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Viruses ; 16(11)2024 Oct 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39599814


Cervical cancer remains a significant global health concern, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. While persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) is essential for cervical cancer development, it is not sufficient on its own, suggesting the involvement of additional cofactors. The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a widespread ß-herpesvirus known for its ability to establish lifelong latency and reactivate under certain conditions, often contributing to chronic inflammation and immune modulation. Emerging evidence suggests that HCMV may play a role in various cancers, including cervical cancer, through its potential to influence oncogenic pathways and disrupt host immune responses. This review explores clinical evidence regarding the co-presence of HR-HPV and HCMV in premalignant lesions and cervical cancer. The literature reviewed indicates that HCMV is frequently detected in cervical lesions, particularly in those co-infected with HPV, suggesting a potential synergistic interaction that could enhance HPV's oncogenic effects, thereby facilitating the progression from low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL) to high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) and invasive cancer. Although the precise molecular mechanisms were not thoroughly investigated in this review, the clinical evidence suggests the importance of considering HCMV alongside HPV in the management of cervical lesions. A better understanding of the interaction between HR-HPV and HCMV may lead to improved diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive strategies for cervical cancer.

Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Citomegalovirus , Papillomaviridae , Infecções por Papillomavirus , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero , Humanos , Neoplasias do Colo do Útero/virologia , Feminino , Infecções por Papillomavirus/virologia , Infecções por Papillomavirus/complicações , Citomegalovirus/fisiologia , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/complicações , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/virologia , Papillomaviridae/genética , Papillomaviridae/patogenicidade , Papillomaviridae/fisiologia , Lesões Pré-Cancerosas/virologia , Coinfecção/virologia , Displasia do Colo do Útero/virologia
Viruses ; 16(10)2024 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39459871


Apical lesions are diseases of infectious origin that can cause destruction of the surrounding periapical tissue, including bone tissue and periodontal ligaments, resulting in the loss of the affected teeth. Currently, the microorganisms present in pulp and apical disease are mostly studied as bacteria. However, in recent years, interest has been aroused in the study of viruses that could be present in apical lesions, and how these could affect the progression of disease. In the present study, we conducted a systematic review of the literature to evaluate and synthesize the scientific evidence on the presence of viruses and their possible role in pulpal and apical disease. This systematic review was performed according to the PRISMA reporting guidelines. The search for studies was performed in the PubMed and Web of Science databases. A total of seven studies published in the last 10 years were included. The types of samples used for virus analysis varied from one study to another. In all the included studies, the presence of any of the types of viruses studied was found, either in pulp or apical tissue. Herpesviridae family, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) stood out as the most commonly present in apical lesions. Further studies are required to clarify and understand the pathogenic role of viruses in pulpal and periapical disease.

Polpa Dentária , Humanos , Polpa Dentária/virologia , Vírus/classificação , Vírus/patogenicidade , Doenças Periapicais/virologia , Citomegalovirus/fisiologia , Citomegalovirus/patogenicidade , Doenças da Polpa Dentária/virologia , Doenças da Polpa Dentária/microbiologia , Herpesvirus Humano 4/fisiologia
Viruses ; 16(9)2024 Sep 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39339913


Human Herpesviruses (HHVs) play a significant role in neurological diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis, adding significant morbidity. This study aims to retrospectively analyze the effect of HHVs on patients with neurological symptoms, focusing on the Herpesviridae family's contributions to central nervous system (CNS) infections. METHODS: This retrospective cohort study included 895 patients suspected of viral CNS infections, utilizing molecular diagnosis via qPCR to identify HHVs in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. This was conducted at a reference tertiary care hospital for infectious diseases in the western Brazilian Amazon from January 2015 to December 2022, focusing on the Herpesviridae family's clinical repercussions and of Cytomegalovirus in CNS infections. RESULTS: The findings revealed that 7.5% of the analyzed samples tested positive for HHVs, with Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) being the most prevalent. A significant association was found between HHVs and neurological diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis, especially among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), highlighting the opportunistic nature of these viruses. The study underscores the critical role of CSF analysis in diagnosing CNS infections and the complexity of managing these infections in HIV patients due to their immunocompromised status. CONCLUSIONS: The results emphasize the need for comprehensive diagnostic approaches and tailored treatment strategies for CNS infections in immunocompromised individuals. The study calls for ongoing research and advancements in clinical practice to improve patient outcomes facing CNS infections, particularly those caused by HHVs.

Infecções por Herpesviridae , Herpesviridae , Humanos , Estudos Retrospectivos , Feminino , Masculino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Herpesviridae/isolamento & purificação , Herpesviridae/genética , Brasil/epidemiologia , Infecções por Herpesviridae/virologia , Infecções por Herpesviridae/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Adulto Jovem , Adolescente , Infecções do Sistema Nervoso Central/virologia , Infecções do Sistema Nervoso Central/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Infecções do Sistema Nervoso Central/epidemiologia , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Citomegalovirus/genética , Citomegalovirus/isolamento & purificação , Idoso , Lactente , Viroses do Sistema Nervoso Central/virologia , Viroses do Sistema Nervoso Central/líquido cefalorraquidiano , Viroses do Sistema Nervoso Central/diagnóstico , Infecções por HIV/virologia , Infecções por HIV/complicações , Infecções por HIV/líquido cefalorraquidiano
Int J Mol Sci ; 25(14)2024 Jul 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39062747


Salivary glands' neoplasms are hard to diagnose and present a complex etiology. However, several viruses have been detected in these neoplasms, such as HCMV, which can play a role in certain cancers through oncomodulation. The co-infections between HCMV with betaherpesviruses (HHV-6 and HHV-7) and polyomaviruses (JCV and BKV) has been investigated. The aim of the current study is to describe the frequency of HCMV and co-infections in patients presenting neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions, including in the salivary gland. Multiplex quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used for betaherpesvirus and polyomavirus quantification purposes after DNA extraction. In total, 50.7% of the 67 analyzed samples were mucocele, 40.3% were adenoma pleomorphic, and 8.9% were mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Overall, 20.9% of samples presented triple-infections with HCMV/HHV-6/HHV-7, whereas 9.0% were co-infections with HCMV/HHV-6 and HCMV/HHV-7. The largest number of co-infections was detected in pleomorphic adenoma cases. All samples tested negative for polyomaviruses, such as BKV and JCV. It was possible to conclude that HCMV can be abundant in salivary gland lesions. A high viral load can be useful to help better understand the etiological role played by viruses in these lesions. A lack of JCV and BKV in the samples analyzed herein does not rule out the involvement of these viruses in one or more salivary gland lesion subtypes.

Coinfecção , Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Citomegalovirus , Neoplasias das Glândulas Salivares , Glândulas Salivares , Humanos , Coinfecção/virologia , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/virologia , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/diagnóstico , Citomegalovirus/genética , Citomegalovirus/isolamento & purificação , Masculino , Feminino , Neoplasias das Glândulas Salivares/virologia , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Adulto , Idoso , Glândulas Salivares/virologia , Glândulas Salivares/patologia , Adenoma/virologia , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Carcinoma/virologia , DNA Viral/genética , DNA Viral/análise , Adulto Jovem , Adolescente
Viruses ; 16(7)2024 Jul 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39066229


Pediatric solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients face a challenging balance between immunosuppression and graft rejection. While Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) and cytomegalovirus (HCMV) are known contributors to post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease and graft rejection, respectively, the roles of herpesvirus 6 and 7 (HHV6 and HHV7) and the impact of these herpesviruses on cytokine levels remain unclear, leading to gaps in clinical practice. In this associative study, we measured 17 cytokines using a Bio-Plex assay in a meticulously curated plasma sample pool (N = 158) from pediatric kidney and liver transplant recipients over a one-year follow-up period. The samples included virus-negative and virus-positive cases, either individually or in combination, along with episodes of graft rejection. We observed that the elevation of IL-4, IL-8, and IL-10 correlated with graft rejection. These cytokines were elevated in samples where HCMV or HHV6 were detected alone or where EBV and HHV7 were co-detected. Interestingly, latent EBV, when detected independently, exhibited an immunomodulatory effect by downregulating cytokine levels. However, in co-detection scenarios with ß-herpesviruses, EBV transitioned to a lytic state, also associating with heightened cytokinemia and graft rejection. These findings highlight the complex interactions between the immune response and herpesviruses in transplant recipients. The study advocates for enhanced monitoring of not only EBV and HCMV but also HHV6 and HHV7, providing valuable insights for improved risk assessment and targeted interventions in pediatric SOT recipients.

Citocinas , Citomegalovirus , Rejeição de Enxerto , Herpesvirus Humano 6 , Herpesvirus Humano 7 , Transplante de Rim , Transplante de Fígado , Humanos , Transplante de Rim/efeitos adversos , Citocinas/sangue , Citocinas/metabolismo , Criança , Herpesvirus Humano 6/imunologia , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Transplante de Fígado/efeitos adversos , Citomegalovirus/imunologia , Rejeição de Enxerto/virologia , Rejeição de Enxerto/imunologia , Herpesvirus Humano 4/imunologia , Adolescente , Lactente , Infecções por Herpesviridae/virologia , Infecções por Herpesviridae/imunologia , Transplantados , Infecções por Vírus Epstein-Barr/virologia , Infecções por Vírus Epstein-Barr/imunologia , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/virologia , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/imunologia , Herpesviridae
J Pediatr ; 272: 114084, 2024 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38705230


OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to assess the role of T-lymphocyte immune responses in newborns with congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection (cCMV) and their potential association with the development of long-term sequelae. STUDY DESIGN: A multicenter, prospective study from 2017 to 2022 was conducted across 8 hospitals in Spain. Blood samples were collected within the first month of life from neonates diagnosed with cCMV. Intracellular cytokine staining was employed to evaluate the presence of CMV-specific interferon-gamma (IFN-γ)-producing CD8+ and CD4+ T lymphocytes (CMV-IFN-γ-CD8+/CD4+) using flow cytometry. The development of sequelae, including hearing loss and neurologic impairment, was assessed during follow-up. RESULTS: In total, 64 newborns were included; 42 infants (65.6%) had symptomatic cCMV. The median age at the last follow-up visit was 25.3 months (IQR 20.1-34.4). Eighteen infants had long-term sequelae (28.1%), predominantly hearing loss (20.3%) and neurologic disorders (15.6%). No relationship was observed between total count or percentage of CMV-specific IFN-γ-CD8+ or CD4+ lymphocytes and long-term sequelae. Multivariable analysis demonstrated an association between lower total lymphocyte count and long-term sequelae (aOR 0.549, 95% CI: 0.323-0.833), which requires further study. CONCLUSIONS: CMV-specific IFN-γ-CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocyte responses in neonates with cCMV were not predictive of long-term sequelae.

Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Humanos , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/imunologia , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/complicações , Recém-Nascido , Estudos Prospectivos , Masculino , Feminino , Linfócitos T CD8-Positivos/imunologia , Linfócitos T CD4-Positivos/imunologia , Espanha , Interferon gama/sangue , Lactente , Seguimentos , Imunidade Celular , Citomegalovirus/imunologia , Perda Auditiva/imunologia
Viruses ; 16(5)2024 05 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38793653


BACKGROUND: Several screening strategies for identifying congenital CMV (cCMV) have been proposed; however, the optimal solution has yet to be determined. We aimed to determine the prevalence of cCMV by universal screening with saliva pool testing and to identify the clinical variables associated with a higher risk of cCMV to optimize an expanded screening strategy. METHODS: We carried out a prospective universal cCMV screening (September/2022 to August/2023) of 2186 newborns, analyzing saliva samples in pools of five (Alethia-LAMP-CMV®) and then performed confirmatory urine CMV RT-PCR. Infants with risk factors (small for gestational age, failed hearing screening, HIV-exposed, born to immunosuppressed mothers, or <1000 g birth weight) underwent expanded screening. Multivariate analyses were used to assess the association with maternal/neonatal variables. RESULTS: We identified 10 infants with cCMV (prevalence: 0.46%, 95% CI 0.22-0.84), with significantly higher rates (2.1%, 95% CI 0.58-5.3) in the high-risk group (p = 0.04). False positives occurred in 0.09% of cases. No significant differences in maternal/neonatal characteristics were observed, except for a higher prevalence among infants born to non-Chilean mothers (p = 0.034), notably those born to Haitian mothers (1.5%, 95% CI 0.31-4.34), who had higher odds of cCMV (OR 6.82, 95% CI 1.23-37.9, p = 0.04). Incorporating maternal nationality improved predictive accuracy (AUC: 0.65 to 0.83). CONCLUSIONS: For low-prevalence diseases such as cCMV, universal screening with pool testing in saliva represents an optimal and cost-effective approach to enhance diagnosis in asymptomatic patients. An expanded screening strategy considering maternal nationality could be beneficial in resource-limited settings.

Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Citomegalovirus , Países em Desenvolvimento , Triagem Neonatal , Saliva , Humanos , Saliva/virologia , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/congênito , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/virologia , Recém-Nascido , Feminino , Citomegalovirus/genética , Citomegalovirus/isolamento & purificação , Estudos Prospectivos , Triagem Neonatal/métodos , Masculino , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Molecular/métodos , Prevalência , Programas de Rastreamento/métodos , Sensibilidade e Especificidade , Gravidez , Fatores de Risco
Virol J ; 21(1): 63, 2024 03 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38459575


BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of the most important pathogens associated with congenital infection worldwide. Most congenital CMV-infected infants are asymptomatic at birth; however, some can develop delayed sequelae, especially hearing loss. METHODS: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of congenital CMV infection in a neonatal intensive care unit in a low-income region of Brazil. The objectives extended to identifying associated factors, assessing the clinical status of infected newborns, and undertaking a two-year follow-up to discern potential long-term consequences in the affected infants. This cross-sectional prospective study enrolled newborns up to three weeks of life requiring intensive medical care. We employed a convenience sampling method to include 498 newborns and 477 mothers in the study. Categorical variables underwent analysis employing Fisher's exact test, whereas the examination of continuous variables involved the Mann‒Whitney test. RESULTS: CMV DNA was detected in saliva/urine samples from 6 newborns (1.21%), confirming congenital infection. We noted a significantly greater incidence (OR: 11.48; 95% CI: 2.519-52.33; p = 0.0094) of congenital infection among twins (7.14%) than among nontwins (0.66%). The twin patients exhibited discordant infection statuses, suggesting that only one of the babies tested positive for CMV. Most of the infected children were born to mothers who initiated sexual activity at a younger age (p = 0.0269). Only three out of the six newborns diagnosed with CMV infection underwent comprehensive clinical assessments and received continuous follow-up until they reached two years of age. Only one of the children had weight and height measurements below the norm for their age, coupled with developmental delays. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of congenital CMV infection among newborns admitted to the NICU was low and similar to that in the general population. However, we found a significantly greater incidence of congenital CMV infection in twins than in singletons. Interestingly, the twin-infected patients exhibited discordant infection statuses, suggesting that CMV was present in only one of the babies. We also found that most of the infected children were born to mothers who initiated sexual activity at a younger age. Diagnostic accessibility and comprehensive surveillance programs are imperative for effectively managing and preventing congenital CMV infections.

Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal , Lactente , Criança , Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Brasil/epidemiologia , Prevalência , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Prospectivos , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/complicações , Citomegalovirus/genética
Int J Mol Sci ; 25(6)2024 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38542246


To date, limited information is available on cytomegalovirus (CMV) and lymphocryptovirus (LCV) from Chlorocebus monkeys. We report here high detection rates of herpesviruses in free-roaming African green monkeys (AGMs, Chlorocebus sabaeus) (26.4%, 23/87) and in captive AGMs (75%, 3/4) with respiratory disease on the Caribbean Island of St. Kitts. LCV (81.25%) was more prevalent than CMV (18.75%) in the AGMs. Applying a bigenic PCR approach (targeting DNA polymerase (DPOL) and glycoprotein B (gB) genes), long sequences were obtained from representative AGM CMV (KNA-SD6) and LCV (KNA-E4, -N6 and -R15) samples, and mixed LCV infections were identified in KNA-N6 and -R15. The nucleotide (nt) sequence (partial DPOL-intergenic region-partial gB) and partial DPOL- and gB-amino acid (aa) sequences of AGM CMV KNA-SD6 were closely related to Cytomegalovirus cercopithecinebeta5 isolates from grivet monkeys, whilst those of AGM LCV KNA-E4 and -N6 (and E4-like gB of KNA-R15) were more closely related to cognate sequences of erythrocebus patas LCV1 from patas monkey than other LCVs, corroborating the concept of cospeciation in the evolution of CMV/LCV. On the other hand, the partial DPOL aa sequence of KNA-R15, and additional gB sequences (N6-gB-2 and R15-gB-2) from samples KNA-N6 and -R15 (respectively) appeared to be distinct from those of Old World monkey LCVs, indicating LCV evolutionary patterns that were not synchronous with those of host species. The present study is the first to report the molecular prevalence and genetic diversity of CMV/LCV from free-roaming/wild and captive AGMs, and is the first report on analysis of CMV nt/deduced aa sequences from AGMs and LCV gB sequences from Chlorocebus monkeys.

Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Lymphocryptovirus , Animais , Chlorocebus aethiops , Lymphocryptovirus/genética , Citomegalovirus/genética , Filogenia , Herpesvirus Humano 4 , Glicoproteínas/genética , Variação Genética
BMJ Case Rep ; 17(1)2024 Jan 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38176755


We present the case of a man in his 60s with a 5-month medical history of deceased donor liver transplantation, who developed Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) secondary to a primary cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. This was confirmed by molecular tests and serology antibodies that ruled out other frequent aetiologies. Therapy with intravenous immunoglobulin and valganciclovir was started and the patient gradually improved over the weeks. GBS is the most common aetiology of paralysis worldwide, and it is an autoimmune-mediated neuropathy that is frequently caused by a preceding infection. Few cases of GBS have been reported in the context of liver transplant recipients, and those related to CMV infection are extremely rare. This case highlights the importance of considering GBS as a possible differential diagnosis in patients with solid organ transplantation, and it contributes to the knowledge of other infrequent aetiologies of this condition.

Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Síndrome de Guillain-Barré , Transplante de Fígado , Masculino , Humanos , Citomegalovirus , Síndrome de Guillain-Barré/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Guillain-Barré/tratamento farmacológico , Síndrome de Guillain-Barré/etiologia , Transplante de Fígado/efeitos adversos , Doadores Vivos , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/complicações , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/tratamento farmacológico
Transplantation ; 108(1): 261-275, 2024 Jan 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37525373


BACKGROUND: Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors (mTORi), sirolimus (SRL) and everolimus (EVR), have distinct pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamics properties. There are no studies comparing the efficacy and safety of de novo use of SRL versus EVR in combination with reduced-dose calcineurin inhibitor. METHODS: This single-center prospective, randomized study included first kidney transplant recipients receiving a single 3 mg/kg antithymocyte globulin dose, tacrolimus, and prednisone, without cytomegalovirus (CMV) pharmacological prophylaxis. Patients were randomized into 3 groups: SRL, EVR, or mycophenolate sodium (MPS). Doses of SRL and EVR were adjusted to maintain whole blood concentrations between 4 and 8 ng/mL. The primary endpoint was the 12-mo incidence of the first CMV infection/disease. RESULTS: There were 266 patients (SRL, n = 86; EVR, n = 90; MPS, n = 90). The incidence of the first CMV event was lower in the mTORi versus MPS groups (10.5% versus 7.8% versus 43.3%, P < 0.0001). There were no differences in the incidence of BK polyomavirus viremia (8.2% versus 10.1% versus 15.1%, P = 0.360). There were no differences in survival-free from treatment failure (87.8% versus 88.8% versus 93.3%, P = 0.421) and incidence of donor-specific antibodies. At 12 mo, there were no differences in kidney function (75 ± 23 versus 78 ± 24 versus 77 ± 24 mL/min/1.73 m 2 , P = 0.736), proteinuria, and histology in protocol biopsies. Treatment discontinuation was higher among patients receiving SRL or EVR (18.6% versus 15.6% versus 6.7%, P = 0.054). CONCLUSIONS: De novo use of SRL or EVR, targeting similar therapeutic blood concentrations, shows comparable efficacy and safety. The reduced incidence of CMV infection/disease and distinct safety profile of mTORi versus mycophenolate were confirmed in this study.

Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Transplante de Rim , Humanos , Everolimo/efeitos adversos , Tacrolimo/efeitos adversos , Sirolimo/efeitos adversos , Transplante de Rim/efeitos adversos , Transplante de Rim/métodos , Estudos Prospectivos , Imunossupressores/efeitos adversos , Ácido Micofenólico/efeitos adversos , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/tratamento farmacológico , Citomegalovirus , Rejeição de Enxerto/epidemiologia , Rejeição de Enxerto/prevenção & controle , Transplantados
Transplantation ; 108(4): 985-995, 2024 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37990351


BACKGROUND: Prevention of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection after kidney transplantation is costly and burdensome. METHODS: Given its promising utility in risk stratification, we evaluated the use of QuantiFERON-CMV (QFCMV) and additional clinical variables in this prospective cohort study to predict the first clinically significant CMV infection (CS-CMV, ranging from asymptomatic viremia requiring treatment to CMV disease) in the first posttransplant year. A cost-effectiveness analysis for guided prevention was done. RESULTS: One hundred adult kidney transplant recipients, CMV IgG + , were given basiliximab induction and maintained on steroid/mycophenolate/tacrolimus with weekly CMV monitoring. Thirty-nine patients developed CS-CMV infection (viral syndrome, n = 1; end-organ disease, n = 9; and asymptomatic viremia, n = 29). A nonreactive or indeterminate QFCMV result using the standard threshold around day 30 (but not before transplant) was associated with CS-CMV rates of 50% and 75%, respectively. A higher QFCMV threshold for reactivity (>1.0 IU interferon-γ/mL) outperformed the manufacturer's standard (>0.2 IU interferon-γ/mL) in predicting protection but still allowed a 16% incidence of CS-CMV. The combination of recipient age and type of donor, along with posttransplant QFCMV resulted in a prediction model that increased the negative predictive value from 84% (QFCMV alone) to 93%. QFCMV-guided preemptive therapy was of lower cost than preemptive therapy alone ( P < 0.001, probabilistic sensitivity analysis) and was cost-effective (incremental net monetary benefit of 210 USD) assuming willingness-to-pay of 2000 USD to avoid 1 CMV disease. CONCLUSIONS: Guided CMV prevention by the prediction model with QFCMV is cost-effective and would spare from CMV surveillance in 42% of patients with low risk for CS-CMV.

Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Transplante de Rim , Adulto , Humanos , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Transplante de Rim/efeitos adversos , Interferon gama , Citomegalovirus , Viremia/epidemiologia , Estudos Prospectivos , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/tratamento farmacológico , Transplantados
Cell Immunol ; 395-396: 104795, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38101075


At present, recipients of allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cells are still suffering from recurrent infections after transplantation. Infusion of virus-specific T cells (VST) post-transplant reportedly fights several viruses without increasing the risk of de novo graft-versus-host disease. This study targeted cytomegalovirus (CMV) for the development of an innovative approach for generating a very specific VST product following Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines. We used a sterile disposable compartment named the Leukoreduction System Chamber (LRS-chamber) from the apheresis platelet donation kit as the starting material, which has demonstrated high levels of T cells. Using a combination of IL-2 and IL-7 we could improve expansion of CMV-specific T cells. Moreover, by developing and establishing a new product protocol, we were able to stimulate VST proliferation and favors T cell effector memory profile. The expanded VST were enriched in a closed automated system, creating a highly pure anti-CMV product, which was pre-clinically tested for specificity in vitro and for persistence, biodistribution, and toxicity in vivo using NOD scid mice. Our results demonstrated very specific VST, able to secrete high amounts of interferon only in the presence of cells infected by the human CMV strain (AD169), and innocuous to cells partially HLA compatible without viral infection.

Antineoplásicos , Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas , Animais , Camundongos , Humanos , Linfócitos T Citotóxicos , Transplante de Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas/métodos , Distribuição Tecidual , Citomegalovirus , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/terapia , Imunoterapia Adotiva/métodos
Int J STD AIDS ; 35(5): 365-373, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38158813


BACKGROUND: Current information about AIDS-related gastrointestinal cytomegalovirus end-organ disease (CMV-EOD) is scarce. The objectives of this study were to identify the prevalence and main features of gastrointestinal CMV-EOD in patients with advanced HIV disease. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study carried-out at a tertiary-care center in São Paulo, Brazil, from January to December 2019. We included hospitalized people living with HIV with gastrointestinal CMV-EOD, CD4 + count ≤100 cells/µL, and ≥ one quantitative detection of CMV DNA in plasma. RESULTS: Ten (3.8%) of 261 cases had gastrointestinal CMV-EOD. Nine (90%) cases were men, age median (IQR) was 44 (38-54) years, and CD4 + cell count median (IQR) was 6 (7-39) cells/µL. The 10 cases had positive quantitative detection of CMV DNA in plasma with median (IQR) of 572 (103-2 981) IU/mL. The main presenting condition was esophagitis (n = 7, 2.7% cases). Eight (80%) cases received anti-CMV treatment, and one case died due to nosocomial pneumonia. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of gastrointestinal CMV-EOD was 3.8%, similar to described in pre-combined antiretroviral therapy studies. Among cases with gastrointestinal CMV-EOD, all had positive quantitative detection of CMV-DNA in plasma but the values varied; esophagitis was the most common presentation, and all but one were discharged from the hospital.

Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida , Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Esofagite , Gastroenteropatias , Infecções por HIV , Masculino , Humanos , Adulto , Feminino , Citomegalovirus , Brasil , Estudos Retrospectivos , Infecções por HIV/epidemiologia , DNA , Contagem de Linfócito CD4
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0011, 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535606


RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar os aspectos clínicos e patológicos da catarata congênita secundária às infecções por sífilis, toxoplasmose, rubéola, citomegalovírus e herpes simples. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura, na qual foram incluídos artigos de periódicos indexados às bases de dados PubMed®, Cochrane, Lilacs, Embase e SciELO de 2010 a 2023. Resultados: Foram encontrados 45 artigos, e, após seleção, restaram 9 artigos. Além disso, foram adicionados artigos para enriquecer a discussão. A infecção por sífilis está relacionada a alterações corneanas. O citomegalovírus e a toxoplasmose estão relacionados com a coriorretinite e/ou microftalmia. A rubéola é responsável por causar catarata, glaucoma, microftalmia e retinite em sal e pimenta. Conclusão: Foram abordadas as principais etiologias infecciosas e seu quadro clínico na CC. O melhor tratamento para CC é cirúrgico associado a acompanhamento clínico, mas a prevenção é a maneira mais eficaz de combater a CC de etiologia infecciosa. O diagnóstico precoce e o tratamento efetivo previnem alterações e sequelas visuais irreversíveis. Nesse contexto, mostram-se importantes as ações de políticas públicas para o melhor desfecho clínico e melhor qualidade de vida.

ABSTRACT Objective: To review the clinical and pathological aspects of CC secondary to infections by syphilis, toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex. Methods: This is a literature review. Articles from journals indexed to PubMed, COCHRANE, LILACS, EMBASE and SCIELO from 2010 to 2023 were included. Results: A total of 45 articles were found, which, after selection, remained in 9 articles. Some articles were included to enrich the discussion in this topic. The infection caused by syphilis is related to corneal changes. Cytomegalovirus and Toxoplasmosis due to chorioretinitis and/or microphthalmia. Rubella is responsible for causing cataracts, glaucoma, microphthalmia, and salt and pepper retinitis. Conclusion: The main infectious etiologies and their clinical status in CC were addressed. The best treatment for CC is surgery associated with clinical follow-up, but prevention is the most effective way to combat CC of infectious etiology. Early diagnosis and effective treatment prevent irreversible visual changes and sequelae. In this context, public policy actions are important for the best clinical outcome and better quality of life.

Humanos , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez , Rubéola (Sarampo Alemão)/complicações , Catarata/congênito , Catarata/etiologia , Sífilis/complicações , Toxoplasmose/complicações , Citomegalovirus , Herpes Zoster/complicações
Transplant Proc ; 55(9): 2035-2040, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37778934


BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection remains one of the most common viral pathogens affecting solid organ transplants (SOT). In 10 years of following the outcome of transplants, we noticed an increased incidence of CMV infection, along with increased use of rabbit anti-thymocyte globulin (rATG). The study aims to assess the incidence of active CMV infection and disease, response to treatment, and recurrence in a cohort of SOT. Furthermore, we look for correlating the CMV incidence with the type of induction therapy: r-ATG or interleukin 2 receptor-blocking antibody (basiliximab). METHODS: This was a single-center, retrospective 10-year study in patients submitted to kidney, kidney-liver, and kidney-pancreas transplants who used a preemptive therapy protocol for CMV. RESULTS: Among the 476 enrolled transplant recipients, 306 (64.2 %) had at least one episode of CMV infection (replication), and 71/306 patients (23.2 %) presented CMV-related disease. The most frequent clinical conditions associated with CMV disease were gastrointestinal. Among the 476 transplant patients, 333 received immunosuppressive induction with rATG (69.9 %); 140 (29.4 %) received induction with interleukin 2 receptor-blocking antibody (basiliximab). The initial maintenance immunosuppressive therapy in the patients who presented CMV infection was primarily performed with prednisone, tacrolimus, and sodium mycophenolate (91.7 %). The induction with rATG increased from 35.2%-94.6% in 10 years. The incidence of CMV infection was 20.7 % in the first year of observation and gradually increased to 87.3 % in the last year. CONCLUSIONS: The data suggest that the increase in the use of rATG in recent years could be responsible for the very expressive increase in the incidence of CMV infection/disease.

Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Transplante de Rim , Transplante de Órgãos , Humanos , Soro Antilinfocitário/efeitos adversos , Citomegalovirus , Basiliximab/uso terapêutico , Estudos Retrospectivos , Quimioterapia de Indução , Transplante de Rim/efeitos adversos , Rejeição de Enxerto , Imunossupressores/uso terapêutico , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/epidemiologia , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/tratamento farmacológico , Transplante de Órgãos/efeitos adversos , Receptores de Interleucina-2
Braz J Infect Dis ; 27(5): 102805, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37777185


INTRODUCTION: Cytomegalovirus end-organ-disease (CMV EOD) is still a major cause of debilitating illness in people living with HIV, especially in developing countries. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of preemptive therapy against CMV EOD in HIV-positive adults with CMV viremia. METHODS: Systematic review of clinical trials by searching electronic databases and clinical trial registries, screening and selection of references, data extraction and assessment of risk of bias. The results were presented in a narrative synthesis. Aggregated analyzes for dichotomous outcomes were reported as odds ratios with 95 % Confidence Intervals. RESULTS: Four RTC were included. A reduction in the risk of CMV EOD with preemptive therapy was found OR=0.49 (95 % CI 0.31‒0.76). We did not identify significant differences for all-cause mortality, adverse events, and withdrawal of the therapy secondary to adverse events. CONCLUSIONS: Preemptive therapy could be a potential option for preventing CMV EOD in people living with HIV.

Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Infecções por HIV , Adulto , Humanos , Antivirais/uso terapêutico , Citomegalovirus , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/diagnóstico , Viremia/complicações , Viremia/tratamento farmacológico , Viremia/prevenção & controle , Infecções por HIV/complicações , Infecções por HIV/tratamento farmacológico
Cell Transplant ; 32: 9636897231195245, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37724822


Cytomegalovirus (CMV) mutations associated with antiviral resistance have become a major problem related to high mortality in kidney transplant patients. The aim of the study was to investigate mutations in the CMV genes UL97 and UL54 associated with antiviral resistance. A retrospective observational cohort study was carried out at Hospital Ophir Loyola (HOL), a reference in Kidney Transplantation. A total of 81 patients who underwent kidney transplantation were followed up between 2016 and 2018 were monitored for CMV viral load by performing qPCR. Sanger sequencing was performed on 66 patients. All CMV-positive kidney transplant recipients were included. Mutations were observed in 15 samples (22.72%) from patients. Most cases involved UL97 mutations. Mutation in UL54 without mutation in UL97 was detected in only 2 cases. Resistance mutations in UL97 were identified, such as M460V, L595S, H520Q, two co-mutations D465R + Del524 and A594P + D413A and a 3 codon deletion (del598-601). The search for mutations in the CMV genes identified mutations that confer resistance to conventional antivirals, such as ganciclovir and cidofovir, used in the treatment of these patients. Confirmation of the association with increased CMV viral load in transplanted patients, due to mutation in resistance genes, requires phenotypic analysis for confirmation purposes. These were the first findings in patients in northern Brazil that we know of.

Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Transplante de Rim , Humanos , Antivirais/farmacologia , Citomegalovirus/genética , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/genética , Ganciclovir/farmacologia , Mutação/genética , Estudos Retrospectivos
Eur J Pediatr ; 182(11): 5131-5136, 2023 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37684486


Universal congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) screening in saliva is increasingly recommended. The aim of our study was to correlate the performance of a point-of-care rapid molecular test with CMV real time PCR (CMV RT-PCR) detection, using saliva pool-testing in newborns under a universal screening strategy. Saliva swabs were prospectively collected from newborns < 21 days old and tested by Alethia-LAMP-CMV assay in pools of 5 samples. In positive pools, subjects were tested individually and by saliva and urine CMV RT-PCR. A subset of negative pools were studied with both techniques and viral loads in whole blood were determined in positive patients. From 1,642 newborns included in 328 pools, 8 were confirmed by urine CMV RT-PCR, (cCMV prevalence 0,49%). The PPA and NNA of the pooled saliva Alethia-LAMP-CMV testing were 87,5% and 99,8% with a negative and positive predictive value of 99,9% and 77,7%, respectively. Two false positives were detected (0,12%). A subset of 17 negative pools (85 samples), studied by saliva CMV RT-PCR, showed 100% concordance.  Conclusion: CMV pool-testing using a rapid molecular test in saliva proved feasible when compared to PCR gold standards. This strategy could improve cost-effectiveness for cCMV universal neonatal screening, based on the low prevalence of the infection and could be a more affordable approach in less developed regions with reduced detection capacity. What is Known: • cCMV is the most frequent congenital infection and a leading nongenetic cause of sensorineural hearing loss and brain disease. • Universal screening could allow early detection of congenitally infected infants, improving clinical outcome. • Saliva PCR is the preferred and non-invasive test for newborn cCMV screening. What is New: • The feasibility of a universal cCMV screening by pool-testing in saliva using a rapid test in pools of 5 samples. • PPA and NPA were 87,5 and 99,8% compared to CMV PCR in urine. • This strategy could be relevant specially in LMIC where detection capacity is reduced and could improve cost-effectiveness. • cCMV prevalence in our center was 0,49%.

Infecções por Citomegalovirus , Citomegalovirus , Lactente , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Citomegalovirus/genética , Saliva , Infecções por Citomegalovirus/diagnóstico , Triagem Neonatal/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/métodos