore, clinicians should pay attention to the variation in results caused by different blood collection methods.