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Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) ; 70(7): e20240030, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39166662


OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate the predictive value of hemogram parameters in early preterm delivery (32 gestational weeks and below) among pregnant women who have undergone cervical cerclage, based on cervical changes determined before the cerclage procedure. METHODS: Between 2010 and 2020, a total of 161 patients underwent cervical cerclage. The participants were divided into three groups. Group 1 (n=92) consisted of pregnant women who underwent prophylactic cerclage. Group 2 (n=31) included those with cervical shortening (<5 mm) and/or dilation (≤3 cm). Group 3 (n=38) comprised pregnant women with cervical dilation >3 cm. Each group was further divided based on delivery weeks, with a cutoff at 32 weeks. Demographic parameters and laboratory parameters were assessed. RESULTS: In Group 1, all hemogram parameters showed no significant differences between deliveries below and above 32 weeks. In Group 2, the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio value before cerclage was higher in the early preterm delivery group (p=0.002), with a cutoff value of 4.75 in receiver operating characteristic analysis. In Group 3, the white blood cell value before cerclage was higher in the early preterm delivery group (p=0.005), with a cutoff value of 13.05×103/µL in receiver operating characteristic analysis. CONCLUSION: The use of hemogram parameters to predict early preterm delivery in pregnant women undergoing prophylactic cerclage is not appropriate. However, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio value can predict early preterm delivery when cervical dilation is 3 cm or less and/or cervical shortening is 5 mm or less. When cervical dilation exceeds 3 cm, the white blood cell value is more appropriate for predicting early preterm delivery.

Cerclagem Cervical , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Nascimento Prematuro , Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adulto , Nascimento Prematuro/prevenção & controle , Idade Gestacional , Estudos Retrospectivos , Curva ROC , Adulto Jovem , Medida do Comprimento Cervical , Incompetência do Colo do Útero/cirurgia , Neutrófilos
J Perinat Med ; 52(7): 712-721, 2024 Sep 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38905455


OBJECTIVES: We aimed to perform a systematic review and network meta-analysis to evaluate the preventive strategies for preterm birth in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. METHODS: PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Central were searched from inception to December 2023 with no filters. Additionally, the reference lists of the included studies were manually examined to identify any supplementary studies. We selected randomized controlled trials and cohorts comparing interventions to prevent preterm birth in twin pregnancies complicated by twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. A random-effects frequentist network meta-analysis was performed using RStudio version 4.3.1. Randomized controlled trials and cohorts were assessed respectively using the Risk of Bias in Non-randomized Studies of interventions tool and Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing risk of bias in randomized trials. RESULTS: In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we included eight studies comprising a total of 719 patients. Compared with expectant management, cerclage stood out as the only intervention associated with an increase in the survival of at least one twin (risk ratio 1.12; 95 % confidence interval 1.01-1.23). Our subgroup analysis based on different thresholds for short cervix demonstrated a significant reduction in the risk of preterm birth before 32 weeks with ultrasound-indicated cerclage using a 15 mm criterion (risk ratio 0.65; 95 % confidence interval 0.47-0.92). CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests the potential benefit of cerclage as a preventive strategy for preterm birth in pregnancies complicated by twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. These findings highlight the necessity for further investigation to corroborate our results and address the optimal threshold for ultrasound-indicated cerclage.

Transfusão Feto-Fetal , Nascimento Prematuro , Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Gravidez , Cerclagem Cervical/métodos , Transfusão Feto-Fetal/complicações , Transfusão Feto-Fetal/mortalidade , Metanálise em Rede , Gravidez de Gêmeos , Nascimento Prematuro/prevenção & controle , Nascimento Prematuro/etiologia
Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM ; 6(7): 101351, 2024 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38513806


BACKGROUND: Both progestogens and cerclage are individually effective in preterm birth prevention in high risk pregnancies. However, national and international guidelines cite a lack of data available to comment on the potential benefit of concurrent progestogen therapy after cerclage has been placed. Studies to date have been small with mixed results regarding benefit of concurrent progestogen with cerclage leaving uncertainty regarding best clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate whether cerclage with progestogen therapy was superior to cerclage alone in the prevention of spontaneous preterm birth in singleton pregnancies. METHODS: This is an international retrospective cohort study of singleton pregnancies, without major anomaly or aneuploidy, and with cerclage placed at 10 different institutions in the United States and Colombia from June 2016 to June 2020. Exclusion criteria were lack of documentation regarding whether progestogen was prescribed, unavailable delivery outcome, and pregnancy termination (spontaneous or induced) before 16 weeks' gestation. The exposure of interest was progestogen use with cerclage placement, which included those who continued to use progestogen or who started progestogen after cerclage. The comparison group consisted of those without progestogen use after cerclage placement, which included those who had no progestogen use during the entire pregnancy or who initiated progestogen and then stopped it after cerclage placement. Progestogen type, cerclage indication, maternal baseline characteristics, and maternal/neonatal outcomes were collected. The primary outcome was spontaneous preterm birth at <37 weeks. The secondary outcomes were spontaneous preterm birth at <34 weeks, gestational age at delivery, and a composite neonatal outcome including ≥1 of the following: perinatal mortality, confirmed sepsis, grade III or IV intraventricular hemorrhage, retinopathy of prematurity, respiratory distress syndrome, and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. There were planned subgroup analyses by cerclage indication, progestogen type (vaginal progesterone vs 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate), preterm birth history, and site. Continuous variables were compared in adjusted analyses with analysis of covariance, and categorical variables were compared with multivariable logistic regression, adjusting for potential confounders with adjusted odds ratio. A Cox regression survival curve was generated to compare latency to spontaneous delivery, censored after 37 weeks. RESULTS: During the study period, a total of 699 singletons met the inclusion criteria: 561 in the progestogen with cerclage group and 138 with cerclage alone. Baseline characteristics were similar, except the higher likelihood of previous spontaneous preterm birth in the progestogen group (61% vs 41%; P<.001). Within the progestogen group, 52% were on 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate weekly, 44% on vaginal progesterone daily, and 3% on oral progesterone daily. Progestogen with cerclage was associated with a significantly lower frequency of spontaneous preterm birth <37 weeks (31% vs 39%; adjusted odds ratio, 0.59 [0.39-0.89]; P=.01) and <34 weeks (19% vs 27%; adjusted odds ratio, 0.55 [0.35-0.87]; P=.01), increased latency to spontaneous delivery (hazard ratio for spontaneous preterm birth <37 weeks, 0.66 [0.49-0.90]; P=.009), and lower frequency of perinatal death (7% vs 16%; adjusted odds ratio, 0.37 [0.20-0.67]; P=.001). In planned subgroup analyses, association with reduced odds of preterm birth <37 weeks persisted in those on vaginal progesterone, those without a previous preterm birth, those with ultrasound- or examination-indicated cerclage, those who started progestogen therapy before cerclage, and in sites restricted to the United States. CONCLUSION: Use of progestogen with cerclage was associated with reduced rates of spontaneous preterm birth and early spontaneous preterm birth compared with cerclage alone. Although this study was not sufficiently powered for subgroup analysis, the strength of evidence for benefit appeared greatest for those with ultrasound- or examination-indicated cerclage, and with vaginal progesterone. El resumen está disponible en Español al final del artículo.

Cerclagem Cervical , Nascimento Prematuro , Progestinas , Humanos , Feminino , Cerclagem Cervical/métodos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Gravidez , Nascimento Prematuro/prevenção & controle , Nascimento Prematuro/epidemiologia , Progestinas/administração & dosagem , Adulto , Estados Unidos/epidemiologia , Colômbia/epidemiologia , Recém-Nascido , Estudos de Coortes
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet;45(12): 764-769, Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529911


Abstract Objective The aim of the present study is to compare the effectiveness of Arabin pessary and McDonald cervical cerclage on preterm delivery. Methods We conducted a retrospective analysis of data from patients who underwent either Arabin pessary or McDonald cerclage between January 1, 2019, and January 1, 2023. A total of 174 patients were included in the study, with 31 undergoing Arabin pessary and 143 receiving cervical cerclage using the McDonald technique in singleton pregnant women with cervical insufficiency, which applied between 14 and 22 gestational weeks. We included singleton pregnant women with normal morphology, and with normal combined test. The primary outcome was the impact of each method on preterm delivery (< 34 gestational weeks). Results The weeks of cervical cerclage or pessary application were compatible with each other (p< 0.680). The pessary group had a statistically significant longer time to delivery compared with the Cerclage group (cerclage group mean 30.8 c 7.1 standard deviation [SD] versus pessary group mean 35.1 ± 4.4 SD; p< 0.002). A statistically significant difference was found between the pessary and cerclage groups in terms of delivery at < 34 weeks (p= 0.002). In patients with cervical length between 25 and 15mm and < 15mm, no significant difference was found between the pessary and cerclage groups in terms of delivery week (p< 0.212; p< 0.149). Regardless of the technique applied, no statistically significant difference was observed between cervical length and birth < 34 weeks. Conclusion Our study found that pessary use for cervical insufficiency is statistically more effective than cervical cerclage surgery in preventing preterm births < 34 weeks in singleton pregnancy.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Pessários , Cerclagem Cervical
Clinics (Sao Paulo) ; 78: 100292, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37879248


PURPOSE: To determine the predictive value of maternal White Blood Cells (WBC), neutrophils, and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) for diagnosing Histological Chorioamnionitis (HCA) among women with Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM) who underwent cervical cerclage. METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted among women with singleton pregnancy and PPROM, who underwent cervical cerclage during 2018-2020. RESULTS: A total of 55 eligible women were included in the final analysis, including 36 (61.02%) cases with HCA and 19 (38.98%) without HCA. Women with HCA had higher WBC count (12.31 ± 2.80) × 109/L and neutrophil count (9.67 ± 2.90)×109/L than those without HCA (10.35 ± 2.53) × 109/L and 7.82 ± 2.82 × 109/L, respectively) (both p < 0.05). The cut-off value of WBC count at 10.15×109/L was found to be the most effective in identifying HCA, with an Area Under Curve (AUC) of 0.707 (95% CI: 0.56-0.86; p = 0.012), sensitivity of 86.11%, specificity of 57.90%, Positive Predictive Value (PPV) of 79.49%, Negative Predictive Value (NPV) of 68.75%, and Youden index of 0.44. The combination of WBC + neutrophil had a slightly higher (AUC = 0.711, 95% CI: 0.57-0.86; p = 0.011), specificity (68.42%), and PPV (81.25%), but lower sensitivity (72.22%), than the WBC count alone. A cut-off value of neutrophil at 7.46 × 109/L was effective in identifying HCA, with an AUC of 0.689 (95% CI: 0.53-0.84; p = 0.022). DISCUSSION: Combination use of WBC+neutrophil was found to be the most accurate predictor of HCA among women with PPROM after surgery of cervical cerclage.

Cerclagem Cervical , Corioamnionite , Nascimento Prematuro , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Feminino , Humanos , Corioamnionite/diagnóstico , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estudos Transversais , Biomarcadores
Femina ; 49(7): 433-438, 2021.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1290593


A prematuridade é uma síndrome com múltiplos fatores de risco e cuja causa permanece desconhecida, mas, independentemente da etiologia, a parturição converge para uma via final comum de esvaecimento, dilatação e encurtamento do colo uterino. Do ponto de vista hormonal, o responsável por esse processo é a progesterona. A prevenção de quadros de prematuridade pode basear-se em tratamentos medicamentosos como a administração diária de comprimidos de progesterona; intervenções cirúrgicas para a contenção da cérvice uterina com fios inabsorvíveis mantidos até o termo, a cerclagem cervical; e o pessário cervical, dispositivo de silicone que envolve e inclina o colo uterino, evitando sua abertura. Para propor qualquer intervenção profilática ou terapêutica, a avaliação ultrassonográfica via transvaginal no segundo trimestre gestacional desempenha papel crucial. Apresentamos neste terceiro e último artigo da série sobre parto pré-termo espontâneo as intervenções terapêuticas e o rastreamento do colo uterino.(AU)

Preterm birth is a syndrome with multiple risk factors, with unknown etiology. Parturition converges to a final path with uterine cervix effacement, dilation and shortening and progesterone is the hormone responsible for this process. Preterm birth prevention relies on daily administration of progesterone pills; cerclage as a surgical intervention; or cervical pessary, a vaginal silicone device that enfolds and deflects the cervix, avoiding its opening. To propose any of these interventions it is crucial to evaluate the cervix during the second trimester by transvaginal ultrasound. Here, in the third and last article regarding preterm birth without membrane disruption, we present therapeutic interventions and ultrasound screening.(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Colo do Útero/fisiologia , Trabalho de Parto Prematuro/cirurgia , Trabalho de Parto Prematuro/prevenção & controle , Trabalho de Parto Prematuro/tratamento farmacológico , Pessários , Progesterona/uso terapêutico , Incompetência do Colo do Útero , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal , Maturidade Cervical , Cerclagem Cervical , Medida do Comprimento Cervical
Arch. med ; 20(2): 505-512, 20200703.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118970


La insuficiencia del cérvix es una alteración del tejido cervical que impide mantener el embarazo hasta su término, provocando pérdidas fetales recurrentes en el segundo trimestre de embarazo. Se presenta un caso de incompetencia cervical, causante de tres abortos previos, el último pese a cerclaje vaginal; por tanto, se realiza cerclaje por vía abdominal, logrando un embarazo viable hasta las 35,6 semanas, que termina en cesárea por amenaza de parto pretérmino y ruptura prematura de membranas. Además, se expone una revisión de la literatura sobre el tratamiento de esta patología..Au

Incompetence of the cervix is an alteration of the cervical tissue that prevents maintaining the pregnancy until its term, causing recurrent fetal losses in the second trimester of pregnancy. A case of cervical incompetence is presented, causing three consecutive abortion, the last one despite vaginal cerclage, therefore, abdominal cerclage is performed,achieving a viable pregnancy until 35,6 weeks, ending in caesarean section due to threat of preterm delivery plus premature rupture of membranes. In addition, a review of the literature on the treatment of this pathology is presented..Au

Feminino , Cerclagem Cervical , Aborto
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 45(1): 41-46, junio 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1363451


Introducción: El parto pretérmino constituye una causa importante de morbimortalidad perinatal con repercusiones sociales y económicas a nivel mundial. La intervención oportuna ante la identificación de factores de riesgo y un adecuado manejo consiguen reducir su incidencia y evitar las consecuencias de la prematurez. Objetivo: El presente trabajo se realiza con el objetivo de destacar al pesario cervical como una herramienta mecánica en la prevención del parto pretérmino, y una opción de tratamiento en embarazos mayores de 25 semanas con insuficiencia cervical. Presentación del caso: Se trata de una paciente de 38 años de edad con antecedente de parto pretérmino espontaneo (de 33 semanas), que ingresa a las 21 semanas de embarazo con dilatación cervical de 3cm y acortamiento de la longitud cervical de 14mm, signos ecográficos: sludge y funneling. Se optó por manejo expectante con medidas complementarias: administración de antibiótico, progesterona y uso de pesario cervical. Tras el control clínico de la infección y mayor acortamiento cervical a 7mm a pesar del uso de progesterona, se colocó un pesario cervical a las 25,5 semanas, a las 27,5 semanas fue dada de alta, a las 36,6 semanas se retiró el pesario tras inicio de actividad uterina. Discusión: La progesterona y el cerclaje son medidas de elección en casos de insuficiencia cervical, sin embargo, ante las dificultades técnicas de colocación; el pesario representó una alternativa. El uso de pesario permitió que el embarazo progrese al término con resultados beneficiosos y sin evidencia de efectos adversos.

Introduction: Preterm delivery is an important cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality with global social and economic repercussions. Timely intervention in the identification of risk factors and proper management reduce their incidence and avoid the consequences of prematurity. Objective:This work is carried out with the aim of highlight the cervical pessary as a mechanical tool in the prevention of preterm birth and a treatment option in pregnancies over 25 weeks with cervical insufficiency. Case presentation: This is a 38-year-old patient with a history of spontaneous preterm delivery (33 weeks), who was admitted at 21 weeks of pregnancy with cervical dilation of 3cm and shortening of the cervical length of 14mm, ultrasound signs: sludge and funneling. Expectant management was opted, with complementary measures: administration of antibiotics, progesterone and use of a cervical pessary. After clinical control of the infection and greater cervical shortening to 7mm despite the use of progesterone, a cervical pessary was placed at 25.5 weeks, at 27.5 weeks she was discharged, at 36.6 weeks she was discharged. The pessary was removed after the start of uterine activity. Discussion: Progesterone and cerclage are the measures of choice in cases of cervical insufficiency, however, given the technical difficulties of placement; the pessary represented an alternative. Conclusion: The use of the pessary allowed the pregnancy to progress to term with beneficial results and without evidence of adverse effects.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adolescente , Adulto , Pessários , Colo do Útero/anormalidades , Trabalho de Parto Prematuro/prevenção & controle , Trabalho de Parto Prematuro/terapia , Progesterona , Antibioticoprofilaxia , Cerclagem Cervical
J Minim Invasive Gynecol ; 27(5): 1025-1026, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31678560


STUDY OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the surgical technique of laparoscopic cerclage (LAC) in nonpregnant women with a clinical diagnosis of cervical incompetence. In this video, the authors describe the complete procedure in 10 steps to standardize and facilitate the comprehension and performance of the procedure in a simple and safe way. DESIGN: Step-by-step video demonstration of the surgical technique. SETTING: Private hospital in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. INTERVENTIONS: The patient was 32 years old (gravidity and parity, G3A3; late progressive miscarriage), had no comorbidities, and had a radiologic diagnosis of cervical incompetence. The main steps of LAC are described in detail. A complete laparoscopic approach was performed. Under general anesthesia, the patient was placed in the 0-degree supine decubitus position with arms alongside her body. The operative setup included a 15-mm Hg pneumoperitoneum created using the closed Veress technique and 4 trocars: a 10-mm trocar at the umbilicus for a 0-degree laparoscope; a 5-mm trocar in the right iliac fossa; a 5-mm trocar in the left iliac fossa; and a 5-mm trocar in the suprapubic area. After systematic exploration of the pelvic and abdominal cavities, the procedure began. Step 1 involved identification of anatomic key landmarks and exposure of the operation field. Step 2 involved opening of the anterior peritoneum. The anterior peritoneal reflection was opened over the peritoneum uterovesicalis and then extended laterally until the uterine artery could be clearly identified on both sides. Step 3 involved dissection of the avascular space on each side of the uterus. The vesical-cervical avascular space was created, and the bladder was pushed down, away from the isthmus area. Step 4 involved preparation for a perfect stitch placement. A 5-mm Mersilene suture (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) with a straight needle was introduced by a suprapubic trocar into the abdominal cavity before a complete identification of uterine vessels at both the sides using atraumatic graspers. Step 5 involved identification of the perfect space in the posterior aspect for Mersilene suture placement. Step 6 was to make a perfect anterior stitch. For this, the needle was grasped at the proximal portion in a 90-degree angle. In posterior position and when helped by a cranial and posterior uterine mobilization, the needle passed through the right, broad ligament in the avascular space created on the anterior leaf and medially from the uterine artery until the tip of the needle was seen on the posterior face above the uterosacral ligament. All steps were possible by synchronic uterine mobilization. Step 7 was to make a perfect posterior stitch. The procedure was then repeated contralaterally following the same anatomic and technical precepts but from posteriorly to anteriorly. Step 8 involved correct positioning and orientation of the Mersilene suture far away from the ureter and medial to the uterine arteries 2 cm over the uterosacral ligaments. Step 9 involved fixation of the Mersilene suture with an adequate blocking sequence. Step 10 involved fixation of the Mersilene suture and reperitonealization. The tape was knotted with an adequate blocking intracorporeal suturing sequence at the cervicoisthmic junction, and a Monocryl 2-0 stitch (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) was made to fix the knot and left it horizontally. Finally, the procedure was ended with anterior reperitonealization, covering all the plica uterovesicalis and mesh, leaving it completely extraperitoneal. The surgery ended without any intraoperative complications and within 30 minutes. Patient was discharged on the first day postoperatively and became pregnant 6 months after surgery, with a C-section delivery of a healthy term newborn at 39 weeks of gestational age. CONCLUSION: LAC in nonpregnant women with a diagnosis of cervical incompetence is safe and feasible in experienced hands, adding all the intrinsic advantages of minimally invasive surgery and providing better obstetric outcomes. In this patient, the procedure was performed without any intra- or postoperative complications, and the patient had an uneventful term pregnancy in the follow-up period. We must remember that adequate standardization of surgical procedures will help reduce the learning curve.

Abdome/cirurgia , Cerclagem Cervical/métodos , Laparoscopia/métodos , Incompetência do Colo do Útero/cirurgia , Abdome/patologia , Aborto Espontâneo/prevenção & controle , Adulto , Brasil , Estudos de Viabilidade , Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Gravidez , Suturas , Resultado do Tratamento
Repert. med. cir ; 29(1): 56-60, 2020. ilus.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1116581


El parto pretérmino es una de las principales causas de muerte neonatal y de hospitalización antenatal. La insuficiencia cervical constituye un factor de riesgo para dicha patología, el objetivo del artículo es describir un caso de insuficiencia cervical manejado con cerclaje transabdominal por vía laparoscópica. Presentación del caso: Paciente de 37 años con antecedente de tabique uterino corregido por histeroscopia a quien en su primera gestación se le realizó cerclaje vaginal fallido por parto pretérmino a las 24 semanas de gestación con producto fallecido por prematurez extrema. En el siguiente embarazo se le realizó un cerclaje transabdominal por vía laparoscópica, consiguiendo embarazo a término con recién nacido sano de 38 semanas de gestación y peso de 2840 gramos. Conclusiones: el cerclaje transabdominal por vía laparoscópica presenta tasas elevadas de éxito durante el embarazo, asociado a bajas complicaciones, menor perdida sanguínea intraoperatoria y menor estancia hospitalaria constituyéndose como una técnica factible y segura en pacientes con diagnóstico de insuficiencia cervical con algunas indicaciones tales como cerclaje vaginal previo fallido.

Preterm birth is a major cause of neonatal mortality and antenatal hospitalization. Cervical insufficiency constitutes a risk factor for premature birth. This article aims to describe a case of cervical insufficiency managed with laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage. A case is presented in a 37-year-old patient with septate uterus corrected by hysteroscopic surgery and a failed transvaginal cerclage with a preterm stillbirth as a result of severe prematurity in her first pregnancy. A laparoscopic transabdominal cerclage was done during her next pregnancy resulting in a healthy, full-term (38 weeks) newborn who weighed 2840 grams. Conclusions: laparoscopic cerclage in pregnancy has a high success rate with minimum complications and reduced blood loss and hospital stay. It is a feasible and safe technique for patients with cervical insufficiency and is effective in specific circumstances such as previous failed vaginal cerclage.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adulto , Cerclagem Cervical , Gravidez , Incompetência do Colo do Útero , Laparoscopia
Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 45(3): e489, jul.-set. 2019. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093663


RESUMEN Introducción: La insuficiencia cervical se concibe hoy día como un proceso biológico continuo con grados progresivos de insuficiencia. La expresión más extrema de la insuficiencia cervical se conoce como "bolsa en reloj de arena". La mayoría de los autores están de acuerdo en recomendar el reposo en cama y realizar cerclaje cervical de emergencia. Objetivo: Presentar el caso de una gestante en la que se logró la reversión del prolapso de las membranas amnióticas en "reloj de arena" con buenos resultados perinatales. Presentación de caso: Paciente de 31 años con antecedentes de parto anterior a las 36,5 semanas, que en los momentos actuales cursa una gestación de 20,6 semanas. Acude a la consulta por dolor en hipogastrio y al examen físico se comprueba que la bolsa amniótica protruye por el orificio cervical externo y presenta una dilatación cervical de 2 cm. Se aplica tratamiento medicamentoso y se reduce el prolapso de la bolsa. Conclusiones: Con el tratamiento conservador se logró una buena evolución de la gestación, con parto eutócico y buenos resultados perinatales(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Cervical insufficiency is conceived today as a continuous biological process with progressive degrees of insufficiency. The most extreme expression of cervical insufficiency is known as "hourglass bag". Most authors agree to recommend bed rest and perform emergency cervical cerclage. Objective: To report the case of a pregnant woman in whom the prolapse reversal of the amniotic membranes in hourglass was achieved with good perinatal results. Case report: A 31-year-old patient who is currently pregnant at 20.6 weeks and has history of childbirth prior to 36.5 weeks. She comes to the consultation complaining of pain in hypogastrium. The physical examination shows that the amniotic sac protrudes through the external cervical orifice and there is 2cm cervical dilation. Drug treatment is applied and the prolapse of the sac is reduced. Conclusions: The conservative treatment achieved good evolution of the gestation, with eutócico childbirth and good perinatal results(AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Adulto , Dor/etiologia , Prolapso , Cerclagem Cervical/métodos , Tratamento Conservador/métodos , Exame Físico/efeitos adversos , Repouso em Cama/métodos
Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) ; 65(5): 598-602, 2019 Jun 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31166434


BACKGROUND: The gestational and neonatal outcomes of women with early cervical dilatation undergoing emergency cerclage were evaluated and compared with women treated with expectant management and bed rest. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of pregnant women admitted between 2001 and 2017 with a diagnosis of early cervical dilatation and/or bulging membranes. Patients with a singleton pregnancy of a fetus without malformations, between 16 and 25 weeks and 6 days, with cervical dilatation of 1 to 3 cm were included; patients who delivered or miscarried within 2 days after admission were excluded. RESULTS: The study enrolled 30 patients: 19 in the cerclage group and 11 in the rest group. There was a significant difference, with the cerclage group showing better results concerning gestational age at delivery (28.7 vs. 23.3 weeks; p=0.031) and latency between hospital admission and delivery (48.6 vs. 16 days; p=0.016). The fetal death rate was lower in the cerclage group (5.3% vs. 54.5%, p=0.004). Considering gestational age at delivery of live newborns, no difference was observed between the cerclage and rest groups (29.13 vs. 27.4 weeks; p=0.857). CONCLUSIONS: Emergency cerclage was associated with longer latency, a significant impact on gestational age at delivery and reduction in the fetal death rate.

Cerclagem Cervical/estatística & dados numéricos , Serviços Médicos de Emergência/estatística & dados numéricos , Resultado da Gravidez , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Idade Gestacional , Humanos , Primeira Fase do Trabalho de Parto , Gravidez , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estatísticas não Paramétricas , Fatores de Tempo , Resultado do Tratamento , Adulto Jovem
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Méd. Bras. (Online);65(5): 598-602, May 2019. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012964


SUMMARY BACKGROUND: The gestational and neonatal outcomes of women with early cervical dilatation undergoing emergency cerclage were evaluated and compared with women treated with expectant management and bed rest. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of pregnant women admitted between 2001 and 2017 with a diagnosis of early cervical dilatation and/or bulging membranes. Patients with a singleton pregnancy of a fetus without malformations, between 16 and 25 weeks and 6 days, with cervical dilatation of 1 to 3 cm were included; patients who delivered or miscarried within 2 days after admission were excluded. RESULTS: The study enrolled 30 patients: 19 in the cerclage group and 11 in the rest group. There was a significant difference, with the cerclage group showing better results concerning gestational age at delivery (28.7 vs. 23.3 weeks; p=0.031) and latency between hospital admission and delivery (48.6 vs. 16 days; p=0.016). The fetal death rate was lower in the cerclage group (5.3% vs. 54.5%, p=0.004). Considering gestational age at delivery of live newborns, no difference was observed between the cerclage and rest groups (29.13 vs. 27.4 weeks; p=0.857). CONCLUSIONS: Emergency cerclage was associated with longer latency, a significant impact on gestational age at delivery and reduction in the fetal death rate.

RESUMO OBJETIVO: Os resultados gestacionais e neonatais de mulheres com cervicodilatação precoce submetidas à cerclagem de emergência foram avaliados e comparados com mulheres tratadas com manejo expectante com repouso no leito. MÉTODOS: Análise retrospectiva de gestantes admitidas entre 2001 e 2017 com diagnóstico de cervicodilatação precoce e/ou membranas protrusas. Foram incluídas pacientes com gestação única de feto sem malformações, entre 16 semanas e 25 semanas e 6 dias, com dilatação cervical de 1 a 3 cm; as pacientes que tiveram parto ou aborto dentro de 2 dias após admissão foram excluídas. RESULTADOS: O estudo envolveu 30 pacientes: 19 no grupo cerclagem e 11 no grupo repouso. Houve diferença significativa, com o grupo cerclagem apresentando melhores resultados em relação à idade gestacional no parto (28,7 vs. 23,3 semanas; p=0,031) e à latência entre a admissão hospitalar e o parto (48,6 vs. 16 dias; p=0,016). A taxa de mortalidade fetal foi menor no grupo cerclagem (5,3% vs. 54,5%, p=0,004). Considerando a idade gestacional no nascimento dos recém-nascidos vivos, não houve diferença entre os grupos cerclagem e expectante (29,13 vs. 27,4 semanas; p=0,857). CONCLUSÕES: A cerclagem de emergência foi associada a maior período de latência com impacto significativo na idade gestacional do parto e à redução da taxa de mortalidade fetal.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Resultado da Gravidez , Cerclagem Cervical/estatística & dados numéricos , Serviços Médicos de Emergência/estatística & dados numéricos , Fatores de Tempo , Primeira Fase do Trabalho de Parto , Estudos Retrospectivos , Idade Gestacional , Resultado do Tratamento , Estatísticas não Paramétricas
J Perinat Med ; 47(5): 500-509, 2019 Jul 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30849048


Background The frequency of intra-amniotic infection/inflammation (IAI/I) in patients with midtrimester cervical insufficiency is up to 50%. Our purpose was to determine the perinatal outcomes of cervical cerclage in patients with acute cervical insufficiency with bulging membranes, and to compare the admission-to-delivery interval and pregnancy outcomes according to the results of amniotic fluid (AF) analysis and cerclage placement. Methods This was a retrospective cohort study including singleton pregnancies with cervical insufficiency between 15 and 26.9 weeks in two tertiary health centers. IAI/I was defined when at least one of the following criteria was present in AF: (a) a white blood cell (WBC) count >50 cells/mm3; (b) glucose concentration <14 mg/dL; and/or (c) a Gram stain positive for bacteria. Three different groups were compared: (1) absence of IAI/I with placement of a cerclage; (2) amniocentesis not performed with placement of a cerclage; and (3) IAI/I with or without a cerclage. Results Seventy patients underwent an amniocentesis to rule out IAI/I. The prevalence of IAI/I was 19%. Forty-seven patients underwent a cerclage. Patients with a cerclage had a longer median admission-to-delivery interval (33 vs. 2 days; P < 0.001) and delivered at a higher median gestational age (27.4 vs. 22.6 weeks; P = 0.001) than those without a cerclage. The neonatal survival rate in the cerclage group was 62% vs. 23% in those without a cerclage (P = 0.01). Patients without IAI/I who underwent a cerclage had a longer median admission-to-delivery interval (43 vs. 1 day; P < 0.001), delivered at a higher median gestational age (28 vs. 22.1 weeks; P = 0.001) and had a higher neonatal survival rate (67% vs. 8%; P < 0.001) than those with IAI/I. Conclusion The pregnancy outcomes of patients with midtrimester cervical insufficiency and bulging membranes are poor as they have a high prevalence of IAI/I. Therefore, a pre-operative amniocentesis is key to identify the best candidates for the subsequent placement of a cerclage.

Cerclagem Cervical/estatística & dados numéricos , Incompetência do Colo do Útero/terapia , Adulto , Feminino , Humanos , Gravidez , Resultado da Gravidez , Estudos Retrospectivos , Adulto Jovem
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;83(5): 444-451, nov. 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-978118


RESUMEN Introducción: se define incompetencia cervical como la incapacidad del cuello uterino de retener una gestación en el segundo trimestre, en ausencia de contracciones uterinas. El cerclaje cervical es la intervención que ha demostrado utilidad en el tratamiento de la incompetencia cervical. La principal vía utilizada para cerclaje es la vaginal, sin embargo existe un grupo de pacientes en el que ésta no es posible y debe realizarse un abordaje transabdominal. Este trabajo muestra los resultados y experiencia de 30 años en la instalación de cerclaje por vía abdominal abierta. Se realiza una revisión de la literatura y se discuten sus indicaciones, resultados y complicaciones. Además se analiza la técnica quirúrgica, especialmente las variantes de ella y el momento de realizar la intervención. Métodos: se revisaron datos de 20 pacientes a las que se realizó cerclaje transabdominal, desde el año 1985 hasta la fecha. En todas las cirugías participó el autor principal de este artículo. Resultados: las intervenciones se realizaron entre las 8 y 18 semanas de gestación. Las causas principales fueron la imposibilidad de realizar un cerclaje por vía vaginal, debido a ausencia de cuello por conizaciones amplias o repetidas y amputaciones cervicales o fracaso de cerclajes por vía vaginal previos. Las 20 pacientes tuvieron 23 embarazos, 20 partos (16 mayores de 37 s. y 4 mayores de 34 s.) y 3 abortos. Se obtuvo un 87% de sobrevida fetal. Conclusiones: la utilización de esta técnica es útil en pacientes con imposibilidad de cerclaje por vía vaginal o en fracasos de cerclajes vaginales previos. La literatura revisada no muestra diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los procedimientos realizados previos o durante la gestación, ni tampoco si se realiza mediante laparoscopía o cirugía abierta.

SUMMARY Introduction: cervical incompetence is defined as the inability of the cervix to retain a pregnancy in the second trimester, in the absence of uterine contractions. Cervical cerclage is the intervention that has proven its usefulness in the treatment of cervical incompetence. The main route used for cerclage is vaginal, however there is a group of patients in which this is not possible and a transabdominal approach must be performed. This work shows the results and experience of 30 years in the installation of cerclage by abdominal open route. A review of the literature is made and its indications, results and complications are discussed. In addition, the surgical technique is analyzed, especially it's variants and the moment of performing the intervention. Methods: data from 20 patients who underwent a transabdominal cerclage from 1985 to date were reviewed. In all the surgeries, the main author of this article participated. Results: the interventions were performed between 8 and 18 weeks of gestation. The main causes were the impossibility of performing a cerclage by vaginal route due to absence of the cervix by extensive or repeated conizations and cervical amputations or failure of previous cerclage by vaginal route. The 20 patients had 23 pregnancies, 20 deliveries (16 over 37 w. and 4 over 34 w.) and 3 abortions. 87% of fetal survival was obtained. Conclusions: the use of this technique is useful in patients with inability to cerclage vaginally or in failures of previous vaginal cerclages. The literature reviewed does not show statistically significant differences between the procedures performed before or during pregnancy, nor whether it is performed by laparoscopy or open surgery.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Adulto , Vagina , Incompetência do Colo do Útero , Cerclagem Cervical/métodos , Complicações Pós-Operatórias , Resultado da Gravidez , Cesárea , Cerclagem Cervical/estatística & dados numéricos , Nascimento Prematuro
Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992) ; 64(7): 620-626, 2018 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30365664


OBJECTIVE: Cervical cerclage is the standard treatment for cervical incompetence (CI); however, there is still a high risk of preterm birth for women who undergo this treatment. The aim of this study was to longitudinally evaluate findings on two-dimensional transvaginal ultrasonography (2DTVUS) and three-dimensional transvaginal ultrasonography (3DTVUS) that could be related to gestational age at birth. METHODS: A total of 68 pregnant women who were treated with cerclage were evaluated by 2DTVUS and 3DTVUS in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Log-rank tests and Cox regression analyses were used to identify significant findings related to gestational age at delivery. RESULTS: A cervical length lower than 281 mm (p= 0.0083), a proximal cervical length lower than 10 mm (p= 0.0151), a cervical volume lower than 18.17 cm3 (p= 0.0152), a vascularization index (VI) under 2.153 (p= 0.0044), and a vascularization-flow index (VFI) under 0.961 (p= 0.0059) in the second trimester were all related to earlier delivery. In the third trimester, a cervical length lower than 20.4 mm (p= 0.0009), a VI over 0.54 (p= 0.0327) and a VFI over 2.275 (p= 0.0479) were all related to earlier delivery. Cervical funnelling in the second and third trimesters and proximal cervical length in the third trimester were not related to gestational age at birth. The COX regression analyses showed that cervical volume in the second trimester; FI and VFI in the third trimester were significantly associated with gestational age at birth. CONCLUSION: In women treated with history-indicated cerclage or ultrasound-indicated cerclage, 2nd trimester cervical volume and 3rd trimester FI and VFI are independent significant sonographic findings associated with time to delivery.

Cerclagem Cervical/métodos , Trabalho de Parto Prematuro/diagnóstico por imagem , Nascimento Prematuro/prevenção & controle , Incompetência do Colo do Útero/cirurgia , Adolescente , Adulto , Endossonografia , Feminino , Idade Gestacional , Humanos , Imageamento Tridimensional , Trabalho de Parto Prematuro/etiologia , Gravidez , Nascimento Prematuro/etiologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/métodos , Incompetência do Colo do Útero/diagnóstico por imagem , Adulto Jovem
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Méd. Bras. (Online);64(7): 620-626, July 2018. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-976837


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Cervical cerclage is the standard treatment for cervical incompetence (CI); however, there is still a high risk of preterm birth for women who undergo this treatment. The aim of this study was to longitudinally evaluate findings on two-dimensional transvaginal ultrasonography (2DTVUS) and three-dimensional transvaginal ultrasonography (3DTVUS) that could be related to gestational age at birth. METHODS: A total of 68 pregnant women who were treated with cerclage were evaluated by 2DTVUS and 3DTVUS in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Log-rank tests and Cox regression analyses were used to identify significant findings related to gestational age at delivery. RESULTS: A cervical length lower than 281 mm (p= 0.0083), a proximal cervical length lower than 10 mm (p= 0.0151), a cervical volume lower than 18.17 cm3 (p= 0.0152), a vascularization index (VI) under 2.153 (p= 0.0044), and a vascularization-flow index (VFI) under 0.961 (p= 0.0059) in the second trimester were all related to earlier delivery. In the third trimester, a cervical length lower than 20.4 mm (p= 0.0009), a VI over 0.54 (p= 0.0327) and a VFI over 2.275 (p= 0.0479) were all related to earlier delivery. Cervical funnelling in the second and third trimesters and proximal cervical length in the third trimester were not related to gestational age at birth. The COX regression analyses showed that cervical volume in the second trimester; FI and VFI in the third trimester were significantly associated with gestational age at birth. CONCLUSION: In women treated with history-indicated cerclage or ultrasound-indicated cerclage, 2nd trimester cervical volume and 3rd trimester FI and VFI are independent significant sonographic findings associated with time to delivery.

RESUMO OBJETIVOS: Determinar quais características ultrassonográficas obtidas por meio da ultrassonografia transvaginal bidimensional (USG TV 2D) e tridimensional (USG TV 3D) associam-se ao parto prematuro em gestantes submetidas à cerclagem profilática e terapêutica. MÉTODOS: Sessenta e seis gestantes com feto único submetidas à cerclagem profilática ou terapêutica e acompanhadas no ambulatório de Aborto Habitual da Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP, entre 10 de juho de 2012 e 30 de outubro de 2015, foram avaliadas longitudinalmente, por meio das US TV 2D e US TV 3D associadas ao power Doppler para avaliação do VI, FI e VFI, nos três trimestres da gestação. Os resultados foram avaliados em relação ao parto em idade gestacional (IG) menor que 34 semanas e maior ou igual a 34 semanas, assim como em relação à idade do parto como variável contínua. RESULTADOS: O comprimento do colo uterino (CC) e a distância do ponto de cerclagem ao orifício interno do colo uterino (POI) diminuíram de forma significativa entre o segundo e terceiro trimestres da gestação. O CC, o POI e o afunilamento cervical no terceiro trimestre da gestação tiveram relação com a ocorrência de parto em IG<34 semanas. Na análise de regressão de COX, em que a variável de interesse foi o tempo até o parto, o volume do colo uterino no segundo trimestre e o FI e VFI no terceiro trimestre foram significativos. CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível identificar parâmetros ultrassonográficos do colo uterino bi e tridimensionais que se correlacionam com a idade gestacional do parto.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Incompetência do Colo do Útero/cirurgia , Nascimento Prematuro/prevenção & controle , Trabalho de Parto Prematuro/diagnóstico por imagem , Incompetência do Colo do Útero/diagnóstico por imagem , Estudos Prospectivos , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/métodos , Idade Gestacional , Endossonografia , Imageamento Tridimensional , Cerclagem Cervical/métodos , Nascimento Prematuro/etiologia , Trabalho de Parto Prematuro/etiologia
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 35(1): 115-126, ene.-mar. 2018.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-894344


Resumen Tradicionalmente, el parto pretérmino se considera aquel que ocurre después de las 20 semanas y antes de completar las 37 semanas de gestación; sin embargo, esta definición está siendo reevaluada. Actualmente, el parto pretérmino constituye la primera causa de mortalidad infantil en países desarrollados y aumenta significativamente su morbilidad. Debido a ello, es de suma importancia determinar sus factores predisponentes, con el objetivo de detectar a las madres en riesgo y consecuentemente, evitar este desenlace. Existen muchos factores de riesgo conocidos para parto pretérmino y algunos de estos son: parto pretérmino previo, longitud cervical corta, características demográficas, antecedente de cirugía cervical, sangrado vaginal durante primer trimestre, obesidad, infecciones, tabaquismo, bajo peso preconcepcional, abuso de sustancias y periodo intergenésico corto. Algunas medidas de prevención de parto pretérmino efectivas pueden ser: mejor control prenatal, tratamiento antibiótico de ciertas infecciones genitales y en las pacientes con ruptura prematura de membranas, tratamiento de bacteriuria asintomática, la suplementación con progesterona en pacientes con parto pretérmino previo o sin antecedente pero con longitud cervical muy corta antes de la semana 24 de gestación, el cerclaje en mujeres con antecedente de parto pretérmino previo menor a 34 semanas y longitud cervical menor a 25 mm antes de las 24 semanas de gestación, el uso de pesario en pacientes asintomáticas sin antecedentes de parto pretérmino con diagnóstico incidental de cérvix corto a las 18-22 semanas, la suplementación con zinc en mujeres de bajos ingresos y mala nutrición, y finalmente, el aumento de intervalo intergenésico a más de 12 meses.

Abstract Preterm delivery is traditionally known as birth that occurs after 20 weeks and before completing 37 weeks of gestation; however, this definition is being reevaluated. In developed countries, preterm delivery is the primary cause of children mortality and it significantly increases their morbidity. It is fundamental to determine its predisposing factors, in order to detect mothers at risk and consequently, avoid this adverse outcome. Some of the known risk factors for preterm delivery are: short cervical length, demographic characteristics, history of cervical surgery, previous preterm delivery, vaginal bleeding during the first trimester, obesity, infections, smoking, low preconceptional weight, substance abuse, and short interpregnancy interval. On the other hand, some effective prevention measures may include: better prenatal control, antibiotic treatment for certain genital infections, in patients with premature rupture of membranes, and asymptomatic bacteriuria; supplementation of progesterone in patients with or without history of previous preterm delivery, but with very short cervical length before the 24th week of gestation, use of cervical cerclaje in women with history of preterm delivery before 34 weeks and cervical length less than 25 mm at 24 weeks of gestation, use of pessary in asymptomatic women without history of preterm delivery with incidental diagnosis of short cervix at 18-22 weeks of gestation, zinc supplementation in women with low income and malnutrition, and finally, interpregnancy interval longer than 12 months.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Progesterona/uso terapêutico , Gravidez , Fatores de Risco , Cerclagem Cervical , Nascimento Prematuro , Trabalho de Parto Prematuro
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;82(6): 610-613, Dec. 2017. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-899951


RESUMEN Antecedentes: El embarazo cervical es una forma rara del embarazo ectópico y representa < 1% de todos los embarazos ectópicos. Objetivo: Se presenta el caso de un embarazo ectópico cervical. Se realiza una revisión literaria sobre las diferentes opciones de manejo y tratamiento. Caso clínico: Mujer de 32 años en la semana 7+4 de embarazo en la que se objetiva un saco gestacional ístmico vascularizado, que ofrece dudas diagnósticas. Se establece el diagnóstico de embarazo ectópico cervical y se realiza un cerclaje por metrorragia. Conclusión: El embarazo ectópico cervical sigue siendo un reto importante en el campo del embarazo. El éxito del tratamiento conservador depende principalmente del diagnóstico precoz, lo que puede reducir las posibilidades de hemorragia grave y de histerectomía.

ABSTRACT Background: Cervical pregnancy is a rare type of ectopic pregnancy and it represents <1% of all ectopic pregnancies. Objetive: The case of a cervical ectopic pregnancy is presented. A literary review is carried out on the different management and treatment options. Case report: A 32-year-old woman in week 7 + 4 of pregnancy in which is objetived a vascularized isthmic gestational sac, which ofeers diagnostic doubt. The diagnosis of ectopic cervical pregnancy is established and cercaclage is performed by metrorrhagia. Conclusion: Cervical ectopic pregnancy remains a major challenge in the field of early pregnancy. The success of conservative treatment depends primarily on early diagnosis, which may reduce the chances of severe bleeding and require a hysterectomy.

Humanos , Feminino , Gravidez , Adulto , Gravidez Ectópica , Metotrexato/uso terapêutico , Gravidez Ectópica/cirurgia , Gravidez Ectópica/diagnóstico por imagem , Cerclagem Cervical